Omron тонометр m1 compact инструкция

  • OMRON 108M, механический тонометр (3 Mb)
  • OMRON 705IT, автоматический тонометр на плечо (377 Kb)
  • OMRON 711, инструкция (5 Mb)
  • OMRON 717, инструкция (5 Mb)
  • OMRON 773, автоматический тонометр на плечо (382 Kb)
  • OMRON 907, профессиональный тонометр (759 Kb)
  • OMRON CL, манжета большая для руки с окружностью 32-42 см (209 Kb)
  • OMRON CM, манжета стандартная (151 Kb)
  • OMRON CW, универсальная манжета (22-42 см) (3 Mb)
  • OMRON HBP-1100, профессиональный тонометр (24 Mb)
  • OMRON HBP-1300, профессиональный тонометр (23 Mb)
  • OMRON HEM-18, механический тонометр (163 Kb)
  • OMRON i-C10, автоматический тонометр на плечо с СУПЕР манжетой (22-42 см) (13 Mb)
  • OMRON M1 Classic, полуавтоматический тонометр на плечо (364 Kb)
  • OMRON M1 Compact, полуавтоматический тонометр на плечо (3 Mb)
  • OMRON M1 Eco, полуавтоматический тонометр на плечо (4 Mb)
  • OMRON M1 Plus, полуавтоматический тонометр на плечо (15 Mb)
  • OMRON M1/MX, полуавтоматический тонометр на плечо (206 Kb)
  • OMRON M10-IT, автоматический тонометр на плечо с СУПЕР манжетой (22-42 см) (13 Mb)
  • OMRON M2 Basic (HEM-7121-RU), автоматический тонометр на плечо (манжета для руки 22-32 см) (515 Kb)
  • OMRON M2 Basic с адаптером, автоматический тонометр на плечо (манжета 22-32 см) (6 Mb)
  • OMRON M2 Basic, автоматический тонометр на плечо (манжета для руки 22-32 см) (1 Mb)
  • OMRON M2 Basic, автоматический тонометр на плечо с универсальной манжетой (22-42 см) (513 Kb)
  • OMRON M2 Basic, автоматический тонометр на плечо с универсальной манжетой (22-42 см) и адаптером (535 Kb)
  • OMRON M2 Classic с адаптером (523 Kb)
  • OMRON M2 Classic, автоматический тонометр на плечо (1 Mb)
  • OMRON M2 Classic, автоматический тонометр на плечо с универсальной манжетой (22-42 см) (580 Kb)
  • OMRON M2 Compact, автоматический тонометр на плечо (1 Mb)
  • OMRON M2 Eco, автоматический тонометр на плечо (3 Mb)
  • OMRON M2 Plus (593 Kb)
  • OMRON M3 Comfort, автоматический тонометр на плечо (6 Mb)
  • OMRON M3 Expert (HEM-7132-ALRU), автоматический тонометр на плечо (635 Kb)
  • OMRON M3 Expert, автоматический тонометр на плечо с универсальной манжетой (22-42 см) и адаптером в комплекте (1 Mb)
  • OMRON M3 Family, автоматический тонометр на плечо с универсальной манжетой (22-42 см) и адаптером (1 Mb)
  • OMRON M3 Intellisense, автоматический тонометр на плечо (11 Mb)
  • OMRON M4-I, автоматический тонометр на плечо (322 Kb)
  • OMRON M5 Comfort, автоматический тонометр на плечо с СУПЕР манжетой (22-42 см) и адаптером (920 Kb)
  • OMRON M5-I, автоматический тонометр на плечо (261 Kb)
  • OMRON M5, автоматический тонометр на плечо с универсальной манжетой (22-42 см) и адаптером (881 Kb)
  • OMRON M6 Comfort, автоматический тонометр на плечо с СУПЕР манжетой и адаптером (951 Kb)
  • OMRON M6, автоматический тонометр на плечо с универсальной манжетой (22-42 см) и адаптером (920 Kb)
  • OMRON M7, автоматический тонометр на плечо (847 Kb)
  • OMRON MIT Elite Plus, автоматический тонометр на плечо с веерообразной манжетой (22-32 см) (11 Mb)
  • OMRON MIT Elite, автоматический тонометр на плечо с веерообразной манжетой (22-32 см) (10 Mb)
  • OMRON MIT, автоматический тонометр на плечо (222 Kb)
  • OMRON MX2 Basic, автоматический тонометр на плечо (513 Kb)
  • OMRON MX3 Plus, автоматический тонометр на плечо (784 Kb)
  • OMRON MX3/M4/711, автоматический тонометр на плечо (158 Kb)
  • OMRON R1, автоматический тонометр на запястье (1 Mb)
  • OMRON R1/R3/RX, тонометр на запястье (128 Kb)
  • OMRON R2, автоматический тонометр на запястье (1 Mb)
  • OMRON R3 Intellisense, тонометр на запястье (661 Kb)
  • OMRON R3 Opti, автоматический тонометр на запястье (2 Mb)
  • OMRON R3-I Plus, тонометр на запястье (2 Mb)
  • OMRON R4, тонометр на запястье (211 Kb)
  • OMRON R5 Prestige, автоматический тонометр на запястье (3 Mb)
  • OMRON R5-I, тонометр на запястье (285 Kb)
  • OMRON R6, тонометр на запястье (881 Kb)
  • OMRON R7, автоматический тонометр на запястье (588 Kb)
  • OMRON RS1, инструкция (4 Mb)
  • OMRON RS2, инструкция (4 Mb)
  • OMRON RS3, инструкция (7 Mb)
  • OMRON RX-I, тонометр на запястье (286 Kb)
  • OMRON RX2, тонометр на запястье (263 Kb)
  • OMRON RX3 Plus, тонометр на запястье (525 Kb)
  • OMRON RX3, тонометр на запястье (429 Kb)
  • OMRON S1, полуавтоматический тонометр на плечо (1 Mb)
  • OMRON SpotArm i-Q132, автоматический тонометр на плечо подходит для руки с окружностью 17-32 см (13 Mb)
  • OMRON SpotArm i-Q142, автоматический тонометр на плечо подходит для руки с окружностью 22-42 см (12 Mb)
  • Мини-адаптер OMRON S, инструкция (516 Kb)
  • Преобразователь (адаптер) OMRON HHP-CM01, инструкция (4 Mb)
  • Принтер OMRON (5 Mb)
  • Тонометр M2 Basic (HEM-7121-ALRU) с адаптером и универсальной веерообразной манжетой, инструкция (5 Mb)
  • Тонометр M2 Basic (HEM-7121-RU), инструкция (5 Mb)
  • Тонометр M2 Basic с адаптером (HEM-7121-ARU), инструкция (5 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON EVOLV, инструкция (6 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON M1 Basic (ARU), инструкция (4 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON M1 Basic (RU), инструкция (4 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON M2 Classic (HEM-7122-ALRU) с универсальной манжетой и адаптером, инструкция (6 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON M2 Classic, инструкция (6 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON M2 Comfort ALRU, инструкция (6 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON M2 Eco, инструкция (5 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON M2 Plus, инструкция (6 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON M3 Comfort ALRU (HEM-7155-ALRU), инструкция (15 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON M3 Expert ALRU (HEM-7154-ALRU), инструкция (15 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON M3 Expert, инструкция (6 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON M4 Intelli IT ALRU (HEM-7155T-ALRU), инструкция (17 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON M7 Intelli IT ALRU (HEM-7361T-ALRU), инструкция (28 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON M7 Intelli IT, инструкция (68 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON RS1, инструкция (8 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON RS1, инструкция (4 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON RS2 Intelli IT, инструкция (4 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON RS2, инструкция (8 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON RS2, инструкция (4 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON RS3, инструкция (11 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON RS3, инструкция (7 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON RS7 Intelli IT, инструкция (7 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON RS7 Intelli IT, инструкция (7 Mb)
  • Тонометр OMRON S1, инструкция (3 Mb)

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Полуавтоматический тонометр Omron M1 Compact (или Омрон М1 Компакт) — это компактный прибор малого веса с фиксацией манжеты на плечо, предназначенный для измерения артериального давления и пульса в домашних условиях.

Воздух в манжету тонометра, в отличие от автоматических тонометров на плечо Omron, нагнетается вручную при помощи специальной груши. Крупный трехстрочный экран прибора позволяет с легкостью увидеть результаты и параметры (степень накачки груши, индикацию сердцебиения и пульс) измерения и информационные сигналы. Точность измерения составляет не более 3 мм рт. ст., что делает прибор высокоточным медицинским оборудованием.

Тонометр Omron M1 Compact обладает памятью на данные о 30 измерениях, что позволяет отслеживать результаты измерения артериального давления в отдельные промежутки времени. Все результаты измерений необходимо записывать в специальный регистрационный журнал, который входит в комплект поставки прибора.

Уникальная компрессионная манжета веерообразной формы измерителя артериального давления Omron M1 Compact позволяет использовать прибор пользователям с разными формами и размерами плеча от 22 до 32 см. Для получения наиболее точных результатов важно, чтобы давление под манжетой было распределено равномерно, а сама манжета плотно прилегала к руке. Благодаря форме веера, манжеты тонометров Омрон точно повторяют все изгибы руки, что дает точный результат и делает дискомфортные ощущения при сдавливании руки манжетой минимальными. Возможно подсоединение детского набора (груша и манжета) и большой манжеты.

Полуавтоматический тонометр с фиксацией манжеты на плечо Omron M1 Compact оборудован индикатором повышенного давления, сигнал которого загорится на экране прибора в случае, если уровень артериального давления выйдет за рамки оптимального диапазона (135 / 85 мм рт. ст.), рекомендованного Всемирной Организацией Здравоохранения. Обязательно обратитесь к врачу при частых появлениях сигнала индикатора повышенного давления.

Основное отличие модели тонометра Omron M1 Compact от модели тонометра Omron S1 — это наличие индикатора аритмии, который выявляет нарушения сердечного ритма и определяет ошибки при измерениях.

Тонометр Omron M1 Compact оснащен всего одной кнопкой для управления. Прибор разработан с учетом требований по энергосбережению, благодаря чему одного набора батареек хватит примерно на 1500 измерений давления без замены источника питания. Page 1 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 10:06 AM

Manual Inflation Blood Pressure Monitor

Model M1 Compact

• Instruction Manual






RU 2 ページ 2012年1月6日 金曜日 午後2時39分


Before using the unit

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………. 3

Important Safety Information……………………………………………… 4

1. Overview………………………………………………………………………. 6

2. Preparation …………………………………………………………………… 9

2.1 Installing/Replacing the Batteries…………………………………. 9

Operating instructions

3. Using the Unit……………………………………………………………… 11

3.1 How to Sit Correctly When Taking a Measurement ……….11

3.2 Applying the Arm Cuff ………………………………………………. 13

3.3 Taking a Reading …………………………………………………….. 16

3.4 Using the Memory Function ………………………………………. 21

4. Quick Reference Guide ………………………………………………..24

Care and maintenance

5. Handling Errors and Problems …………………………………….. 25

5.1 Error Messages……………………………………………………….. 25

5.2 Troubleshooting ……………………………………………………….27

6. Maintenance and Storage …………………………………………….29

7. Optional Parts ……………………………………………………………..31

8. Technical Data…………………………………………………………….. 32

9. Some Useful Information about Blood Pressure ……………34

2 3 ページ 2012年1月6日 金曜日 午後2時39分

Before using the unit


Thank you for purchasing the OMRON M1 Compact Upper Arm Blood
Pressure Monitor.

The OMRON M1 Compact is a manual inflation blood pressure monitor,
operating on the oscillometric principle. It measures your blood
pressure and pulse rate simply and quickly.

The unit also stores up to 30 measurements in memory.

Please read this instruction manual thoroughly before using
the unit. For specific information about your own blood


3 4 ページ 2012年1月6日 金曜日 午後2時39分

Important Safety Information

Consult your doctor during pregnancy, arrhythmia and arteriosclerosis.
Please read this section carefully before using the unit.


Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury.

(General Usage)

• Always consult your doctor. Self-diagnosis of measurement results
and self-treatment are dangerous.

• People with severe blood flow problems, or blood disorders, should
consult a doctor before using the unit. Cuff inflation can cause internal

(Battery Usage)

• If battery fluid should get in your eyes, immediately rinse with plenty of
clean water. Consult a doctor immediately.


Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may
result in minor or moderate injury to the user or patient or damage to the
equipment or other property.

(General Usage)

• Do not leave the unit unattended with infants or persons who cannot
express their consent.

• Do not use the unit for any purpose other than measuring blood

• Do not disassemble the unit or arm cuff.

• Do not inflate the arm cuff over 299 mmHg.

• Do not use a mobile phone, or other devices that emit electromagnetic
fields, near the unit. This may result in incorrect operation of the unit.

• Do not operate unit in a moving vehicle (car, airplane).

4 5 ページ 2012年1月6日 金曜日 午後2時39分

Important Safety Information

(Battery Usage)

• If battery fluid should get on your skin or clothing, immediately rinse
with plenty of clean water.

• Use only four “AAA” alkaline batteries with this unit. Do not use other
types of batteries.

• Do not insert the batteries with their polarities incorrectly aligned.

• Replace old batteries with new ones immediately. Replace all four
batteries at the same time.

• Remove the batteries if the unit will not be used for three months or

• Do not use new and used batteries together.

General Safety Precautions

• Do not inflate the arm cuff when it is not wrapped around your arm.

• Do not apply strong shocks and vibrations to or drop the unit.

• Do not take measurements after bathing, drinking alcohol, smoking,
exercising or eating.

• Do not wash the arm cuff or immerse it in water.

• Read and follow the “Important information regarding Electro
Magnetic Compatibility (EMC)” in the Technical Data Section.

• Read and follow the “Correct Disposal of This Product” in the
Technical Data Section when disposing of the device and any used
accessories or optional parts.

Save these instructions for future reference.


5 6 ページ 2012年1月6日 金曜日 午後2時39分


1. Overview

Main unit

A. Display
B. I/O button (Power switch)
C. Air connector for cuff and

inflation bulb

D. M (Memory) button

E. Battery compartment

Arm Cuff

F. A rm c u f f

(Medium cuff: arm circumference 22-32 cm)

G. Ai r T u b e

6 7 ページ 2012年1月6日 金曜日 午後2時39分


Inflation Bulb

H. Air Release Button
I. Air Tube
J. Air Inflation Bulb


K. Systolic blood pressure
L. Diastolic blood pressure
M. Memory symbol

Displayed when viewing values
stored in memory

N. Battery low symbol

O. Heartbeat symbol

1. Flashes during measurement

2. If flashing after measurement
completed or when viewing
results stored in the memory,
indicates blood pressure out of
recommended range*


P. Pulse display
Q. Deflation symbol
R. Reinflation symbol
S. Irregular heartbeat symbol

* Note: If your systolic or diastolic

pressure is outside the
standard range (above
135/85 mmHg) the Heartbeat

symbol ( ) will blink.
Please refer to Chapter 3.3.7.

7 8 ページ 2012年1月6日 金曜日 午後2時39分


Package contents (others)

T. Storage case
U. Four “AAA” alkaline (LR03)



• Instruction manual

• Guarantee card

• Blood pressure pass 9 ページ 2012年1月6日 金曜日 午後2時39分


2. Preparation

Installing/Replacing the Batteries


1. Turn the main unit upside down.

2. Slide the battery cover in the

direction of the arrow while
pressing the ribbed part of the

3. Install or replace four “AAA”

size batteries so that the
+ (positive) and — (negative)
polarities match the polarities
indicated on the battery

4. Put the battery cover back in place.

Slide the battery cover as indicated, until it clicks into place.


Note: The measurement values continue to be stored in

memory even after the batteries are replaced.

9 10 ページ 2012年1月6日 金曜日 午後2時39分


Battery Life & Replacement

If the battery low symbol ( ) appears on the display, replace all four
batteries at the same time.

— When the battery low symbol ( ) starts to blink, you will still be
able to use the unit for a short while. You should replace the
batteries with new ones ahead of time.

— When the symbol ( ) remains lit, the batteries are exhausted. You
should replace the batteries with new ones at once.

• Remove the batteries if the unit will not be used for three months or

• Dispose of batteries according to applicable local regulations.

Four new “AAA” alkaline batteries will last for approximately 1500
measurements, when used to take two measurements a day.

Since the supplied batteries are for monitoring use only, they may have
a shorter life and not last for 1500 measurements.



Remove tight fitting clothing from
your upper arm, and any thick
clothing such as a sweater.
Do not place the cuff over thick
clothes and do not roll up your
sleeve if it is too tight.

Sit upright
with your
back straight.

Place your arm on a table so
that the cuff will be at the same
level as your heart.

The gap between the
chair and the top of the
table should be between
25cm to 30cm. 11 ページ 2012年1月6日 金曜日 午後2時39分

Operating instructions

3. Using the Unit


Correct posture during measurement is necessary to get accurate


• Measurements should be taken in a quiet place and you should be in
a relaxed, seated position. Make sure that the room is not too hot or
too cold.

• Avoid eating, drinking alcohol, smoking, or exercising for at least 30
minutes before taking a measurement.

• Do not move or talk during measurement.

3.Using the Unit

How to Sit Correctly When Taking a Measurement



Incorrect Posture

These situations could lead to higher blood pressure
values due to strain or the arm cuff being lower than the

If the arm cuff is at a lower position than your heart use
cushions etc., to adjust the height of your arm.

• Arched back (leaning forwards)

• Sitting cross-legged

• Sitting on a sofa or at a low table
so that you tend to lean forward 12 ページ 2012年1月6日 金曜日 午後2時39分

3.Using the Unit

Note: You can take a measurement on either your left or right arm. The

blood pressure can differ between the right arm and the left arm
and therefore also the measured blood pressure values can be
different. Omron recommends to always use the same arm for
measurement. If the values between the two arms differ
substantially, please check with your physician which arm to use
for your measurement.

12 13 ページ 2012年1月6日 金曜日 午後2時39分

3.Using the Unit


Applying the Arm Cuff

You can wrap the cuff either on your right or left arm.

• Remove tight-fitting clothing
from your upper arm.

• Do not place the cuff over
thick clothes and do not roll
up your sleeve if it is too

• You can take a measurement
on either your left or right
arm. The blood pressure can
differ between the right arm and the left arm and therefore
also the measured blood pressure values can be different.
Omron recommends to always use the same arm for
measurement. If the values between the two arms differ
substantially, please check with your doctor which arm to
use for your measurement.

1. Connect the air tube of the arm cuff and the inflation bulb to

their respective air connectors.



1) The air tube should run
down the inside of your
forearm and be in line with
your middle finger.

2) The bottom of the cuff
should be approximately 1
to 2 cm above your elbow.

3) Apply the cuff to your
upper arm so that the
coloured marker (blue
arrow under tube) is
centered on the middle of
your inner arm and points
down the inside of the
arm. 14 ページ 2012年1月6日 金曜日 午後2時39分

3.Using the Unit

2. Put your left arm through the cuff


Note: If the cuff is not assembled,

pass the end of the cuff
furthest from the tubing
through the metal D-ring to
form a loop. The smooth
cloth should be on the inside
of the cuff loop.

3. Position the arm correctly.

14 15 ページ 2012年1月6日 金曜日 午後2時39分

3.Using the Unit

Taking measurements on the right arm

Apply the cuff so that the
air tube is at the side of
your elbow.

• Be careful not to rest
your arm on the air
tube, or otherwise
restrict the flow of air to
the cuff.

• The cuff should be 1 to
2 cm above the elbow.

4. When the cuff is positioned correctly, close the fabric fastener



15 16 ページ 2012年1月6日 金曜日 午後2時39分

3.Using the Unit


Taking a Reading

1. Preparation

1) Press the air release button to release any air in the arm


2) Press the I/O button to turn the unit on.

3) All items in the display will be displayed briefly.

4) The deflation symbol will flash.

5) Finally, the heartbeat symbol will appear and 0 is


Note: If the deflation symbol does not disappear soon, press

the air release button to release any air in the arm cuff.

2. Pump the inflation bulb to inflate the arm cuff.

1) Inflate the cuff until it is 30 to

40 mmHg above your expected
systolic blood pressure value.


ex) If your expected blood
pressure is around 140mmHg,
inflate the arm cuff to between
170 and 180 mmHg. Inflate the
cuff rapidly so that the pressure
is reached in about five seconds.

2) When the desired pressure has been achieved, release

the inflation bulb. Remain still and do not talk. 17 ページ 2012年1月6日 金曜日 午後2時39分

3.Using the Unit


• If the reinflation symbol ( ) appears, squeeze the inflation
bulb to re-inflate the arm cuff.

• Do not inflate the arm cuff more than necessary.

3. Measurement starts.

Measurement starts
automatically after you stop
inflating the arm cuff. Decreasing
numbers appear on the display
and the heartbeat symbol

Remain still and do not talk
during measurement.

Note: To cancel a measurement, press the I/O button to turn

off the unit and press the air release button to release
the air in the arm cuff.

4. Measurement ends.

When the measurement is finished,
the deflation symbol flashes on the
display. Blood pressure and pulse
rate values are displayed.


Press the air release button to
release the air in the arm cuff until
the deflation symbol is no longer

17 18 ページ 2012年1月6日 金曜日 午後2時39分

3.Using the Unit

5. Check the measurement


The unit automatically stores
blood pressure and pulse rate
into its memory, Refer to “3.4
Using the Memory Function”.

Note: Wait 2-3 minutes before taking another blood pressure

measurement. Waiting between readings allows the
arteries to return to the condition prior to taking the
blood pressure measurement.


Self-diagnosis of measured results and treatment are
dangerous. Please follow the instructions of your doctor.

Common Causes of Inaccurate Results

during measurement.

Note: If the arm cuff is at a lower position

than your heart use cushions etc., to
adjust the height of your arm.

Systolic blood

Diastolic blood

Pulse display

Leaning forwards.Arm cuff is too loose. Movement or talking

6. Undo the fastener and remove the arm cuff.

7. Press the I/O button to turn the unit off.

Note: If you forget to turn the unit off, it will automatically shut

itself off after five minutes.

18 19 ページ 2012年1月6日 金曜日 午後2時39分

3.Using the Unit


• If your systolic or diastolic pressure is outside the
standard range, the heartbeat symbol will blink when
the measurement result is displayed.

Recent research suggests that the following values
can be used as a guide to high blood pressure for
measurements taken at home.

Systolic Blood Pressure Above 135 mmHg

Diastolic Blood Pressure Above 85 mmHg

This criteria is for home blood pressure measurement.
For professional office blood pressure measurement criteria, please
refer to Chapter 9 “Some Useful Information about Blood Pressure”

• Your blood pressure monitor includes an irregular
heartbeat feature. Irregular heartbeats can influence
the results of the measurement. The irregular
heartbeat algorithm automatically determines if the
measurement is usable or needs to be repeated. If
the measurement results are affected by irregular
heartbeats but the result is valid, the result is shown

together with the irregular heartbeat symbol ( ). If
the irregular heartbeats cause the measurement to be invalid, no

result is shown. If the irregular heartbeat symbol ( ) is shown after
you have taken a measurement, repeat the measurement. If the

irregular heartbeat symbol ( ) is shown frequently, please make
your doctor aware of it.


19 20 ページ 2012年1月6日 金曜日 午後2時39分

3.Using the Unit

What is Irregular Heartbeat?

An irregular heartbeat is a
heartbeat rhythm that varies by
more than 25% from the
average heartbeat rhythm
detected while the unit is
measuring the systolic and
diastolic blood pressure.

If such an irregular rhythm is
detected more than twice
during measurement, the

Blood pressure

Blood pressure


Irregular Heartbeat




irregular heartbeat symbol ( ) appears on the symbol when the
measurement results are displayed.

What is Arrhythmia?

A heartbeat is stimulated by electrical signals that cause the heart to

Arrhythmia is a condition where the heartbeat rhythm is abnormal due
to flaws in the bio-electrical system that drives the heartbeat. Typical
symptoms are skipped heartbeats, premature contraction, an
abnormally rapid (tachycardia) or slow (bradycardia) pulse. This can be
caused by heart disease, aging, physical predisposition, stress, lack of
sleep, fatigue etc. Arrhythmia can only be diagnosed by a doctor
through a special examination.

Whether the appearance of the irregular heartbeat symbol ( ) in the
results indicates arrhythmia or not can only be determined by an
examination and diagnosis by your doctor.

If the irregular heartbeat symbol ( ) is shown frequently, please
make your doctor aware of it. Conducting self-diagnosis and
treatment based on measurement results is dangerous. Be sure to
follow the instructions of your doctor.

20 21 ページ 2012年1月6日 金曜日 午後2時39分

3.Using the Unit


Using the Memory Function

The unit automatically stores up to 30 sets of measurement values
(blood pressure and pulse rate). When 30 sets of measurement values
are stored, the oldest record is deleted to save the most recent values.

1. Press the I/O button to turn the

power on.

2. When the heartbeat symbol

appears on the display, press the
M button.

The result from the most recent
measurement is displayed.

Note: If there are no measurements results stored

in memory, the screen to the right is


Notes: If your systolic or diastolic

pressure is outside the
standard range, the
heartbeat symbol will blink
when the measurement
result is displayed. Refer to
section 3.3.

21 22 ページ 2012年1月6日 金曜日 午後2時39分

3.Using the Unit

3. Press the M button

repeatedly to cycle through
the previous measurement

Keep the button pressed
down to cycle rapidly
through the previous results.

If the irregular heartbeat symbol was displayed after a
measurement, it will also be stored in the memory with the
result of that measurement.

4. Press the I/O button to turn the unit off.

Note: If you forget to turn the unit off, it will automatically shut

itself off after five minutes.

22 23 ページ 2012年1月6日 金曜日 午後2時39分

3.Using the Unit

To Delete All the Values Stored in Memory

You cannot delete individual stored readings, all the readings in the unit
will be deleted.

1. Press the l/O button to turn the unit on.

2. When the heartbeat symbol ( )

appears on the display, first press
the M button. Then while holding it
down, press the I/O button
simultaneously for about 2-3
seconds. All readings will then be

Important: Be careful not to press

the I/O button first. If
the I/O button is
pressed first, the
monitor is shut off.

3. Press the I/O button to turn the unit off.

Note: If you forget to turn the unit off, it will automatically shut

itself off after five minutes.




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