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Прочие инструкции HP Deskjet F2180 All-in-One Printer
Прочие инструкции HP МФУ
Прочие инструкции HP
Когда вы приобретаете новый принтер HP Deskjet F2180, настройка устройства может показаться сложной задачей. Однако правильная настройка принтера поможет вам избежать не только ошибок, но и повысит эффективность его использования. В этой статье мы расскажем, как настроить принтер HP Deskjet F2180 с нуля.
Перед началом настройки убедитесь, что вы установили все драйверы и программное обеспечение, необходимые для работы принтера. Если вы не знаете, как это сделать, обратитесь к документации, которая была в комплекте с устройством. Также прежде чем начать процесс настройки, рекомендуется распечатать страницу теста, чтобы проверить работоспособность устройства.
В период настройки принтера HP Deskjet F2180 убедитесь, что вы правильно подключили устройство к компьютеру. Вам следует убедиться, что USB-кабель аккуратно и правильно подключен к порту на задней панели принтера и устройства, а также что включен сам принтер. Если устройство не подключено или выключено, настройка не будет выполнена, даже если вам кажется, что вы уже выполнили все необходимые действия.
Итак, для настройки принтера HP Deskjet F2180 определите, какое приложение на вашем компьютере будет использовать ваш печатный принтер, убедитесь, что у вас установлен необходимый драйвер принтера, правильно подключите устройство, настройте размер и тип бумаги и выберите опцию печати. Следуйте нашей инструкции, и вы сможете настроить ваш принтер в кратчайшие сроки.
- Как настроить принтер HP Deskjet F2180?
- Шаг 1: Установка драйверов
- Шаг 2: Подключение принтера к компьютеру
- Шаг 3: Настройки принтера
- Шаг 4: Тестовая печать
- Установка драйверов для принтера
- Шаг 1: Подключение к Интернету
- Шаг 2: Поиск драйверов на сайте производителя
- Шаг 3: Загрузка драйверов
- Шаг 4: Установка драйверов
- Шаг 5: Проверка работы принтера
- Подключение принтера к компьютеру
- Шаг 1:
- Шаг 2:
- Шаг 3:
- Настройка параметров печати
- Размер и ориентация страницы
- Режим печати и качество
- Регулировка яркости и контрастности
- Решение проблем при печати
- Проблема №1: Низкое качество печати
- Проблема №2: Принтер не печатает
- Проблема №3: Намертво застрявшее бумага
- Советы по эксплуатации принтера HP Deskjet F2180
- 1. Регулярно чистите принтер
- 2. Обновляйте драйвера принтера
- 3. Используйте только оригинальные картриджи и бумагу
- 4. Не забывайте охранять принтер от вирусов и взломов
- 5. Следуйте рекомендациям по уходу за принтером в руководстве пользователя
- Вопрос-ответ
- Как подключить принтер HP Deskjet F2180 к компьютеру?
- Что делать, если принтер HP Deskjet F2180 не печатает?
- Как установить картриджи в принтер HP Deskjet F2180?
- Как настроить принтер HP Deskjet F2180 на печать двусторонним способом?
- Как сканировать документы с помощью принтера HP Deskjet F2180?
- Как настроить принтер HP Deskjet F2180 на печать фотографий?
Как настроить принтер HP Deskjet F2180?
Шаг 1: Установка драйверов
Перед началом работы необходимо убедиться, что у вас установлены последние версии драйверов для вашего принтера. Вы можете скачать их с официального сайта HP или с использованием диска, поставляемого с принтером.
Примечание: Если у вас установлена операционная система Windows 10, то драйверы для этого принтера автоматически устанавливаются в процессе подключения к компьютеру.
Шаг 2: Подключение принтера к компьютеру
Подсоедините ваш принтер HP Deskjet F2180 к компьютеру с помощью кабеля USB. После того, как принтер будет установлен в системе, он будет готов к работе.
Шаг 3: Настройки принтера
Перед тем, как начать работу с принтером, необходимо выполнить настройки по умолчанию, выбрав в меню «Настройки» пункт «Установить значения по умолчанию». После этого можно переходить к настройкам конкретных задач — печати документов, фотографий и прочего.
Шаг 4: Тестовая печать
Для проверки корректности работы принтера можно напечатать тестовую страницу. Для этого в меню «Пуск» выберите пункт «Устройства и принтеры», выберите ваш принтер HP Deskjet F2180 и нажмите «Свойства принтера». Здесь вы можете выбрать пункт «Печать тестовой страницы». Если тестовая страница была напечатана без ошибок, то ваш принтер готов к работе!
Установка драйверов для принтера
Шаг 1: Подключение к Интернету
Для начала установки драйверов для принтера необходимо подключить компьютер к Интернету. Это позволит загрузить необходимые файлы драйверов с сайта производителя принтера.
Шаг 2: Поиск драйверов на сайте производителя
После подключения к Интернету необходимо найти драйвера для конкретной модели принтера на сайте производителя. Для принтера HP Deskjet F2180 необходимо перейти на сайт https://support.hp.com/ru-ru/drivers и ввести название модели принтера в поисковую строку.
Шаг 3: Загрузка драйверов
После поиска драйверов необходимо выбрать подходящую версию драйверов для операционной системы компьютера и загрузить их на компьютер. Для этого необходимо нажать на кнопку «Загрузить».
Шаг 4: Установка драйверов
После загрузки драйверов необходимо запустить установочный файл и следовать инструкциям на экране. В процессе установки драйверов могут потребоваться некоторые дополнительные действия, такие как подключение принтера к компьютеру. После завершения установки драйверов необходимо перезагрузить компьютер.
Шаг 5: Проверка работы принтера
После перезагрузки компьютера необходимо проверить работу принтера. Для этого необходимо открыть любой документ и нажать на кнопку «Печать». Если принтер работает корректно, то документ должен распечататься.
Подключение принтера к компьютеру
Для начала настройки принтера HP Deskjet F2180 необходимо его подключить к компьютеру. Для этого следует выполнить следующие шаги:
Шаг 1:
Вставьте один конец кабеля питания в разъем на задней панели принтера, а другой — в розетку. Нажмите на кнопку включения принтера.
Шаг 2:
Подключите один конец USB-кабеля к задней панели принтера, а другой — к свободному порту на компьютере.
Шаг 3:
Для установки драйверов принтера подключите принтер к Интернету и запустите программу установки драйверов. Если драйвера установлены ранее, можно пропустить этот шаг.
При правильном подключении компьютер автоматически определит наличие нового оборудования и уведомит об этом в системном трее. Теперь можно приступить к настройке принтера HP Deskjet F2180.
Настройка параметров печати
Размер и ориентация страницы
Одним из основных параметров, влияющих на качество печати, является размер и ориентация страницы. Для того чтобы правильно настроить эти параметры, необходимо перейти в меню печати и выбрать соответствующие настройки. Обычно доступны следующие варианты – A4, A5, Letter, Legal, Tabloid и т.д. Размер листа нужно выбрать в зависимости от типа документа, который вы собираетесь распечатать.
Также, в меню печати можно выбрать ориентацию листа – портретную или альбомную. Если ваш документ содержит множество таблиц и графиков, то безусловно лучше выбрать альбомную ориентацию.
Режим печати и качество
Существуют различные режимы печати – эконом, качественный, быстрый и т.д. Выбрав один из них, вы можете существенно повлиять на качество печати и количество используемых чернил. Эконом-режим может быть довольно полезным в случае, когда нужно распечатать много документов, но качество будет несколько хуже, чем в обычном режиме. Выбирая качественный режим, вы получите прекрасное качество, но при этом потратите на печать больше чернил.
Если вы распечатываете текстовые документы, то эконом-режим вполне подойдет. Если же вы печатаете фотографии, то лучше выбирать режим «фото».
Регулировка яркости и контрастности
Для того чтобы получить более точный и качественный отпечаток, можно настроить яркость и контрастность изображения. В большинстве принтеров существует соответствующее меню, позволяющее выполнить эту настройку. Это может быть особенно полезно, когда вы печатаете фотографии.
Правильная настройка параметров печати может существенно повлиять на качество отпечатка и экономию ресурсов принтера. Следуйте нашей инструкции, и вы получите отличный результат при печати на принтере HP Deskjet F2180.
Решение проблем при печати
Проблема №1: Низкое качество печати
Если вы заметили, что качество печати ухудшилось или стало низким, первым делом необходимо проверить уровень чернил в картриджах. Если уровень чернил низкий, замените картридж или заправьте его.
Кроме того, возможно, что настройки принтера были изменены. В этом случае, проверьте настройки принтера и убедитесь, что они соответствующие для выбранного типа бумаги.
Проблема №2: Принтер не печатает
Если принтер перестал печатать, сначала проверьте, включен ли он и подключен ли к компьютеру. Если все настройки верны, то проблема может быть связана с обновлением драйверов. Попробуйте переустановить драйверы или обновить их до последней версии. Также, убедитесь, что входящие документы не заблокированы антивирусом или брандмауэром.
Проблема №3: Намертво застрявшее бумага
Если бумага застряла внутри принтера и не двигается, сначала выключите принтер и отключите его от электричества. Затем, аккуратно вытащите бумагу, избегая сильного натяжения или деформации бумаги. Если бумага не выходит, не пытайтесь вытащить ее силой. Лучше вызовите квалифицированного специалиста, который поможет решить проблему.
Советы по эксплуатации принтера HP Deskjet F2180
1. Регулярно чистите принтер
Накопление пыли и грязи внутри принтера может снижать качество печати и повреждать механизмы. Рекомендуем использовать мягкую ткань, чтобы удалить пыль и линзы для удаления грязи в труднодоступных местах. Не используйте абразивные средства и воду для чистки принтера.
2. Обновляйте драйвера принтера
Драйверы — это программное обеспечение, которое позволяет вашему компьютеру взаимодействовать с принтером. Обновление драйверов может повысить производительность принтера и устранить ошибки, которые мешают печати. Рекомендуем посетить сайт HP и загрузить последние драйверы для вашей модели принтера.
3. Используйте только оригинальные картриджи и бумагу
Использование неоригинальных картриджей и бумаги может привести к низкое качество печати, поломкам принтера и потере гарантии. Рекомендуем использовать только оригинальные расходные материалы, чтобы гарантировать качество печати и продлить срок службы принтера.
4. Не забывайте охранять принтер от вирусов и взломов
Для защиты от вирусов и взломов принтер следует подключать к защищенным сетям, изменять пароли и логины доступа к принтеру, а также использовать антивирусное программное обеспечение на компьютере.
5. Следуйте рекомендациям по уходу за принтером в руководстве пользователя
Руководство пользователя содержит важные инструкции по уходу за принтером. Следуйте рекомендациям по очистке принтера, устранению неполадок, замене расходных материалов и другим аспектам эксплуатации. Это поможет продлить срок службы вашего принтера и повысить его производительность.
Как подключить принтер HP Deskjet F2180 к компьютеру?
1. Убедитесь, что принтер и компьютер включены и подключены к электрической сети. 2. Подключите принтер к компьютеру с помощью USB-кабеля. 3. Дождитесь, пока компьютер самостоятельно установит драйвера для принтера.
Что делать, если принтер HP Deskjet F2180 не печатает?
1. Проверьте, включен ли принтер и подключен ли он к компьютеру. 2. Проверьте, есть ли достаточное количество картриджей в принтере. 3. Проверьте, правильно ли установлены и настроены драйвера принтера.
Как установить картриджи в принтер HP Deskjet F2180?
1. Откройте крышку принтера. 2. Вставьте картриджи в соответствующие отверстия на принтере. 3. Закройте крышку принтера.
Как настроить принтер HP Deskjet F2180 на печать двусторонним способом?
1. Откройте документ, который нужно напечатать. 2. Выберите команду «Печать» в меню «Файл». 3. Нажмите на кнопку «Свойства принтера». 4. Выберите «Двусторонняя печать» во вкладке «Расширенные возможности». 5. Нажмите «ОК» и «Печать».
Как сканировать документы с помощью принтера HP Deskjet F2180?
1. Разместите документ на стекле сканера. 2. Нажмите на кнопку «Сканировать» на панели управления принтера или в программе управления принтером. 3. Подождите, пока принтер отсканирует документ. 4. Сохраните документ на компьютере.
Как настроить принтер HP Deskjet F2180 на печать фотографий?
1. Откройте документ с фотографией. 2. Выберите команду «Печать» в меню «Файл». 3. Нажмите на кнопку «Свойства принтера». 4. Выберите нужное качество печати и размер бумаги во вкладке «Расширенные возможности». 5. Нажмите «ОК» и «Печать».
HP Deskjet F2100 All-in-One series
1 HP Deskjet F2100 All-in-One series Help……………………………………………………………………. |
5 |
2 HP All-in-One overview |
The HP All-in-One at a glance………………………………………………………………………………………. |
7 |
Control panel buttons………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
8 |
Status light overview……………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
9 |
Use the HP Photosmart software………………………………………………………………………………… |
11 |
3 |
Find more information……………………………………………………………………………………………… |
13 |
4 |
How do I?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
15 |
5 |
Connection information |
Supported connection types……………………………………………………………………………………….. |
17 |
Use printer sharing……………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
17 |
6 Load originals and load paper |
Load originals…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
19 |
Choose papers for printing and copying……………………………………………………………………….. |
19 |
Recommended papers for printing and copying……………………………………………………….. |
20 |
Recommended papers for printing only…………………………………………………………………… |
21 |
Papers to avoid……………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
22 |
Load paper………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
22 |
Load full-size paper……………………………………………………………………………………………… |
23 |
Load 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) photo paper……………………………………………………………….. |
24 |
Load index cards…………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
25 |
Load envelopes…………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
26 |
Load other types of paper……………………………………………………………………………………… |
27 |
Avoid paper jams………………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
28 |
7 Print from your computer |
Print from a software application…………………………………………………………………………………. |
29 |
Make the HP All-in-One the default printer……………………………………………………………………. |
30 |
Change the print settings for the current job…………………………………………………………………. |
30 |
Set the paper size………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
30 |
Set the paper type for printing……………………………………………………………………………….. |
31 |
View the print resolution……………………………………………………………………………………….. |
32 |
Change the print speed or quality…………………………………………………………………………… |
32 |
Change the page orientation…………………………………………………………………………………. |
32 |
Scale the document size………………………………………………………………………………………. |
33 |
Change the saturation, brightness, or color tone………………………………………………………. |
33 |
Preview your print job…………………………………………………………………………………………… |
34 |
Change the default print settings…………………………………………………………………………………. |
34 |
Printing shortcuts………………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
34 |
Create printing shortcuts………………………………………………………………………………………. |
35 |
Perform special print jobs…………………………………………………………………………………………… |
36 |
Print a borderless image……………………………………………………………………………………….. |
36 |
Print a photo on photo paper…………………………………………………………………………………. |
37 |
Create custom CD/DVD labels ……………………………………………………………………………… |
38 |
Print using Maximum dpi……………………………………………………………………………………… |
38 |
Print on both sides of the page………………………………………………………………………………. |
39 |
Print a multiple-page document as a booklet…………………………………………………………… |
40 |
Print multiple pages on a single sheet…………………………………………………………………….. |
42 |
Print a multiple-page document in reverse order………………………………………………………. |
43 |
Reverse an image for iron-on transfers…………………………………………………………………… |
44 |
Print on transparencies…………………………………………………………………………………………. |
44 |
Print a group of addresses on labels or envelopes…………………………………………………… |
45 |
Print a poster………………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
46 |
Print a Web page…………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
47 |
Stop a print job…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
47 |
Resume a print job……………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
48 |
8 |
Use the copy features |
Make a copy…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
49 |
Set the copy paper type……………………………………………………………………………………………… |
49 |
Change copy speed…………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
50 |
Copy a two-page black-and-white document………………………………………………………………… |
51 |
Make a 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) borderless copy of a photo…………………………………………….. |
51 |
Stop copying…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
52 |
9 |
Use the scan features |
Scan an original………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
53 |
Edit a scanned preview image…………………………………………………………………………………….. |
54 |
Edit a scanned image………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
54 |
Edit a scanned document…………………………………………………………………………………………… |
55 |
Stop scanning…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
55 |
10 |
Maintain the HP All-in-One |
Clean the HP All-in-One…………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
57 |
Clean the exterior………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
57 |
Clean the glass……………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
57 |
Clean the lid backing……………………………………………………………………………………………. |
58 |
Print a self-test report………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
58 |
Contents |
Work with print cartridges…………………………………………………………………………………………… |
59 |
Handle the print cartridges……………………………………………………………………………………. |
60 |
Check the estimated ink levels………………………………………………………………………………. |
60 |
Replace the print cartridges…………………………………………………………………………………… |
61 |
Use ink-backup mode…………………………………………………………………………………………… |
65 |
Ink-backup mode output………………………………………………………………………………….. |
66 |
Exit ink-backup mode……………………………………………………………………………………… |
66 |
Use a photo print cartridge……………………………………………………………………………………. |
66 |
Store the print cartridges………………………………………………………………………………………. |
67 |
Print cartridge storage and handling………………………………………………………………….. |
67 |
Print cartridge protector…………………………………………………………………………………… |
67 |
Align the print cartridges……………………………………………………………………………………….. |
68 |
Clean the print cartridges……………………………………………………………………………………… |
70 |
Clean the print cartridge contacts…………………………………………………………………………… |
70 |
Clean the area around the ink nozzles……………………………………………………………………. |
72 |
Remove ink from your skin and clothing………………………………………………………………….. |
74 |
11 Shop for printing supplies |
Order paper or other media………………………………………………………………………………………… |
75 |
Order print cartridges…………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
75 |
Order other supplies………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
76 |
12 Troubleshooting |
Troubleshooting tips………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
77 |
Communication problems over a USB connection……………………………………………………. |
77 |
Information on paper……………………………………………………………………………………………. |
78 |
Clear paper jams…………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
79 |
View the Readme file……………………………………………………………………………………………. |
79 |
Hardware setup troubleshooting………………………………………………………………………………….. |
79 |
Software installation troubleshooting……………………………………………………………………………. |
83 |
Uninstall and reinstall the software…………………………………………………………………………. |
86 |
Print cartridge troubleshooting…………………………………………………………………………………….. |
87 |
Information on print cartridges……………………………………………………………………………….. |
94 |
Print quality troubleshooting……………………………………………………………………………………….. |
95 |
Print troubleshooting………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
99 |
Copy troubleshooting……………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
108 |
Scan troubleshooting……………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
111 |
Errors…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
113 |
Flashing lights……………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
114 |
Device messages………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
116 |
File messages……………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
117 |
Supported file types for the HP All-in-One………………………………………………………… |
118 |
General user messages……………………………………………………………………………………… |
118 |
Paper messages………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
119 |
Power and connection messages…………………………………………………………………………. |
121 |
Print cartridge messages…………………………………………………………………………………….. |
124 |
13 HP warranty and support |
Warranty………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
129 |
Support process……………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
129 |
Before you call HP customer support…………………………………………………………………………. |
129 |
HP support by phone……………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
130 |
Phone support period…………………………………………………………………………………………. |
130 |
Placing a call…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
130 |
After the phone support period…………………………………………………………………………….. |
130 |
Additional warranty options………………………………………………………………………………………. |
131 |
Call HP Korea customer support……………………………………………………………………………….. |
131 |
Prepare the HP All-in-One for shipment……………………………………………………………………… |
131 |
Pack the HP All-in-One…………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
131 |
14 Technical information |
Specifications…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
133 |
Environmental product stewardship program………………………………………………………………. |
134 |
Paper use…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
134 |
Plastics…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
134 |
Material safety data sheets………………………………………………………………………………….. |
134 |
Recycling program……………………………………………………………………………………………… |
135 |
HP inkjet supplies recycling program……………………………………………………………………. |
135 |
Energy consumption…………………………………………………………………………………………… |
135 |
Disposal of Waste Equipment by Users in Private Households in the European |
Union……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
136 |
Regulatory notices…………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
137 |
FCC statement…………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
137 |
Notice to users in Australia………………………………………………………………………………….. |
137 |
Notice to users in Korea……………………………………………………………………………………… |
137 |
VCCI (Class B) compliance statement for users in Japan………………………………………… |
138 |
Notice to users in Japan about power cord……………………………………………………………. |
138 |
Geräuschemission……………………………………………………………………………………………… |
138 |
1HP Deskjet F2100 All-in- One series Help
For information about the HP All-in-One, see:
•HP All-in-One overview
•Find more information
•How do I?
•Connection information
•Load originals and load paper
•Print from your computer
•Use the copy features
•Use the scan features
•Maintain the HP All-in-One
•Shop for printing supplies
•HP warranty and support
•Technical information
All-in-One series |
HP Deskjet F2100 |
Help |
HP Deskjet F2100 All-in-One series Help |
5 |
Chapter 1
series One-in-All F2100 Deskjet HP
6 HP Deskjet F2100 All-in-One series Help
2 HP All-in-One overview
The HP Deskjet F2100 All-in-One series is a versatile device that gives you easy-to-use copying, scanning, and printing.
The HP All-in-One allows you to produce high-quality color and black-and-white copies on a variety of paper types. You can enlarge or reduce the size of an original to fit a specific paper size, adjust the copy quality, and make high-quality copies of photos.
Scanning is the process of converting text and pictures into an electronic format for your computer. You can scan almost anything (photos, magazine articles, and text documents) on the HP All-in-One.
Print from your computer
The HP All-in-One can be used with any software application that allows printing. You can print a range of projects, such as borderless images, newsletters, greeting cards, iron-on transfers, and posters.
This section contains the following topics:
•The HP All-in-One at a glance
•Control panel buttons
•Status light overview
•Use the HP Photosmart software
The HP All-in-One at a glance
HP All-in-One overview
Chapter 2
Label Description
1Control panel
2Input tray
3Tray extender
4Paper-width guide
5Print cartridge door
7Lid backing
8Rear door
9Rear USB port
10Power connection*
*Use only with the power adapter supplied by HP.
Control panel buttons
overview One-in-All HP
8 HP All-in-One overview
Label |
Icon |
Name and Description |
1 |
On: Turns the HP All-in-One on or off. The On button is lit when the HP All- |
in-One is powered on. The light blinks while performing a job. |
When the HP All-in-One is off, a minimal amount of power is still used by the |
device. To completely disconnect the power supply to the HP All-in-One, turn |
the device off, and then unplug the power cord. |
CAUTION: Before you unplug the power cord, you must press the On |
button and allow the HP All-in-One to turn itself off. This prevents the print |
cartridges from drying out. |
2 |
Cancel: Stops a print, copy, or scan job. |
3 |
Check Paper light: Indicates the need to load paper or remove a paper jam. |
The button next to this light is the Resume button. In certain situations (for |
example, after clearing a paper jam), this button resumes the job. |
4 |
Check Print Cartridge light: Indicates the need to reinsert the print cartridge, |
replace the print cartridge, or close the print cartridge door. |
The button next to this light is the Resume button. In certain situations (for |
example, after clearing a paper jam), this button resumes the job. |
5 |
Plain Paper Type: Changes the paper type setting to plain paper. This is the |
default setting for the HP All-in-One. |
6 |
Photo Paper Type: Changes the paper type setting to photo paper. Make |
sure photo paper is loaded in the input tray. |
7 |
Start Copy Black: Starts a black-and-white copy job. |
8 |
Start Copy Color: Starts a color copy job. |
9 |
Scan: Starts scanning the original currently on the glass. The Scan command |
functions only when the computer is on. |
Status light overview
Several indicator lights inform you of the status of the HP All-in-One.
HP All-in-One overview
overview One-in-All HP
Chapter 2
Label |
Description |
1 |
On button |
2 |
Check Paper light |
3 |
Check Print Cartridge light |
4 |
Plain Paper Type light |
5 |
Photo Paper Type light |
The following table describes common situations and explains what the lights mean.
Light status |
What it means |
All lights are off. |
The HP All-in-One is turned off. Press the On button to turn on the device. |
The On light and one of the Paper |
The HP All-in-One is ready for printing, scanning, or copying. |
Type lights are on. |
The On light is blinking. |
The HP All-in-One is busy printing, scanning, copying, or aligning the |
print cartridges. |
The On light blinks quickly for 3 |
You pressed a button while the HP All-in-One is already busy printing, |
seconds and then is on steady. |
scanning, copying, or aligning the print cartridges. |
The On light blinks for 20 seconds |
You pressed the Scan button and there was no response from the |
and then is on steady. |
computer. |
The Check Paper light is blinking. |
• |
The HP All-in-One is out of paper. |
• |
The HP All-in-One has a paper jam. |
• |
The paper size setting does not match the paper size detected in the |
input tray. |
The Check Print Cartridge light is |
• |
The print cartridge door is open. |
blinking. |
• |
The print cartridges are missing or not seated correctly. |
• |
The tape was not removed from the print cartridge. |
• |
The print cartridge is not intended for use in this HP All-in-One. |
• |
The print cartridge might be defective. |
The On, Check Paper, and Check |
Scanner failure. |
Print Cartridge lights are blinking. |
Turn off the HP All-in-One, then on again. If the problem persists, contact |
HP Support. |
All lights are blinking. |
The HP All-in-One has a fatal error. |
1. |
Turn the HP All-in-One off. |
2. |
Unplug the power cord. |
3. |
Wait a minute, then plug the power cord back in. |
4. |
Turn the HP All-in-One back on. |
If the problem persists, contact HP Support. |
10 HP All-in-One overview
Use the HP Photosmart software
The HP Photosmart Software provides a fast and easy way to make prints of your photos. It also provides access to other basic HP imaging software features, such as saving and viewing your photos.
For more information on using the HP Photosmart Software:
•Check the Contents panel on the left. Look for the HP Photosmart Software Help contents book at the top.
•If you do not see the HP Photosmart Software Help contents book at the top of the Contents panel, access the software help through the HP Solution Center.
HP All-in-One overview
Use the HP Photosmart software |
11 |
Chapter 2
overview One-in-All HP
12 HP All-in-One overview
3 Find more information
You can access a variety of resources, both printed and onscreen, that provide information about setting up and using the HP All-in-One.
Setup Guide
The Setup Guide provides instructions for setting up the HP All-in-One and installing software. Make sure you follow the steps in the Setup Guide in order.
If you have problems during setup, check the Setup Guide for troubleshooting information, or see Troubleshooting in this onscreen Help.
Basics Guide
The Basics Guide contains an overview of the HP All-in-One, including step- by-step instructions for basic tasks, troubleshooting tips, and technical information.
HP Photosmart Essential animations
The HP Photosmart Essential animations are an interactive way to get a brief overview of the software included with the HP All-in-One. You will learn how the software can help you create, share, organize, and print your photos.
Onscreen Help
The onscreen Help provides detailed instructions on using all features of the
HP All-in-One.
•The How Do I? topic provides links so you can quickly find information on performing common tasks.
•The The HP All-in-One overview topic provides general information about the main features of the HP All-in-One.
•The Troubleshooting topic provides information about resolving errors you might encounter with the HP All-in-One.
Readme |
The Readme file contains the most recent information which might not be found |
in other publications. |
Install the software to access the Readme file. |
www.hp.com/support |
If you have Internet access, you can get help and support from the HP Web |
site. This Web site offers technical support, drivers, supplies, and ordering |
information. |
Find more information
Chapter 3
information more Find
14 Find more information
4 How do I?
This section contains links to commonly performed tasks, such as printing photos and optimizing your print jobs.
•How do I change the print settings?
•How do I print borderless photos on 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) paper?
•How do I load envelopes?
•How do I scan using the control panel?
•How do I get the best print quality?
•How do I print on both sides of the paper?
•How do I replace the print cartridges?
•How do I align the print cartridges?
•How do I clear a paper jam?
How do I?
16 How do I?
5 Connection information
The HP All-in-One comes equipped with a USB port so you can connect directly to a computer using a USB cable. You can also share the device over an existing home network.
This section contains the following topics:
•Supported connection types
•Use printer sharing
Supported connection types
The following table contains a list of supported connection types.
Description |
Recommended number |
Supported software |
Setup instructions |
of connected |
features |
information |
computers for best |
performance |
USB connection |
One computer connected |
All features are |
Follow the Setup Guide |
Printer sharing |
with a USB cable to the |
supported. |
for detailed instructions. |
Connection |
Five. |
All features resident on |
Follow the instructions |
rear USB 1.1 full speed |
peripheral connection |
port on the HP All-in-One. |
The host computer must |
the host computer are |
in Use printer sharing. |
supported. Only printing |
be on at all times in order |
to print from the other |
is supported from the |
other computers. |
computers. |
Use printer sharing
If your computer is on a network, and another computer on the network has an HP All- in-One connected to it by a USB cable, you can print to that printer using printer sharing.
The computer directly connected to the HP All-in-One acts as the host for the printer and has full software functionality. The other computer, which is referred to as a client, has access only to the print features. You must perform other functions from the host computer or from the control panel on the HP All-in-One.
To enable printer sharing on a Windows computer
▲Refer to the user guide that came with your computer or see the Windows onscreen Help.
Connection information |
17 |
Chapter 5
information Connection
18 Connection information
6 Load originals and load paper
You can load many different types and sizes of paper in the HP All-in-One, including letter or A4 paper, photo paper, transparencies, and envelopes.
This section contains the following topics:
•Load originals
•Choose papers for printing and copying
•Load paper
•Avoid paper jams
Load originals
You can copy or scan up to letteror A4-size originals by loading them on the glass.
To load an original on the glass
1.Lift the lid on the HP All-in-One.
2.Place your original with the side you want to copy or scan face down on the left front corner of the glass.
TIP: For more help on loading an original, refer to the engraved guides along the edge of the glass.
TIP: To get the correct copy size, make sure that there is no tape or other foreign object on the glass.
Load originals and load paper
3. Close the lid.
Choose papers for printing and copying
You can use different types and sizes of paper in the HP All-in-One. Review the following recommendations to get the best printing and copying quality. Whenever you change
Load originals and load paper |
19 |
Chapter 6
paper types, remember to change the paper type settings. For more information, see Set the paper type for printing.
This section contains the following topics:
•Recommended papers for printing and copying
•Recommended papers for printing only
•Papers to avoid
paper load and originals Load
Recommended papers for printing and copying
If you want the best print quality, HP recommends using HP papers that are specifically designed for the type of project you are printing. If you are printing photos, for example, load HP Premium or HP Premium Plus photo paper in the input tray.
The following is a list of HP papers you can use for copying and printing. Depending on your country/region, some of these papers might not be available.
NOTE: This device supports 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) with tab, A4-, letter-, and legal- (US only) size paper only.
NOTE: To achieve a borderless print, you must use 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) paper with tab. The HP All-in-One prints to the edge of three sides of the paper. When you remove the tab from the fourth side, you have a borderless print.
HP Premium Plus Photo Paper
HP Premium Plus Photo Papers are the best HP photo paper, with image quality and fade resistance superior to store-processed photos. They are ideal for printing your highresolution images for framing or including in a photo album. These papers are available in several sizes, including 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) (with or without tabs), A4, and 8.5 x 11 inch sizes for printing or copying photos from the HP All-in-One.
HP Premium Photo Paper
HP Premium Photo Papers are high-quality, glossy-finish or soft gloss-finish photo papers. They look and feel like store-processed photos and can be mounted under glass or in an album. These papers are available in several sizes, including 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) (with or without tabs), A4, and 8.5 x 11 inch sizes for printing or copying photos from the HP All-in-One.
HP Premium Inkjet Transparency Film and HP Premium Plus Inkjet Transparency Film
HP Premium Inkjet Transparency Film and HP Premium Plus Inkjet Transparency Film make your color presentations vivid and even more impressive. This film is easy to use and handle and dries quickly without smudging.
HP Premium Inkjet Paper
HP Premium Inkjet Paper is the ultimate coated paper for high-resolution usage. A smooth, matte finish makes it ideal for your highest-quality documents.
20 Load originals and load paper
HP Bright White Inkjet Paper
HP Bright White Inkjet Paper delivers high-contrast colors and sharp text. It is opaque enough for two-sided color usage with no show-through, which makes it ideal for newsletters, reports, and flyers.
HP All-in-One Paper or HP Printing Paper
Ensure that the Plain paper type is selected when using HP All-in-One Paper and HP Printing Paper.
•HP All-in-One Paper is specifically designed for HP All-in-One devices. It has an extra bright blue-white shade that produces sharper text and richer colors than ordinary multifunction papers.
•HP Printing Paper is a high-quality multifunction paper. It produces documents that look and feel more substantial than documents printed on standard multipurpose or copy paper.
To order HP papers and other supplies, go to www.hp.com/buy/supplies. If prompted, choose your country/region, follow the prompts to select your product, and then click one of the shopping links on the page.
NOTE: At this time, some portions of the HP Web site are available in English only.
Recommended papers for printing only
Certain papers are supported only when you start the print job from your computer. The following list provides information about these papers.
If you want the best print quality, HP recommends using HP papers. Using paper that is too thin or too thick, paper that has a slick texture, or paper that stretches easily can cause paper jams. Using paper that has a heavy texture or does not accept ink can cause printed images to smear, bleed, or not fill in completely.
Depending on your country/region, some of these papers might not be available.
HP Iron-On Transfers
HP Iron-On Transfers (for color fabrics or for light or white fabrics) are the ideal solution for creating custom T-shirts from your digital photos.
HP Inkjet labels
Letter or A4 label sheets designed for use with HP inkjet products (like HP inkjet labels).
HP Brochure & Flyer Paper
HP Brochure & Flyer Paper (Gloss or Matte) is glossy-coated or matte-coated on both sides for two-sided use. They are the perfect choice for near-photographic reproductions and business graphics for report covers, special presentations, brochures, mailers, and calendars.
Load originals and load paper
HP Premium Presentation Paper
HP Premium Presentation Paper gives your presentation a quality look and feel.
Choose papers for printing and copying |
21 |
Chapter 6
HP CD/DVD Tattoos
HP CD/DVD Tattoos allow you to personalize your CDs and DVDs by printing highquality, low-cost CD or DVD labels.
To order HP papers and other supplies, go to www.hp.com/buy/supplies. If prompted, choose your country/region, follow the prompts to select your product, and then click one of the shopping links on the page.
NOTE: At this time, some portions of the HP Web site are available in English only.
paper load and originals Load
Papers to avoid
Using paper that is too thin or too thick, paper that has a slick texture, or paper that stretches easily can cause paper jams. Using paper that has a heavy texture or does not accept ink can cause printed images to smear, bleed, or not fill in completely.
NOTE: For a complete list of supported media sizes, see the printer software.
Papers to avoid for all print and copy jobs
•Any size paper other than those listed in the technical specifications chapter of your printed documentation.
•Paper with cutouts or perforations (unless specifically designed for use with HP inkjet devices).
•Highly textured stock, such as linen. It might not print evenly, and the ink can bleed into these papers.
•Extremely smooth, shiny, or coated papers not specifically designed for the HP All- in-One. They can jam the HP All-in-One or repel the ink.
•Multi-part forms, such as duplicate and triplicate forms. They can wrinkle or get stuck, and the ink is more likely to smear.
•Envelopes with clasps or windows. They can get stuck in the rollers and cause paper jams.
•Banner paper.
Additional papers to avoid when copying
•Transparency film other than HP Premium Inkjet Transparency Film or HP Premium Plus Inkjet Transparency Film.
•Iron-On Transfers.
•Greeting card paper.
Load paper
This section describes the procedure for loading different types and sizes of paper into the HP All-in-One for your copies or printouts.
NOTE: After a copy or print job has started, the paper width sensor can determine whether the paper is Letter, A4, or a smaller size.
22 Load originals and load paper
TIP: To help prevent rips, wrinkles, and curled or bent edges, store all paper flat in
a resealable bag. If the paper is not stored properly, extreme changes in temperature and humidity might result in curled paper that does not work well in the HP All-in-One.
This section contains the following topics:
•Load full-size paper
•Load 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) photo paper
•Load index cards
•Load envelopes
•Load other types of paper
Load full-size paper
You can load many types of letter or A4 paper into the input tray of the HP All-in-One.
To load full-size paper
1. Flip the tray extender up toward you.
NOTE: When you use legal-size paper, leave the tray extender closed.
2. Slide the paper-width guide to its outermost position.
3.Tap a stack of paper on a flat surface to align the edges, and then check the paper for the following:
•Make sure it is free of rips, dust, wrinkles, and curled or bent edges.
•Make sure all the paper in the stack are the same size and type.
Load originals and load paper
paper load and originals Load
Chapter 6
4.Insert the stack of paper into the input tray with the short edge forward. Ensure that the side you want to print on faces down. Slide the stack of paper toward the device until it stops.
CAUTION: Make sure that the HP All-in-One is idle and silent when you load paper into the input tray. If the HP All-in-One is servicing the print cartridges or otherwise engaged in a task, the paper stop inside the device might not be in place. You could push the paper too far forward, causing the HP All-in-One to eject blank pages.
TIP: If you are using letterhead, insert the top of the page first with the side you want to print on facing down. For more help on loading full-size paper and letterhead, refer to the diagram engraved in the base of the input tray.
5.Slide the paper-width guide inward until it stops at the edge of the paper.
Do not overload the input tray; make sure the stack of paper fits within the input tray and is no higher than the top of the paper-width guide.
Load 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) photo paper
You can load 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) photo paper into the input tray of the HP All-in-One. For the best results, use 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) HP Premium Plus Photo Paper or HP Premium Photo Paper with tab.
NOTE: For borderless printing, the HP All-in-One only supports 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) photo paper with a tear-off tab. You can automatically adjust the settings in the Properties dialog box to print a borderless 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) photo on HP Premium Plus Photo Paper. Click the Printing Shortcuts tab, and then, in the
Printing Shortcuts list, select Photo printing-borderless.
24 Load originals and load paper
TIP: To help prevent rips, wrinkles, and curled or bent edges, store all paper flat in
a resealable bag. If the paper is not stored properly, extreme changes in temperature and humidity might result in curled paper that does not work well in the HP All-in-One.
To load 10 x 15 cm ( 4 x 6 inch) photo paper with tab in the input tray
1.Remove all paper from the input tray.
2.Insert the stack of photo paper into the far-right side of the input tray with the short edge forward. Ensure that the side you want to print on faces down. Slide the stack of photo paper toward the device until it stops.
Load the photo paper so that the tabs are closest to you.
TIP: For more help on loading small-size photo paper, refer to the guides engraved in the base of the input tray for loading photo paper.
3.Slide the paper-width guide inward until it stops at the edge of the paper.
Do not overload the input tray; make sure the stack of paper fits within the input tray and is no higher than the top of the paper-width guide.
For best results, set the paper type before copying or printing.
Related topics
•Recommended papers for printing and copying
•Change the print settings for the current job
•Set the copy paper type
Load index cards
You can load index cards into the input tray of the HP All-in-One to print notes, recipes, and other text.
For best results, set the paper type before copying or printing.
NOTE: The HP All-in-One leaves a 1.2 cm (.5 inch) border on one short edge. Before printing many cards, print one test card to make sure that the border does not crop your text.
Load originals and load paper
Chapter 6
To load index cards in the input tray
1.Remove all paper from the input tray.
2.Insert the stack of cards, with the side you want to print on facing down, into the farright side of the input tray. Slide the stack of cards forward until it stops.
3.Slide the paper-width guide inward against the stack of cards until it stops.
Do not overload the input tray; make sure the stack of cards fits within the input tray and is no higher than the top of the paper-width guide.
For best results, set the paper type before copying or printing.
Related topics
•Load 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) photo paper
•Change the print settings for the current job
•Set the copy paper type
paper load and originals Load
Load envelopes
You can load one or more envelopes into the input tray of the HP All-in-One. Do not use shiny or embossed envelopes or envelopes that have clasps or windows.
NOTE: For specific details on how to format text for printing on envelopes, consult the help files in your word processing software. For best results, consider using a label for the return address on envelopes.
26 Load originals and load paper
To load envelopes
1.Remove all paper from the input tray.
2.Insert one or more envelopes into the far-right side of the input tray with the envelope flaps up and on the left. Slide the stack of envelopes forward until it stops.
TIP: For more help on loading envelopes, refer to the diagram engraved in the base of the input tray.
3.Slide the paper-width guide inward against the stack of envelopes until it stops.
Do not overload the input tray; make sure the stack of envelopes fits within the input tray and is not higher than the top of the paper-width guide.
Load other types of paper
The following papers require extra attention to load them properly.
NOTE: Not all paper sizes and paper types are available with all the functions on the HP All-in-One. Some paper sizes and paper types can only be used if you are starting a print job from the Print dialog box in a software application. They are not available for copying. Papers that are only available for printing from a software application are indicated as such.
HP Premium Inkjet Transparency Film and HP Premium Plus Inkjet Transparency Film
▲Insert the film so that the white transparency strip (with arrows and the HP logo) is on top and is going into the input tray first.
NOTE: The HP All-in-One cannot automatically detect the paper type. For best results, set the paper type to transparency film in the software before printing onto transparency film.
HP Iron-On Transfers (for printing only)
1.Flatten the transfer sheet completely before using it; do not load curled sheets.
TIP: To prevent curling, keep transfer sheets sealed in the original package until you are ready to use them.
2.Locate the blue stripe on the nonprinting side of the transfer paper and then manually feed one sheet at a time into the input tray with the blue stripe facing up.
Load originals and load paper
Chapter 6
HP Inkjet labels (for printing only)
1.Always use letter or A4 label sheets designed for use with HP inkjet devices (such as HP inkjet labels), and make sure that the labels are no more than two years old. Labels on older sheets might peel off when the paper is pulled through the HP All-in-One, causing subsequent paper jams.
2.Fan the stack of labels to make sure none of the pages are sticking together.
3.Place a stack of label sheets on top of full-size plain paper in the input tray, label side down. Do not insert labels one sheet at a time.
For best results, set the paper type before copying or printing.
HP CD/DVD Tattoo labels (for printing only)
▲Place one sheet of CD/DVD tattoo paper in the input tray with the print side down; slide the CD/DVD tattoo paper forward until it stops.
NOTE: When you use CD/DVD tatoo labels, leave the tray extender closed.
Related topics
•Load 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) photo paper
•Set the paper type for printing
•Set the copy paper type
paper load and originals Load
Avoid paper jams
To help avoid paper jams, follow these guidelines.
•Remove printed papers from the output tray frequently.
•Prevent curled or wrinkled paper by storing all unused paper flat in a resealable bag.
•Ensure that paper loaded in the input tray lays flat and the edges are not bent or torn.
•Do not combine different paper types and paper sizes in the input tray; the entire stack of paper in the input tray must be the same size and type.
•Adjust the paper-width guide in the input tray to fit snugly against all paper. Make sure the paper-width guide does not bend the paper in the input tray.
•Do not force paper too far forward in the input tray.
•Use paper types that are recommended for the HP All-in-One.
Related topics
Papers to avoid
28 Load originals and load paper
7 Print from your computer
The HP All-in-One can be used with any software application that allows printing. You can print a range of projects, such as borderless images, newsletters, greeting cards, iron-on transfers, and posters.
This section contains the following topics:
•Print from a software application
•Make the HP All-in-One the default printer
•Change the print settings for the current job
•Change the default print settings
•Printing shortcuts
•Perform special print jobs
•Stop a print job
•Resume a print job
Print from a software application
Most print settings are automatically handled by the software application. You need to change the settings manually only when you change print quality, print on specific types of paper or transparency film, or use special features.
To print from a software application
1.Make sure you have paper loaded in the input tray.
2.On the File menu in your software application, click Print.
3.Select the HP All-in-One as the printer.
If you set the HP All-in-One as the default printer, you can skip this step. The HP All- in-One will already be selected.
4.If you need to change settings, click the button that opens the Properties dialog box. Depending on your software application, this button might be called Properties,
Options, Printer Setup, Printer, or Preferences.
NOTE: When printing a photo, you must select options for the correct paper type and photo enhancement.
5.Select the appropriate options for your print job by using the features available in the Advanced, Printing Shortcuts, Features, and Color tabs.
TIP: You can easily select the appropriate options for your print job by choosing one of the predefined print tasks on the Printing Shortcuts tab. Click a type of print task in the Printing Shortcuts list. The default settings for that type of print task are set and summarized on the Printing Shortcuts tab. If necessary, you can adjust the settings here and save your custom settings as a new printing shortcut. To save a custom printing shortcut, select the shortcut and click Save As. To delete a shortcut, select the shortcut and click Delete.
Print from your computer |
29 |
Chapter 7
6.Click OK to close the Properties dialog box.
7.Click Print or OK to begin printing.
Make the HP All-in-One the default printer
You can set the HP All-in-One as the default printer to use from all software applications. This means that the HP All-in-One is automatically selected in the printer list when you select Print from the File menu in a software application. The default printer is also printed to automatically when you click the Print button in the toolbar of most software applications. For more information, see the Windows Help.
Change the print settings for the current job
You can customize the print settings of the HP All-in-One to handle nearly any print task. This section contains the following topics:
•Set the paper size
•Set the paper type for printing
•View the print resolution
•Change the print speed or quality
•Change the page orientation
•Scale the document size
•Change the saturation, brightness, or color tone
•Preview your print job
Set the paper size
The paper size setting helps the HP All-in-One determine the printable area on the page. Some of the paper size choices have a borderless equivalent, which allows you to print to the top, bottom, and side edges of the paper.
Usually, you set the paper size in the software application you used to create your document or project. However, if you are using custom-size paper, or if you cannot set the paper size from your software application, you can change the paper size in the Properties dialog box before printing.
To set the paper size
1.Make sure you have paper loaded in the input tray.
2.On the File menu in your software application, click Print.
3.Make sure the HP All-in-One is the selected printer.
4.Click the button that opens the Properties dialog box.
Depending on your software application, this button might be called Properties,
Options, Printer Setup, Printer, or Preferences.
30 Print from your computer
5.Click the Features tab.
6.In the Resizing Options area, click the appropriate paper size from the Size list. The following table lists the suggested paper size settings for the different types of paper you can load in the input tray. Make sure to look at the long list of choices in the Size list to see if a defined paper size already exists for the type of paper you are using.
Paper type |
Suggested paper size settings |
CD/DVD tattoo paper |
5 x 7 in. |
Copier, multi-purpose, or |
Letter or A4 |
plain papers |
Envelopes |
Appropriate listed envelope size |
Greeting-card papers |
Letter or A4 |
Index cards |
Appropriate listed card size (if listed sizes are not appropriate, |
you can specify a custom paper size) |
Inkjet papers |
Letter or A4 |
Iron-on T-shirt transfers |
Letter or A4 |
Labels |
Letter or A4 |
Legal |
Legal |
Letterhead |
Letter or A4 |
Panorama photo paper |
Appropriate listed panorama size (if listed sizes are not |
appropriate, you can specify a custom paper size) |
Photo papers |
10 x 15 cm. (with or without tab), 4 x 6 in. (with or without tab), |
letter, A4, or appropriate listed size |
Transparency films |
Letter or A4 |
Custom-size papers |
Custom paper size |
Set the paper type for printing
If you print on special papers, such as photo paper, transparency film, envelopes, or labels, or if you experience poor print quality, you can set the paper type manually.
To set the paper type for printing
1.Make sure you have paper loaded in the input tray.
2.On the File menu in your software application, click Print.
3.Make sure the HP All-in-One is the selected printer.
4.Click the button that opens the Properties dialog box.
Depending on your software application, this button might be called Properties,
Options, Printer Setup, Printer, or Preferences.
5.Click the Features tab.
6.In the Basic Options area, click the appropriate paper type from the Paper Type list.
Change the print settings for the current job |
31 |
Chapter 7
View the print resolution
The printer software displays the print resolution in dots per inch (dpi). The dpi varies according to the paper type and print quality that you select in the printer software.
To view the print resolution
1.Make sure you have paper loaded in the input tray.
2.On the File menu in your software application, click Print.
3.Make sure the HP All-in-One is the selected printer.
4.Click the button that opens the Properties dialog box.
Depending on your software application, this button might be called Properties,
Options, Printer Setup, Printer, or Preferences.
5.Click the Features tab.
6.In the Print Quality drop-down list, select the appropriate print quality setting for your project.
7.In the Paper Type drop-down list, select the type of paper that you have loaded.
8.Click the Resolution button to view the print resolution dpi.
Change the print speed or quality
The HP All-in-One automatically chooses a print quality and speed setting depending on the paper type setting you select. You can also change the print quality setting to customize the speed and quality of the print process.
To select a print speed or quality
1.Make sure you have paper loaded in the input tray.
2.On the File menu in your software application, click Print.
3.Make sure the HP All-in-One is the selected printer.
4.Click the button that opens the Properties dialog box.
Depending on your software application, this button might be called Properties,
Options, Printer Setup, Printer, or Preferences.
5.Click the Features tab.
6.In the Print Quality drop-down list, select the appropriate quality setting for your project.
NOTE: To view the maximum dpi that the HP All-in-One will print, click
7.In the Paper Type drop-down list, select the type of paper that you have loaded.
Change the page orientation
The page orientation setting allows you to print your document vertically or horizontally on the page.
Usually, you set the page orientation in the software application you used to create your document or project. However, if you are using custom-size or special HP paper, or if you cannot set the page orientation from your software application, you can change the page orientation in the Properties dialog box before printing.
32 Print from your computer
To change the page orientation
1.Make sure you have paper loaded in the input tray.
2.On the File menu in your software application, click Print.
3.Make sure the HP All-in-One is the selected printer.
4.Click the button that opens the Properties dialog box.
Depending on your software application, this button might be called Properties,
Options, Printer Setup, Printer, or Preferences.
5.Click the Features tab.
6.In the Basic Options area, click one of the following:
•Click Portrait to print the document vertically on the page.
•Click Landscape to print the document horizontally on the page.
Scale the document size
The HP All-in-One allows you to print the document at a different size than the original.
To scale the document size
1.Make sure you have paper loaded in the input tray.
2.On the File menu in your software application, click Print.
3.Make sure the HP All-in-One is the selected printer.
4.Click the button that opens the Properties dialog box.
Depending on your software application, this button might be called Properties,
Options, Printer Setup, Printer, or Preferences.
5.Click the Features tab.
6.In the Resizing options area, click Scale to paper size, and then click the appropriate paper size from the drop-down list.
Change the saturation, brightness, or color tone
You can change the intensity of colors and the level of darkness in your printout by adjusting the Saturation, Brightness, and Color Tone options.
To change the saturation, brightness, or color tone |
1. |
Make sure you have paper loaded in the input tray. |
2. |
On the File menu in your software application, click Print. |
3. |
Make sure the HP All-in-One is the selected printer. |
4. |
Click the button that opens the Properties dialog box. |
Depending on your software application, this button might be called Properties, |
Options, Printer Setup, Printer, or Preferences. |
5. |
Click the Color tab. |
6. |
Click the More color options button. |
7. |
Move the sliders to adjust the Saturation, Brightness, or Color Tone. |
• Brightness indicates the lightness or darkness of the printed document. |
• Saturation is the relative purity of printed colors. |
• Color tone affects the perceived warmth or coolness of printed colors, by adding |
more orange or blue tones, respectively, to your image. |
Change the print settings for the current job |
33 |
Chapter 7
Preview your print job
You can preview your print job before sending it to the HP All-in-One. This helps to prevent wasting paper and ink on projects that do not print as expected.
To preview your print job
1.Make sure you have paper loaded in the input tray.
2.On the File menu in your software application, click Print.
3.Make sure the HP All-in-One is the selected printer.
4.Click the button that opens the Properties dialog box.
Depending on your software application, this button might be called Properties,
Options, Printer Setup, Printer, or Preferences.
5.Select the print settings appropriate for your project on each of the tabs in the dialog box.
6.Click the Features tab.
7.Select the Show Preview Before Printing check box.
8.Click OK, and then click Print or OK in the Print dialog box. Your print job displays in the preview window.
9.In the HP preview window, do one of the following:
•To print, click Start Printing.
•To cancel, click Cancel Printing.
Change the default print settings
If there are settings that you frequently use for printing, you might want to make them the default print settings so they are already set when you open the Print dialog box from within your software application.
To change the default print settings
1.In the HP Solution Center, click Settings, point to Print Settings, and then click
Printer Settings.
2.Make changes to the print settings, and click OK.
Printing shortcuts
Use printing shortcuts to print with print settings that you use often. The printer software has several specially designed printing shortcuts that are available in the Printing Shortcuts list.
NOTE: When you select a printing shortcut the appropriate printing options are automatically displayed. You can leave them as is or change them. You can also create a shortcut. For more information, see Create printing shortcuts.
34 Print from your computer
Use the Printing Shortcuts tab for the following print tasks:
•General Everyday Printing: Print documents quickly.
•Photo Printing–Borderless: Print to the top, bottom, and side edges of 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) HP Premium Plus Photo Papers with a tear-off tab. For more information, see Print a borderless image.
•Photo Printing–With White Borders: Print a photo with a white border around the edges. For more information, see Print a photo on photo paper.
•Fast/Economical printing: Produce draft-quality printouts quickly.
•Presentation printing: Print high-quality documents, including letters and transparencies. For more information, see Print from a software application and Print on transparencies.
•Two-sided (Duplex) Printing: Print two-sided pages with the HP All-in-One manually. For more information, see Print on both sides of the page.
Create printing shortcuts
In addition to the printing shortcuts that are available in the Printing Shortcuts list, you can create your own printing shortcuts.
If you frequently print on transparency film, for example, you can create a printing shortcut by selecting the Presentation Printing shortcut, changing the paper type to HP Premium Inkjet Transparency Film, and then saving the modified shortcut under a new name; for example, Transparency Presentations. After creating the printing shortcut, simply select it when printing on transparency film rather than changing the print settings each time.
To create a printing shortcut
1.On the File menu in your software application, click Print.
2.Make sure the HP All-in-One is the selected printer.
3.Click the button that opens the Properties dialog box.
Depending on your software application, this button might be called Properties,
Options, Printer Setup, Printer, or Preferences.
4.Click the Printing Shortcuts tab.
5.In the Printing Shortcuts list, click a printing shortcut.
The print settings for the selected printing shortcut are displayed.
6.Change the print settings to those you want in the new printing shortcut.
7.In the Type new shortcut name here box, type a name for the new printing shortcut, and then click Save.
The printing shortcut is added to the list.
To delete a printing shortcut
1.On the File menu in your software application, click Print.
2.Make sure the HP All-in-One is the selected printer.
3.Click the button that opens the Properties dialog box.
Depending on your software application, this button might be called Properties,
Options, Printer Setup, Printer, or Preferences.
4.Click the Printing Shortcuts tab.
Chapter 7
5.In the Printing Shortcuts list, click the printing shortcut that you want to delete.
6.Click Delete.
The printing shortcut is removed from the list.
NOTE: Only the shortcuts that you have created can be deleted. The original HP shortcuts cannot be deleted.
Perform special print jobs
In addition to supporting standard print jobs, the HP All-in-One can perform special jobs such as printing borderless images, iron-on transfers, and posters.
This section contains the following topics:
•Print a borderless image
•Print a photo on photo paper
•Create custom CD/DVD labels
•Print using Maximum dpi
•Print on both sides of the page
•Print a multiple-page document as a booklet
•Print multiple pages on a single sheet
•Print a multiple-page document in reverse order
•Reverse an image for iron-on transfers
•Print on transparencies
•Print a group of addresses on labels or envelopes
•Print a poster
•Print a Web page
Print a borderless image
Borderless printing lets you print to the top, bottom, and side edges of 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) HP Premium Plus Photo Papers with a tear-off tab. When you remove the tear-off tab, the printed image is borderless and extends to the edges of the paper.
TIP: You can automatically adjust the settings in the Properties dialog box to print |
a borderless 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) photo on HP Premium Plus Photo Paper. Click |
the Printing Shortcuts tab, and then, in the Printing Shortcuts list, select Photo |
printing-borderless. You can also set the options manually as described in the |
following procedure. |
To print a borderless image |
1. |
Remove all paper from the input tray, and then load the photo paper print side down. |
2. |
On the File menu in your software application, click Print. |
3. |
Make sure the HP All-in-One is the selected printer. |
4. |
Click the button that opens the Properties dialog box. |
Depending on your software application, this button might be called Properties, |
Options, Printer Setup, Printer, or Preferences. |
5. |
Click the Features tab. |
36 |
Print from your computer |
6.In the Resizing Options area, click the appropriate paper size from the Size list.
If a borderless image can be printed on the specified size, the Borderless check box is enabled.
7.In the Basic options area, click a paper type in the Paper Type drop-down list.
NOTE: You cannot print a borderless image if the paper type is set to Automatic or to a type of paper other than a photo paper.
8.Select the Borderless printing check box if it is not already checked.
If the borderless paper size and paper type are not compatible, the HP All-in-One software displays an alert and allows you to select a different type or size.
9.Click OK, and then click Print or OK in the Print dialog box.
NOTE: Do not leave unused photo paper in the input tray. The paper might start to curl, which could reduce the quality of your printout. Photo paper should be flat before printing.
Related topics
Load 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) photo paper
Print a photo on photo paper
For high-quality photo printing, HP recommends you use HP Premium Plus Photo Papers with the HP All-in-One.
You can also improve the quality of the photos you print with the HP All-in-One by purchasing a photo print cartridge. With the tri-color print cartridge and photo print cartridge installed, you have a six-ink system, which provides enhanced quality color photos.
NOTE: Some models of the HP All-in-One do not support photo print cartridges.
To print a photo on photo paper
1.Remove all paper from the input tray, and then load the photo paper print side down.
2.On the File menu in your software application, click Print.
3.Make sure the HP All-in-One is the selected printer.
4.Click the button that opens the Properties dialog box.
Depending on your software application, this button might be called Properties,
Options, Printer Setup, Printer, or Preferences.
5.Click the Features tab.
6.In the Basic Options area, select the appropriate photo paper type from the Paper Type drop-down list.
7.In the Resizing Options area, click the appropriate paper size from the Size list. If the paper size and paper type are not compatible, the HP All-in-One software displays an alert and allows you to select a different type or size.
8.In the Basic Options area, select a high print quality, such as Best or Maximum dpi from the Print Quality drop-down list.
Perform special print jobs |
37 |
Chapter 7
9.In the HP real life technologies area, click the Photo fix drop-down list and select from the following options:
•Off: applies no HP real life technologies to the image.
•Basic: automatically focuses the image; moderately adjusts image sharpness.
•Full: automatically lightens dark images; automatically adjusts sharpness, contrast, and focus of images; automatically removes red-eye.
10.Click OK to return to the Properties dialog box.
11.If you want to print the photo in black and white, click the Color tab and select the
Print in grayscale check box.
12.Click OK, and then click Print or OK in the Print dialog box.
NOTE: Do not leave unused photo paper in the input tray. The paper might start to curl, which could reduce the quality of your printout. Photo paper should be flat before printing.
Related topics
•Handle the print cartridges
•Work with print cartridges
Create custom CD/DVD labels
You can create custom labels for your CDs and DVDs on the HP All-in-One by following the steps below. Or, to create custom CD and DVD labels online, go to www.hp.com and follow the prompts.
To create custom CD/DVD labels
1.Make sure you have CD/DVD tattoo paper loaded in the input tray.
2.On the File menu in your software application, click Print.
3.Make sure the HP All-in-One is the selected printer.
4.Click the button that opens the Properties dialog box.
Depending on your software application, this button might be called Properties,
Options, Printer Setup, Printer, or Preferences.
5.Click the Features tab.
6.In the Paper Type drop-down list, click More, and then select HP CD/DVD tattoo paper from the list.
7.Click OK, and then click Print or OK in the Print dialog box.
Print using Maximum dpi
Use Maximum dpi mode to print high-quality, sharp images.
To get the most benefit from Maximum dpi mode, use it to print high-quality images such as digital photographs. When you select the Maximum dpi setting, the printer software displays the optimized dots per inch (dpi) that the HP All-in-One will print.
Printing in Maximum dpi takes longer than printing with other settings and requires a large amount of disk space.
38 Print from your computer
NOTE: If a photo print cartridge is also installed, the print quality is enhanced. A photo print cartridge can be purchased separately if it is not included with the HP All- in-One.
To print in Maximum dpi mode
1.Make sure you have paper loaded in the input tray.
2.On the File menu in your software application, click Print.
3.Make sure the HP All-in-One is the selected printer.
4.Click the button that opens the Properties dialog box.
Depending on your software application, this button might be called Properties,
Options, Printer Setup, Printer, or Preferences.
5.Click the Features tab.
6.In the Paper Type drop-down list, click More, and then select the appropriate paper type.
7.In the Print Quality drop-down list, click Maximum dpi.
NOTE: To view the maximum dpi that the HP All-in-One will print, click
8.Select any other print settings that you want, and then click OK.
Related topics
Work with print cartridges
Print on both sides of the page
You can print two-sided pages with the HP All-in-One manually. When printing two-sided pages, make sure to use paper that is thick enough so that images do not show through to the other side.
To print on both sides of the page
1.Load paper into the input tray.
2.On the File menu in your software application, click Print.
3.Make sure the HP All-in-One is the selected printer.
4.Click the button that opens the Properties dialog box.
Depending on your software application, this button might be called Properties,
Options, Printer Setup, Printer, or Preferences.
5.Click the Features tab.
6.In the Paper saving options area, select Manual from the Two-sided printing dropdown list.
Perform special print jobs |
39 |
Chapter 7
7.For binding, do one of the following:
•For binding on the top like a notebook or calendar, select the Flip Pages Up check box.
This causes the odd and even pages of your document to print opposite of each other top-to-bottom. This ensures that the top of the page is always at the top of the sheet when you flip the pages up in your bound document.
•For binding on the side like a book or magazine, click to clear the Flip pages up check box.
This causes the odd and even pages of your document to print opposite of each other left-to-right. This ensures that the top of the page is always at the top of the sheet when you turn the pages in your bound document.
1 3 5
8.Click OK, and then click Print or OK in the Print dialog box.
The HP All-in-One begins printing. Wait until all the odd-numbered pages are printed before removing any of the printed pages from the output tray.
A dialog box displays instructions on the screen when it is time to process the second side of your job. Do not click Continue in the dialog box until you have reloaded the paper as instructed.
9.Follow the instructions that appear on your screen for reloading the paper to print on the second side, and then click Continue.
Print a multiple-page document as a booklet
The HP All-in-One allows you to print your document as a small booklet, which you can fold and then staple together.
For best results, design your document to fit on a multiple of four pages, such as an 8, 12, or 16-page program for a child’s school play or for a wedding.
40 Print from your computer