Мультиварка redmond 4502 инструкция по применению

За несколько лет мы привыкли к мультиваркам почти как к мобильным телефонам. И такие плюсы как программа «Мультиповар», большое количество программ, два таймера отложенного старта нас не впечатляют. А минусы… Здесь тоже дело тонкое. В общем если для вашего интерьера вещь подходит, то берите.

Если хозяйка для вас готовит по 34 программам, имеющимся в RMC-M4502, (основными являются 9 программ, тогда как остальные — это лишь их разновидность, с возможностью регулировки времени и температуры), то благодаря встроенным режимам она сможет готовить на пару, жарить, тушить, варить макароны и пельмени, готовить рассыпчатые рис и гречку, плов, кашу на молоке, супы морсы, кисели, а также выпекать запеканки, омлеты, кексы, бисквиты и пироги. Благодаря режиму «мультиповар» она сможет сделать творог и йогурты, испечь хлеб, сделать картофель-фри и нагетсы. Если же нет — меняйте хозяйку. Ну а уж если денег на все это богатство нет, тогда меняем хозяина. С доплатой.

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У мультиварки есть удобная ручка для переноски,  съемный  клапан для выхода пара.   Откроем ее, нажав на кнопку. Здесь мы   видим   алюминиевую съемную  крышку чаши с уплотнителем и тот же клапан для выпуска пара . 
На дне мультиварки находится нагревательная пластина и кнопка контроля
 чаши. Без чаши прибор работать не будет.
 Главной ценностью любой мультиварки является чаша с антипригарным
покрытием. На чаше есть деления, показывающие минимальный и максимальный уровни.
Чаша должна ровно и плотно ставиться на дно мультиварки.  А саму мультиварку необходимо плотно закрывать перед готовкой. 
В комплект входят — Корзина для жарки во фритюре со съемной ручкой. Ручка легко снимается и одевается ,  щипцы для извлечения чаши,  контейнер для приготовления на пару, мерный стакан , черпак   и ложка для помешивания. Держатель для ложек.

Посмотрим на кнопки.  Первые три — Время приготовления, Установка времени и Отложенный старт — все они многофункциональные и связаны с временными установками.
Кнопка Поддержание тепла\отмена одна из самых востребованных, т.к. все отменяет. Но может и помочь разогреть холодное блюдо.
Кнопки:    Меню  Вид продукта и Варка   позволяют выбрать режим и подрежимы.
Кнопка Температура управляет температурой в режиме автоповара.
Кнопкой Старт мы начинаем готовку.

Итак работаем. У мультиварки есть часы, их надо выставить.Например, время 17 часов 12 минут — неправильное. Работаем тремя кнопками. Жмем нижнюю — Отложенный старт 3 секунды и выходим в режим установки. Двумя верхними выполняем задачу.  Ждем. Часы нами переустановлены на 20 часов 15 минут.

У мультиварки есть следующие программы Steem — на пару, Fry -обжаривание, Fry t — свободная или ручная установка температуры,  Pasta — макароны, Rise — три вида готовки риса,  Stew — тушение, Soup — суп, Cake — выпечка,
Переходим к готовке. Выбираем кнопкой Меню один из режимов —  На пару,  Обжаривание, или ручной выбор температуры. Здесь есть выбор продукта. Выбрали например Пар и выбрали Мясо. Программа предлагает нам     5 МИНУТ  готовки, а мы двумя верхними временными кнопками устанавливаем другое, если хотим. Мы   поставили 15 минут.  Понравилось — жмем Старт.  Не понравилось — жмем Подогрев\отмена. Вводим снова,
Есть функция отложенного старта, правда она доступна только в режимах На пару, Варка, он же Рис, Тушение и Суп . Вы можете получить блюдо в назначенное время.

Предположим, вы хотите к 8 — 40 утра приготовить рис. У нас есть два таймера. Допустим, первый уже установлен на ужин, и вы его не хотите менять. Установим второй на 8-40 утра.
Выбираем Варка он же рис, устанавливаем  Обжаривание, Нам предлагают 1 час 30 минут готовки. Двумя временными кнопками, если есть потребность,  меняем время готовки с  1час 30 например  на 1 час 50 минут, жмем Отложенный старт, останавливаемся на  Preset 2, он же таймер 2,   теми же двумя временными кнопками устанавливаем 8-40 , если что-то не так, можно и отменить, но мы жмем Старт.
По окончании готовки практически во всех режимах включается Автоматический подогрев, что бы сохранить температуру примерно в 70 градусов.

Хотите просто подогреть холодное блюдо — есть кнопка Подогрев\отмена. Нажали — процесс пошел. Еще раз нажали — выключили. Можно разогреть до 70 градусов.
 Есть некоторые особенности в программе Паста. Не спешите ничего класть. Добавляем к 8 минутам например еще две,    Старт, пошел нагрев и закипание воды, слышим сигнал, пора. Осторожно открываем и кладем Макароны, яйца, пельмени, еще что-то в кипящую воду. Закрываем, жмем опять Старт и ждем  10 минут. Сигнал,  Подогрев\отмена.  Можно вынимать.  Отложенного старта здесь нет.

Знайте — предыдущее время готовки запоминается и предлагается вам вновь.

Самая крутая программа это конечно Мультиповар. Здесь она обозначена как Fry t.  Вы не доверяете электронике и можете вручную выбрать вид продукта,  температуру и время готовки. Находим, оставляем овощи. Нам предлагают сразу 160 градусов.  Жмем температуру и выбираем  120 градусов. Из предлагаемых  40 минут готовки Двумя временными кнопками устанавливаем время готовки 50 минут. Жмем    Старт.
У всех микроварок есть одна особенность — иногда они берут дополнительное время для выхода на режим — минут 5 .  Со временем приспособитесь. 
Для очистки корпуса мультиварки используйте щадящие методы. Чашу можно мыть в посудомоечной машине. Крышка чаши снимается. Паровой клапан тоже снимается и разбирается. 

Итак минусы:

  • Нет предварительного отключения автоподогрева Нет контейнера для сбора конденсата Минимальная температура в 40 градусов велика для йогуртовых заквасок. Большой шаг (20°) изменения температуры в «Мультиповаре» Завышенная цена
  • Тип мультиварка
  • Мощность 860 Вт
  • Объем 5 л
  • Материал корпуса металл
  • Покрытие чаши тефлоновое
  • Внутренняя крышка есть
  • Часы есть

Управление и программы

  • Управление электронное
  • 3D нагрев есть
  • Автоматических программ 16, включая: выпечка, каша, крупа, тушение, приготовление на пару, фритюр, жарка, йогурт, паста, тесто, пастеризация
  • Максимальное время установки таймера 24 ч
  • Ручная регулировка температуры, времени приготовления
  • Поддержание тепла есть
  • Отложенный старт есть

Особенности: 18 программ с ручными настройками; книга рецептов; защита от включения без чаши; комплектация: ложка, черпак, мерный стакан, контейнер для приготовления на пару
Габариты и вес Габариты (ШхВхГ) 31x25x40 см Вес 5 кг

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Redmond RMC-M4502E User Manual

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Summary of Contents for Redmond RMC-M4502E

  • Page 1
    Multicooker RMC-M4502E USER MANUAL www.redmond-ig.com…
  • Page 2: Dear Customer

    REDMOND RMC-M4502E will introduce you to healthy foods. A wide range of most refined and healthy meals will enrich your diet and liven your life. Multicooker REDMOND RMC-M4502E has a variety of new features allowing you to cook any meal of your choice, using almost any cooking method existing.

  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    TABLE OF CONTENTS Technical specifications…………………………………..5 Packaging arrangement…………………………………..5 Device assembly………………………………………6 I. BEFORE OPERATING Important Safeguards……………………………………8 Before the first use……………………………………8 II. OPERATION Priot the first use……………………………………..9 Setting the clock……………………………………..9 Setting the cooking time………………………………….10 “Preset” function……………………………………11 Function of keeping a ready meal warm (“Keep Warm”)…………………………12 Function of reheating the meal (“Reheating”)…………………………….12 General cooking recommendations………………………………13 “STEAMING VEGETABLES”………………………………..14…

  • Page 4
    III. HELPING MOMS Preparing baby food……………………………………34 Sterilization………………………………………35 Pasteurization……………………………………..36 Warming up baby food……………………………………37 IV. GENERAL MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES Cleaning and general maintenance………………………………38 Cleaning the housing…………………………………….38 Cleaning the bowl……………………………………38 Cleaning the inner lid…………………………………….38 Cleaning the steam valve………………………………….39 Removing condensation………………………………….39 V. COOKING TIPS Steaming……………………………………40 Frying……………………………………42 Stewing…………………………………….43 Cooking……………………………………45…
  • Page 5: Technical Specifications

    MULTICOOKER RMC-M4502E PACKAGING ARRANGEMENT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Multicooker with a removable bowl Model # RMC-M4502E Steaming container Power Input 860 W Deep frying basket Supply Voltage 220-230 V Bowl extraction tongs Maximum capacity of a bowl Measuring cup Bowl coating DuPont Teflon® non-stick coating…

  • Page 6: Device Assembly

    DEVICE ASSEMBLY Serving spoon/ Stirring paddle holder Set or remove the holder, according to the scheme, given below. Furrow Holder Upper lid Steaming container Inner aluminum lid Serving spoon Removable bowl Frying basket LCD display control panel 10. Power cord Stirring paddle 11. Bowl extraction tongs Measuring cup…

  • Page 7
    MULTICOOKER RMC-M4502E CONTROL PANEL “Cooking Time”: used to set time (hours/min) when setting current time, “Preset” function and cooking time of a program. “Hour/Min”: used to choose hour/minute indicator when setting current time, cooking time or “Preset” function. “Preset”: used to enter the time setting mode and choose one of the two timers of “Preset”…
  • Page 8: Before Operating Important Safeguards

    I. BEFORE OPERATING IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS The manufacturer is not responsible for any failures arising from the use of this product in a manner inconsistent with the technical or safety standards. • This appliance has been designed for • Never handle plug with wet hands. Do not is used by or near children.

  • Page 9: Operation

    MULTICOOKER RMC-M4502E II. OPERATION PRIOR TO FIRST USE Place the device on a flat, stable and hard surface away from any objects or cabinets that could be damaged by steam, humidity or high temperatures. Before operating, make sure that the outer and inner parts of the multicooker have no dents, cracks or any other visible damages. There should not be any obstructions between the heating element and the bowl.

  • Page 10: Setting The Cooking Time

    • In “PASTA” program, the countdown begins only after water starts boiling and “Start” button is being pressed again (see “PASTA program”, p.24). ▌REDMOND RMC-M4502E features a non-volatile memory which means your settings (including “Preset”) will not be lost if the power goes ▌out for up to 10 minutes.

  • Page 11: Preset» Function

    MULTICOOKER RMC-M4502E “PRESET” FUNCTION This function allows setting a cooking program by certain time of the day. Cooking time may be delayed for a period from 10 min to 24 hours with 10 minute setting intervals. There are 2 independent timers, featuring the most frequent cooking time setting recall function.

  • Page 12: Function Of Keeping A Ready Meal Warm («Keep Warm»)

    FUNCTION OF REHEATING THE MEAL (“REHEATING”) REDMOND RMC-M4502E can be used for heating up cold meals. Simply place the bowl with the meal into the device, close the lid, press and hold “Keep Warm/Cancel” button until the audible sound is produced. The meal will be warmed up to 70-75°C and will stay warm for the next 24 hours.

  • Page 13: General Cooking Recommendations

    In case you did not manage to achieve desired results, using automatic programs try a new one called “MULTI-COOK”, featured by REDMOND RMC-M4502E. It offers a wide range of manual settings, giving you endless possibilities for experiment. Now you can choose your own time and temperature settings and use a big variety of additional functions available.

  • Page 14: Steaming Vegetables

    “STEAMING VEGETABLES” PROGRAM This program is recommended for steaming vegetables, preparing vegetarian and children’s meals. The cooking time settings range from 5 minutes to 1 hour with 1 minute intervals. 1. Pour 600-1000 ml of water into the bowl. Place the steaming container in. 2. Measure the ingredients following the recipe provided, wash and cut the vegetables into pieces.

  • Page 15: Steaming Meat

    MULTICOOKER RMC-M4502E “STEAMING MEAT” PROGRAM This program is recommended for cooking meat, dumplings and other low-fat meals using steam. Manual cooking time setting is available. Cooking time settings range from 5 minutes to 1 hour with 1 minute intervals. 1. Pour 800-1000 ml of water in a bowl. Place the steaming container in.

  • Page 16: Steaming Fish

    “STEAMING FISH” PROGRAM The following program is recommended for steaming fish, shrimp, calamari and other seafood products. Manual cooking time setting is available. The cooking time settings range from 5 minuts to 1 hour with 1 minute intervals. 1. Pour 700-1000 ml of water in the bowl. Place the steaming container in. 2. Measure the ingredients following the recipe provided, wash, cut into pieces and put into the container.

  • Page 17: Frying Vegetables

    MULTICOOKER RMC-M4502E “FRYING VEGETABLES ”PROGRAM The program is recommended for frying vegetables. Manual time setting is available. Cooking time settings range from 5 minutes to 1 hour with 1 minute intervals. 1. Measure ingredients following the recipe provided, wash, cut into pieces and put into the bowl. Place the bowl inside the device. Make sure that the bowl fits tightly with the heating element.

  • Page 18: Frying Meat

    “FRYING MEAT” PROGRAM This program is recommended for frying meat and various meat products. Manual time setting is available. Cooking time settings range from 5 minutes to 1 hour with 1 minute intervals. 1. Measure ingredients following the recipe provided, wash, cut into pieces and put into the bowl. Place the bowl inside the device. Make sure that the bowl fits tightly with the heating element.

  • Page 19: Frying Fish

    MULTICOOKER RMC-M4502E “FRYING FISH” PROGRAM This program is recommended for frying fish and seafood. Manual time setting is available. Cooking time settings range from 5 minutes to 1 hour with 1 minute intervals. 1. Measure ingredients following the recipe provided, wash, cut into pieces and put the product into the bowl. Place the bowl inside the device.

  • Page 20: Stewing

    “STEWING” PROGRAM This program is recommended for cooking various meats and other time consuming meals. Manual time setting is available. Cooking time settings range from 10 minutes to 12 hours with 5 minute intervals. 1. Measure the ingredients and place them in a bowl. Make sure that all the ingredients (liquids included) are below the scale mark indicating maximum capacity.

  • Page 21: Cooking Mode — Quick Cook

    MULTICOOKER RMC-M4502E “COOKING MODE — QUICK COOK” PROGRAM This program is recommended for cooking rice and other grains. Manual time setting is available. Cooking time settings range from 5 minutes to 1,5 hours with 1 minute intervals. 1. Measure the ingredients and place them in a bowl. Make sure that all the ingredients (liquids included) are below the scale mark indicating maximum capacity.

  • Page 22: Cooking Mode — Cook

    “COOKING MODE — COOK” PROGRAM This program is recommended for cooking pilaf. Manual time setting is available. Cooking time settings range from 30 minutes to 2 hours with 5 minute intervals. 1. Measure the ingredients and place them in a bowl. Make sure that all the ingredients (liquids included) are below the scale mark indicating maximum capacity.

  • Page 23: Cooking Mode — Oatmeal

    MULTICOOKER RMC-M4502E “COOKING MODE — OATMEAL” PROGRAM This program is recommended for cooking various porridges. Manual time setting is available. Cooking time settings range from 5 minutes to 1,5 hours with 1 minute intervals. 1. Measure the ingredients and place them in a bowl. Make sure that all the ingredients (liquids included) are below the scale mark indicating maximum capacity.

  • Page 24
    GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS ON COOKING OATMEAL IN MULTICOOKER “OATMEAL” program is recommended for cooking various oat porridges using pasteurized low fat milk or water. To avoid boiling away, we recommend you do the following: a. rinse grain thoroughly before cooking; b. grease the sides of the bowl with butter; c.
  • Page 25: Pasta

    MULTICOOKER RMC-M4502E “PASTA” PROGRAM This program is recommended for cooking pasta, dumplings, eggs, sausages etc. Manual time setting is available. Cooking time settings range from 2 to 20 minutes with 1 minute intervals. Once the water starts boiling, the device produces an audible sound telling you to put the ingredients in.

  • Page 26: Soup

    “SOUP” PROGRAM This program is recommended for cooking soups (chunky, cream, fish, bisque soups etc.) and various drinks. Manual time setting is available. Cooking time settings range from 10 minutes to 8 hours with 5 minute intervals. 1. Measure the ingredients and place them in a bowl. Make sure that all the ingredients are below the scale mark indicating maximum capacity. 2. Place the bowl inside the device.

  • Page 27: Cake

    MULTICOOKER RMC-M4502E “CAKE” PROGRAM This program is recommended for baking cakes, biscuits, pies etc. Manual time setting is available. Cooking time settings range from 30 minutes to 4 hours with 5 minute intervals. 1. Measure the ingredients and place them in a bowl. Make sure that all the ingredients are below the scale mark indicating maximum capacity.

  • Page 28: Multi-Cook

    “MULTI-COOK” PROGRAM This program can be used to cook any meal with your personal time and temperature settings. REDMOND RMC-M4502E, featuring “MULTI-COOK” program will be able to replace oven, stove, pressure cooker, deep fryer and many other kitchen appliances. Program features default cooking time settings for the products (vegetables, fish, and meat).

  • Page 29: Dough Proofing

    During fermentation, carbon dioxide gas is being produced, making the dough rise. Dough normally grows up to 50-70% from its original size. Now, REDMOND RMC-M4502E, featuring “MULTI-COOK” will be able to replace a special proofing equipment, encouraging proper fermentation of dough through warm temperatures and controlled humidity.

  • Page 30: Making Yogurt

    MAKING YOGURT Yogurt is a healthy cultured milk product, popular all over the world. REDMOND RMC-M4502E, featuring program “MULTI-COOK” will help you to prepare various healthy and tasty homemade yogurts. ATTENTION! Yogurt program is not automatic. “Keep Warm” function needs to be switched off manually by the end of the program.

  • Page 31: Making Fondue

    MULTICOOKER RMC-M4502E MAKING FONDUE Fondue originally comes from Swiss cuisine. Fondue is being cooked on the open fire in special heat-resistant utensils, called caquelon, translated as “melted” from French. Fondue is usually being seasoned with garlic and nutmeg. Pieces of bread, potatoes or other product (gherkin, olive etc.) are being dipped into hot paste.

  • Page 32: Deep Frying

    Deep frying is frying in oil at the approximate temperature of 130-200°C. Deep frying various products is a cooking method well known all over the world. REDMOND multicooker RMC-M4502E features a function of deep frying various products. Use frying basket provided while deep frying your meal.

  • Page 33: Bread Baking

    MULTICOOKER RMC-M4502E BREAD BAKING Several cooking programs combined in REDMOND RMC-M4502E, allow a wider range of possibilities. Now you can bake tasty homemade bread. ATTENTION! Baking program is not automatic. “Keep Warm” function needs to be switched off manually by the end of the program.

  • Page 34: Helping Moms

    PREPARING BABY FOOD When baby comes in a family, a large number of new responsibilities arise, taking all of your time. REDMOND RMC-M4502E will solve most of your daily problems concerning baby food preparation on different stages of your child growth.

  • Page 35: Sterilization

    Before your child develops a strong immune system, it is important to use sterilization to protect him from any kind of bacteria. Sterilizations by steaming and boiling are considered to be the most effective ones. REDMOND RMC-M4502E features both sterilization types.Sterilizing by steaming or boiling is fast, simple and effective.

  • Page 36: Pasteurization

    8. To interrupt or to cancel the cooking process or the “Keep Warm” function press “Keep Warm/Cancel”. 9. By the end of the program, take the bottles out of the bowl and leave them sealed. The bottles will remain sterile for the next 12 hours. Pour the water out and use the bottles as needed.

  • Page 37: Warming Up Baby Food

    10. By the end of the program, take the pasteurized product out of the device, let it cool down and keep in a cold place. WARMING UP BABY FOOD Multicooker REDMOND RMC-M4502E may be also used as a water bath. This is a safe and fast way of evenly warming up baby’s food to the desired temperature.

  • Page 38: General Maintenance Guidelines

    IV. GENERAL MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES CLEANING AND GENERAL MAINTENANCE Before you start cleaning the device, make sure that it is unplugged and has cooled down. Use soft cloth and mild soap to clean.We recommend you clean the appliance right after cooking. Before first use or in order to remove the odor, boil half a lemon using “STEAMING FISH”…

  • Page 39: Cleaning The Steam Valve

    MULTICOOKER RMC-M4502E CLEANING THE STEAM VALVE The steam valve is located on the top lid of the device. 1. Take the cover of the steam valve off by pulling it gently by its ledge up and towards yourself as shown below.

  • Page 40: Cooking Tips

    V. COOKING TIPS This chapter will inform you about the most common mistakes made by those using multicookers. Such mistakes may often lead to poor cooking results. We are going to give you possible causes for the problems arising and ways of solving them. STEAMING PRODUCT IS UNDERCOOKED (RAW) POSSIBLE CAUSES…

  • Page 41
    MULTICOOKER RMC-M4502E PRODUCT IS OVERCOOKED POSSIBLE CAUSES SOLVING THE PROBLEM Wrong product. Use the ingredients in accordance with the recipe chosen or follow time setting recommendations given in the table on p.49. Size of the ingredients is smaller than specified in the recipe.
  • Page 42: Frying

    FRYING PRODUCT IS BURNT POSSIBLE CAUSES SOLVING THE PROBLEM Ingredients haven’t been stirred. The bowl hasn’t been greased or no oil was added. Be sure to carefully follow the recipe instructions when cooking. The amount of the product cooked is smaller than specified in the recipe.

  • Page 43: Stewing

    MULTICOOKER RMC-M4502E STEWING PRODUCT IS BURNT POSSIBLE CAUSES SOLVING THE PROBLEM The amount of the product used is smaller than specified in the Be sure to carefully follow the recipe instructions when cooking. recipe. Not enough water. It is important to add more water. If you are following the recipe, set recommended cooking time.

  • Page 44
    PRODUCT LOST ITS CUTTING SHAPE POSSIBLE CAUSES SOLVING THE PROBLEM Frequent stirring. Be sure to carefully follow the recipe instructions when cooking. Excess water. Add less water. Following the recipe, do not violate proportions of the ingredients used. Wrong cooking time setting. Reduce cooking time.
  • Page 45: Cooking

    MULTICOOKER RMC-M4502E COOKING PRODUCT BOILS AWAY POSSIBLE CAUSES SOLVING THE PROBLEM Milk boils away during preparation of milk based porridge. Depending on the quality of milk used, it may boil away. To avoid this, we recommend you use only ultra-pasteurized milk with the fat If you did not manage to cook porridge using “COOKING”…

  • Page 46
    PRODUCT IS BURNT POSSIBLE CAUSES SOLVING THE PROBLEM Not enough liquid (proportions not observed). Use recommended proportions, suggested in a recipe. Amount of the product is smaller than suggested in the recipe. Perhaps, the bowl had some food remains on or coating defects were Make sure the bowl is clean and has no coating defects before present.
  • Page 47: Cake

    MULTICOOKER RMC-M4502E CAKE PRODUCT IS BURNT (DOUGH STICKS TO THE BOTTOM OF THE BOWL) POSSIBLE CAUSES SOLVING THE PROBLEM Amount of the product is less than suggested in the recipe. Follow cooking recommendations from our recipe book throughout the whole cooking process.

  • Page 48
    Wrong proportions of the ingredients. Follow cooking recommendations given in the recipe book. BAKING DID NOT RISE POSSIBLE CAUSES SOLVING THE PROBLEM Eggs and sugar were poorly whipped. The dough stayed for too long before being baked. Follow the proportions and observe the cooking procedure The flour wasn’t sifted.
  • Page 49: Table Of Recommended Steaming Time Settings For Various Products

    MULTICOOKER RMC-M4502E TABLE OF RECOMMENDED STEAMING TIME SETTINGS FOR VARIOUS PRODUCTS* 500 g of a product on 500-1000 ml of water PRODUCT TIME, MIN PRODUCT TIME, MIN 30-40 Veal fillet (fresh) All-purpose potato Chicken fillet New potato 20-30 Meat soufflé…

  • Page 50: Table Of Cooking Settings (Set By Default)


  • Page 51: Accessories

    Use tongs for convenient extraction of a bowl out of the device. The tongs may be used with multicookers from other manufacturers. REDMOND RAM-G1. Date labeled Yogurt jar set (4 pieces). Use the set to prepare various yogurts. The jars have date labels on, allowing you to control expiration dates.

  • Page 52: Before Calling For Service

    VI. BEFORE CALLING FOR SERVICE ERROR CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION ERROR HANDLING E1-E3 System error; system board or heating Close the lid tightly. If this does not eliminate element malfunction. the error, address the authorized service center. PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLVING THE PROBLEM The device does not switch on.

  • Page 53: Product Warranty

    MULTICOOKER RMC-M4502E VII. PRODUCT WARRANTY We warrant this product to be free from defects for a period of 25 months from the date of purchase. If the appliance fails to operate properly within the warranty period and is found to be defective in material or workmanship, we will repair or replace it free of charge. This warranty comes into force only in case an original warranty service coupon with a serial article number and an accurate impress of the company of the seller proves the purchase date.

  • Page 55
  • Page 56
    Manufactured under license of Redmond Industrial Group, USA 1801 South Treasure Drive #515, North Bay Village, Florida 33141, USA www.redmond-ig.com Made in China Version # 1…


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