Satelline easy pro 35w инструкция настроить базовую станцию

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User Guide v.1.4


All rights to this manual are owned solely by SATEL OY (referred to in this user guide as SATEL).

All rights reserved. The copying of this manual (without the written permission from the owner) by

printing, copying, recording or by any other means, or the full or partial translation of the manual

to any other language, including all programming languages, using any electrical, mechanical,

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SATEL reserves the right to change the technical specifications or functions of its products, or to

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information at their disposal is valid.

SATEL software and programs are delivered «as is». The manufacturer does not grant any kind of

warranty including guarantees on suitability and applicability to a certain application. Under no

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leasing, renting, transportation, copying, editing, translating, modifying into another

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Salo, FINLAND 2013

Copyright: 2013 SATEL Oy

No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted or stored in a retrieval system in any form or by any means without the

prior written permission of SATEL Oy.

This document is provided in confidence and must not be distributed to third parties without the express permission of SATEL Oy.



Summary of Contents for Satel SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W

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User Guide v.1.4


All rights to this manual are owned solely by SATEL OY (referred to in this user guide as SATEL).

All rights reserved. The copying of this manual (without the written permission from the owner) by

printing, copying, recording or by any other means, or the full or partial translation of the manual

to any other language, including all programming languages, using any electrical, mechanical,

magnetic, optical, manual or other methods or devices is forbidden.

SATEL reserves the right to change the technical specifications or functions of its products, or to

discontinue the manufacture of any of its products or to discontinue the support of any of its

products, without any written announcement and urges its customers to ensure, that the

information at their disposal is valid.

SATEL software and programs are delivered «as is». The manufacturer does not grant any kind of

warranty including guarantees on suitability and applicability to a certain application. Under no

circumstances is the manufacturer or the developer of a program responsible for any possible

damages caused by the use of a program. The names of the programs as well as all copyrights

relating to the programs are the sole property of SATEL. Any transfer, licensing to a third party,

leasing, renting, transportation, copying, editing, translating, modifying into another

programming language or reverse engineering for any intent is forbidden without the written

consent of SATEL.





Salo, FINLAND 2013

Copyright: 2013 SATEL Oy

No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted or stored in a retrieval system in any form or by any means without the

prior written permission of SATEL Oy.

This document is provided in confidence and must not be distributed to third parties without the express permission of SATEL Oy.


Summary of Contents for Satel SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W


Because of the great transmission power of SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W radio modem, only

an external antenna is allowed. A whip-antenna directly connected to the antenna

connector must not be used.


Mobile equipment

¼-wave antenna

½-wave antenna

The ideal installation position is vertical, and there should be at least 0.5 m of free space around

the antenna. In small systems a ¼-wave antenna is sufficient. A separate ground plane should be

placed under the antenna (vehicle rooftop or the engine hood or trunk door are usually suitable).

In problematic cases the most suitable type is a ½-wave antenna. It can be installed directly at the

top of a pipe with the added benefit of gaining as much as free space around the antenna as

possible. In cases, which the antenna cannot be directly connected to the TNC-connector of the

radio modem, a coaxial cable with 50 ohm impedance must be used between the antenna and

the TNC-connector.


Base stations

Omni-directional antennas ( ¼- , ½- or 5/8-wave antenna)

Directional antennas (yagi /multi-element antenna or corner antenna)

The antenna should be installed in a vertical position. The exact location of the antenna depends

on several factors, such as the size of the overall system and the coverage area terrain contours.

A rule of thumb is that the base station antenna should be located at the highest point of the

coverage area and as close to the centre of the coverage area as possible. The base station

antenna can also be located inside a building, if the walls of the building do not contain metal.


General antenna installation instructions

The reliability and the achievable coverage of useful signal strength can be severely affected by

the positioning of the antenna. Antenna and cable connectors should have gold-plated pins and

sockets, as use of low quality connectors can lead to eventual oxidation of the connector surfaces,

which in turn may degrade the contact and cause additional attenuation. Good quality tools and

materials must be used when installing radio modems, antennas and cables. The weather

tolerance of the materials used must also be taken into account. Installed materials must

withstand all foreseeable weather conditions (frost, excess sun, direct UV-radiation, seawater etc.).

Also possible environmental pollution must be considered (acids, ozone etc.).



User Guide v.1.4

Table of Contents for Satel SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W:

  • SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W User Guide v.1.4 83 several overlapping networks. The operation of the Message Routing must be clearly understood before configuring the radio modems manually. 11.1.6 Configuration of the protocol in Message Routing A radio modem will detect the presence of an address used by inspecting the protocol from the message received via the serial interface. On the basis of this user address, all necessary information needed to relay the message to destination is fetched from an internal routing tabl

  • SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W User Guide v.1.4 37 after all buffered data has been transmitted. When the serial interface speed is the same or slower than the speed of the radio interface, the internal transmit buffer memory cannot overflow. However, when the serial interface speed exceeds the speed of the radio interface, data will eventually fill transmit buffer memory. In this instance, it will take a moment after the terminal device has stopped transmission o

  • SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W User Guide v.1.4 32 7.9.5 Repeater function The implemented Pacific Crest/TRIMTALK modes support also the repeater function. The repeater function is configured either by using the SL commands: • ”[email protected]=R” (Repeater ON) • ”[email protected]=O” (Repeater OFF) or by selecting Repeater OFF/ON in the Additional setup-> Repeater programming menu. Note 1. The repeater modem passes TRIMTALK messages also to its serial port unlike for exampl

  • SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W User Guide v.1.4 103 17.2.3 Transmission delays using a 25 kHz radio channel Transmission delays without FEC-function (Forward Error Correction). Number of bytes sent Bps 1 10 100 500 1200 30 30 18 16 4800 23 23 21 12 9600 23 23 21 17 19200 22 22 22 19 38400 22 22 38 102 Delays are in milliseconds and with a 10% mar

  • SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W User Guide v.1.4 10 INTRODUCTION SATEL OY is a Finnish electronics and Telecommunications Company specialising in the design and manufacture of wireless data communication products. SATEL designs, manufactures and sells radio modems intended for use in applications ranging from data transfer to alarm relay systems. End users of SATEL products include both public organisations and private individuals. SATEL OY is the leading European manufacturer of radio modems. SATEL radio modems have been certified

  • SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W User Guide v.1.4 70 In case you need more information on the time delays related to the use of SL-commands, please contact the manufacturer. In order to get information of the latest and/or special SL-commands please contact SATEL Oy. 9.4.1 Frequency Command Effect and description of command SL&FR=nnn.nnnnn Set RX-frequency to nnn.nnnnn MHz SL&FT=nnn.nnnnn Set TX-frequency to nnn.nnnnn MHz

  • SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W User Guide v.1.4 48 The new value is displayed in the menu. To get back to the main menu press ESC (and then E for Exiting and saving). The address is given in hexadecimal format with four digits and the number of different addresses is thus over 65 000. 9.2.9 Changing serial port settings (Port 1) The settings of serial PORT 1 can be modified by selecting main menu selection ”4”. In the following exam

  • SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W User Guide v.1.4 14 When creating a test connection, you can use Windows™ based SATEL Configuration Manager (available for free from authorised SATEL dealers or directly from SATEL Customer Support), HyperTerminal (which is included in most the Windows™ based operating system packages), or almost any other terminal program. Basic settings for the serial port of the host computer, when using a terminal

  • SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W User Guide v.1.4 89 12.1.2 Fuse A proper fuse must be connected in between the radio modem and the power supply. The correct value is 15A for SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W. 12.1.3 Power supply The allowed operating voltage is +9 … +16 V DC . The radio modem must only be connected to a power supply with an adequate current output (power rating minimum is 120W). The pins 1 and 2 of the

  • SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W User Guide v.1.4 18 4 SERIAL INTERFACE The radio modem is referred to as DCE (Data Communication Equipment) whereas the PC is referred to as DTE (Data Terminal Equipment). SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W includes a 8 pin ODU which contains all the connections required to establish communication between the radio modem, acting as the DCE, and the PC, acting as the DTE. All EMC-requirements set forth by authorities have been taken into account in the design of the radio mod

  • SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W User Guide v.1.4 88 12 INSTALLATION 12.1 Installation of a Radio Data Modem The radio modem should be installed with the installation accessories supplied with the radio modem. 12.1.1 RS-232 Wiring NOTE! In SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W the voltage is limited to 16V. NOTE! When selecting a suitable location fo

Questions, Opinions and Exploitation Impressions:

You can ask a question, express your opinion or share our experience of Satel SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W device using right now.

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  1. kircozz


    Здравствуйте уважаемые коллеги! Появилась необходимость в работе 3х бригад двумя комплектами.В теме бы хотелось найти единомышленников и обсудить проблемы, параметры настройки…..

    — Сообщения объединены, 23 ноя 2013, Оригинальное время сообщения: 23 ноя 2013

    Маяк вещает

    — Сообщения объединены, 23 ноя 2013

    модем по совету форумчан подключил на прямую. прикладываю настройки стиля съемки

    — Сообщения объединены, 23 ноя 2013

    из траблов хотелось бы отметить только «неправильную» длину внешней антенны. но при приезду из командировке обязательно заеду к радио любителям, для настройки антенны и ее обрезания под 441.0000


  2. Форумчанин

    29 дек 2009
  3. Форумчанин

    Дядя Вова, вопрос остался по:
    Антенна автомобильная ANLI AW6UHF 404-480 MHz, как резать, чем и стоит ли самостоятельно
    второй вопрос, модем работает как внутренний так и внешний. но на 5-6 км при отключении внешнего радио падает. перепады по 10-15м по рельефу


  4. Форумчанин

    29 дек 2009

    С внешней антенной дальности хватает? Тогда ничего не резать.
    5-6 км на встроенном модеме? Тогда вообще классно!


  5. Форумчанин

    Дядя Вова, работает и внешний и внутренний. это и смущает… как запустить только внешний?

    — Сообщения объединены, 23 ноя 2013, Оригинальное время сообщения: 23 ноя 2013

    off top(куда он делся?) купил третий комплект, но хотелось бы дать ума тому что куплено

    — Сообщения объединены, 23 ноя 2013

    off top почему фото(приложения) грузятся по 10 мин? те открываешь фото и ждешь некую бесконечность



  6. Форумчанин

    31 окт 2012

    Добрый вечер!
    Работали GR-3 с таким же 35 ватным внешним радиомодемом на Дальнем Востоке в тайге, у нас через сопки с перепадом высот по 200 метром до 8 км со стандартной антеной на штативе RTK работало без проблем. Прилагаю инструкцию по настройке.

    — Сообщения объединены, 23 ноя 2013, Оригинальное время сообщения: 23 ноя 2013

    На равнине, если мне память не изменяет этот модем до 70 км должен выдавать. Другое дело что, работая где-нибудь в Московской области, вроде бы на использование частоты надо разрешение получать.



  7. Куратор

    В настройках базового модема неправильно указан порт (на фото С, а должен быть А).
    Так же лучше выставить модель радиомодема Generic, т.е. поправки выдаются на порт, а настройка выполняется на модеме самостоятельно. Хотя можно оставить и так как есть.

    Включать оба модема одновременно не желательно, т.к. каждый будет давать помехи другому (даже если работает на другой частоте). Поэтому, лучше запускать только внешний.


    Don Juan Matus нравится это.

  8. Форумчанин

    PMA, у меня они почему то оба запускаются. видимо порт не правильно указан. сейчас исправил. кабель от внешн модема (порт а) в какой разъем втыкать?
    как быть с антенной?
    настройки внешнего модема у меня есть, но если поделитесь в нормальном виде буду признателен


    Последнее редактирование: 25 ноя 2013

    Don Juan Matus нравится это.

  9. Куратор

    Если это скрины полностью соответствую тому с чем работаете, то запуск встроенного модема происходит автоматически, т.к. вероятнее всего он ранее запускался. Отключить его, можно с помощью очистки NVRAM (сбросятся все настройки).
    По настройкам модема, с заводскими настройками нужно только частоту выставить и все.


  10. Форумчанин

    PMA спасибо! сегодня позвонил в Москву. все настроил как вы говорили, но поправки не шли. и милая девушка по телефону объяснила мне, что скорость с 4800 переключить на 9600. и все заработало. позже сделаю фотки может кому пригодится.


  11. Форумчанин

    5 мар 2012
  12. Форумчанин

    После праздников напомни в личку


  13. Регистрация:
    3 дек 2012

    Добрый день
    Работали GR-3 с таким же 35 ватным внешним радио модемом. все работало прием был отличный. последний раз запустил работает только года рядом с базой находишься.
    В чем причина? в антенне или в проводе или возможно что что то с модемом.


  14. Форумчанин

    4 май 2007

    Первым делом проверьте (прозвоните) антенный кабель — похоже на то, что в нём дело. Если он шёл в комплекте- там Г- образные фишки- внутри жила и оплётка не паянные, а просто обжатые, могли выдернуться . И антенну не мешало бы раскрутить, почистить контакт.


  15. Регистрация:
    3 дек 2012

    все прозвонил все работает. а можно перенастроить какие нить данный в модеме? он в других руках был, говорят, что вроде ничего не трогали но все таки)


  16. Форумчанин

    4 май 2007

    Конечно- там многое можно перенастроить . Проверьте частоту модемов- передающего и приёмного, должны совпадать . Также можно сбросить настройки модема до заводских, потом установить свою частоту, остальные настройки можно не трогать в большинстве случаев. Ещё — какая антенна на передающем модеме , весьма желательно настроить длину сегмента(ов) на вашу частоту укорачиванием ( в большинстве случаев) , в паспорте на антенну эти данные должны быть.


  17. Форумчанин

    23 апр 2012


    Попробуйте изменить частоту, возможно что кто-то с вами на той же частоте работает, поэтому на дальнем расстоянии может не работать. У нас так было)))


  18. Регистрация:
    3 дек 2012

    С антенной проблемы были попробовал взять у знакомого и все стало супер.
    Что посоветуете хочу поменять антенну и провод, что лучше купить и как отрезать правильно, и где можно припаять штекер, а то где продают антенны для раций у них нет таких штекеров. в Санкт Петербурге.


  19. Форумчанин

    4 май 2007

    ::biggrin24.gif:: ::biggrin24.gif:: ::biggrin24.gif::::biggrin24.gif::

    А какая антенна была до этого ?
    ГСИ (например) продаёт LAIRD — удобны тем, что на креплении есть резьба под вешку — прикрутил на земле, и выдвинул на 4,6 или сколько там ещё .
    Есть ещё ANLI AW-6 , это как бы автомобильная , хорошо цеплять к крыше авто .
    Есть посерьёзнее — ANLI 200MU.
    Сколько отрезать — это есть в инструкциях к антеннам . И в интернете . Как отрезать — там же . Кабель и штеккера — стандартные из радиомагазина .

    Очень и очень желательно чтобы под любой антенной был металлический экран диаметром порядка 1 метр — можно самодельный , его заземлить . На автомобиле конечно, не надо — крыша и есть экран .


  20. Jonys

    10 ноя 2012

    Помогите настроить SATELLINE EASY PRO 35W ….Есть у кого подробная инструкция с внешним радио на MAGNET


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Table of Contents for Satel SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W:

  • SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W User Guide v.1.4 47 The hardware information can be seen in the main menu ***** SATELLINE ***** FW: 06.18.x.xx / HW: SPL0005d+EPT / PV: 05.00 / IM: 05 / S/N: 30032010 —————————————————————————- FW= Firmware HW=Hardware version PV=Product variant version IM=Interface module (Voltage range and interface type) S

  • SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W User Guide v.1.4 96 14 CHECK LIST The following points must be taken into account when installing and configuring a radio modem: 1. All operating voltages of all the equipment concerned must always be switched OFF before connecting the serial interface cable. 2. When considering the exact placement of a radio modem and/or its antenna, the following points must be taken into account to guarantee optimal results: • The antenna should be installed in open space as far as possible

  • SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W User Guide v.1.4 10 INTRODUCTION SATEL OY is a Finnish electronics and Telecommunications Company specialising in the design and manufacture of wireless data communication products. SATEL designs, manufactures and sells radio modems intended for use in applications ranging from data transfer to alarm relay systems. End users of SATEL products include both public organisations and private ind

  • SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W User Guide v.1.4 35 Handshaking is not needed if the system protocol is designed to prevent collisions (data contention) by the use of polling, or if there is little traffic and also if there is no harm from occasional data contention situations (several radio modems try to transmit at the same time). 8.2.1 CTS-line The options for CTS-line are: 1) Clear To Send CTS is active when the radio modem is ready to accept data for new transmission. CTS will shift into inactive state during data recepti

  • SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W User Guide v.1.4 55 Following this, a new address will be modified (”0009”  ”0002”) and a new Network ID is defined (”testnet”  ”newname”): Routing Setup ————- 1) Mode Virtual routing 2) Protocol Userdefined 02 03 3) Address 0009 4) Net id testnet 5) Route list 6) Route add 7) Route delete 8

  • SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W User Guide v.1.4 1 IMPORTANT NOTICE All rights to this manual are owned solely by SATEL OY (referred to in this user guide as SATEL). All rights reserved. The copying of this manual (without the written permission from the owner) by printing, copying, recording or by any other means, or the full or partial translation of the manual to any other language, including all programming languages, using any electrical, mechanical, magnetic, optical, manual or othe

  • SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W User Guide v.1.4 90 12.2 Antenna installation 12.2.1 Mobile equipment • ¼-wave antenna • ½-wave antenna The ideal installation position is vertical, and there should be at least 0.5 m of free space around the antenna. In small systems a ¼-wave antenna is sufficient. A separate ground plane should be placed under the antenna (vehicle rooftop or the engine hood or trunk door are usually su

  • SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W User Guide v.1.4 69 9.3.11 Saving modified values into the internal memory After all desired modifications have been performed; they have to be saved in order to make them permanent (until next modification). This is accomplished by choosing selection ”EXIT” from the main menu. The display will then show a message (see below) asking a confirmation of the performed modifications. By choosing ”YES” all modifications

  • SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W User Guide v.1.4 17 The internal temperature is measured in the beginning of every transmission and at once when modem cools down. The carrier power increases with falling temperature so that at 88°C carrier power goes to 10W, at 83°C to 20W, at 78°C to 25W and at 73°C the modem operates again at the full 35W carrier power.

  • SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W User Guide v.1.4 44 Enter selection >1 Radio frequency setup ——————— 1) Radio frequency 2) Channel spacing Enter selection or ESC to previous menu >1 Radio TX and RX frequency setup ——————————- 1) TX and RX frequency 2) TX frequency 468.50000 MHz 3) RX frequency 437.00000 MHz 4) Reference frequency 438.00000 MHz Enter selection or ESC to previous menu >4 R

  • SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W User Guide v.1.4 2 RESTRICTIONS ON USE SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W radio modems have been designed to operate on frequency ranges, the exact use of which differs from one region and/or country to another. The user of a radio modem must take care that the said device is not operated without the permission of the local authorities on frequencies other than those specifically reserved and intended for use without a specific permit. The allowed max output power depends

Questions, Opinions and Exploitation Impressions:

You can ask a question, express your opinion or share our experience of Satel SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W device using right now.


Because of the great transmission power of SATELLINE-EASy Pro 35W radio modem, only

an external antenna is allowed. A whip-antenna directly connected to the antenna

connector must not be used.


Mobile equipment

¼-wave antenna

½-wave antenna

The ideal installation position is vertical, and there should be at least 0.5 m of free space around

the antenna. In small systems a ¼-wave antenna is sufficient. A separate ground plane should be

placed under the antenna (vehicle rooftop or the engine hood or trunk door are usually suitable).

In problematic cases the most suitable type is a ½-wave antenna. It can be installed directly at the

top of a pipe with the added benefit of gaining as much as free space around the antenna as

possible. In cases, which the antenna cannot be directly connected to the TNC-connector of the

radio modem, a coaxial cable with 50 ohm impedance must be used between the antenna and

the TNC-connector.


Base stations

Omni-directional antennas ( ¼- , ½- or 5/8-wave antenna)

Directional antennas (yagi /multi-element antenna or corner antenna)

The antenna should be installed in a vertical position. The exact location of the antenna depends

on several factors, such as the size of the overall system and the coverage area terrain contours.

A rule of thumb is that the base station antenna should be located at the highest point of the

coverage area and as close to the centre of the coverage area as possible. The base station

antenna can also be located inside a building, if the walls of the building do not contain metal.


General antenna installation instructions

The reliability and the achievable coverage of useful signal strength can be severely affected by

the positioning of the antenna. Antenna and cable connectors should have gold-plated pins and

sockets, as use of low quality connectors can lead to eventual oxidation of the connector surfaces,

which in turn may degrade the contact and cause additional attenuation. Good quality tools and

materials must be used when installing radio modems, antennas and cables. The weather

tolerance of the materials used must also be taken into account. Installed materials must

withstand all foreseeable weather conditions (frost, excess sun, direct UV-radiation, seawater etc.).

Also possible environmental pollution must be considered (acids, ozone etc.).



User Guide v.1.4

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