Шагомер oregon scientific pe208 инструкция на русском

В последние годы всё большую популярность набирают различные трекеры активности. Ранее доступные только в профессиональном спорте устройства отслеживания активности пришли и в повседневную…

Обзор шагомера Oregon Scientific PE208

В последние годы всёбольшую популярность набирают различные трекеры активности. Ранее доступные только в профессиональном спорте устройства отслеживания активности пришли и в повседневную жизнь. Различные фитнес-браслеты, смарт-часы и даже смартфоны позволяют отслеживать активность их владельцев, производить подсчет потраченных калорий, а отдельные модели могут измерять сердечный пульс.

Oregon Scientific PE208, в отличии от фитнес-браслетов, выполнен в виде отдельного полноценного устройства, он не требует подключения к смартфону для проверки статистики и установки целей.

Технические характеристики

  • Возможность измерения: суммарные шаги, калории, макс / среднее / текущую скорость и пройденное расстояние;
  • 3D-датчик;
  • 7-дневная память;
  • Питание: 1 x CR2032 3V батарея;
  • Клипса для крепления;
  • Часы.

Упаковка и комплектация

Oregon Scientific PE208 поставляется в небольшой яркой картонной коробке. Через прозрачное окно можно увидеть само устройство, а на обратной стороне указанны основные характеристики шагомера.

В комплект поставки входят:

  • Шагомер;
  • Крепление;
  • Инструкция;
  • Батарея;
  • Гарантийный талон.

Внешний вид

Первая ассоциация, которую у меня вызвал шагомер, была — пейджер. Были такие устройства в во времена 3,5» дискет. Oregon Scientific PE208 — компактное устройство основную часть лицевой стороны которого занимает монохромный дисплей и три кнопки управления.

Небольшая клипса с креплением отлично подходит для фиксации шагомера на ремне. Клипса из черного пластика, сам шагомер просто защелкивается в корпус клипсы.

Корпус шагомера выполнен из черного глянцевого пластика, лицевая часть прикрыта прозрачным пластиком, под которым находится дисплей и три кнопки управления. Поверхность вокруг экрана покрыта рисунком в виде сот, а вся лицевая сторона обрамлена оранжевой рамкой. В итоге создается довольно приятный дизайн.

На обратной стороне расположен отсек для батарейки формата CR2032. Крышка отсека прикручивается к корпусу устройства, что создает неудобство для замены батарейки, но спасает ситуацию то, что менять батарейку приходится крайне редко. Есть небольшое ушко для крепления шнурка, однако в комплекте его нет.

Разбор устройства приводит к потере гарантии, да и разбирать особого смысла нет, все элементы располагаются на одной плате.

Oregon Scientific PE208, даже вместе с клипсой, остается очень легким, общий вес — 32 грамма.


В инструкции описана довольно простая процедура настройки шагомера, важно правильно указать длину шага. Неправильные параметры будут влиять на точность показаний шагомера. Помимо измерения количества шагов, Oregon Scientific PE208 также подсчитывает пройденное расстояние, затраченные калории и время активности.

Шкала в левой части экрана показывает прогресс в достижении поставленной цели. Также в памяти устройства хранится история активности за последние семь дней, по каждому дню отдельно и суммарная за все эти дни. Переключение между показателями осуществляется кнопкой MODE.

Шагомер всегда включен, но при отсутствии активности он переводится в режим ожидания, что позволяет экономить заряд. Достаточно взять шагомер в руки и он активируется.

Для учета пройденных шагов используется 3D датчик, благодаря которому ложных срабатываний практически нет. Для проверки я использовал самый простой способ — подсчет пройденных шагов. В итоге, показания шагомера отличались от реальных не более чем на три шага при 200 пройденных.Производитель рекомендует крепить шагомер на пояс, но я не заметил разницы в показаниях ни при креплении на поясе, ни при креплении на лямке в районе плеча. Также шагомер можно просто носить в сумке, точность показаний от этого не страдает.Кстати, передвижение в машине, или любом другом транспорте, не учитывается.

А вот для пробежек шагомер придется перенастраивать. Количество шагов он считает правильно, но из-за изменившейся длины шага подсчет расстояния и затраченных калорий будет не правильным.


Oregon Scientific PE208 не плохая альтернатива существующим фитнес-браслетам. Особенно в том случае, если вам необходимо автономное устройство, со своим дисплеем и возможностью расчета основных показателей. Данный шагомер не лишен своих недостатков, кому-то будет не удобно его использовать, в отличии от тех же фитнес-бралетов, нет функции по мониторингу сна и измерению пульса. Но данные функции нужны далеко не всем. А с главной своей функцией — подсчетом пройденных шагов, Oregon Scientific PE208 справляется отлично.


  • Длительное время автономной работы;
  • Высокая точность измерений;
  • Наличие экрана для отображения показателей;


  • Специфичный форм-фактор.

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User Manual



Thank you for purchasing the new Oregon Scientic


Slimt 3D

Pedometer (PE208). The PE208 is a pedometer equipped with

3D acceleration sensor that can detect steps in any dimension

it is carried. It features clock, target bar alert, 7-day memory,

step counter, distance counter and calorie counter functions.

NOTE This manual contains important safety and product care

information, and provides step-by-step instructions for using this

product. To get the greatest benet from your purchase, read

the manual thoroughly, and keep it in a safe place in case you

need to later refer to it.

 Do not immerse the pedometer in water.


1. Belt clip

2. LCD screen


: Toggle among different operation modes; decrease

values of a setting.


: Enter Setting Mode; toggle to move to next setting

option; toggle to view the data in Memory Mode.


: Press to erase the current day data or total data;

increase values of a setting; press to toggle among the

days in Memory Mode.


button: Press to return to the default setting

7. Battery compartment


1. Target bar

2. LCD for displaying mode banners, number of steps,

distance walked, calorie reading or exercised time.

3. AM/: 12 hour clock

4. LCD for displaying time and days record

5. Total: Indicates total exercise data, including Step/Km/


6. Step: Indicates steps walked

7. Km/Mile: Distance unit (kilometer / mile)

8. Kcal: Calorie unit

9. Min: Indicates exercise timer

10. Target: Indicates target steps to achieve

11. Cm/In: User’s stride length unit (centimeter / inch)

12. Kg/Lb: Weight unit (kilogram / pound)


: Indicates battery power is low

14. Setup: Indicates you are in Setting Mode

15. Days Record: Indicates on which day (1-7) before is the

displayed data recorded




Press any button until the screen is activated.


The PE208 can be carried on your clothes or in pocket and

handbag by using belt clip (provided), and if you want to wear

it around the neck, you can purchase an adjustable strap

(not provided).

NOTE We highly recommend you to clip the pedometer onto

the belt or place it into a tight and secure pocket for the most

accurate reading.


• The pedometer is pre-installed in the belt clip. Push the

device from the belt clip with some pressure.

Install the belt clip:

• Insert the pedometer into the belt clip;

shift it into place with the ngers and

some pressure.


To effectively use the pedometer for calculating calories burned

(based on step count and user body weight) and distance

walked (based on step count and length of users stride), you

are advised to set the time and your user data in the Setting

Mode. Refer to Setting Mode in this manual.

 Remember to set the time and your user data

after every battery replacement.


The pedometer uses a

CR2032 3V battery, which

has already been installed.


displays on the screen,

the pedometer is low battery.

Please replace battery for

the pedometer for accurate

counting and reading.

Use a screwdriver to remove battery compartment lid from

the pedometer.

1. Remove the old battery and insert the new one, matching

the polarities (+/).

2. Replace the lid and tighten the screws.

NOTE When the battery compartment is opened or battery

is replaced, all data in the pedometer will be reset.


The PE208 has three modes of operation. The Main Mode is the

default display mode, which displays the current step count and

time. To enter other modes, press the buttons as shown below.


In the Main Mode, toggle to view the data following the

below sequence:

• Current step count (default)

• Distance walked

• Calorie burned

• Exercise time

NOTE The current step count, calorie burned, distance

walked, and exercise timer will be reset automatically to zero

at midnight.


While current step is displaying on the screen, press and hold

to enter the Setting Mode, ADJ ashes on the screen.

Then you can set the values following the below sequence on

Setup screen:

• 12/24 Hour Format

• Seconds/Hours/Minutes

• Month/Day/Year

• Stride measurement units


• Stride length

• Weight measurement units


• Target Steps (Minimum

100 steps).

Adjust the values:

• Press

to decrease the value;

• Press

to increase the value

• Press

to conrm the current setting and move to next setting.

NOTE You can press to skip through settings. If you do

not press any button for 10 seconds, the screen exits the Setting

Mode and returns to the Main Mode.

Set a target:

The default target is 5,000 steps.

If you want to reset the target and

successfully achieve this goal, the

target bar will ash continuously

until you press any button.

 Stride length is a distance between the tip of toe of your

leading foot and the tip of toe of your back foot while you walk

a pace, or also can be measured by the heel of your feet as

reference. For correctly measuring individual stride length, you

can walk a distance at your normal pace, and then being divided

by the paces, the average value can be used for inputting into

the pedometer as a stride length.

For example, if you walk a total of 10 paces and the distance

is 584.2 cm (230 inches). The average stride value is 59 cm

(23 inches).

Total distance ÷ Steps taken = Average stride-length

584.2cm ÷ 10 = 59 cm

Stride length

heel to heel

Stride length

toe to toe



584.2 cm

(230 inches)


In the Memory Mode, you can view the records of your current

day or the total recorded days.

To view current day data:

• Toggle

to view current day data while Step/Walked

distance/Calories burned/Step Time alternatively displaying

on the screen with the current time display.

To view a selected day data:

1. Toggle

to view Step screen while the selected day

displaying on the screen. Days Record displays on the screen.

2. Toggle

to browse the records of that day in a sequence:

Step/Walked distance/Calories burned/Step Time.

3. Press

to change the day,

To view total memory data:

1. Toggle

to enter Total screen

2. Toggle

to browse the records in a sequence: Step/

Walked distance/Calories burned/Step Time.

To delete a memory:

• On Step screen, press and hold the

button (CLEAR ashes on the

screen) to delete the current day data.

• On Total Step screen, press and hold


button (CLEAR ashes on the screen) to delete all

the data in memory.

NOTE You cannot retrieve a deleted record.


Your pedometer enters sleep mode after three minutes if there

is no activity or movement. Until a new activity or movement is

sensed, the LCD will not display any information.


Press RESET (master reset button) at the back of the pedometer

using a pointed object such as a straightened paper clip.


Real time clock 12 / 24 format with hour

/ minute

Year range 2000-2099

Daily Data

Step measurement range 0.0- 99,999 steps

Calorie measurement range 0.0-99,999.9 kcal

Calorie burned resolution 0.1 kcal

Distance measurement


0-999.99 km

(0-999.99 miles)

Walked distance resolution 0.01 km / 0.01 mile

Exercise timer range 0-9,999 min

Exercise timer resolution 1 min

Total Data

Step measurement range 0.0- 999,999 steps

Calorie measurement range 0.0-99,999.9 kcal

Calorie burned resolution 0.1 kcal

Distance measurement


0-9999.99 km

(0-9999.99 miles)

Exercise timer range 0-999,999 min

Exercise timer resolution 1 min

Days of record 7 days

Body weight range 20-226 kg

(44-498 pounds)

Default: 50 kg or 110 lb

Body weight resolution 1 lb / 1 kg

User adjustable stride


30-213cm or 12-84 in

Default: 50 cm or 20 in

Stride length resolution 1 cm / 1 inch

Target steps range 100-990000 steps

Walked distance resolution 0.01 km / 0.01 mile

 1 x CR2032 3V battery

Operating temperature -10


C to 40





F to 104



Storage temperature -20


C to 60





F to 140




To ensure you use your product correctly and safely, read these

warnings and the entire user manual before using the product:

• Use a soft, slightly moistened cloth to clean the pedometer.

Do not use abrasive or corrosive cleaning agents, as these

may cause damage. Never use the products in hot water or

store them when wet.

• Do not subject the product to excessive force, shock, dust,

extreme temperature changes or humidity. Never expose

the product to direct sunlight for extended periods. Such

treatment may result in malfunction.

• Do not tamper with the internal components. Doing so will

terminate the product warranty and may cause damage. The

main unit contains no user-serviceable parts.

• Do not scratch hard objects against the LCD display as this

may cause damage.

• Take precautions when handling all battery types.

• Remove the battery whenever you are planning to store the

product for a long period of time.

• When replacing battery, use new battery as specied in this

user manual.

• The product is a precision instrument. Never attempt to

take this device apart. Contact the retailer or our customer

service department if the product requires servicing.

• Do not touch the exposed electronic circuitry, as there is a

danger of electric shock.

• Check all major functions if the device has not been used for

a long time. Maintain regular internal testing and cleaning

of your device. Have your watch serviced by an approved

service center annually.

• When disposing of this product, ensure it is collected

separately for special treatment and not as normal

household waste.

• Due to printing limitations, the displays shown in this manual

may differ from the actual display.

• The contents of this manual may not be reproduced without

the permission of the manufacturer.

NOTE The technical specications for this product and the

contents of the user manual are subject to change without notice.


Visit our website www.oregonscientic.com to learn more about

Oregon Scientic products.

Please contact our Customer Services at info@oregonscientic.com

with any inquiries or product issues.

Oregon Scientic Global Distribution Limited reserves the right to

interpret and construe any contents, terms and provisions in this

user manual and to amend it, at its sole discretion, at any time

without prior notice. To the extent that there is any inconsistency

between the English version and any other language versions,

the English version shall prevail.


The following information is not to be used as contact for support

or sales. Please call our customer service number (listed on our

website at www.oregonscientic.com), or on the warranty card

for this product) for all inquiries instead.


Name: Oregon Scientic, Inc.

Address: 10778 SW Manhasset Dr.

Tualatin, Or 97062 USA

Telephone No.: 1-800-853-8883

declare that the product

Product No.: PE208

Product Name: Slimt 3D Pedometer

Manufacturer: IDT Technology Limited

Address: Block C, 9/F, Kaiser Estate,

Phase 1, 41 Man Yue St.,

Hung Hom, Kowloon,

Hong Kong

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation

is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may

not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept

any interference received, including interference that may cause

undesired operation.

WARNING Changes or modications not expressly approved

by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s

authority to operate the equipment.

NOTE This equipment has been tested and found to comply

with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part

15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide

reasonable protection against harmful interference in a

residential installation.

This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio

frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance

with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to

radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that

interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this

equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television

reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off

and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference

by one or more of the following measures:

• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

• Increase the separation between the equipment and


• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different

from that to which the receiver is connected.

• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio / TV technician

for help.

This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-



   

of the Directive 2012/19/EU of the European

   

  

accordance with Article 20 of the Directive

  

batteries and accumulators and waste batteries.

The barred symbol of the rubbish bin shown on the equipment

indicates that, at the end of its useful life, the product must be

collected separately from other waste.

Please note that the batteries / rechargeable batteries must

be removed from the equipment before it is given as waste.

To remove the batteries / accumulators refer to the specic

instructions in the user manual.Therefore, any products that

have reached the end of their useful life must be given to waste

disposal centres specialising in separate collection of waste

electrical and electronic equipment, or given back to the dealer

when purchasing a new EEE, pursuant to and in accordance

with Article 14 as implemented in the country.

The adequate separate collection for the subsequent start-up

of the equipment sent to be recycled, treated and disposal of

in an environmentally compatible way contributes to preventing

possible negative effects on the environment and health and

optimises the recycling and reuse of components making up

the apparatus.

Abusive disposal of the product by the user involves application

of the administrative sanctions according to the laws in force.


Hereby, Oregon Scientific, declares that this Slimfit 3D

Pedometer (Model:PE208) is in compliance with EMC directive

2004/108/EC. A copy of the signedand dated Declaration of

Conformity is available on request via our OregonScientic

Customer Service.

Target bar

PE208 Manual OSEU small size.indd 1 28/5/14 3:13 PM

Slimfit 3D Pedometer

Model: PE208

User Manual



Thank you for purchasing the new Oregon Scientific


 Slimfit 3D 

Pedometer (PE208). The PE208 is a pedometer equipped with 

3D acceleration sensor that can detect steps in any dimension 

it is carried. It features clock, target bar alert, 7-day memory, 

step counter, distance counter and calorie counter functions.
 NOTE   This manual contains important safety and product care 

information, and provides step-by-step instructions for using this 

product. To get the greatest benefit from your purchase, read 

the manual thoroughly, and keep it in a safe place in case you 

need to later refer to it. 
 IMPORTANT  Do not immerse the pedometer in water.


1. Belt clip
2. LCD screen

 : Toggle among different operation modes; decrease 

values of a setting. 


 : Enter Setting Mode; toggle to move to next setting 

option; toggle to view the data in Memory Mode. 


 : Press to erase the current day data or total data; 

increase values of a setting; press to toggle among the 

days in Memory Mode. 


 button: Press to return to the default setting

7. Battery compartment


1. Target bar
2. LCD for displaying mode banners, number of steps,

distance walked, calorie reading or exercised time.


AM/PM: 12 hour clock

4. LCD for displaying time and days record

Total: Indicates total exercise data, including Step/Km/



Step: Indicates steps walked


Km/Mile: Distance unit (kilometer / mile) 


Kcal: Calorie unit


Min: Indicates exercise timer

10. Target: Indicates target steps to achieve

Cm/In: User’s stride length unit (centimeter / inch)


Kg/Lb: Weight unit (kilogram / pound)


 : Indicates battery power is low


Setup: Indicates you are in Setting Mode


Days Record: Indicates on which day (1-7) before is the 

displayed data recorded



Press any button until the screen is activated.


The PE208 can be carried on your clothes or in pocket and 

handbag by using belt clip (provided), and if you want to wear 

it  around  the  neck,  you  can  purchase  an  adjustable  strap 

(not provided).

 NOTE   We highly recommend you to clip the pedometer onto 

the belt or place it into a tight and secure pocket for the most 

accurate reading.


• The pedometer is pre-installed in the belt clip. Push the 

device from the belt clip with some pressure. 

Install the belt clip: 
• Insert the pedometer into the belt clip; 

shift it into place with the fingers and 

some pressure.


To effectively use the pedometer for calculating calories burned 

(based  on  step  count  and  user  body  weight)  and  distance 

walked (based on step count and length of user’s stride), you 

are advised to set the time and your user data in the Setting 

Mode. Refer to 

Setting Mode in this manual. 

 IMPORTANT  Remember to set the time and your user data 

after every battery replacement.


The  pedometer  uses  a 

CR2032  3V  battery,  which 

has already been installed. 


 displays on the screen, 

the pedometer is low battery. 

Please  replace  battery  for 

the pedometer for accurate 

counting and reading. 

Use  a  screwdriver  to  remove  battery  compartment  lid  from 

the pedometer. 
1. Remove the old battery and insert the new one, matching 

the polarities (


2. Replace the lid and tighten the screws.
 NOTE   When the battery compartment is opened or battery 

is replaced, all data in the pedometer will be reset.


The PE208 has three modes of operation. The Main Mode is the 

default display mode, which displays the current step count and 

time. To enter other modes, press the buttons as shown below.


In the Main Mode, toggle 

 to view the data following the 

below sequence: 
• Current step count (default)
• Distance walked
• Calorie burned
• Exercise time

NOTE   The current step count, calorie burned, distance

walked, and exercise timer will be reset automatically to zero 

at midnight. 


While current step is displaying on the screen, press and hold 

 to enter the Setting Mode, 

ADJ flashes on the screen. 

Then you can set the values following the below sequence on 

Setup screen: 

• 12/24 Hour Format
• Seconds/Hours/Minutes
• Month/Day/Year
• Stride measurement units 


• Stride length
• Weight measurement units 


• Target Steps (Minimum 

100 steps).

Adjust the values: 
• Press 

 to decrease the value; 

• Press 

 to increase the value

• Press 

 to confirm the current setting and move to next setting.

 NOTE   You can press 

 to skip through settings. If you do 

not press any button for 10 seconds, the screen exits the Setting 

Mode and returns to the Main Mode. 

Set a target: 

The default target is 5,000 steps. 

If you want to reset the target and 

successfully achieve this goal, the 

target bar will flash continuously 

until you press any button. 

 TIP  Stride length is a distance between the tip of toe of your 

leading foot and the tip of toe of your back foot while you walk 

a pace, or also can be measured by the heel of your feet as 

reference. For correctly measuring individual stride length, you 

can walk a distance at your normal pace, and then being divided 

by the paces, the average value can be used for inputting into 

the pedometer as a stride length. 

For example, if you walk a total of 10 paces and the distance 

is 584.2 cm (230 inches). The average stride value is 59 cm 

(23 inches). 

Total distance ÷ Steps taken = Average stride-length

584.2cm ÷ 10 = 59 cm

Stride length 

heel to heel

Stride length 

toe to toe



584.2 cm 

(230 inches)


In the Memory Mode, you can view the records of your current 

day or the total recorded days. 

To view current day data: 
• Toggle 

 to view current day data while Step/Walked 

distance/Calories burned/Step Time alternatively displaying 

on the screen with the current time display. 

To view a selected day data: 

1. Toggle 

 to view 

Step screen while the selected day 

displaying on the screen. 

Days Record displays on the screen. 

2. Toggle 

 to browse the records of that day in a sequence: 

Step/Walked distance/Calories burned/Step Time.

3. Press 

 to change the day, 

To view total memory data: 

1. Toggle 

 to enter 

Total screen

2. Toggle 

 to browse the records in a sequence: Step/

Walked distance/Calories burned/Step Time.

To delete a memory: 
• On 

Step screen, press and hold the 

 button (

CLEAR flashes on the 

screen) to delete the current day data. 

• On 

Total Step screen, press and hold 


 button (

CLEAR flashes on the screen) to delete all 

the data in memory. 

 NOTE   You cannot retrieve a deleted record.


Your pedometer enters sleep mode after three minutes if there 

is no activity or movement. Until a new activity or movement is 

sensed, the LCD will not display any information. 



RESET (master reset button) at the back of the pedometer 

using a pointed object such as a straightened paper clip. 


Real time clock

12 / 24 format with hour 

/ minute

Year range


Daily Data

Step measurement range

0.0- 99,999 steps

Calorie measurement range

0.0-99,999.9 kcal

Calorie burned resolution

0.1 kcal

Distance measurement 


0-999.99 km 
(0-999.99 miles)

Walked distance resolution

0.01 km / 0.01 mile

Exercise timer range

0-9,999 min

Exercise timer resolution

1 min

Total Data

Step measurement range

0.0- 999,999 steps

Calorie measurement range

0.0-99,999.9 kcal

Calorie burned resolution

0.1 kcal

Distance measurement 


0-9999.99 km 
(0-9999.99 miles)

Exercise timer range

0-999,999 min

Exercise timer resolution

1 min

Days of record

7 days

Body weight range

20-226 kg 
(44-498 pounds) 
Default: 50 kg or 110 lb

Body weight resolution

1 lb / 1 kg

User adjustable stride 


30-213cm or 12-84 in 
Default: 50 cm or 20 in

Stride length resolution

1 cm / 1 inch

Target steps range

100-990000 steps

Walked distance resolution

0.01 km / 0.01 mile


1 x CR2032 3V battery

Operating temperature



C to 40





F to 104



Storage temperature



C to 60





F to 140




To ensure you use your product correctly and safely, read these 

warnings and the entire user manual before using the product: 
• Use a soft, slightly moistened cloth to clean the pedometer. 

Do not use abrasive or corrosive cleaning agents, as these 

may cause damage. Never use the products in hot water or 

store them when wet. 

• Do not subject the product to excessive force, shock, dust, 

extreme temperature changes or humidity. Never expose 

the product to direct sunlight for extended periods. Such 

treatment may result in malfunction. 

• Do not tamper with the internal components. Doing so will 

terminate the product warranty and may cause damage. The 

main unit contains no user-serviceable parts.

• Do not scratch hard objects against the LCD display as this 

may cause damage.

• Take precautions when handling all battery types.
• Remove the battery whenever you are planning to store the

product for a long period of time.

• When replacing battery, use new battery as specified in this 

user manual. 

• The product is a precision instrument. Never attempt to 

take this device apart. Contact the retailer or our customer 

service department if the product requires servicing. 

• Do not touch the exposed electronic circuitry, as there is a 

danger of electric shock.

• Check all major functions if the device has not been used for

a long time. Maintain regular internal testing and cleaning 

of your device. Have your watch serviced by an approved 

service center annually.

• When disposing of this product, ensure it is collected 

separately for special treatment and not as normal 

household waste.

• Due to printing limitations, the displays shown in this manual 

may differ from the actual display. 

• The contents of this manual may not be reproduced without 

the permission of the manufacturer.

 NOTE   The technical specifications for this product and the 

contents of the user manual are subject to change without notice.


Visit our website www.oregonscientific.com to learn more about 

Oregon Scientific products. 

Please contact our Customer Services at info@oregonscientific.com 

with any inquiries or product issues. 

Oregon Scientific Global Distribution Limited reserves the right to 

interpret and construe any contents, terms and provisions in this 

user manual and to amend it, at its sole discretion, at any time 

without prior notice. To the extent that there is any inconsistency 

between the English version and any other language versions, 

the English version shall prevail.


The following information is not to be used as contact for support 

or sales. Please call our customer service number (listed on our 

website at www.oregonscientific.com), or on the warranty card 

for this product) for all inquiries instead.


Oregon Scientific, Inc.


10778 SW Manhasset Dr. 

Tualatin, Or 97062 USA

Telephone No.:


declare that the product

Product No.:


Product Name:

Slimfit 3D Pedometer


IDT Technology Limited


Block C, 9/F, Kaiser Estate,
Phase 1, 41 Man Yue St.,
Hung Hom, Kowloon,
Hong Kong

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation 

is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may 

not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept 

any interference received, including interference that may cause 

undesired operation.

 WARNING  Changes or modifications not expressly approved 

by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s 

authority to operate the equipment.

 NOTE  This equipment has been tested and found to comply 

with  the  limits  for  a  Class  B  digital  device,  pursuant  to  Part 

15  of  the  FCC  Rules. These  limits  are  designed  to  provide 

reasonable  protection  against  harmful  interference  in  a 

residential installation.

This  equipment  generates,  uses  and  can  radiate  radio 

frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance 

with  the  instructions,  may  cause  harmful  interference  to 

radio  communications.  However,  there  is  no  guarantee  that 

interference  will  not  occur  in  a  particular  installation.  If  this 

equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television 

reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off 

and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference 

by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and 


• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different 

from that to which the receiver is connected.

• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio / TV technician 

for help.

This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-



Pursuant to and in accordance with Article 14 

of the Directive 2012/19/EU of the European 

Parliament  on  waste  electrical  and  electronic 

equipment  (WEEE),  and  pursuant  to  and  in 

accordance with Article 20 of the Directive 

2006/66/Ec  of  the  European  Parliament  on 

batteries and accumulators and waste batteries.

The barred symbol of the rubbish bin shown on the equipment 

indicates that, at the end of its useful life, the product must be 

collected separately from other waste.
Please note that the batteries / rechargeable batteries must 

be removed from the equipment before it is given as waste. 

To remove the batteries / accumulators refer to the specific 

instructions in the user manual.Therefore, any products that 

have reached the end of their useful life must be given to waste 

disposal centres specialising in separate collection of waste 

electrical and electronic equipment, or given back to the dealer 

when purchasing a new EEE, pursuant to and in accordance 

with Article 14 as implemented in the country.
The adequate separate collection for the subsequent start-up 

of the equipment sent to be recycled, treated and disposal of 

in an environmentally compatible way contributes to preventing 

possible negative effects on the environment and health and 

optimises the recycling and reuse of components making up 

the apparatus.
Abusive disposal of the product by the user involves application 

of the administrative sanctions according to the laws in force.


Hereby,  Oregon  Scientific,  declares  that  this  Slimfit  3D 

Pedometer (Model:PE208) is in compliance with EMC directive 

2004/108/EC. A copy of the signedand dated Declaration of 

Conformity is available on request via our OregonScientific 

Customer Service.

Target bar

PE208 Manual OSEU small size.indd   1

28/5/14   3:13 PM

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