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RC CAR Flashing lights / LED’s clignotants pour voiture RC
# 81237
Thanks for purchasing this product which is easy to install and operate. Four
different fl ashing programs can be installed and we recommend to carefully
read this manual in order to reach the ideal effect you want. We believe your
car will be a very beautiful scene on the racing track with this lightning set.
1. CAR LED’s : 12pcs
2. CAR LED holders : 12pcs
3. Control Box : 1pcs
4. Power connection : Y-cable
5. Control cable with switch
6. Dual tape + LEDs holders
Specifi cations
1. Input Voltage : 4.8V~6.0V
2. Working current : 100mA
3. Dimensions : 47mmx30mmx12mm
4. Led Wire : 35cm
5. Control wire : 28cm
6. Y-cable connecting wire : 28cm
7. Weight : 50g
Set up
1. Drill 5mm for the 3mmLED holders and 7mm for the 5mm LED holders inside the
car body.
2. Slide the LED’s into their respective LED holder.
3. Connect each LED carefully with the plug in the corresponding control box as
4. Stick the control box on the top of the cars chassis with dual tape.
5. Mount the car LED wires on the back of the body and keep enough clearance from
the wheels.
6. Fix (stick eventually) all the wires and check whether they are correctly connected.
Connect the control cable with switch to the SET-connector on the control box.
Press the control button to select one of the 4 different modes :
1. All the Car LED’s are ON
2. The front LED’s : the white LED’s will fl ash quickly and the blue LED’s will keep ON
The back LED’s : the white LED’s will keep ON, the yellow & Red LED’s will fl ash
3. The front LED’s : the white & blue LED’s will fl ash quickly in a loop.
The back LED’s : the white, yellow and red LED’s will fl ash quickly.
4. The front LED’s : the white LED’s is always ON, the blue LED’s are fl ashing quickly.
The back LED’s : the white, yellow and red LED’s are fl ash quickly.
Connection diagram
1. Please read carefully the manual
before operating this product. Please
keep this manual by hand for review-
ing anytime
2. Never use a power supply more than
3. Take care and don’t drive in water to
avoid short-circuit.
4) Use a 4.8V~6.0V battery as power
supply OR connect the control box to
your receiver. A wrong connection
may cause damage to receiver or
control box.
copyright © 2010 BMI
Manuel d’instructions
Manuel d’instructions
Nous vous félicitons pour l’achat de ce produit dont l’installation est aisé.
Le boîtier de contrôle permets de programmer 4 modes différents et nous
vous conseillons de lire attentivement les instructions.
L’illumination de votre voiture produira un effet spectaculaire sur le circuit.
1. CAR LED’s : 12pcs
2. Supports pour les LEDs : 12pcs
3. Boîtier de contrôle : 1pcs
4. Câble-Y d’alimentation
5. Câble de contrôle avec interrupteur
6. Autocollant double face + supports des LEDs
Spécifi cations
1. Alimentation : 4.8V~6.0V
2. Consommation : 100mA
3. Dimensions : 47mmx30mmx12mm
4. Longueur des câbles LEDs : 35cm
5. Longueur du câble de contrôle : 28cm
6. Longueur du câble-Y de connexion: 28cm
7. Poids : 50g
1. Forez des trous de 5mm pour les supports des LEDs de 3mm et des trous de 7mm
pour les supports des LEDs de 5mm, dans la carrosserie.
2. Glissez les LEDs dans leurs supports respectifs.
3. Connectez la fi che de chaque LED dans la prise correspondante du boîtier de
contrôle, suivant le schéma de connexion. Faites ceci avec précaution.
4. Collez à l’aide d’un autocollant double face le boîtier de contrôle sur le châssis de
la voiture.
5. Montez les câbles des LEDs au dos de la carrosserie et tenez les éloigné des roues.
6. Fixez les câbles (autocollant) et vérifi er qu’ils sont correctement connectés.
Connectez le câble de contrôle au boîtier dans la fi che SET. Poussez le bouton de
l’interrupteur afi n de sélectionner l’un des 4 programmes:
1. Tous les LED’s sont allumés.
2. Les LEDs avants : Les LEDs blancs clignotent tandis que les LEDs blues restent
Les LEDs arrières : Les LEDs blancs restent allumés, les LEDs jaunes et rouges
3. Les LEDs avants :Les LEDS blancs et bleus clignotent rapidement en un loop.
Les LEDs arrières : Les LEDs blancs, jaunes et rouges clignotent rapidement.
4. Les LEDs avants : Les LEDs blancs sont allumés et les LEDs bleus clignotent
Les LEDs arrières : Les LEDs blancs, jaunes et rouges clignotent rapidement.
RC CAR Flashing lights
# 81237
Schéma de connexion
1. Veuillez lire attentivement ce manuel
avant tout opération et connexions.
Gardez ce manuel afi n de pouvoir
vous y référer à tout moment.
2. N’utilisez jamais une source d’alimen-
tation supérieure à 6.0 Volt.
3. Ne roulez pas dans de l’eau afi n
d’éviter tout court circuit.
4) Vous pouvez alimenter les LEDs soit
par l’alimentation de votre récepteur
ou par une alimention individuelle de
4V à 6V. mais n’utiliser JAMAIS deux
alimentations en même temps. Une
mauvaise connection peut détériorer
le boîtier de contrôle ou le récepteur.
Описание товара:
В комплект входит:
• Блок управления (1шт.)
• 4 комплекта диодов (по 2шт. каждого цвета)
Артикул производителя
Последнее увеличение кол-ва (дата)
26.04.2023 11:27:44
Описание товара
Предлагаем вам приобрести набор диодов и блок управления светом. Характеристика его напряжения 4.8-6V. Устройство имеет до четырех слотов по два диода. В наборе идет светоблок, комплект светодиодов, кнопка выбора режима, а также простая и понятная инструкция на русском языке. Даже новичок легко установит этот товар на свою радиоуправляемую модель. В результате машинка станет еще более эффектной, стильной и реалистичной. Вы можете придать ей совершенно уникальный и индивидуальный внешний вид или добавить последний штрих в настоящий гоночный шедевр!
Товар доступен с доставкой в любой город страны.
• Легкая установка
• Гибкая установка вариантов свечения и подключение акссесуаров
• До 4 слотов по 2 диоду
• Напряжение 4.8-6V
В комплект входит:
- Блок управления (1шт.)
- Комплект светодиодов (Yellow 3mm x2, White 5mm x3, Red 5mm x1, White 3mm x1, Yellow 3mm x1)
- Кнопка выбора режима (1шт.)
Flashing Light Controller
User’s Manual
V. 2.0 06/05
The first programmable
Flashing Light Controller for RC applications!
Design your own flashing sequence on your PC using up to 4 light channels plus an additional
ON/OFF output for green & red navigation lights, simulate the visual effect and download data to the FLC Flashing Light Controller!
Perfect for night flying and for adding more realism to your RC scale models. Change the flashing light effect during flight with a touch on your RC transmitter!
FLC board compared with EU and US cent
1 Characteristics
• The first user programmable light controller
• Based on advanced flash microcontroller
• Small dimensions: 16 x 30 mm
• Four independent flashing channels (circuits)
• One ON/OFF channel for r/g navigation lights
• Up to 6 LEDs drive capability for each channel
• Six programmable sequences available
• Up to 32 steps for each sequence
• RS232 serial link for PC programming
• PC editing software
• PC visual flashing effect simulation
• Sequence store / recall on disk
• Flashing effect WEB downloadable archive
• Adjustable RC interface parameters
• Futaba and JR/Graupner/Universal connector
• SMD and traditional LEDs available
2 Overview
Flashing Light Controller is a sophisticated electronic board that interfaces your RC system with four flashing and one ON/OFF light channels.
Each output is capable of driving up to 6 white hibrightness LEDs at low voltage, avoiding the risk of using dangerous hi-voltage flashers.
An additional ON/OFF channel is provided for solid red and green navigation lights.
FLC can be connected to a dedicated channel or can be used in parallel with an existing function of your RC system. The ON and OFF position can be user-programmed, so there is no need to modify your radio set-up.
3 Connections
FLC comes with a standard connector (available in Futaba and Universal versions) that can be plugged into a free channel of your receiver. If you are planning to use an existing function, a Y harness adaptor is required.
The controller has a 10 pin output arranged for a compact 10 pin flat cable connector. In this way it is very easy to disconnect the controller and to move if from one model to another one.
A 4 pin connector is provided for programming and setup operation. The controller has its own internal voltage regulator, so when connected to the PC for programming, it can be powered with a battery (7 to 15 volts) without need for the complete RC system.
An LED on the controller board is used to identify the state of the controller and the communication flow with the PC.
The FLC can store in its non volatile memory six independent flash sequences (data are retained in memory even if the power is disconnected).
A sequence is a number of steps (up to 32) in which each light output channel (circuit) can be programmed to be ON or OFF. The sequence is repeated continuously until a RC command is received; immediately, the next sequence will start.
For each sequence it is also possible to define the step time (the minimum ON and OFF period) starting from 0.02 seconds up to several seconds.
Equally, the on/off state of navigation lights (light channel 5) can be set.
RC Switch instruction manual
Flashing Light Controller
User’s Manual
V. 2.0 06/05
5 Board connections description
When programming:
Servo cable: disconnected
VBatt: disconnected
Light connector: disconnected
Serial connector: P1: GND (Power)
P2: +7/15 DC power supply or
6 to 12 cells battery pack.
P3: RX to PC Serial
P4: GND to PC Serial
When in use:
Servo cable: must be connected to a channel of the RC receiver; available in Futaba or Universal
(Graupner/JR/Hitec) version.
Serial connector: connects the PC serial port and power supply during board data programming. A wall adaptor, a power supply or a battery pack can be used in the range 7-15 volts
DC, 100 mA and must be connected to pin
P2 (positive) and P1 (GND).
Light connector:
10 pins for 5 light channels (circuits) LED connection. On the inner column there are the active low commands for each channel.
The external column is connected to the
LEDs positive supply (VBatt). It is possible to wire LEDs with a common positive and then with a separate negative for each channel, or to use two wires out of the connector for each LED channel in sequence: GND and positive for each channel. The first 4 light channels can be used as flashing lights, while the last one
(channel 5) can only be programmed ON or
OFF in each sequence and can be used for navigation lights.
VBatt: common positive power supply for all LEDs from the main battery. It can be connected to one or more light connector pins (if not used for LEDs) or to a pad located on the bottom side of the circuit. A small connector can also be used to make the board easy to remove.
RC Switch instruction manual
Servo cable:
VBatt: to receiver channel to positive end of main battery pack (see details for allowable number of cells).
Light connector: to light system (LEDs)
Serial connector: disconnected
Flashing Light Controller
User’s Manual
V. 2.0 06/05
Great care must been taken to ensure your safety. If you make the mistake of turning on your receiver BEFORE switching on your transmitter, nothing will happen. The lack of two short blinks on the board LED and on light channel 4 will warn you that you have made an error.
You should always turn on your transmitter
BEFORE activating your receiver to ensure that you have control over all functions.
The selection between modes is automatically done by the interface at the start-up. If command pulses from the RC receiver are detected, the controller starts in operation mode; otherwise the programming mode is entered. Do not power on the interface if the PC is connected and it is sending data. This can start the operation mode.
When the board is connected to the RC system, the operation mode is automatically selected.
Two short blinks on the board LED (and on light channel 4) indicate that the system is ready to operate. All the channels are off until the first command from the receiver is detected. Then the first sequence starts and it is played until a new command is received. To change from one light sequence to another, you must first give the OFF command and then the ON command. After the last sequence (6) a dummy ‘blank’ sequence is automatically inserted, in which all outputs are in the off condition. The system will restart from the first sequence at the next command.
Mode detect
2 Blinks
Seq 1
Seq 2
Seq 6
9 LED resistor calculation
Each channel can drive up to 6 high-intensity
LEDs. Each LED must be wired with the cathode connected to the desired channel output and the anode to the VBatt via a resistor.
Important notice: never connect the LED directly to power (VBatt) without the resistor. This will destroy the LED and
can damage the interface.
If you buy the LEDs as part of the kit, resistors are already provided and you can select the option for
7 or 8 cells battery pack. If you have different battery pack, or you have already LEDs installed on your model, you have to calculate the most appropriate resistor value.
The formula is very simple:
R = (VBatt – Vled) / iLed
R = resistor value in ohms
VBatt = battery voltage (volts)
VLed = LED forward voltage (volts) iLed = LED current consumption in amperes
The LED in the kit must be powered at 30 mA
(0.03A) max and has a forward voltage of 4V. If you use this LED connected to a 8 cells battery pack (1.2 x 8 = 9.6V), the resistor value will be:
R =(9.6-4)/0.03 -> 186 adjusted to 180 ohms
If the same LED is connected to a 7 cell pack:
R =(8.4-4)/0.03 -> 146 adjusted to 150 ohms
In chapter 12 there is a table with the adjusted value for the LEDs from 20 to 35 mA and battery packs from 6 to 10 cells (7.2V to 12V) for white
LEDs. When connecting more than one LED to the same light channel, use a separate resistor for each LED.
When the board is powered without a connection to the RC receiver, the programming mode is entered. The board LED is turned on and starts blinking during data transfer.
When the programming is finished the LED is turned off and the interface must be re-started.
RC Switch instruction manual
Channel output x
Res n
Flashing Light Controller
User’s Manual
V. 2.0 06/05
10 How to wire LEDs
There are different options for LED connections; the GND to each LED is controlled by the FLC, while the Positive must be wired to the LED. It is recommended that you connect each LED to
VBatt using a separate resistor for each LED.
For the light connector pin-out, please refer to section 13: Board connections diagram.
First option ‘
Separate wires’:
This configuration uses a flat cable or separate plug with two wires for each LED.
— +
Pin 1
Second option ‘
Common positive (VBatt)’:
— +
Pin 1
Schematic diagram of light channels (circuits) 1-4
In this configuration, LEDs are connected with a common wire to VBatt and with the other pin to the Flashing Light Controller board.
Schematic diagram of light channels (circuits) 1-4
The wires of the flat cable can be separated in five pairs. The first from the top is light channel 1 (- and +), the second is light channel 2 (- and +), and all other light channels are in the same order.
The VBatt (positive) must be connected to the red wire marked ‘VBatt’ and it is transferred on the board to the ‘+’ pins of the connector.
This configuration is suitable when LEDs are located in different parts of the model. In this way, for each LED there is a simple two cable pair.
Don’t forget to connect the right resistor in series with the LED!
RC Switch instruction manual
This is the preferred configuration when LEDs are placed in the same area (i.e. on the wing) as it minimizes the number of wires (4+1 instead of 8).
In this case it is possible to use a single line connector for the four light channel connection.
The red wire soldered on the pad close to the connector (VBatt) is not needed as it normally used only to transfer VBatt voltage on the pins of the connector, that are not used in this configuration. Power from the battery (VBatt) must be connected directly to the LEDs positive pole.
If you are planning to connect LEDs on both wings in symmetrical position, you have to connect two separate wires on each channel pin of the connector — one for the right wing and the other one for the left wing.
Flashing Light Controller
User’s Manual
V. 2.0 06/05
As an alternative, you can use the flat cable crimping the connector in the middle of the cable, as in the example:
Traditional version:
SMD version:
You have two pairs of wires for each channel, one for the right and one for the left wing. The L and R end of each light channel are connected to the same light channel pin.
11 LEDs in the kit
You can use any type of LED with the FLC board.
The right resistor value must be calculated according to the battery pack size and specific
LED characteristics.
The LEDs offered in the kit are available in two formats: traditional and SMD.
Both are hi-brightness white LED and both are supplied on a small PCB board (11×11 mm.)
including the required resistor.
Each board has two large pads for easy wire connection, very useful in the common VBatt configuration, as a rigid wire can connect and hold in place the boards with LEDs.
The traditional one has the LED on one side and the resistor and connection pads on the other one, while the SMD version has all on the same layer.
RC Switch instruction manual
12 LED resistor selection table
White LED, forward voltage = 4V
Number of cells / voltage
6 / 7.2 7 / 8.4 8 / 9.6 10 / 12
20 mA
25 mA
220 270
180 220
30 mA
110 150 180 270
35 mA
91 120 160 220
Note: some resistor values are non-standard and can be found in the 1% and 2% tolerance series.
13 Board connections diagram
Servo cable
P2: +7/15V
P3: Rx
Light connector
Pin 1
L. Ch. 1
L. Ch. 2
L. Ch. 3
L. Ch. 4
Nav Light
Nav Light
Serial connector
(bottom side)
Flashing Light Controller
User’s Manual
V. 2.0 06/05
14 Programming the controller
The controller can be programmed to reproduce your personal flashing sequences using a PC and the dedicated software. During this procedure, it is also possible to setup the polarity and the command/stick travel of the RC system you want to use to control the interface.
The interface comes with a pre-programmed set of flashing sequences and with the input channel programmed to detect the ON (start of the next sequence) at more than 60% and the OFF
(command release) at less than 20% of the total command/stick travel.
If you have a dedicated channel for the Flashing
Light Controller, you can operate the interface at the default values, adjusting the travel and polarity on your transmitter.
15 Software
The programming software is very easy to use. It can also be used ‘off line’ with the FLC board unconnected. You can edit, simulate and save your sequences or recall them from disk for adjustment and modification.
When you have completed the six sequences, you can connect the Flashing Light Controller board and transfer the data.
The connection uses the serial line and it is possible to setup COM1 to COM4 as the output port. The communication is one-way only from the
PC to the Flashing Light Controller board, so it is not possible to check and correct transmission errors. In case of error, it is necessary to retry the data transmission.
The LED on the board is switched on when power is applied to the board and will flash during transmission to indicate that the data are received from the PC.
To start-up the Flashing Light Controller board in programming mode, simply apply power (7-15 volts DC) with the servo cable disconnected. The
LED on indicates that the board is ready to receive data.
The program panel is divided in different sections
(see picture):
Command Menu
Name of the file in use
Sequence selector
Navigation light selection
and indicator
Sequence editor
Program button
Time base selector
Simulation panel
Simulation button
Progress bar
Exit button
RC Switch instruction manual
Flashing Light Controller
User’s Manual
V. 2.0 06/05
The Command menu contains three functions:
File, RC-Set Up and Communication.
File can load and save data patterns on disk. In a file are saved all the six sequences, each one with its time base and navigation light state (ON/OFF).
Communication sets the serial port to be used to send data to the FLC board. The selection is from
COM1 to COM4. If one or more of these ports are not present on your computer, or are not available at the moment (i.e. used by other applications) they are grayed and cannot be selected.
Selecting the save or the recall option, a standard file dialog box will be opened and it is possible to select the drive and the location in which the file can be saved or loaded.
The last Exit option will terminate the program as the Exit button in the bottom right corner.
RC-Set Up will adjust the interface parameter to decode the RC channel command.
Two separate slides control the OFF and the ON threshold positions. A bar-graph on the bottom displays position and amplitude of the commands: in red the OFF (neutral) position (default set-up from 0 to 20%), in green the ON (active) area from
60% to 100% and in yellow the hysteresis zone: the valid command on must be greater than 60% and the command release is under the 20% limit; in the middle the command is undefined.
It is possible to reverse the two limits by simply moving the OFF slide up and the ON slide down.
The Done button will close the window and saves the selected values.
RC Switch instruction manual
The other parameters (speed, number of bytes, parity) are fixed and cannot be changed.
The Filename (name of the file in use) is shown immediately after the sequence selector. All the six sequences are stored in one file.
The sequence selector indicates the sequence in use and allows you to select a different one for editing or for simulation. All the six sequences are held in memory and it is possible to edit part of a sequence, select another one, edit a part of the second sequence and go back to the first one or move to a different one. It is not possible to modify the default name of sequences, marked as
Sequence 1 to Sequence 6.
Moving from one sequence to another one will also automatically up-date the Navigation Lights indicator and the time-base selection to their new values.
15.4 Navigation light selector and indicator
This control toggles ON and OFF the state of navigation lights (channel 5) output for each sequence. The indicator turns GREEN when ON in the current sequence and in RED when OFF.
Flashing Light Controller
User’s Manual
V. 2.0 06/05
This is the main working area of the program in which it is possible to create the flashing sequences. It is divided into four rows, one for each output channel (circuit), marked as Light
Chan. 1 to 4.
The four rows are divided in 32 columns, marked as step 1 to step 32 (S1–S32). A bar under the working area allows you to move horizontally to reach the last column. Each column (S1, S2, …) represents a fixed time interval. For each interval, it is possible to select the state of each light channel (ON or OFF).
Playing all the columns in sequence will create the flash effect. The time interval is the same for all the steps in the sequence and can be modified using the time-base selector.
To create a simple flash sequence (see example) on channel 1 with half second ON and half second
OFF, S1 must be programmed ON, S2 must be programmed OFF and the sequence can be terminated. The S1 and S2 steps are executed continuously, creating a 50% ON and 50% OFF flash effect.
To create your personal sequences you can start from an existing pattern or from scratch. When you start from an empty sequence, the end of sequence marker is automatically placed at the end of the sequence. Move the cursor to the position you want to edit and click to select the current position or double-click to toggle between
ON and OFF. By selecting a cell, you identify the current step and channel, and you can apply the following editing commands:
Clear all data of all channels of the current sequence (no need to select a cell).
Clear all data in the current channel starting from the current position to end.
Delete the selected step in the current channel.
CTRL D: Delete the selected step in all channels.
Insert a new step in the current position, in the current channel.
CTRL I: Insert a new step in the current position in all channels.
E: Place the end-of-sequence marker, which is displayed as a red column.
H: Recall the help frame with the available command description.
The time-base indicator must be adjusted to the required time interval, in the example 0.5 seconds.
The green box indicates channel ON, clear box indicates channel OFF and the red column will terminate the sequence.
Changing the time base will slow down or accelerate the flash frequency, but the duty cycle of 50% remains the same.
To create a different effect, with two short pulses, one long, two short and a pause, the pattern is:
The three steps S5, S6 and S7 will create the long pulse ON, while S12, S13 and S14 are the long pause before repetition.
The time-base selector allows you to set-up the time interval of each step in the current sequence.
The allowable values are from 20 msec up to 5 sec, advancing in a 20 msec step. On the
Flashing Light Controller board, this time can change from 20 to 25 msec, as it is synchronized with the RC-receiver channel scan rate.
15.7 Simulation panel & button
The simulation panel reproduces the running sequence by switching ON and OFF four white dots, one for each light channel (circuit). You can see the real visual effect of the sequence and while the simulation is running, you can modify the time-base setup, or you can edit/modify the sequence having an immediate visual feedback of the resulting effect.
The simulation is toggled ON and OFF with the
simulation button and it is automatically turned
OFF during data downloading to the Flashing
Light Controller board.
RC Switch instruction manual
Flashing Light Controller
User’s Manual
V. 2.0 06/05
This button starts data download to the Flashing
Light Controller board. Be sure that the PC is connected to the FLC board and that the board is powered with the state LED on.
During data transfer, the simulation is switched off, and the sequence selector will indicate which sequence is currently being transferred.
16 Default sequences
Sequence n. 1 Nav. Light ON Timebase = 0.060
Ch. 1
The state LED on the flashing controller board will flash to indicate the correct data flow.
Before using this function, the right COM port must be selected.
It is normally not-visible, and will appear during data save, load and send, to indicate the progress of the operation.
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Sequence n. 2 Nav. Light OFF Timebase = 0.060
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Sequence n. 3 Nav. Light ON Timebase = 0.100
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Sequence n. 4 Nav. Light OFF Timebase = 0.080
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Sequence n. 5 Nav. Light ON Timebase = 0.060
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 4
Sequence n. 6 Nav. Light OFF Timebase = 0.160
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 4
RC Switch instruction manual
Flashing Light Controller
User’s Manual
V. 2.0 06/05
17 Additional notes
Throughout this document, the term ‘light channel’ is used with the meaning usually attributed to that of an electrical circuit. The controller board is plugged into only one “channel” of your receiver. This channel can be either a toggle switch, such as the gear UP/DOWN, or an unused stick channel such as the rudder.
The LEDs need to be provided with a positive power source. If you are using only four LEDs, a workable solution can be achieved using only the 4.8 volts from the receiver battery pack. All you have to do is attach the Vbatt red wire of the controller board to the positive wire of a spare female servo plug. Insert that plug into a spare channel on your receiver and you have provided the positive power source. The controller board will pick up the ground for the circuit from the ground on the three wire servo extension that is attached to the controller board right beside the board LED. Please note that, in this case, the required resistor value is ly 33 ohms, due to very low voltage of the battery (4.8 volts) compared with the forward voltage of the white LED (4 volts).
If you want really bright lights, and you are using 8 LEDs, then you should use an external power pack, such as the one connected to your ESC. Connect the red Vbatt wire from the controller board to the positive side of your ESC power source. If the ESC is supplying the receiver via the BEC circuit the GND return is already ensured by the receiver connection.
If you are using an external battery not connected to your RC system the negative pole of the battery (GND) must be connected to the FLC. You can pick up controller board ground from either P1 or P4 of the serial interface connector.
When connecting the serial interface connector, please make sure that it is connected with red dot facing up.
The external battery source is connected to the two pins (1 and 2) closest to the controller board LED.
RC Switch instruction manual
RC CAR Flashing lights / LED’s clignotants pour voiture RC
# 81237
Thanks for purchasing this product which is easy to install and operate. Four
different fl ashing programs can be installed and we recommend to carefully
read this manual in order to reach the ideal effect you want. We believe your
car will be a very beautiful scene on the racing track with this lightning set.
1. CAR LED’s : 12pcs
2. CAR LED holders : 12pcs
3. Control Box : 1pcs
4. Power connection : Y-cable
5. Control cable with switch
6. Dual tape + LEDs holders
Specifi cations
1. Input Voltage : 4.8V~6.0V
2. Working current : 100mA
3. Dimensions : 47mmx30mmx12mm
4. Led Wire : 35cm
5. Control wire : 28cm
6. Y-cable connecting wire : 28cm
7. Weight : 50g
Set up
1. Drill 5mm for the 3mmLED holders and 7mm for the 5mm LED holders inside the
car body.
2. Slide the LED’s into their respective LED holder.
3. Connect each LED carefully with the plug in the corresponding control box as
4. Stick the control box on the top of the cars chassis with dual tape.
5. Mount the car LED wires on the back of the body and keep enough clearance from
the wheels.
6. Fix (stick eventually) all the wires and check whether they are correctly connected.
Connect the control cable with switch to the SET-connector on the control box.
Press the control button to select one of the 4 different modes :
1. All the Car LED’s are ON
2. The front LED’s : the white LED’s will fl ash quickly and the blue LED’s will keep ON
The back LED’s : the white LED’s will keep ON, the yellow & Red LED’s will fl ash
3. The front LED’s : the white & blue LED’s will fl ash quickly in a loop.
The back LED’s : the white, yellow and red LED’s will fl ash quickly.
4. The front LED’s : the white LED’s is always ON, the blue LED’s are fl ashing quickly.
The back LED’s : the white, yellow and red LED’s are fl ash quickly.
Connection diagram
1. Please read carefully the manual
before operating this product. Please
keep this manual by hand for review-
ing anytime
2. Never use a power supply more than
3. Take care and don’t drive in water to
avoid short-circuit.
4) Use a 4.8V~6.0V battery as power
supply OR connect the control box to
your receiver. A wrong connection
may cause damage to receiver or
control box.
copyright © 2010 BMI
Manuel d’instructions
Manuel d’instructions
Nous vous félicitons pour l’achat de ce produit dont l’installation est aisé.
Le boîtier de contrôle permets de programmer 4 modes différents et nous
vous conseillons de lire attentivement les instructions.
L’illumination de votre voiture produira un effet spectaculaire sur le circuit.
1. CAR LED’s : 12pcs
2. Supports pour les LEDs : 12pcs
3. Boîtier de contrôle : 1pcs
4. Câble-Y d’alimentation
5. Câble de contrôle avec interrupteur
6. Autocollant double face + supports des LEDs
Spécifi cations
1. Alimentation : 4.8V~6.0V
2. Consommation : 100mA
3. Dimensions : 47mmx30mmx12mm
4. Longueur des câbles LEDs : 35cm
5. Longueur du câble de contrôle : 28cm
6. Longueur du câble-Y de connexion: 28cm
7. Poids : 50g
1. Forez des trous de 5mm pour les supports des LEDs de 3mm et des trous de 7mm
pour les supports des LEDs de 5mm, dans la carrosserie.
2. Glissez les LEDs dans leurs supports respectifs.
3. Connectez la fi che de chaque LED dans la prise correspondante du boîtier de
contrôle, suivant le schéma de connexion. Faites ceci avec précaution.
4. Collez à l’aide d’un autocollant double face le boîtier de contrôle sur le châssis de
la voiture.
5. Montez les câbles des LEDs au dos de la carrosserie et tenez les éloigné des roues.
6. Fixez les câbles (autocollant) et vérifi er qu’ils sont correctement connectés.
Connectez le câble de contrôle au boîtier dans la fi che SET. Poussez le bouton de
l’interrupteur afi n de sélectionner l’un des 4 programmes:
1. Tous les LED’s sont allumés.
2. Les LEDs avants : Les LEDs blancs clignotent tandis que les LEDs blues restent
Les LEDs arrières : Les LEDs blancs restent allumés, les LEDs jaunes et rouges
3. Les LEDs avants :Les LEDS blancs et bleus clignotent rapidement en un loop.
Les LEDs arrières : Les LEDs blancs, jaunes et rouges clignotent rapidement.
4. Les LEDs avants : Les LEDs blancs sont allumés et les LEDs bleus clignotent
Les LEDs arrières : Les LEDs blancs, jaunes et rouges clignotent rapidement.
RC CAR Flashing lights
# 81237
Schéma de connexion
1. Veuillez lire attentivement ce manuel
avant tout opération et connexions.
Gardez ce manuel afi n de pouvoir
vous y référer à tout moment.
2. N’utilisez jamais une source d’alimen-
tation supérieure à 6.0 Volt.
3. Ne roulez pas dans de l’eau afi n
d’éviter tout court circuit.
4) Vous pouvez alimenter les LEDs soit
par l’alimentation de votre récepteur
ou par une alimention individuelle de
4V à 6V. mais n’utiliser JAMAIS deux
alimentations en même temps. Une
mauvaise connection peut détériorer
le boîtier de contrôle ou le récepteur.
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Электронный блок управления фарами для автомоделей GT POWER 12 LED RC Car Flashing Light System предназначен для установки фар на любую радиоуправляемую модель. Благодаря этому блоку, вы сможете сделать свою модель более реалистичной, а также легко сможете использовать её в ночное время т.к. светодиоды обладают высокой яркостью свечения.
Для подключения блока применяется специальный кабель, входящий в комплект поставки. Подключается блок между регулятором скорости и аккумулятором, всё делается легко и быстро, никаких специальных знаний не требуется.
В световом блоке GT POWER 12 LED RC Car Flashing Light System предусмотрены 4 режима работы. В комплекте есть 12 светодиодов различного цвета и комплект креплений позволяющий установить их как в кузов модели подготовленый для установки фар, так и в лексановый кузов любой модели.
Технические характеристики:
- 4 режима работы.
- Потребляемый ток 100mA.
- Рабочее напряжение 4.8-6.0V.
- Длина проводов светодиодов 35 см.
- Длина провода с переключателем 28 см.
Комплект поставки:
- Основной блок
- 6 белых светодиодов 5 мм.
- 2 синих светодиода 3 мм.
- 2 желтых светодиода 3 мм.
- 2 красных светодиода 3 мм.
- Соединительные кабели
- Перекличатель
- 12 креплений для светодиодов
- Инструкция
Необходимо приобрести дополнительно:
- Всё необходимое есть в комплекте.
Подсветка для радиоуправляемых моделей GT POWER 12 LED RC Car Flashing Light System
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