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Setup and mounting instructions for Moteck SG2100A

using Usals (Diseqc 1.3)

Firstly you must oil the U bolts

Next assemble the motor and set the latitude (not elevation) on the motor to your latitude.

You can obtain your latitude and longitude from the local airport or a GPS or you can

look it up on internet. It only needs to be accurate to one decimal place.

After this make sure your mounting pole is level


Summary of Contents for MOTECK SG2100A


1966/1966196-sg2100a.pdf file (24 Aug 2023)

Accompanying Data:

MOTECK SG2100A Engine PDF Setup And Mounting Instructions (Updated: Thursday 24th of August 2023 12:08:52 AM)

Rating: 4.1 (rated by 29 users)

Compatible devices: PRO Series, SIMOTICS-T 1FW68, MGA Twin Cam, ER2500CX, Tilt & Lift 25 RTS Central, Q151, LT RTS CMO, YYGL35P-10/17.

Recommended Documentation:

Manual, Setup And Mounting Instructions (Text Version):

(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents of some pages of the MOTECK SG2100A Document (Main Content), UPD: 24 August 2023)

  • 1, Setup and mounting instructions for Moteck SG2100A using Usals (Diseqc 1.3) Firstly you must oil the U bolts Next assemble the motor and set the latitude (not elevation) on the motor to your latitude. You can obtain your latitude and longitude from the local airport or a GPS or you ca…

  • 2, MOTECK SG2100A Setup and mounting instructions for Moteck SG2100A using Usals (Diseqc 1.3) Attach the motor to the mounting pole Attach the dish to the motor so that the dish is square or symmetrical with the motor. Tighten up the U bolts permanently. They don’t need to be adjusted again. At this sta…

  • 3, Setup and mounting instructions for Moteck SG2100A using Usals (Diseqc 1.3) Next go to Motorized settings. Choose satellite B1. Set DiSEqC Motor to USALS. Go to Antenna Position and enter latitude and longitude for your location Go to Satellite at the top of the screen and change to ano…

  • 4, MOTECK SG2100A Setup and mounting instructions for Moteck SG2100A using Usals (Diseqc 1.3) Now return to the roof and align the dish to B1. Left and right movement of the dish is done by rotating the whole assembly (motor + dish) on the mounting pole. Up and down movement is accomplished by …

  • 5, Setup and mounting instructions for Moteck SG2100A using Usals (Diseqc 1.3) You can now go to each satellite in motorized settings and enable USALS for each satellite that you want to receive. Usually B1, C1, B3 As you go to each satellite the motor will turn to where the satellite should be. The motor will alw…

  • MOTECK SG2100A User Manual

  • MOTECK SG2100A User Guide

  • MOTECK SG2100A PDF Manual

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Recommended: MV 500, 1140ARC, L1210E, V-44SW, 4671

Operating Impressions, Questions and Answers:

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Setup and mounting instructions for Moteck SG2100A
using Usals (Diseqc 1.3)
Firstly you must oil the U bolts
Next assemble the motor and set the latitude (not elevation) on the motor to your latitude.
You can obtain your latitude and longitude from the local airport or a GPS or you can
look it up on internet. It only needs to be accurate to one decimal place.
After this make sure your mounting pole is level
Setup and mounting instructions for Moteck SG2100A
using Usals (Diseqc 1.3)
Attach the motor to the mounting pole
Attach the dish to the motor so that the dish is square or symmetrical with the motor.
Tighten up the U bolts permanently. They don’t need to be adjusted again.
At this stage it does not matter where the dish is pointing.
Make sure your coax from the satellite receiver to the motor is connected.
Go to dish setting and make sure your Lnb settings are OK
Setup and mounting instructions for Moteck SG2100A
using Usals (Diseqc 1.3)
Next go to Motorized settings. Choose satellite B1. Set DiSEqC Motor to USALS.
Go to Antenna Position and enter latitude and longitude for your location
Go to Satellite at the top of the screen and change
to another satellite. As you do this you will be
prompted to save. Press Yes. Return to satellite
B1. As you do this the motor will move to about
20 to the right of center.
Setup and mounting instructions for Moteck SG2100A
using Usals (Diseqc 1.3)
Now return to the roof and align the dish to B1.
Left and right movement of the dish is done by rotating the whole assembly (motor +
dish) on the mounting pole.
Up and down movement is accomplished by adjusting the dish elevation on the dish as
After you have tightened up all nuts check that Lnb polarity is correct. The cable usually
comes out at about 8 o’clock.
Dish alignment is now correct for the whole satellite belt.
Setup and mounting instructions for Moteck SG2100A
using Usals (Diseqc 1.3)
You can now go to each satellite in motorized settings and enable USALS for each
satellite that you want to receive. Usually B1, C1, B3
As you go to each satellite the motor will turn to where the satellite should be.
The motor will always go to where the satellite is. If it does not then this means that the
alignment is incorrect. The most usual cause of faulty tracking is the mounting pole not
being level.
You can now go to Auto scan in the installation menu and scan each satellite
Remember you must be on that particular satellite (via motorized settings) to be able to
get any channels

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Document Transcription:

  • Setup and mounting instructions for Moteck SG2100A using Usals (Diseqc 1.3) You can now go to each satellite in motorized settings and enable USALS for each satellite that you want to receive. Usually B1, C1, B3 As you go to each satellite the motor will t …

  • Setup and mounting instructions for Moteck SG2100A using Usals (Diseqc 1.3) Next go to Motorized settings. Choose satellite B1. Set DiSEqC Motor to USALS. Go to Antenna Position and enter latitude and longitude for your location Go to Sate …

  • Setup and mounting instructions for Moteck SG2100A using Usals (Diseqc 1.3) Firstly you must oil the U bolts Next assemble the motor and set the latitude (not elevation) on the motor to your latitude. You can obtain your latitude and longitude …

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