Multipurpose rust remover инструкция по применению

Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 16 customer ratings

(16 customer reviews)


Rust and stain removal has never been this easy with the Multipurpose Rust Remover!

This spray penetrates crevices deeply, displaces moisture, dissolves corrosion, and leaves a clean, waxy coating with lasting durability – without using toxic materials!

Multipurpose Rust Remover

WORKS FAST: Instantly remove rust and rust stains! No more waiting around for things to work!

PREVENTS OXIDATION & CORROSION: This leaves a thin, waxy film that clings to metal for months that coats and protects metal surfaces from oxidation! Restore shine & prevent rust from developing again!

Multipurpose Rust Remover

REQUIRES NO SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: No need to wear gloves, or masks or any protective gears!

EASY TO USE: Just spray and wipe! No elbow greasing of any kind involved!

Multipurpose Rust Remover

SAFE: non-toxic, non-corrosive, no fumes! It is safe to use on almost everything; safe on paints, any metal surfaces, plastics, and vinyl. It is also non-conductive and will not cause short circuits, so it’s safe to use even on electronics!

Multipurpose Rust Remover

How To Use:

  1. Shake evenly before use;
  2. Spray the lubricant on the surface;
  3. The rust removal area needs to be sanded with sandpaper before spraying the lubricant;
  4. The slotted hole uses a centralized nozzle, and the spray nozzle is used in a large area.



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Ecolab StainBlaster Multi Purpose — универсальный профессиональный пятновыводитель — энзимное средство для предварительной подготовки белья перед процессом основной стирки. Состав пятновыводителя Multi Purpose разработан на основе различных ПАВ, этоксилатов жирных спиртов, гидроксида натрия, мыла. Средство можно использовать для любых тканей из хлопка, полиэстера, комбинаций полиэстера и хлопка, шерсти, шелка и вискозы.

Примечание. Не применимо для льна, акрила, полиамида, лайкры и чувствительных к хлору цветных тканей.

Отличительные особенности:

  • Удаляет различные виды пятен, как пятна от жира, масла, чернил, крови, помады, пищи, и другие загрязнения биологического происхождения.
  • Инновационный химический состав и высокая эффективность удаления пятен снижают необходимость в повторной стирке и замене белья.
  • Позволяет снизить общие затраты на работу прачечной, экономить по основным статьям расходов.

Перед использованием:

  • Сверьтесь с гигиеническим планом, ознакомьтесь с этикеткой на упаковке и паспортом безопасности.
  • Не смешивайте StainBlaster Multi Purpose с другими средствами!
  • Пожалуйста, соблюдайте инструкции по стирке, указанные производителем текстильного изделия.
  • Перед применением проверьте материал на совместимость со средством на небольшом участке ткани.

Инструкция по применению StainBlaster Multi Purpose:

  • Ознакомьтесь с информацией на этикетке бутылки.
  • Используйте защитные перчатки, когда контактируете со средством.
  • Нанесите пятновыводитель на поверхность ткани непосредственно в области пятна.
  • Выдержите StainBlaster Multi Purpose в течение 5-10 минут, чтобы средство впиталось в ткань.
  • Постирайте ткань.

Условия хранения средства СтейнБластер Мульти от Эколаб: хранить при температуре от 5°C до 40°C.

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Rated 4.90 out of 5 based on 20 customer ratings

(20 customer reviews)


Rust and stain removal has never been this easy with the Multipurpose Rust Remover!

This spray penetrates crevices deeply, displaces moisture, dissolves corrosion, and leaves a clean, waxy coating with lasting durability-without using toxic materials!

  • WORKS FAST – Instantly remove rust and rust stains! No more waiting around for things to work!
  • PREVENTS OXIDATION & CORROSION – This leaves a thin, waxy film that clings to metal for months that coats and protects metal surfaces from oxidation! Restore shine & prevent rust from developing again
  • REQUIRES NO SPECIAL EQUIPMENT – No need to wear gloves, or masks or any protective gears! It is absolutely safe to use around kids and pets!
  • EASY TO USE – Just spray and wipe! No elbow greasing of any kind involved!
  • SAFE – non-toxic, non-corrosive, no fumes! It is safe to use on almost everything; safe on paints, any metal surfaces, plastics, and vinyl. It is also non-conductive and will not cause short circuits, so it’s safe to use even on electronics!



We do our best to source the most unique and innovative products we can find, and to make sure that you, our customer, always has the best possible experience when shopping with us.
If for some reason you don’t have a positive experience with us, please let us know and we’ll do whatever we can to make sure you are 100% satisfied with your purchase.
Shopping online can be intimidating, but we’re here to make things easy.

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There’s absolutely ZERO RISK buying from the Joopzy Official store — so send us an email if you need any assistance.

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✔ 24/7 Real human customer support!
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product description

Quickly & Easily Remove the Toughest Rust Stains From Most Surfaces!

Want to remove atomization, oxidation, rust and fine particles from the metal surface? This Multipurpose Rust Remover has the power of polishing and coating the metal surface. This spray penetrates crevices deeply, displaces moisture, dissolves corrosion, and leaves a clean, waxy coating with lasting durability-without using toxic materials!


  • PREVENTS OXIDATION & CORROSION: Restore shine & prevent rust from developing again. This leaves a thin, waxy film that clings to metal for months that coats and protects metal surfaces from oxidation!
  • WORKS FAST: The unique formula is highly effective yet safer than traditional liquid rust stain removers. It helps to remove rust from metal surfaces without damaging the paint. Instantly remove rust and rust stains! No more waiting around for things to work!
  • SAFE: Friendly, non-corrosive, no fumes! It is absolutely safe to use around kids and pets. It is also non-conductive and will not cause short circuits, so it’s safe to use even on electronics!
  • WIDE USAGE: Suitable for removing rust and corrosion on the metal surface. Apply to chrome, magnesium, aluminum, stainless steel lamp, and other metal surfaces to restore luster.
  • REQUIRES NO SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: No need to wear gloves, or masks or any protective gear! Just spray and wipe! No elbow grease of any kind involved!

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😱Just Spray Away Rust Stains Instantly!💦⚙️

✅Restores Original Shine to Metal Parts!
✅Forms Oxidation to Prevent Rust Forever!
✅Lubricates Rusty Creaking Parts!

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 Stops costly rust and corrosion.

Our rinse-free formula quickly dissolves rust and restores tools, equipment, and surfaces to bare metal without chipping, scraping, or scrubbing. Great for rust from tools, metals, cast iron, car parts, etc. After removing the toughest rust, the spray will leave a protective coating for a long-lasting rust-free result. The natural complex has no toxic fumes, acids, or caustic chemicals, which makes it 100% safe and harmless to use. Remove atomization, oxidation, rust on the metal surface. It gives best result on metal surfaces to restore luster and prevent rust. So, this is the best rust remover for metals.


  • Prevent oxidation & corrosion– Remove atomization, oxidation, rust and fine particles on the metal surface. Suitable for chromium, magnesium, aluminum, stainless steel lamps and other metal surfaces to restore luster and prevent rust.

  • Quick response– The formula starts to come into contact and dissolves the oxidation that causes these stains. Remove rust and rust immediately, have a polishing effect, and leave a protective coating on the metal surface to prevent future oxidation.

  • Environmental rust remover– Water-based rust remover is safe for the environment; it is designed for sustainable use and can reduce friction and heat during normal use without causing damage or stains. Especially suitable for prolonging the service life of the machine.

  • Wide use– Suitable for most metal materials, including automobile wheels, work surfaces, dishwashers, oven grills, stainless steel tableware, etc., and are widely used. Note: It is not recommended to use objects that require a highly glossy surface.


  • Remove rust from metal surfaces :- This product has the effect of polishing and coating the metal surface. Remove rust from metal surfaces without damaging the paint.It is very useful for car and bike. 

  • Strong rust removal :- Instantly dissolves and removes rust and fine particles from the metal surface caused by atomization/oxidation.This rust remover spray can be used on multiple surfaces like metal, iron, chrome, wood, aluminium and more with ease either at home, office, on vehicles or any other commercial purpose.

  • Polishing effect :-This product has a polishing effect and leaves a protective coating on the metal surface to prevent future oxidation. No damage is removed from the rust on the metal surface without causing damage or stains. This is one of the best rust remover spray in India.

How to Use

  • Step 1:- Shake evenly before use. Spray lubricant on the surface. Wipe the surface until the rust disappears.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can product be used on metal gates?

A: Absolutely.

2. I want to know can I use product on my iron gate and window bars?

A: Yes you can.

3Would this be what I would use to remove buildup from a cast Iron main line after a house has sat vacant for a decade?

A: I would definitely try it. You might have to use a few times though. I had to use it twice to rid this ring in my toilet from a house I bought. It worked really good. Good luck.

4. What is the Return Policy?

A: We accept hassle free 7 days return policy. You can WhatsApp us on the  button on your right bottom of the screen.

5. What is the Shipping Time?

A: It is within 2 to 5 days. Order processing time is 24-48 hours.

6. Is Cash on Delivery Available?

A: Yes,  Cash on Delivery is always available.

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Buy 1, Buy 2 – ₹100 OFF, Buy 3- ₹200 OFF

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