Road 200 инструкция на русском языке

Nice Road200 Instructions And Warnings

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For sliding gates


Instructions and warnings for the fitter

Istruzioni ed avvertenze per l’installatore

Instructions et recommandations pour l’installateur

Anweisungen und Hinweise für den Installateur

Instrucciones y advertencias para el instalador

Instrukcje i uwagi dla instalatora

Aanwijzingen en aanbevelingen voor de installateur


Related Manuals for Nice Road200

Summary of Contents for Nice Road200

  • Page 1
    For sliding gates Road200 Instructions and warnings for the fitter Istruzioni ed avvertenze per l’installatore Instructions et recommandations pour l’installateur Anweisungen und Hinweise für den Installateur Instrucciones y advertencias para el instalador Instrukcje i uwagi dla instalatora Aanwijzingen en aanbevelingen voor de installateur…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Road200 Table of contents: page Warnings Additional information Programming buttons Product description and applications Programming Operating limits 7.2.1 Level one functions (ON-OFF functions) Typical system 7.2.2 Level one programming List of cables (ON-OFF functions) 7.2.3 Level two functions Installation (adjustable parameters) Preliminary checks 7.2.4…

  • Page 3: Warnings

    “WARNING: MAINTENANCE WORK IN • Any use or operation of ROAD200 which is not explicitly provided for in PROGRESS”. these instructions is not permitted. Improper use may cause damage and personal injury.

  • Page 4: List Of Cables

    Chapter 8 “Technical Characteristics” provides the data needed to determine whether ROAD200 components are suitable for the intended application. In general, ROAD200 is suitable for the automation of gates featuring leaves up to 5 m wide and weighing up to 200 kg, as shown in Tables 1 and 2.

  • Page 5: Installation

    3) Installation The installation of ROAD200 must be carried out by qualified personnel in compliance with current legislation, standards and regulations, and the directions provided in this manual. 3.1) Preliminary checks Before proceeding with the installation of ROAD200 you must: •…

  • Page 6: Installation Of The Various Devices

    If the rack is already present, once the gearmotor has been fastened, use the adjustment dowels as shown in Figure 8 to set the pinion of ROAD200 to the right height, leaving 1÷2 mm of play from the rack. Otherwise, in order to fasten the rack the installer must: 6.

  • Page 7: Electrical Connections

    1. Remove the protection cover in order to access the electronic figure 13, then block the cable at the first cable block ring using control unit of the ROAD200. The side screw must be removed, the clamp. and the cover lifted upwards.

  • Page 8: Description Of The Electrical Connections

    7 — 8 Flashing light a NICE “LUCY B” flashing light with a 12V 21W car bulb can be connected to this output. During the manoeuvre the unit flashes at intervals of 0.5 s 4) Final checks and start up…

  • Page 9: Recognizing The Length Of The Leaf

    1. Press the [PP] button to open the gate. Check that gate open- 5. Check that the fastening of the ROAD200 gearmotor, the rack ing occurs regularly, without any variations in speed. The leaf and the limit switch brackets are solid, stable and suitably resis- must only slowdown and stop when it is between 50 and 30 cm tant, even if the gate accelerates or decelerates sharply.

  • Page 10: Memorization Of Radio Transmitters

    4.7) Memorization of radio transmitters Each radio transmitter is recognised by the said receiver by means of a “code” which is different from that of any other transmitter. A “mem- orisation” phase must therefore be performed in order to allow the receiver to recognise each single transmitter. Transmitters can be mem- orised in 2 modes: Table 5: Memorization Mode I Mode I: in this mode the function of the transmitter buttons is fixed…

  • Page 11: Remote» Memorization

    To test ROAD200 proceed as follows: 5. If the dangerous situations caused by the movement of the leaf 1. Ensure that the instructions outlined in this manual and in partic- have been safeguarded by limiting the force of impact, the user ular in chapter 1 «WARNINGS»…

  • Page 12: Commissioning

    7) Additional information Programming, personalisation and how to look for and deal with faults on the ROAD200 will be dealt with in this chapter. 7.1) Programming buttons The ROAD200 control unit feature three buttons that can be used to command the control unit both during tests and programming.

  • Page 13: Programming

    If the function is inactive, functioning will be “semi-automatic”. During the normal functioning of ROAD200, LEDs L2 and L3 will either be on or off depending on the state of the function they represent. For example, L3 will be on if the “Automatic Closing” function is active.

  • Page 14: Level Two Programming

    7.2.4) Level two programming (adjustable parameters) The adjustable parameters are factory set as shown in table 15, with: “ “. However, they can be changed at any time as shown in Table 16. Follow the procedure carefully, as there is a maximum time of 10 seconds between pressing one button and another. If a longer period of time lapses, the procedure will finish automatically and memorize the modifications made up to that stage.

  • Page 15: Level Two Programming Example

    Wait 10 seconds before leaving the programme to allow the maximum time to lapse. 7.3) Adding or removing devices Devices can be added to or removed from the ROAD200 automa- tion system at any time. In particular, various devices types can be connected to “STOP”…

  • Page 16: Photocells

    7.3.2) Photocells The ROAD200 control unit is equipped with the “Phototest” function Whereas, if the test has a negative outcome (photocell blinded by the which increases the reliability of the safety devices, making it possible sun, short circuited cable etc), the fault is identified and the manoeu- to achieve «category 2″…

  • Page 17: Troubleshooting

    No manoeuvre starts and the OK LED does Check that ROAD200 is powered by a 230V mains supply. Check to see if the fuses F1 not flash and F2 are blown; if necessary, identify the reason for the failure and then replace the fuses with others having the same current rating and characteristics.

  • Page 18: Signals On The Control Unit

    7.7.2) Signals on the control unit On the ROAD200 control unit there is a set of LED each of which can give special indications both during normal operation and in case of malfunctions. Table 21: LED’s on the control unit’s terminals…

  • Page 19: Technical Characteristics

    8) Technical characteristics Nice S.p.a., in order to improve its products, reserves the right to modify their technical characteristics at any time without prior notice. In any case, the manufacturer guarantees their functionality and fitness for the intended purposes. All the technical characteristics refer to a room temperature of 20°C (±5°C).

  • Page 20
    Technical characteristics: transmitter: FLO2 transmitter: FLO2R-S transmitter: SM2 Type 2 channel transmitter for radio command Frequency 433.92MHz Coding Digital fixed code with Digital Rolling code Digital Rolling code with 12 Bit code, FLO type with 52 Bit code, FLOR type 64 Bit code, SMILO type buttons Power supply…
  • Page 21: Instructions And Warnings For Users Of Road Gearmotor

    This operation movement if people or objects are in the way, guar- has been carefully designed by Nice to make it anteeing safe and reliable activation. However, chil- extremely easy, without any need for tools or physi- dren should not be allowed to play in the vicinity of cal exertion.

  • Page 22
    Are you satisfied? If you wish to install another automation system in your home, call your old installation technician and use Nice products. You will get the services of a specialist and the most advanced products available on the mar- ket, superior performances and maximum system compatibility.
  • Page 23
    Indirizzo Via Pezza Alta 13, 31046 Z.I. Rustignè, Oderzo (TV) Italia Address Tipo Motoriduttore elettromeccanico “ROAD200” con centrale incorporata Type “ROAD200” electromechanical gearmotor with incorporated control unit Modelli ROAD200 Models Accessori: Accessories Risulta conforme a quanto previsto dalle seguenti direttive comunitarie:…
  • Page 24
    Aubagne France Fax + Shanghai Tel. + Tel. +33.(0) Fax + Fax +33.(0) Nice Gate is the doors and gate automation division of Nice Nice Screen is the rolling shutters and awnings automation division of Nice…

© 09/2017 Oase Outdoors ApS. Made in China.

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Sådan sætter du dit telt op!

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This tent should be erected

by at least two persons.

Dieses Zelt sollte, wenn möglich, von

zwei Personen aufgestellt werden.

Dette telt bør rejses af

mindst to personer.

Cette tente doit être montée

par au moins deux personnes.

Deze tent moet opgezet worden

door minstens twee personen.

2 people


This Addendum states the specific data of the product RD300. For all other sub-

jects, refer to the manual of the product Road200

Operating limits: in general, RD300 is suitable for the automation of gates

featuring leaves up to 6 m wide and weighing up to 300 kg, as shown in Tables

1 and 2. The length of the leaf makes it possible to determine both the maximum

number of cycles per hour and consecutive cycles, while the weight makes it

possible to determine the reduction percentage of the cycles and the maximum

speed allowed.

TABLE 1 — Limits in relation to the length of the leaf

Leave width m

Max cycle/hour

Up to 3

3 — 5

5 — 6

TABLE 2 — Limits in relation to the weight of the leaf

Leaf weight Kg

Up to 200



Peak thrust

9 Nm; corresponds to the ability to start a leaf with a

static friction of max. 300 N moving

Nominal torque

4 Nm; corresponds to the ability to keep a leaf with a

dynamic friction of max. 135 N moving

Idling speed

0.25 m/s; the control unit allows 2 speeds to be pro

grammed, equal to: 0.13 m/s or 0.25 m/s

Nominal torque speed

0,16 m/s

Maximum frequency of

50 cycles per day (the control unit allows up to the

operating cycles

maximum described in tables 1 and 2)

Maximum continuous operating

time 9 minutes (the control unit limits the continuous

operation up to the maximum described in tables 1

and 2)

Max. absorbed power

210 W (1,1 A)


Il presente Addendum riporta i dati specifici del prodotto RD300. Per tutti gli altri

argomenti fare riferimento al manuale del prodotto Road200.

Limiti d’impiego: generalmente RD300 è in grado di automatizzare cancelli

con peso fino a 300 Kg oppure lunghezza fino a 6 m secondo quanto riportato

nelle tabelle 1 e 2. La lunghezza dell’anta permette di determinare il numero

massimo di cicli per ora e di cicli consecutivi mentre il peso permette di deter-

minare la percentuale di riduzione dei cicli e la velocità massima consentita.

TABELLA 1 — Limiti in relazione alla lunghezza dell’anta

Lunghezza anta metri

Cicli/ora massimi

Fino a 3

3 — 5

5 — 6

TABELLA 2- Limiti in relazione al peso dell’anta

Peso anta Kg

Fino a 200



Coppia massima allo spunto

9 Nm; corrispondente alla capacità di mettere in

movimento un’anta con attrito statico fino a 300 N

Coppia nominale

4 Nm; corrispondente alla capacità mantenere in

movimento un’anta con attrito dinamico fino a 135 N

Velocità a vuoto

0.25 m/s; la centrale consente di programmare 2

velocità, pari a: 0,13 m/s o 0,25 m/s

Velocità alla coppia nominale

0,16 m/s

Frequenza massima cicli di

50 cicli/giorno (la centrale limita i cicli al massimo


previsto nelle tabelle 1 e 2)

Tempo massimo funzionamento

9 minuti (la centrale limita il funzionamento continuo

al massimo previsto nelle tabelle continuo

Potenza massima assorbita

210 W (1,1 A)

Max. no. of

consecutive cycles







% cycles



Cicli consecutivi massimi







Percentuale cicli




For sliding gates

EN —

Integration to manual ROAD200

IT —

Integrazione al manuale ROAD200

FR —

Addenda au guide ROAD200

ES —

Integración del manual ROAD200


Nota — Il contenuto di questa dichiarazione corrisponde a quanto dichiarato nell’ultima revisione disponibile, prima della stampa di que-

sto manuale, del documento ufficiale depositato presso la sede di Nice Spa. Il presente testo è stato riadattato per motivi editoriali. /

Note — The contents of this declaration correspond to those of the last revision available of the official document, deposited at the regis-

tered offices of Nice S.p.a., before printing of this manual. The text herein has been re-edited for editorial purposes.

Numero / Number: 318/RD300

Il sottoscritto Luigi Paro in qualità di Amministratore Delegato, dichiara sotto la propria responsabilità che il prodotto: / The

undersigned Luigi Paro, managing director, declares under his sole responsibility that the following product:

Nome produttore / Manufacturer’s name: NICE s.p.a.

Indirizzo / Address: Via Pezza Alta 13, 31046 Z.I. Rustignè, Oderzo (TV) Italia / Italy

Tipo / Type: Motoriduttore elettromeccanico «RD300» con centrale incorporata / «RD300» ac electromechanical gearmotor

with built-in control unit

Modello / Models: RD300

Risulta conforme a quanto previsto dalla direttiva comunitaria: / Satisfies the essential requirements of the following Directives:

• 98/37/CE (89/392/CEE modificata) / 98/37/EC (89/392/EEC amended).

Come previsto dalla direttiva 98/37/CE si avverte che non è consentita la messa in servizio del prodotto sopra indicato fin-

ché la macchina, in cui il prodotto è incorporato, non sia stata identificata e dichiarata conforme alla direttiva 98/37/CE /

As specified in the directive 98/37/CEE use of the product specified above is not admitted until the machine on which it is

mounted has been identified and declared as conforming to the directive 98/37/CEE.

Inoltre risulta conforme ai requisiti essenziali richiesti dall’articolo 3 dalla seguente direttiva comunitaria, per l’uso al quale i

prodotti sono destinati: / Furthermore, the product complies with the essential requisites specified in article 3 of the follow-

ing EC directive, for the use the products have been manufactured for:


Secondo le seguenti norme armonizzate / According to the following harmonised standards

protezione della salute / health protection: EN 50371:2002; sicurezza elettrica / electrical safety: EN 60950-1:2006;

compatibilità elettromagnetica / electromagnetic compatibility: EN 301 489-1V1.8.1:2008; EN 301 489-3V1.4.1:2002

spettro radio / radio range: EN 300220-2V2.1.2:2007

Inoltre il prodotto risulta conforme a quanto previsto dalle seguenti direttive comunitarie: / Furthermore, the product com-

plies with the specifications of the following EC directives:

• 2006/95/CEE(ex direttiva 73/23/CE) / 2006/95CE(ex directive 73/23/CE)

Secondo la seguente norma armonizzata: / According to the following harmonised standards:

EN 60335-1:1994+A11:1995+A1:1996+A12:1996+A13:1998+A14:1998+A15:2000+A2:2000+A16:2001

• 2004/108/CEE(ex direttiva 89/336/CEE) / 2004/108/CEE(ex directive 89/336/CEE)

Secondo le seguenti norme armonizzate: / According to the following harmonised standards: EN 61000-6-2:2005; EN


Inoltre risulta conforme, limitatamente per le parti applicabili, alle seguenti norme: / Furthermore, complies with the speci-

fications, limitedly for the applicable the following standards: EN 60335-1:2002+A1:2004+A11:2004+A12:2006+ A2:2006,

EN 60335-2-103:2003, EN 13241-1:2003; EN 12453:2002; EN 12445:2002; EN 12978:2003

Oderzo, 14 aprile 2009 / Oderzo, 14 april 2009


Cet addenda contient des données spécifiques au produit RD300. Pour tous les

autres points, se référer au guide d’instructions du produit Road200

Limites d’utilisation : généralement ROAD300 est en mesure d’automatiser

des portails pesant jusqu’à 300 kg ou mesurant jusqu’à 6 m suivant les indica-

tions des tableaux 1 et 2. La longueur du portail permet de calculer le nombre

maximum de cycles à l’heure et de cycles consécutifs tandis que le poids per-

met de calculer le pourcentage de réduction des cycles et la vitesse maximum


TABLEAU 1- Limites suivant la longueur du portail

Longueur du portail

en mètres

Jusqu’à 3

3 — 5

5 — 6

TABLEAU 2 — Limites suivant le poids du portail

Poids portail en kg

Jusqu’à 200



Couple maximum au démarrage

Couple nominal

Vitesse à vide

Vitesse a couple nominal

Fréquence maximum des cycles

de fonctionnement

Temps maximum de

fonctionnement continu

Puissance maximum absorbée

DE —

Vervollständigung des Handbuchs


PL —

Uzupełnienie do instrukcji


NL —

Aanvulling op de

handleiding ROAD200

Revisione / Revision: 0

Accessori / Accessories:

Luigi Paro

(Amministratore Delegato / Managing Director)


Cycles consécutifs









Pourcentage cycles



9 Nm ; correspondant à la capacité de mettre en

mouvement un portail avec friction statique jusqu’à

300 N

4 Nm ; correspond à la capacité de maintenir en

mouvement un portail avec friction dynamique

jusqu’à 135

0.25 m/s ; la logique de commande permet de pro

grammer 2 vitesses, égales à: 0.13 m/s ou à 0.25 m/s

0,16 m/s

50 cycles/jour (la logique limite les cycles au maximum

prévu dans les tableaux 1 et 2)

de 9 minutes (la logique limite le fonctionnement

continu au maximum prévu dans les tableaux 1 et 2)

210 W (1,1 A)

Люди, доброго времени суток…
Помогите мне плиз, не могу никак справиться с двигателем Nice road200.
Собственно проблема, как я понимаю при нажатии на самом блоке кнопки [PP] (открытие закрытие), они должны открывать, но у меня они открываются только при повторном нажатии и удерживании, если отпускаю, движение прекращается, работают нормально, замедляются при подходе к концу. Далее подключил пульт, но его тоже необходимо удерживать, чтобы они открылись и закрылись, при чем удерживать надо, после того, как на пульте нажму два раза, соответственно отпускаю и движение прекращается. (пульт 2-ч кнопочный)
Потом увидел, что можно настроить в другом Режиме, то есть в Режиме II, когда назначаешь кнопки по другому, но эффекта ноль… все то же самое, необходимо удерживать. Может что-нибудь подскажете?
А еще на самом блоке мигает индикатор, два раза мигнет, перерыв, еще два раза, почитал инструкцию, написано, что это фотоэлемент, но самом деле его там нету, там вообще ничего не подключено к разъемам кроме антенны..

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ПультыПульты дистанционного управлени€
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NiceOne_OX_OXIПриемник Nice One OX OXI
Приемник TT1NПриемник TT1N

Аксессуары Nice

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Фотоэлементы MOFBФотоэлементы MOFB
Кодова€ панель MOTB_rus.pdfКодовая панель MOTB_rus.pdf

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