Round bottle label machine инструкция на русском

Машина для нанесения этикеток на круглые бутылки – это специализированное устройство, которое позволяет автоматизировать процесс нанесения этикеток на бутылки различных форм и размеров. Она предназначена для использования в различных отраслях, включая пищевую, фармацевтическую, химическую и косметическую промышленность.

Настройка машины для нанесения этикеток на круглые бутылки является важным этапом перед ее использованием. Во-первых, необходимо правильно настроить размеры и формат этикеток, чтобы они идеально соответствовали бутылкам. Затем следует установить правильную скорость работы машины, чтобы получить оптимальное качество нанесения этикеток.

Работа с машиной для нанесения этикеток на круглые бутылки требует определенных навыков и знаний. Во-первых, оператор должен уметь загружать бутылки в машину и выгружать уже нанесенные этикетки. Также необходимо контролировать процесс нанесения этикеток и регулярно проверять качество нанесения. В случае необходимости, оператор должен уметь настраивать машину для достижения оптимальных результатов.

Машина для нанесения этикеток на круглые бутылки помогает упростить и ускорить процесс упаковки продукции. Благодаря своей высокой эффективности и точности, она позволяет сэкономить время и ресурсы. Более того, использование машины для нанесения этикеток на круглые бутылки помогает улучшить внешний вид продукции и создать профессиональное впечатление у потребителей.

В заключение, машина для нанесения этикеток на круглые бутылки является незаменимым инструментом для многих производителей. Ее правильная настройка и работа позволяют достичь высококачественного и эффективного нанесения этикеток на бутылки. С помощью этой машины, процесс упаковки продукции становится более простым и профессиональным.


  1. Round bottle label machine: основные особенности и принцип работы
  2. Комплектация и установка
  3. Регулировка машины для нанесения этикеток на круглые бутылки

Основная задача round bottle label machine заключается в прецизионном и эффективном нанесении этикеток на круглые бутылки. Машина способна обрабатывать большое количество бутылок в минуту, что значительно увеличивает производительность и снижает затраты наручного нанесения меток.

Round bottle label machine имеет несколько особенностей, которые делают ее удобной и эффективной в работе:

  • Автоматическое позиционирование: машина обладает способностью самостоятельно распознавать и корректировать положение бутылок, обеспечивая точное и однородное нанесение меток.
  • Регулируемая скорость: оператор может легко установить оптимальную скорость работы машины в зависимости от требований производства.
  • Интуитивный интерфейс: машина оборудована простым и понятным интерфейсом, что позволяет легко настраивать и использовать ее даже с минимальным опытом.
  • Надежная конструкция: round bottle label machine имеет прочную и надежную конструкцию, обеспечивающую долгий срок службы и минимальную потребность в обслуживании.

Принцип работы round bottle label machine заключается в следующем:

  1. Бутылки подаются на подающий конвейер, где они попадают под механизм распознавания и позиционирования.
  2. Машина автоматически определяет положение бутылок и корректирует их положение при необходимости.
  3. Этикетки загружаются в специальный механизм и попадают на наклеивающую головку.
  4. Наклеивающая головка точно наносит этикетку на поверхность бутылки, обеспечивая ровное и центрированное размещение.
  5. Обработанные бутылки выходят с конвейера и готовы к упаковке и продаже.

Round bottle label machine является незаменимым инструментом для эффективного и точного нанесения этикеток на круглые бутылки. Она позволяет существенно сэкономить время и ресурсы, улучшить процесс производства и повысить качество продукции.

Комплектация и установка

Перед началом работы с машиной для нанесения этикеток на круглые бутылки, необходимо правильно установить и подготовить ее к работе. Комплектация машины обычно включает в себя следующие элементы:

1. Основание машины, на котором устанавливается оборудование.
2. Механизмы для подачи и считывания этикеток, которые наносятся на бутылку.
3. Система для регулировки и фиксации размеров бутылки.
4. Устройства для нанесения этикеток на бутылку, такие как намотка и прижим.
5. Контроллер и панель управления, с помощью которых настраивается работа машины.
6. Ролики и ленты для подачи и фиксации этикеток.

При установке машины необходимо следовать инструкции производителя. Обычно процесс установки включает в себя следующие шаги:

  1. Распаковка машины и проверка наличия всех комплектующих элементов.
  2. Установка основания машины на стабильную и ровную поверхность.
  3. Установка и подключение механизмов для подачи и считывания этикеток.
  4. Настройка системы для регулировки размеров бутылки.
  5. Установка и настройка устройств для нанесения этикеток на бутылку.
  6. Подключение контроллера и панели управления.
  7. Проверка работоспособности машины и настройка необходимых параметров.

После установки машины необходимо провести тестовый запуск для проверки работоспособности и корректной настройки механизмов. Если возникают проблемы или необходима дополнительная информация, рекомендуется обратиться к руководству по эксплуатации или связаться с производителем для получения помощи и поддержки.

Регулировка машины для нанесения этикеток на круглые бутылки

Машина для нанесения этикеток на круглые бутылки должна быть правильно настроена, чтобы обеспечить качественную и эффективную работу. В этом разделе мы рассмотрим основные шаги регулировки машины.

1. Регулировка высоты нанесения

Первым шагом является настройка высоты, на которой будет наноситься этикетка на бутылку. Это важно, чтобы этикетка надежно приклеивалась и не смещалась во время работы. На машине обычно есть специальные регулирующие устройства для этого.

2. Регулировка диаметра бутылки

Для того чтобы машина правильно наносила этикетку на бутылку с разными диаметрами, необходимо настроить соответствующие параметры. Это включает в себя регулировку ширины поддерживающих роликов и фиксации бутылки на ленте транспортера.

3. Регулировка скорости нанесения

Следующим шагом является настройка скорости, с которой машина наносит этикетку на бутылку. Это зависит от требуемой производительности и размеров бутылок. Скорость можно регулировать на контрольной панели машины.

4. Проверка качества нанесения

После настройки машины необходимо провести проверку качества нанесения этикеток на бутылки. Обратите внимание на равномерность и точность нанесения, отсутствие смещений и неправильных выравниваний. Если необходимо, внесите дополнительные корректировки.

5. Регулярное обслуживание и чистка машины

Регулярное обслуживание и чистка машины важны для ее бесперебойной работы. Следуйте рекомендациям производителя относительно частоты и методов обслуживания. Очищайте и проверяйте регулярно все узлы и детали машины, чтобы избежать неполадок и снижения качества нанесения.

Правильная регулировка машины для нанесения этикеток на круглые бутылки позволяет обеспечить высокое качество продукции и повысить производительность. Следуйте данным рекомендациям и регулярно проверяйте работу машины, чтобы избежать неполадок и увеличить срок ее службы.


  1. Dongguang Sammi Packing Machine Co.,Ltd
  2. Dongguang Sammi Packing Machine Co.,Ltd
  3. Dongguang Sammi Packing Machine Co.,Ltd
  4. Specifications
  5. Round bottle label machine как настроить
  6. Round Bottle Labeling Machine With Coding Machine
  9. VIDEO
  10. Reviews

Dongguang Sammi Packing Machine Co.,Ltd

Name: Alice Lee
Tel: 0086-0769-22311951
Fax: 0086-0769-22311951
Mobile: +86-18929213917
Add: No.80,Hongfu Road,Nanchen District, Dongguang City,Guangdong Province,China

1. Applicable scope, can meet 8-60 mm diameter range of small cylindrical considerate scale

2. High accuracy of labeling, the acuities of label head to tail connect local just reach + / — 0.5 mm

3. The clever extrusion type device feeding, just need to place the pieces,it can automatically labeling

4. The jockey for position type adjustment, different work piece labels switching simple

5. Adopt the synchronous belt traction, mechanical stability is greatly improved

6. Desktop design, the structure is simplified, appearance compact, powerful

7. Using the anodic oxidation of aluminum alloy stents and advanced computer white box, the beauty is generous

8. Using advanced electric eye, the object, the label high detection sensitivity.

1. Pressure-sensitive adhesive labels on Round bottle, Cans, Jars and other cylinders .

2. Suitable for round bottles like PET bottle, plastic bottle, glass bottle, metal bottle, etc .

3. It’s widely used in Food, Beverage, Medicament, Cosmetics industry ect for that it’s nice appearance, compact volume, simple structure, easily operated, greatly improve productivity and sticker quality .

  • Model:SM-25
  • label material:adhesive label
  • container: round bottle
  • working speed:15-30 piece/minutes
  • core diameter of label roll:Φ76mm
  • max diameter of label roll:Φ250mm
  • bottle diameter:8-120mm
  • label width: 10-210mm
  • labeling length: unlimited
  • labeling precision: less than ±0.5mm
  • Overall size: 650 x 350 x 250 mm
  • weight :16kg


Dongguang Sammi Packing Machine Co.,Ltd

Name: Alice Lee
Tel: 0086-0769-22311951
Fax: 0086-0769-22311951
Mobile: +86-18929213917
Add: No.80,Hongfu Road,Nanchen District, Dongguang City,Guangdong Province,China

Suitable for different size of adhesive label or adhesive film on all kinds of round bottle,High accuracy and high speed dispensing & labeling.

Suitable range : Round bottle, Round tank, Round barrel to self-adhesive labeling.

It is used in PET bottle, plastic bottle, glass bottle, Metal bottle and so on round bottle etc.

1, Small structure takes up less space and easy to move and load.

2, Good labeling precision and stability; Neat, no wrinkle, no bubble.

3,It can achieve circumferential position labeling and non-position labeling easily

4,It satisfy the circumferential position labeling and non-position labeling on diameter between 15-120mm bottles.

5, It is easy to use and adjust. The new workers can use or adjust it easily after simple training.

1.Paper tray rotation can be adjustable, can adjust the tightening screw according to the actual needs, simple and convenient.

2.Quality rubber roller, running more smoothly,can fixed the bottle body,label more convenient and improve the working efficiency.

3.The mechanical handle is with ergonomic design, comfortable grip.

4.Simple double positioning device, positioning bottle body and label, convenient in operation.


Dongguang Sammi Packing Machine Co.,Ltd

Name: Alice Lee
Tel: 0086-0769-22311951
Fax: 0086-0769-22311951
Mobile: +86-18929213917
Add: No.80,Hongfu Road,Nanchen District, Dongguang City,Guangdong Province,China


labeled on different size of adhesive label on different kind of round bottle,High accuracy and high speed,easy operation

Semi-Automatic Round Bottle Labeling Machine MT-50

Suitable for different size of adhesive label or adhesive film on all kinds of round bottle,High accuracy and high speed,dispensing & labeling automatically.

Suitable range : Round bottle, Round tank, Round barrel to self-adhesive labeling.

It is used in PET bottle, plastic bottle, glass bottle, Metal bottle and so on round bottle etc.

1, Small structure takes up less space and easy to move and load.

2, Good labeling precision and stability; Neat, no wrinkle, no bubble.

3,It has powerful function. It can achieve circumferential position labeling and non-position labeling easily.

4,It satisfy the circumferential position labeling and non-position labeling on diameter between 15-120mm bottles.

5, It is easy to use and adjust. The new workers can use or adjust it easily after simple training.

6,Conveyer parts are completely covered to avoid the abnormal conditions which make the use safer.

7, The clever design which allow user to mechanically adjust some structure combination and label winding, makes it easy to adjust the labeling position freely. All these make it easy to change products and wind labels.
8, Has 2 control methods: automatic and semi-automatic. Workers can choose either sensor control or feet step control for labeling according to reality.

9, Whole equipment is mainly made of stainless steel and high level aluminum alloy. The whole structure is strong and harmonious.

10, Has fault stop function, production counting function.


Round bottle label machine как настроить

If you need capping machine , you can check the following link:

If you need filling machine , you cancheck the following link:

2, for thick cream or paste

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  • Tel: (00)86-577-88799276
  • Sales Email:
  • Complaint Email :

Shenzhen Address:
FL 3, BLD 1, Block A , Xinhe Xinxing Industrial Park,Fuyong Street, Baoan , Shenzhen City
Wenzhou Subsidiary Add:
408-1, Xia Jin Rd, South White Elephant Golden Bamboo Industrial Park,
Ouhai District, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China
Nanchang Subsidiary Add:
FL9, Shiji Xinchen , Fengling Street , Qingshanhu Disctrict, Nanchang City, JiangXi Proinvce
Quanzhou Subsidiary Add:
No 188-23, Xiangming RD, Fengcheng Town, Anxi County, Quanzhou City, Fujian .


Round Bottle Labeling Machine With Coding Machine

Model: ECS-150CM
Accuracy: ±0.5mm
Speed: 25 – 50pcs per minute
Available Bottle OD : 10

Label Width: 8-150mm
Label Length: 15-315mm
Label Roll ID: 76mm
Max. OD of Label Roll: 250mm
Power Supply: 220/110V 50/60Hz
Power Rating: 120W
Dimension: 65*34*52cm
Weight : 38Kg




  • Model: LM-150CM
  • Accuracy: ±0.5mm
  • Speed: 25 – 50pcs per minute
  • Available Bottle OD : 10


  • Label Width: 8-150mm
  • Label Length: 15-315mm
  • Label Roll ID: 76mm
  • Max. OD of Label Roll: 250mm
  • Power Supply: 220/110V 50/60Hz
  • Power Rating: 120W
  • Dimension: 65*34*52cm
  • Weight : 38Kg


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    1. Dongguang Sammi Packing Machine Co.,Ltd
    2. Dongguang Sammi Packing Machine Co.,Ltd
    3. Dongguang Sammi Packing Machine Co.,Ltd
    4. Specifications
    5. Round bottle label machine как настроить
    6. Round Bottle Labeling Machine With Coding Machine
    9. VIDEO
    10. Reviews

    Dongguang Sammi Packing Machine Co.,Ltd

    Name: Alice Lee
    Tel: 0086-0769-22311951
    Fax: 0086-0769-22311951
    Mobile: +86-18929213917
    Add: No.80,Hongfu Road,Nanchen District, Dongguang City,Guangdong Province,China

    1. Applicable scope, can meet 8-60 mm diameter range of small cylindrical considerate scale

    2. High accuracy of labeling, the acuities of label head to tail connect local just reach + / — 0.5 mm

    3. The clever extrusion type device feeding, just need to place the pieces,it can automatically labeling

    4. The jockey for position type adjustment, different work piece labels switching simple

    5. Adopt the synchronous belt traction, mechanical stability is greatly improved

    6. Desktop design, the structure is simplified, appearance compact, powerful

    7. Using the anodic oxidation of aluminum alloy stents and advanced computer white box, the beauty is generous

    8. Using advanced electric eye, the object, the label high detection sensitivity.

    1. Pressure-sensitive adhesive labels on Round bottle, Cans, Jars and other cylinders .

    2. Suitable for round bottles like PET bottle, plastic bottle, glass bottle, metal bottle, etc .

    3. It’s widely used in Food, Beverage, Medicament, Cosmetics industry ect for that it’s nice appearance, compact volume, simple structure, easily operated, greatly improve productivity and sticker quality .

    • Model:SM-25
    • label material:adhesive label
    • container: round bottle
    • working speed:15-30 piece/minutes
    • core diameter of label roll:Φ76mm
    • max diameter of label roll:Φ250mm
    • bottle diameter:8-120mm
    • label width: 10-210mm
    • labeling length: unlimited
    • labeling precision: less than ±0.5mm
    • Overall size: 650 x 350 x 250 mm
    • weight :16kg


    Dongguang Sammi Packing Machine Co.,Ltd

    Name: Alice Lee
    Tel: 0086-0769-22311951
    Fax: 0086-0769-22311951
    Mobile: +86-18929213917
    Add: No.80,Hongfu Road,Nanchen District, Dongguang City,Guangdong Province,China

    Suitable for different size of adhesive label or adhesive film on all kinds of round bottle,High accuracy and high speed dispensing & labeling.

    Suitable range : Round bottle, Round tank, Round barrel to self-adhesive labeling.

    It is used in PET bottle, plastic bottle, glass bottle, Metal bottle and so on round bottle etc.

    1, Small structure takes up less space and easy to move and load.

    2, Good labeling precision and stability; Neat, no wrinkle, no bubble.

    3,It can achieve circumferential position labeling and non-position labeling easily

    4,It satisfy the circumferential position labeling and non-position labeling on diameter between 15-120mm bottles.

    5, It is easy to use and adjust. The new workers can use or adjust it easily after simple training.

    1.Paper tray rotation can be adjustable, can adjust the tightening screw according to the actual needs, simple and convenient.

    2.Quality rubber roller, running more smoothly,can fixed the bottle body,label more convenient and improve the working efficiency.

    3.The mechanical handle is with ergonomic design, comfortable grip.

    4.Simple double positioning device, positioning bottle body and label, convenient in operation.


    Dongguang Sammi Packing Machine Co.,Ltd

    Name: Alice Lee
    Tel: 0086-0769-22311951
    Fax: 0086-0769-22311951
    Mobile: +86-18929213917
    Add: No.80,Hongfu Road,Nanchen District, Dongguang City,Guangdong Province,China


    labeled on different size of adhesive label on different kind of round bottle,High accuracy and high speed,easy operation

    Semi-Automatic Round Bottle Labeling Machine MT-50

    Suitable for different size of adhesive label or adhesive film on all kinds of round bottle,High accuracy and high speed,dispensing & labeling automatically.

    Suitable range : Round bottle, Round tank, Round barrel to self-adhesive labeling.

    It is used in PET bottle, plastic bottle, glass bottle, Metal bottle and so on round bottle etc.

    1, Small structure takes up less space and easy to move and load.

    2, Good labeling precision and stability; Neat, no wrinkle, no bubble.

    3,It has powerful function. It can achieve circumferential position labeling and non-position labeling easily.

    4,It satisfy the circumferential position labeling and non-position labeling on diameter between 15-120mm bottles.

    5, It is easy to use and adjust. The new workers can use or adjust it easily after simple training.

    6,Conveyer parts are completely covered to avoid the abnormal conditions which make the use safer.

    7, The clever design which allow user to mechanically adjust some structure combination and label winding, makes it easy to adjust the labeling position freely. All these make it easy to change products and wind labels.
    8, Has 2 control methods: automatic and semi-automatic. Workers can choose either sensor control or feet step control for labeling according to reality.

    9, Whole equipment is mainly made of stainless steel and high level aluminum alloy. The whole structure is strong and harmonious.

    10, Has fault stop function, production counting function.


    If you need capping machine , you can check the following link:

    If you need filling machine , you cancheck the following link:

    2, for thick cream or paste

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    • Tel: (00)86-577-88799276
    • Sales Email:
    • Complaint Email :

    Shenzhen Address:
    FL 3, BLD 1, Block A , Xinhe Xinxing Industrial Park,Fuyong Street, Baoan , Shenzhen City
    Wenzhou Subsidiary Add:
    408-1, Xia Jin Rd, South White Elephant Golden Bamboo Industrial Park,
    Ouhai District, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China
    Nanchang Subsidiary Add:
    FL9, Shiji Xinchen , Fengling Street , Qingshanhu Disctrict, Nanchang City, JiangXi Proinvce
    Quanzhou Subsidiary Add:
    No 188-23, Xiangming RD, Fengcheng Town, Anxi County, Quanzhou City, Fujian .


    Round Bottle Labeling Machine With Coding Machine

    Model: ECS-150CM
    Accuracy: ±0.5mm
    Speed: 25 – 50pcs per minute
    Available Bottle OD : 10

    Label Width: 8-150mm
    Label Length: 15-315mm
    Label Roll ID: 76mm
    Max. OD of Label Roll: 250mm
    Power Supply: 220/110V 50/60Hz
    Power Rating: 120W
    Dimension: 65*34*52cm
    Weight : 38Kg




    • Model: LM-150CM
    • Accuracy: ±0.5mm
    • Speed: 25 – 50pcs per minute
    • Available Bottle OD : 10


  • Label Width: 8-150mm
  • Label Length: 15-315mm
  • Label Roll ID: 76mm
  • Max. OD of Label Roll: 250mm
  • Power Supply: 220/110V 50/60Hz
  • Power Rating: 120W
  • Dimension: 65*34*52cm
  • Weight : 38Kg


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    Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.


    MT-50 Semi-Automatic Round Bottle Labeling Machine is a Label Machine for bottles,The machine is a table type semi-automatic machine with motor and touching control by limit switch and with small volume, which can be suitable for matching with the vertical filling packing machine and it is widely used in daily Chemical, food and beverage, medicine, chemical industry and other light industries.

    Suitable for different size of adhesive label or adhesive film on all kinds of round bottle,round tank,round barrel to self-adhesive labeling,High accuracy and high speed.

    The machine is applicable to round bottles of various sizes, and is suitable for pilot production. It only can be used independently, and cannot be added in production line.

    This is standard configuration, if you need longer than this, contact us firstly, It will be customized.

    Malfunction Cause Remedy
    The label does not come out Wrong position of the microswitch Adjust the microswitch position
    Failure of the microswitch Replace the microswitch
    Label pulling knurl wheel does not press tightly against the label belt and cause slip when pulling the label Fasten the label pulling adjusting screw
    Power is not switched on Switch on the power supply
    The backing paper is broken Re-ware the label according to the label winding diagram
    Label pulling motor breaks down Replace the motor
    The chain wheel pin of the label pulling motor and label pulling soft loosen, and causes chain wheel rotation Re-fix the chain wheel
    Label comes out continually Wrong position of the label sensor, or labels do not pass through the detection position of the label sensor Adjust the label sensor position
    Label sensor beaks down Adjust or replace the label sensor
    The label sensor sensitivity is higher or lower Properly adjust the sensitivity of the label sensor
    Inaccurate position of the labeling axial The front and back ends of the catch pin are not positioned Fasten the catch pin
    Position of the label on the label stripping plate is incorrect Adjust the label position
    The bottom of the bottle did not stick to the catch pin when the bottle was put Please put the bottle correctly
    The retaining ring of the guide band is not well fixed Re-adjust
    Wrong position of the label on the paper supply tray Re-adjust
    Label doesn’t stay Reserved label is not long enough Adjust the length of the reserved label
    Inadequate viscosity between the surface of the object to be labeled and the label or excessive humidity Replace the label or check the surface of the bottle
    Bottle pressing roller does not press against the bottle to be labeled, and the bottle fails to roll Adjust the gap between two rollers for bottles
    Excessive gap between the labeling soft roller and the stripping plate Adjust the gap
    Wrinkles after labeling Reserved label is too long Adjust the length of the reserved label to be shorter
    Sundries on the bottle surface Clean up the bottle surface
    Label stripping plate is too close to the labeling soft roller Adjust the gap
    Larger misalignment of labels heads and label ends after rolling Axles of the stripping plate and bottle to be labeled are not parallel Adjust the position of the adjustable roller and stripping plate to make the bottle supporting roller and stripping plate parallel to labeling soft roller
    Label belt tilts or it swings back-and-fro when pulling the label Fasten the guide belt ring to prevent the label from swinging back and forth
    Excessive error of the diameter of the labeling area on the object to be labeled Caused by the object itself
    Label stripping plate is too far away from the bottle or slightly touch the labelling soft roller The normal condition shall be 1 mm
    Installation plate of the stripping plate is not fastened and vibrates during operation Refasten the fastening screw
    Bottle is dirty or has water on it Change to a dry and clean bottle


    1. Dongguang Sammi Packing Machine Co.,Ltd
    2. Dongguang Sammi Packing Machine Co.,Ltd
    3. Dongguang Sammi Packing Machine Co.,Ltd
    4. Specifications
    5. Round bottle label machine как настроить
    6. Round Bottle Labeling Machine With Coding Machine
    9. VIDEO
    10. Reviews

    Dongguang Sammi Packing Machine Co.,Ltd

    Name: Alice Lee
    Tel: 0086-0769-22311951
    Fax: 0086-0769-22311951
    Mobile: +86-18929213917
    Add: No.80,Hongfu Road,Nanchen District, Dongguang City,Guangdong Province,China

    1. Applicable scope, can meet 8-60 mm diameter range of small cylindrical considerate scale

    2. High accuracy of labeling, the acuities of label head to tail connect local just reach + / — 0.5 mm

    3. The clever extrusion type device feeding, just need to place the pieces,it can automatically labeling

    4. The jockey for position type adjustment, different work piece labels switching simple

    5. Adopt the synchronous belt traction, mechanical stability is greatly improved

    6. Desktop design, the structure is simplified, appearance compact, powerful

    7. Using the anodic oxidation of aluminum alloy stents and advanced computer white box, the beauty is generous

    8. Using advanced electric eye, the object, the label high detection sensitivity.

    1. Pressure-sensitive adhesive labels on Round bottle, Cans, Jars and other cylinders .

    2. Suitable for round bottles like PET bottle, plastic bottle, glass bottle, metal bottle, etc .

    3. It’s widely used in Food, Beverage, Medicament, Cosmetics industry ect for that it’s nice appearance, compact volume, simple structure, easily operated, greatly improve productivity and sticker quality .

    • Model:SM-25
    • label material:adhesive label
    • container: round bottle
    • working speed:15-30 piece/minutes
    • core diameter of label roll:Φ76mm
    • max diameter of label roll:Φ250mm
    • bottle diameter:8-120mm
    • label width: 10-210mm
    • labeling length: unlimited
    • labeling precision: less than ±0.5mm
    • Overall size: 650 x 350 x 250 mm
    • weight :16kg


    Dongguang Sammi Packing Machine Co.,Ltd

    Name: Alice Lee
    Tel: 0086-0769-22311951
    Fax: 0086-0769-22311951
    Mobile: +86-18929213917
    Add: No.80,Hongfu Road,Nanchen District, Dongguang City,Guangdong Province,China

    Suitable for different size of adhesive label or adhesive film on all kinds of round bottle,High accuracy and high speed dispensing & labeling.

    Suitable range : Round bottle, Round tank, Round barrel to self-adhesive labeling.

    It is used in PET bottle, plastic bottle, glass bottle, Metal bottle and so on round bottle etc.

    1, Small structure takes up less space and easy to move and load.

    2, Good labeling precision and stability; Neat, no wrinkle, no bubble.

    3,It can achieve circumferential position labeling and non-position labeling easily

    4,It satisfy the circumferential position labeling and non-position labeling on diameter between 15-120mm bottles.

    5, It is easy to use and adjust. The new workers can use or adjust it easily after simple training.

    1.Paper tray rotation can be adjustable, can adjust the tightening screw according to the actual needs, simple and convenient.

    2.Quality rubber roller, running more smoothly,can fixed the bottle body,label more convenient and improve the working efficiency.

    3.The mechanical handle is with ergonomic design, comfortable grip.

    4.Simple double positioning device, positioning bottle body and label, convenient in operation.


    Dongguang Sammi Packing Machine Co.,Ltd

    Name: Alice Lee
    Tel: 0086-0769-22311951
    Fax: 0086-0769-22311951
    Mobile: +86-18929213917
    Add: No.80,Hongfu Road,Nanchen District, Dongguang City,Guangdong Province,China


    labeled on different size of adhesive label on different kind of round bottle,High accuracy and high speed,easy operation

    Semi-Automatic Round Bottle Labeling Machine MT-50

    Suitable for different size of adhesive label or adhesive film on all kinds of round bottle,High accuracy and high speed,dispensing & labeling automatically.

    Suitable range : Round bottle, Round tank, Round barrel to self-adhesive labeling.

    It is used in PET bottle, plastic bottle, glass bottle, Metal bottle and so on round bottle etc.

    1, Small structure takes up less space and easy to move and load.

    2, Good labeling precision and stability; Neat, no wrinkle, no bubble.

    3,It has powerful function. It can achieve circumferential position labeling and non-position labeling easily.

    4,It satisfy the circumferential position labeling and non-position labeling on diameter between 15-120mm bottles.

    5, It is easy to use and adjust. The new workers can use or adjust it easily after simple training.

    6,Conveyer parts are completely covered to avoid the abnormal conditions which make the use safer.

    7, The clever design which allow user to mechanically adjust some structure combination and label winding, makes it easy to adjust the labeling position freely. All these make it easy to change products and wind labels.
    8, Has 2 control methods: automatic and semi-automatic. Workers can choose either sensor control or feet step control for labeling according to reality.

    9, Whole equipment is mainly made of stainless steel and high level aluminum alloy. The whole structure is strong and harmonious.

    10, Has fault stop function, production counting function.


    If you need capping machine , you can check the following link:

    If you need filling machine , you cancheck the following link:

    2, for thick cream or paste

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    • Tel: (00)86-577-88799276
    • Sales Email:
    • Complaint Email :

    Shenzhen Address:
    FL 3, BLD 1, Block A , Xinhe Xinxing Industrial Park,Fuyong Street, Baoan , Shenzhen City
    Wenzhou Subsidiary Add:
    408-1, Xia Jin Rd, South White Elephant Golden Bamboo Industrial Park,
    Ouhai District, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China
    Nanchang Subsidiary Add:
    FL9, Shiji Xinchen , Fengling Street , Qingshanhu Disctrict, Nanchang City, JiangXi Proinvce
    Quanzhou Subsidiary Add:
    No 188-23, Xiangming RD, Fengcheng Town, Anxi County, Quanzhou City, Fujian .


    Round Bottle Labeling Machine With Coding Machine

    Model: ECS-150CM
    Accuracy: ±0.5mm
    Speed: 25 – 50pcs per minute
    Available Bottle OD : 10

    Label Width: 8-150mm
    Label Length: 15-315mm
    Label Roll ID: 76mm
    Max. OD of Label Roll: 250mm
    Power Supply: 220/110V 50/60Hz
    Power Rating: 120W
    Dimension: 65*34*52cm
    Weight : 38Kg




    • Model: LM-150CM
    • Accuracy: ±0.5mm
    • Speed: 25 – 50pcs per minute
    • Available Bottle OD : 10


  • Label Width: 8-150mm
  • Label Length: 15-315mm
  • Label Roll ID: 76mm
  • Max. OD of Label Roll: 250mm
  • Power Supply: 220/110V 50/60Hz
  • Power Rating: 120W
  • Dimension: 65*34*52cm
  • Weight : 38Kg


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    Этикетировщик МТ 50 инструкция по эксплуатации
    ☎️ 8 800 555 41 58 ☎️ 8 921 949 03 20 (WhatsApp)

    🕐 Работаем с 07.00 до 19.30 пн.-сб.
    ❤️ Добавьте видео в ИЗБРАННОЕ, оно всегда будет рядом

    Инструкция по сборке, настройке и эксплуатации полуавтоматического этикетировщика МТ — 50 от машиностроительный завод ЛАККК МЕХАНИЗМЫ

    Этикетировщик полуавтоматический МТ 50 от завода ЛАККК МЕХАНИЗМЫ, это проверенное, простое и надежное оборудование, которое с удовольствием использует большое количество наших Партнеров.

    Этикетировщик МТ 50 предназначен для нанесения этикеток на бутылочки и баночки. Этикетировщик может быть оснащен датером- устройством нанесения даты.

    Для Вашего удобства, мы подготовили и разметили видео инструкцию, аналог — паспорт на этикетировщик МТ-50.

    Наше предприятие является машиностроительным заводом и надежным поставщиком оборудования с 1995 года.

    Мы всегда стараемся осмыслить технические составляющие и параметры оборудования. Для этикетировщиков МТ 50 мы делаем дополнительные опции и доработки, упоры, удлинители датера, смена положения датера с вертикального на горизонтальный.

    ❤️ Программа поддержки Клиентов ЛАККК:

    Наши Специалисты ответят на все Ваши вопросы, поделятся опытом. Мы гарантируем, что в процессе эксплуатации на протяжении всего срока службы мы готовы оказать Вам поддержку.

    Оборудование имеет все необходимые сертификаты и паспорта.

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    Быстро рассчитаем для Вас стоимости доставки по всей России и передадим в транспортную компанию.

    Для наших Партнеров мы предоставим специальные условия, подарки и бонусы.


    Машиностроительный завод ЛАККК ООО МЕХАНИЗМЫ

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    ☎️ Мы всегда рады помочь Вам, звоните прямо сейчас

    🕐 Работаем с 07.00 до 19.30 пн.-сб.

    Instructions for assembly, configuration and operation of the semi-automatic labeling machine MT — 50 from the machine-building plant LAKK MECHANISMS

    Semi-automatic labeling machine MT 50 from LAKKK MECHANISMY plant is a proven, simple and reliable equipment that a large number of our Partners use with pleasure.

    The MT 50 labeling machine is designed for labeling bottles and jars. The labeller can be equipped with a date stamping device.

    For your convenience, we have prepared and marked up a video instruction, an analogue — a passport for the MT-50 labeler.

    Видео Инструкция этикетировщика МТ 50 по сборке и настройке от ЛАККК МЕХАНИЗМЫ канала Машиностроительный завод ЛАККК ООО МЕХАНИЗМЫ


    KL-S180 Полуавтоматическая этикетировочная машина для круглых бутылок

    This machine is manufactured by Zhejiang Kangling Machinery
    Manufacturing CO., LTD and is designed for semi-automatic labeling
    of round bottle products in daily chemical, food and beverage,
    medicine, chemical, and other light industries.


    • Can label round bottles of various sizes
    • Suitable for small batch and multi-variety production
    • Can only be used for stand-alone labeling
    • Strict compliance with the instruction manual is required for

    Технические характеристики

    • Semi-automatic labeling for efficient production
    • Accurate labeling with adjustable label position
    • High precision with no bubbles or wrinkles on the label
    • Durable machine with long service life

    Технические параметры

    The technical parameters for the KL-S180 semi-automatic round
    bottle labeling machine are as follows:

    • Labeling speed: 20-40 pieces/minute
    • Bottle diameter: Φ15-120mm
    • Высота бутылки: 25-300 мм
    • Label size: maximum width 130mm, maximum length 250mm
    • Accuracy: ±0.5mm (excluding product and label errors)
    • Voltage: AC220V 50/60HZ
    • Мощность: 120W
    • Machine size: 650mm × 450mm × 450mm
    • Вес машины: 25kg

    Инструкции по использованию

    1. Place the KL-S180 semi-automatic round bottle labeling machine
      на ровной и устойчивой поверхности.
    2. Connect the machine to an AC220V power supply with a stable
      обtagе и частота.
    3. Adjust the labeling position according to the bottle size and
      label size using the adjustable label position feature.
    4. Place the round bottles to be labeled on the conveyor belt,
      ensuring they are properly aligned.
    5. Turn on the machine and it will start labeling
    6. Monitor the labeling process and make adjustments as necessary
      for accurate and efficient labeling.
    7. When finished, turn off the machine and clean any leftover
      adhesive or debris from the machine.

    Note: This machine can only be used for stand-alone labeling.
    For other uses, please consult the manufacturer. The manufacturer
    is not responsible for any damage caused by non-compliant use. Such
    risks are solely borne by the user.

    KL-S180 semi-automatic round bottle
    маркировочная машина
    руководство по эксплуатации
    Zhejiang Kangling Machinery Manufacturting CO.,LTD

    А. Болееview
    1. Scope of application KL-S180 semi-automatic round bottle labeling machine is an ideal
    equipment for semi-automatic labeling of round bottle products in daily chemical, food and beverage, medicine, chemical and other light industries.
    This machine is suitable for round bottles of various sizes and is suitable for small batch and multi-variety production. This machine can only be used for stand-alone labeling.
    For other uses, please consult the manufacturer. The manufacturer is not responsible for any damage caused by non-compliant use. Such risks are solely borne by the user.
    Strict compliance with the instruction manual is part of the requirements for the use of this machine. 2. Performance characteristics
    This machine has reasonable structure, reliable performance and simple operation. Using photoelectric detection, accurate labeling. ·Adopt advanced labeling mechanism to ensure labeling accuracy. ·Can label a variety of bottles with strong adaptability. ·The label photoeye can identify and compare label backing papers with different light transmittances, and move the photoeye position to make the best adjustments to labels of different lengths to ensure normal labeling and smooth and accurate labeling. ·All mechanisms including frame, shell, traction device, crossbar and fasteners are mostly made of stainless steel and aluminum materials. They are used in a normal working environment to ensure no rust and pollution. ·The system control components all have international standardization certification, and have undergone strict inspection and testing in the factory to ensure the reliability of various functions.
    Б. Технические параметры
    1. Machine parameters The maximum output of a single non-positioning labeling: 50 pieces/min (related to the size of the bottle label) Labeling bottle outer diameter: 20-150mM Power: 50W Voltage: 110V 60Hz Operating environment temperature: 5-45 Weight: 25Kg Relative humidity: 15-90% Dimensions: 800X320X460mm 2. Overriding parameters Labeling speed: 3-15m/min Labeling accuracy: ±0.5mm (excluding package and label errors)

    Minimum length of labeling: 10mm 3. Label parameters ·Label bottom paper adopts Glassine bottom paper (that is, translucent bottom paper or translucent bottom paper) ·The thickness of the label paper is not less than 5µm ·The outer diameter of the label roll is <300mm, and the inner diameter of the label roll core is 76mm
    C. construction and installation
    1. Schematic diagram of winding mark
    2. Схема
    1. Bottle pressure swing arm 2. Bottle pressure roller 3. Over-label roller 4. Positioning rod 5. Bottle supporting roller

    6. Bottle supporting bracket 7. Position adjustment handle 8. Stripping plate 9. Guide roller 10. Traction roller locking handle 11. Traction roller 12. Foot base 13. Motor 14. Bottom paper recovery roller 15. Main mounting plate 16. Feed tray device 17. Travel switch 18. Swing arm tension spring 19. Marking sensor
    D. adjustments before starting
    1. Adjust the bottle support Loosen the position adjustment handle screws under the left and right brackets of the
    bottle holding roller (Figure 1-7), adjust and move the bottle holding bracket (Figure 1-6) according to the diameter of the labelled round bottle, so that the bottle is on the bottle holding roller (Figure 1 -5) Between the labeling roller (Figure 1-3); the larger the diameter of the bottle, the greater the distance between the two rollers. After adjusting to a suitable position, tighten the handle screw. 2. Adjust the pressure bottle roller
    Loosen the handle screws at both ends of the bottle pressing roller (Figure 1-2), and adjust the bottle pressing roller to the proper position so that the bottle pressing roller just presses the bottle when it rotates with the bottle pressing swing arm (Figure 1-1). In the center position, tighten the handle screw after adjustment. 3. Adjust the limit switch to touch the screw
    First loosen the touch screw downwards, and then turn the bottle pressing swing arm (Figure 1-1) to make the bottle pressing roller (Figure 1-2) press the labeling round bottle, and slowly move the touch screw to the stroke switch ( Figure 1-17) Adjust the direction until the flap against the travel switch makes a switch action sound. After the adjustment is completed, tighten the nut. 4. Adjust the position of the positioning rod
    Adjust the positioning rod to the proper position so that the label is affixed to the correct position of the bottle. 5. Adjust the label stripping board
    Adjust the stripping plate (Figure 1-8), make the stripping plate as close as possible to the overlaid roller (Figure 1-3), but not in contact with it. 6. Install label roll
    As shown in Figure 1, install the entire roll of labels on the feeding tray device (Figure 1-16), with the label side facing up and the bottom paper side down, install the

    label paper according to the drawing diagram, and finally lock both sides of the traction roller The handle screw makes the knurled aluminum wheel press the rubber traction roller to have a certain pressure, and the pressure on both sides is even. 7. Adjust the position of the electric eye
    Adjust the left and right positions of the plate metal of the electric eye to adjust the length of the pre-out mark. The length of the label beyond the stripping plate is generally 3-5mm. 8. Clean up before booting
    Remove all the sundries on the traction roller, guide roller, stripping plate, label covering roller, bottle holding roller, bottle pressing roller, and chassis, and check whether all screws are tight.
    E. Electrical equipment adjustment
    1. Power and switch This model uses AC 220V voltage and a single-phase three-wire three-core power
    plug. Check the power socket used before use to ensure that the machine is reliably grounded. Plug in the power cord and turn on the power switch. 2. Setting up the standard measuring electric eye
    Key operation: Press and hold the button for 4 seconds, the red indicator light flashes once,
    release the button at this time, and the product is in the calculation state. At this time, move the tested label back and forth, and the product automatically records related parameters. After the recording is completed, the red light stops flashing and becomes a steady light.
    Press and hold the button for 4 seconds, the red indicator light flashes once, after keeping the button pressed for 8 seconds, the indicator light flashes again. The output state of the product is switched between normally open and normally closed. Note: This product has been adjusted to normally open output from the factory, and general customers do not need to select this function.
    ·The red indicator light is the status light; ·The green indicator light is the output signal indicator;
    Voltagе: постоянный ток: 24 В
    F. Start-up operation workflow
    When all the relevant parameters are set and debugged, turn on the power, put the round bottle between the bottle support roller and the labeling roller, the bottom of the bottle is against the positioning rod, and the bottle pressing arm is used to make the bottle pressing roller press the label. Round bottle, at this time, the lower end of the swing arm touches the screw and just touches the travel switch, the travel switch is turned on, and the signal is transmitted to the control module. The control module drives the motor to run. The motor drives the traction roller, the labeling roller, and the bottom paper through the sprocket chain. Recycle the roller, pull the label paper, and peel off the label from the label bottom paper by peeling the label board, and at the same time, the labeling roller drives

    the round bottle to rotate together. At this time, the peeled off label is attached to the round bottle. In position, the labeling is completed. The normal labeling work is repeated in this way.
    Ж. Техническое обслуживание
    The operators of this machine must be trained before they can operate and use the machine. In order to maximize the efficiency of the machine, the user must always pay attention to the operation of the machine during use and should do routine and regular maintenance of the machine. The following is a guide for maintenance. 1. Daily maintenance
    Everyday before starting ·It is necessary to check whether there are sundries on the rubber rollers, traction rollers, guide rollers, stripping plates, etc.; ·Observe whether the power supply is normal and whether the power cord is damaged; · Regularly clean and maintain the machine surface; ·Pay attention to observe whether there are loose screws on the machine, if found, tighten them immediately;
    H.Malfunction and solutions




    1. No Label

    Wrong position of travel switch Travel switch error

    Adjust the position of the travel switch Replace the travel switch

    The traction roller does not press the label tape tightly, and it slips when pulling the label The power switch is not turned on

    Tighten the adjusted handle screw
    Откройте выключатель питания

    2. Continuous label
    3. Inaccurate labeling axial position

    The position of the measuring standard electric eye is wrong or the label tape does not pass through the detection position of the electric eye slot Marking electric eye error
    The front and rear position of the positioning rod is not positioned The position of the label on the stripping board is incorrect The bottom of the bottle did not stick to the positioning rod when placing the bottle

    Adjust the position of the electric eye
    Adjust or replace the electric eye Lock the positioning rod
    Re-adjust the label position
    Please put the bottle correctly

    4. Not labelled
    5. Wrinkles after label application
    6. Large displacement of the label at the beginning and the end after the roll is

    The reserved label is not long enough
    The surface of the object is not sufficiently sticky with the label or the humidity is too high The bottle pressing roller does not press the round bottle to be pasted, and the round bottle to be pasted does not rotate Reserved label is too long
    There is debris on the surface of the round bottle Label peeling plate and labeling rubber roller The label paper is not straightened, and the peeled label is not straight
    The peeling plate is not parallel to the axis of the bottle to be labeled
    The label tape swings back and forth when the label tape is hung obliquely or pulled.
    The labeling area of the labeling area has too much error in diameter The distance between the peeling label and the bottle body is too far or there is a slight collision between the two The mounting plate of the peeling label is not fastened, and it shakes during the labeling process The bottle is not clean or has water

    Adjust the length of the reserved label Check the surface of the bottle
    Adjust the bottle gap
    Reduce the length of the reserved label Clean the surface of the bottle Adjust the distance appropriately Adjust the feeding tray device to tighten the label Adjust the adjustable roller, the position of the stripping plate, so that the bottle holding roller, the stripping plate and the overlaid roller are parallel Fasten the stop ring on the guide roller to prevent the label from swinging back and forth The reason for being posted on the round bottle Normal state is about 3-5mm
    Снова затяните винты.
    Change a clean and dry bottle

    Документы / Ресурсы

    • Продавец: Dongguan Sammi Packing machine Co.,Ltd
    • 276 отзыв(ов) Написать отзыв


    High accuracy small round bottle labeling machine manual | Бытовая

    Описание товара

    1. MT-50 High efficiency Semi-auto Round Bottle Labeling Machine


      1. Suitable for labeling round bottle in different sizes

      2. Efficiency is as high as 40 pcs/minutes

      3. The position of the bottle is adjustable

      4. Labeling affect is perfect, no creases, no bubble, grade high, to increase product competitiveness

      5. Made of brand PLC and sensor and other electronic components, performance is more stable

      6. Modular design, convenient maintenance and repair costs low

      7. High accuracy and high speed, dispensing & labeling automatically, very easy to operate

      8. Installed with code printer, codes the label directly while the labeling is proceeding, more conveniently and efficiently

       9. The position of the code printer and the printing time is adjustable according to your requirement

      Technical parameters 




      220V 50Hz/110V60Hz



      Label  speed

      25-50 pcs/min

      Label  accuracy


      Label  Roll inner diameter

      ≥ 75mm

      Max. label roll out diameter

      ≤  275mm

      Bottle diameter 


      Width of Label


      Length of label




      Machine Size


      Gross weight


      machine pictures

      vdf (3)vdf (4)vdf (11)vdf (12)vdf (13)vdf (14)vdf (15)

      Labeling sample 

      vdf (8)vdf (10)


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    Отзывы о High accuracy small round bottle labeling machine manual | Бытовая

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    Сертификация Системы Менеджмента:
    ISO 9001, ISO 9000

    Введение Компании:
    Гуандун Gosunm Intelligent промышленности Co., Ltd. была создана в 2012, штаб-квартира находится в городе город, Провинции Гуандун, с более чем 15 000 квадратных метров в современном заводе зданий и более чем 180 сотрудников. С нетканый тканей, крафт-бумаги ленту, самоклеящиеся этикетки в качестве основных вспомогательных материалов и механической конструкции, обучения и контроля движения в качестве основных технологий, нашей главной бизнес включает в себя производственного оборудования, инспекционное оборудование и оборудование для упаковки, которые используются в области электронной торговли и защиты окружающей среды, медицинское и бытовой электроники и других отраслей промышленности. С помощью нашего оборудования распределенных внутри страны и за рубежом, мы глобальных операторов в более чем 30 странах. Компания была удостоена почетного названия «национальных высокотехнологичные предприятия», «Технология проектирования исследовательским центром провинции Гуандун», «Выпускник рабочей станции в провинции Гуандун», «Газель предприятие в городе город», «провинции Гуандун ключевое поле R&D плана», и приобрел ISO9001 и CE. Сейчас у нас есть два торговых марок: «Jiaojiaozhe» для маркировки машин, и «Gosunm» для упаковки машины с более чем 40 патентов.

    Интеллектуальные Gosunm соблюдает «создать ценность для клиентов, реализовать мечты работников и выполнения обязанностей для общества», и стремится стать прекрасным международным производителем для одного интеллектуальные решения для автоматизации.


    в 2007, городе Jiaojiaozhe оборудования автоматизации делопроизводства Co., Ltd. Была создана, с уделением особого внимания с рулона на рулон оборудование;

    в 2010, ERP и PLM для систематического управления;

    в 2012 году Гуандун Gosunm Intelligent промышленности Co., Ltd. была создана в целях расширения инспекции и комплект оборудования для одного общего решения;

    сеть обслуживания

    Gosunm в глобальной сети включает в себя: Южная Корея, Японии, Индии, Малайзии, Сингапура, Австралии, Новой Зеландии, Соединенных Штатов, Бразилии, Южной Африке, России, Турции, Соединенного Королевства, Франции, Германии, Италии, Испании и так далее.


    In order to offering better service,we have operated with multiple shipping companies like Fedex,DHL,DUP,UPS,EMS etc.We sure that you can choose the most suitable one.For our online products.

    In order to offering better service,we have operated with multiple shipping companies like Fedex,DHL,DUP,UPS,EMS etc.We sure that you can choose the most suitable one.For our online products.

    1.Most of them will be shipped by express shipping like Fedex or DHL,delivery time is 6-8 business days.

    2.Some small products will be sent by regular shipping,delivery time is 15-45 business days.(There is an instruction saying this product will be sent by regular shipping.)But if you need faster shipping,please contact us to upgrade shipping method.We are glad to help you.

    3.Some customers can not place their order since there is an error saying that we can not delivery the product to their countries.If you are in this situation,please contact us to confirm the price and shipping,we will help you place the order successfully .The shipping fee is hard to set up online,and in this situation,it is possible to spend less money to get this product,so it will be better if you can contact us.

    4.If you find the shipping fee is too expensive for you,please contact us,we are glad to help you find the best shipping method.For large machine,it will be better for you to contact us before placing the order,in this way we can confirm the price,delivery time and check if the machine is really suitable for your products.


    You may find that we only support paypal now,but we can offer other payment method like west union,TT,credit card,wechat pay,Alipay.You will find the best one as your need.If you have any problems about payment,please send us message.Although Some of them are not supported on online service now, we are trying our best to upgrade these.

    Product Service

    We want you to be happy with your purchase and trying our best to offer the better service to our customers,so we offer some solution if you have below problems or meet below situation: 

    1. If you received a machine and found the machine was broken :
    First,we should note that we will not send any used machine or broken machine to our customers.As we all know,everything will happen during shipping,if your machine is broken,please contact us and help us to complaint this to shipping company.We are here to help you.

    2. If you don’t know how to assemble machine or use the machine :
    Some of our machine may need you assemble them,or you don’t know how to use the machine,just send us e-mail or message,we will send you video and manual to help you know more about it.

    Accuracy, completeness and timeliness of information

    We are not responsible for any inaccurate, incomplete or timely information provided on this website. The materials on this website are for general information only and should not be relied upon or used as the sole basis for making decisions without consulting primary, more accurate, complete or timely sources of information. Any reliance on the materials on this website is at your own risk. This website may contain certain historical information. The historical information is not necessarily up to date and is for your reference only. We reserve the right to modify the content of this website at any time, but we are under no obligation to update any information on our website. You agree that it is your responsibility to monitor changes to our website.

    Service and price modification

    The prices of our products are subject to change without prior notice. We reserve the right to modify or terminate the Services (or any part or content thereof) at any time without notice. We shall not be liable to you or any third party for any modification, price change, suspension or discontinuation of the Services.

    Products or Services

    Some products or services may be available online only through the website. These products or services may be available in limited quantities and can only be returned or exchanged in accordance with our return policy. We have made every effort to display the colors and images of our products that appear in stores as accurately as possible. We cannot guarantee that any color displayed on your computer monitor is accurate.

    [Re: Privacy Compliance Officer]
    No. 8, Lane 1, East Dianbian Road, Shangan Nanyue Village, Jinsha Town, Nanhai Distric, Foshan, 528223 Guangdong, China

    Click Video Link For Video

    This round bottle labeling machine can be used for double side labeling.The desktop type labeling machine can save working space,but it can work automatically and accurately after you adjust and test working data.It is widely used to label round bottles like wine


    The shipping way of this machine is sea transportation, only to the seaport, not delivery to home / factory address and without tax , if you need more information or want to change shipping method , please contact with us , we can help you to check that.


    Machine model:ZS-TB500
    Working speed:20-60 bottles/min
    Suitable labeling Size:15-140mm(W)x25-300mm(L)
    Roll inside diameter(mm):Φ75mm
    Roll outside diameter(mm):Φ250mm
    Suitable bottle diameter:About 30-100mm
    Conveyor size:About 1310*100mm
    Machine size:About 1240*750*950mm
    Package size:About 1460*700*960mm
    Package weight:About 125.5kg


    Intelligent operation panel can help you control the machine easily.It can be set into English version,the working data like counting functions,delay time can be controlled by this panel.Beside two black rotary knobs can be used to control working speed

    The feeding inlet can be adjusted according to bottle diameter.This machine is suitable for φ≤100mm bottles.The working speed of the conveyor can be adjusted as operators’ need.This help to improve working efficiency.

    The bottle will be detected by this sensor once they pass by the sensor.Reduce labeling error and ensure the labeling working efficiency.

    With label sensor and adjusting components,these ensure the sensitivity and accuracy,prevent from missing or wasting label stickers,improve labeling quality

    These three labeling wheels make bottles rotating and then finish labeling,ensure that there is no bubbles under labels.Ensure the labeling effect.This is suitable for double side labeling.

    The upgrade variable-speed motor makes the machine work stably and improve labeling speed,ensures the labeling accuracy at the same time.

    Rotary knobs can be used to controlled the position of the labeling wheel,label separating blade and winding bar,ensure the labeling accuracy and improve labeling quality.

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