Roland camm 1 cx 24 инструкция на русском

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Thank you very much for purchasing the CX-24/12.

To ensure correct and safe usage with a full under-

standing of this product’s performance, please be sure

to read through this manual completely and store it in

a safe location.

Unauthorized copying or transferral, in whole or in

part, of this manual is prohibited.

The contents of this operation manual and the

specifications of this product are subject to change

without notice.

The operation manual and the product have been

prepared and tested as much as possible. If you find

any misprint or error, please inform us.

Roland DG Corp. assumes no responsibility for any

direct or indirect loss or damage which may occur

through use of this product, regardless of any failure

to perform on the part of this product.


Summary of Contents for Roland Camm-1 CX-24/12

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Thank you very much for purchasing the CX-24/12.

To ensure correct and safe usage with a full under-

standing of this product’s performance, please be sure

to read through this manual completely and store it in

a safe location.

Unauthorized copying or transferral, in whole or in

part, of this manual is prohibited.

The contents of this operation manual and the

specifications of this product are subject to change

without notice.

The operation manual and the product have been

prepared and tested as much as possible. If you find

any misprint or error, please inform us.

Roland DG Corp. assumes no responsibility for any

direct or indirect loss or damage which may occur

through use of this product, regardless of any failure

to perform on the part of this product.

Summary of Contents for Roland Camm-1 CX-24/12

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Roland CX-24 где можно достать русский Help

Подскажите пожалуйста где можно достать русский Help для режущего плоттера Roland CX-24? Не могу найти опцию прокрутки для измерения длины пленки. Я уже работаю несколько месяцев на нем, мне приходится измерять длину пленки и вычитывать от длины 4,5 см расстояние от ножа до камеры, что в общем то не мешает мне успешно справляться с заказами, но как то не правильно получается , если есть инструмент который прогонит и измерит длину , то я должен этим пользоваться. Искал в описании, но не все мне понятно на английском. С уважением Салыбей.


Сообщение Гость » 31 янв 2005 09:43

а почему- бы вам не обратиться к организации, продавшей вам каттер?

Мы например на свои DGI представляем полный перевод инструкции на русский, что не исключает еще и консультаций по работе, как по телефону, так и лично.


Сообщение Гость » 21 фев 2005 23:58

на всех роландах что мне встречались при включении плоттера с каким то вставленным материалом он тебе дает опции — roll — меряет только ширину не заботясь о длине, roll 2 — и ширина, и длина, и sheet — меряет опять и ширну и длину, на дисплее показвает размеры, такой софт как flexi sign pro может легко эти данные из плоттера прочесть и установить вам рабочие размеры под него


Re: Roland CX-24

Сообщение Гость » 23 фев 2005 13:11

Салыбей оставь свой е-mail пришлю русскую инструкцию на cx-24


Re: Roland CX-24

Сообщение Гость » 14 дек 2005 17:39

вышлите кто-нибудь,пожалуйста, русскую инструкцию для cx-24. Заранее благодарен.


Сообщение O2 » 02 мар 2007 12:32

Гость писал(а): (→)Салыбей оставь свой е-mail пришлю русскую инструкцию на cx-24

Скиньте пожалуйста инструкцию на СХ 24!!! ОЧЕНЬ НАДО!


Возникла необходимость подключения двух каттеров одновременн

Сообщение Tohin » 02 май 2007 09:17

Вобщем, сабж — есть ли возможность подключить два каттера CX-24 к одному компу? Конечно, понятно — что есть usb-порты, так и втыкать можно до опупения… Но нет ли в этом случае каких-либо подводных камней?


Сообщение arksi » 13 дек 2007 09:43

Где можно найти документацию на русском к cx-24? Может кто подскажет!?


Сообщение Ibr@giM » 17 мар 2008 13:26

Ну дык кто-нибудь подскажет где взять мануал на русском языке для плоттера CX-24?


Сообщение Z » 10 июл 2008 15:45

вышлите кто-нибудь,пожалуйста, русскую инструкцию для cx-24. Заранее благодарен


Сообщение Jazz » 11 авг 2008 23:58

В архиве PDF-файл на русском языке

извините за скачку через рекламу — практика показывает, что ссылка в этом случае проживет радикально дольше


Не могу установить плоттер

Сообщение Elstan » 04 сен 2008 14:01

Здравствуйте! Проблема вот в чем: Есть плоттер CX-24 подключенный через LPT-1 к компу с XP SP2, нужно заставить его резать из Corel, PhotoShop и т.д. Качаю драйвер с роланд.ру ставлю, запускаю Corel и вот такой меседж: Unable to acsess printer driver, попробуйте переустановить и бла бла бла, Не хотит с ним работать и все тут, я уже все что мог перепробывал а понять не могу.


Привет! Очень нужна инструкция на русском языке GX 24, yulta

Сообщение YLa » 18 сен 2008 06:37

Привет! Очень нужна инструкция на русском языке GX 24,

Добавлено спустя 3 минуты 33 секунды:

PDFка ,которая дана у меня не отображается


Сообщение YLa » 18 сен 2008 13:27

Мой каттер у обьекта прорезает контур, можно ли убрать эту настройку? Все время делать заливку, это не всегда удобно.


Сообщение Ibr@giM » 29 сен 2008 12:10


Спасибо, конечно, только это инструкция к GX-24, а нужна к CX-24.

В общем-то в работе с CX-24 всё понятно, 5 лет с ним работаю, только никак не хочет показывать длину материала. Поэтому приходится измерять длину пленки в рукопашную и потом отнимать 7 см, для в вода в комп. :?

Вернуться в «Режущие плоттеры ROLAND»

Кто сейчас на конференции

Сейчас этот форум просматривают: нет зарегистрированных пользователей и 0 гостей

3 Preparing the CX-24/12

Making the Settings from the Menu on the CX-24/12

The display menu can only be used to make settings when material is loaded and set up. Before attempting to make menu settings, refer



«4-3 Turning on the

in a set-up state.

Turn the dial to display the screen shown at right.

Press the [MENU/PARAM] key.


Turn the dial to display the port where the cable is

connected, then press the [ENTER] key to confirm

the setting.

If you chose [SERIAL] in step 2, the screen for


setting the bit rate appears.

Turning the dial clockwise successively displays the

screens for setting the bit rate, data bit, stop bit, parity

checking, and hardware handshaking (flow control).

Turning the dial counterclockwise returns to the menu

in step 1 without making any changes.

At the screen where the setting items are displayed,

you can change the setting values by pressing the

[MENU/PARAM] key and turning the dial.

For more information about how to make settings, see

«4-3 Switching On the Power —

Settings with the Control

Power» and put the CX-24/12

Making Menu








Back to the screen in step 1






Turned coun-










Thank you very much for purchasing the CX-24/12.

To ensure correct and safe usage with a full under-
standing of this product’s performance, please be sure
to read through this manual completely and store it in
a safe location.

Unauthorized copying or transferral, in whole or in
part, of this manual is prohibited.

The contents of this operation manual and the
specifications of this product are subject to change
without notice.

The operation manual and the product have been
prepared and tested as much as possible.  If you find
any misprint or error, please inform us.

Roland DG Corp. assumes no responsibility for any
direct or indirect loss or damage which may occur
through use of this product, regardless of any failure
to perform on the part of this product.

Roland DG Corp. assumes no responsibility for any
direct or indirect loss or damage which may occur
with respect to any article made using this product.


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  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 1

    CX-24/12 Thank you very much for purchasing the CX-24/12. • T o ensure correct and safe usage with a full under- standing of this product’s performance, please be sure to read through this manual completely and store it in a safe location. • Unauthorized copying or transferral, in whole or in part, of this manual is prohibited. • The con …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 2

    2 Contents Windows ® , W indows NT ® and MS-DOS are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft ® Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Macintosh is a registered trademark or trademark of Apple Computer , Inc. in the USA and other countries. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Ado …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 3

    3 T o Ensure Safe Use Used for instructions intended to alert the user to the risk of death or severe injury should the unit be used improperly . About and Notices Used for instructions intended to alert the user to the risk of injury or material damage should the unit be used improperly . * Material damage refers to damage or other adverse effects …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 4

    4 Do not injure or modify the electrical power cord, nor subject it to excessive bends, twists, pulls, binding, or pinching, nor place any object of weight on it. Doing so may damage the electrical power cord, leading to electrocution or fire. When unplugging the electrical power cord from the power outlet, grasp the plug, not the cord. Unplugging …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 5

    5 : Indicates information to prevent machine breakdown or malfunction and ensure correct use. : Indicates a handy tip or advice regarding use. In addition to the and symbols, the symbols shown below are also used. NOTICE Do not place hands near the platen while in operation. Model name Rating label Use a rated power supply . About the Labels Affixe …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 6

    6 Utilisé pour avertir l’utilisateur d’un risque de décès ou de blessure grave en cas de mauvaise utilisation de l’appareil. A vis sur les avertissements Utilisé pour avertir l’utilisateur d’un risque de blessure ou de dommage matériel en cas de mauvaise utilisation de l’appareil. * Par dommage matériel, il est e …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 7

    7 Ne pas utiliser avec une fiche ou un fil électrique endommagé ou avec une prise mal fixée. Une négligence à ce niveau pourrait provoquer un incendie ou une électrocution. Ne pas endommager ou modifier le fil électrique. Ne pas le plier, le tordre, l’étirer, l’attacher ou le serrer de façon excessive. Ne pas mettre d’objet …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 8

    8 À propos des étiquettes collées sur l’appareil Ces étiquettes sont collées à l’extérieur de l’appareil. Les dessins suivants indiquent l’endroit et le contenu des messages. A vant Arrière Nom du modèle Étiquette des caractéristiques électriques Utiliser l’alimentation appropriée N’approchez pas vos mains …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 9

    9 1 Checking Supplied Items 1 Checking Supplied Items This product includes the items shown below . Before starting use, make sure all the items are present. Power cord: 1 Roland Software Package CD-ROM: 1 Roller base: 1 Blade: 1 Blade holder (XD-CH3) : 1 Startup manual: 1 T o Ensure Safe Use: 1 * CX-24 only Pin …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 10

    10 2 Part Names and Functions 2 Part Names and Functions In explanations that are common for both the CX-24 and the CX-12, figures depicting the CX-24 are used. Serial (RS-232C) Input Connector This is for connecting a crossover serial (RS- 232C) cable (sold separately). Pinch roller (Left) This presses down on the ma- terial to hold it in place. S …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 11

    11 2 Part Names and Functions [MENU/P ARAM] Key This selects whether turning the dial chooses menu items or changes setting values. Pressing this key changes the location of the menu cursor . [TEST] Key This performs a cutting test. Y ou can use it to make sure that the blade force is appropriate. Position Key This moves the blade (or pen) and the …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 12

    12 3 Preparing the CX-24/12 Make sure the unit is placed on a stable, sturdy surface. Installing requires the space shown below . Never install this unit in any of the following situations, as it could result in breakdown or faulty operation: • Places where the installation surface is unstable or not level. • Places with excessive electrical no …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 13

    13 3 Preparing the CX-24/12 3-2 Connection Connect the cable to either the parallel or the serial port. Be sure that the power to both the computer and the main unit is switched off when connecting the cable. Securely connect the power cord, computer I/O cable and so on so that they will not be unplugged and cause failure during operation. Doing so …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 14

    14 3 Preparing the CX-24/12 3-3 Installing the Driver The included Roland Software Package CD-ROM contains a W indows-based program and driver for performing cutting with the CX-24/ 12. CAMM-1 DRIVER This software is required when sending data from a W indows-based program to the CX-24/12. If you’re using W indows, be sure to install this driv …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 15

    15 3 Preparing the CX-24/12 1 2 3-4 Port Setting The CX-24/12 automatically detects the port used for connection to the computer . However, if cutting data is not sent correctly , check the communication parameters for the driver and use the display menu on the CX-24/ 12 to make the same settings as for the driver . Checking the Communication Param …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 16

    16 3 Preparing the CX-24/12 1 2 Right-click on the icon for the driver of the model you’re using then click [Properties]. For the CX-24: [Roland CAMM-1 CX-24] For the CX-12: [Roland CAMM-1 CX-12] The Properties dialog box for the model you’re using appears. Click [Start]. Point to [Settings] and click [Printers]. If you’re using W indows X …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 17

    17 3 Preparing the CX-24/12 2 3 T urn the dial to display the port where the cable is connected, then press the [ENTER] key to confirm the setting. If you chose [SERIAL] in step 2, the screen for setting the bit rate appears. T urning the dial clockwise successively displays the screens for setting the bit rate, data bit, stop bit, parity checking, …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 18

    18 4 Basic Operation 1 3 Insert a pin into the blade holder . Loosen the screw shown in the figure. 4 Basic Operation Be sure to support the tool mounting screw from below when installing the blade holder . Cutting quality may become poor if installed without supporting the screw in this way . NOTICE Pin Blade holder Screw Do not touch the tip of t …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 19

    19 4 Basic Operation 5 T ighten the screw securely . T ug the blade holder upward to make sure it does not come loose. Do not use excessive force when moving the sheet loading lever . Doing so may damage it. On the CX-24, use the control panel to choose the configuration of the loaded material. On the CX-12, there is no menu for choosing the config …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 20

    20 4 Basic Operation 1 Roller Base 2 Pass the end of the material between the pinch rollers and the grit rollers so that it extends from the front of the unit. Pull out the portion to cut from the roll. When loaded as shown in the figure, correct feed cannot be performed. Separate the necessary length for cutting from the roll. Position the materia …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 21

    21 4 Basic Operation 3 OK Not OK 5 6 4 Stickers — CX-12 Position the material so that the left and right edges are each above one of the grit rollers. Align so that the left and right edges of the material are parallel with the guide lines. Using the stickers on the rails as a guide, adjust the positioning of the left and right pinch rollers above …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 22

    22 4 Basic Operation 1 Turn on the CX-24/12. T urn the dial. When the display shows the type of load material, press the [ENTER] key . The cutting carriage starts to move. For the CX-24: Do not place the hands or anything else on the platen when switching on the power. Doing so may result in injury . (The cutting carriage moves simultaneously when …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 23

    23 4 Basic Operation 2 1 2 Making Menu Settings with the Control Panel The width of the material is detected and the unit is made ready for cutting. * When flat material is loaded, the material moves to the front and rear to detect the length of the material as well. At this time, if the material is crooked and looks like it might come loose from t …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 24

    24 4 Basic Operation 3 4-4 Checking Material Feed Make sure that the material does not come loose from the pinch rollers while cutting is in progress. On the CX-24, when you choose [PIECE] as the material type, the material is moved forward and backward in order to detect the length of the material. There is no need to perform the steps described b …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 25

    25 4 Basic Operation 4 1 3 2 4-5 When Performing Long Cutting Cutting a length of 1.5 m (59 in.) or more requires material that is at least 50 mm (2 in.) wider than the necessary cutting width. Prepare material that is at least 50 mm (2 in.) wider than the necessary cutting width. Refer to the figure at right and move the pinch rollers. Position th …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 26

    26 4 Basic Operation 1 2 3 Location of the origin point — Near the left pinch roller — Near the right pinch roller when the [ROT A TE] menu item is set to ON — At the front lower left of the material — Near the front lower right of the material when the [ROT A TE] menu item is set to ON — Near the left pinch roller — Near the right pinch roller whe …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 27

    27 4 Basic Operation Use the position keys to move the blade holder . Move to the position where the cutting test is to be performed. The shape shown in the figure at right is cut at the present location of the blade. Peel off the material to check the result of the cutting test. 1 2 3 4 If the results are not as described in step 3, use the contro …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 28

    28 4 Basic Operation 1 2 3 0.1 mm 1 2 =+ T urn the dial to display the screen shown at right. Press the [MENU/P ARAM] key . The menu for setting the blade force appears. T urn the dial clockwise to increase the blade force in steps of 10 g. When the display shows the desired value, press the [ENTER] key . When adjusting the blade force, take into a …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 29

    29 4 Basic Operation Using the CX-24/12 to cut data created using a program requires the CAMM-1 driver . The CAMM-1 driver is in the included Roland Software Package. For information on how to install it, take a look at the included Startup Manual. The explanations in this section assume that the CAMM-1 driver is already installed, and describe how …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 30

    30 4 Basic Operation 5 6 7 4 In the [Printers] dialog box, click [OK]. In the program window , lay out the cutting data so that it fits within the displayed cutting range. Send the cutting data from the program to the CX-24/ 12. Click the [Size] tab and make the settings for the cutting range at the screen shown at right. Click the [T ools] tab. Cl …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 31

    31 4 Basic Operation 5 7 3 Enter the [Media Size Name], then click [OK]. * For [Media Size Name], use only alphanumeric characters. Click [Properties]. The [Properties] dialog box appears. Click the [MediaSizeSettings] document option at the screen shown at right. For W indows 2000/XP , click [Properties]. For W indows NT 4.0, click [Media Size Set …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 32

    32 4 Basic Operation Pausing Cutting Operations Pressing the [ENTER] key displays a screen like the one shown below and pauses cutting. — To resume cutting without change Press the [P AUSE] key again. PAUSE | <CONT.> 8 Click [Selected T ool] displays the numerals [1] through [4] and the [Machine Setting] selections. T o perform cutting using …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 33

    33 4 Basic Operation 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 Pressing the [ENTER] key displays the message shown at right, and cutting stops. When Continuing with Cutting on the Same Piece of Material Set the origin point at an uncut location on the material (the location where you want to cut next). For information on how to set the origin point, see » 4- 6 Setting th …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 34

    34 4 Basic Operation 1 2 3 4 4-9 Applying the Completed Cutout When cutting ends, affix the material you created. — Before you affix the material, cleaning the location where you want to affix it to remove any dust or grease. — When applying on a transparent medium such as window glass, it may be helpful to draw guide lines on the back of the glass …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 35

    35 4 Basic Operation 1 2 3 4 Use the commercially available knife to sever the material along the knife guide. Use tweezers to peel off unneeded portions of the material you created. * Y ou should have weed boarders or rectangles drawn around work to facilitate weeding. Stick application tape over the completed work. Press down firmly on the applic …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 36

    36 4 Basic Operation 1 2 3 4 Loosen the screw shown in the figure and remove the blade holder from the cutting carriage. Press the pin shown in the figure and detach the blade holder . If a blade was used, wipe the blade with a soft cloth to remove any material that may cling to it. 4-10 When Cutting Is Completed Do not leave the tool mounting scre …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 37

    37 5 Performing a Self-T est 1 2 3 4 5 Performing a Self-T est The CX-24/12 is equipped with a «self-test» function to conveniently allow you to check whether or not it is capable of operating normally . If the CX-24/12 is not performing correctly , follow the steps below to perform a self-test. A computer is not required in order to carr …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 38

    38 6 Plotting on Paper Media 1 2 3 5 4 Refer to » 4-1 Installing a Blade » and install the pen by following the same steps as for installing a blade. Refer to » 4-2 Loading the Material » and load the paper by following the same steps as for loading material. If you’re using the CX-24, then when the menu for selecting the t …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 39

    39 7 Repeating the Same Cutting 7 Repeating the Same Cutting 1 2 3 The CX-24/12 can store the data sent from the computer in a buffer (a temporary memory area), and use this data to repeat cutting. In the setup state, when cutting data is sent, the data is buffered at the same time that cutting starts. Data sent until the setup state is released ca …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 40

    40 7 Repeating the Same Cutting 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 Getting Ready for Recutting Repeating Cutting on Different Material Repeating Cutting Without Replacing the Material T urn the dial to display the screen shown at right. Press the [MENU/P ARAM] key . T urn the dial to display the screen shown at right. Press the [ENTER] key . The setup state is released …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 41

    8 Cutting Printed Material 41 Making stickers and the like involves cutting around figures that have already been printed. W ith the CX-24/12, sensors on the cutting carriage read guide marks printed on the material (crop marks) and use these to align the positioning for printing and cutting. Y ou use the program to lay out the crop marks before cr …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 42

    8 Cutting Printed Material 42 For sizes larger than A4 For A4 size (portrait) Crop Marks and Figure Layout Place the crop marks at three locations, as shown in the figure below . : There must be no soiling and no figures other than crop marks within this area. : Printable area 15 mm (0.59 in.) 55 mm (2-3/16 in.) or more CX-24: 610 mm (24 in.) or le …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 43

    8 Cutting Printed Material 43 How to lay out figures for cutting Creating Data and Printing the Material 1 From [File] menu, click [Document Setup]. The [Document Setup] dialog box appears. 2 For [Units], choose [Millimeters]. Cutting around a figure Cutting inside a figure 4 Click [Print Setup]. The [Print Setup] dialog box appears. 5 Choose the d …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 44

    8 Cutting Printed Material 44 9 Lay out the figure inside the crop marks. 10 From [File] menu, choose [Print] to perform output to the printer you’re using. 7 Click [OK]. The preview window appears. 8 This example uses the layout and positioning of crop mark for A4-size material. For detailed information, refer to «8-2 Shape and Layout of …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 45

    8 Cutting Printed Material 45 SELECT | ROLL Loading Output Material on the CX-24/12 1 Position the pinch rollers outside the crop marks. 2 Orient the material so that its long edges are parallel to the material-feed direction of the CX-24/12. Position the crop marks above the blade protector . 3 Raise the sheet loading lever to secure the material …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 46

    8 Cutting Printed Material 46 7 T urn the dial to choose [AUTO], then press the [ENTER] key . T urning the dial while in the state shown at right sequentially displays the menus for detecting crop marks. Refer to the following for making the menu settings. For information on how to make the menu settings using the control panel, refer to «4-3 …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 47

    8 Cutting Printed Material 47 9 For the CX-24 Depending on the type of material loaded, choose [PIECE] or [ROLL], then press the [ENTER] key . For the CX-12 Press the [ENTER] key . The cutting carriage moves to the left and detection of the crop marks starts. 10 During crop-mark detection, the display sequentially shows the messages at right. When …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 48

    8 Cutting Printed Material 48 5 Move the origin point for the page to match the crop mark you laid out at the lower left in » Creating Data and Printing the Material .» In Illustrator’s toolbox, choose the page tool ( ) and move the center of the page tool to the location shown in the figure. The origin point for cutting is set at th …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 49

    8 Cutting Printed Material 49 8 From the [File] menu, choose [Print]. The [Print] dialog box appears. 9 Clear the [Bitmap Printing] check box. 10 Click [OK]. The CX-24/12 cuts the data that has the line you specified for cutting. If the program you’re using has the following features, they may be handy in laying out crop marks accurately . — Z …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 50

    8 Cutting Printed Material 50 Are the layout locations for the marks correct? Refer to » 8-2 Shape and Layout of Crop Marks » to lay out the crop marks correctly . Even when the laid-out locations in the program are correct, output at the correct locations is not possible if [ROT A TE] is set to [ON] for the CAMM-1 driver and at the CX-24 …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 51

    51 9 About the Blades and Materials 9-1 Blade and Material Combinations The table below provides information on combinations of materials and blades, cutting conditions, and useful life. The figures for blade life are only estimates. The conditions described below may not apply all cases. Before you perform cutting, be sure to carry out a cutting t …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 52

    52 9 About the Blades and Materials * Make sure the pinch rollers are positioned above the grit rollers. * Make sure the pinch rollers are positioned above the grit rollers. The location of the grit rollers (where the material is held in place by the pinch rollers) differs according to the model. Referring to the figure below , place the material o …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 53

    53 9 About the Blades and Materials The cutting area along the horizontal plane (the direction in which the tool carriage moves) is determined by the position of the pinch rollers. The workable area spans the length between the two rollers, minus a mar gin of about 1 mm (about 0.04 in.) on both sides. If you selected [PIECE] on the CX-24, then when …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 54

    54 9 About the Blades and Materials Rubber Sandblast Stencils Use rubber sandblast stencils that meet the conditions shown in the figure at right. A) Materials with a material thickness of 1 mm (0.04 in.) or less B) Materials with only carrier paper on both flanks of the material Position the left and right pinch rollers above the strips of carrier …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 55

    55 10 Display Menu Descriptions 10-1 How to Read This Chapter The explanations in this chapter use the following format. ROLL: This performs cutting using roll material. EDGE: When using roll material, cutting is performed from the front-left edge of the material. * When the setting for [ROT A TE] on the display menu is [ON], cutting is performed f …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 56

    56 10 Display Menu Descriptions CROPMARK| <OFF> Stored in Memory Factory Default Selection Choices Description CROPMARK BASE X | <5mm> Stored in Memory Factory Default Setting Range Description BASE X Steps BASE Y | <5mm> Stored in Memory Factory Default Setting Range Description BASE Y Steps Ye s OFF OFF , AUT O This menu sets wh …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 57

    57 10 Display Menu Descriptions WIDTH | <170mm> Stored in Memory Factory Default Setting Range Description WIDTH Steps LENGTH | <210mm> Stored in Memory Factory Default Setting Range Description LENGTH Steps SETUP SETUP | <ON> Stored in Memory Selection Choices Description No ON, OFF When this is on, cutting data can be received a …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 58

    58 10 Display Menu Descriptions Stored in Memory Factory Default Setting Range Steps Description FORCE | < 50g> Stored in Memory Factory Default Setting Range Steps Description Ye s 50 g 30 to 200 g 10 g This sets the blade force used when cutting material. Perform a cutting test and set the conditions to match the loaded material and the ins …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 59

    59 10 Display Menu Descriptions Stored in Memory Selection Choices Description No ST AR T , CLEAR ST ART This performs cutting using the data in the replot buf fer when the [ENTER] key is pressed. CLEAR This deletes the data in the replot buf fer when the [ENTER] key is pressed. REPLOT | START REPLOT Stored in Memory Factory Default Selection Choic …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 60

    60 10 Display Menu Descriptions Stored in Memory Factory Default Selection Choices Description Ye s LIGHT LIGHT , HEA VY Sets the weight of the material. If material feed is not performed smoothly , set this switch to [HEA VY]. When set to [HEA VY], the upper limit for the cutting speed is set at 10 cm/ sec., and the force used to move the material …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 61

    61 10 Display Menu Descriptions Stored in Memory Factory Default Selection Choices Description Ye s 9600 9600, 4800 This sets the communication speed for a serial connection. It is effective only when connected to the computer using a serial cable. #BAUD.| <9600> #BAUD. Stored in Memory Factory Default Selection Choices Description Ye s 8 8, …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 62

    62 10 Display Menu Descriptions Stored in Memory Factory Default Selection Choices Description Ye s ENGLISH ENGLIS, , Deut., FRANÇ, , IT AL.,POR TUG, This selects the language for messages on the display . T o display this menu, switch on the power while holding down the [MENU/P ARAM] key . LANG. |< ENGLIS> LANG. Stored in Memory Factory Def …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 63

    63 1 1 Display Menu Flowchart 1 1 Display Menu Flowchart T o display the setting values for the various menu items, press the [MENU/P ARAM] key . For detailed information on how to make menu settings, see «4-3 T urning on the Power — Making Menu Settings with the Control Panel .» Turned clockwise Turned counterclockwise SELECT | ROLL SMOO …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 64

    64 1 1 Display Menu Flowchart SETUP -> ENTER CROPMARK|<OFF> BASE X | <5mm> BASE Y | <5mm> WIDTH |<170mm> LENGTH|<210mm> A UTO, OFF 0 to 50 mm 0 to 50 mm 50 to 610 mm 50 to 500 mm SELECT | ROLL [ MENU/P ARAM ] [ MENU/P ARAM ] SELECT | ROLL SETUP -> ENTER For detailed information about the menu when using crop mark …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 65

    65 12 What to do if… 1 2 12 What to Do If… 12-1 If the CX-24/12 Doesn’t Run… Is the CX-24/12 power on? Turn on the power . Is the CX-24/12 in the setup state? When the display shows the following message, cutting cannot be performed even when data is sent. When you enable the setup state, cutting starts. CX-24 CX-12 Has operation been pa …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 66

    66 12 What to do if… Has the correct driver selection been made for the application program? (Using with Windows.) Select the appropriate CX-24/12 driver . For the CX-24: [Roland CAMM-1 CX-24] For the CX-12: [Roland CAMM-1 CX-12]. Are the settings for the driver program correct? (Using with Windows.) Make the correct settings for the output port …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 67

    67 12 What to do if… 12-3 Uncut Areas Remain, or Areas Are Not Cleanly Cut Are the blade and blade holder securely mounted? Install these so that there is no looseness . The blade may be broken. Replace with a new blade. Is there any buildup of dust or material adhesive on the tip of the blade? Check if there are any dirty deposits on the blade. …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 68

    68 12 What to do if… 12-5 Error Messages The location of one or more of the pinch rollers is not correct. Press the [ENTER] key to clear the error . Position the pinch rollers appropriately over the grit rollers and reload the material. Refer to » 4-2 Loading the Material .» If this message appears even when you have moved the pinch rol …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 69

    69 12 What to do if… Meaning Appears if a framing error , parity error , or overrun error occurs at the time of data reception. The protocol settings for the CX-24/12 must be made correctly in order to match the settings your computer is set to use.) Meaning Appears if the I/O buffer has overflowed. There is a problem with the connecting cable, o …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 70

    70 13 Instruction Support Chart 13 Instruction Support Chart A «CAMM-GL III Programmer’s Manual» is available for separate purchase for those wishing to create their own programs for this machine. For further information, please contact your authorized Roland dealer or service center . The list uses marks, each of which means: : Comp …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 71

    71 14 Specifications Driving method Maximum cutting area Acceptable media widths Acceptable paper widths Acceptable paper types T ools Max. cutting speed Blade force Mechanical resolution Software resolution Distance accuracy Repetition accuracy Alignment accuracy for printing and cutting when loading printed material Interface Buffer size Instruct …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 72

    72 14 Specifications 1 19 18 36 3.3K +5 V = * 1 14 13 25 Signal T erminal Signal Pin Connection number number number NC 36 18 HIGH* HIGH* 35 17 GND NC 34 16 GND GND 33 15 NC HIGH* 32 14 NC NC 31 13 HIGH* 30 12 GND 29 1 1 BUSY 28 10 ACK 27 9 D7 26 8 D6 GND 25 7 D5 24 6 D4 23 5 D3 22 4 D2 21 3 D1 20 2 D0 19 1 STROBE Signal T erminal Signal Pin Connec …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 73

    73 Index Index A Acceptable material widths …………………………………………… 52 Affix the material ………………………………………………………… 34 Amount of blade extension ……………………………………… 28, 67 AREA …………………………………………………………………… …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 74

    74 Index Positioning the grit rollers …………………………………………….. 20 R Recutting ……………………………………………………………………. 40 Removing the material …………………………………………………. 34 REPLOT …………………………………………………………… …

  • Roland CX-24/12 — page 75

    R5-03012 4 …


Thank you very much for purchasing the CX-24/12.

To ensure correct and safe usage with a full under-
standing of this product’s performance, please be sure
to read through this manual completely and store it in
a safe location.

Unauthorized copying or transferral, in whole or in
part, of this manual is prohibited.

The contents of this operation manual and the
specifications of this product are subject to change
without notice.

The operation manual and the product have been
prepared and tested as much as possible.  If you find
any misprint or error, please inform us.

Roland DG Corp. assumes no responsibility for any
direct or indirect loss or damage which may occur
through use of this product, regardless of any failure
to perform on the part of this product.

Roland DG Corp. assumes no responsibility for any
direct or indirect loss or damage which may occur
with respect to any article made using this product.


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