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Nice M3BAR Instructions And Warnings For Installation And Use

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Automatic barrier

EN — Instructions and warnings for installation and use


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Summary of Contents for Nice M3BAR

  • Page 1
    Nice M3BAR M5BAR M7BAR L9BAR Automatic barrier EN — Instructions and warnings for installation and use…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    ENGLISH GENERAL SAFETY WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS Translation of the original instructions in full GENERAL SAFETY WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS 1.1 GENERAL WARNINGS WARNING! Important safety instructions. Observe CONTENTS all the instructions as improper installation may cause serious damages. GENERAL SAFETY WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS ..2 1.1 General warnings .

  • Page 3: Installation Warnings

    The control unit is configured for being connected to the var- needs to be repaired or adjusted, because defective ious devices belonging to the Nice Opera System and to the installation or incorrect balancing of the automation can “Solemyo” solar power system (see paragraph “Connecting lead to injuries.

  • Page 4: List Of Constituent Parts

    – check that the surface chosen for installing the boom gate is 2.1 LIST OF CONSTITUENT PARTS solid and can ensure stable anchorage “Figure 1” shows the main parts making up the M/L-BAR. – make sure that the installation area is not subject to flooding; if necessary, the product must be installed appropriately raised above ground level –…

  • Page 5: Product Identification And Overall Dimensions

    Table 2 M-BAR PRODUCT DURABILITY 464,5 mm Severity index M3BAR M5BAR M7BAR L9BAR Joint for boom (XBA11) Level 3 speed Level 2 speed Manoeuvre interrupted by photocell > 10% Manoeuvre interrupted by Stop > 10% Mobile support (WA12) Force equal to 5 or 6…

  • Page 6: Pre-Installation Works

    3.5 PRE-INSTALLATION WORKS The figure shows an example of an automation system, constructed using Nice components. A Photocells These above-mentioned components are positioned according B Photocells on column to a typical standard layout. Using the layout in “Figure 5” as a…

  • Page 7: Adjusting The Boom Gate

    M3BAR M5BAR M5BAR M7BAR L9BAR L9BAR M3BAR M7BAR M3BAR / M5BAR 2,65 m 3,15 m 3,50 m 4,15 m 5,15 m 7,33 m 9,33 m XBA15 XBA15…

  • Page 8
    (A) of the boom gate cubicle spring (C) clockwise – for L-BAR turn nut (B) clockwise M3BAR-M5BAR-M7BAR L9BAR loosen the two screws fastening the cubicle panel loosen the bolt (D) fastening the spring to the balancing…
  • Page 9
    M3BAR-M5BAR M3BAR-M5BAR M7BAR-L9BAR M7BAR-L9BAR to set the boom’s closing manoeuvre on the right of the cubicle, unlock the gearmotor (refer to the “Manually…
  • Page 10: Installing The Gearmotor

    3.7 INSTALLING THE GEARMOTOR Incorrect installation may cause serious physical injury to the person working on the system or to its future users. Before starting to assemble the automation, com- plete the preliminary checks described in the “Pre- installation checks” and “Product usage limits” paragraphs.

  • Page 11: Installing The Boom

    pour the concrete and, before it starts to set, place the position the cover (C) of the support and fasten it with the foundation plate flush with the surface, parallel to the 6 screws provided; leave the screws loose boom and perfectly level wait for the concrete to set completely, which generally takes two weeks remove the four upper nuts and washers (B) from the an-…

  • Page 12
    only for booms made up of two pieces: connect the uni- put on the boom cap (H) and secure it with the two screws versal joint (E) into the free ends of the two booms, align- position and fit together the two rubber protector caps (I) ing the holes correctly;…
  • Page 13: Adjusting The Mechanical Limit Switches

    3.9 ADJUSTING THE MECHANICAL LIMIT SWITCHES To adjust the limit switches, proceed as follows: unlock the gearmotor with the relevant key provided (refer to the “Manually unlocking and locking the gearmotor” paragraph) manually move the boom so that it completes a full open- ing and closing manoeuvre turn the screws of the mechanical stops (A — B) to adjust 45°…

  • Page 14: Manually Unlocking And Locking The Gearmotor

    repeat the operation by positioning the boom also at To shift the lock cylinder to the opposite side of the gear- roughly 20° and 70°. If the boom remains stationary in its motor: position, it means that it is correctly balanced; a slight im- insert the key (A) and turn it by 180°…

  • Page 15: Electrical Connections

    feed the electrical cables inside the cubicle towards the ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS left, starting from the base and moving towards the control unit feed the power supply cable through the cable clamp and ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS connect it to the 3-contact terminal with fuse 4.1 PRELIMINARY CHECKS tighten the screw of the cable clamp All electrical connections must be made with the…

  • Page 16: Wiring Diagram And Description Of Connections

    It can also be programmed for other functions (refer to the “PROGRAMMING” chapter) or reconfigured through LIGHT the Oview programmer. Output for warning light; it is possible to connect 12 V max 21 W lamps or a Nice LUCY B, MLB or MLBT warning light. FLASH It can also be programmed for other functions (refer to the “PROGRAMMING”…

  • Page 17: Final Checks And Start-Up

    Step-by-Step mode and move the automation even HP Sbs if when it is in the stalled status; it is possible to connect “Normally Open”-type contacts. input for connecting the radio receiver antenna; the antenna is incorporated in Nice LUCY B, MLB and MLBT ANTENNA warning lights.

  • Page 18: Learning Of The Mechanical Stop Positions

    during the manoeuvre, check that the LED warning light, if Start the procedure by activating parameter Set 1 (refer to the chapter “PROGRAMMING“). present, flashes alternatively on and off every 0.5 seconds open and close the gate several times to make sure that The self-learning phase of the connected devices can be re- peated at any time also after the installation, for example when- there are no points of excessive friction and that there are…

  • Page 19
    verify the correct operation of all the safety devices pres- – during these tests, the testing block must be detected ent, one-by-one (photocells, sensitive edges, etc.) by the photocells in any position it lies along the entire verify the correct operation of the photocells in the follow- length of the boom ing way: check that there are no interferences between the photo-…
  • Page 20: Commissioning

    “Maintenance schedule”, containing the maintenance in- structions for all the automation’s devices. For all the above-mentioned documentation, Nice – through its technical assistance service – provides the following: pre-completed forms. 20 – ENGLISH…

  • Page 21: Programming

    PROGRAMMING The control unit can be programmed by rotating the incremental PROGRAMMING encoder (A), pressing the same encoder vertically and using the display (B). Refer to “Table 5” for the complete list of parame- ters and the relative selectable values. 7.1 PROGRAMMING THE CONTROL UNIT Turning clockwise or anti-clockwise the encoder (A) allows for scrolling on the display (B) the parameters shown in “Table 5”, which identify the Level 1 menu.

  • Page 22
    PROGRAMMING PARAMETERS Level I Level II Meaning Effect after pressing the encoder (A) parameters parameters “Close always” excluded O F F Standard: when the power supply is restored after a blackout, if the boom is not closed, a closing manoeuvre starts immediately, preceded by a pre-flashing period equal to the “Close always”…
  • Page 23
    PROGRAMMING PARAMETERS Level I Level II Meaning Effect after pressing the encoder (A) parameters parameters 1 (min) Closing manoeuvre slowdown 2 (med) S L C speed 3 (max) Opening slowdown position 0° Difference between the opening roughly 10° P L O position and the point in which roughly 20°…
  • Page 24
    PROGRAMMING PARAMETERS Level I Level II Meaning Effect after pressing the encoder (A) parameters parameters No command Step-by-step Open Close High-priority Step-by-Step: it moves the automation even if it is locked by a lock command Opens and locks the automation Closes and locks the automation Courtesy light timer: causes the courtesy light to switch on, which then switches off once the courtesy light time has elapsed…
  • Page 25
    PROGRAMMING PARAMETERS Level I Level II Meaning Effect after pressing the encoder (A) parameters parameters No command Step-by-step Open Close High-priority Step-by-Step: it moves the automation even if it is locked by a lock command Opens and locks the automation Closes and locks the automation Courtesy light timer: causes the courtesy light to switch on, which then switches off once the courtesy light time has elapsed…
  • Page 26
    PROGRAMMING PARAMETERS Level I Level II Meaning Effect after pressing the encoder (A) parameters parameters Opens, with open-open sequence (normally open – NA – input) Loop 2 input function Closes, with close-close sequence (normally open – NA – input) L O 2 Photo (normally closed –…
  • Page 27
    PROGRAMMING PARAMETERS Level I Level II Meaning Effect after pressing the encoder (A) parameters parameters 24 V warning light Boom closed Boom open Internal Light output function Courtesy light Consult “Table 6” for information O U 4 Red traffic light on the single parameters Green traffic light One-way traffic light…
  • Page 28
    ADDENDUM — PARAMETER LEGEND Parameter Description Activates the output when command 1 is sent with the transmitter, the command sent to the control unit is ignored Radio channel 1 Output active 24 V DC / max 10 W Activates the output when command 2 is sent with the transmitter, the command sent to the control unit is ignored Radio channel 2 Output active 24 V DC / max 10 W…
  • Page 29: Special Functions

    7.2 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 7.2.3 Verifying the number of manoeuvres completed The number of manoeuvres completed can be checked through the control unit (refer to “Table 5”) or with the Oview program- 7.2.1 “Move anyway” function mer, under “Maintenance”. This function can be used to operate the automation even one or more some safety devices fail to work properly or are out of 7.2.4 Manoeuvre counter resetting order.

  • Page 30: Diagnostics

    Table 8 TROUBLESHOOTING Problems Recommended checks The radio transmitter does not control the gate and the LED on the Check whether the transmitter batteries are exhausted and replace them if necessary. transmitter does not light up The radio transmitter does not Check whether the transmitter has been memorised correctly in the radio receiver.

  • Page 31: Display Diagnostics

    TERMINAL LEDS ON THE CONTROL UNIT Status Meaning Possible solution CLOSE LED Everything normal CLOSE input not active. Intervention of the CLOSE input This is normal if the device connected to the CLOSE input is actually active. HP SbS LED Everything normal Hp SbS input not active.

  • Page 32: Signals With The Display

    8.3.2 Signals with the display In case of anomalies, the display can visualise an error code both during the boom’s movement and when the manoeuvre stops. The following table shows the error codes that can be displayed. Table 13 SIGNALS WITH THE DISPLAY Error code Description Cause…

  • Page 33: Signalling Through Warning Light

    8.4 SIGNALLING THROUGH WARNING LIGHT If a warning light (or a LED warning light is used – optional accessory) is connected to the control unit’s FLASH output, it will flash once a second during manoeuvres. If any anomalies occur, the warning light will emit shorter flashes which are repeated twice with a 1-second pause between each pair.

  • Page 34: Bluebus

    9.2.1 BlueBUS BlueBUS is a technique that allows for connecting compatible devices with only two wires which carry the electrical power and the communication signals. All devices are connected in paral- 1 I I F O T O lel on the same 2 BlueBUS wires and without having to observe the polarities;…

  • Page 35: Learning Of Other Devices

    9.2.5 Learning of other devices Bear in mind that during operation all the settings made on the SLAVE barrier are ignored, since those Normally the learning of devices connected to “BlueBUS” and made on the MASTER barrier prevail, with the ex- the “STOP”…

  • Page 36
    MOTB/MOFB 24V 4W Bluebus Bluebus Bluebus FLASH Light Flash OGI Bluebus Stop SbS Open Close HPSbS MASTER LOOP1 LOOP2 24V 4W FLASH Light Flash OGI Bluebus Stop SbS Open Close HPSbS LOOP1 SLAVE LOOP2 36 – ENGLISH…
  • Page 37: Connecting An Sm-Type Radio Receiver

    9.4 CONNECTING AN SM-TYPE RADIO RECEIVER Table 17 The control unit has a slot for mounting radio receivers with SM OXI / OXIFM /OXIT / OXITFM IN MODE 2 EXTENDED connector (optional accessories) belonging to the SMXI, OXI, Command Description etc.

  • Page 38: Connecting And Installing The Back-Up Battery

    To install the interface: 9.5 CONNECTING AND INSTALLING THE BACK- remove the cover (A) UP BATTERY remove the plastic pre-cut element (B) and check that there are no burrs The electrical connection of the battery to the con- trol unit must be made only after completing all the installation and programming stages, as the battery is an emergency power supply.

  • Page 39: Connecting The Solemyo Solar Energy System

    9.8 CONNECTING THE SOLEMYO SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM When the automation is powered by the “Solemyo” system, IT MUST NOT BE POWERED by the elec- tricity grid at the same time. For information on the “Solemyo” system, consult the relevant instruction manual. To connect the “Solemyo”…

  • Page 40: Connecting The Boom Lights (Optional Accessory)

    if necessary, shorten the lights cable by cutting it only in 9.9 CONNECTING THE BOOM LIGHTS (OPTIONAL one of the points indicated by an appropriate mark. After ACCESSORY) cutting the cable, the cap of the cut end must be shifted To perform the installation: to close the new end put the boom in the vertical position…

  • Page 41: Connecting The Warning Light Or Traffic Light

    position and lock the connector inside the slot on the boom 9.10 CONNECTING THE WARNING LIGHT OR TRAFFIC LIGHT On the boom cover it is possible to insert a LED warning light model XBA7 or a traffic light with red and green LEDs model XBA8.

  • Page 42: Product Maintenance

    PRODUCT MAINTENANCE PRODUCT DISPOSAL The automation must be subjected to regular maintenance to PRODUCT MAINTENANCE PRODUCT DISPOSAL This product is an integral part of the operator and keep its safety level constant and guarantee long-lasting opera- must therefore be disposed of with it. tion;…

  • Page 43: Technical Specifications

    TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS All technical specifications stated in this section refer to an ambient temperature of 20°C (± 5°C). Nice S.p.A. reserves the right to apply modifications to the product at any time when deemed necessary, without altering its functions and intended use.

  • Page 44: Conformity

    “partly completed machinery” Note — The contents of this declaration correspond to declarations in the official document deposited at the registered offices of Nice S.p.a. and in particular to the last revision available before printing this manual. The text herein has been re-edited for editorial purposes. A copy of the original declaration can be requested from Nice S.p.a. (TV) I.

  • Page 45: Instructions And Warnings For The User

    INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS FOR THE USER Before using the automation for the first time, ask the installer to Safety devices out of order: the automation can also be used explain the origin of any residual risks and take a few minutes when one or more safety devices are defective or out of order.

  • Page 46
    Unlocking and manual movement To unlock the device: insert the key (A) and turn it by 180° towards the left or right the gate leaf can now be moved manually to the desired position. To lock the device: turn the key (A) back to its initial position remove the key.
  • Page 47: User)

    MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE (to be handed to the end user) This maintenance register must be passed on to the new owner of the automation, after having filled in the relevant sections. This register must contain a list of all the maintenance activities, repair work and alterations to the automation. The register must be updated every time work is carried out and must be stored carefully so that it is available for any inspections that may be required by the relative authorities.

  • Page 48
    Table 19 TABLE ON INTERVENTIONS Description of intervention performed Signature of Date Signature of Owner (Description of checks, adjustments, repairs, modifications, etc.) Technician All the phases envisaged in the maintenance schedule have been carried ___YES ___NO 48 – ENGLISH…
  • Page 49
  • Page 50
  • Page 51
  • Page 52
    Nice SpA Via Callalta, 1 31046 Oderzo TV Italy…

  • Обнаружения препятствий по двойной технологии
  • Режим пониженного потребления электроэнергии
  • Настраиваемая скорость и усилие двигателя
  • Время автоматического закрытия можно задать при настройках
  • Благодаря энкодеру стрела движется плавно
  • Регулируемые ускорение и замедление в начале и конце маневра
  • Возможность включения функции автоматического закрывания после проезда автомобиля и срабатывания фотоэлементов
  • Предусмотрена возможность (опция) питания от аккумуляторной батареи PS224, устанавливаемой внутри корпуса тумбы шлагбаума
  • Возможность синхронизация работы двух шлагбаумов
  • Корпус изготовлен из стали и имеет защитное катофорезное покрытие
  • Балансировочные пружины имеют большой ресурс
  • Промышленный редуктор — гарантирует до 1 000 000 циклов работы
  • Стрела овальной формы снижает ветровую нагрузку
  • Удобный и защищенный механизм разблокировки
Параметр Единица Величина
Питание Вольт пер.тока, 50Гц 230
Питание двигателя Вольт пост. тока 24
Номинальный ток А 1,3
Мощность Ватт 150
Время открытия Секунд 1.5-4
Крутящий момент Ньютон/м 100
Интенсивность Циклов в час 500
Класс защиты IP 44
Размеры мм 400x299x1215
Вес кг 80


Шлагбаум NICE MBAR в комплекте M5BAR5KIT используется для установки на проездах до 5 метров шириной. Интенсивность работы шлагбаума 350 циклов в час при скорости открытия до 6 секунд. Питание  на двигатель -24 В.

M5BAR в комплекте для проезда 5 мКомплект для проезда 5 м Nice M5Bar5Kit

Шлагбаум NICE MBAR в комплекте M5BAR5KIT используется для установки на проездах до 5 метров шириной. Интенсивность работы шлагбаума 350 циклов в час при скорости открытия до 6 секунд. Питание  на двигатель -24 В.

M5BAR в комплекте для проезда 5 мКомплект для проезда 5 м Nice M5Bar5Kit

M5BAR5KIT — комплект включает тумбу, стрелу XBA5-5RU 69х92х5200 мм, интегрируемую лампу XBA7, демпфер защитный на стрелу XBA13-10RU, наклейки NK1 светоотражающие. 116195 руб.

M5BAR5BDKIT1 — комплект включает тумбу, стрелу XBA5-5Ru 69х92х5200 мм, лампу светофорную XBA8, Фотоэлементы и радиоприемник в комплекте Nice M5Bar5Kit1демпфер защитный XBA13-10RU, наклейки светоотражающие NK1, радиоприемник OXIBD с обратной связью, фотоэлементы Medium EPMB. 127745 руб.

Инструкция на шлагбаум nice m5bar стрела 5 м​

Характеристики — NICE M5BAR5KIT

Модель M5BAR

Электропитание (50 Гц)

 В пер. тока/В пост. тока


Потребляемая мощность, Вт


Потребление, A


Степень защиты оболочки шлагбаума,  IP


Крутящий момент,  Нм


Мин. — макс. время открытия,  сек


Максимальное число циклов, цикл/час


Рабочая температура (мин. — макс.), oC

-20 — +50

Габаритные размеры, мм

400 x 299 x 1215

Вес, кг


Шлагбаумы NICE (инструкции)

Автоматика для распашных ворот NICE (инструкции)

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  6. Adobe PDF HYPPO Электромеханический привод c шарнирным или телескопическим рычагом для навесных ворот с одной или двумя створками
  7. Microsoft Word Moon Блок управления MC424
  8. Adobe PDF METRO Электромеханический привод для навесных ворот с одной или двумя створками (устанавливается под землёй)
  9. Adobe PDF M-FAB Для распашных ворот с шириной створки до 3,5 м, с подземной установкой.
  10. Adobe PDF MOBY 4005 электродвигатель для шарнирных ворот. Инструкции и предупреждения для установщика
  11. Adobe PDF MOBY MB5016 электродвигатель для шарнирных ворот. Инструкции и предупреждения для установщика
  12. Adobe PDF MOBY 4000 Для распашных ворот с шириной створки до 3м.
  13. Adobe PDF MOBY 5000 Для распашных ворот с шириной створки до 5м.
  14. Adobe PDF PLUTO Электромеханический привод для навесных ворот с одной или двумя створками
  15. Adobe PDF POP привод для распашных ворот
  16. Adobe PDF POP Для распашных ворот с шириной створки до 2 м.
  17. Adobe PDF POP привод для распашных ворот новый вариант.
  18. Adobe PDF Электромеханический привод для распашных ворот (PLUTO , MOBY , HIPP , METRO)
  19. Adobe PDF TOONA 4 Для распашных ворот с шириной створки до 3м.
  20. Adobe PDF TOONA 5 Для распашных ворот с шириной створки до 5м.
  21. Adobe PDF TOONA 7 Для распашных ворот с шириной створки до 7м.
  22. Microsoft Word TOONA Серия 4 Серия 5 Серия 7 Привод для распашных ворот
  23. Adobe PDF TOONA Серия 4 Серия 5 Серия 7 Привод для распашных ворот
  24. Adobe PDF WALKY WL1024 WL1024C Привод для распашных ворот
  25. Adobe PDF WALKY Для распашных ворот с шириной створки до 1,8 м.
  26. Adobe PDF Wingo 5000 Рекомендации по использованию и установке
  27. Adobe PDF WINGO 4000 Для распашных ворот с шириной створки до 2 м.
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  29. Adobe PDF Электропривод для распашных ворот Комплект 4024 (WINGO 2024 KCE) Комплект 5024 (WINGO 3524 KCE) Комплект 4000 Комплект 5000
  30. Adobe PDF Электропривод для распашных ворот Комплект 4024 (WINGO 2024 KCE) Комплект 5024 (WINGO 3524 KCE) Комплект 4000 Комплект 5000
  31. Microsoft Word Wingo Электропривод для распашных ворот Комплект 4024 Комплект 5024 Комплект 4000 Комплект 5000
  32. Adobe PDF Электропривод для распашных ворот Комплект 4024 (WINGO 2024 KCE) Комплект 5024 (WINGO 3524 KCE) Комплект 4000 Комплект 5000
  33. Microsoft Word Электропривод для распашных ворот Комплект 4024 (WINGO 2024 KCE) Комплект 5024 (WINGO 3524 KCE) Комплект 4000 Комплект 5000
  34. Adobe PDF X-FAB Для распашных ворот с шириной створки до 2,3 м, очень компактный, с подземной установкой. Самоблокирующийся электромеханический привод, 24В пост.тока, идеально подходит для интенсивного применения.

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