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Железо (таблетки) RETAFER 100мг, 30табл.
Препарат применяется при дефиците железа и для профилактики его недостаточности. Дефицит железа возникает при однообразном питании или при плохом усвоении железа в кишечнике, а также при кровопотерях, заболеваниях кишечника или операционном вмешательстве. Норма употребления железа возрастает во время беременности. RETAFER помогает восполнить дефицит железа в организме.
Дозировка препарата зависит от степени тяжести анемии и возраста пользователя. Пакет содержит подробные инструкции по дозированию. Длительность приема и дозировка определяется врачом. Принимать препарат следует с пищей. Может быть использован в период беременности и кормления. Хранить при температуре 15-25° C в защищенном от света месте.
Таблетки пролонгированного действия Ретафер 100 мг следует проглатывать целиком.
Не принимать детям до 12 лет без рецепта врача.
Для детей старше 12 лет и взрослых: по 1 таблетке с пролонгированным высвобождением в день для профилактики дефицита железа. Для лечения железодефицитной анемии по 1 таблетке пролонгированного действия 1-2 раза в день.
При беременности: по 1 таблетке пролонгированного действия 1-2 раза в сутки.
сульфат железа
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Препарат железа Retafer (Ретафер) 50 mg, 100 табл
Используется для лечения и профилактики дефицита железа
Детям до 6 лет — только по рецепту врача
Детям 6-12 лет по 1 таблетки в день
Взрослым и детям старше 12 лет по 1 таблетки 1-2 раза в день
Во время беременности по 1 таблетки 1-2 раза в день (посоветуйтесь с врачом)
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- Микроэлементы Железо, Йод, Калий
- Retafer 100 Mg Fe++ (Ретафер 100 Мг Фе++) таблетки — 30 шт
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RaMaVit Rauta-Vitamiini Mikstuura (РаМаВит Микстура) напиток — 500 млRetafer 50 Mg Fe++ (Ретафер 50 Мг Фе++) таблетки — 100 шт
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(13 отзывов, рейтинг 3 из 5)
Для предотвращения дефицита железа
таблетки, 30 шт.
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Цена 1418,10 ₽
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Retafer 100 Mg Fe++ (Ретафер 100 Мг Фе++) таблетки — 30 шт
1418,10 ₽
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Вернуться в раздел: Микроэлементы Железо, Йод, Калий RaMaVit Rauta-Vitamiini Mikstuura (РаМаВит Микстура) напиток — 500 млRetafer 50 Mg Fe++ (Ретафер 50 Мг Фе++) таблетки — 100 шт
(13 отзывов, рейтинг 3 из 5) Для предотвращения дефицита железа Поделиться в соцсетях:
Цена 1418,10 ₽
В последнее время 9 человек заказывали этот товар. ОтзывыЕще нет отзывов об этом товаре. Просмотренные товары Retafer 100 Mg Fe++ (Ретафер 100 Мг Фе++) таблетки — 30 шт1418,10 ₽ Недавно заказали. Купить? Minisun D3-vitamiini Metsamansikka 20 mikrog (Минисан D3 со вкусом земляники D3 20 мкг) жевательные таблетки — 200 шт2896,51 ₽ Подгузники Либеро Ап Энд Гоу (Libero Up&Go) 5 10-14kg Mega Pack 62 kpl2086,40 ₽ Leader Nokkos Kallki Inkivaari Vihersimpukka (для суставов) таблетки — 140 шт2392,84 ₽ Берокка Оранж (Berocca Orange) шипучие таблетки — 30 шт2316,23 ₽ Carbo Medicinalis 250 mg (Карбо Медициналис 250 мг) таблетки — 150 шт3577,85 ₽
0 Корзина пуста RetaferFerrous Sulphate has the general properties of iron salts and is one of the most widely used iron salts in the treatment of iron deficiency anaemia. Ferrous sulfate facilitates O2 transport via haemoglobin. It is used as iron source as it replaces iron found in haemoglobin, myoglobin and other enzymes. Download Bissoy App to talk Doctor online UsesRetafer is used for the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency anaemia and anaemia of pregnancy where routine administration of iron is necessary. Download Bissoy App to talk Doctor online Retafer
StructureTable Of contents
Download Bissoy App to talk Doctor online DosageRetafer dosage Adult-
Download Bissoy App to talk Doctor online Should be taken on an empty stomach. Best taken on an empty stomach. May be taken with meals to reduce GI discomfort. Mix with water or fruit juice to avoid temporary staining of teeth. Do not mix with milk. Download Bissoy App to talk Doctor online Side EffectsGI irritation, abdominal pain and cramps, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhoea, dark stool and discoloration of urine; heartburn. Download Bissoy App to talk Doctor online PrecautionShould be administered with caution when given to patients with iron storage or iron absorption disease, haemoglobinopathies or existing gastrointestinal disease. InteractionAbsorption of iron salt and Tetracycline is diminished when taken concomitantly by mouth. If treatment with both drugs is required iron salt should be given 3 hours before or 2 hours after Tetracycline. Absorption of iron is also decreased in the presence of antacids or when taken with tea. Download Bissoy App to talk Doctor online Download Bissoy App to talk Doctor online Pregnancy & Breastfeeding usePregnancy Category- Not Classified. FDA has not yet classified the drug into a specified pregnancy category. Download Bissoy App to talk Doctor online ContraindicationIron therapy is contraindicated in haemachromatosis and haemosiderosis.It should not be given to patients receiving repeated blood transfusion or with anaemia not produced by iron deficiency. Acute OverdoseSymptoms: Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea of green or tarry stools, haematemesis, seizures, drowsiness, metabolic acidosis, hepatic dysfunction, renal failure, coma. Treatment: Empty stomach contents by gastric lavage. In severe toxicity, IV desferrioxamine may be given. Treatment is supportive. Haemodialysis is unlikely to be useful. Download Bissoy App to talk Doctor online Innovators MonographYou find simplified version here Retafer FAQWhat is a Retafer used for?Retafer is a medicine used to treat and prevent iron deficiency anaemia. Iron helps the body to make healthy red blood cells, which carry oxygen around the body. Some things such as blood loss, pregnancy or too little iron in your diet can make your iron supply drop too low, leading to anaemia. The Retafer is used medically to treat iron deficiency, and also for industrial applications. How does Retafer work?Retafer work by replacing body iron. Retafer is an iron supplement used to treat or prevent low blood levels of iron. Iron is an important mineral that the body needs to produce red blood cells and keep you in good health. What are the common side effects of Retafer?Common side effects of Retafer are include:
Is Retafer safe during pregnancy?Retafer is usually safe to take Retafer during pregnancy. Is Retafer safe during breastfeeding?Retafer is usually safe to breastfeed while taking Retafer. However, some of the medicine may pass into your breast milk. This is in small amounts and is unlikely to harm your baby. Can I drink alcohol with Retafer?You can drink alcohol while taking Retafer. Can I drive after taking Retafer?This Retafer does not affect your ability to drive a car or operate machinery. What is the best time to take Retafer ?Take Retafer on an empty stomach, at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal. Avoid taking antacids or antibiotics within 2 hours before or after taking Retafer. Retafer is only part of a complete program of treatment that may also include a special diet. How many time can I take Retafer daily?Although the traditional dosage of Retafer is 325 mg orally three times a day, lower doses may be as effective and cause fewer side effects. Is it safe to take Retafer everyday?Oral iron supplements like Retafer are an effective way to increase iron stores in the body, a person may need to take supplements every day for 2–5 months to bring their iron stores up to normal levels. How long does Retafer take to work?Most people begin to feel better after around 1 week, but it may take up to 4 weeks for the medicine to have full effect. What is the half life of Retafer?Retafer can have a half-life of 12 hours or more after oral administration with high levels occurring in the plasma within 4 hours. Retafer may be lost through the urine, bile and sweat although the body does recycle iron for reuse. Can I take Retafer long term?It’s safe to take Retafer for as long as you need to, provided that your doctor has said it’s safe and you are not having any side effects. What happen If I stop taking Retafer?If you stop taking your iron tablets early or only take them infrequently, you may cause them not to work. Who should not take Retafer?
You should not take Retafer if you have ever had:iron overload syndrome;a red blood cell disorder such as thalassemia; or a condition for which you receive regular blood transfusions. When should I not take Retafer?Certain foods can also make it harder for your body to absorb Retafer. Avoid taking this medication within 1 hour before or 2 hours after eating fish, meat, liver, and whole grain or «fortified» breads or cereals. What happens if I miss a dose?Take the medicine as soon as you can, but skip the missed dose if it is almost time for your next dose. Do not take two doses at one time. What happens if I overdose?Seek emergency medical attention. Get emergency medical help if a child has accidentally swallowed a tablet. An overdose of iron can be fatal to a young child. Overdose symptoms may include severe vomiting, coughing up blood, bloody diarrhea, urinating less, thirst, dry skin, muscle cramps, dizziness, or fainting. Will Retafer affect my fertility?Retafer does seem to be a link between iron and fertility. Can Retafer affects my heart ?Higher Retafer may protect against heart disease, but it also can increase the risk of stroke. Most people don’t need iron supplements unless recommended by a doctor. Can Retafer affect my kidneys?The body needs iron to make hemoglobin so the red blood cells in the blood can carry oxygen to tissues and organs. Low iron is a factor in the anemia of chronic kidney disease. Can Retafer affects my liver?Oral iron supplementation at typical replacement doses has little or no adverse effects on the liver or serum enzyme elevations. Это тоже интересно:
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