Sega mega drive 2 инструкция

Если вы потеряли инструкцию к приставке Sega — это не проблема. Мы публикуем для вас распечатку руководства пользователя, которая идёт в комплекте с каждой консолью Сега. В инструкции подробно написано о том, как подключить приставку к телевизору, как включить и играть в неё, а также решение возможных проблем.

Составные части конструкции приставки Денди
Составные части конструкции приставки Sega

Установка и подключение

Электропитание происходит от сети переменного тока 220В 50Гц с подключением сетевого адаптера установленного образца. Адаптер подключается к входу питания, расположенного на задней панели приставки. Выключатель пиитания (кнопка “POWER») находится на верхней панели приставки.

Подключение Сеги к сети питания
Подключение Сеги к сети питания

Подключение к телевизору через AV вход (в этом случае цветопередача и графическое изображение будут наилучшими)

  1. Вставьте комби-штеккер AV кабеля в AV выход приставки, расположенный на задней панели.
  2. Вставьте желтый штекер AV кабеля в видеовход, а белый штекер в аудиовход телевизора.
  3. Переведите телевизор в режим AV.

Подключение Сеги к телевизору по AV-кабелю
Подключение Сеги к телевизору по AV-кабелю

Подключение к телевизору через антенный вход

  1. Вставьте комби штекер модулятора в AV выход приставки.
  2. Соедините модулятор и антенный вход телевизора антенным кабелем.
  3. Настройте телевизор.

Подключение Сеги к телевизору по антенному кабелю
Подключение Сеги к телевизору по антенному кабелю

* Примечание магазина: возможно подключиться к телевизору через разъем SCART с помощью специального переходника.

Порядок работы

  • Убедитесь, что приставка выключена.
  • Убедитесь, что все подключения к телевизору выполнены надлежащим образом.
  • Подключите джойстик в левый (основной) разъем на передней панели, для игры вдвоем, второй джойстик подключается к правому (дополнительному) разъему.
  • Вставьте картридж картинкой к себе в разъем на верхней панели для полного сопряжения контактов стыковки картридж вставляется с небольшим нажимом.
  • Включите питание приставки. При правильном подключении на экране появится логотип “SEGA», затем название игры и игровой клип.
  • Нажмите кнопку “START» на джойстике . Игра началась. Чтобы начать игру снова или перейти к следующей игре, нажмите кнопку “RESET» на верхней панели приставки.

Функции джойстика

  • Кнопка START начинает игру, а также включает/выключает паузу во время игры.
  • Кнопки со стрелками слева управляют движением в игре
  • Кнопки А, В, С управляют основными действиями игры: стрельба прыжки и тп.
  • Кнопки X, Y , Z служат, как правило, для дополнительных действий героя в сложных играх.

Конкретное назначение кнопок А, В, С, X, Y, Z зависит от игры.

Меры предосторожности

Для питания приставки используйте установленный сетевой адаптер. Не следует использовать самодельные или не установленные адаптеры. При подключениях к блоку процессора во избежание разрывов и внутренних повреждений тщательно проверьте все соединения.

На корпусе блока имеются отверстия, обеспечивающие охлаждение узлов системы во время работы, следует избегать факторов мешающих вентиляции и попадания в систему пыли и посторонних предметов. Нормальной для работы приставки является комнатная температура, поэтому она не должна находиться в близ источников тепла или под прямыми солнечными лучами.

При смене игрового картриджа или переключении шнуров приставку обязательно выключить. Между включением и выключением следует сделать определенный перерыв, а по окончании работы приставку необходимо отключить от сети.

Устанавливая картридж, переключая шнуры или подключая дополнительные аксессуары, во избежании повреждений контактов стыковки, не следует прилагать излишних усилий. При работе и хранении следует избегать попадания в систему влаги и пыли.

Не следует ставить на приставку посторонние предметы, а по окончании работы рекомендуется вновь её упаковать.

Во время игры следует находиться на расстоянии не менее одного метра от экрана телевизора. Помещение должно быть достаточно освещено. Через каждый час игры следует делать перерывы на 10—15 минут для защиты глаз от переутомления. Лицам, предрасположенным к эпилепсии, не рекомендуется пользоваться игровой приставкой без консультации с врачом.

Возможные неисправности и методы их исправления

Если в работе приставки появляется неисправность, то она вызвана, как правило, незначительной причиной. Прежде чем обратиться по гарантии, выполните следующие проверки:

Проблема Проверьте
Нет изображения на экране
  • Включена ли приставка?
  • Правильно ли подсоединен адаптер?
  • Включен ли телевизор?
  • Есть ли напряжение в сети?
  • Правильно ли вставлен картридж?
  • Правильно ли подключены все кабели?
  • Включен ли видеомагнитофон (при подключении через видеомагнитофон)? 
Изображение мигает или не цветное
  • Правильно ли подключен антенный кабель?
  • Правильно ли настроен TV канал?
  • Правильно ли отрегулирован цвет у телевизора?
  • Правильно ли вставлен картридж?
Нет звука
  • Включен ли звук у телевизора?
  • Правильно ли подключены все кабели?
  • Возможно, отключены звуковые опции в самой игре.
Во время игры на экране появляются полосы Отрегулируйте телевизор тонкой настройкой


Не подлежит гарантийному обслуживанию изделия, имеющие механические повреждения (разломы, трещины), потерявшие товарный вид (наклейки, сильное загрязнение, царапины), с признаками самостоятельного ремонта или обслуживания в посторонних ремотных организациях (с нарушенной пломбировкой корпуса). Бесплатный гарантийный ремонт не распространяется на джостики и сетевые адаптеры.

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Инструкции для прочих Sega Mega Drive II

Инструкции для прочих Sega Игровые консоли

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Инструкции для прочих Sega

Overall System Documentation

   Date/Code                         Document                      Author Description
1992-02-24 (Sega Ozisoft) Genesis Software Manual Sega This manual contains overall information how to develop for the Sega Mega Drive. It gives an overview of the Mega Drive hardware, describes the memory map, gives detailed information on the VDP graphics chip, I/O and Z80 control. The “Genesis Sound Software Manual” was originally included with this manual, as well as the “Genesis Software Development Manual (Complement)”, which have been separated out here. This manual was the main resource provided to assist developers.

It should be noted, this manual contains some information which is known to be incorrect. Additionally many details are omitted, such as various VDP settings, and much information on the YM2612 sound device. Although it is a very useful resource, it must be supplemented with other materials rather than relied upon by itself. Also note that despite the name “Genesis” in the title, this manual was the official programming manual made available to all English-speaking regions, most likely translated by Sega of America from original documentation provided by Sega of Japan. A Japanese version of this manual hasn’t been located, but would have existed.

Alternate VersionsGenesis Software Manual — [1992-02-24] (The Code Monkeys) (Partial)
High quality scan of a portion of the manual, branded with “The Code Monkeys” watermark. This was useful when the Rex Sabio scans were the only complete manual, but the Sega Ozisoft scans are better quality.

Genesis Software Manual — [1992-02-24] (Rex Sabio)
The first scans of this document which were openly shared online, branded with “Rex Sabio” watermark. It is lower quality than newer scans, and lacks OCR and thumbnails. It does however have some hand-written notes and corrections to the documentation.

Genesis Software Manual (Transcription — Fixed SEGA2.DOC)
This is a fixed version of the corrupted SEGA2.DOC file, converted to a newer Microsoft Word format which can be more easily opened in new versions.

Genesis Software Manual (Transcription — Corrupted SEGA2.DOC)
The original document that circulated the community, circa 1995. This is a partial transcription of the manual, stored in a Microsoft Word 2 document. The file itself has corruption affecting several pages in the sound section of the manual. See above for a fixed version.

1992-02-21 (Sega Ozisoft) Genesis Sound Software Manual Sega A basic overview of sound hardware in the Sega Mega Drive. Despite being the primary official resource on the Mega Drive sound hardware, this manual lacks many details necessary to properly use the sound hardware on the Mega Drive. The manual itself states as much with this note in the index:
“This manual explains memory mapping and way of accessing especially. FM sound generation and PSG are explained in another manual.”
This other manual referred to has not been located to date. Other documentation on the YM2612 and PSG (SN76489) must be referred to in order to properly understand the hardware.Alternate VersionsGenesis Sound Software Manual — [1992-02-21] (Rex Sabio)
Genesis Sound Software Manual — [1992-02-21] (The Code Monkeys)
Also refer to alternate versions of the “Genesis Software Manual” to see some versions that include the Sound Software Manual.
Version 2.0 1991-07-09 (Sega Ozisoft) Genesis Software Development Manual (Complement) Sega This manual provides more specific information on certain aspects of Mega Drive development, including bootstrapping an initial program, specific information on how to use joypads and various peripheral devices, some advice on known issues and how to handle them, guidance for PAL systems, and some other matters.Alternate VersionsGenesis Software Development Manual Complement — Ver 2.0 [1991-07-09] (The Code Monkeys)
(Sega Ozisoft) Genesis Software Manual Addendum Sega A brief set of four addendums to the Genesis Software Manual. This document was most likely included with one of the Genesis Technical Bulletins, but that is currently unclear. All the content in this set of addendums is more comprehensively covered in the “Genesis Software Development Manual (Complement)” manual, except for notes 1 and 2 in addendum 4, which are only mentioned in this document.Alternate VersionsGenesis Software Manual Addendum — (Rex Sabio)
(Sega Ozisoft) Genesis Software Manual Corrections Sega An apparently unnamed document consisting of four corrections and appendices to the Genesis Software Manual. This document was most likely included with one of the Genesis Technical Bulletins, but that is currently unclear. All the content in this document is more comprehensively covered in the “Genesis Software Development Manual (Complement)” manual or the related technical bulletins.Alternate VersionsGenesis Software Manual Corrections — (Rex Sabio)
  Genesis Technical Bulletins Sega These technical bulletins were issued by Sega of America to registered developers, giving information on a variety of matters related to Mega Drive development.

Genesis Technical Bulletin #0 — Genesis Technical Bulletins — [1991-03-13] (Rex Sabio)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #1 — Errors within the Microtec examples — [1991-03-13] (Sega Ozisoft)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #2 — Genesis Loader Board — [1990-06-19] (Sega Ozisoft)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #3 — Z80 Bus Access Precautions — [1990-08-02] (Sega Ozisoft)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #4 — Reading the controller pads — [1990-09-07] (Sega Ozisoft)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #5 — Cartridge identification — [1990-11-26] (Sega Ozisoft)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #6 — Impossible values read from the controller pads — [1991-04-02] (Rex Sabio)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #11 — Problems during sound access — [1991-09-09] (Sega Ozisoft)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #12 — Problems with repeated resets — [1991-09-09] (Sega Ozisoft)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #13 — Corrections to the Genesis software manual — [1991-09-09] (Sega Ozisoft)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #14 — ROM Splitting — [1991-09-05] (Sega Ozisoft)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #15 — Wait during VRAM READ & Super Target IC19 — [1993-04-05] (Sega Ozisoft)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #16 — New Peripherals — [1993-04-05] (Sega Ozisoft)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #17 — EPROMs for development boards — [1993-05-25] (Sega Ozisoft)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #18 — Lockout code — [1993-05-28] (Sega Ozisoft)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #19 — Non-US game requirements — [1993-07-06] (Sega Ozisoft)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #20 — Games larger than 16Mb — [1993-07-08] (Sega Ozisoft)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #27 — Genesis peripheral devices — [1994-01-24] (Rex Sabio)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #28 — IO port usage in header — [1994-01-31] (Rex Sabio)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #29 — Genesis Sound Software Manual Correction — [1994-03-10] (Rex Sabio)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #29A — Genesis Sound Software Manual Correction (Clarification) — [1994-04-11] (Rex Sabio)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #31 — Genesis ID table update — [1994-11-22] (Rex Sabio)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #32 — Getting Games Ready For XBAND — [1995-01-30] (Rex Sabio)

Alternate VersionsGenesis Technical Bulletin #1 — Errors within the Microtec examples — [1991-03-13] (Rex Sabio)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #1 — Errors within the Microtec examples — [1991-03-13] (The Code Monkeys)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #2 — Genesis Loader Board — [1990-06-19] (Rex Sabio)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #2 — Genesis Loader Board — [1990-06-19] (The Code Monkeys)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #3 — Z80 Bus Access Precautions — [1990-08-02] (Rex Sabio)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #3 — Z80 Bus Access Precautions — [1990-08-02] (The Code Monkeys)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #4 — Reading the controller pads — [1990-09-07] (Rex Sabio)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #5 — Cartridge identification — [1990-11-26] (Rex Sabio)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #11 — Problems during sound access — [1991-09-09] (Rex Sabio)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #12 — Problems with repeated resets — [1991-09-09] (Rex Sabio)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #13 — Corrections to the Genesis software manual — [1991-09-09] (Rex Sabio)
Genesis Technical Bulletin #14 — ROM Splitting — [1991-09-05] (Rex Sabio)
Mega Drive Technical Memo #4 — [1993-02-09] (Rex Sabio) — Equivalent to Technical Bulletin #15

   Date/Code                         Document                      Author Description
1991-06-14 (Sega Ozisoft) Genesis Development Tools Overview Sega Gives an overview of the development hardware that was available to external companies wanting to develop games for the Mega Drive. The “Super Mega Drive Manual”, “Mega Drive Loader Handling Manual”, and “Super Mega Drive Manual Supplement” were originally included along with this document, but have been separated out here.
1989-10-16 (Sega Ozisoft) Mega Drive Loader Handling Manual Ver 4.0 Sega The Mega Drive Loader is a parallel interface board which connects to a Mega Drive control port, allowing the transfer of data. More information is given in the Devlopment Hardware section.
1991-01-29 (Sega Ozisoft) Super Mega Drive Manual Sega The Super Mega Drive is an early development system for the Mega Drive. More information is given in the Devlopment Hardware section.Alternate VersionsSuper Mega Drive Manual — [1991-01-29] (The Code Monkeys)
1993-08-02 (Sega Ozisoft) Super Mega Drive Manual Supplement Sega A small supplement to the Super Mega Drive Manual, in the form of faxed photocopies of partially translated extracts from the Japanese version of the manual, which has to date not been located. The majority of this document consists of corrections for pages in the Super Mega Drive Manual. Despite being faxed in 1993, the manual dated 1991-01-29 seems to have already incorporated the majority of the changes.Alternate VersionsSuper Mega Drive Manual Supplement — [1993-08-02] (The Code Monkeys)

Procedures, Standards, and Miscellaneous Documentation

   Date/Code                         Document                      Author Description
1991-03-01 (Rex Sabio) Sega Software Development and Game Standards Sega  
1993-05-14 Software Production Specifications for Mega Drive 6-Button Control Pad Sega  

MegaCD Documentation

Overall System Documentation

   Date/Code                         Document                      Author Description
Version 1.0 1991-12-13 (Sega Ozisoft) Mega-CD Outline Sega This document provides a basic overview of the MegaCD hardware, with brief descriptions of its major features and components. Unfortunately this document is taken from a faxed copy of the original, so the image quality is degraded and shaded areas are very difficult to read. Alternate versions with different watermarks are still from the same faxed version, so this was apparently used as a master.Alternate VersionsMega-CD Outline — Ver 1.0 [1991-12-13] (The Code Monkeys)
High quality scan of the manual, branded with “The Code Monkeys” watermark. This was useful when the Rex Sabio scans were the only complete manual, but the Sega Ozisoft scans are better quality.

Mega-CD Outline — Ver 1.0 [1991-12-13] (Rex Sabio)
The first scans of this document which were openly shared online, branded with “Rex Sabio” watermark. It is lower quality than newer scans.

Version 1.0 1991-10-14 (Sega Ozisoft and Sphere Inc) Mega-CD Hardware Manual — The Hardware Sega Detailed manual covering the hardware design and physical registers. Unfortunately like several other MegaCD manuals this document is taken from a faxed copy of the original, so the image quality is degraded and the frequent shaded areas are very difficult to read. Fortunately for this manual, a partial scan from the “Sphere Inc” version has been located, which was not taken from this faxed master but comes from the original document. Pages from the Sphere Inc version have been used where available, which makes the shaded regions easily readable, with the “Sega Ozisoft” scans filling in the remaining pages.Alternate VersionsMega-CD Hardware Manual — The Hardware — Ver 1.0 [1991-10-14] (Sphere Inc) (Partial)
High quality scan of only some of the manual, branded with “Sphere Inc” watermark. This version is not based on the faxed master, and is very readable. Unfortunately the origins of these scans are unknown, so it’s unclear if the entire manual could be scanned, or if these are the only pages that are available.

Mega-CD Hardware Manual — The Hardware — Ver 1.0 [1991-10-14] (Sega Ozisoft)
High quality scans with the “Sega Ozisoft” watermark, based off the faxed master.

Mega-CD Hardware Manual — The Hardware — Ver 1.0 [1991-10-14] (The Code Monkeys)
Good quality scans with “The Code Monkeys” watermark, based off the faxed master.

Mega-CD Hardware Manual — The Hardware — Ver 1.0 [1991-10-14] (Rex Sabio)
The first scans of this document which were openly shared online, branded with “Rex Sabio” watermark. It is lower quality than newer scans.

Version 1.0 1991-10-14 (Sega Ozisoft) Mega-CD Hardware Manual — PCM Sound Source Sega Detailed manual covering the MegaCD sound hardware. Unfortunately like several other MegaCD manuals this document is taken from a faxed copy of the original, so the image quality is degraded. Fortunately there are no shaded areas in this document, so it is fairly legible even though the quality is poor.Alternate VersionsMega-CD Hardware Manual — PCM Sound Source — Ver 1.0 [1991-10-14] (The Code Monkeys)
High quality scan of the manual, branded with “The Code Monkeys” watermark. This was useful when the Rex Sabio scans were the only complete manual, but the Sega Ozisoft scans are better quality.

Mega-CD Hardware Manual — PCM Sound Source — Ver 1.0 [1991-10-14] (Rex Sabio)
The first scans of this document which were openly shared online, branded with “Rex Sabio” watermark. It is lower quality than newer scans.

Version 0.10 1991-03-06 (Sega Ozisoft) Mega-CD Software Development Manual Sega Essentially a simplified version of “Mega-CD Hardware Manual — The Hardware”. Well worth cross referencing however, as this version is not taken from a faxed copy, so detail that is hard to read in the other manual is easy to read in this one. Generally speaking however, the information in the hardware manual seems more detailed and accurate.Alternate VersionsMega-CD Software Development Manual — Ver 0.10 [1991-03-06] (The Code Monkeys)
High quality scan of the manual, branded with “The Code Monkeys” watermark. This was useful when the Rex Sabio scans were the only complete manual, but the Sega Ozisoft scans are better quality.

Mega-CD Software Development Manual — Ver 0.10 [1991-03-06] (Rex Sabio)
The first scans of this document which were openly shared online, branded with “Rex Sabio” watermark. It is lower quality than newer scans.

Version 2.0 1992-02-24 (Sega Ozisoft) Mega-CD Disc Format Specifications Sega Precise technical information on how to encode data onto a CD for use on the MegaCD hardware. This includes detail on the sector offsets for the initial programs, and required header data to include in the volume descriptor of the CD.Alternate VersionsMega-CD Disc Format Specifications — Ver 2.0 [1992-02-24] (The Code Monkeys)
High quality scan of the manual, branded with “The Code Monkeys” watermark. This was useful when the Rex Sabio scans were the only complete manual, but the Sega Ozisoft scans are better quality.

Mega-CD Disc Format Specifications — Ver 2.0 [1992-02-24] (Rex Sabio)
The first scans of this document which were openly shared online, branded with “Rex Sabio” watermark. It is lower quality than newer scans.

Version 2.0 1992-02-24 (Sega Ozisoft) Mega-CD Bios Manual Sega Details on the MegaCD BIOS, and the various routines exposed by the BIOS to programs running on the MegaCD hardware.Alternate VersionsMega-CD Bios Manual — Ver 2.0 [1992-02-24] (The Code Monkeys)
High quality scan of the manual, branded with “The Code Monkeys” watermark. This was useful when the Rex Sabio scans were the only complete manual, but the Sega Ozisoft scans are better quality.

Mega-CD Bios Manual — Ver 2.0 [1992-02-24] (Rex Sabio)
The first scans of this document which were openly shared online, branded with “Rex Sabio” watermark. It is lower quality than newer scans.

  Sanyo LC7883 Datasheet Sanyo Datasheet for the Sanyo LC7883 D/A converter used in the MegaCD. This datasheet was included in the documentation pack sent to MegaCD developers, and was watermarked by Sega with the company name like other Sega documentation.Alternate VersionsSanyo LC7883 Datasheet — (The Code Monkeys)
High quality scan of the manual, branded with “The Code Monkeys” watermark.
  Sanyo LC8950 & LC8951 Design Manual Sanyo Critically important manual from Sanyo detailing the workings of the low-level LC8950 CD decoder chip, which is directly controlled by the MegaCD bios. With over 100 pages of content, this manual is unusually detailed and provides a thorough description of this device. Although developers creating games for the MegaCD would not have generally needed this level of detail at what was a lower level of the hardware, the information in this manual is extremely important for emulation purposes today.Alternate VersionsSanyo LC8950 & LC8951 Design Manual — (The Code Monkeys)
High quality scan of the manual, branded with “The Code Monkeys” watermark.

Sanyo LC8950 & LC8951 Design Manual — (NW Synergistic)
High quality scan of unknown origin, branded with “NW Synergistic” watermark. This scan is missing the title page and contents.

1993-01-12 (Sega Ozisoft) Mega-CD Software Supplement Materials Sega A lengthy document containing corrections and additions to information in the original software manuals, as well as additional information and guidance on a variety of issues. This manual was included in Mega-CD Technical Bulletin #3.
  MegaCD Technical Bulletins Sega These technical bulletins were issued by Sega of America to registered developers, giving information on a variety of matters related to MegaCD development.

Sega-CD Tech Bulletin — The US Bios — [1992-06-16] (Sega Ozisoft)
Sega-CD Tech Bulletin — PAL Conversions — [1993-02-09] (Sega Ozisoft)
Mega-CD Technical Bulletin #1 — Corrections and updates to MegaCD manual — [1992-12-08] (Sega Ozisoft)
Mega-CD Technical Bulletin #2 — Backup RAM — [1993-02-10] (Sega Ozisoft)
Mega-CD Technical Bulletin #3 — Mega-CD Software Supplement Materials — [1993-02-10] (Sega Ozisoft)
Mega-CD Technical Bulletin #4 — Sega-CD PCM sound chip playback frequency — [1993-03-15] (Sega Ozisoft)
Mega-CD Technical Bulletin #5 — Wait during VRAM READ & Super Target IC19 — [1993-04-05] (Sega Ozisoft)
Mega-CD Technical Bulletin #6 — Macintosh Sound Designer problems — [1993-04-21] (Sega Ozisoft)
Mega-CD Technical Bulletin #7 — New standards for Sega-CD ID table — [1993-06-08] (Sega Ozisoft)
Mega-CD Technical Bulletin #8 — Mega-CD II Changes — [1993-06-21] (Sega Ozisoft)
Mega-CD Technical Bulletin #9 — Non-US market games requirements — [1993-07-06] (Sega Ozisoft)
Sega-CD Technical Bulletin #16 (Missing) — Additional cd software development guidelines as well as updates to the CD-ROM Manual
Sega-CD Technical Bulletin #17 (Missing) — Contains info of sega approved write-once writers and discs
Sega-CD Technical Bulletin #18 (Missing) — Swapping PRG-RAM (program RAM) into the Genesis side by halting the SUB CPU the method is unsafe and unstable
Sega-CD Technical Bulletin #19 — Interupt level 5 — [1994-03-03] (Rex Sabio)
Sega-CD Technical Bulletin #20 — CD Writing Equipment and Software for Sega-CD — [1994-11-09] (Rex Sabio)
Cinepak Technical Bulletin #1 — Cinepak Version 1.2 — [1994-06-24] (Rex Sabio)
Cinepak Technical Bulletin #2 — Cinepak Long Movie Bug — [1994-07-01] (Rex Sabio)

Alternate VersionsSega-CD Tech Bulletin — The US Bios — [1992-06-16] (Rex Sabio)
Mega-CD Technical Bulletin #1 — Corrections and updates to MegaCD manual — [1992-12-14] (Rex Sabio)

   Date/Code                         Document                      Author Description
Version 1.0 1993-05 (The Code Monkeys) SNASM-CD Installation Manual Sega Hardware setup information for the original Cross Products SNASM-CD development system. The information here is for the original SNASM release, not the updated SNASM2 version. This manual is included here as it is released by Sega, but more detailed manuals on the SNASM2 version of the system are provided in the development hardware section.Alternate VersionsSNASM-CD Installation Manual — Ver 1.0 [1993-05] (The Code Monkeys) (Alt) — Another scan of the same manual, which is believed to have originated from the same company (The Code Monkeys). Despite the identical origins though, it is believed this was a separate physical copy.

Procedures, Standards, and Miscellaneous Documentation

   Date/Code                         Document                      Author Description
1992-05-06 (Sega Ozisoft) Sega-CD Software Standards Sega A set of guidelines and requirements which games needed to follow in order to be certified for release by Sega.Alternate VersionsSega-CD Software Standards — [1992-05-06] (The Code Monkeys)
High quality scan of the manual, branded with “The Code Monkeys” watermark.
1992-05-03 (Sega Ozisoft) Mega-CD User Interface Sega Initial design details of the MegaCD BIOS user interface for the US market.Alternate VersionsMega-CD User Interface — [1992-05-03] (The Code Monkeys)
High quality scan of the manual, branded with “The Code Monkeys” watermark.
1994-06-20 Mega CD/Sega CD Release/Checklist Forms (Missing) Sega Referenced in MegaCD Technical bulletin #20. These forms are known to exist and be in the possession of a collector, but have not yet been scanned or made available online.

32x Documentation

Overall System Documentation

      Date/Code                                  Document                            Author Description
MAR-10-032394 (Rex Sabio) Genesis Super 32X System Overview and Hardware Reference Sega  
MAR-25-R5_R6-060694 (Rex Sabio) 32X Hardware Information Sega  
MAR-32-R8-010995 (Elliot Gay) 32X Hardware Manual Sega The primary manual detailing the 32x hardware, and how to develop for it, with the Elliot Gay watermark. This document originates with “The Code Monkeys” Mega Drive documents, where Elliot Gay was a developer.Alternate Versions32X Hardware Manual — [MAR-32-R4-072294] (Rex Sabio) — Older version of the manual, with a “Rex Sabio” watermark. Note that technically this is a partial scan, as page 64 is slightly cut off. The Elliot Gay scanned version is a better version, but this document is useful to compare differences with the newer version of the manual.
MAR-32-R4-SP1-072694 (Elliot Gay) 32X Hardware Manual Supplement 1 Sega Alternate Versions32X Hardware Manual Supplement 1 — [MAR-32-R4-SP1-072694] (Rex Sabio)
The first scans of this document which were openly shared online, branded with “Rex Sabio” watermark. It is lower quality than newer scans.
MAR-32-R4-SP2-R2-092994 (Elliot Gay) 32X Hardware Manual Supplement 2 — Rev 2 Sega Alternate Versions32X Hardware Manual Supplement 2 — [MAR-32-R4-SP2-R1-072694] (Rex Sabio)
An earlier revision of this document, branded with “Rex Sabio” watermark.
MAR-32-R4-SP3-111894 (Elliot Gay) 32X Hardware Manual Attachment 3 Sega Note that despite the use of the word “Attachment” here rather than “Supplement”, the document IDs here indicate this is in fact the third in the set of supplements for the hardware manual, so there aren’t two missing documents here covering attachment 1 and 2.
MAR-41-R8-090694 (Elliot Gay) 32X Technical Information Sega This document contains a condensed summary of the contents of 32X Technical Bulletins 1-22.Alternate Versions32X Technical Information — [MAR-41-R8-090694] (Rex Sabio)
The first scans of this document which were openly shared online, branded with “Rex Sabio” watermark. It is lower quality than newer scans.
MAR-42-072694 (Elliot Gay) 32X Technical Information Attachment 1 Sega This follow-up to “32X Technical Information” expands on the detail covering the contents of 32X Technical Bulletin 6. The content included in this document is almost identical to 32X Technical Bulletin 6.Alternate Versions32X Technical Information Attachment 1 — [MAR-42-072694] (Rex Sabio)
The first scans of this document which were openly shared online, branded with “Rex Sabio” watermark. It is lower quality than newer scans.
  32X Technical Bulletins Sega These technical bulletins were issued by Sega of America to registered developers, giving information on a variety of matters related to 32x development. These particular versions are not scanned from physical documents, but are converted from Microsoft Word documents containing digital versions of the bulletins, which were included on the November 1995 DTS CD.

32X Technical Bulletin #1 — Using 32 Mbit SRAM board with 32X — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #2 — Using 16 Mbit SRAM board with 32X — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #3 — Using 32 Mbit ROM board with 32X — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #4 — 32X ICE reset — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #5 — 32X target box version 2.0 — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #6 — VRESET with RV bit equal to 1 — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #7 — RV bit value when using FRAM or SRAM — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #8 — Using 32 Mbit SRAM board with 32X — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #9 — 68K interrupts & RV bit = 1 — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #10 — Free run timer initialization — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #11 — MD Interface chip — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #12 — ROM & RV bit = 1 — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #13 — Precaution using CD — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #14 — VDP shift bit precaution — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #15 — 32X target box 2.0x limitations — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #16 — Corrective actions 32X target box 2.1 — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #17 — 32X Development Board Security — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #18 — 32X EPROM — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #19 — PWM registers — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #20 — Modification to improve PWM sound — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #21 — Differences between target box 2.0x and 3.0 — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #22 — Precaution on Z80 accessing PSG — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #23 — SH2 TAS Command Implementation — [1994-11-29]
32X Technical Bulletin #24 — Reading data off system address IO $A10001 — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #25 — EVA board jumper settings — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #26 — SDRAM on Development Board — [1994-09-23]
32X Technical Bulletin #27 — SH2 Interrupt Problems on the 32X — [1994-12-08]
32X Technical Bulletin #28 — 32X ID Data & Territory Lockout — [1994-11-29]
32X Technical Bulletin #29 — 32X Hardware Recognition Sample Code — [1994-12-08]
32X Technical Bulletin #30 — Changing SH2 Stack Pointers — [1994-12-08]
32X Technical Bulletin #31 — SYSREG Access Problem on the 32X Development Board — [1994-12-08]
32X Technical Bulletin #32 — SH2 Internal IO Register Access Cycles — [1994-12-08]
32X Technical Bulletin #33 — Use of backup RAM cartridges with 32X CD Software — [1994-12-08]

Alternate VersionsUnlike the digital versions above, these bulletins were scanned from physical copies. Despite the digital versions having an alternate layout, they’re preferred over the scans below as they’re much easier to work with. These scanned versions serve as a useful comparison where there is any question about the original layout or content of the bulletins however.
32X Technical Bulletin #1 — Using 32 Mbit SRAM board with 32X — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #2 — Using 16 Mbit SRAM board with 32X — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #3 — Using 32 Mbit ROM board with 32X — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #4 — 32X ICE reset — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #5 — 32X target box version 2.0 — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #6 — VRESET with RV bit equal to 1 — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #7 — RV bit value when using FRAM or SRAM — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #8 — Using 32 Mbit SRAM board with 32X — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #9 — 68K interrupts & RV bit = 1 — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #10 — Free run timer initialization — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #11 — MD Interface chip — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #12 — ROM & RV bit = 1 — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #13 — Precaution using CD — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #14 — VDP shift bit precaution — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #15 — 32X target box 2.0x limitations — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #16 — Corrective actions 32X target box 2.1 — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #17 — 32X Development Board Security — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #18 — 32X EPROM — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #19 — PWM registers — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #20 — Modification to improve PWM sound — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #21 — Differences between target box 2.0x and 3.0 — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #22 — Precaution on Z80 accessing PSG — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #23 — SH2 TAS Command Implementation — [1994-11-29] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #24 — Reading data off system address IO $A10001 — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #25 — EVA board jumper settings — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #26 — SDRAM on Development Board — [1994-09-23] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #27 — SH2 Interrupt Problems on the 32X — [1994-12-08] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #28 — 32X ID Data & Territory Lockout — [1994-11-29] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #29 — 32X Hardware Recognition Sample Code — [1994-12-08] (Elliot Gay)
32X Technical Bulletin #30 — Changing SH2 Stack Pointers — [1994-12-08] (Elliot Gay)

      Date/Code                                  Document                            Author Description
MAR-45-081594 (Elliot Gay) 32X Development Equipment and Materials Menu Sega Alternate Versions32X Development Equipment and Materials Menu — [MAR-45-081594] (Rex Sabio)
The first scans of this document which were openly shared online, branded with “Rex Sabio” watermark. It is lower quality than newer scans.
MAR-46-081594 (Rex Sabio) IC BD 32M SRAM + 256K BUP 32X 837-11068 User’s Manual Sega  
MAR-47-081594 (Rex Sabio) IC BD 4M 32 PIN * 8 EPROM 32X 837-11069 User’s Manual Sega  
MAR-48-081594 (Rex Sabio) IC BD 16M 42 PIN x 4 EPROM 32X 837-11070 User’s Manual Sega  
MAR-57-102894 (Sega Ozisoft) Mega Drive & 32X Address Checker Specification Sega  
      Date/Code                                  Document                            Author Description
MAR-40-072094 (Elliot Gay) 32X Sample Disk Sega Alternate Versions32X Sample Disk — [MAR-40-072094] (Rex Sabio)
The first scans of this document which were openly shared online, branded with “Rex Sabio” watermark. It is lower quality than newer scans.
MAR-61-A-040695 (Rex Sabio) 32X Sound Tool Package Sega  
MAR-61-B-040695 (Rex Sabio) Tone Editor 32X — Ver 1.00 Sega  
MAR-61-C-040695 (Rex Sabio) MIDI Converter — Ver 1.30 Sega  
MAR-61-D-040695 (Rex Sabio) 32X Sound Simulator — Ver 1.00 Sega  
MAR-61-F-040695 (Rex Sabio) PWM Driver — Ver 1.06 Sega  
MAR-61-E-040695 (Rex Sabio) 68000 Sound Driver — Ver 3.00 Sega  
MAR-63-090894 Map Editor 32X User’s Manual Sega Unlike most other 32X documents here, this document comes from a digital version rather than a scan of a physical copy, which was included in the combined “Saturn Graphics Tools Manual” in the March 1996 DTS CD, under “DOCUMENT\SATURN\GRAPHICS.PDF”.Alternate VersionsMap Editor 32X User’s Manual — [MAR-63-090894] (Elliot Gay) — A high quality scan of the manual. Since a digital version of the manual has been located, that is preferred over this version.

Service Manuals

      Date/Code                                        Document                                  Author Description
1992-08 Mega Drive Maintenance Manual — PAL-G (Germany) — Rev A Sega  
  Mega Drive Maintenance Manual — PAL-M (Brazil) (Partial) Sega This is a partial scan of a Brazilian Mega Drive service manual, containing only the block diagram and schematics. These images have been circulating on the internet for a long time, without much indication of their actual source, but the model of the Mega Drive referenced in the schematics, the presence of visible page numbers 19 and 20 on the schematics, and the use of Portuguese on the block diagram, indicate these images are in fact part of a Mega Drive service manual for Brazil.Alternate VersionsMega Drive Maintenance Manual — PAL-M (Brazil) — Block Diagram.png
Mega Drive Maintenance Manual — PAL-M (Brazil) — Schematic Page 1 of 2.png
Mega Drive Maintenance Manual — PAL-M (Brazil) — Schematic Page 2 of 2.png
1992-08 Mega-CD Maintenance Manual — Europe — Rev A Sega Alternate VersionsMega-CD Maintenance Manual — Europe — Rev A (1992-08) — Part 1 of 2 (A4) [PDF][TIFF]
Mega-CD Maintenance Manual — Europe — Rev A (1992-08) — Part 2 of 2 (A3) [PDF][TIFF]
001 (1993-06) Sega Service Manual — Genesis II & Mega Drive II (PAL-B&I&G, RGB) Sega Alternate VersionsSega Service Manual — Genesis II & Mega Drive II (PAL-B&I&G, RGB) — [001] (1993-06) — Part 1 of 2 (A4) [PDF][TIFF]
Sega Service Manual — Genesis II & Mega Drive II (PAL-B&I&G, RGB) — [001] (1993-06) — Part 2 of 2 (A3) [PDF][TIFF]
001-1 (1993-08) Sega Service Manual — Genesis II & Mega Drive II (PAL-B&I&G, RGB) — Supplement Sega Alternate VersionsSega Service Manual — Genesis II & Mega Drive II (PAL-B&I&G, RGB) — Supplement — [001-1] (1993-08).tif
001-2 (1993-12) Sega Service Manual — Genesis II & Mega Drive II (PAL-B&I&G, RGB) — Supplement Version 1 Sega Alternate VersionsSega Service Manual — Genesis II & Mega Drive II (PAL-B&I&G, RGB) — Supplement Version 1 — [001-2] (1993-12) — Part 1 of 2 (A4) [PDF][TIFF]
Sega Service Manual — Genesis II & Mega Drive II (PAL-B&I&G, RGB) — Supplement Version 1 — [001-2] (1993-12) — Part 2 of 2 (A3) [PDF][TIFF]
001-3 (1994-08) Sega Service Manual — Genesis II VA3 Sega  
002 (1993-08) Sega Service Manual — Sega CD II & Mega CD II Sega Alternate VersionsSega Service Manual — Sega CD II & Mega CD II — [002] (1993-08) — Part 1 of 2 (A4) [PDF][TIFF]
Sega Service Manual — Sega CD II & Mega CD II — [002] (1993-08) — Part 2 of 2 (A3) [PDF][TIFF]
002-2 (1994-06) Sega Service Manual — Sega CD II & Mega CD II — Supplement Sega Alternate VersionsSega Service Manual — Sega CD II & Mega CD II — Supplement — [002-2] (1994-06) — Part 1 of 2 (A4) [PDF][TIFF]
Sega Service Manual — Sega CD II & Mega CD II — Supplement — [002-2] (1994-06) — Part 2 of 2 (A3) [PDF][TIFF]
  Sega CD & Mega CD Supplementary Material   The author of this collection of documents is not clear. Parts of it certainly come from Sega, while other parts may have been added or appended from other sources. This document may in fact be a portion of another service manual or bulletin. This document was included in the same ebay auction in which the MegaCD service manuals “002” and “002-2” were sold.Alternate VersionsSega CD & Mega CD Supplementary Material.tif
010 (1994-04) Sega Service Manual — Genesis & Mega Drive PAL & Mega CD & Sega CD Sega Alternate VersionsSega Service Manual — Genesis & Mega Drive PAL & Mega CD & Sega CD — [010] (1994-04).tif
012 (1995-06) Sega Service Manual — Genesis 32X(VA0,VA1) & Mega Drive 32X Sega Alternate VersionsSega Service Manual — Genesis 32X(VA0,VA1) & Mega Drive 32X — [012] (1995-06) — Part 1 of 2 (A4) [PDF][TIFF]
Sega Service Manual — Genesis 32X(VA0,VA1) & Mega Drive 32X — [012] (1995-06) — Part 2 of 2 (A3) [PDF][TIFF]
008 (1994-12-13) Sega Service Bulletin #008 — Mega Drive 1 VA4 PAL Sega Alternate VersionsSega Service Bulletin #008 — Mega Drive 1 VA4 PAL — (1994-12-13).tif
011 (1995-03-16) Sega Service Bulletin #011 — Genesis 32X & MD 32X Sega Alternate VersionsSega Service Bulletin #011 — Genesis 32X & MD 32X — (1995-03-16).tif
012 (1995-03-28) Sega Service Bulletin #012 — MD 32X & MD 1 (VA4) Sega Alternate VersionsSega Service Bulletin #012 — MD 32X & MD 1 (VA4) — (1995-03-28).tif
014 (1995-04-12) Sega Service Bulletin #014 — 32X & MD1 (VA 6.0,6.5,6.8) Sega Alternate VersionsSega Service Bulletin #014 — 32X & MD1 (VA 6.0,6.5,6.8) — (1995-04-12).tif
  Product Specification — 6 Button Control Pad (MK1653-50) — 2nd Edition Sega  
  Product Specifications Document — 6 Button Control Stick (MK1627-50) Sega  
  Product Specifications Document — Master System Converter II (MK1621-50) Sega  
  Product Specifications Document — Sega Mouse (MK1638-50) Sega  
  Product Specifications Document — Sega Tap (MK1654) Sega  
20478 (1994-04) JVC X’Eye Service Manual (RG-M10BU) JVC  
34 (1994-07) JVC X’Eye Technical Manual (RG-M10BU) JVC  


  • ~ BEFORE USING THIS SERVICE MANUAL • This service manual includes the MEGA DRIVE II /GENESIS II Ver. 1 data. 1. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN Ver.O AND Ver.1 1-1. Schematic Diagram Ver.a 1c2 & 3 •ro VA •n AO 00 VA’ 9 ·~ VA ; .. 01 v . •2 02 . VAo 0 ., 03 VA’ ‘ .. D< •• DO VA 7 . •6 06 .: VAo 3 •7 07 v ‘» ,. .. VA .. AO V A» ,. AtO VA’

  • * Difference Table for Diagram — 1 CIRCUIT GENESIS II No. GRID MEGA DRIVE II TYPE-S TYPE-F TYPE-SM Cl A-I 20pF .. * 1 20pF *1 20pF * 1 NOT USED C4 A-3 47pF *2 47pF *2 47pF *2 NOT USED C9 D-6 NOT USED NOT USED NOT USED 47pF CIO C-5 NOT USED NOT USED NOT USED IOpF Cl5 i D-1 IK *3 IK *3 IK *3 NOT USED OSCI C-5 53.693 I 75MHz 53.203424MHz Notes: * 1 ·To be mounted when part No.315-5660-01 or 315-5708-01 is used for IC6. * 2: To be mounted when part No.315

  • llU © 1993 Sega Enterprises, Ltd Printed in Japan (/) 31201

  • IC7 315 — 0795 — 80 IC MSM54C864-80JS •Top View & Pin Layout 0 • Block Diagram LOE / RFSH UOE/ TEST1 COLUMN ADDRESS BUFFER LWR Dm—-+—0 v cc t.; r-i- ,’) UWR LWR Aio A11 A12 A14 UOEfTEST1 1 LOEIRFSH CE 11016 11015 11014 11013 11012 11010 1109 1 Vee.::;,_;. •) •Pin name Pin Name Function Ao-A14 Address input UWR /UWR Write enable LOE/RFSH,UOE Output enable/refresh input CE Chip enable input 1/01-11016 Data inp

  • llU SERVICE MANUAL GENESIS II I MEGA DRIVE II (PAL-B/l/G, RGB) NO. 001-2 ISSUED DECEMBER, 1993 SUPPLEMENT {Version 1) CONTENTS 1. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN Ver.0 AND Ver.l ·····························2 1-1. Schematic Diagram ·························································2 1-2. Diffemce Table and Parts List ············································3 2. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (Version 1) ···

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Welcome to our site, aims to be your one stop solution for all PDF files. In this post we have the Sega Mega Drive II Game Console Instructions manual in PDF. We made sure that the copy is the original version that came with the device. To get a lean file, we compressed it to 12.58 MB heavy, with around 76 pages. Because of that you’ll get much better loading times within our PDF viewer below, same if you want to download the file to your computer. If there are any mistakes in the document or we uploaded the wrong file, let us know in the comments below. We’ll change it asap.

Some of the manuals feature hyperlinks within Table of Contents, but you can always use the search function (Ctrl+F) to find your way around the file easier. Follow manufacturer’s guidelines closely, as these are put in place for a reason that might not be obvious at a first glance. Remember that you can capture a screenshot on whichever device you might be using. This will enable you to easily share specific information with your friends or show it to store clerk.

Download The Sega Mega Drive II Game Console User Manual Below:

Sega Mega Drive II Game Console Manual

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