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Руководство предназначено для клиентов, которые приобрели наши продукты. Мы можем не иметь возможности ответить на запрос физических лиц, которые не приобрели наши продукты. Пожалуйста, имейте в виду, что данное руководство и контактная информация, указанные здесь, могут быть изменены без уведомления.
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Данное соглашение регулируется и должно истолковываться в соответствии с законами Японии независимо от его принципов коллизионного права. В случае возникновения спора в рамках или в связи с данным соглашением Вы, таким образом, даете согласие на персональную юрисдикцию Японии и отказываетесь от любого возражения, что такая дискуссия вызывает затруднение. Далее Вы соглашаетесь на получение судебных извещений в любом действии, возникающем из данного Соглашения по обычной почте или другими коммерчески оправданными способами доставки расписки в получении. Если любое положение данного Соглашения должно быть определено недействительным по какой-либо причине, то оставшиеся положения не должны быть признаны недействительными и должны остаться в силе без изменений. Данное Соглашение устанавливает в дальнейшем целое соглашение и понимание между Вами и компанией Nikon, и замещает собой и заменяет любые другие соглашения, относящиеся к сути дела данного Соглашения. Неуспех любой стороны в настаивании на строгом исполнении любого правила или положения данного соглашения, или выполнение любой опции, права или защиты прав, содержащихся в данном документе, не должны толковаться в качестве отказа от любого применения такого правила, положения, опции, права или защиты прав в будущем, и такое правило, положение, опция, право или защита прав должны продолжиться и сохранить полную юридическую силу и действие. Заголовки разделов данного Соглашения вставлены только для удобства и не должны составлять часть данного документа или влиять каким-либо образом на значение или толкование данного Соглашения. Кроме случаев, когда иначе явно указано в данном документе, положения раздела 3 и раздела 4 вместе с любыми положениями, которые с помощью своих прямо выраженных условий относятся к периодам после прекращения срока действия данного Соглашения, должны оставаться в силе после прекращения действия данного Соглашения по какой-либо причине.
Руководства для продуктов Nikon/ 2018/02/15/ Вер. 2.0.0
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На NoDevice можно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации для Nikon COOLPIX L830. Руководство пользователя необходимо для ознакомления с правилами установки и эксплуатации Nikon COOLPIX L830. Инструкции по использованию помогут правильно настроить Nikon COOLPIX L830, исправить ошибки и выявить неполадки.
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Table of Contents
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Reference Manual
Related Manuals for Nikon Coolpix L830
Summary of Contents for Nikon Coolpix L830
Page 1
DIGITAL CAMERA Reference Manual… -
Page 3
Introduction Parts of the Camera The Basics of Shooting and Playback Shooting Features Playback Features Recording and Playing Back Movies General Camera Setup Connecting the Camera to a TV, Computer, or Printer Reference Section Technical Notes and Index… -
Page 4: Introduction
Introduction Read This First Thank you for purchasing the Nikon COOLPIX L830 digital camera. Before using the camera, please read the information in “For Your Safety” (A viii-xi) and familiarize yourself with the information provided in this manual. After reading, please keep this manual handy and refer…
Page 5: About This Manual
About This Manual If you want to start using the camera right away, see “The Basics of Shooting and Playback” (A 12). To learn about the parts of the camera and information that is displayed in the monitor, see “Parts of the Camera” (A 1).
Page 6
Other Information Symbols and Conventions To make it easier to find the information you need, the following symbols and conventions are used in this manual: Icon Description This icon indicates cautions and information that should be read before using the camera. This icon indicates notes and information that should be read before using the camera. -
Page 7: Information And Precautions
Before taking pictures on important occasions (such as at weddings or before taking the camera on a trip), take a test shot to ensure that the camera is functioning normally. Nikon will not be held liable for damages or lost profits that may result from product malfunction.
Page 8
Nikon will not be held liable for any damages resulting from the use of this product. While every effort was made to ensure that the information in these manuals is accurate and complete, we would appreciate it were you to bring any errors or omissions to the attention of the Nikon representative in your area (address provided separately). -
Page 9
Disposing of Data Storage Devices Please note that deleting images or formatting data storage devices such as memory cards or built-in camera memory does not completely erase the original image data. Deleted files can sometimes be recovered from discarded storage devices using commercially available software, potentially resulting in the malicious use of personal image data. -
Page 10: For Your Safety
For Your Safety To prevent damage to your Nikon product or injury to yourself or to others, read the following safety precautions in their entirety before using this equipment. Keep these safety instructions where all those who use the product will read them.
Page 11
(total result in low-temperature burns. of four batteries). The EN-MH2 rechargeable batteries Do not leave the product are for use with Nikon digital where it will be exposed to cameras only, and are compatible extremely high temperatures, with COOLPIX L830. -
Page 12
Continued use could result in fire. and output jacks, use only the cables provided or sold by Nikon for the Do not handle the power cable or go near the battery charger during purpose, to maintain compliance with lightning storms. -
Page 13
Handle moving parts with care Turn the power off when using inside an airplane or the Be careful that your fingers or other hospital objects are not pinched by the lens Turn the power off while inside the cover or other moving parts. airplane during take off or landing. -
Page 14: Notices
Nikon determined by turning the equipment Corporation may void the user’s off and on, the user is encouraged to try authority to operate the equipment.
Page 15
Interface Cables Notice for Customers in Europe Use the interface cables sold or This symbol indicates that provided by Nikon for your equipment. electrical and electronic Using other interface cables may equipment is to be collected exceed the limits of Class B Part 15 of separately. -
Page 16
This symbol on the batteries indicates that the batteries are to be collected separately. The following apply only to users in European countries: All batteries, whether marked with this symbol or not, are designated for separate collection at an appropriate collection point. Do not dispose of as household waste. -
Page 17: Table Of Contents
Table of Contents Introduction ……….. ii The Basics of Shooting and Playback… 12 Read This First …………ii Preparation 1 Insert the Batteries ….12 About This Manual ……….iii Applicable Batteries ……….13 Information and Precautions……v Preparation 2 Insert a Memory Card..14 For Your Safety ……….
Page 18
Shooting Features……..31 Playback Features ……..62 G (Easy Auto) Mode ……..31 Playback Zoom ……….62 Scene Mode (Shooting Suited to Scenes) … 32 Thumbnail Playback, Calendar Display..63 Tips and Notes …………33 Functions That Can Be Set with the d Button (Playback Menu) ……. -
Page 19
Editing Movies ……….E25 Reference Section ……… E1 Extracting Only the Desired Portions of a Using Easy Panorama Movie …………..E25 (Shooting and Playback) ……E2 Saving a Frame from a Movie as a Still Shooting with Easy Panorama….E2 Image………….. -
Page 20
The Movie Menu ……..E52 Technical Notes and Index ….F1 Movie Options……….E52 Caring for the Product……..F2 AF Area Mode……….E55 The Camera…………F2 Autofocus Mode……….E55 Batteries…………..F3 Movie VR…………. E56 Memory Cards …………F5 Wind Noise Reduction ……. E56 Cleaning and Storage…….. -
Page 21: Parts Of The Camera
Parts of the Camera The Camera Body 12 11 Zoom control…………25 Speaker…………..70 f : wide-angle……….25 Microphone (stereo) ………65 g : telephoto……….25 Flash ……………5, 44 h : thumbnail playback……63 i : playback zoom……..62 USB/audio/video output connector..74 j : help …………..
Page 23: Changing The Angle Of The Monitor
14 DC input connector (for AC adapter available Tripod socket ……….F17 separately from Nikon) ……E78 DC input connector cover Changing the Angle of the Monitor The angle of the monitor can be lowered down to approx. 85° or raised upward to approx.
Page 24: Attaching The Camera Strap And Lens Cap
Attaching the Camera Strap and Lens Cap Attach the lens cap to the camera strap, and then attach the strap to the camera. Attach them at two places. Lens Cap When the camera is not in use, protect the lens by attaching the lens cap.
Page 25: Raising And Lowering The Flash
Raising and Lowering the Flash Press the m (flash pop-up) button to raise the flash. See “Using the Flash” (A 44) for more information about flash settings. Push the flash down gently to lower the flash until it clicks into place when not in use.
Page 26: Using Menus (The D Button)
Using Menus (the d Button) Use the multi selector and k button to navigate the menus. Press the d button. Press the multi selector J. The menu is displayed. The current menu icon is displayed in yellow. Shooting menu Image mode White balance Continuous ISO sensitivity…
Page 27
Press the k button. Select a menu option. The settings for the option you selected are displayed. Photo VR Welcome screen Time zone and date Monitor settings On (hybrid) Print date Photo VR Motion detection AF assist Press the k button. Select a setting. -
Page 28: The Monitor
The Monitor The information that is displayed in the monitor during shooting and playback changes depending on the camera’s settings and state of use. By default, information is displayed when the camera is first turned on and when you operate the camera, and turns off after a few seconds (when Photo info is set to Auto info in Monitor settings (A 72)).
Page 29
Focus area (subject tracking)..54, E39 Shooting mode……….22, 23 Flash mode…………. 44 Aperture value …………27 Macro mode …………49 Shutter speed…………27 Zoom indicator ……….25, 49 Travel destination icon ……..72 Focus indicator…………. 26 ISO sensitivity…………54 Movie options (normal speed movies)… 69 Battery level indicator ……..20 Movie options (HS movies) …… -
Page 30: Playback Mode
Playback Mode 999/999 999/999 9 9 9 / 9 9 9 9 9 9 / 9 9 9 9999/9999 9999/9999 29m 0s 29m 0s 29m 0s 29m 0s 9 9 9 9 . J P G 9 9 9 9 . J P G 9 9 9 9 .
Page 31
Protect icon……….64, E46 Image mode………. 54, E27 Movie options ……..69, E52 Sequence display (when Individual pictures is selected) ……64, E51 Easy panorama ……..36, E2 Print order icon ……..64, E42 Crop icon……….62, E15 Skin softening icon……64, E11 Small picture icon……64, E14 Filter effects icon………64, E12 Easy panorama playback guide … -
Page 32: The Basics Of Shooting And Playback
The Basics of Shooting and Playback Preparation 1 Insert the Batteries Open the battery-chamber/memory card slot cover. Hold the camera upside down to prevent the batteries from falling out. Insert the batteries. Confirm that the positive (+) and negative (–) terminals are oriented correctly and insert the batteries.
Page 33: Applicable Batteries
Applicable Batteries Four LR6/L40 (AA-size) alkaline batteries (included batteries) Four FR6/L91 (AA-size) lithium batteries Four EN-MH2 rechargeable Ni-MH (nickel metal hydride) batteries * EN-MH1 rechargeable Ni-MH batteries cannot be used. Removing the Batteries Turn the camera off and make sure that the power-on lamp and the monitor have turned off, and then open the battery-chamber/memory card slot cover.
Page 34: Preparation 2 Insert A Memory Card
Preparation 2 Insert a Memory Card Turn off the camera and open the battery- chamber/memory card slot cover. Hold the camera upside down to prevent the batteries from falling out. Insert the memory card. Slide the memory card in until it clicks into place. Memory card slot Be Careful to Insert the Memory Card in Correct Direction…
Page 35: Internal Memory And Memory Cards
Formatting Memory Cards The first time you insert a memory card that has been used in another device into this camera, make sure to format it with this camera. Insert the card into the camera, press the d button, and select Format card in the setup menu.
Page 36: Preparation 3 Setting The Display Language, Date, And Time
Preparation 3 Setting the Display Language, Date, and Time When the camera is turned on for the first time, the language-selection screen and the date and time setting screen for the camera clock are displayed. If you exit without setting the date and time, O will flash when the shooting screen is displayed.
Page 37
Select your home time zone and London, Casablanca press the k button. To enable daylight saving time, press H. When the daylight saving time function is enabled, W is displayed above the map. To turn off the daylight saving time function, press I. -
Page 38
Make sure that the lens cap has been removed and press the A button. Press this button in The shooting-mode selection screen is displayed. shooting mode for shooting-mode selection menu. When Easy auto mode is displayed, press the Easy auto mode k button. -
Page 39
Changing the Language Setting and the Date and Time Setting You can change these settings using the Language and Time zone and date settings in the z setup menu (A 72). You can enable or disable daylight saving time in the z setup menu by selecting Time zone and date followed by Time zone. -
Page 40: Step 1 Turn The Camera On
Step 1 Turn the Camera On Remove the lens cap and press the power switch. The monitor turns on. To turn the camera off, press the power switch again. Check the battery level indicator and the number of exposures remaining. Battery level indicator Display Description…
Page 41
Notes About the Flash When you need to use the flash, such as when shooting in dark locations or when the subject is backlit, press the m (flash pop-up) button to raise the flash (A 5, 44). The Auto Off Function Flashes No operations No operations… -
Page 42: Step 2 Select A Shooting Mode
Step 2 Select a Shooting Mode Press the A button. Use the multi selector HI to select a Easy auto mode shooting mode and press the k button. G (easy auto) mode is used in this example. The shooting mode setting is saved even after the camera is turned off.
Page 43: Available Shooting Modes
Available Shooting Modes A 31 Easy auto mode The camera automatically selects the optimum scene mode when you frame an image, making it even easier to take images using settings that suit the scene. A 32 Scene mode Camera settings are optimized according to the scene that you select. A 38 Special effects Effects can be applied to images during shooting.
Page 44: Step 3 Frame A Picture
Step 3 Frame a Picture Hold the camera steady. Keep fingers and other objects away from the lens, flash, AF-assist illuminator, microphone, and speaker. Frame the picture. Shooting mode icon When the camera automatically determines the scene mode, the shooting mode icon changes (A 31). 2 5 m 0 s 2 5 m 0 s 1 9 0 0…
Page 45: Using The Zoom
When Using a Tripod We recommend using a tripod to stabilize the camera in the following situations. — When shooting in dim lighting — When the flash is lowered or when using a shooting mode in which the flash does not fire — When using the telephoto setting When using a tripod to stabilize the camera during shooting, set Photo VR to Off in the setup menu (A 72) to prevent potential errors caused by this function.
Page 46: Step 4 Focus And Shoot
Step 4 Focus and Shoot Press the shutter-release button halfway. When the subject is in focus, the focus area glows green (multiple focus areas can glow green). When you are using digital zoom, the camera focuses on the subject in the center of the frame and the focus area is not displayed.
Page 47: The Shutter-Release Button
The Shutter-release Button To set focus and exposure (shutter speed and aperture value), press the shutter-release button lightly until you feel a slight Press halfway resistance. Focus and exposure remain locked while the shutter- release button is pressed halfway. Press the shutter-release button all the way to release the shutter and take an image.
Page 48: Step 5 Play Back Images
Step 5 Play Back Images Press the c (playback) button. If you press and hold down the c (playback) button while the camera is turned off, the camera turns on in playback mode. c (playback) button Use the multi selector to select an image to Display the previous image display.
Page 49: Step 6 Delete Images
Step 6 Delete Images Press the l button to delete the image currently displayed in the monitor. Use the multi selector HI to select the desired deletion method and press the Delete k button. Current image To exit without deleting, press the d button. Erase selected images All images Select Yes and press the k button.
Page 50
Operating the Erase Selected Images Screen Use the multi selector JK to select an image Erase selected images to be deleted, and then use H to display c. To undo the selection, press I to remove c. Move the zoom control (A 1) toward g (i) to switch to full-frame playback or f (h) to switch to thumbnail playback. -
Page 51: Shooting Features
Shooting Features G (Easy Auto) Mode The camera automatically selects the optimum scene mode when you frame an image, making it even easier to take images using settings that suit the scene. Enter shooting mode M A (shooting mode) button M G (easy auto) mode M k button When the camera selects a scene mode, the shooting mode icon displayed in the shooting screen changes to that for the scene mode currently enabled.
Page 52: Scene Mode (Shooting Suited To Scenes)
Scene Mode (Shooting Suited to Scenes) When a scene is selected, camera settings are automatically optimized for the selected scene. Enter shooting mode M A (shooting mode) button M b (second icon from the top*) M K M HI M select a scene M k button * The icon of the last scene selected is displayed.
Page 53: Tips And Notes
Tips and Notes d Sports While the shutter-release button is held all the way down, the camera shoots up to about 5 images continuously at a rate of about 6.7 fps (when Image mode is set to P 4608×3456). The frame rate for continuous shooting may vary depending upon the current image mode setting, the memory card used, or shooting condition.
Page 54: Night Landscape
j Night landscape From the screen displayed after j Night landscape is selected, select Y Hand-held or Z Tripod. Y Hand-held (default setting): — When the j icon at the top left of the monitor glows green, press the shutter-release button all the way to capture a series of images which are combined into a single image and saved.
Page 55: L Museum
l Museum The camera captures a series of up to ten images while the shutter-release button is held all the way down, and the sharpest image in the series is automatically selected and saved (BSS (Best Shot Selector)). The flash does not fire. m Fireworks show The shutter speed is fixed at about four seconds.
Page 56: Easy Panorama
p Easy panorama From the screen displayed after p Easy panorama is selected, select the shooting range from W Normal (180°) or X Wide (360°). The zoom position is fixed at wide-angle. Press the shutter-release button all the way down, remove your finger from the button, and then slowly pan the camera horizontally.
Page 57: O Pet Portrait
O Pet portrait When you point the camera at a dog or cat, the camera detects the pet’s face and focuses on it. By default, the shutter is automatically released when the camera detects a dog or cat face (pet portrait auto release).
Page 58: Special Effects Mode (Applying Effects When Shooting)
Special Effects Mode (Applying Effects When Shooting) Effects can be applied to images during shooting. Enter shooting mode M A (shooting mode) button M D (third icon from the top*) M K M HI M select an effect M k button * The icon of the last effect selected is displayed.
Page 59
The camera focuses on the area in the center of the frame. When Selective color or Cross process is selected, use the multi selector HI to select the desired color from the slider. To change settings for any of the following functions, press the k button to cancel color selection. -
Page 60: Smart Portrait Mode (Capturing Images Of Smiling Faces)
Smart Portrait Mode (Capturing Images of Smiling Faces) When the camera detects a smiling face, you can take an image automatically without pressing the shutter-release button (smile timer (A 53)). You can use the skin softening option to smooth the skin tones of human faces. Enter shooting mode M A (shooting mode) button M F Smart portrait mode M k button Frame the picture.
Page 61
Functions Available in Smart Portrait Mode Flash mode (A 44) Self-timer (A 47) Exposure compensation (A 50) Smart portrait menu (A 53) -
Page 62: A (Auto) Mode
A (Auto) Mode Used for general shooting. Settings can be adjusted to suit the shooting conditions and the type of shot you want to capture. Enter shooting mode M A (shooting mode) button M A (auto) mode M k button You can change how the camera selects the area of the frame to focus on by changing the AF area mode setting (A 54).
Page 63: Functions That Can Be Set Using The Multi Selector
Functions That Can Be Set Using the Multi Selector The functions that are available vary with the shooting mode, as shown below. G (easy Special Smart A (auto) Scene auto) effects portrait 1 X Flash mode (A 44) – 2 n Self-timer (A 47) 3 p Macro (A 49) –…
Page 64: Using The Flash
Using the Flash In dark locations or when the subject is backlit, you can take images with the flash by raising the flash. When using A (auto) mode and other shooting modes, you can select the flash mode to match the shooting conditions. Press the m (flash pop-up) button.
Page 65: Available Flash Modes
Available Flash Modes Auto The flash fires when necessary, such as in dim lighting. The flash mode icon on the shooting screen is displayed only immediately after the setting is made. Auto with red-eye reduction Reduce red-eye in portraits caused by the flash (A 46). Fill flash The flash fires whenever an image is taken.
Page 66
Lowering the Flash Push the flash down gently to lower the flash until it clicks into place when not in use (A 5). The Flash Lamp The status of the flash can be confirmed by pressing the shutter- release button halfway. On: The flash fires when you press the shutter-release button all the way down. -
Page 67: Using The Self-Timer
Using the Self-timer The camera is equipped with a self-timer that releases the shutter about ten seconds or two seconds after you press the shutter-release button. Set Photo VR to Off in the setup menu (A 72) when using a tripod to stabilize the camera during shooting.
Page 68
Press the shutter-release button the rest of the way down. Countdown starts. The self-timer lamp flashes and then glows steadily about one second before the shutter is released. When the shutter is released, the self-timer is set to OFF. 1 / 2 5 0 1 / 2 5 0 F 3.0 F 3.0… -
Page 69: Using Macro Mode
Using Macro Mode Use macro mode when taking close-up images. Press the multi selector I (p). Select ON and press the k button. Macro mode If a setting is not applied by pressing the k button within a few seconds, the selection will be canceled. Move the zoom control to set the zoom ratio to a position where F and the zoom indicator glow green.
Page 70: Adjusting Brightness (Exposure Compensation)
Adjusting Brightness (Exposure Compensation) You can adjust overall image brightness. Press the multi selector K (o). Select a compensation value and press the Exposure compensation k button. + 2 . 0 To brighten the image, set a positive (+) value. + 0 .
Page 71: Default Settings
Default Settings Default settings for each shooting mode are described below. Exposure Flash Self-timer Macro compensation (A 44) (A 47) (A 49) (A 50) G (easy auto) Scene b (portrait) c (landscape) d (sports) e (night portrait) f (party/indoor) Z (beach) z (snow) h (sunset) i (dusk/dawn)
Page 72
The setting that is used when the flash is raised. The setting cannot be changed. The camera automatically selects the flash mode appropriate for the scene it has selected. The setting cannot be changed. Automatically changes to macro mode when the camera selects Close-up. -
Page 73: Functions That Can Be Set With The D Button (Shooting Menu)
Functions That Can Be Set with the d Button (Shooting Menu) The settings listed below can be changed by pressing the d button during shooting. Image mode White balance Continuous ISO sensitivity Color options 2 5 m 0 s 2 5 m 0 s AF area mode 1 9 0 0 1 9 0 0…
Page 74: Options Available In The Shooting Menu
Options Available in the Shooting Menu Option Description Allows you to set the combination of image size and image quality Image mode used when saving images. Default setting: P 4608×3456 Allows you to adjust white balance to suit the weather conditions or light source in order to make the colors in images match what you White balance see with your eyes.
Page 75: Functions That Cannot Be Used Simultaneously
Functions That Cannot Be Used Simultaneously Some functions cannot be used with other menu options. Restricted Option Description function When a setting other than Single is selected, the flash Continuous (A 54) cannot be used. Flash mode Blink proof (A 54) When Blink proof is set to On, the flash cannot be used.
Page 76
Restricted Option Description function When a setting other than Auto is selected for White White balance AF area mode balance in Target finding AF mode, the camera (A 54) does not detect the main subject. When Continuous H, Continuous L, Continuous H: Continuous (A 54) 120 fps, Continuous H: 60 fps, or BSS is selected, date and time cannot be imprinted on images. -
Page 77: Focusing
Focusing The focus area varies depending on the shooting mode. Using Face Detection When the following shooting modes or settings are selected, the camera uses face detection to automatically focus on human faces. G (easy auto) mode (A 31) Portrait or Night portrait in scene mode (A 32) Smart portrait mode (A 40) 2 5 m 0 s 2 5 m 0 s…
Page 78: Using Skin Softening
Notes About Face Detection When Autofocus mode in the movie menu is set to Single AF, the focus area is not displayed even if a face is detected. The camera’s ability to detect faces depends on a variety of factors, including the direction in which the faces are looking.
Page 79: Using Target Finding Af
Using Target Finding AF When AF area mode (A 54) in A (auto) mode is set to Target finding AF, the camera focuses in the manner described below when you press the shutter-release button halfway: The camera detects the main subject and focuses on it. When the subject is in focus, the focus area glows green.
Page 80: Subjects Not Suitable For Autofocus
Subjects Not Suitable for Autofocus The camera may not focus as expected in the following situations. In some rare cases, the subject may not be in focus despite the fact that the focus area or the focus indicator glows green: Subject is very dark Objects of sharply differing brightness are included in the scene (e.g.
Page 81: Focus Lock
Focus Lock Focus lock shooting is recommended when the camera does not activate the focus area that contains the desired subject. Set AF area mode to Center in A (auto) mode (A 53). Position the subject in the center of the frame and press the shutter- release button halfway.
Page 82: Playback Features
Playback Features Playback Zoom Moving the zoom control toward g (i) in full-frame playback mode (A 28) zooms in on the image. 4 / 4 4 / 4 Displayed area guide 0 0 0 4 . J P G 0 0 0 4 . J P G 3 .
Page 83: Thumbnail Playback, Calendar Display
Thumbnail Playback, Calendar Display Moving the zoom control toward f (h) in full-frame playback mode (A 28) displays images as thumbnails. 1 / 2 0 1 / 2 0 1 / 2 0 2 0 1 4 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 10 10 11 11 12 12…
Page 84: Functions That Can Be Set With The D Button (Playback Menu)
Functions That Can Be Set with the d Button (Playback Menu) When viewing images in full-frame playback mode or thumbnail playback mode, you can configure the menu operations listed below by pressing the d button. Option Description Allows you to create retouched copies in which contrast and Quick retouch* saturation have been enhanced.
Page 85: Recording And Playing Back Movies
Recording and Playing Back Movies Recording Movies Display the shooting screen. Check the remaining amount of movie recording time. If Photo info in the Monitor settings (A 72) in the setup menu is set to Movie frame+auto info, the area that will be visible in the movie can be confirmed before movie recording starts.
Page 86: (B) Movie Length
Maximum Movie Length Individual movie files cannot exceed 4 GB in size or 29 minutes in length, even when there is sufficient free space on the memory card for longer recording. The maximum movie length for a single movie is displayed on the shooting screen. Recording may end before either limit is reached if camera temperature becomes elevated.
Page 87
Notes About Vibration Reduction When Recording Movies When Movie VR in the movie menu (A 69) is set to On (hybrid), the angle of view (i.e., the area visible in the frame) becomes narrower when recording movies. When using a tripod to stabilize the camera during shooting, set Movie VR to Off to prevent potential errors caused by this function. -
Page 88: Saving Still Images While Recording Movies
Saving Still Images While Recording Movies If the shutter-release button is pressed all the way while recording a movie, one frame is saved as a still image (JPEG). Movie recording continues while the still image is being saved. y is displayed in the monitor. When z is displayed, a still image cannot be saved.
Page 89: Functions That Can Be Set With The D Button (Movie Menu)
Functions That Can Be Set with the d Button (Movie Menu) Enter shooting mode M d button M D menu icon M k button The settings of the menu options listed below can be Movie options configured. AF area mode Autofocus mode Movie VR Wind noise reduction…
Page 90: Playing Back Movies
Playing Back Movies Press the c button to enter playback mode. 1 0 s 1 0 s Movies are indicated by the movie options icon (A 69). Press the k button to play back movies. 0 0 1 0 . M O V 0 0 1 0 .
Page 91
Functions Available During Playback Playback controls are displayed in the monitor. The operations listed below can be performed by using the multi selector JK to select a control and then pressing the k button. Paused Function Icon Description Hold down the k button to rewind the movie. Rewind Hold down the k button to advance the movie. -
Page 92: General Camera Setup
General Camera Setup Functions That Can Be Set with the d Button (Setup Menu) Press the d button M z (setup) menu icon M k button The settings of the menu options listed below can be Welcome screen configured. Time zone and date Monitor settings Print date Photo VR…
Page 93
Option Description Format memory/ Allows you to format the internal memory or the memory card. Format card Language Allows you to change the camera’s display language. TV settings Allows you to adjust TV-connection settings. Allows you to set whether or not closed eyes are detected when Blink warning taking images of people using face detection. -
Page 94: Connecting The Camera To A Tv, Computer, Or Printer
Connecting the Camera to a TV, Computer, or Printer Connection Methods You can enhance your enjoyment of images and movies by connecting the camera to a TV, computer, or printer. USB/audio/video output connector HDMI micro connector (Type D) Open the connector cover. Insert the plug straight.
Page 95
Viewing images on a TV Images and movies captured with the camera can be viewed on a TV. Connection method: Connect the video and audio plugs of the optional audio video cable to the TV’s input jacks. Alternatively, connect a commercially available HDMI cable to the TV’s HDMI input jack. -
Page 96: Using Viewnx 2
ViewNX 2™ Your Imaging Toolbox Installing ViewNX 2 An Internet connection is required. For system requirements and other information, see the Nikon website for your region. Download the ViewNX 2 installer. Start the computer and download the installer from: http://nikonimglib.com/nvnx/ Double-click the downloaded file.
Page 97: Transferring Images To The Computer
Transferring Images to the Computer Choose how images will be copied to the computer. Choose one of the following methods: Direct USB connection: Turn the camera off and ensure that the memory card is inserted in the camera. Connect the camera to the computer using the USB cable. Turn the camera on. To transfer images that are saved in the camera’s internal memory, remove the memory card from the camera before connecting it to the computer.
Page 98: Transfer Images To The Computer
Nikon Transfer 2 and click OK. 2 Double-click Import File. If the memory card contains a large number of images, it may take a while for Nikon Transfer 2 to start. Wait until Nikon Transfer 2 starts. Connecting the USB Cable The connection may not be recognized if the camera is connected to the computer via a USB hub.
Page 99: Viewing Images
Terminate the connection. If the camera is connected to the computer, turn the camera off and disconnect the USB cable. If you are using a card reader or card slot, choose the appropriate option in the computer operating system to eject the removable disk corresponding to the memory card, and then remove the card from the card reader or card slot.
Page 101: Reference Section
Reference Section The Reference Section provides detailed information and hints about using the camera. Shooting Using Easy Panorama (Shooting and Playback)……… E2 Playback Viewing and Deleting Images Captured Continuously (Sequence) … E6 Editing Still Images ………………E8 Connecting the Camera to a TV (Viewing Images on a TV)..E16 Connecting the Camera to a Printer (Direct Print) ……
Page 102: Using Easy Panorama (Shooting And Playback)
Using Easy Panorama (Shooting and Playback) Shooting with Easy Panorama Enter shooting mode M A (shooting mode) button M b (second icon from the top*) M K M HI M p (easy panorama) M k button * The icon of the last scene selected is displayed. Select W Normal (180°) or X Wide (360°) as Normal (180°) the shooting range and press the k button.
Page 103
Press the shutter-release button all the way, and then remove your finger from the shutter-release button. KLJI are displayed to indicate the direction of camera movement. Move the camera in one of the four directions Guide until the guide indicator reaches the end. When the camera detects which direction it is moving in, shooting begins. -
Page 104
Notes About Easy Panorama Shooting The range of the image seen in the saved image is narrower than that seen in the monitor at the time of shooting. If the camera is moved too quickly or shaken too much, or if the subject is too uniform (e.g. walls or darkness), an error may occur. -
Page 105: Viewing Images Captured With Easy Panorama
Viewing Images Captured with Easy Panorama Switch to playback mode (A 28), display an image captured 4 / 4 4 / 4 using easy panorama in full-frame playback mode, and then press the k button to scroll the image in the direction that was used when shooting.
Page 106: Viewing And Deleting Images Captured Continuously (Sequence)
Viewing and Deleting Images Captured Continuously (Sequence) Viewing Images in a Sequence Images captured continuously are saved as a sequence. The first image of a sequence is used as the key picture to 1 / 5 1 / 5 represent the sequence when displayed in full-frame playback mode or thumbnail playback mode (default setting).
Page 107: Deleting Images In A Sequence
Deleting Images in a Sequence When the l button is pressed for images in a sequence, the images that are deleted vary depending on how the sequences are displayed. When the key picture is displayed: — Current image: All images in the displayed sequence are deleted. — Erase selected images: When a key picture is selected on the erase selected images screen (A 30), all images in that sequence are deleted.
Page 108: Editing Still Images
Editing Still Images Before Editing Images You can easily edit images on this camera. Edited copies are saved as separate files. Edited copies are saved with the same shooting date and time as the original. Restrictions on Image Editing An image can be edited up to ten times.
Page 109: Quick Retouch
Quick Retouch: Enhancing Contrast and Saturation Press the c button (playback mode) M select an image M d button M Quick retouch M k button Use the multi selector HI to select the amount Quick retouch of effect applied and press the k button. The edited version is displayed on the right.
Page 110: Red-Eye Correction: Correcting Red Eyes Caused By Using The Flash
Red-eye Correction: Correcting Red Eyes Caused by Using the Flash Press the c button (playback mode) M select an image M d button M Red-eye correction M k button Preview the result and press the k button. Red-eye correction To exit without saving the copy, press the multi selector J. Back Back Save…
Page 111: Skin Softening: Softening Skin Tones
Skin Softening: Softening Skin Tones Press the c button (playback mode) M select an image M d button M Skin softening M k button Use the multi selector HI to select the Skin softening amount of effect applied and press the k button.
Page 112: Filter Effects: Applying Digital Filter Effects
Filter Effects: Applying Digital Filter Effects Press the c button (playback mode) M select an image M d button M Filter effects M k button Option Description Pop and Super vivid Mainly enhances the color saturation. Painting, High key, Toy camera effect 1, Mainly adjusts hue and creates a different look for Toy camera effect 2, Low key, and the image.
Page 113
Adjust the effect and press the k button. When using Cross process or Selective color: Use HI Cross process to select the color. When using Soft: Use HI to select the range of the effect. Press J to return to the Filter effects selection screen without making any changes. -
Page 114: Small Picture: Reducing The Size Of An Image
Small Picture: Reducing the Size of an Image Press the c button (playback mode) M select an image M d button M Small picture M k button Use the multi selector HI to select the Small picture desired copy size and press the k button. For images taken at an image mode setting of 640×480 l 4608×2592, only 640×360 is displayed.
Page 115: Crop: Creating A Cropped Copy
Crop: Creating a Cropped Copy Move the zoom control to enlarge the image (A 62). Refine copy composition and press the d button. Move the zoom control toward g (i) or f (h) to adjust the zoom ratio. Set a zoom ratio at which u is displayed.
Page 116: Connecting The Camera To A Tv (Viewing Images On A Tv)
Connecting the Camera to a TV (Viewing Images on a TV) Turn off the camera and connect it to the TV. Make sure that the plugs are properly oriented. Do not insert or remove the plugs at an angle when connecting or disconnecting them. When using the audio/video cable Yellow White…
Page 117
Set the TV’s input to external video input. See the documentation provided with your TV for details. Hold down the c button to turn on the camera. Images are displayed on the TV. The camera monitor does not turn on. If Images Are Not Displayed on the TV Make sure that TV settings (E68) in the setup menu conforms to the standard used by your TV. -
Page 118: Connecting The Camera To A Printer (Direct Print)
Connecting the Camera to a Printer (Direct Print) Users of PictBridge-compatible printers can connect the camera directly to the printer and print images without using a computer. Take images Select images for printing and number of copies using Print order option (E42) Connect to the printer (E19) Print images one at a time Print multiple images (E22)
Page 119: Connecting The Camera To A Printer
Connecting the Camera to a Printer Turn off the camera. Turn on the printer. Check printer settings. Connect the camera to the printer using the USB cable. Make sure that the plugs are properly oriented. Do not insert or remove the plugs at an angle when connecting or disconnecting them.
Page 120: Printing Individual Images
Printing Individual Images Use the multi selector to select the desired Print selection image and press the k button. 15/05/2014 No. 32 Move the zoom control toward f (h) to switch to thumbnail playback or g (i) to switch to full-frame playback.
Page 121
Select the desired paper size and press the Paper size Default k button. 3.5×5 in. To apply the paper size setting configured on the printer, 5×7 in. select Default as the paper size option. 100×150 mm The paper size options available on the camera vary 4×6 in. -
Page 122: Printing Multiple Images
Printing Multiple Images When the Print selection screen is displayed, Print selection press the d button. 15/05/2014 No. 32 Use the multi selector HI to select Paper Print menu size and press the k button. Print selection Print all images To exit the print menu, press the d button.
Page 123
Print selection Select images (up to 99) and the number of copies Print selection (up to nine) of each. Use the multi selector JK to select images, and use HI to specify the number of copies to be printed. Images selected for printing are indicated by a and the numeral indicating the number of copies to be printed. -
Page 124: More Information
DPOF printing Print images for which a print order was created DPOF printing using the Print order option (E42). When the screen shown on the right is displayed, prints select Start print and press the k button to start printing. Start print To view the current print order, select View View images…
Page 125: Editing Movies
Editing Movies Extracting Only the Desired Portions of a Movie The desired portions of a recorded movie can be saved as a separate file. Play back the desired movie and pause at the start point of the portion that is to be extracted (A 71). Use the multi selector JK to select the 1 m 3 0 s 1 m 3 0 s…
Page 126: Saving A Frame From A Movie As A Still Image
Use HI to select m (Save) and press the Save k button. Follow the instructions on the screen to save the movie. 3 0 s 3 0 s Notes About Movie Editing A movie that was created by editing cannot be trimmed again. The actual trimmed portion of a movie may differ slightly from the portion selected using the start and end points.
Page 127: The Shooting Menu (For A (Auto) Mode)
The Shooting Menu (for A (Auto) Mode) Image Mode Settings (Image Size and Quality) Enter shooting mode M d button M Shooting menu M Image mode M k button Select the combination of image size and compression ratio that is used when saving images. The higher the image mode setting, the larger the size at which images can be printed, and the lower the compression ratio, the higher the quality of the images, but the number of images that can be saved is reduced.
Page 128
Notes About Image Mode The image mode setting can also be changed in shooting modes other than A (auto) mode. The changed setting is also applied to other shooting modes. The setting may not be changed when using certain settings of other functions. Number of Images That Can Be Saved The approximate number of images that can be saved can be checked in the monitor when shooting (A 20). -
Page 129: White Balance (Adjusting Hue)
White Balance (Adjusting Hue) Select A (auto) mode M d button M White balance M k button Adjust white balance to suit the light source or weather conditions in order to make the colors in images match what you see with your eyes. Use Auto under most conditions.
Page 130
Using Preset Manual Use the procedure below to measure the white balance value under the lighting used during shooting. Place a white or gray reference object under the lighting that will be used during shooting. Use the multi selector HI to select Preset White balance Auto Auto… -
Page 131
Press the k button to measure the value. The shutter is released and measurement is complete. No image is saved. Notes About Preset Manual A value for flash lighting cannot be measured with Preset manual. When shooting using the flash, set White balance to Auto or Flash. -
Page 132: Continuous Shooting
Continuous Shooting Select A (auto) mode M d button M Continuous M k button Option Description U Single One image is taken each time the shutter-release button is pressed. (default setting) While the shutter-release button is held all the way down, images are captured continuously.
Page 133
Notes About Continuous Shooting When a setting other than Single is selected, the flash cannot be used. Focus, exposure, and white balance are fixed at the values determined with the first image in each series. It may take some time to save the images after shooting. When ISO sensitivity increases, noise may appear in captured images. -
Page 134: Iso Sensitivity
ISO Sensitivity Select A (auto) mode M d button M ISO sensitivity M k button Higher ISO sensitivity allows darker subjects to be captured. Additionally, even with subjects of similar brightness, images can be taken at faster shutter speeds, and blurring caused by camera shake and subject movement can be reduced.
Page 135: Color Options
Color Options Select A (auto) mode M d button M Color options M k button Make colors more vivid or save images in monochrome. Option Description n Standard color Use for images exhibiting natural color. (default setting) o Vivid color Use to achieve a vivid, “photoprint”…
Page 136: Af Area Mode
AF Area Mode Select A (auto) mode M d button M AF area mode M k button Use this option to determine how the camera selects the focus area for autofocus when shooting still images. Option Description When the camera detects a human face, it focuses on that face.
Page 137
Option Description Use the multi selector HIJK to Scope of movable move the focus area to where you focus area want to focus. To use the multi selector to configure the flash mode or other settings, press the k button. To x Manual return to moving the focus area, press the k button again. -
Page 138
Option Description When the camera detects the main subject, it focuses on that subject. See “Using Target Finding AF” (A 59). M Target finding AF (default setting) 1 / 2 5 0 1 / 2 5 0 F 3.0 F 3.0 Focus areas Notes About AF Area Mode When digital zoom is in effect, the camera focuses on the area in the center of the frame… -
Page 139: Using Subject Tracking
Using Subject Tracking Select A (auto) mode M d button M AF area mode M k button M s Subject tracking M k button M d button Register a subject. Align the subject that you want to track with the border in the center of the monitor and press the k button.
Page 140: The Smart Portrait Menu
The Smart Portrait Menu See “Image Mode Settings (Image Size and Quality)” (E27) for information about Image mode. Skin Softening Enter smart portrait mode M d button M Skin softening M k button Option Description When the shutter is released, the camera detects one or more human e On (default faces (up to three), and processes the image to soften facial skin tones setting)
Page 141: Blink Proof
Blink Proof Enter smart portrait mode M d button M Blink proof M k button Option Description The camera automatically releases the shutter twice with every shot and saves one image in which the subject’s eyes are open. A blink was detected in the If the camera saved an image in picture just taken.
Page 142: The Playback Menu
The Playback Menu See “Editing Still Images” (E8) for information about image editing functions. Print Order (Creating a DPOF Print Order) Press the c button (playback mode) M d button M Print order M k button If you configure print order settings in advance, you can use them with the printing methods listed below.
Page 143: Select Whether Or Not To Print Shooting Date
Select images (up to 99) and the number of Print selection copies (up to nine) of each. Use the multi selector JK to select images, and use HI to specify the number of copies to be printed. Images selected for printing are indicated by a and the numeral indicating the number of copies to be printed.
Page 144
Notes About Printing Shooting Date and Shooting Information Some printers may not be able to print the shooting date and shooting information. Shooting information is not printed when the camera is connected to a printer. The Date and Info settings are reset each time the Print order option is displayed. The date printed is that saved when the image was captured. -
Page 145: Slide Show
Slide Show Press the c button (playback mode) M d button M Slide show M k button Play back images one by one in an automated “slide show.” When movie files are played back in the slide show, only the first frame of each movie is displayed. Use the multi selector HI to select Start Slide show and press the k button.
Page 146: Protect
Protect Press the c button (playback mode) M d button M Protect M k button The camera protects selected images from accidental deletion. Select images to protect or cancel protection for previously protected images from the image selection screen (E47). Note that formatting the camera’s internal memory or the memory card permanently deletes protected files (E67).
Page 147: Rotate Image
The Image Selection Screen When an image selection screen such as the one shown on Protect the right is displayed while operating the camera, follow the procedures described below to select the images. Back Use the multi selector JK to select an image. Protect Move the zoom control (A 1) toward g (i) to switch to full-frame playback or f (h) to switch to thumbnail…
Page 148: Rotate Image
Rotate Image Press the c button (playback mode) M d button M Rotate image M k button Specify the orientation in which saved images are displayed during playback. Still images can be rotated 90 degrees clockwise or 90 degrees counterclockwise. Select an image from the image selection screen (E47).
Page 149: Copy (Copy Between Internal Memory And Memory Card)
Copy (Copy Between Internal Memory and Memory Card) Press the c button (playback mode) M d button M Copy M k button Copy images between the internal memory and a memory card. Use the multi selector HI to select a Copy destination option to which images are copied and press the k button.
Page 150
Notes About Copying Images Only files in formats that this camera can record can be copied. Operation is not guaranteed with images captured with another make of camera or that have been modified on a computer. The Print order (E42) settings configured for images are not copied. Notes About Copying Images in a Sequence If you select a key picture of a sequence in Selected images, all images in the sequence are copied. -
Page 151: Sequence Display Options
Sequence Display Options Press the c button (playback mode) M d button M Sequence display options M k button Select the method used to display images in the sequence (E6). Option Description Displays each image in a sequence individually. Q Individual pictures F is displayed on the playback screen.
Page 152: The Movie Menu
The Movie Menu Movie Options Enter shooting mode M d button M D menu icon M Movie options M k button Select the desired movie option to record. Select normal speed movie options to record at normal speed, or HS movie options (E53) to record in slow or fast motion.
Page 153: Hs Movie Options
HS Movie Options Recorded movies are played back in fast or slow motion. See “Playing Back in Slow Motion and Fast Motion” (E54). Image size Option Aspect ratio Description (horizontal to vertical) 1/8-speed slow motion movies 320 × 240 HS 240/8× Max.
Page 154
Playing Back in Slow Motion and Fast Motion When recording at normal speed: Recording 10 s time Playback 10 s time When recording at h/a HS 480/4×: Movies are recorded at 4× normal speed. They are played back in slow motion at 4× slower speed. Recording 10 s time… -
Page 155: Af Area Mode
AF Area Mode Enter shooting mode M d button M D menu icon M AF area mode M k button Set the focus area in movie mode. Option Description When the camera detects a human face, it focuses on that face a Face priority (A 57).
Page 156: Movie Vr
Movie VR Enter shooting mode M d button M D menu icon M Movie VR M k button Select the vibration reduction setting used when recording movies. Set to Off when using a tripod to stabilize the camera during shooting. Option Description Movies are corrected optically using the lens shift method, and at the…
Page 157: The Setup Menu
The Setup Menu Welcome Screen d button M z menu icon M Welcome screen M k button Configure the welcome screen that is displayed when you turn on the camera. Option Description None (default setting) Does not display the welcome screen. COOLPIX Displays a welcome screen with the COOLPIX logo.
Page 158: Time Zone And Date
Time Zone and Date d button M z menu icon M Time zone and date M k button Set the camera clock. Option Description Select an item: Press the multi selector Date and time JK (changes between D, M, Y, h, and Edit the date and time: Press HI.
Page 159
Select w Home time zone or x Travel Time zone destination and press the k button. Home time zone Travel destination The date and time displayed in the monitor changes depending on whether the home time zone or travel London, Casablanca destination is selected. -
Page 160: Monitor Settings
Monitor Settings d button M z menu icon M Monitor settings M k button Option Description Photo info Set whether or not to display information in the monitor. This setting determines whether or not the captured image is displayed Image review immediately after shooting.
Page 161
Shooting mode Playback mode Hide info The current settings or operation guide is displayed as in Auto info. Framing 2 5 m 0 s 2 5 m 0 s 1 9 0 0 1 9 0 0 grid+auto info In addition to information shown with Auto info, a framing grid is displayed to help frame images. -
Page 162: Print Date
Print Date (Imprinting Date and Time) d button M z menu icon M Print date M k button The shooting date and time can be imprinted on the images when shooting, allowing the information to be printed even from printers that do not support date printing (E44). 15.05.2014 15.05.2014 Option…
Page 163: Photo Vr
Photo VR d button M z menu icon M Photo VR M k button Set to reduce the effects of camera shake while shooting still images. Set to Off when using a tripod to stabilize the camera during shooting. Option Description The effects of camera shake are optically reduced using the lens shift method.
Page 164: Motion Detection
Motion Detection d button M z menu icon M Motion detection M k button Enable motion detection to reduce the effects of subject movement and camera shake when shooting still images. Option Description Motion detection is enabled with some shooting modes or settings, when r is displayed on the shooting screen.
Page 165: Af Assist
AF Assist d button M z menu icon M AF assist M k button Enable or disable the AF-assist illuminator which assists autofocus operation. Option Description The AF-assist illuminator automatically lights up when the subject is dimly lit. The illuminator has a range of about 5.0 m (16 ft) at the maximum wide-angle a Auto position and about 5.0 m (16 ft) at the maximum telephoto position.
Page 166: Auto Off
Auto Off d button M z menu icon M Auto off M k button Set the amount of time that elapses before the camera enters standby mode (A 21). Option Description Auto off Select 30 s (default setting), 1 min, 5 min, or 30 min. If On (default setting) is selected, the camera enters standby mode when there is no change in the brightness of the subject, even before the time selected for Sleep mode…
Page 167: Format Memory/Format Card
Format Memory/Format Card d button M z menu icon M Format memory/Format card M k button Use this option to format the internal memory or a memory card. Formatting the internal memory or memory cards permanently deletes all data. Data that has been deleted cannot be recovered.
Page 168: Language
Language d button M z menu icon M Language M k button Select a language for display of camera menus and messages. TV Settings d button M z menu icon M TV settings M k button Adjust settings for connection to a TV. Option Description Select from NTSC and PAL.
Page 169: Blink Warning
Blink Warning d button M z menu icon M Blink warning M k button Select whether or not the camera detects human subjects that have blinked using face detection (A 57) when shooting in the following modes: G (easy auto) mode Portrait or Night portrait scene mode (A 32) A (auto) mode (when Face priority (E36) is selected for AF area mode option) Option…
Page 170: Eye-Fi Upload
Eye-Fi Upload d button M z menu icon M Eye-Fi upload M k button Select whether or not the camera’s Eye-Fi card (available from third-party manufacturers) sends images to your computer. Option Description b Enable Upload images created by the camera to a preselected destination. (default setting) c Disable Images are not uploaded.
Page 171: Reset All
Reset All d button M z menu icon M Reset all M k button When Reset is selected, the camera’s settings are restored to their default values. Some settings, such as Time zone and date or Language, are not reset. Resetting File Numbering To reset file numbering to “0001”, delete all images saved in the internal memory or on the memory card (A 29) before selecting Reset all.
Page 172: Battery Type
To ensure that the camera shows the correct battery level (A 20), select the type that matches the batteries currently in use. Option Description k Alkaline (default setting) LR6/L40 (AA-size) alkaline batteries Nikon EN-MH2 rechargeable Ni-MH (nickel metal hydride) l COOLPIX (Ni-MH) batteries m Lithium FR6/L91 (AA-size) lithium batteries Firmware Version d button M z menu icon M Firmware version M k button View the current camera firmware version.
Page 173: Error Messages
Error Messages Refer to the table below if an error message is displayed. Display Cause/Solution Either the inside of the camera or the batteries have become The camera will turn off hot. – to prevent overheating. The camera turns off automatically. Wait until the camera or the batteries have cooled before resuming use.
Page 174
Display Cause/Solution An error occurred while saving the image. Insert a new memory card or format the internal memory or memory card. The camera has run out of file numbers. Insert a new memory card or format the internal memory or Image cannot be saved. -
Page 175
Lens error 4, 20 camera off and then on again. If the error persists, contact your retailer or Nikon-authorized service representative. An error occurred while communicating with the printer. Communications error Turn the camera off and reconnect the USB cable. -
Page 176
Display Cause/Solution Replace the ink cartridge, select Resume, and press the Printer error: out of ink. – k button to resume printing.* There is a problem with the image file to be printed. Printer error: file corrupt. – Select Cancel and press the k button to cancel printing. * See the documentation provided with your printer for further guidance and information. -
Page 177: File Names
File Names Images or movies are assigned file names as follows. D S C N 00 0 1 . J P G Identifier Extension (not shown on camera monitor) (indicates file format) Original still images, Still images .JPG movies, and still DSCN Movies .MOV…
Page 178: Optional Accessories
Optional Accessories Battery Charger MH-73 (includes four EN-MH2 rechargeable Ni-MH Battery charger, batteries) rechargeable batteries* Replacement rechargeable batteries: Rechargeable Ni-MH batteries EN-MH2-B4 (set of four EN-MH2 batteries) AC adapter AC Adapter EH-67 Audio/video cable Audio Video Cable EG-CP16 Hand strap Hand Strap AH-CP1 * When using EN-MH2 rechargeable Ni-MH batteries with the camera, charge the batteries four at a time using Battery Charger MH-73.
Page 179: Technical Notes And Index
Technical Notes and Index Caring for the Product……….F2 The Camera………………….F2 Batteries ……………………F3 Memory Cards …………………..F5 Cleaning and Storage……….F6 Cleaning……………………F6 Storage ……………………F6 Troubleshooting…………F7 Specifications…………F14 Approved Memory Cards …………….F18 Index ……………..F21…
Page 180: Caring For The Product
Caring for the Product The Camera To ensure continued enjoyment of this Nikon product, observe the precautions described below in addition to the warnings in “For Your Safety” (A viii-xiv) when using or storing the device. Do Not Drop The product may malfunction if subjected to strong shock or vibration.
Page 181: Batteries
Images in the monitor may be difficult to see under bright lighting. The monitor is lit by an LED backlight. Should the monitor begin to dim or flicker, contact your Nikon-authorized service representative. Batteries Be sure to read and follow the warnings in “For Your Safety” (A viii-xiv) before use.
Page 182
Charging Rechargeable Batteries Do not mix batteries with different amounts of charge remaining, or batteries of a different make or model. When using EN-MH2 batteries with this camera, charge four batteries at a time using Battery Charger MH-73. Use only Battery Charger MH-73 to charge EN-MH2 batteries. When using Battery Charger MH-73, only charge EN-MH2 batteries. -
Page 183: Memory Cards
Memory Cards Use only Secure Digital memory cards. See “Approved Memory Cards” (F18) for recommended memory cards. Observe the precautions noted in the documentation included with your memory card. Do not affix labels or stickers to the memory card. Do not format the memory card using a computer. The first time you insert a memory card that has been used in another device into this camera, be sure to format it with this camera.
Page 184: Cleaning And Storage
Cleaning and Storage Cleaning Do not use alcohol, thinner, or other volatile chemicals. Avoid touching glass parts with your fingers. Remove dust or lint with a blower (typically a small device with a rubber bulb attached to one end that is pumped to produce a stream of air out the other end).
Page 185: Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting If the camera fails to function as expected, check the list of common problems below before consulting your retailer or Nikon-authorized service representative. Power, Display, Settings Issues Problem Cause/Solution Wait for recording to end. If the problem persists, turn the camera off.
Page 186
Problem Cause/Solution 72, E60 Adjust the monitor brightness. Monitor is hard to read. The monitor is dirty. Clean the monitor. If the camera clock has not been set, O flashes during shooting and movie recording. Images and movies saved before the clock is set are dated “00/ 00/0000 00:00”… -
Page 187
Shooting Issues Problem Cause/Solution 74, 77, Cannot switch to shooting E16, Disconnect the HDMI cable or USB cable. mode. When the camera is in playback mode, press the 1, 28 A button or the shutter-release button. No image captured when When menus are displayed, press the d button. -
Page 188
Problem Cause/Solution The flash is lowered. 5, 44 A scene mode that restricts the flash is selected. 54, E41 Flash does not fire. On is selected for Blink proof in the smart portrait menu. A function that restricts the flash is enabled. Digital zoom cannot be used in the following situations. -
Page 189
Problem Cause/Solution The flash is lowered or a shooting mode that 5, 44, 51 restricts the flash is selected. The flash window is blocked. The subject is beyond the range of the flash. Images are too dark Adjust exposure compensation. (underexposed). -
Page 190
Playback Issues Problem Cause/Solution This camera may not be able to play back images saved with another make or model of digital camera. This camera cannot play back movies recorded File cannot be played back. – with another make or model of digital camera. This camera may not be able to play back data edited on a computer. -
Page 191
The camera is not recognized by the computer. – start when camera is The computer is not set to start Nikon Transfer 2 connected to a computer. automatically. For more information about Nikon Transfer 2, refer to help information contained in ViewNX 2. -
Page 192: Specifications
Specifications Nikon COOLPIX L830 Digital Camera Type Compact digital camera Number of effective pixels 16.0 million Image sensor -in. type CMOS; approx. 16.79 million total pixels Lens NIKKOR lens with 34× optical zoom 4.0–136 mm (angle of view equivalent to that of 22.5–765 mm lens…
Page 193
7.5 cm (3-in.), approx. 921k-dot (RGBW), wide viewing angle TFT Monitor LCD with 6-level brightness adjustment, tiltable approx. 85° downward, approx. 90° upward Frame coverage Approx. 99% horizontal and 99% vertical (compared to actual (shooting mode) picture) Frame coverage Approx. 100% horizontal and 100% vertical (compared to actual (playback mode) picture) Storage… -
Page 194
Aperture Electronically-controlled ND filter (–2 AV) selection Range 2 steps (f/3 and f/6 [W]) Self-timer Can be selected from 10 s and 2 s Flash Range (approx.) [W]: 0.5–9.0 m (1 ft 8 in.–29 ft) (ISO sensitivity: Auto) [T]: 1.5–4.5 m (5–14 ft) Flash control TTL auto flash with monitor preflashes Interface… -
Page 195
Individual movie files cannot exceed 4 GB in size or 29 minutes in length. Recording may end before this limit is reached if camera temperature becomes elevated. Specifications Nikon will not be held liable for any errors this manual may contain. The appearance of this product and its specifications are subject to change without notice. -
Page 196: Approved Memory Cards
Approved Memory Cards The following Secure Digital (SD) memory cards have been tested and approved for use in this camera. Memory cards with an SD Speed Class rating of 6 or faster are recommended for recording movies. When using a memory card with a lower Speed Class rating, movie recording may stop unexpectedly.
Page 197
AVC Patent Portfolio License This product is licensed under the AVC Patent Portfolio License for the personal and noncommercial use of a consumer to (i) encode video in compliance with the AVC standard (“AVC video”) and/or (ii) decode AVC video that was encoded by a consumer engaged in a personal and non-commercial activity and/or was obtained from a video provider licensed to provide AVC video. -
Page 198
HDMI, HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC. All other trade names mentioned in this manual or the other documentation provided with your Nikon product are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. FreeType License (FreeType2) Portions of this software are copyright ©… -
Page 199: Index
Index AF area mode ..54, 69, E36, E55 Symbols AF assist……….72, E65 g Telephoto…………25 AF-assist illuminator ……….1 f Wide-angle………… 25 Alkaline batteries……….13 i Playback zoom ……….62 Aperture value ………… 27 h Thumbnail playback……. 63 Audio/video cable..
Page 200: Eyelet For Camera Strap 4
Brightness …………. E60 BSS…………35, E32 Easy auto mode……….. 31 Button sound……….E65 Easy panorama p….32, 36, E2 Easy panorama playback….36, E5 Calendar display ……….63 Editing movies ……….. E25 Choose key picture ..64, E6, E51 EN-MH2 ……….E78, F4 Close-up k ……….
Page 201
Museum l ……….32, 35 Internal memory……….15 ISO sensitivity……..54, E34 Night landscape j …….. 32, 34 Night portrait e……..32, 33 JPG…………..E77 Nikon Transfer 2 ……….77 Nostalgic sepia E ……….. 38 Landscape c…………32 Language ……….73, E68… -
Page 202
Printer…………75, E18 Number of exposures remaining …………..20, E28 Protect……….. 64, E46 Optical zoom …………25 Quick retouch……..64, E9 Optional accessories ……E78 Rechargeable battery ……E78 Paper size ……..E20, E22 Rechargeable nickel-metal hydride Party/indoor f……… 32, 33 batteries ………….. -
Page 203: Speaker
Shutter sound……….E65 Thumbnail playback……..63 Shutter speed…………27 Time difference ……… E58 Shutter-release button ……1, 26 Time zone ……….17, E58 Side zoom control ……..1, 25 Time zone and date….16, 72, E58 Single AF……….69, E55 Toy camera effect 1 m………
Page 204
No reproduction in any form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in critical articles or reviews), may be made without written authorization from NIKON CORPORATION. CT3K01(11) 6MN34111-01…
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