Onkyo tx nr807 инструкция на русском

Включение ресивера

Для северо-американских и тайваньских моделей (рисунок)

Для европейских, австралийских и азиатских моделей (рисунок)

Включение питания и ждущий режим STANDBY

1 (Для европейских, австралийских и азиатских моделей)

Переведите переключатель [POWER] в положение ON

Ресивер перейдет в ждущий режим STANDBY и индикатор ждущего режима STANDBY загорится.

2 На AV ресивере нажмите кнопку ON/STANDBY.

На пульте ДУ нажмите кнопку RECEIVER, а затем кнопку ON.

Ресивер включится, загорится дисплей, а индикатор ждущего режима STANDBY погаснет. Нажатие на пульте кнопки ON еще раз включит любые компоненты, подключенные по шине RI.

Чтобы выключить питание ресивера, нажмите кнопку ON/STANDBY, либо кнопку STANDBY на пульте ДУ. Ресивер перейдет в ждущий режим STANDBY. Чтобы предотвратить любые громкие звуки при включении ресивера, всегда понижайте громкость перед его выключением.

Для европейских, австралийских и азиатских моделей: Для того, чтобы полностью выключить ресивер, переведите переключатель [POWER] в положение OFF.

Включение и эксплуатация — за несколько легких шагов

Чтобы обеспечить беспроблемную работу, ниже приведены несколько простых указаний, которые помогут вам сконфигурировать аудио/видео ресивер перед самым первым использованием. Эти настройки необходимо сделать только один раз.

  • Вы уже подсоединили ваш телевизор к выходу HDMI OUT COMPONENT VIDEO MONITOR OUT? Если да, см. настройку «Monitor Setup» (TX-NR807) на стр.43.
  • Сделайте автоматическую настройку акустических систем и коррекцию акустики помещения MultEQ – это важно! См. «Автоматическая настройка акустических систем (Audyssey MultEQ)» на стр.54.
  • Вы уже подсоединили компонент к входу HDMI, компонентному видеовходу или цифровому аудио входу? Если да, см. настройку HDMI Input Setup на стр.48, настройку Component Video Input Setup на стр.49, или настройку Digital Input Setup на стр.50, соответственно
  • Вы уже подсоединили Onkyo MD-рекордер, CD-рекордер или док-станцию RI Dock? Если да, см. настройку “Changing the Input Display” на стр. 53.

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Первоначальная настройка

Данный раздел поясняет настройки, которые вам необходимо выполнить перед использованием AV-ресивера в самый первый момент.
Настройки монитора (TX-NR807)

Если вы подсоединяете ваш телевизор к HDMI OUT, настройка «Monitor Out» автоматически устанавливается в «HDMI», чтобы экранные меню отображались, и источники композитного, S-Video и компонентного видеосигналов преобразовывались с повышением* и выводились через HDMI OUT. Экранные меню настройки отображаются только на HDMI OUT.

В настройках «Monitor Out», вы можете выбрать, иметь или нет изображения источников видеосигналов через HDMI OUT, а также выводить ли экранное меню настройки через HDMI OUT или аналоговый выход.

Если вы подсоединяете ваш телевизор к выходу COMPONENT VIDEO MONITOR OUT (не HDMI OUT), настройка «Monitor Out» автоматически устанавливается в «Analog», чтобы экранные меню настройки отображались, и источники композитного и S-Video видеосигналов преобразовывались с повышением* и выводились через COMPONENT VIDEO MONITOR OUT.


Композитное видео, S-Video Компонентное видео
Изменение установки «Monitor Out» вручную.
1 Нажмите кнопку MONITOR OUT.

Отображается текущая настройка.


2 Нажмите кнопку MONITOR OUT несколько раз для выбора:


Выберите, если ваш телевизор подсоединен к выходу COMPONENT VIDEO MONITOR OUT, S MONITOR OUT или V MONITOR OUT.


Выберите, если ваш телевизор подсоединен к HDMI OUT.

Когда выбран «HDMI», экранные меню настройки выводятся только выходами HDMI OUT. Если вы не используете выходы HDMI и выбрали «HDMI» по ошибке, и меню исчезают, нажмите кнопку MONITOR OUT для выбора «Analog».


Установку «Monitor Out» можно также выбирать с помощью кнопки VIDEO на пульте.

Эту настройку можно также сделать с помощью экранного меню Onscreen Setup Menu (см. стр. 46).


  • См. на стр. 27 диаграммы, показывающие, как настройки «Monitor Out» и «Resolution» (см. стр.46) влияют на маршрут прохождения видеосигнала через аудио/видео ресивер.
  • Вы можете задать выходное разрешение на выходах HDMI OUT и COMPONENT VIDEO MONITOR OUT и заставить ресивер масштабировать разрешение изображения, если это необходимо для согласования с разрешением, поддерживаемым вашим телевизором (см. стр.46).

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Первоначальная настройка – продолжение
В данном Руководстве, иллюстрации из экранного меню или пояснения, касающиеся меню, будут на том же самом языке, как в Руководстве. Настройкой языка по умолчанию для экранных меню является английский (English). Если язык вашего Руководства не английский, сначала следуйте нижеприведенным инструкциям, чтобы сменить язык.
Экранные меню настройки появляются только на TV, который подсоединен к выходу HDMI OUT. Если ваш телевизор подсоединен к композитному выходу MONITOR OUT, S-Video или компонентному COMPONENT VIDEO MONITOR OUT, нет необходимости для смены установок.
Выбор языка, используемого для экранных меню настройки

Вы можете задать язык, используемый для экранных меню настройки. Вы можете выбрать: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Swedish или Chinese (русский отсутствует).

1 Нажмите кнопку RECEIVER, затем кнопку SETUP.

На экране появляется главное меню.

Если главное меню не появляется, убедитесь, что на вашем телевизоре выбран соответствующий внешний вход.

2 Используйте кнопки Up и Down ▲/▼ для выбора «6. Miscellaneous», и затем нажмите ENTER.

Появляется меню «Miscellaneous» (разное).


3 Используйте кнопки Up и Down ▲/▼ для выбора «2. OSD Setup», и затем нажмите ENTER.

Появляется меню «OSD Setup».


(Для европейских, австралийских и азиатских моделей.

4 Используйте кнопки Up и Down ▲/▼ для выбора «Language» и используйте кнопки Left и Right ◄/► для выбора:

English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Swedish или Chinese.

5 Нажмите кнопку SETUP.

Меню настройки закрывается.
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Первоначальная настройка – продолжение

Использование экранных меню настройки

Проделайте все необходимые установки AV ресивера с помощью экранного меню Onscreen Setup Menu.
1 Нажмите кнопку RECEIVER, а затем кнопку SETUP

На экране появится главное меню. Если оно не появилось, убедитесь. что на вашем телевизоре выбран необходимый вход.

Подсказка: Для некоторых функций пояснение будет выведено внизу экрана.

2 Используйте кнопки Вверх и Вниз для выбора подменю, а затем нажмите кнопку ENTER.

На экране появится подменю.

Нажимайте кнопку SETUP для закрытия меню настройки

Нажимайте кнопку RETURN для возврата в предыдущее меню.

Примечание (для HT-RC180):

Экранные меню настройки появляются только на TV, который подсоединен к выходу HDMI OUT. Если ваш телевизор подсоединен к композитному выходу или S-Video MONITOR OUT, используйте дисплей ресивера для смены установок.
Использование дисплея для смены установок.

Настройки AV-ресивера можно менять с помощью дисплея.
1 Нажмите кнопку RECEIVER, а затем кнопку SETUP

На экране появится пункт главного меню.

2 Используйте кнопки Вверх и Вниз ▲/▼ для выбора подменю, а затем нажмите кнопку ENTER.

На экране появится строка подменю с параметром для установки.

Нажимайте кнопку SETUP для закрытия меню настройки

Нажимайте кнопку RETURN для возврата в предыдущее меню.

Экранные меню настройки и дисплей

По мере того, как вы выбирает пункты в экранном меню установки, они будут один за другим выводиться на дисплей.
Экранные меню настройки — Onscreen Setup Menus


В ходе автоматической калибровки колонок Audyssey MultEQ® Room Correction и Automatic Speaker Setup, все сообщения и т.п., которые выводятся на экран телевизора, будут также появляться на дисплее.

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Первоначальная настройка – продолжение

Настройка выхода для монитора Monitor Out



Если вы подсоединяете ваш телевизор к HDMI OUT, установите настройку «Monitor Out» в «HDMI», чтобы отображались экранные меню настройки, и источники композитного, S-Video и компонентного видеосигналов преобразовывались с повышением и выводились только через HDMI OUT.

Если вы подсоединяете ваш телевизор к COMPONENT VIDEO MONITOR OUT, установите настройку «Monitor Out» в «Analog», чтобы отображались экранные меню настройки, и источники композитного и S-Video видеосигналов преобразовывались с повышением и выводились через COMPONENT VIDEO MONITOR OUT.
Вы можете указать выходное разрешение для выходов HDMI OUT и COMPONENT VIDEO MONITOR OUT и при необходимости повысить разрешение изображения для соответствия разрешению, поддерживаемому вашим телевизором.
1 Нажмите кнопку RECEIVER, затем кнопку SETUP.

На экране появляется главное меню.

Если главное меню не появляется, убедитесь, что на вашем телевизоре выбран соответствующий внешний вход.

2 Используйте кнопки Up и Down ▲/▼ для выбора «1. Input/Output Assign», и затем нажмите ENTER.

Появляется меню «Input/Output Assign».


3 Используйте кнопки Up и Down ▲/▼ для выбора «1. Monitor Out», и затем нажмите ENTER.

Появляется меню «Monitor Out».

(рисунок) (TXNR807)

4 (TX-NR807)

Используйте кнопки Up и Down ▲/▼ для выбора «Monitor Out», а затем кнопки Left и Right ◄/► для выбора:


Выберите, если ваш телевизор подсоединен к выходу COMPONENT VIDEO MONITOR OUT, S MONITOR OUT или V MONITOR OUT.


Выберите, если ваш телевизор подсоединен к HDMI OUT.

  • Если монитор не подсоединен на выход HDMI OUT, установка “Monitor Out” будет автоматически переключена в положение “Analog” (см. стр. 28).
  • Когда выбран «HDMI», экранные меню настройки выводятся только выходом HDMI. Если вы не используете выход HDMI и выбрали»HDMI» по ошибке, и меню исчезают, нажмите на ресивере кнопку MONITOR OUT, чтобы на дисплее появилось «Monitor Out: Analog».

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Первоначальная настройка – продолжение
5 Используйте кнопки Up и Down ▲/▼ для выбора «Resolution» и используйте кнопки Left и Right ◄/► для выбора:


Выберите, чтобы пропустить видеосигнал через ресивер с тем же самым разрешением и без преобразования.


Выберите, чтобы ресивер автоматически преобразовывал видеосигнал с разрешениями, не поддерживаемыми вашим телевизором.

480p (480p/576p):

Выберите для вывода 480p или 576p и преобразования видеосигнала при необходимости.


Выберите для вывода 720p и преобразования видеосигнала при необходимости.


Выберите для вывода 1080i и преобразования видеосигнала при необходимости.


Выберите для вывода 1080p и преобразования видеосигнала при необходимости.


Настройка “Resolution” может быть выставлена также с помощью кнопки [VIDEO] на пульте.

Примечание (TX-NR807):

Установки, помеченные звездочкой (*) не доступны когда “Monitor Out” находится в положении “Analog”.

6 Нажмите кнопку SETUP.

Настройка закрывается.

  • См. на стр.27 диаграммы, показывающие, как настройки «Monitor Out» и «Resolution» влияют на маршрут прохождения видеосигнала через аудио/видео ресивер.
  • Эта процедура также может быть выполнена на AV-ресивере при помощи его кнопки SETUP, кнопок стрелок, и кнопки ENTER.

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Первоначальная настройка – продолжение

Настройка видео входов

Настройка входов HDMI

Если вы подсоединяете видео компонент к одному из входов HDMI IN, вы должны назначить этот вход на входной селектор. Например, если вы подключаете ваш проигрыватель DVD/BD к HDMI IN 1, вы должны его назначить на входной селектор DVD/BD.

Если вы подсоединили ваш телевизор к AV-ресиверу при помощи HDMI кабеля, вы можете настроить ресивер так, чтобы композитный, S-Video и компонентный источники видеосигналов преобразовывались с повышением (*) и выводились при помощи HDMI OUT*1. Вы можете установить такой режим для каждого селектора входов, выбрав вариант “- — -“.


*1 (TXNR807): Это возможно только, когда установка “Monitor Out” в положении “HDMI”.
1 Нажмите кнопку RECEIVER, затем кнопку SETUP.

Появляется основное экранное меню. Если оно не появилось, убедитесь. что на вашем телевизоре выбран необходимый вход.

2 Используйте кнопки Up и Down / для выбора “1. Input/Output Assign”, затем нажмите ENTER.

Появляется меню Input/Output Assign.

3 Используйте кнопки Up и Down / для выбора “2. HDMI Input”, затем нажмите ENTER.

Появляется меню «HDMI Input».

4 Используйте кнопки Up и Down / для выбора входного селектора, и используйте кнопки Left и Right / для выбора:


Выберите HDMI IN, к которому подсоединен видео компонент.

— -: для вывода композитного, S-Video и компонентного источников видеосигналов посредством HDMI OUT. Сигнал на выходе HDMI OUT будет тот, который вы сконфигурировали в разделе “Component Video Setup” (см. стр. 49).

Каждый из входов HDMI IN не может быть назначен на более чем одну кнопку селектора входов. После того, как назначены HDMI IN, вы должны сначала назначить любую из не используемых кнопок селектора на вариант “- — — — -” или вы не сможете назначить HDMI IN на селекторы входов

5 Нажмите кнопку SETUP.

Меню настройки закрывается.

  • Если ни один видео компонент не подсоединен на выход HDMI OUT (даже если HDMI вход назначен), ресивер выберет источник в соответствии с установкой Component Video Input.

Когда HDMI IN назначен на входной селектор, ресивер выберет источник аудио c входа HDMI IN как приоритетный. См. “Digital Audio Input Setup” на стр. 50.

  • Кнопка селектора TUNER не может быть назначена и зафиксирована на варианте «—-«.
  • Если вы подсоединили компонент (такой, как UP-A1 док-станцию, в которой установлен плеер iPod) к разъему UNIVERSAL PORT, вы не сможете назначить никакой вход на селектор PORT.
  • Если вы установили параметр “TV Control” в положение“On” (см. стр. 102), не назначайте компонент, подсоединенный к входу HDMI, на селектор TV/TAPE. В противном случае надлежащая работа CEC (Consumer Electronics Control) не гарантируется.
  • Данная процедура может быть также выполнена на ресивере при помощи его кнопок SETUP, ENTER и стрелок курсора.

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Первоначальная настройка – продолжение

Настройка компонентных видео входов
Если вы подключаете видео устройство к входам COMPONENT VIDEO IN, вы должны назначить этот вход на селекторе входов. Например, если вы подключаете проигрыватель DVD к COMPONENT VIDEO IN 2, вы должны назначить его на входной селектор DVD/BD.

входной селектор назначение по умолчанию
VCR/DVR “- — -“
GAME “- — -“
AUX “- — -“
TV/TAPE “- — -“
TUNER “- — -“ (фиксированный)
CD “- — -“
PHONO “- — -“
PORT “- — -“


Если вы подсоединили ваш телевизор к ресиверу при помощи компонентного видео кабеля, вы можете установить ресивер так, чтобы композитный и раздельный источники видеосигнала преобразовывались с повышением разрешения* и выводились чрезе выход COMPONENT VIDEO MONITOR OUT*1. Вы можете установить это для каждого входного селектора, выбрав параметр «- — -«.


*1 Это возможно только, когда установка “Monitor Out” в положении “Analog”.
1 Нажмите кнопку RECEIVER, затем кнопку SETUP.

На экране появится основное меню. Если оно не появилось, убедитесь. что на вашем телевизоре выбран необходимый вход.

2 Используйте кнопки Up и Down / для выбора “1.Input Assign”, и затем нажмите ENTER.

Появится меню Input Assign.

3 Используйте кнопки Up и Down / для выбора “3. Component Video Input”, затем нажмите ENTER.

Появляется меню Component Video Input.

4 Используйте кнопки Up и Down / для выбора входного селектора,

и кнопки Left и Right / для выбора:

IN1: Выберите, если видео устройство подключено к COMPONENT VIDEO IN 1.

IN2: Выберите, если видео устройство подключено к COMPONENT VIDEO IN 2.

— — —: Выберите, если вы используете HDMI OUT , а не COMPONENT VIDEO MONITOR OUT чтобы вывести композитный, S-Video и компонентный источники.

5 Нажмите кнопку SETUP.

Меню настройки закроется.

  • (TXNR807) Для повышающего преобразования композитного и S-Video сигналов для выдачи на компонентный выход COMPONENT VIDEO MONITOR OUT, установка “Monitor Out” должна быть в положении “Analog” (см. стр. 46), а установка “Component Video Input” должна быть в положении “- — — — -”. См. стр. 27 для получения более подробной информации о потоках видео сигналов и их повышающем преобразовании.
  • (TXNR807) Если монитор не подсоединен на выход HDMI OUT, установка “Monitor Out” будет автоматически переключена в положение “Analog” (см. стр. 28).
  • Если вы подсоединили компонент (такой, как UP-A1 док-станцию, в которой установлен плеер iPod) к разъему UNIVERSAL PORT, вы не сможете назначить никакой вход на селектор PORT.
  • Данная процедура может быть также выполнена на самом ресивере при помощи его кнопки SETUP, кнопок стрелок и кнопки ENTER.

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Первоначальная настройка – продолжение

  • Страница 1

    E n A V Receiv er TX-NR807 HT -RC180 Instruction Manual Thank you for purchasing an Onkyo A V Receiv er. Please read this manual thoroughl y before making connections and plugg ing in the unit. Follo wing the inst ructions in this manual will enable you to obtain opti mum performance and listening enjoyment from your new A V Receiv er. Please retai[…]

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    2 Impor tant Safety Instructions 1. Read these ins tructions. 2. Ke ep these instructi ons. 3. Heed all warnings. 4. Follo w all instructions. 5. Do not use this apparatus near w ater . 6. Clean only with dry cloth. 7. Do not block an y ventil ation openings. Install in accordance with the manuf acturer’ s instructions. 8. Do not install near an […]

  • Страница 3

    3 Precautions 1. Recording Copyright —Unless it’ s for personal use only , recording copyright ed material is il legal wit h- out the permission of the copyright holder . 2. A C Fuse —The A C fuse inside the unit is not user- serviceable. If you cannot turn on the unit, contact your Onkyo dealer . 3. Care —Occasionally you should dust the u[…]

  • Страница 4

    4 Precautions —Continued F or British models Replacement and mounting of an A C plug on the po wer supply cord of this unit should be performed only by qualified service personnel. IMPOR T ANT The wires in the mains lead ar e coloured in accordance with the following code: Blue: Neutral Brow n: Liv e As the colours of the wires in the mains le ad[…]

  • Страница 5

    5 Contents Important Safety Instructions …………………………………… 2 Precautions ………………. …………………………………………. 3 Supplied Accessories ……………………. ………………………. 4 Features ……………………………………… ………………………. 6 Front & Rear[…]

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    6 Features Amplifier (TX-NR807) • 135 W atts/Channel @ 8 ohms (FTC) • 180 W atts/Channel @ 6 ohms (IEC) • 230 W atts/Channel @ 6 ohms (JEIT A) (HT-RC180) • 110 W atts/Channel @ 8 ohms (FTC) • WRA T–Wide Range Amplif ier T echnology (5 Hz-100 kHz bandwidth) • Linear Opti mum Gain V olume Circuitry • Push-Pull Amplif ier Design with 3[…]

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    7 Features —Continued *8. SIRIUS, X M and all r elated marks and logos a re trademark s of Sirius XM R adio Inc. an d its subsid iaries. All other marks and logos are the proper ty of their r espective owners. All rights reserved. SIRI US and XM subs criptions sold separat ely . T axes and a one- time activation fee may apply. XM tuners and home […]

  • Страница 8

    8 Fr ont & Rear P anels The actual front panel has v arious logos printe d on it. They are not sho wn here for clarity . The page numbers in parentheses show where you can f ind the main explanation for each item. a ON/ST ANDBY button (42) This button is used to set the A V receiver to On or Standby . b ST ANDBY indicator (42) This indicator li[…]

  • Страница 9

    9 Fr ont & Rear P anels —Continued (North American and T aiwan models) (European, A ustralian and Asian models) The page numbers in parentheses show where you can find the main explanation for each item. k PHONES jack (63) This 1/4-inch phone jack is for connecting a stan- dard pair of stereo hea dphones for priv ate listening. l ZONE 2, ZONE[…]

  • Страница 10

    10 Front & Rear P a nels —Continued w SETUP MIC jack (55) Audyssey MultEQ ® Room Correction and Speaker Setup microphone connects here. x A UX INPUT (36) This input can be used to connect a camcorder, game console, and so on. There are jacks for com- posite video, anal og audio, and optical digital audio. y Up [ r ] and Down [ e ] buttons (6[…]

  • Страница 11

    11 Fr ont & Rear P anels —Continued j A udyss ey indi cator (54, 8 7) Flashes during Audyssey MultEQ® Room Correc- tion and Speaker Setup. Lights up when the “Equal- izer Settings” is set to “Audyssey” or Audyssey Dynamic Surround Expansion™ listen- ing mode is selected. Dynamic EQ indicator (91): “Dynamic EQ” lights when “Dy[…]

  • Страница 12

    12 Front & Rear P a nels —Continued g SIRIUS antenna (TX-NR807: Nor th American models) This jack is for connecti ng a SIRIUS Satellite Radio antenna, sold separately (see the separate SIRIUS instructions). h MONIT OR OU T These S-V ideo and composite video jacks should be connected to a video inpu t on your TV or projector . i HDMI IN 1–6 […]

  • Страница 13

    13 Fr ont & Rear P anels —Continued A FRONT L/R, CENTER , SURR/ZONE 3 L/R, SURR BA CK/ZONE 2 L/R, FR ONT HIGH L/R, and FR ONT WIDE L/R These terminal posts are for connecting the front L/R, center , surround/zone 3 L/R, surround back/ zone 2 L/R, front high L/ R, and front wide L/R speakers. The FR ONT L/R and SURR B A CK/ZONE 2 L/R terminal […]

  • Страница 14

    14 Remote Contr oller Notes: • If the remote controller doesn’t w ork reliably , try replacing the batteries. • Don’ t mix new and old batteries or dif ferent types of batteries. • If you intend not to use th e remote controller for a long time, remove the batteries to prevent damage from leakage or corrosion. • Expired batteries should[…]

  • Страница 15

    15 Remote Controller —Contin ued For detailed information, se e the pages in parentheses. a ST ANDBY button (42) Sets the A V receiv er to Standb y . b ON button (42) T urns on the A V rece iv er. c A CTIVITIES b uttons (64, 137) Used with the MA CR O function. d REMO TE MODE/INPUT SELECT OR buttons (60, 127 to 133) Selects the remote contro ller[…]

  • Страница 16

    16 Remote Contr oller —Continued ■ Controlling the tuner T o control the A V receiver’ s tuner, press the [TUNER] (or [RECEIVER]) button. Y ou can select AM or FM by pressing the [TUNER] b ut- ton repeatedly . 1 Arro w [ q ]/[ w ] b uttons Used to tune into radio stations. 2 D .TUN button (66) (TUNER remote mo de only) Selects the Dire ct tun[…]

  • Страница 17

    17 About Home Theater Thanks to the A V receiver’ s superb capabilit ies, you can enjoy surround sound with a real sense of mov ement in your own home—just lik e being in a movie th eater or concert hall. W ith DVDs you can enjo y DTS and Dolby Digital. W i th analog or digital TV , you can enjoy Dolby Pro Logic IIx, DTS Neo:6, or Onkyo’ s or[…]

  • Страница 18

    18 Connecting the A V receiver Speaker Configurat ion For 7.1-channel surround-sound playback, you need se ven speak ers and a powered subwo ofer . The following table i ndicates the channels you should use dependi ng on the number of speakers that you ha ve. * If you’ re using only one s urround back s peaker , connec t it to the SURR B A CK/ ZO[…]

  • Страница 19

    19 Connecting the A V receiver —Continued Using Dipole Speake rs Y ou can use dipole speakers for the surround left and right, surround back left a nd right speakers. Dipole speakers output the same sound in two directions. Dipole speakers typically ha ve an arro w printed on them to indicate how the y should be positioned. The surro und left and[…]

  • Страница 20

    20 Connecting the A V receiver —Contin ued Connecting the Speaker Cab les The follow ing illustration shows which spea k er should be connected to each pair of terminals. If you’ re using only one surround back speaker , connect it to the SURR B A CK/ZONE 2 L terminals. 1 Strip 1/2″ to 5/8″ (1 2 to 15 mm) of insulation from the ends o[…]

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    21 Connecting the A V receiver —Continued The FR ONT L/R and SURR B A CK/ZONE 2 L/R termi- nal posts can be used with front speakers and surround back speakers respecti vely , or bi-amped to provide sepa- rate tweeter and woofer feeds for a pair of front speak ers that support bi-amping, pr oviding impro ved bass and treble performance. • When […]

  • Страница 22

    22 Connecting the A V receiver —Contin ued This section explains ho w to connect the supplied indoor FM antenna and AM loop an tenna, and ho w to connect commercially av ailable ou tdoor FM and AM antennas. The A V receiv er won’t pick up any radio signals without any antenna connected, so you must co nnect the antenna to use the tuner . Connec[…]

  • Страница 23

    23 Connecting the A V receiver —Continued Connecting an Outdoor FM Antenna If you cannot achie ve good re ception with the supplied indoor FM antenna, try a co mmercially a vailable out- door FM antenna instead. Notes: • Outdoor FM antennas w ork best outside, but usable results can someti mes be obtained when in stalled in an attic or l oft. ?[…]

  • Страница 24

    24 Connecting the A V receiver —Contin ued • Before making any A V connections, read the manuals supplied with your other A V components. • Don’t connect the po wer cord until you’ ve completed and double-checked a ll A V connections. Optical Digit al Jac ks The A V receiv er’ s optical digi tal jac ks hav e shutter -type cove rs that o[…]

  • Страница 25

    25 Connecting the A V receiver —Continued About HDMI Designed to meet the in crease d demands of digital TV , HDMI (High Definiti on Multimedia Interfa ce) is a new digita l interface standard for connecting TVs, projecto rs, D VD/BD players, set-top boxes, and other video co mponents. Until now , se veral separate video an d audio cables ha ve b[…]

  • Страница 26

    26 Connecting the A V receiver —Contin ued Making HDMI Connections ■ Video Signals Digital video signals receiv ed by th e HDMI IN jacks are normally output by the HDMI OUT for display on your TV . Composite video, S-V ideo, and component video sources can be upcon v erted for the HDMI output. See “V ideo Con- nection Formats (TX-NR807)” on[…]

  • Страница 27

    27 Connecting the A V receiver —Continued By connecting both the audio a nd video outputs of your D VD/BD player and other A V components to the A V recei ver, you can select both the audio and video simultaneously simply by selecting th e appropriate input source on the A V receiv er. The A V receiv er supports sev eral connection formats for co[…]

  • Страница 28

    28 Connecting the A V receiver —Contin ued ■ “Monitor Out” Setting Set to “Analog” W ith the “Monitor Out” sett ing set to “Analog” (see page 43), video input signals flo w through the A V recei ver as sho wn, with composite video and S-V ideo sources bei ng upcon verted for the component video output. Use this setting if y ou c[…]

  • Страница 29

    29 Connecting the A V receiver —Continued Video Connection Format s (HT -RC180) V ideo equipment can be connected to th e A V receiver b y using any one of th e following video connection formats: composite video, S-V ideo, component video, or HDMI, the latt er of fering the best picture quality . For optimal video perf ormance, THX recomm ends t[…]

  • Страница 30

    30 Connecting the A V receiver —Contin ued See “Connecting Components with HDMI” on page 25 for HDMI connection inf ormation. • W ith connection , you can listen to and record audio from your TV or listen in Zone 2 or Zone 3. • T o enjoy Dolby Digital and DTS, use connection or . (T o record or listen in Z one 2 or Zone 3 as well, use and[…]

  • Страница 31

    31 Connecting the A V receiver —Continued See “Connecti ng Components with HDMI” on page 25 f or HD MI connection information. • W ith connection , you can listen to and record audi o from your D VD player or listen in Zone 2 or Zone 3. • T o enjoy Dolby Digital and DTS, use connection or . (T o record or list en in Zone 2 or Zone 3 as we[…]

  • Страница 32

    32 Connecting the A V receiver —Contin ued W ith this hookup, you can use your VCR’ s tuner to li sten to your f av orite TV programs via the A V receiv er, useful if your TV has no audio outputs. • W ith connection , you can listen to the V CR or D VD recorder in Zon e 2 or Zone 3. • T o enjoy Dolby Digital and DTS, us e connection or . (T[…]

  • Страница 33

    33 Connecting the A V receiver —Continued Notes: • The A V recei ver must be turned on for recording. Recordi ng is not possible while it’ s in Standb y mode. • If you w ant to record directly from your TV or playback VCR to the reco rding VCR without going through the A V recei ver, connect the TV/VCR’ s audio an d video outputs directly[…]

  • Страница 34

    34 Connecting the A V receiver —Contin ued W ith this hookup, you can use your sa tellite or cable recei v er to listen to your fa vorite TV programs via the A V receiv er, useful if your TV has no audio outputs. • W ith connection , you can listen to and record audio from the video sour ce or listen in Zone 2 or Zone 3. • T o enjoy Dolby Dig[…]

  • Страница 35

    35 Connecting the A V receiver —Continued • W ith connection , you can listen to and record audi o from your game console or listen in Zone 2 or Zone 3. • T o enjoy Dolb y Digital and DTS, us e connection . (T o record or listen in Zone 2 or Zone 3 as well, use and .) Connecting a Game Console Connection A V receiver Signal flow Game console […]

  • Страница 36

    36 Connecting the A V receiver —Contin ued Connecting a Camcor der or Other De vice Connection A V receiver Signal flow Camcorder etc. A UX INPUT VIDEO ⇐ Composite video output A UX INPUT L-A UDIO-R ⇐ Analog audio L/R output A UX INPUT DIGIT AL ⇐ Digital optical output Step 1: Video Connection Make the connection . A Step 2: A udio Connecti[…]

  • Страница 37

    37 Connecting the A V receiver —Continued ■ CD Player or T urntable (M M) with Built-in Phono Preamp • W ith connection , you can listen to and record audi o from your CD player or listen in Zone 2 or Zone 3. • T o connect the CD player digitally , use connection or . (T o record or listen in Zone 2 or Zone 3 as well, use and , or and .) ?[…]

  • Страница 38

    38 Connecting the A V receiver —Contin ued • W ith connection , you can play an d record or li sten in Zone 2 or Zone 3. • T o connect the recorder dig itally fo r playback, use conne ctions and , or and . Connecting a Cassette, CDR, MiniDisc, or D A T Recor der Step 1: Choose a connection that matche s the recorder ( , or ), and then make th[…]

  • Страница 39

    39 Connecting the A V receiver —Continued If you want to use a more po werful powe r amplif ier and use the A V receiv er as a preamp, connect it to the PRE OUT jacks, and connect all speakers and th e subwoofer to the po wer amplifier . If you have a po wered subwoofer , connect it to this A V receiver’ s PRE OUT: SUBWOOFER jack. Y ou can conn[…]

  • Страница 40

    40 Connecting the A V receiver —Contin ued ■ If Y our iP od Suppor ts Vide o: Connect your RI Dock’ s audio output jacks to the A V receiv er’ s GAME IN or VCR/D VR IN L/R jacks, and connect its video output ja ck to the A V receiv er’ s GAME IN V or VCR/DVR IN V jack. (Onkyo DS- A2 hookup show n below .) ■ If you have an Onky o DS-A1 R[…]

  • Страница 41

    41 Connecting the A V receiver —Continued Wi t h u (Remote Interactiv e), you can use the follow- ing special functions: ■ Auto P ower On/Standby When you start playback on a component connected via u , if the A V receiver is on Standb y , it will auto- matically turn on and select that component as the input source. Similarly , when the A V re[…]

  • Страница 42

    42 T urning On the A V receiver European, A ustralian and Asian mo dels : T o completely shut down the A V recei ver, set the [PO WER] switch to th e OFF position ( ). ON/ST ANDBY ON/ST ANDBY PO WER ST ANDBY ON RECEIVER ST ANDBY indicator (Nor th American and T aiwan m odels) (European, Au stralian and Asian models) ST ANDBY indicator T urning On a[…]

  • Страница 43

    43 Fir st Time Setup This section explains the settings that you need to make before using the A V recei v er for the very f irst time. If you connect your TV to the HDMI OUT, “Monitor Out” setting is automatic ally set to “HDMI” so that the onscreen setup menus are displayed and composite video, S-V ideo , and com ponent video sources are […]

  • Страница 44

    44 First Time Setup —Contin ued In this Instruction Manual, illustratio ns from the onscreen menu or e xplanations referring to the menu will be in the same language as the Instruction Manua l. The default Language setting for th e onscreen menu is English. If your Instruction Manual is in a language oth e r than English, first follo w the inst r[…]

  • Страница 45

    45 First Time Setup —Continued Carry out the settings for th e A V recei ver b y using t he Onscreen Setup Menu. Note (HT-RC180): The onscreen setup menus appe ar only on a TV that is connected to the HDMI OUT. If your TV is connected to the composite video or S-V ideo MONITOR OUT, or the COMPONENT VIDEO MONITOR OUT, use the A V receiv er’ s di[…]

  • Страница 46

    46 First Time Setup —Contin ued Y ou can specify the output resolution for the HDMI OUT and COMPONENT VIDEO MONITOR OUT and hav e the A V recei ver upcon ve rt t he picture resolution as necessary to match the resolution supported b y your TV . Monitor Out Setup (TX-NR807) If you connect your TV to the HDMI OUT, set the “Monitor Out” setting […]

  • Страница 47

    47 First Time Setup —Continued Notes: • See page 27 for charts sho wing ho w the “Monitor Out” and “Resoluti on” settings af fect the video signal flow through the A V receiv er. • This procedure can also be performed on the A V recei ver by using its [SET UP] button, arro w buttons, and [ENTER] b utton. 5 Use the Up and Down [ q ]/[ […]

  • Страница 48

    48 First Time Setup —Contin ued HDMI Input Setup If you connect a video component to HDMI IN, you must assign that input to an input selector . F or example, if you connect your D VD/BD player to HDMI IN 1, you must assign HDMI IN 1 to th e D VD/BD input selector . If you’ ve connected your TV to the A V receiver with an HDMI cable, you can set[…]

  • Страница 49

    49 First Time Setup —Continued Component Video Setup If you connect to a COMPONENT VIDEO IN, you must assign it to an input selector . For example, if you connect your D VD/BD player to COMPONENT VIDEO IN 2, you should assign it to the DVD/BD input selector . (TX-NR807) If you’ ve connected your TV to the A V receiver with a component video cab[…]

  • Страница 50

    50 First Time Setup —Contin ued If you connect a component to a digital input jack, you must assign t hat jack to an in put selector . For e xample, if you connect your CD player to the OPTICAL IN1 jack, you should assign that jack to the CD input selector . By default, the CO AXIAL IN1 ja ck is assigned to the D VD/ BD input selector , alt hough[…]

  • Страница 51

    51 First Time Setup —Continued If the impedance of any speaker is 4 ohms or more but less than 6, set the minimum speaker impedance to 4 ohms. If you’ ve connected your front speak ers to the FRONT L/R and SURR BA CK/ZONE 2 L/R terminal posts for bi-amping, you must change the “Speakers T ype(Front)” setting. For hookup information, see “[…]

  • Страница 52

    52 First Time Setup —Contin ued For the on screen setup menus to display properly , you must specify the TV system used in your area. Note: This procedure can also be perform ed on the A V recei ver by using its [SETUP] b utton, arro w buttons, and [ENTER] button. For FM/AM tuning to w ork properly , you must specify the FM/AM frequency step used[…]

  • Страница 53

    53 First Time Setup —Continued Note: This procedure can also be performed on the A V receiver by using its [SETUP] b utton, arrow b uttons, and [ENTER] button. If you connect an u -capable Onkyo MiniDisc recorder , CD recorder , or RI Dock to the TV/T APE IN/ OUT jacks, or connect an RI Dock to the GAME IN or VCR/D VR IN jacks, for u to work prop[…]

  • Страница 54

    54 First Time Setup —Contin ued W ith the supplied calibrated microphone, Audyssey MultEQ automatical l y determines the number of speakers connected, their size for purposes of bass management, optimum cros sove r frequencies to the subwoofer (if present), and distances from the primary listening position. Audyssey MultEQ then remo ves the disto[…]

  • Страница 55

    55 First Time Setup —Continued Using A ud yssey MultEQ ® ENTER ON/ST ANDBY qwer Speaker setup microphone Notes: • If any of your sp eakers is 4 ohms, change “Speaker Impedance” se tting before runnin g Audyssey MultEQ Roo m Correction and Speaker Setup (see page 51). • If the A V recei ver is mute d, it will be unmuted automatically when[…]

  • Страница 56

    56 First Time Setup —Contin ued • Make the room as quiet as possible. Background noise can disrupt the room measurements. Close windows, silence cell phones, television s, radios, air conditioners, fluorescent lights, home appliances, light dimmers, or other devices. • Cell phones should be turned of f or placed a way from all audio electroni[…]

  • Страница 57

    57 First Time Setup —Continued Notes: • When the room correction and speaker setup is complete, the “ Equalizer Sett ings” (page 87) will be set to “Audyssey” and th e “Dynamic EQ” (page 91) will be set to “On”. • Y ou can cancel the Room Correction and Speaker Setup at any point in th is procedure simply by disconnecting the […]

  • Страница 58

    58 First Time Setup —Contin ued One of the front wide speak ers has not been detected. One of the front high speakers has not been detected. One of the surround speakers has not been detected. The surround back speakers ha ve been detected but the surround speake rs hav en’t. The front high speakers hav e been detected but the surround speakers[…]

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    59 First Time Setup —Continued ❏ Speaker Matching Error! The number of speakers de tected on the second m ea- surement and later was dif ferent to the number detected on the first measurement. Make sure speakers that cannot be detected are connected property . Retry : Return to step 2 and try again. Cancel : Cancel the room corre ction and spea[…]

  • Страница 60

    60 Basic Operations This section explains ho w to select the input source (i.e., the A V compone nt that you want to listen to or watch). Selecting the Input Sour ce 1 Use the A V receiv er’ s input select or b uttons to select the input sour ce. T o selec t the input s ource with the remote contro ller , press the [RECEIVER] button, and t hen pr[…]

  • Страница 61

    61 Basic Operations —Continued Y ou can adjust the bass and treble for the front speakers, except when the Direct, Pu re Audio or THX listening mode is selected. ■ Bass Y ou can boost or cut lo w-fre quency sounds output by the front speakers from –10 dB to +10 dB in 2 dB steps. ■ Tr e b l e Y ou can boo st or cut high -frequenc y sounds ou[…]

  • Страница 62

    62 Basic Oper ations —Continued Y ou can adjust the brightness of the A V receiv er’ s dis- play . Y ou can tempor arily mute the output of the A V receiv er. Tip : Y ou can sp ecify how much the output is muted with the “Muting Le vel” setting (page 98). W ith the sleep timer , you can set the A V recei ver to turn off automatically after […]

  • Страница 63

    63 Basic Operations —Continued Y ou can select the priority of the use of Front High speakers, Front W ide speakers, or SurrBack speakers. Notes: • If the “Speakers T ype(Front)” setting is set to “Bi-Amp” (page 51), or Po wered Zone 2/3 is being used (page 118), this setting cannot be selected. • When the listening mode that doesn’[…]

  • Страница 64

    64 Basic Oper ations —Continued Using the Easy macro comm and in the Easy macro mode, you can sequentially ope rate Onk yo components with simple commands by simply pressing one button. These commands are user-spe cifi able (see page 134) and the default ac tions are described belo w . Press the A CTIVITIES buttons to star t the Easy macro co mma[…]

  • Страница 65

    65 Basic Operations —Continued Changing Sour ce Component When you want to operate the component that is not assigned as the source component, you can assign it as the source component. For th e default assignment, see page 135. Switching Normal Macr o Mode Y ou can switch the A V receiv er to normal macro mode from Easy macro mode, and vice vers[…]

  • Страница 66

    66 Listening to the Radio W ith the built-in tun er you can enjoy AM and FM radio stations. Y ou can store your fav orite stations as presets for quick selection. Listening to the Radio T uning into Radio Stations ■ Auto T uning Mode When tuned into a station, the T UNED indicator appears. When tuned into a stereo FM station, the FM STEREO indica[…]

  • Страница 67

    67 Listening to the Radio —Continued Y ou can store a combination of up to 40 of your fa vorite AM/FM radio stati ons as presets. Note: Y ou can name yo ur radio pr esets for easy identification (see page 94). Its name is di splayed instead of the band and frequency . Selecting Prese ts Deleting Presets Presetting AM/FM Stations 1 T une into the […]

  • Страница 68

    68 Listening to the Radio —Continued RDS only works in ar eas where RDS br oadcasts ar e av ailable. When tuned into an RDS st ation, the RDS indicator appears. ■ What is RDS? RDS stands for Radio Data System and is a method of transmitting data in FM radi o signals. It was de veloped by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and is a vail- able[…]

  • Страница 69

    69 Listening to the Radio —Continued When tuned to an RDS station th at’ s broadcasting text informat ion, the te xt can be displayed. Displa ying Radio T ext (RT) Notes: • The message “ W ai ting ” may appear while the A V recei ver waits for the R T information. • If the message “ No T e xt Data ” appears on the display , no R T i[…]

  • Страница 70

    70 UP-A1 series Doc k f or iP od W ith the UP-A1 series Dock (sold separately), you can easily play the music, photo, or mo vie stored on your Apple iPod through the A V receiv er and enjoy great sound. Y ou can use the A V rece iv er’ s remote controller to operate your iPod. For inf ormation about which iP od models are sup- ported by the UP-A1[…]

  • Страница 71

    71 UP-A1 series Doc k for iP od —Continued By pressing the REMO TE MODE button that’ s been programmed with the remote control code for your Dock, you can control your iPod in the Dock with the following b uttons. The [POR T] b utton is preprogrammed with the remot e control code for controlling a Dock with Uni versal Port connector . For detai[…]

  • Страница 72

    72 UP-A1 series Dock for iP od —Continued Status messag es ❏ PORT Reading The A V recei ver is checki ng the connection with the dock. ❏ PORT Not Support The A V recei ver do not support the connected dock. ❏ PORT UP-A1 UP-A1 series Dock is connected. Notes: • The A V receiv er displays the message “UP-A1” for sev eral seconds after r[…]

  • Страница 73

    73 Recor ding This section explains ho w to record the selected input source to a component with re cording ca pability , and how to record aud io and video from different sources. Notes: • The surround sound and D SP listening modes cannot be recorded. • Copy-protected D VDs cannot be recorded. • Sources connected to a digital input cannot b[…]

  • Страница 74

    74 Using the Listening Modes See “ About the Listening Modes” on page 81 for detailed information a bout the listening modes. Selecting on the A V receiver ■ [PURE A UDIO] b utton This button selects the Pure Audio listening mode. When this mode is selecte d, the A V recei ver’ s dis- play is turned of f and only video signals input through[…]

  • Страница 75

    75 Using the Listening Modes —Continued Mono/Multiple x Sourc es ✔ : A vail able Li stening Modes Notes: *1 Which Front high spea kers, Front wid e speakers and Surround ba ck speakers ou tputs the so und is swit ched by the [SP LA YOUT] butt on. • A v ailable sampling rate for PCM input signal is 32/44.1/48/ 88.2/96/176.4/192kHz. • The lis[…]

  • Страница 76

    76 Using the Listening Modes —Continued Stereo Source (1/2) ✔ : A vailable Listening Modes Listening Mode But ton Speaker lay out Pure A udio ✔✔✔✔ Direct ✔✔✔✔ Stereo ✔✔✔✔ Mono ✔✔✔✔ PLII/PLIIx Movie* 3 ✔✔ ✔ PLII/PLIIx Music* 3 ✔✔✔ PLII/PLIIx Game* 3 ✔✔✔ PLIIz Height ✔ Neo:6 Cinema ✔✔✔ Neo[…]

  • Страница 77

    77 Using the Listening Modes —Continued Stereo Sour ce (2/2) ✔ : A vail able Li stening Modes Notes: *1 Which Front high spea kers, Front wid e speakers and Surround ba ck speakers ou tputs the so und is swit ched by the [SP LA YOUT] butt on. *2 Which Front high spea kers or Front wide speakers o utputs the s ound is swi tched by the [SP LA YOU[…]

  • Страница 78

    78 Using the Listening Modes —Continued 5.1 channel Sour ces (1/2 ) ✔ : A vailable Listening Modes Listening Mode But ton Speaker lay out Pure A udio ✔✔✔✔ Direct ✔✔✔✔ Stereo ✔✔✔✔ Mono ✔✔✔✔ DolbyDigital/ DolbyDigital Plus/T rueHD/ Multichannel/ DTS/ DTS 96/24 *5 / DTS Express/ DTS-HD High Resolution Audio/DTS-HD M[…]

  • Страница 79

    79 Using the Listening Modes —Continued 5.1 chan nel Sourc es (2/2) ✔ : A vail able Li stening Modes Notes: *1 Which Front high spea kers, Front wid e speakers and Surround ba ck speakers ou tputs the so und is swit ched by the [SP LA YOUT] butt on. *2 Which Front high spea kers or Front wid e speakers out puts the s ound is switc hed by the [S[…]

  • Страница 80

    80 Using the Listening Modes —Continued 7.1 channe l Source s ✔ : A vailable Listening Modes Listening Mode But ton Speaker lay out Pure A udio ✔✔✔ ✔ *3 Direct ✔✔✔ ✔ *3 Stereo ✔✔✔✔ Mono ✔✔✔✔ Multichannel/ DolbyDigital Plus/T rueHD/ DTS-HD High Resolution Audio/DTS-HD Master Au dio/ DTS-ES Discrete* 5 /DTS- ES Mat[…]

  • Страница 81

    81 Using the Listening Modes —Continued Notes: *1 Which Front high speakers, Front wide speakers and Su rround back speaker s outputs the sound is switched by the “SP LA YOUT” b utt on. *2 Which Front high spea kers or Front wid e speakers out puts the s ound is switc hed by the “SP LA Y OUT” button. *3 Based on t he audio cha nnels conta[…]

  • Страница 82

    82 Using the Listening Modes —Continued 5.1-channel sour ce + Dolby EX These modes expand 5.1-channel sources for 6.1/7.1- channel playback. They’ re espe cially suited to Dolby EX soundtracks that include a matrix-encoded surround back channel. The additiona l channel adds an extra dimension and provides an en v eloping surround sound experien[…]

  • Страница 83

    83 Using the Listening Modes —Continued THX Founded b y George Lucas, T HX de velops stringent stan- dards that ensure movies are reproduced in movie the- aters and home theaters just as the director intended. THX Modes carefully optim ize the tonal and spa tial characteristics of the soundt rack for reproduction in the home-theater en vironment.[…]

  • Страница 84

    84 Adv a nced Setup The onscreen setup menus appear on the connected TV and pr ovide a con venient w ay to change the A V recei ver’ s var ious settings. Se ttings are or ganized into nine categories on the main menu , most containing a submenu . Onscreen Setup Menus 1. Input/Output Assign 2. Speaker Setup 3. Audio Adjust 4. Source Setup 5. Liste[…]

  • Страница 85

    85 Adv anced Setup —Contin ued Some of the settings in this sectio n are set automatically b y Audyssey MultEQ ® Room Correction and Speaker Setup (see page 54). Here you can check the settings made by Audyssey M ultEQ ® Room Correction and Speaker Setup, or set them manu- ally , which is useful if you change one of th e connected speakers afte[…]

  • Страница 86

    86 Adv anced Setup —Continued LPF of LFE (Low-P ass Filter for the LFE Channel) 80Hz(THX) (default), 9 0Hz, 100Hz, 120Hz This setting is not set a utomatically by Audysse y MultEQ ® Room Correction and Spea ker Setup (see page 54). W ith this setting, you can specify the cu toff frequ ency o f the LFE channel’ s lo w-pa ss f ilter (LPF), which[…]

  • Страница 87

    87 Adv anced Setup —Contin ued Level Calibration This setting is set automati cally by Audyssey M ultEQ ® Room Correction and Spea ker Setup (see page 54). Here you can adjust the le vel of each speak er with the built-in test tone so that the v olume of each speaker is the same at the li sten ing position. Left, Front Wide Left, Fr ont High Lef[…]

  • Страница 88

    88 Adv anced Setup —Continued THX A udio Set up This setting is not set automati cally by Audyssey Mult EQ ® Room Correction and Spea ker Setup (see page 54). W ith the “SurrBack Sp Spacing” setting, y ou can specify the distan ce between your surround back speakers. If you’ re using a THX- certified subw oofer , set the “THX Ul tra2/Sel[…]

  • Страница 89

    89 Adv anced Setup —Contin ued W ith the Audio Adjust functions and settings, you can adjust the sound and listening modes as you like. A udio Adjust 1 Press the [RECEIVER] button f ollowed by the [SETUP] b utton. The main menu appears onscreen. If the main menu doesn’t appear , make sure the appropriate external input is selected on your TV . […]

  • Страница 90

    90 Adv anced Setup —Continued Dolby PLIIx Music (2ch Input) These settings apply to only 2-channel stereo sources. If you’ re not using an y surround back speakers, these settin gs ap ply to Dolby Pro Logic II, instead of Dolby Pro Logic IIx. Pano ra ma On : Panorama function on. Off: Panorama function of f (default). W ith this setting, you ca[…]

  • Страница 91

    91 Adv anced Setup —Contin ued Aud yssey For Dynamic EQ, Reference Le v el and Dynamic V olume , you cannot change the sett ings before completing Audyssey MultEQ ® Room Correction and Speaker Setup. Dyn amic E Q Off: Audysse y Dynamic EQ of f (default). On: Audyssey Dynamic EQ on. W ith Audyssey Dynamic EQ, you can enjo y great sound ev en when[…]

  • Страница 92

    92 Adv anced Setup —Continued Theater-Dimensional Listening Angle Wi de: Select if the listening angle is greater than 30 de grees (default ). Narrow: Select if the listening angle is less than 30 degrees. W ith this setting, you can optimize the Theater -Dimen- sional listening mode by spec ifying the angle of the front left and right speakers r[…]

  • Страница 93

    93 Adv anced Setup —Contin ued This section e xplains items on the “S ource Setup” menu. Items can be set indi vidually fo r each input selector . Note: This procedure can also be performed on the A V recei ver by using its input select or buttons, [SETUP] b utton, arrow b uttons, and [ENTER] b utton. Source Setup 1 Press the input select or […]

  • Страница 94

    94 Adv anced Setup —Continued Name Edit Y ou can enter a custom name for each in dividual input selector and radio preset for easy iden tification. When entered, the custom name will appear on the display . Notes: • T o name a radio preset, use the [TUNER] b utton to select AM or FM, and then select the preset (see step 1 on page 67). • (TX-N[…]

  • Страница 95

    95 Adv anced Setup —Contin ued Picture Adjust Using Picture Adjust, you can adjust the picture qua lity and reduce an y noise appearing on the screen. T o view the TV picture while setting, press [ENTER]. T o return to the pre v ious screen, press the [RETURN] b utton. “Picture Adjust” is not operable when the input selector is set to “NET?[…]

  • Страница 96

    96 Adv anced Setup —Continued Adjust Mode Mode1 (default), Mode2, Mode3 A V recei ver comes with three Adjust Modes (picture se tting patterns). Picture Mode V ideo: Does not process in either “3:2” or “2:2” (def ault). Au t o : Adjusts to the p icture source, automati cally selecting “ Picture Mode”. 3:2: Selected when the pi cture s[…]

  • Страница 97

    97 Adv anced Setup —Contin ued Y ou can assign a def ault listening mode to each input source that will be selected automati cally when you select each input source. For e xample, you can set the default listening mode to be used wi th Dolby Digital in put signals. Y ou can select other listening mode s during playback, b ut the mode specif ied h[…]

  • Страница 98

    98 Adv anced Setup —Continued This section explains the item s on t he “Miscellaneous” menu. Note: This procedure can also be perform ed on the A V recei ver by using its [SETUP] b utton, arro w buttons, and [ENTER] button. DTS-HD Master Audio: Speci fies the default listen ing mode for DTS-HD Master Audio sources, such as Blu- ray or HD D VD[…]

  • Страница 99

    99 Adv anced Setup —Contin ued . This section explains items on the “Hardw are Setup” menu. Note: This procedure can also be performed on the A V recei ver by using its [SETUP] bu tton, arrow b uttons, and [ENTER] button. OSD Setup Immediate Display On: Displayed (def ault). Off: Not displayed. This preference determines whether operation det[…]

  • Страница 100

    100 Adv anced Setup —Continued Remote ID Remote ID 1, 2, 3 When sev eral Onkyo components are used in the same r oom, their remote ID co des may ov erlap. T o differ en- tiate the A V receiv er from the other components, you can change its remote ID from 1, the default, to 2 or 3. Changing the Remote Controller’ s ID 1 While holding do wn the [[…]

  • Страница 101

    101 Adv anced Setup —Contin ued Notes: • If “ On ” is selected and the signal can be output by the TV , the A V receiver will ou tput no sound through its speakers. • If “On” is selected, “TV S peaker On” appears on the Display b y pressing the [DIS PLA Y] b utton. • When “ TV Control ” is set to “ On ” , this setting is[…]

  • Страница 102

    102 Adv anced Setup —Continued Po wer Control On: Power Control enabled. Off: Po wer Control disabled. T o link the power functions of -compatible components connected vi a HDMI, select “On”. This setting is set to “On” au tomatically when the ab ove “HDMI Control (RIHD) ” is set to “On” for the first time. Notes: • T he “Po w[…]

  • Страница 103

    103 Adv anced Setup —Contin ued W ith this preference, you ca n protect your settings by locking the setup menus. Note: This procedure can also be performed on the A V receiver by using its [SETUP] b utton, arrow b uttons, and [ENTER] button. The digital input si gnal formats are av ailable only for the input sources that you ha ve as signed a di[…]

  • Страница 104

    104 Adv anced Setup —Continued Y ou can change various audio setting s by pressing the [A UDIO] b utton. Note: When the “Audio TV Out” setting is set to “On” (page 100), the [A UDI O] button is disabled. Using the A udio Settings AU D I O RECEIVER qwer 1 Press the [RECEIVER] button f ollowed b y the [A UDIO] button. The audio setting it e[…]

  • Страница 105

    105 Adv anced Setup —Contin ued Re-EQ Function W ith the Re-EQ function, you can compensate a soundtrack whose high-frequency conten t is too harsh, making it more suitable for home theater viewing. Note (HT-RC180): Re-EQ function can also be set using the [Re-EQ] button on the A V recei ver. Re-EQ Off: Re-EQ Function off (def ault). On: Re-EQ Fu[…]

  • Страница 106

    106 Adv anced Setup —Continued A udio Selec tor Y ou can set priorities of audio output when there are both digital and analog inputs. Au t o : The A V recei ver gi ve s priority to analog signals when the re is no digital input (defaul t). Analog: The A V receiver al ways outputs analog signals. Note: This setting can be made onl y for the input[…]

  • Страница 107

    107 NET The A V recei ver is network-ready , which means you can hook it up to your home network with a standard Ether- net cable and enjoy the musi c fi les stored on your com- puter or media server . If your network is connected to the Internet, you can also enjoy Internet radio. Netw ork Requirements ■ Ethernet Network The A V receiv er’ s E[…]

  • Страница 108

    108 NET —Continued T o receiv e Internet radi o, you must connect the A V recei ver to a netw ork with Internet access (page 107). Y ou can select Internet radi o stations by connecting to the A V receiv er from your co mputer and se lecting sta- tions in your W eb bro wser . Pr eset up to 40 Internet radio stations. Internet radio URLs in the fo[…]

  • Страница 109

    109 NET —Continued This section explains ho w to play music files on a com- puter or media server through the A V receiv er. See page 107 for details on supported music servers and music fi le formats. For W indo ws Media Player 11, see “W indo ws Media Player 11 Setup” on page 110. Playing Music F iles on a Server 1 Start your computer or me[…]

  • Страница 110

    110 NET —Continued Random Playback The Random function can only be set while the PLA Y screen is displayed. T o play songs in random or der , during p layback (or while playback is paused or stopped), press the [RAN- DOM] button. All of the songs in the cu rrent folder will be played in random order . Wh en all of the songs in the folder hav e be[…]

  • Страница 111

    111 NET —Continued Supported A udio File Formats For serv er playback, the A V recei ver supports the fol — lo wing music file formats: MP3, WMA, W A V , FLA C, Ogg V orbis, AA C and LPCM. ■ MP3 • MP3 files must be MPEG -1/MPEG-2 Audio Layer 3 format with a sampling rate of 8 kHz, 11.025 kHz, 12 kHz, 16 kHz, 22.05 kHz, 2 4 kHz, 32 kHz, 44.1 k[…]

  • Страница 112

    112 NET —Continued Server Requirements The A V recei ver ca n play digital music f iles stored on a computer or media server and supports the follo wing technologies: • Windo ws Media Player 11 • Windo ws Media Connect 2.0 • DLNA-certified media server If the operating system of yo ur computer is W indo ws V i sta, W indo ws Media Player 11[…]

  • Страница 113

    113 NET —Continued Note: When modifying network sett ings, after modifying it is necessary to ex ecute “Save”. This section explains ho w to configure the A V receiver’ s network settings manually . If your router’ s DHCP server is enabled, you d on’t need to change any of thes e settings, as the A V receiv er is set use DHCP to configu[…]

  • Страница 114

    114 NET —Continued Mac Add ress This is the A V recei ver’ s MAC (Medi a Access Control) address. This addre ss cannot be changed. DHCP This setting determines whet her or not the A V receiv er uses DHCP to automatically conf igure its IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gate way , a nd DNS Server settings. Enable: DHCP enabled. Disable: DHCP disabled. If[…]

  • Страница 115

    115 Multi Zone Y ou can use three speaker systems with this A V receiver —a surround-sound sp eaker system (up to 7.1 channels) in your main listening room, Zone 2: a stereo speak er system in a second room, Zone 3: a stereo speaker system in a third room. And, you can select a dif fer ent audio source for each room. Main Room: In your main liste[…]

  • Страница 116

    116 Multi Zone —Continued In addition to your main listening room, you can also enjoy pl ayback in the other room, or as we call Multi Zone. And, you can select a different source for each room. There are two w ays you can connect Zone 2 speakers: 1. Connect them directly to the A V receiv er. 2. Connect them to an amp in Zone 2. Connecting Y our[…]

  • Страница 117

    117 Multi Zone —Continued There are two ways you can connect Zone 3 speakers: 1. Connect them directly to the A V receiv er. 2. Connect them to an amp in Zone 3. Connecting Y our Zone 3 Speaker s Directly to the A V receiver This setup allo ws 3.1-cha nnel playback in your main room and 2-channel stereo playback in Zone 3, with a diff erent sourc[…]

  • Страница 118

    118 Multi Zone —Continued If you’ v e connected your Zone 2/3 speakers to the A V receiv er, as explained in “Connecting Y our Zone 2 Speakers Directly to the A V receiv er” on page 116 or “Connecting Y our Zone 3 Speakers Directly to the A V receiv er” on page 117, you must set the “Powered Zone2” or “Po wered Zone3” setting to[…]

  • Страница 119

    119 Multi Zone —Continued Note: This procedure can also be performed on the A V recei ver by using its [SETUP] bu tton, arrow b uttons, and [ENTER] button. ■ Zone2/3 Out If you’ v e connected your Zone 2/3 speakers to an amp with no volume control, set the “Zone2 Out” and “Zone3 Out” setting, re specti vely , to “V ariable” so tha[…]

  • Страница 120

    120 Multi Zone —Continued This section explains ho w to turn Zone 2/3 on and of f, how to selec t an input sour ce for Zone 2/3, and ho w to adjust the v olume for Zone 2/3. Contro lling Zone 2/3 fr om the A V rec eiver Note: (TX-NR807) When Zone 2/3 is turned of f, the output from the 12V TRIGGER OUT ZONE 2/3 goes low (0 vol ts ) . Controlling Z[…]

  • Страница 121

    121 Multi Zone —Continued Notes: • Only analog input sources are output by the ZONE 2/ 3 PRE OUT and ZONE 2/3 L/R speaker terminals. Digital input sources are not output. If no sound is heard when an input source is select ed, check if it’ s connected to an analog input. • Y ou cannot select different AM or FM radio stations for your main r[…]

  • Страница 122

    122 Multi Zone —Continued T o control the A V rec eiv er with the remote controll er while you’ re in Zone 2 or Zo ne 3, you’ll need a commer- cially a va ilable multiroom remot e control kit for e ach zone. • Multiroom kits are made b y Niles and Xantech. These kits can also be used when there isn’t a clear line of sight to the A V recei[…]

  • Страница 123

    123 Contr olling Other Components Y ou can use the A V recei ver’ s remote control ler (RC-745M) to control your other A V components, including those made by ot her manufacturers. This sec- tion explains ho w to enter th e remote control c ode for a component that you want to control: D VD, TV , VCR, etc. • Learn commands directly from another[…]

  • Страница 124

    124 Controlling Other Components —Contin ued 5 Use the Up and Down [ q ]/[ w ] but- tons to select category , and then press [ENTER]. The brand name input panel appears. 6 Use the arro w [ q ]/[ w ]/[ e ]/[ r ] but- tons to select a character , and then press [ENTER]. Repeat this step from the 1st charac ter to the 3rd character of the brand name[…]

  • Страница 125

    125 Contr olling Other Components —Continued Y ou’ ll need to enter a code for each component that you want to control. Note: The remote control codes provided are correct at t he time of printing, but are subject to change. Entering Remote Contr ol Codes REMO TE MODE DISPLA Y Number but to ns 1 Look up the appropriate remote control code in th[…]

  • Страница 126

    126 Controlling Other Components —Contin ued Onkyo components that are connected via u are con- trolled by pointing the remo te controll er at the A V receiv er, not the component. Th is allo ws you to control components that are out of vie w , in a rack, for example. If you want to control an Onk yo component by pointing the remote contro ller d[…]

  • Страница 127

    127 Contr olling Other Components —Continued By pressing the [TV] button that’ s been programmed with the remote control code for TV , you can control your TV with the following b uttons. For details on entering a remote control code for a differ- ent component, see page 125. The [TV] b utton is preprogrammed with the remote con- trol code for […]

  • Страница 128

    128 Controlling Other Components —Contin ued By pressing the REMO TE MODE button that’ s been programmed with the remote control code for your D VD player (HD D VD, Blu-ray , or TV/D VD combination), you can control your player w ith the follo wing bu ttons. The [D VD/BD] button is preprogrammed with the remote control code for controlling an O[…]

  • Страница 129

    129 Contr olling Other Components —Continued t PLA Y MODE b utton* Selects play modes on components with selectable play modes. u CLR button Cancels functions and cl ears entered numbers. Notes: • With some components, certain b uttons may not work as expected, and some may not work at all. • If you enter the remote control code for a HD D VD[…]

  • Страница 130

    130 Controlling Other Components —Contin ued By pressing the REMO TE MODE button that’ s been programmed with the remote control code fo r your sat- ellite receiver , cable receiver , or D VD recorder (DBS/ PVR combination or cable/ PVR combination), you can control your player with the follo wing buttons. For detail s on entering a remote cont[…]

  • Страница 131

    131 Contr olling Other Components —Continued By pressing the REMO TE MODE button that’ s been programmed with the remote control code for your CD player , CD recorder , or MD recorder , you can control your player with the follo wing buttons. The [CD] bu tton is preprogrammed with the remote con- trol code for controlling an Onkyo CD player . F[…]

  • Страница 132

    132 Controlling Other Components —Contin ued By pressing the REMO TE MODE button that’ s been programmed with the remote contr ol code for your Dock, you can control your iPod in the Dock with the follow ing buttons. For some RI docks, the [ON], [ST ANDBY] button may not work with a re mote control code 82990 (without u ). In this case, make an[…]

  • Страница 133

    133 Contr olling Other Components —Continued r PLA Y MODE b utton Selects play modes on components with selectable play modes. W orks as a Resume button when used with a DS-A2 RI Dock. s RANDOM button Used with the shuffle function. Note: W ith some components, certain b uttons may not work as expected, and some may not w ork at all. By pressing […]

  • Страница 134

    134 Controlling Other Components —Contin ued V ia onscreen menu, you can spec ify what actions will be taken by the Easy macro command in the Easy macro mode. Activities Setup 1 Press the [RECEIVER] b utton fol- lowed b y the [SETUP] button. The main menu a ppears o nscreen. If the main menu doe sn’t appear , make sure the appropriate external […]

  • Страница 135

    135 Contr olling Other Components —Continued Here ar e the default settings. Source Play Enable: Start playback the source of “Enable”. Disabl e: Start playback the source of “Disable”. This option enables the Source to start playback when the A CTIVI- TIES button is pressed. item Default Settings My Movie My TV My Music Source DV D C B L[…]

  • Страница 136

    136 Controlling Other Components —Contin ued The A V recei ver’ s remote controller can le arn the com- mands of other remote controllers. By tra nsmitting, for example, the Play command from your CD player’ s remote controller , the remote controller can learn it, a nd then transmit the exact same comm and when its Play [ 1 ] button is press[…]

  • Страница 137

    137 Contr olling Other Components —Continued Y ou can pro gram the remote controller’ s A C TIVITIES buttons to perform a sequence of remote control actions. Example: T o play a CD you typically need to perform the follow- ing actions: 1. Press the [RECEIVE R] button to se lect the Recei ver remote controller mode. 2. Press the [ON] b utton to […]

  • Страница 138

    138 T roub leshooting If you hav e any trouble using the A V recei ver, look for a solution in this section. If you can’ t resolve the issue yourself, contact your Onkyo dealer . Can’t turn on the A V rec eiver • Make sure that the power cor d is properly plugged into the wall outle t. • Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, wait f i […]

  • Страница 139

    139 T r oubleshooting —Contin ued The surround speakers pr oduce no sound • When the DTS Surround Sensation, T -D (Theater- Dimensional), Stereo or Mono listening mode is selected, the surround speakers pro duce no sound. • Depending on the source and current listening mode, not much sound may be produ ced by the su rround speakers. T ry sele[…]

  • Страница 140

    140 T r oubleshooting —Continued There’ s no picture • Make sure that all video connecting plugs are pushed in all the way (page 24). • Make sure that each vide o component is properly con- nected. (pages 26-40) • If your TV is connected to the HDMI OUT, select “- — — — -” in the “HDMI Input Setup” on page 48 to watch composite vi[…]

  • Страница 141

    141 T r oubleshooting —Contin ued Can’t control other components • If it’ s an Onk yo component, make sure th at the u cable and analog audio cabl e are connected properly . Connecting only an u cable won’ t work (page 41). • Make sure you’ v e selected the correct r emote control- ler mode (pages 15 and 127-133). • If you’ ve con[…]

  • Страница 142

    142 T r oubleshooting —Continued Playbac k stops while listening to m usic files on the server • Make sure your serv er is compatibl e with the A V receiv er (page 112). • If you download or copy lar ge files on your computer , playback may be interrupt ed. T ry closing any unused programs, use a more powerful computer , or use a dedicated se[…]

  • Страница 143

    143 T r oubleshooting —Contin ued The A V recei ver can upcon v ert component video, S- V ideo, and composite video sources for display on a TV connected to the HDMI OUT. Howe ver , if the picture quality of the source is poor , upcon version may mak e the picture worse or disappear altogether . In this case, try the follo wing: 1 If the video so[…]

  • Страница 144

    144 Specifications (TX-NR807) Amplifier Section Video Section Tu n e r S e c t i o n General ■ Video Inputs ■ Video Outputs ■ Audio Inputs ■ Audio Outputs ■ Contr ol T erminal Specifications and features ar e subject to change without notice. Rated Output Power All channe ls: North Amer ican and T aiwan: 135 watts mini mum continuous powe[…]

  • Страница 145

    145 Specifications (HT-RC180) Amplifier Sect ion Video Section T uner Sectio n General ■ Video Inputs ■ Video Outputs ■ A udio Inputs ■ A udio Outputs ■ Control T ermi nal Specifications and features ar e subject to change without notice. Rated Output Power All cha nnels: 110 wa tts minimum con tinuous power per channe l, 8 ohm load s, 2 […]

  • Страница 146

    146 Video Resolution Char t The following tables sho w how vide o signals at different resolutions are output by the A V receiver. *1: TX-NR8 07 *2: The output i s limited to 480p for an effectiv e signal i n the effect of Macr ovision. ✔ : Output NTSC HDMI COMPONENT S-VIDEO COMPOSITE 1080p 1080i 720p 480p 480i 1080p 1080i 720p 480p 480i 480i 480[…]

  • Страница 147

    147 Memo TX-NR807_En.book Pa ge 147 Tuesday, July 28, 2009 12:00 PM[…]

  • Страница 148

    148 SN 29400021 Y0906-1 (C) Copyright 2009 ONKY O CORPORA TION Japan. All rights reserved. http://www.onkyo.com/ HOMEPAGE Sales & Product Planning Div . : 2-1, Nisshin-cho , Ney agawa-shi, OSAKA 572-8540, J AP AN T el: 072-831-8023 F ax: 072-831-8163 ONKY O U .S.A. CORPORA TION 18 P ark Wa y , Upper Saddle Riv er , N.J. 07458, U.S .A. T el: 201[…]

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инструкцияOnkyo TX-NR807



AV Receiver


Instruction Manual

Thank you for purchasing an Onkyo AV Receiver. Please read this manual thoroughly before making connections and plugging in the unit.Following the instructions in this manual will enable you to obtain optimum performance and listening enjoyment from your new AV Receiver. Please retain this manual for future reference.


Introduction ………….……………..…..2

Connection …………..……………..18

Turning On & First Time Setup


Basic Operations…………..………..60

Using the Listening Modes ……..74

Advanced Setup ……………………..84

NET ……………………………………..107Multi Zone …………………………..115

Controlling Other Components



TX-NR807_En.book Page 1 Tuesday, July 28, 2009 12:00 PM

Посмотреть инструкция для Onkyo TX-NR807 бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории приемники, 14 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 9.3. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Onkyo TX-NR807 или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

  • Important Safety Instructions
  • Precautions
  • Supplied Accessories
  • Features
  • Front & Rear Panels
  • Remote Controller
  • About Home Theater
  • Connecting the AV receiver
  • Turning On the AV receiver
  • First Time Setup
  • Basic Operations
  • Listening to the Radio
  • UP-A1 series Dock for iPod
  • Recording
  • Using the Listening Modes
  • Advanced Setup
  • NET
  • Multi Zone
  • Controlling Other Components
  • Troubleshooting
  • Specifications (TX-NR807)
  • Specifications (HT-RC180)
  • Video Resolution Chart
Благодаря наличию портов DVI и HDMI данный дисплей способен к подключению через бесперебойное цифровое соединение для по...
TX-NR807 | TX-NR807S
Руководство пользователя (PDF)
Сoотношение «сигнал/помеха» (SNR) 110 dB
Суммарный коэффициент гармоник (THD) 0.08 %
Цифро-аналоговый преобразователь звука 24-разрядный/192кГц
Полное сопротивление 4 Ω
Диапазон частот 5 — 100000 Hz
Выходные звуковые каналы 7.2 канала
Прочие свойства
описание выходной мощности 180 W/Ch
Количество HDMI портов 1
Размеры (ШхГхВ) 435 x 198 x 435 mm
Требования к питанию AC 220-240 V, 50/60 Hz
Поддержка RDS Да
AM диапазон 522 — 1611 kHz
FM диапазон 87.5 — 108 MHz
Технические характеристики
Вес и размеры
Потребляемая мощность (в обычном режиме) 750 W

показать больше

Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Onkyo TX-NR807.

Когда звук считается слишком громким?

Уровень звука выше 80 децибел может нанести вред слуху. Уровень звука выше 120 децибел может нанести прямое повреждение слуху. Вероятность повреждения слуха зависит от частоты и продолжительности прослушивания.

Могут ли устройства разных марок подключаться друг к другу при помощи Bluetooth?

Да, Bluetooth — универсальный метод, позволяющий различным устройствам, оснащенным Bluetooth, подключаться друг к другу.

Что такое Bluetooth?

Bluetooth — это способ обмена данными по беспроводной сети между электронными устройствами с помощью радиоволн. Расстояние между двумя устройствами обменивающимися данными в большинстве случаев составляет не более десяти метров.

Что такое HDMI?

HDMI расшифровывается как «интерфейс для мультимедиа высокой четкости». Кабель HDMI используется для передачи аудио- и видеосигналов между устройствами.

Как лучше всего выполнять чистку приемник?

Для удаления отпечатков пальцев лучше всего использовать слегка влажную салфетку для уборки или мягкую чистую ткань. Пыль в труднодоступных местах лучше всего удаляется потоком сжатого воздуха.

Что такое Dolby Atmos?

Dolby Atmos — это технология, которая обеспечивает отражение звука от потолка к месту нахождения слушателя. Это позволяет создать эффект 5.1 при помощи всего лишь одного динамика.

Какой вес Onkyo TX-NR807?

Onkyo TX-NR807 имеет вес 23000 g.

Инструкция Onkyo TX-NR807 доступно в русский?

К сожалению, у нас нет руководства для Onkyo TX-NR807, доступного в русский. Это руководство доступно в английский.

Не нашли свой вопрос? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

  • Инструкции по эксплуатации



Onkyo TX-NR807 инструкция по эксплуатации
(148 страниц)

  • Языки:Английский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    16.39 MB


На NoDevice можно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации для Onkyo TX-NR807. Руководство пользователя необходимо для ознакомления с правилами установки и эксплуатации Onkyo TX-NR807. Инструкции по использованию помогут правильно настроить Onkyo TX-NR807, исправить ошибки и выявить неполадки.



AV Receiver


Instruction Manual

Thank you for purchasing an Onkyo AV Receiver. 
Please read this manual thoroughly before making 
connections and plugging in the unit.
Following the instructions in this manual will enable 
you to obtain optimum performance and listening 
enjoyment from your new AV Receiver. 
Please retain this manual for future reference.


Introduction ……………………………..2

Connection …………………………….18

Turning On & First Time Setup …..42

Basic Operations…………………….60

Using the Listening Modes ……..74

Advanced Setup ……………………..84



Multi Zone


Controlling Other Components….123


TX-NR807_En.book  Page 1  Tuesday, July 28, 2009  12:00 PM

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