Sewage treatment plant инструкция на русском

The following process is used:


once the sewage sludge has

been delivered from the sewage treatment plant, it is placed into a loading […]

bunker, which is an


enclosed unit to prevent unpleasant odours from escaping.

Этот процесс

протекает следующим образом. Поступающие с очистной станции шламы вначале попадают […]

в загрузочный бункер, который,


являясь закрытой емкостью, предотвращает распространение неприятных запахов.

This tender involved managing an investment project to build a central sewage treatment plant as well as managing the technical side of the city’s sewage network and sewage treatment plants.

Заказ включал в себя как инвестиционный менеджмент для строительства центральной очистной станции, так и техническое управление эксплуатацией городских канализационных трубопроводов и очистных станций.

The description of production: Heat meters, heat regulators, calibration flow installation, automated control systems and energy accounting, boilers, water meters and mini-TES, potable water treatment plant, plant biological and chemical treatment of domestic and industrial sewage,


biogas plants, processing units and

machinery for pumping and filtration stations and sewage treatment plants, sewage pumping stations.

Описание выпускаемой продукции: Теплосчетчики, регуляторы тепловой энергии, поверочные расходомерные установки, автоматизированные системы контроля и учета энергоресурсов, котельные, водосчетчики, мини-ТЭС, станции подготовки питьевой воды, станции биологической и химической очистки бытовых и производственных стоков, биогазовые


установки, технологические

узлы, машины и механизмы для насосно-фильтровальных станций и станций очистных сооружений, […]

канализационные насосные станции.

As a result of

putting the central sewage treatment plant into operation, […]

Rostock has been removed from HELCOM’s list of “Hot Spots“.


вводу в эксплуатацию Центральных очистных сооружений […]

ганзейский город Росток вычеркнут из списка «горячих точек»


ХЕЛКОМ (мест чрезвычайного загрязнения).

Franchising term of Longquanyi Ping’an Sewage Treatment Plant BOT Project is 25 years (including construction period and franchising period). The project includes Ping’an Sewage Treatment Plant with daily processing capacity of 20,000 m3 (public part: 40,000 m3 / day) and also supporting network and roads.

Срок особого разрешения на осуществление деятельности по обьекту BOT завода по обработке сточных вод Пин Ань города Чэн Ду составяет 25 лет (включает срок строительства и срок особого разрешения на осуществление деятельности), в обьект входит: завод по обработке сточных вод Пин Ань со способностью обработки сточных вод первой очереди […]

20000 m3/день(общественная часть по 40000m3/день)и комплектованная трубопроводная сеть, дорога.

They divert separated water to a sewage treatment plant (STP) and discharge treated waters to the sewerage system.

Они отводят отделенную воду на канализационное очистное сооружение (КОС) и сбрасывают очищенную воду в систему канализации.

By building its own combined heat and power plant (CHP) in 2009, EURAWASSER


Nord now produces approx. 65

percent of the central sewage treatment plants electricity requirements […]

itself helping to reduce


its dependency on the electricity market.

Благодаря строительству собственной блочной теплоэлектростанции (BHKw) в 2009 г. EuRAwASSER Nord удалось добиться независимости


от рынка электроэнергии в размере

около 65 процентов общей потребности Центральных очистных сооружений в […]


Water samples taken from the cooling water drains leading to


the Nokianvirta river, as well as from the

waste water taken to the sewage treatment plant were analysed in autumn 2006.

Осенью 2006 г. были проанализированы образцы воды для охлаждения,

спускаемой в реку Нокианвирта, и воды, поступающей на очистную станцию.

Untreated organic

wastes were accidentally discharged into a river from a sewage treatment plant.

В результате аварии произошла

утечка в реку необработанных органических отходов с завода по переработке сточных вод.

Besides the sewage treatment plant, which has been operated by REMONDIS since 2007, this solar sewage sludge drying facility […]

is yet another major project to be implemented in Fethiye.

Наряду с очистной станцией, которую REMONDIS запустила в эксплуатацию в 2007 году, установка осушения очистных шламов, […]

работающая на солнечной энергии,


представляет собой еще один крупный проект в Фетийе.

The waste

water treatment plant Zdroje is the smaller of the two sewage treatment plants in Szczecin.

Станция очистки сточных вод «Здрое» в г. Щецине является меньшей из двух.

Another challenge was the deadline. In

parallel to the modernisation of the sewage treatment plant, the town of Villach was implementing […]

a local heating


supply system which had a contractually-agreed start date.

Другой проблемой

оказались сроки. параллельно с модернизацией очистных сооружений в Филлахе создавалась система […]

локального теплоснабжения


с фиксированным сроком ввода.

Approximately 80 million cubic litres of untreated sewage was released daily into the sea, primarily as a result of the blockade which prevented entry for


materials necessary to

repair, upgrade and maintain sewage treatment plants as well as the fuel necessary […]

to operate them.

Ежедневно в море сбрасывается примерно 80 миллионов литров неочищенных сточных вод, в основном по причине


блокады, запрещающей

ввоз материалов для ремонта, наладки и технического обеспечения водоочистных […]

сооружений, а также топлива,


необходимого для обеспечения их работы.

Examples of specific initiatives planned for 2012/13 are provided in table 12 of the overview report (A/66/679) and range


from the development of a waste management programme in UNSOA to the

establishment of a sewage treatment plant in UNMIK.

Примеры конкретных инициатив, планируемых на 2012/13 год, приведены в таблице 12 обзорного доклада (A/66/679) и представлены широким


кругом мероприятий: от разработки программы сбора и

удаления отходов в ЮНСОА до создания станции очистки […]

сточных вод в МООНК.

The aim of build

of the Central Sewage Treatment Plant was to ensure the sewage treatment on […]

the degree demanded in the


regulations, with the loading of the plant of about 42 500 RLM and with the Capacity for dry weather of 4 512 m3/d.

Целью строительства Центрального Очистного Сооружения было обеспечение очищения […]

стоков на уровне, согласно действующих норм


при нагрузке около 42 500 RLM и при обеспечении пропускной способности для сухой погоды в размере 4 512 м3/сутки.

Therefore, a lower transmission rate has to be

selected for a sewage treatment plant with long distances […]

than for applications where field devices are very close.

Таким образом, к примеру, следует выбирать

меньшую скорость передачи для станции переработки водных […]

отходов, где расстояния между устройствами


велики, в отличие от объектов, где устройства расположены ближе друг к другу.

So far EURAWASSER has invested over one million euros in research work and this has proven to be profitable: numerous research results from the pilot sewage treatment plant have been put into practice that have led to reduced electricity consumption and a more efficient use of materials at the central sewage treatment plant.

Произведенные до сих пор инвестиции EuRAwASSER в научные исследования объемом свыше 1 млн. евро оправдали себя. Так, были практически реализованы полученные на пилотной очистной станции многочисленные результаты научных исследований, которые привели к сокращению расхода электроэнергии и более эффективному использованию технического оборудования на Центральных очистных сооружениях.

Due to the proximity of residential houses of town


Kubinka, Moscow region

from the building site of sewage treatment plants and the necessity to expand […]

the park area, project


of works reconstruction has been developed by RSRI APS technology. Existing installations and works will be reconstructed into closed, environmentally friendly sewage treatment facilities with capacity of 7000 m3/day.

В связи с близким


расположением жилых домов г.

Кубинка Московской области от площадки построенных канализационных очистных сооружений […]

и необходимостью


расширения парковой зоны разработан проект реконструкции сооружений по технологии РНИИ КХ в закрытые, экологически чистые очистные сооружения производительностью 7000м3/сут.

Sectors: Energy consumption in private households, agriculture, industry, energy (energy and district heating production at the local level) and service sector, the municipal buildings, the public lighting and the municipal infrastructure (municipal waste management, sewage treatment plants), passenger and freight transport for the modes: road, rail, shipping and aviation.

Секторы: Потребление энергии частными хозяйствами, сельское хозяйство, промышленность, энергетика (выработка энергии и теплоснабжение на местном уровне), сфера услуг, муниципальные здания, освещение общественных мест и муниципальная инфраструктура бор, утилизация и переработка отходов на муниципальном уровне, установки по переработке отходов), пассажирские и грузовые перевозки со следующей разбивкой: дорожный транспорт, железнодорожный транспорт, судоходство и авиация.

The sewage treatment plant in the southwest of the city, which was […]

opened in September, processes the waste water of about


700,000 people, which had was previously dumped straight into the sea with no treatment at all.

Завод по очистке сточных вод на юго-западе города, который был открыт […]

в сентябре, обрабатывает сточные воды районов города,


где проживает, приблизительно 700 000 человек, ранее сточные воды сбрасывались прямо в море без какой-либо очистки вообще.

In the city of fujairah and its northern suburbs, the sewerage system has been extended by 170 km of sewers of size from Dn 200 to Dn 700, 34 km pressure sewer mains from Dn 125 to


Dn 600, 27 pumping

stations and a sewage treatment plant. for this project, to be let on a Build-Own-transfer (BOt) basis, fichtner prepared the feasibility study, preliminary planning, layout engineering and the environmental impact analysis. further, fichtner assisted in awarding the concession agreement for a period of 30 years, as well as in contract award to a general contractor and operator. fichtner also supervised construction. new sewage treatment plant for Managua, nicaragua as part of a program to protect Lake Managua and to upgrade sanitation in the capital of nicaragua, a sewage treatment plant with a capacity […]

for 1.1 million inhabitants,


or 1.4 million population equivalent, was constructed.

BOT проект санитарии фуджара, объединенные арабские Эмираты канализационная система г. фуджара и его северных пригородов была расширена посредством строительства 170 км канализационного трубопровода диаметром от DN 200 до DN 700, 34 км нагнетательного канализационного трубопровода диаметром от DN 125 до DN 600, 27 насосных станций и очистной станции сточных вод. для данного проекта, предусмотренного на основе Build-Own-Transfer (BOT), нами было разработано тЭо, выполнены проектные работы, инжиниринг и оВос.

One control system of type ILC is installed

directly in the sewage treatment plant and another is […]

installed in a remote pumping station,


which is connected to the control room via an analog telephone line.

Одно устройство управления типа ILC было установлено

непосредственно на очистной станции, другое — на […]

децентрализованной насосной станции,


которая по аналоговой телефонной линии была связана с диспетчерской.

What began as cooperation work to fulfil an official task – the


scientific monitoring of the activities

at the central sewage treatment plant in Rostock – […]

has developed into something extremely successful.

То, что начиналось как выполнение


государственной задачи – научное сопровождение

работ на Центральных очистных сооружениях г. Ростока […]

– было к сегодняшнему дню весьма


успешно усовершенствовано.

Policy changes: 1974 Greatly increased discharge of treated sewage, 1984 experimentally


increased phosphorus load during one year, 1997

introduction of enhanced nitrogen removal (c.85%) in Sewage treatment plant, 1997-2005 temporary use of an Adaptive Management approach for running the sewage treatment plant, from 2004 implementation of the Water Framework […]


Изменения политики: 1974 — значительно увеличившийся сброс переработанных сточных вод, 1984 — экспериментально увеличенная нагрузка фосфора


в течение одного года, 1997 —

представление процедуры увеличенного удаления азота (85 %) на станции очистки сточных вод, 1997-2005 — временное использование подхода гибкого управления с целью управления станцией очистки сточных вод, с 2004 — выполнение Рамочной […]

водной директивы.

Municipal sewage treatment plants in the Lower Silesia […]

Voivodship in 2004 covered 73,9% (67.1% in 1999) of all population,


whereas this number was clearly lower in the country (only 59.0%.) They differ from technical and technological point of view, which in consequence gives a different degree of sewage treatment.

Коммунальное очищение стоков в Нижнесилезском воеводстве […]

в 2004 году охватывало 73,9% (в 1999 году – 67,1%) населения, в


то время как по стране значительно меньше (только 59,0%). Очистительные сооружения отличаются как в техническом, так и в технологическом отношении, что дает различные результаты в степени очищания стоков.

While the high costs of the construction and

maintenance of modern sewage-treatment plants are an important […]

constraint, it should be noted


that cheaper biological treatment methods exist that are especially suited to tropical climates.

Хотя высокая стоимость строительства и

технического обслуживания современных заводов по обработке мусора […]

является серьезным сдерживающим


фактором, следует отметить, что существуют более дешевые методы биологической обработки, которые особенно подходят для тропического климата.

To do a better job of addressing the tasks outlined above, measures will be undertaken to restore and rebuild the reservoir for the daily regulation of water levels; to protect public health zones; to restore and rebuild the heating and water supply networks, interior plumbing systems and the water supply systems of


towns, district centres

and rural localities; to restore and rebuild sewage treatment plants; to build treatment facilities; and to improve […]

sanitation and hygiene conditions.

Для улучшения работы по решения отмеченных выше задач, будут предприняты меры по реконструкции и модернизации водохранилища для ежедневного регулирования уровня воды; защите общественных зон здоровья; реконструкции и модернизации отопительной и водопроводной сети, внутренней


водопроводной системы и

системы водоснабжения в городах, районных центрах и сельской местности; реконструкции и модернизации канализационных […]

очистных сооружений; строительству


очистных сооружений; и улучшению санитарногигиенических условий.

For example, construction

of the North Gaza Emergency Sewage Treatment Plant has been slowed by the shortage […]

of critical materials.

Так, например,

строительство станции экстренной очистки канализационных стоков в северной части Газы […]

затянулось из-за нехватки


самых необходимых материалов.

The focus of work has seen a major shift to integrated construction work at the Force Logistics Base, including the construction of 4 hard-wall buildings, the implementation of a three-year replacement plan involving dismantling/demolishing work and the construction of


necessary replacements, and the

installation of sewage treatment plants in both old and […]

new areas of Force headquarters.

В настоящее время акцент в работе в значительной степени сместился на проведение комплексных строительных работ на Базе материально-технического снабжения Сил, в том числе на строительство 4 капитальных зданий; осуществление трехлетнего плана замены,


предусматривающего демонтаж/снос

объектов и строительство вместо них новых; а также монтаж […]

очистных сооружений в старом и новом


районах размещения штаба Сил.

State-of-the-art technology for wastewater treatment The centrepiece of the investment was the modernisation and extension work carried out on the central sewage treatment plant in Rostock in 1994/1995. 85 million euros was spent on extending the 1st and 2nd biological treatment stage as well as on building a complex sewage sludge treatment plant.

современнейшая техника для очистки сточных вод Основным направлением инвестиций были модернизация и расширение Центральных очистных сооружений Ростока в 1994-1995 гг. На сумму 85 млн. евро было произведено расширение установки 1 и 2 ступенями биологической очистки, а также строительство комплекса по переработке осадков сточных вод.


  1. Главная
  2. Статьи на английском
  3. Engine Room
  4. Sewage Treatment Plant- Starting, stopping

As mentioned earlier, every machinery system on the ship requires a proper procedure to be followed for starting and stopping and failure to follow this step-by-step procedure will lead to either failure in starting or stopping the machine or to some other fault.

Sewage treatment plant is one of such equipment in the ship’s engine room that requires a step-by-step procedure during starting and stopping.


Sewage Treatment Plant

Generally, the sewage plant is running all the time while the ship is sailing. However, the plant might be required to be started manually if it is newly installed.

This is because the new plant needs to be stopped at regular intervals of time for improving its performance and maintenance procedures.

Following are the points that need to be followed for starting a sewage treatment plant:

  • Make sure if any maintenance is carried out on the sewage treatment system and all the openings have been closed properly before starting
  • The sewage plant is be filled with fresh water inside the chamber
  • At this stage, there are no aerobic bacteria inside the chamber, but the sewage would have started coming to the plant. In order to increase the efficiency and starting rate of the plant, a bio-pacis added to the plant by flushing the amount specified in the manual
  • This bio-pacis mixed with warm water, which helps in the growth of bacteria and also in efficient functioning of the plant
  • If the bio-pacis not added, the plant might take up to 5 to 7 days to become completely functional. However, with the bio-pacit becomes functional within 24 hours
  • Start the air compressor or open the air valve as per the design of the plant. The pressure is maintained as per the manual. Generally 0.3-0.4 bars
  • Open the sewage overboard valve and close the holding tank valve when the ship is out of restricted waters
  • The plant is to be continuously monitored and checked for the flow through the transparent plastic tubes
  • Asample is taken for checking for suspended solids and chlorine content
  • The test must be performed every week to check the performance of the system
  • Some STPs are provided with 7 bar air line with solenoid valve in case the blower has to be stopped

S.T.P Pumps

“Do not turn off the power source of the aeration blower under any circumstances. If this happens, the micro-organism will die and thereby reduce the overall effectiveness of the device.”


  • Stopping of the sewage treatment plant is generally done either before entering the dry dock or in case some maintenance has to be carried out inside the treatment plant
  • For stopping the system, close the inlet valve to the sewage plant, then close the overboard valve and let the sewage go overboard
  • Empty all the three chambers of the plant i.e. aeration, settling and chlorination chambers
  • If the chambers are not emptied, it will lead to growth of anaerobic bacteria which forms the toxic H2S gas
  • If entry has to be made inside the tank, the later should be checked for hydrogen sulphidegas H2S with the help of a dragortube by taking a continuous sample from the plant
  • Entry needs to be made wearing mask and rubber gloves
  • In case the ship is going to the dry dock, the overboard should be connected to the shore reception facilities


The Ultimate Guide to Operating Procedures of Engine Room Machinery. Anish Wankhede [2014]


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Популярные теги

While the vast majority of the UK’s population relies on the main sewage system to discharge waste away from properties, it’s estimated that around 5% of houses and dwellings need to depend on off-mains solutions due to their rural location. There are a number of available options for such situations, including a septic tank, cesspool or domestic sewage treatment plant, however the latter is usually the most viable and more widely preferred choice.

Despite being the most effective solution, there are still numerous factors you should consider before you choose to install a domestic sewage treatment plant, so in this article we provide a brief overview of how they work, as well as some of the key actions and decisions that you will need to make before you proceed.

Key Takeaways:

  • Domestic sewage treatment plants are a common choice for rural properties that are not connected to main sewage systems.
  • Domestic sewage treatment plants work by cleaning sewage waste through sedimentation, aeration, and decontamination processes.
  • Waste water treatment plants in the UK must be EN 12566-3 2005 certified, and building regulations and planning permission may be required for installation.
  • Maintenance and servicing of domestic sewage treatment plants is important to ensure they function properly and meet environmental regulations.

Treatment Plant Advantages

One of the main reasons why domestic sewage treatment plants tend to be the more popular choice is because even though septic tanks are fairly low maintenance and usually less expensive, they can only be installed alongside a soakaway system. This is because current legislation dictates that septic tanks should not be discharged into a natural water source due to pollution and environmental damage, so as a result, septic tanks are unusable in areas where the ground isn’t porous enough to accommodate a soakaway system.

In addition to meeting environmental regulations, domestic sewage treatment plants also tend to be cheaper to run over a longer time frame, even though the initial outlay costs may be higher – this is because they generally only need to be emptied on an annual basis as they collect a very low level of sludge thanks to the treatment process itself, whereas other sewage systems need to be emptied more frequently which can quickly build up running costs. Treatment plants are also the most eco-friendly solution for dealing with sewage waste within a rural setting as they don’t omit ammonia – which can be harmful to wildlife and the surrounding natural habitat – and the resulting non-polluting effluent discharged by sewage treatment plants is usually around 95% clean. 

How Treatment Plants Work

image of sewage-treatment-plant

Generally, the sewage plant is running all the time while the ship is sailing. However, the plant might be required to be started manually if it is newly installed.

This is because the new plant needs to be stopped at regular intervals of time for improving its performance and maintenance procedures.

Following are the points that need to be followed for starting a sewage treatment plant:

  • Make sure if any maintenance is carried out on the sewage treatment system and all the openings have been closed properly before starting
  • The sewage plant is be filled with fresh water inside the chamber
  • At this stage, there are no aerobic bacteria inside the chamber, but the sewage would have started coming to the plant. In order to increase the efficiency and starting rate of the plant, a bio-pacis added to the plant by flushing the amount specified in the manual
  • This bio-pacis mixed with warm water, which helps in the growth of bacteria and also in efficient functioning of the plant
  • If the bio-pacis not added, the plant might take up to 5 to 7 days to become completely functional. However, with the bio-pacit becomes functional within 24 hours
  • Start the air compressor or open the air valve as per the design of the plant. The pressure is maintained as per the manual. Generally 0.3-0.4 bars
  • Open the sewage overboard valve and close the holding tank valve when the ship is out of restricted waters
  • The plant is to be continuously monitored and checked for the flow through the transparent plastic tubes
  • Asample is taken for checking for suspended solids and chlorine content
  • The test must be performed every week to check the performance of the system
  • Some STPs are provided with 7 bar air line with solenoid valve in case the blower has to be stopped

S.T.P Pumps

“Do not turn off the power source of the aeration blower under any circumstances. If this happens, the micro-organism will die and thereby reduce the overall effectiveness of the device.”


  • Stopping of the sewage treatment plant is generally done either before entering the dry dock or in case some maintenance has to be carried out inside the treatment plant
  • For stopping the system, close the inlet valve to the sewage plant, then close the overboard valve and let the sewage go overboard
  • Empty all the three chambers of the plant i.e. aeration, settling and chlorination chambers
  • If the chambers are not emptied, it will lead to growth of anaerobic bacteria which forms the toxic H2S gas
  • If entry has to be made inside the tank, the later should be checked for hydrogen sulphidegas H2S with the help of a dragortube by taking a continuous sample from the plant
  • Entry needs to be made wearing mask and rubber gloves
  • In case the ship is going to the dry dock, the overboard should be connected to the shore reception facilities


The Ultimate Guide to Operating Procedures of Engine Room Machinery. Anish Wankhede [2014]


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While the vast majority of the UK’s population relies on the main sewage system to discharge waste away from properties, it’s estimated that around 5% of houses and dwellings need to depend on off-mains solutions due to their rural location. There are a number of available options for such situations, including a septic tank, cesspool or domestic sewage treatment plant, however the latter is usually the most viable and more widely preferred choice.

Despite being the most effective solution, there are still numerous factors you should consider before you choose to install a domestic sewage treatment plant, so in this article we provide a brief overview of how they work, as well as some of the key actions and decisions that you will need to make before you proceed.

Key Takeaways:

  • Domestic sewage treatment plants are a common choice for rural properties that are not connected to main sewage systems.
  • Domestic sewage treatment plants work by cleaning sewage waste through sedimentation, aeration, and decontamination processes.
  • Waste water treatment plants in the UK must be EN 12566-3 2005 certified, and building regulations and planning permission may be required for installation.
  • Maintenance and servicing of domestic sewage treatment plants is important to ensure they function properly and meet environmental regulations.

Treatment Plant Advantages

One of the main reasons why domestic sewage treatment plants tend to be the more popular choice is because even though septic tanks are fairly low maintenance and usually less expensive, they can only be installed alongside a soakaway system. This is because current legislation dictates that septic tanks should not be discharged into a natural water source due to pollution and environmental damage, so as a result, septic tanks are unusable in areas where the ground isn’t porous enough to accommodate a soakaway system.

In addition to meeting environmental regulations, domestic sewage treatment plants also tend to be cheaper to run over a longer time frame, even though the initial outlay costs may be higher – this is because they generally only need to be emptied on an annual basis as they collect a very low level of sludge thanks to the treatment process itself, whereas other sewage systems need to be emptied more frequently which can quickly build up running costs. Treatment plants are also the most eco-friendly solution for dealing with sewage waste within a rural setting as they don’t omit ammonia – which can be harmful to wildlife and the surrounding natural habitat – and the resulting non-polluting effluent discharged by sewage treatment plants is usually around 95% clean. 

How Treatment Plants Work

image of sewage-treatment-plant

While septic tanks and cesspools are used to collect and store sewage waste until it can be emptied during a routine service, sewage treatment plants actually clean it, hence the name, so it can be discharged without causing pollution or damaging the surrounding area. They do this across three main treatment stages, which begins with sedimentation in the first chamber within the plant, which is where gravity is used so that liquid waste floats to the top and is then separated from the solid waste by clarification machines. The remaining sludge – which is the industry term generally used to describe solid waste – is then stored until the treatment plant is professionally serviced and the solids are taken away for disposal, while the liquids are moved along to the plant’s aeration chambers.

The aeration stage involves compressed air being fed into the chamber via an electricity-powered pump (or multiple pumps in some cases), which lifts the oxygen content level of the liquid waste. This facilitates the growth of useful bacteria, which works to disinfect the liquid waste. Once the waste water is decontaminated and the bacteria has settled, the bacteria is moved to the first chamber for later removal while the treated waste water is ready for discharge into either a local natural water source such as a river or stream, or an installed soakaway system.

Regulations and Permits

There are several regulations that you should be aware of when looking to install any type of sewage treatment facility, as it is likely that you will need some level of consent before you proceed. In the UK, all waste water treatment plants must be EN 12566-3 2005 certified, and it is your responsibility to ensure this is the case whether you have bought a property that already includes a domestic sewage treatment plant, or you’re looking to install a new one. You will also need to ensure that you have the necessary planning permission to carry out an installation – if the plant is part of a new build it’s possible that it will already be covered, however other permits may be needed so it’s always worth checking with your local authority. If you are planning on discharging waste water into natural waste sources, it’s highly likely that you’ll also need a permit from the Environment Agency. 

You can find a wealth of information about the general binding rules for small sewage treatment plants – which are also sometimes known as package treatment plants – via the Government’s website. The Government’s documentation also clarifies how some of the regulations vary between England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Appropriate Sizing

There are different sizes of sewage treatment systems available depending on the domestic requirements, so it is important that you choose the right size for the job. As well as considering the size of the home or property that waste water will be sent from, you should also approximate the number of people who’ll be making use of the domestic facilities, which can include toilets, sinks, baths, and showers. In general, for a single property with no more than three bedrooms, you should allow for a minimum populace of five people, and for homes with more than three bedrooms, you should start with a base of five people and add an extra person for each additional bedroom – this same calculation can also be applied where there is a group of two buildings.

For larger groups of up to 25 people, the calculation alters and it’s recommended that the number of occupants or facility users should instead be multiplied by 0.9 to give you the final total, and where there are between 26 and 50 people, this should be adjusted to 0.8.

For commercial settings such as offices or factories, it’s usually advised that you look to install a system that can accommodate the waste based on around a third of the workforce size. This is because employees are expected to use waste-creating facilities much less than residents, however, you should always seek the advice of your specific supplier or plant manufacturer before you commit to a purchase.

For commercial properties you should also check that the waste being produced can be classified as domestic, as according to the Environment Agency this excludes effluent from chemical toilets, launderettes, commercial cooking facilities, and municipal or commercial swimming pools. You can find further information on this via the Government’s website.

Choosing the Ideal Location

Once you are confident that you know what size your domestic sewage plant needs to be, you will need to plan its location. Building regulations stipulate that any kind of sewage treatment units must be more than seven metres away from the foundations of any properties or holiday homes, and at least ten metres away from a watercourse. Although the everyday odours from a waste treatment solution aren’t usually extremely pungent, the smell is definitely a factor during the emptying process and as with any system that is powered by electricity, they also generate a fairly faint but constant noise, so it is recommended that you keep those points in mind when deciding on a location. You should also consider plant accessibility so it can be easily emptied when needed, and where possible, positioning a plant downhill from the waste sources can help to utilise gravity and boost the efficiency of the sewage effluent treatment process.

Equipment Requirements

As well as calculating what size of waste water treatment plant you are going to need, you will also need to assess how many sewage pump stations the system will require, the outfall of the treatment plant, and the depth of the underground drainage pipes required. In addition, you’ll need to make sure that an electricity source is available.

System Installation

Domestic sewage treatment plants should only be installed by experienced professionals largely because any errors can cause harm to residents, properties, wildlife and the surrounding environment. The job also involves several necessary steps, including testing the surrounding soil, calculating the amount of pipework that will be needed, connecting the sewage treatment system to a power supply, and excavating a sizable area of land for the system to be installed into. 

Why does nutrient neutrality matter?

Nutrient neutrality is essentially something that is reached when a certain development or projects with areas of vulnerable watercourses does not lead to an increase in phosphate and nitrate levels. Excess phosphates and nitrates can lead to oxygen levels for fish and other aquatic life to be minimised which is not good. So why does this all matter? Well this is another reason as to why we stress the importance to follow all the necessary installation guidelines of sewage treatment plants, because if not there can be environmental damage caused which in some cases is illegal.

Ongoing Maintenance

Once your domestic sewage treatment plant is in place, it needs to be carefully maintained to ensure that it continues to function as required. Although you should check the guidance provided by the manufacturer of the system, it is generally advised that wastewater treatment plants are serviced at least once every year – this usually involves removing the solid waste so it can be properly disposed of off-site, as well as checking that the right level of microorganisms are present within the system to ensure that the liquid waste that’s being discharged is adequately treated.

It is also necessary to ensure that any wastewater treatment systems are properly protected from rainwater and sufficiently sealed throughout. Although a little rain may seem relatively harmless, any additional sources of water being added to a treatment system are likely to disrupt the bacteria growth and decontamination process, which compromises the system and means you could be unwittingly polluting the environment with contaminated waste. In some cases, rainwater could also cause your tanks to flood which can be an unpleasant issue to deal with.

Finally, you need to ensure that your treatment plant is being properly used for its intended purpose, which means ensuring that items that will cause blockages are not being carelessly flushed away within the corresponding household or building. This includes bulky items such as nappies, baby wipes, and sanitary products, as well as food waste, which are all common causes of blockages within any type of drainage pipe system and should be disposed of via an alternative method. It is also recommended that you avoid using antibacterial cleaning products because, by design, the chemicals that they contain will likely offset the balance of bacteria within the sewage treatment system and impact how effectively it treats waste before discharging it.

Market-Leading Products

At EasyMerchant we stock domestic sewage treatment plants produced by some of the world’s most reliable manufacturers, including Harlequin, which offers a HydroClear plant that removes over 96% of pollutants from waste water, making it a market-leading product. We also sell sturdy septic tank systems if you are looking for an alternative solution, as well as septic tank treatment which contains natural biological enzymes.

If you’re unsure which solution is right for you and you’d like some expert recommendations, our Customer Service team is on hand to answer any questions you may have – for further information about any of the products or treatment plant models that we offer, just give us a call.

Shop Sewage Treatments: 


Treatment Plants the basics

In this chapter, we’re going to cover the basics of sewage treatment plant.

(Including what it is, how it works and the different stages of sewage treatment plant)

First, what is a Sewage Treatment Plant?

The waste produced from residential properties, factories and industrial firms and other commercial establishments is called Sewage.

This sewage has to be treated before it mixes with any water body to remove contaminants, which otherwise potentially pollutes the entire water body. This is the purpose of a Sewage Treatment Plant.

A Sewage Treatment Plant treats the sewage from the establishment so that it is suitable to be released into the soil or to any water body.

So, how exactly does a Sewage Treatment Plant work?

There are three stages in a Sewage Treatment Plant.

  • Primary Treatment
  • Secondary Treatment
  • Final Treatment

Primary Treatment

The wastewater and sewage from residential properties and industrial establishments enter the Primary Chamber of the Sewage Treatment Plant.

In this phase, the solid substances from the wastewater and sewage settle down at the bottom of the Primary Tank while all the liquid stays at the top. The scum, grease and oil from the water moves to the surface.

This settled solid is known as sludge.

The liquid from the primary chamber moves the biozone chamber for further treatment.

Secondary Treatment

Once the solids settle down, the liquid from the primary chamber moves to the secondary chamber where an air pump is used. This pump is used to circulate air around the entire chamber resulting in the growth of aerobic bacteria which helps to get rid of the pollutants or impurities in the water.

Some treatment plants use an air blower to mechanically add oxygen to the water. The air bubbles are blown up through the water using the blower which helps the bacteria to feed and hence speed up the treatment process.

Final Treatment

The liquid from the second chamber moves to a settlement tank in this phase. This final chamber is known as the humus chamber.

The final solids or impurities that are present in the liquid after the above treatments settle down at the bottom of the tank in this stage, making the water fit to be discharged to a water body subject to the consent of the Environment Agency.

Types of Sewage Treatment Plants

There are different types of Sewage Treatment Plants available. They can be classified into the following.

  • Rotating disc system
  • Sequence Batch Reactor
  • Non-electric filter
  • Activated Sludge Process
  • Submerged Aerated Filter
  • Septic Tanks and drainage fields

Let’s understand them in more detail.

Rotating Disc System

Homes where an off-mains system is required will make use of the Rotating Disc System or the Rotating Biological Contractor(RBC).

These systems consist of one big media disc inside the tank called the ‘biodisc’ where the bacteria lives.

Similar to the process we saw above, the wastewater and sewage from industrial establishments and residential properties enter the primary settlement tank where the solids settle down at the bottom.

The remaining liquid flows to the ‘biodisc’ which is where the bacteria lives and helps in getting rid of the contaminants.

The solids move back to the primary chamber while the liquid flows into another ‘biodisc’ for the next round of treatment.

After this round of treatment, the liquid is discharged from the tank.


Klargester Biodisc Sewage Treatment System | Kingspan | Great Britain


This system has been in use since many years
Most builders and installers prefer this system


Maintenance cost is high

Sewage Treatment Plant

Sequence Batch Reactor

Sequence Batch Reactors involve treatment using natural bacteria and oxygen which are fed into the tank using air diffusers and these are well-known for their high quality effluent level.

The wastewater from the establishments move to a primary chamber where solid contaminants settle down. The water then moves to the secondary chamber for further treatment and depending on the system type installed, it is mostly done via an airlift.

The air diffusers aerate the wastewater by supplying oxygen to the bacteria that will help get rid of the pollutants and also help in breaking down solids. This aeration phase is followed by a resting phase, where air diffusers stop and the solids start to settle down at the bottom of the tank.

After the resting phase the effluent is discharged out of the tank and based on the system type, the sludge or solids that have settled down at the bottom of the secondary chamber moves back to the primary chamber using another airlift.

A control panel and a compressor controls the operation of this system. These need to be situated near the tank.

SBR Wastewater Treatment System I Septic Tank Upgrade | Biocell Water


High performance
Low maintenance cost


System costs more

sbr system

Non-electric filters

As from the name, this filter does not require electricity and works using gravity.

This system also has two chambers – a primary settlement chamber and a treatment chamber.

As with the other systems seen above, the wastewater from the establishments enters the primary tank where solid contaminants settle down at the bottom while the effluent moves to the second chamber through media.

The media is where the natural bacteria lives and helps in cleaning the effluent that passes through it.

Non Electric Domestic Sewage Treatment Plant | ClearFox Nature | Biocell (

BIOROCK, the best Domestic, Residential Sewage Treatment Plant without electricity, zero energy. 25 years warranty! – BIOROCK Sewage Treatment Ltd


No electricity required


In areas where groundwater is high, non-electric filter cannot be an option


Activated Sludge Process

Activated Sludge Process is used in large sewage plants and domestic systems.

This system consists of two chambers – a biozone chamber and a settlement chamber.

As seen earlier, the water from the residential and industrial establishments flows into the biozone chamber where an air diffuser provides the oxygen for the bacteria and keeps the bacteria alive.

These bacteria help to get rid of the contaminants by breaking down the solid particles.

After the effluent is treated, it flows to the settlement zone where suspended solids settle at the bottom before it moves back to the biozone.

The water at the top of the settlement zone gets discharged from the tank.

Vortex Eco System Sewage Treatment Plant (


Easy maintenance


High installation cost

Activated Sludge Treatment Plant Vortex

Submerged Aerated Filter

Submerged Aerated Filter has three chambers – a primary settlement chamber, a secondary treatment chamber and a third settlement chamber.

It uses media and aeration for wastewater treatment.

As with all the other treatment plants, wastewater from residential and commercial establishments enters the primary settlement chamber where solid contaminants settle down at the bottom.

Water from this chamber flows into the biozone – the secondary chamber and this chamber consists of both media and aeration.

The media consists of bacteria which are supplied oxygen via the air diffuser. This media floats in water.

The water flows from the secondary chamber to the third settlement chamber where suspended solid particles settle down at the bottom.

These solid particles move back to the primary settlement chamber though a sludge return.

Submerged aerated filter | Sewage treatment plant (


Great for larger populations


Constant power supply required

Submerge Aerated Filter

Septic Tank

The solid contaminants settle down at the bottom in a Septic Tank while the effluent is discharged into a drainage field.

It is important to note that the effluent from the tank still contains a percentage of the original pollutants.

The difference between a Septic Tank and a Sewage Treatment Plant can be seen in detail below.

Septic Tanks vs Sewage Treatment Plants

  1. There are no mechanical components in a Septic Tank. Hence, it doesn’t require electricity. This is usually not the case with Sewage Treatment Plants wherein it requires permanent electricity to operate.
  2. A Sewage Treatment Plant has three zones while a Septic Tank has only two zones. The treated water that comes out of the Sewage Treatment Plant is cleaner when compared to the water that comes out of the Septic Tank as Septic Tank only separates the waste while the Sewage Treatment Plant treats the wastewater.
  3. Emptying and servicing are required for Sewage Treatment Plants whereas servicing is not required for Septic Tanks.
  4. Frequent emptying is required for Septic Tanks while this is not the case with Sewage Treatment Plants.
  5. Septic Tanks are suitable for small developments (up to 3 houses max) and single houses where there is a porous texture in the ground for a soakaway.
  6. Sewage Treatment Plants are suitable for large developments, commercial establishments and single houses.
  7. Installation, running and maintenance costs are relatively low in Septic Tanks and they require emptying once or twice in a year. Whereas, Sewage Treatment Plants require regular maintenance and power supply.
  8. Sewage Treatment Plants have many moving parts and therefore are subjected to wear and tear.
  9. The Septic Tank consists of natural bacteria and these could be potentially killed by the harsh chemicals entering the system. For this purpose, the Septic Tanks must be treated regularly for healthy bacteria to be active in the system and for effective maintenance.


The first step to installing a sewage treatment plant is to understand the legislation behind it.

Let’s understand it in more detail!


The Septic Tank and Sewage Treatment Plants are controlled by the general biding rules. The general binding rules are in place since 2015 and are being currently applied in England. 

You may require a permit from the Environment Agency if the treatment plant is outside of the general binging rules. 


The location of the treatment plant and safe distances is guided by Building regulations section H.

Treatment Plant & Drainage Field Guidance

If you answer yes to any of these questions, the treatment plant and drainage field needs to be moved or require a permit.

Choosing a Treatment Plant

Now it’s time to choose your treatment plant

When it comes to choosing the best Sewage Treatment Plant for your establishment, or house there are four important aspects to consider. They are

  • Quality of the effluent
  • Ease and cost of maintenance and operation
  • Ease and cost of installation
  • Appearance

Let’s get right into the details.

Quality of the effluent

For a Sewage Treatment Plant to be legally compliant, it must pass the BS EN 12566-3 standard.

The discharge quality has to be maintained by this standard which states that the effluent produced by the Sewage Treatment Plant must meet the following criteria.

BOD5 = not greater than 20 mg/litre
SS = not greater than 30 mg / litre
NH4-N = no greater than 20 mg / litre

Look for the treatment plant to be approved to the BS EN 12566-3 at the number of population equivalent of you development. 

Ease and cost of maintenance and operation

The power consumption of the Sewage Treatment is mostly specified in kWh per year. But some may also be specified in kWh per person per year wherein the figure must be multiplied by the number of people the unit is going to service.

The Sewage Treatment Plant is most likely to run 24/7 for 365 days in a year. Hence, it is better to calculate the number of people the unit is designed for instead of the number of people living in the property.

To ensure your Sewage Treatment Plant is compliant with the guidelines of the Environment Agency and to maintain its efficiency, it is important to regularly service your Sewage Treatment Plant either annually or once in six months. Servicing contracts are provided by most manufacturers along with the tank.

Along with servicing, it is also important to desludge and empty your tank for optimum efficiency. The sludge accumulated over time could be a potential threat to the efficiency of the Sewage System if not cleaned in a timely manner.

The frequency of desludging could range from 3 months to 3 years based on the model and the manufacturer.

Depending on the service provider and the plan, costs for annual servicing and desludging could range between £100-£200 each.

Sewage Treatment Plants are prone to buzzing and vibration sounds produced by the air blower inside the Sewage Treatment Plant. Sometimes, when there is a maintenance issue, these plants could emit foul orders. So, it is important to consider all these aspects and warranty for the parts while investing in a Sewage Treatment Plant.

It is also worthwhile to consider the type of alarm used for your Sewage Treatment Plant.

Ease and cost of installation

The tank of the Sewage Treatment Plant can be made using a number of materials like PP, GRP, Concrete, HDPE.

It is also important to consider the excavation size required. If the size of the Sewage System is larger, more excavation space is required and cost incurred could be high.

When it comes to the excavation depth, a tank that requires deep digging can lead to an increase in cost but will consume less horizontal space below the property. A tank that requires shallow digging can lead to a decrease in cost but will consume more horizontal space below the property leading to an issue in case of minimum distance restrictions. In high water table areas, a shallow dig tank could be suitable.


Kiosk type Sewage Treatment Plants are either located in the tank or in a separate housing above the ground. The above ground housings are easy to maintain. Those that are in the tank are relatively difficult to maintain.

Covers range from large to small produced of different materials depending on the type of the loading.

Size of the Treatment Plant and Drainage Field

Now it’s time to show you how to calculate the size of the sewage treatment plant.

We will also see how to size a drainage field for your treatment plant or septic tank.

The size of the Sewage Treatment Plant depends on the size of your property and the number of people living there.

When deciding on the size of the treatment plant, one must decide based on the potential occupancy and not the current number of people living there. This could prove cost-efficient in the long run.

For a commercial Sewage Treatment Plant, one must be familiar with the PE number that stands for Population Equivalent. Population Equivalent represents the number of workers in the building.

Domestic Sewage Treatment Plant (upto 12 people)

The calculation for a single pair of houses is as follows

For a lone house with upto three bedrooms, the calculation should be based on a minimum populace of five people(5P).

For a single house with more than three bedrooms, 1P to be added for each extra bedroom.

To calculate the size of the treatment plant for two houses with three and four houses respectively, there should be a minimum of 11P.

Domestic Sewage Treatment Plant (12 to 50 people)

When there are more than 12 occupants and the Sewage Treatment Plant is required for a group of houses, there is a different calculation to be used.

To allow for the balancing effects on the daily flow of the group of the houses, some reductions could be made.

Multiply it by 0.9 when the total number of occupants in the property is 13 to 25. The P-value must always be rounded up and not rounded down.

Multiply it by 0.8 when the number of occupants is between 26 and 50.

How to size a drainage field for your treatment plant or septic tank?

The first step is to complete a percolation test to BS . We have created a video showing how to undertake it. Make sure the test in undertaken 3 times and the groundwater table is checked. 

Now that you have the results of the test. You can input the information into our drainage field calculator and obtain the dimensions of the required drainage field. 


Let’s face it:

Construction and maintenance of a sewage treatment plant is one the most important steps to protect the longevity of a sewage treatment plant. 

In this chapter let’s look at the costs associated with the different types of sewage treatment plant.

Basic Plant

Domestic sewage treatment plants can cost from £1500 to £5000.

For a 6-person treatment plant, prices can range from £1700-£3000.

For an 8-person treatment plant, prices can range from £1900-£3500.

For an average system, installation costs range from £7000-£9000.

A drainage field costs varies from £2000-£8000.

Yearly service cost can incur about £120.

Activated Sludge Plant

  • Activated Sludge or Aerated Treatment Plant £2,400
  • Maintenance £440
  • Drainage Field £6,000
  • Installation Costs £3,000

Filter Plant

  • Filter Sewerage Tank £3,000
  • Maintenance £175
  • Drainage Field £6,000
  • Installation Costs £3,000

Reed beds

  • Reed bed sewage treatment cost £8,500
  • Septic Tank £1,000
  • Drainage Field £6,000
  • Maintenance £2,500

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