Рация icom ic 4088e инструкция

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Summary of Contents for Icom IC-4088E

  • Page 1
  • Page 2
    FOREWORD Thank you for purchasing the IC-4088E LPD (Low Power De- vice) FM transceiver. This LPD FM transceiver meets the Euro- pean LPD specification (EN 300 220). This transceiver is designed for those who require top-grade quality, performance and outstanding reliability under the most demanding conditions.
  • Page 3: Supplied Accessory

    10 different ringing tones are available. (p. 18) SUPPLIED ACCESSORY • Belt clip ………………………………… 1 Icom, Icom Inc. and the are registered trademarks of Icom Incor- porated (Japan) in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Russia and/or other countries.

  • Page 4: Important

    IMPORTANT READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS carefully and completely before using the transceiver. SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL— This instruction man- ual contains important operating instructions for the transceiver. PRECAUTION RWARNING! NEVER hold the transceiver so that the antenna is very close to, or touching exposed parts of the body, especially the face or eyes, while transmitting.

  • Page 5
    –10°C or above +55°C. The use of non-Icom battery packs/chargers may impair trans- ceiver performance and invalidate the warranty. Even when the transceiver power is OFF, a slight current still flows in the radio.
  • Page 6: Table Of Contents

    TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD …………………………………………………………………… i SUPPLIED ACCESSORY ……………………………………………………… ii IMPORTANT …………………………………………………………………… iii PRECAUTION ……………………………………………………………… iii–iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………… v 1 PREPARATION …………………………………………………………… 1 I Belt clip attachment ……………………………………………………… 1 I Battery installation ……………………………………………………… 1 2 PANEL DESCRIPTION ………………………………………………… 2–4 I Switches, controls, keys and connectors …………………………………

  • Page 7: Preparation

    PREPARATION I Belt clip attachment Attach the belt clip using the supplied screw. Conveniently attaches to a belt. I Battery installation Install 3 R6 (AA) size alkaline cell batteries or the optional BP-202 as illustrated below. BATTERY PACK qRemove the battery case cover from the transceiver.

  • Page 8: Panel Description

    PANEL DESCRIPTION I Switches, controls, keys and connectors Antenna Function display (p. 4) Microphone Speaker…

  • Page 9
    PANEL DESCRIPTION q EXTERNAL SPEAKER AND MICROPHONE JACKS Connect an optional speaker-microphone or headset, if desired. w VOLUME CONTROL [VOL] Rotate clockwise to increase and counterclockwise to decrease vol- ume. e PTT SWITCH [PTT] Push and hold to transmit; release to receive. r MODE SWITCH [MODE] ➥…
  • Page 10: I Function Display

    PANEL DESCRIPTION I Function display q KEY LOCK INDICATOR Appears during the key lock function ON. w BUSY INDICATOR Appears while receiving a signal or when the squelch is open. e VOICE SCRAMBLER INDICATOR Appears while the voice scrambler function is in use. r AUTO POWER OFF INDICATOR Appears while the auto power off function is ON.

  • Page 11: Battery Charging

    AVOID over charging— The BP-202 can be charged during opera- tion when the AC adapter or the optional cigarette lighter cable is connected. To prevent over charging, the IC-4088E has charging timer that automatically disconnecting the charging line electronically after 15 hours from charging. However, the charging timer will reset and start charging again when disconnect then re-connecting the AC adapter or CP-18E more than 1 min.

  • Page 12: I Charging Connections

    BATTERY CHARGING I Charging connections Regular charging with the BC-149D, CP-18E ➥ Connect the optional BC-149D or CP-18E AC ADAPTER CIGARETTE to [DC 6V]. LIGHTER CABLE • Charging period: approx. 15 hours Optional CP-18E Cigarette lighter cable with DC-DC converter to cigarette lighter socket to [DC 6V]…

  • Page 13
    BC-119N. w Insert the battery pack, either by itself or attached to the trans- ceiver, into the charger. BP-202 IC-4088E Turn the power OFF! When the installed Ni-Cd battery is nearly exhausted and the function display…
  • Page 14: Basic Operation

    BASIC OPERATION I Power ON ➥ Push [PWR] for 1sec. to turn the power ON. • “ ” and operating channel num- ber appear on the display. [PWR] I Adjusting the volume q Push and hold [MODE] for [VOL] 1sec. to open the squelch. •…

  • Page 15: I Selecting The Operating Channel

    BASIC OPERATION I Selecting the operating channel Push [Y] or [Z] keys several times until the desired operating channel number appears on the display. • While pushing and holding [Y] or [Z] keys, the displayed channel changes continuously until chan- nel number “1”…

  • Page 16: Receive And Transmit

    RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT q Select the desired operating channel with [Y]/[Z]. When a signal is received: • “ ” indicator appears on the display. • Squelch opens and audio is emitted from the speaker. — Further adjustment of [VOL] may be necessary at this point. w Push and hold [PTT] to transmit then speak into the microphone.

  • Page 17
    RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT ✔ Talk Range The IC-4088E is designed to maximize performance and improve transmission range in the field. However, the single most impor- tant factor in transmit range (talk power) is the surrounding envi- ronment. These radios are “line of sight” radios and as such, transmission range are influenced by the degree to which you can “see”…
  • Page 18: Group Mode (Ctcss)

    GROUP MODE (CTCSS) I Setting the group code The IC-4088E is equipped with 38 group codes. Group mode oper- ation provides communication with silent standby since you will only receive calls from group members using the same group number. First of all, set the same group code number for all group member’s transceivers.

  • Page 19
    Note that CTCSS group mode is not private—any- one can receive your calls. The IC-4088E is equipped with 38 tone codes for CTCSS GROUP MODE use. Selecting a code applies it to all 69 operating channels. Each push of [PTT] superimposes your group code over your trans- mit signal;…
  • Page 20: Scan Function

    SCAN FUNCTION Scanning is an efficient way to locate signals quickly over all chan- nels. Select scan resume condition in advance, using Initial Set Mode (p. 17) CH 1 CH 2 CH 69 CH 3 CH 5 CH 4 D Starting the scan ➥…

  • Page 21: Ring Functions

    RING FUNCTIONS I Smart-Ring The ring function has an answer back feature. This allows confir- mation of whether or not a call has reached the receiving party even if the operator is temporarily away from the transceiver. q Set the same group channel number for all of the group transceivers.

  • Page 22: Other Functions

    OTHER FUNCTIONS I Voice scrambler function The voice scrambler function provides communication privacy. q Push [MODE] twice to select voice scram- bler setting mode. • “Sr-” appears on the display. w Push [Y]/[Z] to turn the function ON and OFF. •…

  • Page 23
    OTHER FUNCTIONS D Beep tones ON/OFF Confirmation beep tones normally sound when a key is pushed. These can be turned ON or OFF. ON (on) : Emits confirmation beep. OFF (oF) : No confirmation beep. D D Scan resume type Select the scan resume type from timer scan and pause scan.
  • Page 24
    Ring tone is selectable with 10 different indi- vidual sounds. D D LCD backlight The IC-4088E has LCD backlight light for nighttime operation, and the lighting condition can be selected to suits a specific preference, from Auto, ON and OFF.
  • Page 25: I Lock Function

    OTHER FUNCTIONS I Lock function This function electronically locks all keys and switches to prevent accidental channel changes and function access. ➥ Continue to hold [PWR] down for 2 sec. after power ON to turn the lock function ON and OFF. •…

  • Page 26: I Ats (Automatic Transponder System)

    NOTE: Above setting is for the calling station only. A called party automatically sends an answer back signal without any preset- tings. All IC-4088E’s operating on the same operating channel will answer back to the call in the surroundings communications area.

  • Page 27: I Optional Hm-75A Functions

    OTHER FUNCTIONS I Optional HM-75A functions The optional HM-75A allows remotely selected operating channels, open the squelch, etc. The switches on the HM-75A function as fol- lows. CAUTION: When connecting the HM-75A to the transceiver, make sure that power to the transceiver is turned OFF, other- wise the transceiver may malfunction.

  • Page 28: Specifications

    SPECIFICATIONS • No. of operating Ch. : 69 (simplex; 433.075–434.775 MHz) • Mode : FM (F3E) • Frequency stability : ±2.5 kHz • Frequency resolution : 25 kHz • Power supply requirement : 3 AA (R6) alkaline, BP-202, BC-149D or CP-18E (negative ground) •…

  • Page 29
    SPECIFICATIONS D Channel number and group number Use this page to record a group operating channel number (see p. 9) and group code number (p. 12) for your reference. Operating channel number Group code number ï Channel frequency list Freq.(MHz) Freq.(MHz) Freq.(MHz) 433.075…
  • Page 30: Options

    OPTIONS BP-202 Ni-Cd BATTERY PACK 3.6V/700 mAh Ni-Cd battery pack. BC-119N + AD-105 DESKTOP CHARGER DESKTOP CHARGER ADAPTER Rapidly charges battery pack in 1 to 1.5 hrs. An AC adapter is packed with the BC-119N. The AD-105 must be used with the BC-119N for charging the battery pack.

  • Page 31
    EN 50 371: 2002 Signature D D ABOUT CE The IC-4088E comply with the essential requirements of the European Radio and Telecommunication Terminal Directive 1999/5/EC. This warning symbol indicates that this equipment operates in non- harmonised frequency bands and/or may be subject to licensing condi- tions in the country of use.
  • Page 32
    <Intended Country of Use> BEL I ITA A-6222D-1EX-w Printed in Japan 1-1-32 Kamiminami, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547-0003, Japan © 2002–2003 Icom Inc.

Instruction Manual Download

Model IC-4088E
Document Instruction Manual

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Поздравляем Вас с тем, что Вы остановили свой выбор на FM трансивере IC-4088E
LPD (пониженное энергопотребление). Этот FM трансивер LPD отвечает требованиям
Европейской спецификации на LPD-устройства (EN 300 220). Ваш трансивер
разработан специально для тех, кто хочет иметь отменное качество связи при работе в
самых неблагоприятных условиях.




Упрощённый порядок приобретения и регистрации.



Имеется функция маскиратора речи (скремблера) для ведения скрытых



Через разъём DC-IN можно как питать трансивер от внешнего
источника, так и заряжать от него аккумуляторную батарею.

(Потребуется приобретаемый отдельно сетевой адаптер ВС-149D или кабель СР-



Доступны все 69 LPD каналов.



Рабочие каналы можно объединять в 38 удобных групп.

АТС (Автоматическая Система проверки Дальности действия)

Эта полезная функция позволяет автоматически определять – находится ли
нужная радиостанция в пределах радиуса Вашего действия с выводом
результатов измерения на функциональный дисплей.
В дополнение к этому имеется система ручной проверки дальности действия при
работе в групповом режиме “GROUP MODE”, позволяющая проверять
доступность радиостанций в выбранной группе. В этом режиме трансивер
сообщает результаты измерений звуковыми сигналами.


Всепогодное исполнение трансивера означает, что им можно пользоваться в
ненастную погоду.
* Корпус трансивера отвечает требованиям класса 4 стандарта JIS по степени




Кодирующее и декодирующее устройства CTCSS являются стандартными,
обеспечивающими в отсутствие нужного суб-тонального сигнала CTCSS
мониторинг частоты с отключённым звуковым сопровождением – звук из
динамика раздаётся только тогда, когда принимается требуемый суб-тональный
сигнал CTCSS. Это очень полезная функция при проведении групповых связей.
Имеется возможность установки 38 различных суб-тональных частот CTCSS.

2 разновидности «Звуковых Сигналов», когда Вас вызывают

У трансивера имеются две разновидности звуковых сигналов, напоминающих
телефонные звонки, издаваемых им, когда Вас вызывают – “Smart-Ring” и “Call-
Ring”. При этом при составлении мелодии имеется возможность выбирать из 10-
ти различных звуковых комбинаций.





Thank you for purchasing the IC-4088E LPD (Low Power Device) FM transceiver. This LPD FM transceiver meets the European LPD specification (EN 300 220). This transceiver is designed for those who require top-grade quality, performance and outstanding reliability under the most demanding conditions.


Free of user-license and applications

Voice scrambler function for communication privacy

External DC-IN jack for both operation and battery charging

(Optional BC-149D or CP-18E is required)

All 69 LPD channels are available

38 convenient group channels

■ ATS (Automatic Transponder System)

This convenient function automatically checks station availability within the operating range, and alerts you via function display indication. (p. 20)

In addition, a manual transponder is also available for “GROUP MODE” operation to check availability of stations in a specified group within the operating range. In this case, the transceiver alerts you via beeps. (p. 15)


Weather-resistant* construction is employed, and this unit can be used in a wide range of applications.

*Meets JIS water-protection specification grade 4.



Coded Squelch System)

CTCSS encoder/decoder are standard, providing quiet stand-by. Audio (voice) signals are output only when a signal with matched CTCSS tone signal is received. This is very helpful for group communications. In addition, 38 different CTCSS frequencies are available. (p. 12)

■ 2 types of “Ring” function

The “Smart-Ring” function and the “Call-Ring” function are available for smart and simple station calls providing a telephonestyle ring when called. 10 different ringing tones are available. (p. 18)


• Belt clip ………………………………… 1

Icom, Icom Inc. and the are registered trademarks of Icom Incorporated (Japan) in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Russia and/or other countries.



READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS carefully and completely before using the transceiver.

SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL— This instruction manual contains important operating instructions for the transceiver.


RWARNING! NEVER hold the transceiver so that the antenna is very close to, or touching exposed parts of the body, especially the face or eyes, while transmitting. The transceiver will perform best if the microphone is 5 to 10 cm away and the transceiver is vertical.

RWARNING! NEVER operate the transceiver with a headset or other audio accessories at high volume levels. Hearing experts advise against continuous high volume operation. If you experience a ringing in your ears, reduce the volume or discontinue use.

NEVER attempt to charge alkaline cell batteries. Be aware that external DC power connections will charge batteries inside the battery case. This will damage not only the battery case but also the transceiver.

DO NOT push the PTT when not actually desiring to transmit.


PRECAUTION— continued

USE the optional AC adapter or cigarette lighter cable only for both operating the transceiver and charging the battery. Other manufacturer’s AC adapter, cigarette lighter cable or DC power cable with external power supply may damage the transceiver.

Place the unit in a secure place to avoid inadvertent use by children.

DO NOT operate the transceiver near unshielded electrical blasting caps or in an explosive atmosphere.

AVOID using or placing the transceiver in direct sunlight or in areas with temperatures below –10°C or above +55°C.

The use of non-Icom battery packs/chargers may impair transceiver performance and invalidate the warranty.

Even when the transceiver power is OFF, a slight current still flows in the radio. Remove the alkaline battery cells or battery pack from the transceiver when not using it for a long time. Otherwise, the installed batteries will become exhausted.

When the battery voltage becomes below 3.24 V, the performance of the transceiver cannot be guaranteed due to the regulation.



FOREWORD …………………………………………………………………… i SUPPLIED ACCESSORY……………………………………………………… ii IMPORTANT …………………………………………………………………… iii PRECAUTION ……………………………………………………………… iii–iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………… v

1 PREPARATION …………………………………………………………… 1

Belt clip attachment ……………………………………………………… 1

Battery installation ……………………………………………………… 1

2 PANEL DESCRIPTION ………………………………………………… 2–4

Switches, controls, keys and connectors ……………………………… 2

Function display ………………………………………………………… 4

3 BATTERY CHARGING ………………………………………………… 5–7

Battery caution …………………………………………………………… 5

Charging connections …………………………………………………… 6

4 BASIC OPERATION …………………………………………………… 8–9

Power ON ………………………………………………………………… 8

Adjusting the volume …………………………………………………… 8

Selecting the operating channel………………………………………… 9

5RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT ………………………………………… 10–11

6GROUP MODE (CTCSS) …………………………………………… 12–13

Setting the group code ………………………………………………… 12

7SCAN FUNCTION ………………………………………………………… 14

8RING FUNCTIONS ……………………………………………………… 15

Smart-Ring ……………………………………………………………… 15

Call-Ring ………………………………………………………………… 15

9OTHER FUNCTIONS ………………………………………………… 16–21

Voice scrambler function ……………………………………………… 16

Initial set mode ………………………………………………………… 16

Lock function …………………………………………………………… 19

Low battery indicator …………………………………………………… 19

Auto power save………………………………………………………… 19

ATS (Automatic Transponder System) ……………………………… 20

Resetting the transceiver ……………………………………………… 20

Optional HM-75A functions …………………………………………… 21

10SPECIFICATIONS …………………………………………………… 22–23

11OPTIONS…………………………………………………………………… 24

12CE …………………………………………………………………………… 25


Icom IC-4088E User Manual




Belt clip attachment


Attach the belt clip using the supplied screw. Conveniently attaches to a belt.

Battery installation

Install 3 R6 (AA) size alkaline cell batteries or the optional BP-202 as illustrated below.

qRemove the battery case cover from the transceiver. wInstall 3×R6 (AA) size alkaline cell batteries or BP-


• Be sure to observe the correct polarity.


Alkaline cells

NOTE: Keep battery contacts clean. It’s good idea to clean bat- tery terminals once a week.



Switches, controls, keys and connectors


Function e display

(p. 4)











Connect an optional speaker-microphone or headset, if desired.



Rotate clockwise to increase and counterclockwise to decrease volume.


Push and hold to transmit; release to receive.


Push to enter and select set mode for group (p. 12) and voice scrambler code. (p. 16)

Push and hold for 1 sec. to turn the monitor function ON and OFF. (p. 8)


Push to increment the operating channel.

Push and hold to increment the operating channel continuously.

While scanning, changes scanning direction. (p. 14)


Push to decrement the operating channel.

Push and hold to decrement the operating channel continuously.

While scanning, changes scanning direction. (p. 14)


Push to turn the power ON.

Push and hold this key to toggle the key lock function ON/OFF. (p. 19)


Connects the optional AC adapter or cigarette lighter cable for both operation and battery charging.



Function display


Appears during the key lock function ON. w BUSY INDICATOR

Appears while receiving a signal or when the squelch is open. e VOICE SCRAMBLER INDICATOR

Appears while the voice scrambler function is in use. r AUTO POWER OFF INDICATOR

Appears while the auto power off function is ON. t LOW BATTERY INDICATOR

Appears or blinks when the battery decreases to a specified level. y GROUP NUMBER INDICATOR

Indicates the selected group number during the group function ON. u CHANNEL NUMBER INDICATOR

Indicates the selected operating channel number. i POWER ON INDICATOR

Appears while the power is ON. o ANSWER BACK INDICATOR

Appears when you and your group are in the conversation area.

Blinks when you or your group is out of the conversation area.


Appears during PTT ON.



Icom IC-4088E Transceiver PDF User Guides and Manuals for Free Download: Found (2) Manuals for Icom IC-4088E Device Model (Service Manual, Instruction Manual)

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