Рено кангу инструкция по эксплуатации

Results 1-18 of 18

Renault KANGOO Vehicle User Manual

Renault KANGOO Vehicle User Manual (516 pages)

Renault |
Electric Vehicles |
Size: 17.78 MB

Renault KANGOO Driver's Handbook Manual

Renault KANGOO Driver’s Handbook Manual (260 pages)

Warning Lights
Displays and Indicators

Renault |
Automobile |
Size: 5.94 MB

Renault Kangoo Manual

Renault Kangoo Manual (239 pages)

Table Of Contents |
Renault |
Automobile |
Size: 6.24 MB

Renault Kangoo Handbook

Renault Kangoo Handbook (227 pages)

Instrument Panel

Renault |
Automobile |
Size: 8.58 MB

Renault Kangoo 1998 Manual

Renault Kangoo 1998 Manual (238 pages)

Table of Contents
Instrument Panel

Manual is suitable for 5 more products:

Kangoo 1999Kangoo 2001Kangoo 2002Kangoo 2003Kangoo 2000

Renault |
Automobile |
Size: 4.23 MB

Renault KANGOO 2021 Vehicle User Manual

Renault KANGOO 2021 Vehicle User Manual (438 pages)

Manual is suitable for 1 more product:


Table Of Contents |
Renault |
Automobile |
Size: 19.29 MB

Renault KANGOO Z.E. User Manual

Renault KANGOO Z.E. User Manual (230 pages)

Electric Vehicle: Introduction
Electric Vehicle: Charging

Renault |
Automobile |
Size: 5.29 MB

Renault KANGOO Z.E Driver's Handbook Manual

Renault KANGOO Z.E Driver’s Handbook Manual (220 pages)

Table Of Contents |
Renault |
Automobile |
Size: 4.74 MB

Renault KANGOO Z.E. Driver's Handbook Manual

Renault KANGOO Z.E. Driver’s Handbook Manual (213 pages)


Renault |
Automobile |
Size: 6.38 MB

Renault KANGOO BE BOP Driver's Handbook Manual

Renault KANGOO BE BOP Driver’s Handbook Manual (198 pages)

Table Of Contents |
Renault |
Automobile |
Size: 8.37 MB

Renault kangoo storia Driver's Handbook Manual

Renault kangoo storia Driver’s Handbook Manual (173 pages)

Table Of Contents |
Renault |
Automobile |
Size: 3.99 MB

Renault 1997 ANTI THEFT SYSTEM Kangoo Applications Manual

Renault 1997 ANTI THEFT SYSTEM Kangoo Applications Manual (12 pages)

Renault |
Car Alarm |
Size: 1.2 MB

Renault KANGOO VAN 2016 Vehicle Instruction Card

Renault KANGOO VAN 2016 Vehicle Instruction Card (11 pages)

Manual is suitable for 1 more product:

ZOE 2018

Renault |
Automobile |
Size: 2.01 MB

Mont Blanc Flex 2 848/2 Fitting Instructions Manual

Mont Blanc Flex 2 848/2 Fitting Instructions Manual (6 pages)

Load carriers for cars with screw holes in the roof, roofbars for fiat doblo 2001-2010, ford tourneo connect 2002-2008 mecedes benz citan 2013- , renault kangoo 2008- renault kangoo(also 4×4 2001-2007)1998-2008, renault kangoo express (also compact) 2008-

Mont Blanc |
Automobile Accessories |
Size: 0.85 MB

Oris 022701 Fitting Instruction

Oris 022701 Fitting Instruction (18 pages)

For renault kangoo 1997-2008

Oris |
Automobile Accessories |
Size: 9.63 MB

Kuda-Phonebase 282340 Installation Instruction

Kuda-Phonebase 282340 Installation Instruction (3 pages)

Navi renault kangoo

Kuda-Phonebase |
Automobile Accessories |
Size: 2.02 MB

TEINHOF R-074 Fitting And Operation Manual

Teinhof R-074 Fitting And Operation Manual (2 pages)

Tow bar for renault kangoo ii

Teinhof |
Automobile Accessories |
Size: 1.43 MB

Connects2 CAM-RT6 User Manual

Connects2 CAM-RT6 User Manual (2 pages)

High level brake light/camera renault kangoo 2007 — 2021

Connects2 |
Automobile Accessories |
Size: 0.48 MB

Руководство по эксплуатации автомобиля Renault Kangoo 1

Расположение сигнальных ламп, переключателей и приборов
1, 9, 13 — Дефлекторы; 2, 12 — Места установки динамиков; 3 — Переключатель указателей поворота, наружного освещения, передних противотуманных фар, задних противотуманных фонарей; 4 — Щиток приборов; 5 — Звуковой сигнал и подушка…

Щиток приборов
Варианты исполнения щитка приборов Модели первого поколения 9 — Многофункциональная кнопка. Модели второго поколения 1 — Указатель уровня топлива; 2 — Не используется; 3, 5 — Сигнальные лампы указателе поворота; 4 — Спидометр; 6…

Сигнальные лампы
Наличие и функционирование зависит от комплектации автомобиля и страны поставки. Сигнальная лампа минимального уровня топлива в баке. Эта лампа гаснет после пуска двигателя. При работающем двигателе лампа сигнализирует о том, что…

Эксплуатация часов
1 — Кнопка; 2 — Дисплей. Показания текущего времени отображаются на дисплее 2 при включении зажигания. Установка времени слегка поверните кнопку 1 вправо; установите текущее время, нажимая или удерживая кнопку 1; слегка поверните…

Электрообогреватели стекол
Электрообогреватель заднего стекла Обогрев работает только при работающем двигателе. Включение и выключение осуществляется нажатием кнопки 1. На панели приборов загорается сигнальная лампа.

Звуковая и световая сигнализация
Подача звукового сигнала Нажмите на подрулевой переключатель 1 по направлению к рулевой колонке А или на кнопки 2 для автомобилей, оснащенных подушкой безопасности. Сигнализация дальним светом фар Нажмите подрулевой переключатель…

Наружные осветительные приборы
Регулировка света фар в вертикальной плоскости Производится в зависимости от загрузки автомобиля с помощью регулятора 1. Поверните ручки регулятора 1 вверх, для того чтобы опустить пучки света фар, или вниз, чтобы поднять их….

Стеклоочистители и стеклоомыватели
Стеклоочистители ветрового стекла. При включенном зажигании поверните рычаг подрулевого переключателя 1 параллельно рулевому колесу: А — выключено; В — прерывистый режим. После каждого рабочего цикла щетки останавливаются на…

Система отопления и вентиляции
Размещение дефлекторов на передней панели: 1 — Дефлекторы и обдув боковых стекол; 2 — Центральные дефлекторы; 3 — Щель обдува ветрового стекла; 4 — Панель управления вентиляционной системы; 5 — Дефлекторы обогрева ног водителя и…

Освещение салона
Фонарь направленного освещения 1 Для включения/выключения фонаря направленного освещения передвиньте выключатель 2 в требуемую сторону. Передний плафон 4 Нажатие на клавишу 3 обеспечивает следующие режимы работы освещения:…

Эксплуатация стеклоподъемников
Электрические стеклоподъемники передних дверей Стеклоподъемник двери водителя При включенном или выключенном зажигании и закрытой двери водителя: чтобы опустить стекло, нажмите клавишу 1; чтобы поднять стекло, поднимите клавишу 1…

Боковые стекла
Открытие стекла боковой сдвижной двери Чтобы приоткрыть стекло, сдвиньте ручку 1 в направлении, указанном стрелкой. Открытие сдвижного бокового стекла Нажмите на фиксаторы 3 сдвиньте стекло. Для фиксации стекла в открытом или…

Люк крыши
Открывание Освободите фиксатор 2. сдвигая вверх зажим 1 Подняв люк, установите его в фиксированное положение. Закрытие Внимание. Закройте люк перед тем, как закрыть задние створчатые двери. Снятие прижмите друг к другу два…

Люк крыши с электроприводом
При включенном зажигании Открывание Нажмите на часть клавиши 1, не обозначенную символом, и удерживайте ее, пока люк не займет требуемого положения. Закрытие Нажмите на часть клавиши 1, обозначенную символом, и удерживайте ее…

Зеркала заднего вида
Внутреннее зеркало заднего вида Положение зеркала регулируется рычагом 1. Наружное зеркало заднего вида Регулировка производится рычажком 2. Наружные зеркала заднего вида с электрической регулировкой Включив зажигание, поверните…

Разделительная перегородка
Установите подушку переднего пассажира сиденья в вертикальное положение, потянув за нее в направлении, указанном стрелкой. Опустите подголовник в самое нижнее положение, затем разблокируйте спинку сиденья, потянув вверх за ручку…

Эксплуатация сидений
Регулировка положения сиденья Для перемещения сидений вперед или назад поднимите перекладину 1, чтобы разблокировать механизм. Регулировка наклона спинки сидений Нажмите на ручку 2, пока не установите желаемого наклона спинки…

Эксплуатация ключей
1 — Пульт дистанционного управления замками дверей, кодированный ключ замка зажигания, дверей и пробки наливной горловины топливного бака; 2 — Сигнальная лампа. Замена элементов питания пульта дистанционного управления Сдвиньте…

Запирание дверей
Электрический привод замков дверей Электрический привод позволяет одновременно запирать все двери. Для этого включите зажигание, нажмите на часть выключателя 1 без символа и удерживайте ее нажатой 5 секунд. Убедитесь, что кнопки…

Эксплуатация капота
Открытие Закрытие Освободите упор и закрепите его в фиксаторе 2. Опустите капот примерно до высоты 20 см от передка автомобиля, затем отпустите. Капот закроется под тяжестью собственного веса.

Стояночный тормоз
Включение: поднимите рычаг вверх. Торможение автомобиля достигается при перемещении рычага при мерно на 10 зубьев храповика. Автомобиль оборудован системой автоматической компенсации износа тормозных колодок, стояночный тормоз…

Замок зажигания
St — Положение ключа зажигания «Стоп и блокировка рулевого вала». Для блокировки рулевого вала следует извлечь ключ из замка зажигания и повернуть рулевое колесо в любом направлении до щелчка замка рулевой колонки. Для…

Антиблокировочная система
Антиблокировочная система предназначена для предотвращения потери колесами сцепления с дорогой: блокировки колес и потери автомобилем управляемости. При экстренном торможении автомобиля необходимо обеспечить достижение двух…

Замена ламп накаливания
Фары дальнего/ближнего света Снимите пластмассовую крышку 1, повернув ее на четверть оборота. Отсоедините пружинный фиксатор 2 и извлеките лампу. Отсоедините разъем лампы. Установите крышку 1. Тип галогенной (йодной) лампы — Н4….

Плавкие предохранители
Блок предохранителей 1 При возникновении неисправностей одного из электроприборов, прежде всего, проверьте соответствующие предохранители. Убедитесь также в правильности подключения данного прибора. Если произошло короткое…

Щетки стеклоочистителей
Замена щеток стеклоочистителей ветрового стекла 1 — стеклоочиститель; 2 — защелка; 3 — рычаг; 4 — крюк. Поднимите рычаг стеклоочистителя 3. Установите щетку в горизонтальное положение. Нажмите на защелку 2 и сдвиньте щетку к…

Буксировка автомобиля при неисправностях
При буксировке автомобиля рулевое колесо не должно быть заблокировано и ключ зажигания должен находиться в положении «М» (зажигание включено). Это необходимо для того, чтобы на буксируемом автомобиле могли гореть габаритные огни,…

Обкатка автомобиля
Автомобиль с бензиновым двигателем На первых 1000 км пробега не превышайте скорость 90 км/ч на высшей передаче. После пробега 1000 км эти ограничения снимаются, но только после 3000 км пробега автомобиль сможет выдавать свои…

Рекомендации по экономии топлива и вождению
Используйте сертифицированные фирмой РЕНО детали, для того чтобы автомобиль соответствовал действующим экологическим нормам на допустимую токсичность. Вождение автомобиля Осторожная езда с небольшой скоростью в течение первых…

Запуск двигателя от вспомогательного аккумулятора
Для запуска двигателя от другого аккумулятора вам необходимо иметь провода большого сечения (сертифицированные фирмой РЕНО). Обе батареи должны иметь одинаковое напряжение 12 В Емкость батареи-донора должна быть в любом случае не…

Контроль уровня масла в двигателе
Контроль с помощью датчика описан в параграфе « Многофункциональный дисплей ». Контроль уровня масла с помощью маслоизмерительного щупа Извлеките щуп. Протрите щуп тканью. Погрузите щуп до упора (для автомобилей, снабженных…

Замена масла в двигателе
При интенсивной эксплуатации автомобиля чаще заменяйте моторное масло, чем это предусмотрено регламентом техобслуживания. Периодичность замены и типы моторного масла указаны в главе « Техническое обслуживание ». Внимание! При…

Тормозная жидкость
Необходимо регулярно проверять уровень тормозной жидкости, особенно если вы замечаете даже небольшое уменьшение эффективности тормозной системы. 1 — Уровень тормозной жидкости. Обычно уровень снижается одновременно с износом…

Уровень охлаждающей жидкости
Периодичность проверки Регулярно проверяйте уровень охлаждающей жидкости (при ее отсутствии двигатель может выйти из строя). При необходимости долива используйте только охлаждающую жидкость тех марок, которые одобрены…

Уровень масла в бачке гидроусилителя рулевого управления
Уровень Нормальный уровень холодной жидкости должен быть виден между отметками Mini и Maxi на стенке бачка 1. Для замены и долива используйте только те марки охлаждающей жидкости, которые одобрены фирмой РЕНО (см. главу «…

Уровень жидкости в бачке омывателя ветрового стекла
1 — Пробка. Уровень жидкости в бачке омывателя ветрового стекла Долив жидкости: через отверстие, закрытое пробкой 1. Жидкость этого бачка используется также и омывателями фар (если автомобиль оборудован такой системой)….

Устранение неисправностей
Ниже приведены советы и рекомендации в отношении того, как грамотно обращаться с автомобилем, произвести мелкий ремонт в дороге. В случае серьезных поломок рекомендуем обращаться в сервисный центр РЕНО. При включении стартера…

Идентификационные таблички
При заказе запасных частей необходимо ссылаться на информацию которая содержится в табличке с данными изготовителя А (с правой стороны). Расположение идентификационной табличке на двигателе Двигатель 1,2 л Двигатель 1,4 л…

Массовые характеристики двигателя
1. Следует помнить, что при полной загрузке автомобиля до максимальной разрешенной массы максимальная скорость не должна превышать 100 км/ч, давление в шинах необходимо увеличить на 0,2 бар. 2. Мощность двигателя и способность…

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Renault Kangoo Manual

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  • Contents

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Related Manuals for Renault Kangoo

Summary of Contents for Renault Kangoo

  • Page 2
    DEXRON III Kangoo 4×4 final drive TRANSELF UNIVERSAL 80W-90 API GL5 RENAULT recommends approved ELF lubricants. When topping up or changing the oil, we recommend you use only the original lubricants. Consult your RENAULT Dealer or visit the site www.lubricants.elf.com…
  • Page 3
    Quick overview — Tyre pressures 0.04 ……………………..- Adjusting the seats and driver’s position 1.22 1.25 …………- Child restraint devices 1.34 1.45 ………………… — Warning lights 1.52 1.77 ………………….- De-icing/Demisting 1.80 ……………………- Visible and audible warning signals 1.81 ……………….
  • Page 4
    Sections Getting to know your vehicle …………..Driving …………………… Your comfort ………………..Maintenance ………………..Practical advice ……………….. Technical specifications …………….Alphabetical index ………………0.03…
  • Page 5
    Tyre pressures when cold (in bar) 165/70 R 14 165/70 R 14 165/70 R 14 Tyre sizes 165/70 R 14 C 165/70 R 14 reinforced reinforced reinforced Normal use — Front — Rear Full load use and/or motorway driving (1) — Front — Rear Emergency spare wheel…
  • Page 6: Table Of Contents

    Section 1: Getting to know your vehicle Keys 1.02 …………………………….. Radio frequency remote control unit 1.03 1.06 ………………..Doors 1.07 1.13 …………………………..Renault Anti-Intruder Device (RAID) 1.14 ……………………. Engine immobiliser 1.15 — 1.16 ……………………… Headrests 1.17 — 1.18 …………………………Roof flap 1.19 — 1.20 ………………………….

  • Page 7: Keys

    KEYS 1 Coded key for ignition switch, 2 Key for ignition switch, doors and doors and fuel filler cap. fuel filler cap. 1.02…

  • Page 8: Radio Frequency Remote Control Unit

    RADIO FREQUENCY REMOTE CONTROL: general information Radio frequency remote control A Radio frequency remote control B Radio frequency remote control C 1 Key for ignition switch, doors and 3 Key for ignition switch, doors and 5 Unlocking the front doors and, fuel filler cap.

  • Page 9
    If you lose your keys or remote when handling the remote control control unit, or need another set, that you do not inadvertently lock or contact your RENAULT Dealer. unlock the doors. — If remote control…
  • Page 10
    RADIO FREQUENCY REMOTE CONTROL: use The side mounted indicators and hazard warning lights flash twice to indicate that the doors have been locked. Note: depending on the vehicle, if either door luggage compartment open properly closed, the hazard warning lights will not flash. The hazard warning lights and side mounted indicators flash once to indicate unlocking.
  • Page 11
    RADIO FREQUENCY REMOTE CONTROL UNIT: use (continued) Unlocking the doors A short press on button 5 unlocks the front doors and, depending on the vehicle, the sliding side doors. Pressing and holding button 5 unlocks all the doors and luggage compartment.
  • Page 12
    DOORS Recommendations for the sliding side door (left or right-hand side) Appropriate precautions must be taken when opening or closing the sliding door, as is the case for any of the vehicle’s doors. — Check that the door will not come into contact with any person, part of your body, animal or object.
  • Page 13
    DOORS (continued) Lights-on reminder buzzer Childproof locks If you have left the lights switched To prevent the side door from being on after turning off the ignition, a opened from the inside, move lever warning buzzer will sound when a 7 and check from inside the vehicle door is opened (to prevent discharge that it is locked correctly.
  • Page 14
    DOORS (continued) Locking manually from the outside First close the small door and then close the large door. Door stays 3 will lock into their locations automatically. Rear hinged doors Opening manually from the outside To open the rear doors completely Unlock using the same key as for the To open the doors fully, move catch front doors.
  • Page 15
    DOORS (continued) Rear hinged doors Tailgate (continued) Opening from the inside Opening manually from the outside The small door can be opened from To unlock, insert the ignition key inside the vehicle by turning handle into lock 5. 4 downwards. Place your hand behind handle 6 and lift to open.
  • Page 16
    LOCKING THE DOORS Electric central locking Manual locking This enables all the doors to be Check that buttons 2 are pressed Front door locked simultaneously. down fully. Use the key if outside or, if inside Lock by pressing the opposite side the vehicle, press down button 2 to the figurine on switch 1.
  • Page 17
    LOCKING THE DOORS (continued) Sliding side door (right-hand side) From outside, insert the key fully From inside, fully depress button 4, into lock 3 and lock the door. with the door closed. 1.12…
  • Page 18
    LOCKING THE DOORS (continued) When the fuel tank has been filled, Second sliding side door (located on the fuel filler cap side). refit the cap. The locking button is operational again. This door does not have a lock on the outside. It is locked or unlocked For vehicles without remote control from outside the vehicle using the locking, the door is always locked…
  • Page 19: Renault Anti-Intruder Device (Raid)

    RENAULT ANTI-INTRUDER DEVICE (RAID) You must first decide if you want to activate this function. To activate With the ignition on, press button 1 on the locking side (opposite the symbol) approximately seconds, until you hear the beep. To deactivate…

  • Page 20: Engine Immobiliser

    Any unauthorised work carried out on the engine immobiliser (computers, wiring, etc.) could be dangerous. It must be carried out by a qualified RENAULT Technician. 1.15…

  • Page 21
    In all cases, it is essential to contact system operating fault. a RENAULT Dealer. Only RENAULT Dealers are qualified to repair the engine immobiliser. If the coded ignition key is faulty,…
  • Page 22: Headrests

    FRONT HEADRESTS To raise or lower the headrest To refit the headrest Pull the headrest towards you (i.e. Insert the rods into the sleeves, with towards the front of the vehicle) and the notches facing the front. slide it up or down at the same time. Lower the headrest until it locks in position.

  • Page 23
    REAR HEADREST To refit the headrest Insert the rods into the sleeves, with the notches to the front, and lower the headrest to the desired height by pressing tab A. Storage position 2 Press the headrest guide tabs 1 and lower the headrest completely.
  • Page 24: Roof Flap

    ROOF FLAP To open To remove — Unfasten clip 2 by moving catch 1 — Press the two rods 3 towards each — Hold the flap with both hands. upwards. other on each side. — Tilt it as far as possible to the rear — Lift the flap until it is locked in — Unhook them from their mounting.

  • Page 25
    ROOF FLAP (continued) Transverse bar When loading bulky objects, the transverse bar may be moved: — Press handle 5 upwards. — Lift the bar all the way to the door pillar. — Reposition the bar after loading. Before starting off, always reposition the transverse bar.
  • Page 26: Partition

    PARTITION Using the swivelling bulkhead — Bring the front passenger seat base — Release the swivelling section by before returning Note: into a vertical position by pulling it lifting catch 6 until it locks in swivelling section to its original past the point of resistance (arrow).

  • Page 27: Front Seats

    FRONT SEATS ð Heated seats move seat forwards To tilt the seatback backwards With the ignition on, press Move lever 2 until the seatback is at the switch located on the side of the Stay in your seat and raise bar 1 to the desired angle.

  • Page 28: Rear View Mirrors

    REAR-VIEW MIRRORS Interior rear-view mirror Door mirror Electrically-adjustable door mirrors The interior rear-view mirror is To adjust the mirror, move lever 2. adjustable. When driving at night, With the ignition on, turn knob 3: tilt small lever 1 to avoid being — position B to adjust the left-hand dazzled by the headlights of the door mirror;…

  • Page 29: Seat Belts

    SEAT BELTS Always wear your seat belt when Adjusting your driving position travelling in your vehicle. You must — Sit with your back firmly against also comply with the legislation of seatback. (after having the particular country you are in. removed your coat or jacket).

  • Page 30
    — then allow the belt to rewind automatically, — unwind it again, — if there is still a problem, contact your RENAULT Dealer. ç Driver’s seat belt reminder warning light This lights up constantly, and, when the vehicle reaches a speed of…
  • Page 31
    REAR SEAT BELTS Rear side seat belts The belts are locked, unlocked and adjusted in the same way as the front belts. Rear centre belt Rear lap belt with manual adjustment Slowly unwind belt 1 until the black buckle 2 locks into housing 3. belts fastened unfastened in the same way as the…
  • Page 32
    — No modification may be made to the component parts of the restraint system (belts and seats and their mountings) fitted originally. Contact your RENAULT Dealer for special operations (e.g. fitting child seats). — Do not use devices which give any slack in the belts (e.g. clothes pegs, clips, etc.), as a seat belt which is worn too loosely risks causing injury in the event of an accident.
  • Page 33: Restraint Systems In Addition To Front Seat Belts

    With the ignition on, if the vehicle is — When scrapping your vehicle, slack in the belt; subjected to a severe frontal impact, contact your RENAULT Dealer for — the airbag and the force limiter are piston 1 immediately retracts the disposal of the gas generator.

  • Page 34
    METHODS OF RESTRAINT IN ADDITION TO THE FRONT SEAT BELTS (continued) Force limiter Above a certain level of impact, this mechanism is used to limit the force of the belt against the body so that it is at an acceptable level. Driver and passenger airbags An airbag may be provided for both Each airbag system consists of:…
  • Page 35
    The Consult your RENAULT Dealer as in the event of an impact (refer to airbag(s) then deflate(s) immediately soon as possible. Your protection…
  • Page 36
    — The steering wheel must not be removed (except by qualified personnel from the RENAULT network). — When driving, do not sit too close to the steering wheel. Sit with your arms slightly bent (see Adjusting your driving position in Section 1). This will allow sufficient space for the airbag to deploy correctly and be fully effective.
  • Page 37
    This may prevent the airbag from operating correctly or cause injury when the airbag is deployed. — Only qualified RENAULT Network personnel may remove or modify a seat. — These airbags operate through slits in the front seatbacks (door side): never insert any objects in these slits.
  • Page 38
    — If the vehicle is lent or resold, inform the new driver of these conditions and pass on the current driver’s handbook. — When scrapping your vehicle, contact your RENAULT Dealer for disposal of the gas generator(s). 1.33…
  • Page 39: Child Safety

    RENAULT Network to choose the or she is sitting on your lap. Never seat suited to your child and use the belt for more than one recommended for your vehicle.

  • Page 40
    U : Seat suitable for fitting a belt-fitted child seat classed as universal for this age range, check that it can be fitted. L : Seat only suitable for fitting a belt-fitted rear facing RENAULT child seat, available from the RENAULT network.
  • Page 41
    U : Seat suitable for fitting a belt-fitted child seat classed as universal for this age range, check that it can be fitted. L : Seat only suitable for fitting a belt-fitted rear facing RENAULT child seat, available from the RENAULT network.
  • Page 42
    U : Seat suitable for fitting a belt-fitted child seat classed as universal for this age range, check that it can be fitted. L : Seat only suitable for fitting a belt-fitted rear facing RENAULT child seat, available from the RENAULT network.
  • Page 43
    U : Seat suitable for fitting a belt-fitted child seat classed as universal for this age range, check that it can be fitted. I : Seat equipped with anchorage points for mounting a seat for this age range using ISOFIX locks; only RENAULT seats are approved.
  • Page 44
    To avoid any risk to your safety, we recommend that you use RENAULT approved accessories because they are designed for your vehicle and are the only accessories for which RENAULT will provide a warranty. 1.39…
  • Page 45
    CHILD SAFETY (continued) A booster seat with a height- adjustable seatback and a belt guide are recommended as this will allow the belt to be worn as close to the base of the neck as possible but not on it. Place the back of the child seat firmly against the vehicle seatback.
  • Page 46
    CHILD SAFETY (continued) Deactivating the front passenger airbags (if fitted) To deactivate the airbags: switch off the ignition, press and turn lock 1 to To fit a rear facing child seat on the the OFF position. front passenger seat, you must deactivate the restraint systems With the ignition switched on, you additional to the front passenger…
  • Page 47
    Allowing any other passenger to sit passenger seat belt additional in that seat is not recommended. restraint systems are activated. Consult your RENAULT Dealer as soon as possible. Activating the front passenger airbags passenger airbag You should reactivate the airbag as…
  • Page 48
    — one ring located under the seat base to secure the child seat seatback in the rear facing position; — a special RENAULT child seat fitted with two locks that hook — Make sure that there is onto the two rings and a belt to…
  • Page 49
    CHILD SAFETY (continued) Fitting a child seat — For information on fitting and — Offer up seat catches 3 opposite the When the seat is in the rear facing using seat, read two rings 1 which are fitted to the position, use strap 4 supplied with instructions provided carefully.
  • Page 50
    CHILD SAFETY (continued) CHILD SAFETY — No modifications may be made to the component parts of the restraint system (belts, seats and their mountings) originally fitted. — Carefully follow the instructions for fitting provided by the manufacturer of the restraint system. — Always avoid dressing the child in bulky garments and do not place any objects between the child and the restraint system.
  • Page 51: Driver’s Position

    DRIVER’S POSITION, LEFT-HAND DRIVE 31 30 29 28 25 24 23 22 21 1.46…

  • Page 52
    DRIVER’S POSITION, LEFT-HAND DRIVE (continued) The equipment fitted, described below, depends on the version, option and country. 1 Side air vent. — Radio display. Cup holder. — Navigation system display. — Clock. Handbrake. 2 Location for speaker. Ashtray and cigarette lighter. — Location passenger airbag.
  • Page 53
    DRIVER’S POSITION, LEFT-HAND DRIVE (continued) 30 29 28 27 23 22 21 19 18 1.48…
  • Page 54
    DRIVER’S POSITION, LEFT-HAND DRIVE (continued) The equipment fitted, described below, depends on the version, option and country. 1 Side air vent. — Radio display. Ashtray and cigarette lighter. — Driver’s seat belt reminder light. Handbrake. 2 Location for speaker. — Door status warning light. — Navigation system display.
  • Page 55
    DRIVER’S POSITION, RIGHT-HAND DRIVE 10 11 26 25 16 15 14 1.50…
  • Page 56
    DRIVER’S POSITION, RIGHT-HAND DRIVE (continued) The equipment fitted, described below, depends on the version, option and country. 1 Side air vent. Radio remote control. Central door locking/ unlocking or blanking cover switch. 2 Location for speaker. Steering column stalk for windscreen and rear screen wash/wipe.
  • Page 57: Instrument Panel

    INSTRUMENT PANEL The presence and operation of the warning lights described below depend on the vehicle equipment and country. If these warning lights come on, you must stop as soon as traffic conditions allow. ú à ô If no information appears on the instrument panel, it is essential to stop as soon as traffic conditions allow.

  • Page 58
    Consult your RENAULT engine idle for a minute or two. If it lights up or remains lit, fill Dealer as soon as possible.
  • Page 59
    INSTRUMENT PANEL (continued) The presence and operation of the warning lights described below depend on the vehicle equipment and country. If these warning lights come on, you must stop as soon as traffic conditions allow. ú à ô If no information appears on the instrument panel, it is essential to stop as soon as traffic conditions allow.
  • Page 60
    If it lights up when the present in the fuel. Consult should be below the hatched ignition is switched on, it your RENAULT Dealer as soon area. Under severe conditions indicates that a door is not as possible. the needle may enter this area.
  • Page 61
    INSTRUMENT PANEL (continued) The presence and operation of the warning lights described below depend on the vehicle equipment and country. If these warning lights come on, you must stop as soon as traffic conditions allow. ú à ô If no information appears on the instrument panel, it is essential to stop as soon as traffic conditions allow.
  • Page 62
    RENAULT Dealer circuit checked. as soon as possible, — If it flashes, reduce the engine speed until the light stops flashing. Consult your RENAULT Dealer as soon as possible. Refer to the information on special operating conditions in section 2. 1.57…
  • Page 63
    INSTRUMENT PANEL (continued) The presence and operation of the warning lights described below depend on the vehicle equipment and country. If these warning lights come on, you must stop as soon as traffic conditions allow. ú à ô If no information appears on the instrument panel, it is essential to stop as soon as traffic conditions allow.
  • Page 64
    This is not á Main beam headlight Ö system. Consult your RENAULT indicator light serious unless the warning Dealer as soon as possible. light comes on.
  • Page 65
    INSTRUMENT PANEL (continued) The presence and operation of the warning lights described below depend on the vehicle equipment and country. If these warning lights come on, you must stop as soon as traffic conditions allow. ú à ô If no information appears on the instrument panel, it is essential to stop as soon as traffic conditions allow.
  • Page 66
    û STOP light see a RENAULT Dealer soon. It goes out as soon as It lights up together with one of the engine starts. the warning lights:…
  • Page 67
    INSTRUMENT PANEL (continued) The presence and operation of the warning lights described below depend on the vehicle equipment and country. If these warning lights come on, you must stop as soon as traffic conditions allow. ú à ô If no information appears on the instrument panel, it is essential to stop as soon as traffic conditions allow.
  • Page 68
    Contact Right-hand direction light (on petrol and diesel a RENAULT Dealer if necessary. indicator light versions) If it comes on while driving, it indicates electrical electronic fault or that water is ú…
  • Page 69
    INSTRUMENT PANEL (continued) The presence and operation of the warning lights described below depend on the vehicle equipment and country. If these warning lights come on, you must stop as soon as traffic conditions allow. ú à ô If no information appears on the instrument panel, it is essential to stop as soon as traffic conditions allow.
  • Page 70
    — If it lights up constantly, fault in the anti-lock braking If it lights up when the brakes contact your RENAULT Dealer system (ABS). are applied, it indicates that the as soon as possible, fluid level in the circuit is low.
  • Page 71
    The presence and operation of the warning lights described below depend on the vehicle equipment and country. ø If the warning light comes on, you should visit a RENAULT Dealer in the near future. û If the warning light comes on, you must stop as soon as traffic conditions allow.
  • Page 72
    3 seconds. If it comes on when you are driving, it indicates a fault in the anti-lock braking system (ABS). Braking will then be as normal, without the ABS system. Contact your RENAULT Dealer as soon as possible. 1.67…
  • Page 73
    The presence and operation of the warning lights described below depend on the vehicle equipment and country. ø If the warning light comes on, you should visit a RENAULT Dealer in the near future. û If the warning light comes on, you must stop as soon as traffic conditions allow.
  • Page 74
    There system. Consult your RENAULT understand this warning unless the last three Dealer as soon as possible. operates, see Cruise Control and squares light up.
  • Page 75
    The presence and operation of the warning lights described below depend on the vehicle equipment and country. ø If the warning light comes on, you should visit a RENAULT Dealer in the near future. û If the warning light comes on, you must stop as soon as traffic conditions allow.
  • Page 76
    If not, stop the engine. Let as soon as possible. the engine cool down, then If it lights up when the vehicle check the coolant level. Contact is being driven, it is advisable to a RENAULT Dealer if necessary. see a RENAULT Dealer soon. 1.71…
  • Page 77
    The presence and operation of the warning lights described below depend on the vehicle equipment and country. ø If the warning light comes on, you should visit a RENAULT Dealer in the near future. û If the warning light comes on, you must stop as soon as traffic conditions allow.
  • Page 78
    RENAULT dealer. Handbrake brake circuit fault warning light. If it lights up when the brakes are applied, it indicates that the fluid level in the circuit is low. It may be dangerous to continue driving; contact a RENAULT Dealer. 1.73…
  • Page 79
    TRIP COMPUTER AND WARNING SYSTEM Display selection key 3 For the first few miles after pressing the reset key you will notice: Keep pressing key 3 briefly to scroll through the following information — that the range increases as you in sequence: travel.
  • Page 80
    TRIP COMPUTER AND WARNING SYSTEM (continued) Examples of display selections by repeatedly Interpreting the display pressing 3 a) Total mileage recorder (except on vehicles with chronotachograph). b) Trip mileage recorder. c) Fuel used (in litres or gallons) since the last reset. d) Average fuel consumption (in mpg and l/100 km) since the last reset.
  • Page 81
    TRIP COMPUTER AND WARNING SYSTEM (continued) Examples of display selections by repeatedly Interpreting the display pressing 3 e) Current fuel consumption (depending on the vehicle) (in l/100 km) This value is displayed after a speed of approximately 18 mph (30 km/h) is reached.
  • Page 82
    TRIP COMPUTER AND WARNING SYSTEM (continued) Examples of display selections by repeatedly Interpreting the display pressing 3 h) Mileage before service/maintenance This displays the distance left before the next service. There are several scenarios: — distance less than 1,200 miles (2,000 km) or next service date. Ê…
  • Page 83: Clock

    CLOCK — Turn button 1 to the right again briefly. The minute display flashes. To adjust the minutes, press button 1 briefly or hold the button down. — Finally, turn button 1 to the right again to confirm that the altered time is correct.

  • Page 84
    CLOCK (continued) Clock 5 Clock 7 Setting the clock Setting the clock With the ignition switched on and Press button: display 5 set to total mileage H for hours recorder and clock function, press M for minutes and hold button 6, to access Time setting mode (clock flashing) then release the button.
  • Page 85
    DE-ICING/DEMISTING Heated rear screen Demisting the windscreen and side windows With the engine running, press button 1 (indicator light 2 or 3 Move control 4: set it at position on the button or on the instrument panel comes on depending on the vehicle).
  • Page 86
    THE HORN AND HAZARD LIGHTS é Hazard warning lights Horn Direction indicators Press one of points 2. Shift stalk 1 parallel to the steering Press switch 3. wheel and in the direction you are This switch lights up all four going to turn.
  • Page 87
    ELECTRIC BEAM HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT Position of tumblewheel A Load status 1.6 CNG Other versions Driver only or with passenger All seats occupied Intermediate position. According to driver’s judgement Driver only with luggage compartment laden Increased payload version: 4 Tumblewheel A allows the height of the beams to be adjusted in relation All seats occupied with the to the load.
  • Page 88: External Lighting And Signals

    EXTERNAL LIGHTING AND SIGNALS Main beam headlights Lights-on reminder buzzer With stalk 1 in the dipped When a door is opened a buzzer will beam position, pull stalk sound to warn you that the lights are towards you. still switched on after the ignition has been switched off (to prevent When the main beam headlights are discharge of the battery, etc.).

  • Page 89
    EXTERNAL LIGHTING AND SIGNALS (continued) Rear fog lights See me home lighting function This function (useful, for example, Turn the centre ring of stalk 1 when opening a gate, a garage, etc.), until the symbol is aligned opposite enables you to momentarily turn on mark 3.
  • Page 90: Screen Wash/Wipe

    WINDSCREEN WASH/WIPE Windscreen washer Special note With the ignition on, pull When driving, the wiping speed is stalk E towards you. reduced every time the vehicle stops. The speed will change from A short press triggers one sweep fast wipe speed to normal wipe cycle of the wiper.

  • Page 91
    REAR SCREEN WASHER/WIPER Rear screen wash/wipe With the ignition on, turn the end of stalk 1 to align mark 2 opposite the symbol. When the stalk is released, it returns to the rear wipe position. Rear screen wiper with timer With the ignition on, turn the end of stalk 1 to align mark 2 opposite the symbol.
  • Page 92: Fuel Tank

    The shut-off system Contact your RENAULT Dealer. and its surrounding area must be Never place the cap near a source of dust-free.

  • Page 93
    — Insert the nozzle as far as it will go The fuel filler cap and neck must be from the RENAULT Network. to open the valve. clean and dust-free. The diesel fuel — Keep the nozzle in this position must be of a high grade.
  • Page 94
    Section 2: Driving (Advice on use relating to fuel economy and the environment) Running in/Ignition switch 2.02 ……………………….Starting the engine/Stopping the engine 2.03 ……………………Special features of petrol versions 2.04 ……………………..Special features of diesel versions 2.05 ……………………..Advice on emission control, fuel economy and driving 2.06 2.08 …………….
  • Page 95: Running In/Ignition Switch

    RUNNING IN IGNITION SWITCH Petrol version Ignition on position M For the first 600 miles (1,000 km) do The ignition is switched on: not exceed 54 mph (90 km/h) in the — petrol version: the engine may be highest gear. started.

  • Page 96: Starting The Engine/Stopping The Engine

    STARTING/STOPPING THE ENGINE Starting the engine Stopping the engine With the engine idling, turn the key é Petrol injection Diesel injection back to the Stop position. Turn the ignition key to the Engine warm or cold ignition on position, M, and hold — Turn the key to the start position this position until the preheating without…

  • Page 97
    These faults may be avoided by regularly taking your vehicle to your — using leaded petrol, RENAULT Dealer at the intervals — using oil or fuel supplements specified in your Warranty and which approved Servicing booklet.
  • Page 98: Special Features Of Diesel Versions

    However, if after a few seconds and several attempts the engine fails to start, contact a RENAULT Dealer. Do not park the vehicle or run the engine in locations where combustible substances or materials such as grass or leaves can come into contact with the hot exhaust system.

  • Page 99
    Warranty — idling speed: this does not require Servicing booklet. adjustment. Your RENAULT Dealer has all the — air filter, diesel filter: a clogged equipment necessary for ensuring that your vehicle is maintained to its element hinders performance and original standard.
  • Page 100: Advice On Emission Control, Fuel Economy And Driving

    — Double declutching and accelerating — If comes continuously, before switching off are unnecessary contact your RENAULT Dealer as in modern vehicles. soon as possible. Driving — If it flashes, reduce the engine — Drive carefully for the first few speed until the light stops flashing.

  • Page 101
    ADVICE ON EMISSION CONTROL, FUEL ECONOMY AND DRIVING (continued) — In air conditioned vehicles, it is normal to observe an increase in fuel consumption (especially in city conditions) when it is used. Switch off the air conditioning when it is not required on vehicles fitted with manual…
  • Page 102: Environment

    ENVIRONMENT Your vehicle has been designed with caring Recycled parts environment. — Most versions are equipped with Parts which can an anti-pollution system including be recycled a catalytic converter, an oxygen sensor and an active carbon filter (the latter prevents vapour from the fuel tank being released into the open air.) — These…

  • Page 103: Gear Lever/Handbrake/Power Steering

    GEAR LEVER HANDBRAKE POWER STEERING If you have power assisted steering To release: fitted, do not leave the steering Pull up the lever slightly, press wheel at full lock when the vehicle button 2 and then lower the lever to is parked as this may damage the the floor.

  • Page 104: Anti-Lock Braking System

    ABS system. Contact ground, weather conditions and vehicle in front). The fact that the a RENAULT Dealer as soon as your reactions. Anti-lock vehicle’s safety has been increased possible.

  • Page 105: Emergency Brake Assist

    EMERGENCY BRAKE ASSIST This system is complementary to ABS and helps reduce vehicle stopping distances. Operating principle The system detects an emergency braking situation by means of a sensor which measures the speed with which the brake pedal is depressed. In this case, emergency brake assist instantly reaches its maximum power and allows ABS This…

  • Page 106: Cruise Control/Speed Limiter

    CRUISE CONTROL/SPEED LIMITER: cruising function The speed control function helps you to maintain your driving speed at a speed that you choose, called the cruising speed. This cruising speed may be set at any speed above 18 mph (30 km/h). î…

  • Page 107
    CRUISE CONTROL/SPEED LIMITER: cruising function (continued) Driving Varying the cruising speed When a cruising speed is stored you You may change the cruising speed may lift your foot off the accelerator by pressing button 2 (consecutive pedal. presses or pressing and holding): — on the + side to increase the speed, — on the –…
  • Page 108
    CRUISE CONTROL/SPEED LIMITER: cruising function (continued) Exceeding the cruising speed In the event of an emergency The cruising speed may be exceeded time pressing accelerator pedal. When this happens, the cruising speed flashes on the trip computer. Cruising speed cannot be maintained In some driving conditions (for example when driving up or down a steep gradient), the system is unable…
  • Page 109
    CRUISE CONTROL/SPEED LIMITER: limiter function The speed limiter function helps you to not exceed the driving speed that you choose. This may be useful, for example, in urban driving or in areas with speed restrictions (roadworks, etc.). The system operates from a driving speed of about 18 mph (30 km/h).
  • Page 110
    CRUISE CONTROL/SPEED LIMITER: limiter function (continued) Driving When a limited speed has been stored, if this speed is not reached the vehicle behaves in a similar way to those without the speed limiter function. From this point, no effort on the accelerator pedal will allow you to exceed the programmed speed except in an emergency (see information on…
  • Page 111
    CRUISE CONTROL/SPEED LIMITER: limiter function (continued) Exceeding the limit speed In the event of an emergency It is possible to exceed the limit speed at any moment. To do this: depress the accelerator pedal firmly and fully (beyond the kickdown point).
  • Page 112
    PROACTIVE AUTOMATIC GEARBOX For safety reasons, certain positions may not be selected until the mechanism unlocked: press button A. Only engage D or R when the vehicle is stopped, with your foot on the brake and the accelerator pedal released. Starting With the gear lever in position P or N, switch on the ignition.
  • Page 113
    PROACTIVE AUTOMATIC GEARBOX (continued) — In hilly or mountainous areas: if Moving off forwards you cannot remain in 4th gear Select position D. In the majority of because of the road surface and the traffic conditions, you will not have number of bends, we would advise to touch the gear selector lever you to select D3 (by pressing…
  • Page 114
    Consult your pedal, move the lever to position P RENAULT Dealer as soon as (park): the gearbox is in neutral and possible. the drive wheels are mechanically ò locked by the transmission.
  • Page 115
  • Page 116
    Section 3: Your comfort Air vents 3.02 — 3.03 …………………………..Heating/Ventilation 3.04 — 3.05 ……………………….Air conditioning 3.06 3.10 …………………………. Interior lighting 3.11 …………………………..Sun visor 3.12 …………………………….Child minder mirror/windscreen 3.13 ……………………..Windows 3.15 — 3.14 …………………………..Sunroof 3.16 ……………………………….
  • Page 117
    AIR VENTS (air outlets) 1 — Side window demisting and air 5 — Front foot well air vents vents 2 — Centre air vents 6 — Rear foot well air vents 3 — Windscreen demisting outlets. 4 — Control panel 7 — Rear screen demisting switch 3.02…
  • Page 118: Air Vents

    AIR VENTS (continued) Side air vents Front central air vents Adjustment Adjustment Air flow: Air flow: Move tumblewheel 1 (beyond the Move tumblewheel 3 (beyond the point of resistance). point of resistance). Air distribution: Air distribution: Right/left: Move tab 2. Right/left: Move tabs 4.

  • Page 119: Heating/Ventilation

    HEATING/VENTILATION Position The air flow is distributed between the dashboard vents and the front and rear foot wells. Position The air flow is distributed between all the vents, the front side window demisting vents, the windscreen demisting vents and the front and rear foot wells.

  • Page 120
    HEATING/VENTILATION (continued) Adjusting the air temperature Adjusting the amount of air blown into passenger Turn button B. compartment Turning the control to the right Move control C from 0 to 3. increases the temperature. passenger compartment ventilated by blown air. The blower determines how much air enters but vehicle speed has a slight effect on this.
  • Page 121: Air Conditioning

    AIR CONDITIONING Adjusting the quantity of air Move control C to the desired position. Turning the control to the right increases amount supplied. If you want to close the air inlet completely and switch off the system, set control C to 0 and control D to 0.

  • Page 122
    AIR CONDITIONING (continued) Position The air flow is distributed between vents, windscreen demisting vents and the foot wells. Position For more effective demisting, close the central dashboard vents and direct the side air vents towards the side windows. All the air flow is then directed to the windscreen demisting vents and the front side windows.
  • Page 123
    Using the air conditioning system conditioning system (control D at 0) conditioning system on and off. enables you to: and contact a RENAULT Dealer. The system will not operate if air — lower internal passenger flow control C is in position 0.
  • Page 124
    AIR CONDITIONING (continued) Position The air conditioning is at maximum Prolonged operation. recirculation mode may cause the windows to mist up or lead to In this position, air is taken from the odours, as the air is not replaced. passenger compartment recirculated without taking in air It is therefore advisable to move…
  • Page 125
    (especially in town) when the air RENAULT Dealer. conditioning is operating. — Reduction in de-icing, demisting For vehicles fitted with manual air or air conditioning performance. conditioning, switch off the system This may be caused by the when it is not required.
  • Page 126: Interior Lighting

    INTERIOR LIGHTING Special instructions Depending on the vehicle, remote unlocking of the doors triggers timed lighting of the passenger compartment. If one of the front or rear doors is opened, the period for which the light is switched on will start again.

  • Page 127: Sun Visor

    SUN VISOR Front sun visor Courtesy mirrors Lower sun visor 1. Special features on driver’s side When the sun visor is fitted with a courtesy mirror, it has a cover. 3.12…

  • Page 128: Child Minder Mirror/Windscreen

    CHILD MINDER MIRROR WINDSCREEN Pull on recess A to open it. Heat-reflecting windscreen This windscreen reflects the sun and, in particular, limits the infrared rays entering passenger compartment. There are two areas 1 for affixing passes to the windscreen (e.g. motorway permits, car park season tickets, etc.).

  • Page 129: Windows

    WINDOWS Electric window passenger side With the ignition on, press switch 2 to open the window or lift switch 2 to close it. Driver’s responsibility If there is a child (or a pet) in the vehicle, never leave it unattended with the key in the ignition.

  • Page 130
    WINDOWS (continued) Opening the window on the Opening sliding side sliding side door window To half-open the window, turn Press on catches 6 and slide the handle 4 in the direction of the window open. arrow then lock it by pushing the To lock it in an open or closed handle to the right.
  • Page 131
    — Clean the seal every three months side until it is completely closed. window, immediately reverse the using products selected direction of travel by pressing RENAULT’s Technical switch 1 on the side opposite the Department. symbol. — Do open sunroof…
  • Page 132: Ashtrays/Cigarette Lighter

    ASHTRAYS/CIGARETTE LIGHTER Ashtray 1 Ashtray on front console Ashtray in rear panel To open, pull cover 1. This is a removable ashtray which To empty the ashtray, lift cover 3 may be fitted into one of the cup and pull it up to release it from the To empty the ashtray, pull out the holders in the vehicle.

  • Page 133
    STORAGE COMPARTMENTS/DASHBOARD FITTINGS Cup holders 3 Passenger side glove box or Central console storage compartment 2 airbag location Designed to accommodate cups or an ashtray. Lift catch 1 to open the glove box. Centre console storage compartment 4 3.18…
  • Page 134
    PASSENGER COMPARTMENT STORAGE SPACE AND FITTINGS Front door storage compart- Sliding side door storage Side panel storage compart- ment 5 compartments 6 ment 7 3.19…
  • Page 135
    PASSENGER COMPARTMENT STORAGE SPACE AND FITTINGS (continued) Storage drawer 10 Rear side luggage compart- Upper cab storage compart- ments 8 ment 11 Under driver’s or passenger seat. To open a compartment, lift handle 9. This is not suitable for storing heavy items.
  • Page 136
    PASSENGER COMPARTMENT STORAGE SPACE AND FITTINGS (continued) Fitting accessories Pockets in the driver’s and passenger seat 16 Locations 12 in the right and left- A rail 14 on the right-hand side, hand sides passenger fitted with two rings 13, allows compartment provided objects to be attached in the luggage…
  • Page 137
    PASSENGER COMPARTMENT STORAGE SPACE AND FITTINGS (continued) Clothes hooks 18 Grab handle 19 Tray on driver’s and passenger seat 17 Depending on the vehicle, the hooks These offer support and can be held may be located in the loading area when the vehicle is being driven.
  • Page 138: Accessories Socket/Navigation System

    Navigation system accessories socket 1 can be located 2 screen on the parcel shelf support. 3 CD drive and control panel. Provided for connecting accessories approved RENAULT Technical Department with maximum power consumption of 120 watts (12 V). Refer manufacturer’s instructions for information on how to operate this equipment.

  • Page 139: Rear Bench Seat

    REAR BENCH SEAT (features) We would advise you to move the front seats forward slightly to make it easier to fold down the seatback with the headrests in position. Make sure the headrests are in the correct position when the seat is returned to its upright position.

  • Page 140
    REAR BENCH SEAT (features) (continued) To keep the rear bench seat in a raised position, use tensioner 2 which should attach passenger headrest rod 1. Transporting bulky objects The small section may be folded down completely and yet still leave space to accommodate a maximum of two passengers on the large section.
  • Page 141
    TRANSPORTING OBJECTS IN THE LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT Always position objects transported so that the largest surface is against: — The back of the rear bench seat, for normal loading. — The folded down seat, maximum loading. Always position the heaviest items directly on the floor. Use the luggage compartment lashing points, if these are fitted to the vehicle.
  • Page 142: Luggage Compartment Cover

    LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT COVER The luggage compartment cover is — The luggage compartment cover is — The luggage compartment cover is made up of two rigid sections. in the half-folded position 2. removed entirely. It can be used in one of three ways: To remove the luggage compartment cover, place it in the half-folded — The luggage compartment cover is…

  • Page 143: Luggage Net

    LUGGAGE NET Luggage net 1 Positioning the net Fitting the net (continued) (depending on equipment level) can — upper section: attach rings 7 to — lower section (behind the front be placed behind the front seats or front or rear collapsible supports 6 seats, rear bench seat raised up): behind the rear bench seat.

  • Page 144
    Section 4: Maintenance Bonnet …………………………..4.02 Engine oil level ……………………… 4.03 4.07 Engine oil change ……………………….4.07 Levels: Gearbox …………………………. 4.08 Brake fluid ……………………….4.08 Coolant …………………………. 4.09 Power assisted steering pump ………………….4.10 Battery …………………………4.10 Screen washer reservoir ……………………4.11 Air filter …………………………..
  • Page 145: Bonnet

    BONNET Before closing the bonnet, check to Opening Closing make sure that nothing has been left Pull control 1 towards you. Release the stay and replace it in its in the engine compartment. holder 2. Lift the bonnet and release stay 3 from its holder 2.

  • Page 146: Engine Oil Level

    However, contact your RENAULT advance trip computer Dealer if more than 0.5 litres is being reading, press the button again.

  • Page 147
    B or exceed the maximum oil level A. Take care when working in the engine compartment as Consult your RENAULT Dealer at the engine cooling fan may once if you notice an abnormal or start to operate at any repeated drop in any of the fluid moment without warning.
  • Page 148
    ENGINE OIL LEVEL (continued) 1.2 16V 1.2 16V — Unscrew cap 1. Topping up/filling The vehicle must be parked on level — top up the level (for information, ground and the engine should be the capacity between the minimum cold (for instance, before the engine and maximum reading on dipstick is started up for the first time in the 2 is between 1.5 and 2 litres…
  • Page 149
    ENGINE OIL LEVEL (continued) 1.6 16V 1.5 dCi 1.9 D 4.06…
  • Page 150: Engine Oil Change

    Take care when working in the engine compartment as Consult your RENAULT Dealer at the engine cooling fan may once if you notice an abnormal or start operate repeated drop in any of the fluid moment without warning.

  • Page 151: Brake Fluid

    Frequency of fluid change Only fluids approved Refer to the Warranty and Services RENAULT’s Technical Department booklet for your vehicle. (and taken from a sealed container). Replacement interval: refer to the Warranty and Services booklet for your vehicle.

  • Page 152: Coolant

    No operations should be carried out on the cooling circuit when the engine is hot. Consult your RENAULT Dealer at Danger of burns. once if you notice an abnormal or repeated drop in any of the fluid levels.

  • Page 153: Power Assisted Steering Pump

    If it does, wash the affected products approved area with plenty of cold water. RENAULT’s Technical Department. Ensure that naked flames, red-hot objects and sparks do not come into contact with the battery as there is a Take care when working in risk of explosion.

  • Page 154: Screen Washer Reservoir

    Warranty and Services booklet for your vehicle. Screen wash reservoir Topping up: via cap 1. Consult your RENAULT Dealer at This reservoir also supplies the once if you notice an abnormal headlight washers (if the vehicle is drop in any of the fluid levels.

  • Page 155: Bodywork Maintenance

    — Allow rust to form following minor — corrosives in the atmosphere on products not approved by impacts. — atmospheric pollution (urban and RENAULT’s Technical Department. — Use solvents not approved by industrial areas). If adequate precautions are not RENAULT’s Technical Department…

  • Page 156
    RENAULT (never use abrasive aerial with adhesive tape before products) and be sure to rinse the — Repair, or have repaired quickly, entering a roller type car wash.
  • Page 157: Interior Trim Maintenance

    RENAULT’s Technical Department passenger compartment: unless — washing up liquid (with one part (RENAULT accessory outlets) or carefully used, such equipment washing up liquid to 200 parts warm soapy water and a sponge could interfere with correct water).

  • Page 158
    Section 5: Practical advice Emergency spare wheel 5.02 — 5.03 ……………………….Hubcap — wheel 5.04 …………………………..Changing a wheel 5.05 …………………………..Tyres (tyre safety, wheels, winter use) 5.06 5.08 ………………….Changing the bulbs: 5.09 5.18 ……………………….Front lights 5.09 — 5.10 ……………………………
  • Page 159: Emergency Spare Wheel

    EMERGENCY SPARE WHEEL Wheel brace 1 Emergency spare wheel 3 under Jack 6 the vehicle This is located in the engine This is located in a compartment 7 compartment and is used to remove inside the emergency spare wheel. This is stored in support frame 4 wheel bolts, to release the cradle under the floor at the back of the When replacing in its location, fold…

  • Page 160
    EMERGENCY SPARE WHEEL (continued) Emergency spare wheel 8 in the Jack 12 luggage compartment This is located on the right-hand side rear wheel arch, behind the This is stored vertically on the right- emergency spare wheel housing. hand side luggage compartment.
  • Page 161
    WHEEL TRIMS Wheel trim 1 Wheel trim 5 Wheel trim 6 (concealed wheel bolts) (concealed wheel bolts) (exposed wheel bolts) Remove it using hubcap tool 3 Remove it using hubcap tool 3 To remove it without removing the (located next to the jack), or the end (located next to the jack), by wheel, press…
  • Page 162: Changing A Wheel

    CHANGING A WHEEL Insert socket 4 of the wheel brace into jack 3 and turn it a few times to lift the wheel off the ground. Remove the bolts. Take off the wheel. Fit the emergency spare wheel on the central hub and turn it to locate the mounting holes in the wheel and the hub.

  • Page 163: Tyres (Tyre Safety, Wheels, Winter Use)

    Tyres fitted to the vehicle should to misalignment of the front or either be identical to those fitted rear axle geometry. such originally type incidents occur, have recommended your condition of these parts checked RENAULT Dealer. by a RENAULT Dealer. 5.06…

  • Page 164
    TYRES (continued) Pressures should be checked when Tyre pressures Fitting new tyres the tyres are cold; ignore higher Tyre pressures must be adhered to pressures which may be reached in (including the emergency spare hot weather or following a fast wheel).
  • Page 165
    RENAULT Dealer who will be able to advise you on the choice of equipment which is most suitable for your vehicle. 5.08…
  • Page 166
    Type of bulb: H4 approved by our Technical Department (see panel). as a precaution, you can obtain an pressing tab 1. emergency kit from your RENAULT Remove the bulb connector. Do not touch the bulb glass. Hold it Dealer containing a set of spare Remove protective rubber surround by its base.
  • Page 167
    FRONT LIGHTS with halogen bulbs: replacing the bulbs (continued) Cleaning the headlights As the headlights are made of plastic ‘glass’ use a soft cloth or cotton wool to clean them. If this does not clean them properly, use a soft cloth or cotton wool slightly moistened with soapy water and then wipe clean with a soft damp cloth.
  • Page 168: Changing The Bulbs

    FRONT FOG LIGHTS: changing the bulbs Additional lights If you wish to fit fog lights or long range headlights to your vehicle, consult a RENAULT Dealer. Headlight A or B Contact your RENAULT Dealer. Type of bulb: H1 operation modification…

  • Page 169
    REAR LIGHTS: replacing bulbs Rear lights Remove nuts 1 and release the rear Unclip the bulb holder by pressing light from its housing. tab 2. 3 Tail light and brake light Pear-shaped bulb, bayonet type with 2 filaments P 21/5 W. 4 Indicator Pear-shaped bulb, bayonet type P 21 W.
  • Page 170
    REAR LIGHTS: replacing bulbs (continued) High-level brake light Remove nuts 1 and release the brake 2 Bulb type P 21/5 W. light from its housing. 5.13…
  • Page 171
    REAR LIGHTS: replacing bulbs (continued) Number plate light Unclip the light at 1 using a flat- Unclip the light to access bulbs 2. blade screwdriver or similar. Type of bulb: W 5W. 5.14…
  • Page 172
    SIDE MOUNTED REPEATERS: changing the bulbs Unclip repeater 1 using a flat-blade Turn bulb holder 2 by a quarter-turn screwdriver or similar. and remove the bulb. Type of bulb: W 5W. 5.15…
  • Page 173
    INTERIOR LIGHTING: replacing the bulbs Remove the light covers 1 using a Passenger compartment light Map reading light tool such as a flat-blade screwdriver. Remove bulb 3. — Remove light support pressing on tab 2. Type of bulb: 7 W festoon type bulb. The bulb mounting 4 released in this manner will fall out.
  • Page 174
    INTERIOR LIGHTING: replacing the bulbs (continued) Passenger compartment light 1 Map reading light — Tilt lens 1. — Remove lens 2 using a flat-blade Remove bulb 3. screwdriver or similar. — Remove it by hand. Type of bulb: 7 W festoon type bulb. — Release bulbs 4.
  • Page 175: Luggage Compartment Light

    LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT LIGHT: replacing the bulb Press tabs 1 to release the bulb Press tab 2 to release the lens and holder. gain access to the bulb 3. Type of bulb: 7 W festoon type bulb. 5.18…

  • Page 176: Battery: Troubleshooting

    — When you are disconnecting the increased capacity. Contact your battery, disconnect the negative Do not disconnect the battery when RENAULT Dealer for advice. terminal first, then the positive the engine is running. Follow the If your vehicle is to be left stationary terminal.

  • Page 177
    B in reverse order (4-3-2-1). RENAULT Dealer or, if you already have jump leads, ensure that they are in perfect condition. The two batteries must have an identical voltage: 12 volts. The battery supplying the current should…
  • Page 178
    If you fit a higher-rated fuse, it may cause the electrical circuit to Obtain an emergency kit of spare overheat (risk of fire) in the event of a consumer drawing an bulbs fuses from your excessive current. RENAULT Dealer. 5.21…
  • Page 179
    FUSES (continued) Allocation of fuses (the presence of fuses depends on the vehicle equipment level) Symbol Allocation Symbol Allocation Instrument panel/Electric door mirrors/Radio/Car Front wiper/Rear wiper phone Û Brake lights/Instrument panel/ Airbag/ Courtesy light/Luggage compartment lighting Pretensioners/ Cruise control/ Speed limiter Ö…
  • Page 180: Fuses

    FUSES (continued) Allocation of fuses (the presence of fuses depends on the vehicle equipment level) Symbol Allocation Symbol Allocation Ì Left-hand main beam headlight/Instrument panel Horn Flasher unit Right-hand main beam headlight Electric door mirrors Left-hand dipped beam headlight/Headlight beam adjustment.

  • Page 181: Wiper Blades

    WIPER BLADES Replacing windscreen wiper Replacing the rear screen wiper Replacing the rear screen wiper blades 1 blade (hinged door) blade (tailgate) — Lift the wiper arm 3. — Lift the wiper arm 6. — Lift the wiper arm 8. — Turn the wiper blade until it is — Press tab 5 and slide the wiper — Pivot the blade 9 until some…

  • Page 182: Towing: Breakdown

    Contact your RENAULT Dealer. When engine stopped, power assisted steering and braking are not operational. 5.25…

  • Page 183
    TOWING: breakdown (continued) — RENAULT specifies use of a rigid towing bar. If a rope or cable is used (where allows this), the vehicle being towed must be able to brake. Access to rear towing point 5 — A vehicle must not be towed if it is not fit to be driven.
  • Page 184
    TOWING: breakdown (continued) Towing vehicle with automatic transmission: special notes With the engine switched off: the gearbox is no longer lubricated. It is preferable to tow this type of vehicle on a trailer or tow it with the front wheels off the ground. Under exceptional circumstances, you may tow the vehicle with all four wheels on the ground, only going…
  • Page 185
    TOWING: trailer A = 776,5 mm Permissible nose weight, maximum permissible towing weight braked and unbraked: See Weights in section 6. Refer manufacturer’s instructions for information on how to fit and operate the towing equipment. Please keep these instructions with the rest of the vehicle documentation.
  • Page 186
    Contact your RENAULT Dealer to find out the correct part number. — No work may be carried out on the electrical or radio circuits, except by RENAULT technicians: an incorrectly connected system may result in damage being caused to the electrical equipment and/or the components connected to it.
  • Page 187: Accessories

    RENAULT will provide a Furthermore, we remind you of the warranty. need to conform to the legislation in force concerning the use of such…

  • Page 188: Fuel Cut-Off System In The Event Of A Severe Impact

    RENAULT Network personnel who must ensure that: — the vehicle is fit to be driven; — there is no smell of fuel; — and that the fuel system is not leaking.

  • Page 189
    Note: It is not advisable to touch the electronic circuit in the key cover when replacing the battery. Batteries can be obtained from your Do not throw away your RENAULT Dealer. These batteries used batteries, give them should last about two years. organisation responsible for collecting A delay of 1 second is required and recycling batteries.
  • Page 190
    Do not throw away your Batteries can be obtained from your used batteries, give them RENAULT Dealer. These batteries organisation should last about two years. responsible for collecting and recycling batteries.
  • Page 191: Remote Control Locking (Battery)

    Do not throw away your Batteries can be obtained from your used batteries, give them RENAULT Dealer. These batteries organisation should last about two years. responsible for collecting A delay of 1 second is required and recycling batteries.

  • Page 192: Operating Faults

    OPERATING FAULTS The following advice will enable you to carry out quick, temporary repairs. For safety reasons you should always contact a RENAULT Dealer as soon as possible. When the starter is activated CAUSES REMEDIAL ACTION Battery lead disconnected or contacts…

  • Page 193
    If the vehicle will not start, do not keep trying to start it. Contact a RENAULT Dealer. Fuel cut-off system activated if Contact a RENAULT Dealer. (See the vehicle has been subjected to severe section on the fuel cut-off system in impact.
  • Page 194
    Consult nearest RENAULT Dealer. — is slow to go out or remains lit under Lack of oil pressure Stop: contact a RENAULT Dealer. acceleration Loss of engine power. Clogged air filter Replace cartridge. Fuel supply faulty Check the fuel level.
  • Page 195
    Reminder: only products approved by RENAULT’s Technical Department may be used for this purpose.
  • Page 196
    — faulty earth connection Find the earth wire attached to a metallic section, scrape the end and reattach it carefully. On both sides: — fuse blown Replace fuse. — central flasher unit faulty Replace it: see a RENAULT Dealer. 5.39…
  • Page 197
    These traces soon disappear when the lights are switched on. Heating/Air conditioning Poor air flow Blocked particle filter Replace cartridge. Difficulty obtaining cool air Consult a RENAULT dealer. Lack of refrigerant 5.40…
  • Page 198
    Section 6: Technical specifications Vehicle identification plates 6.02 6.04 ……………………..Engine specifications 6.05 …………………………. Weights 6.06 6.33 ……………………………. Dimensions 6.34 — 6.35 …………………………..Replacement parts 6.36 …………………………..6.01…
  • Page 199: Vehicle Identification Plates

    VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION PLATES Vehicle identification plate A Quote the vehicle identification plate A (right-hand side) and engine 1 Vehicle type and chassis number 6 Technical specifications plate references when writing vehicle 2 Maximum permissible gross letters or ordering parts. 7 Vehicle paint code. vehicle weight 3 Maximum permissible…

  • Page 200
    VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION PLATES (continued) 1.2 16V The information on the vehicle identification plate and the engine plate B must be quoted when writing or ordering parts. B — Engine plate or engine label (Location varies depending engine) 1 Engine type 2 Engine suffix 3 Engine number 1.4 16V…
  • Page 201
    VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION PLATES (continued) 1.6 16V 1.9 D The information on the vehicle identification plate and the engine plate B must be quoted when writing or ordering parts. B — Engine plate or engine label (Location varies depending engine) 1 Engine type 2 Engine suffix 3 Engine number 1.5 dCi…
  • Page 202
    The type should be marked on a label stuck inside the engine compartment. If it is not then — contact your RENAULT Dealer. Fitting spark plugs which are not to specification may damage the engine. * If not available, unleaded fuel with an octane rating of 91 may be used.
  • Page 203
    WEIGHTS (in kg) Basic vehicles without options, likely to change in the course of the model year. Contact your RENAULT Dealer. 5-seat COMBI ESTATE Petrol 1.2 GPL (versions marketed depend on country) T.C. (1) T.C. (1) Automatic Vehicle type KC4AAF…
  • Page 204
    — It is important to comply with the towing weights governed by local legislation in each country and, in particular, laid down in the Road Traffic Regulations. Consult your RENAULT Dealer about any attachments. Under no circumstances may the gross train weight (= maximum permissible all-up weight plus weight towed) be exceeded.
  • Page 205
    WEIGHTS (in kg) — Basic vehicles without options, likely to change in the course of the model year. Contact your RENAULT Dealer. 5-seat COMBI ESTATE Diesel 1.5 dCi (versions marketed depend on country) Vehicle type KCTFEF KCE7EF KCTEEF KCTGEF KCN7BF KC07EF (indicated on the manufacturer’s plate)
  • Page 206
    — It is important to comply with the towing weights governed by local legislation in each country and, in particular, laid down in the Road Traffic Regulations. Consult your RENAULT Dealer about any attachments. Under no circumstances may the gross train weight (= maximum permissible all-up weight plus weight towed) be exceeded.
  • Page 207
    WEIGHTS (in kg) — Basic vehicles without options, likely to change in the course of the model year. Contact your RENAULT Dealer. 5-seat COMBI ESTATE Diesel 1.5 dCi 1.5 dCi (versions marketed depend on country) T.C. (1) Vehicle type KCE8EF KCN8BF KCR75F KCR85F KC074F KC084F KCR78F KCR88F (indicated on the manufacturer’s plate)
  • Page 208
    — It is important to comply with the towing weights governed by local legislation in each country and, in particular, laid down in the Road Traffic Regulations. Consult your RENAULT Dealer about any attachments. Under no circumstances may the gross train weight (= maximum permissible all-up weight plus weight towed) be exceeded.
  • Page 209
    WEIGHTS (in kg) — Basic vehicles without options, likely to change in the course of the model year. Contact your RENAULT Dealer. 1.5 dCi 5 -seat COMBI ESTATE Diesel T.C. (1) (versions marketed depend on country) Vehicle type KC1FGF KC07GF…
  • Page 210
    — It is important to comply with the towing weights governed by local legislation in each country and, in particular, laid down in the Road Traffic Regulations. Consult your RENAULT Dealer about any attachments. Under no circumstances may the gross train weight (= maximum permissible all-up weight plus weight towed) be exceeded.
  • Page 211
    WEIGHTS (in kg) — Basic vehicles without options, likely to change in the course of the model year. Contact your RENAULT Dealer. 5-seat COMBI ESTATE Diesel 1.9 D 65 1.9 D 65 (versions marketed depend on country) T.C. (1) Vehicle type…
  • Page 212
    — It is important to comply with the towing weights governed by local legislation in each country and, in particular, laid down in the Road Traffic Regulations. Consult your RENAULT Dealer about any attachments. Under no circumstances may the gross train weight (= maximum permissible all-up weight plus weight towed) be exceeded.
  • Page 213
    WEIGHTS (in kg) — Basic vehicles without options, likely to change in the course of the model year. Contact your RENAULT Dealer. COMBI ESTATE 5-seat petrol and diesel Greater than standard load version 1.5 dCi (versions marketed depend on country)
  • Page 214
    — It is important to comply with the towing weights governed by local legislation in each country and, in particular, laid down in the Road Traffic Regulations. Consult your RENAULT Dealer about any attachments. Under no circumstances may the gross train weight (= maximum permissible all-up weight plus weight towed) be exceeded.
  • Page 215
    WEIGHTS (in kg) — Basic vehicles without options, likely to change in the course of the model year. Contact your RENAULT Dealer. 5-seat COMBI ESTATE Diesel Greater than standard load version 1.5 dCi 1.9 D 65 (versions marketed depend on country)
  • Page 216
    — It is important to comply with the towing weights governed by local legislation in each country and, in particular, laid down in the Road Traffic Regulations. Consult your RENAULT Dealer about any attachments. Under no circumstances may the gross train weight (= maximum permissible all-up weight plus weight towed) be exceeded.
  • Page 217
    WEIGHTS (in kg) — Basic vehicles without options, likely to change in the course of the model year. Contact your RENAULT Dealer. 5-seat COMBI ESTATE Petrol Wide track version (versions marketed depend on country) KC1PBF KC0BBF KC5SAF Vehicle type KC1DBF…
  • Page 218
    — It is important to comply with the towing weights governed by local legislation in each country and, in particular, laid down in the Road Traffic Regulations. Consult your RENAULT Dealer about any attachments. Under no circumstances may the gross train weight (= maximum permissible all-up weight plus weight towed) be exceeded.
  • Page 219
    WEIGHTS (in kg) — Basic vehicles without options, likely to change in the course of the model year. Contact your RENAULT Dealer. 5-seat COMBI ESTATE Diesel Wide track version 1.5 d Ci 1.9 D 65 (versions marketed depend on country)
  • Page 220
    — It is important to comply with the towing weights governed by local legislation in each country and, in particular, laid down in the Road Traffic Regulations. Consult your RENAULT Dealer about any attachments. Under no circumstances may the gross train weight (= maximum permissible all-up weight plus weight towed) be exceeded.
  • Page 221
    WEIGHTS (in kg) — Basic vehicles without options, likely to change in the course of the model year. Contact your RENAULT Dealer. 1.2 PLG VAN Petrol (versions marketed depend on country) T.C. (1) T.C. (1) Automatic Vehicle type FC5HAF FC1PAF…
  • Page 222
    — It is important to comply with the towing weights governed by local legislation in each country and, in particular, laid down in the Road Traffic Regulations. Consult your RENAULT Dealer about any attachments. Under no circumstances may the gross train weight (= maximum permissible all-up weight plus weight towed) be exceeded.
  • Page 223
    WEIGHTS (in kg) — Basic vehicles without options, likely to change in the course of the model year. Contact your RENAULT Dealer. Diesel VAN 1.5 dCi (versions marketed depend on country) Vehicle type FC1FAF FC07AF FC1EAF FC1GAF FCR8AF FC094F (indicated on the manufacturer’s plate)
  • Page 224
    — It is important to comply with the towing weights governed by local legislation in each country and, in particular, laid down in the Road Traffic Regulations. Consult your RENAULT Dealer about any attachments. Under no circumstances may the gross train weight (= maximum permissible all-up weight plus weight towed) be exceeded.
  • Page 225
    WEIGHTS (in kg) — Basic vehicles without options, likely to change in the course of the model year. Contact your RENAULT Dealer. 1.5 dCi 1.5 dCi 1.9 D 65 Diesel VAN 1.9 D 65 (versions marketed depend on country) T.C. (1) T.C.
  • Page 226
    — It is important to comply with the towing weights governed by local legislation in each country and, in particular, laid down in the Road Traffic Regulations. Consult your RENAULT Dealer about any attachments. Under no circumstances may the gross train weight (= maximum permissible all-up weight plus weight towed) be exceeded.
  • Page 227
    WEIGHTS (in kg) — Basic vehicles without options, likely to change in the course of the model year. Contact your RENAULT Dealer. VAN petrol and diesel Greater than standard load version 1.5 dCi 1.9 D 65 (versions marketed depend on country)
  • Page 228
    — It is important to comply with the towing weights governed by local legislation in each country and, in particular, laid down in the Road Traffic Regulations. Consult your RENAULT Dealer about any attachments. Under no circumstances may the gross train weight (= maximum permissible all-up weight plus weight towed) be exceeded.
  • Page 229
    WEIGHTS (in kg) — Basic vehicles without options, likely to change in the course of the model year. Contact your RENAULT Dealer. VAN petrol and diesel Wide track version 1.5 dCi 1.9 D 65 (versions marketed depend on country) Vehicle type…
  • Page 230
    — It is important to comply with the towing weights governed by local legislation in each country and, in particular, laid down in the Road Traffic Regulations. Consult your RENAULT Dealer about any attachments. Under no circumstances may the gross train weight (= maximum permissible all-up weight plus weight towed) be exceeded.
  • Page 231: Dimensions

    DIMENSIONS (in metres) 2,155 2,015 1,405/1,400 (3) 0,730 2,605/2,600 (3) 0,700 0,735 (3) 1,672 4,035 Turning circle • between walls: 10.79 1,835 (1) Important: if the vehicle is fitted with roof rails, the various 1,730 (2) height measurements, shown opposite, must be increased by 1,885 (1) (3) 4.3 m.

  • Page 232
    DIMENSIONS (in metres) (continued) 1,850 (1) 1,865 (2) 2,600 4,046 1,672 Important: if the vehicle is fitted with roof rails, the height, shown opposite, must be increased by 4.3 cm. These rails cannot be removed. (1) Unladen. 2,031 (2) Laden 6.35…
  • Page 233: Replacement Parts

    REPLACEMENT PARTS AND REPAIRS Original RENAULT parts are based on strict specifications and are regularly tested. Therefore, they are of at least the same level of quality as the originally fitted part. If you always fit genuine RENAULT parts to your vehicle, you will ensure that it performs well.

  • Page 234
    ALPHABETICAL INDEX A ABS …………… 2.11 D Dashboard ……….1.46 1.51 Accessories …………5.30 Diesel filter …………4.11 Accessories socket ……….3.23 Dimensions ……….6.34 — 6.35 Air conditioning ……..3.06 3.10 Dipped beam headlights ……..1.83 Air filter …………..4.11 Dipstick ………….
  • Page 235
    Interior lighting ………… 3.11 Interior trim maintenance ……..4.14 R Radio (fitting) …………5.29 J Jack ………….. 5.02 — 5.03 RAID (Renault Anti-Intruder Device) ….1.14 Rear bench seat ………. 3.24 — 3.25 K Keys …………1.02 1.06 Rear lights (replacing bulbs) …… 5.14 — 5.12 Rear screen (demisting) ….
  • Page 236
    ALPHABETICAL INDEX R Restraint systems in addition T Towing (towing equipment) ……… 5.28 to front seat belts ……..1.28 1.33 Towing weights ……… 6.06 6.33 Reverse gear (selecting) ……..2.10 Transporting items in the luggage Roof flap …………. 1.19 — 1.20 compartment ………….
  • Page 239
    Driver’s handbook – 82 000 581 919 – NU 750-2 – 06/2005 – Edition anglaise…

Renault Kangoo пассажирский и грузовой варианты исполнения с 1997 года выпуска: с бензиновыми двигателями: D7F 1.2 л (1149 см³) 58-75 л.с./43-56 кВт, E7J 1.4 л (1390 см³) 75 л.с./56 кВт и дизельным F8Q 1.9 л (1870 см³) 65 л.с./49 кВт. Рено Кангу инструкция по эксплуатации, техническое обслуживание, ремонт, особенности конструкции, электросхемы

Сборник принципиальных электросхем Renault Kangoo 1998 модельный год, Техническая нота 8135 ЗДЕСЬ

Сборник принципиальных электросхем Renault Kangoo 1999 модельный год, Техническая нота 8149

Сборник принципиальных электросхем Renault Kangoo 2000 модельный год, Техническая нота 8159A

Сборник принципиальных электросхем Renault Kangoo с 03-04-2000, Техническая нота 8172A

Сборник принципиальных электросхем Renault Kangoo с 18-12-2000, Техническая нота 8182A

Renault Kangoo/ Рено Кангу оригинальное (Русское издание) руководство по ремонту и техническому обслуживанию для СТО выпуск с 1997

Renault Kangoo 1997 Passenger/ Express Service and Repair Manual (Renault s.a.s. 77 11 194 217 Edition Anglaise)

Renault Kangoo II оригинальное (Renault s.a.s Русское издание) руководство по ремонту и техническому обслуживанию для СТО с 2008 года

Renault Kangoo II Body Repair Manual (Renault s.a.s 2008 Edition Anglaise X61)

Рено Кангу 1997-2003 руководство по эксплуатации

Рено Кангу 2003-2007 руководство по эксплуатации

Рено Кангу 2013 руководство по эксплуатации

Рено Кангу 2014 руководство по эксплуатации

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Видео Рено Кангу замена ремня ГРМ (Renault Kangoo 97-07)

Renault Kangoo общая информация (Рено Кангу 1997-2007)

Книга содержит общие сведения об устройстве автомобиля Renault Kangoo с 1997 выпуска, рекомендации по техническому обслуживанию, описание возможных неисправностей двигателя, трансмиссии, ходовой части, рулевого управления и тормозных систем. Должное внимание уделено электронным системам управления двигателем.

Технические советы, приведенные в данном руководстве, помогут провести техническое обслуживание и сделать ремонт как на станции технического обслуживания, так и своими силами.


Кран радиатора отопителя отсутствует. Циркуляция жидкости через радиатор отопителя происходит постоянно, что улучшает общее охлаждение двигателя.
1. Проверьте затяжку пробки или пробок сливных отверстий.
2. Выверните пробки из двух отверстий для удаления воздуха.
3. Залейте охлаждающую жидкость через горловину расширительного бачка.
4. Вверните пробки в отверстия для удаления воздуха, как только жидкость начнет вытекать из них непрерывной струей.
5. Запустите двигатель (доведите обороты двигателя до 2500 об/мин).
6. В течение примерно 4 минут доливайте жидкость в бачок, причем уровень жидкости должен быть как можно ближе к верхней кромке горловины бачка.
7 Закройте пробку расширительного бачка.

Габаритные размеры Рено Кангу (dimensions Renault Kangoo)

Основные технические характеристики (General technical specifications) Renault Kangoo FC0VAF 2000 грузовой (Express) фургон с мотором 1.9 литра

Спецификация / Specs Данные
Габариты (мм/mm) и масса (кг/kg) / Dimensions and Weight
1 Длина / Length 3995
2 Ширина (без/с зеркалами) / Width 1663/2015
3 Высота (загружен/пустой) / Height 1822
4 Колёсная база / Wheelbase 2595
5 Дорожный просвет (клиренс) / Ground clearance 169-191
6 Снаряжённая масса / Total (curb) weight 1065
Полная масса / Gross (max.) weight 1690

Двигатель / Engine

7 Тип / Engine Type, Code Дизельный, жидкостного охлаждения, четырехтактный, F8Q 630
8 Количество цилиндров / Cylinder arrangement: Total number of cylinders, of valves 4-цилиндровый, 8V, рядный, SOHC с верхним расположением одного распределительного вала
9 Диаметр цилиндра / Bore 80.0 мм
10 Ход поршня / Stroke 93.0 мм
11 Объём / Engine displacement 1870 см³
12 Система питания / Fuel supply, Aspiration Непосредственный впрыск топлива форсунками, ТНВД Роторный насос, LUCAS DIESEL 8448В 171 А/23 А
13 Степень сжатия / Compression ratio 21.5:1
14 Максимальная мощность / Max. output power kW (HP) at rpm 49 кВт (65 л.с.) при 4500 об/мин
15 Максимальный крутящий момент / Max. torque N·m at rpm 121 Нм при 2250 об/мин

Трансмиссия / Transmission

16 Сцепление / Clutch type 200 CPOV 3250 Однодисковое, сухое, с диафрагменной нажимной пружиной и гасителем крутильных колебаний, постоянно замкнутого типа
17 КПП / Transmission type JB1 МКПП 5 пятиступенчатая механическая, двухвальная, с синхронизаторами на всех передачах переднего хода

О Книге

  • Название: Renault Kangoo инструкция по эксплуатации, техническое обслуживание, ремонт
  • Бензиновые двигатели: D7F 1.2 л (1149 см³) 58-75 л.с./43-56 кВт, E7J 1.4 л (1390 см³) 75 л.с./56 кВт и дизельным F8Q 1.9 л (1870 см³) 65 л.с./49 кВт
  • Выпуск с 1997 года
  • Серия: «Ухаживаем — следим — ремонтируем»
  • Год издания: 2013
  • Автор: Коллектив авторов
  • Издательство: «Ассоциация независимых издателей»
  • Формат: PDF
  • Страниц в книге: 225
  • Размер: 83.09 МБ
  • Язык: Русский
  • Количество электросхем: 39

Renault Kangoo пассажирский и грузовой варианты исполнения с 1997: бензиновые и дизельные двигатели Рено Кангу инструкция по эксплуатации, техобслуживание, ремонт, электросхемы

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