Shark original steam mop s3101sl инструкция

Shark S3101 series Owner's Manual

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S3101 series

S3202 series

S3101_SERIES-S3202_SERIES_11_ENG_IB_100909.indd 1

08/09/10 4:33 PM


Related Manuals for Shark S3101 series

Summary of Contents for Shark S3101 series

  • Page 1
    OWNER’S GUIDE S3101 series S3202 series S3101_SERIES-S3202_SERIES_11_ENG_IB_100909.indd 1 08/09/10 4:33 PM…
  • Page 2: Important Safety Instructions

    SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS power cord. To unplug, grasp the exercised when using this plug not the power cord. Do not appliance to clean stairs. For Household Use Only use extension cords or outlets 22. Never use steam mop without with inadequate current carrying micro-fiber pad attached. 1. Use the system only for its capacity. WHEN USING YOUR SHARK ® intended use. 23. Keep your work area well lit. 12. DO NOT put any objects into STEAM MOP, BASIC SAFETY 2. DO NOT use outdoors. openings. Do not use with any 24. S tore steam mop indoors in a PRECAUTIONS SHOULD opening blocked. cool, dry place.

  • Page 3: Quick Start

    Quick Start ASSEMBLE 1 Fit together the extension tubes as shown in the illustration. See page 2 for more detailed assembly instructions. 2 Place the micro-fiber cleaning cloth underneath the mop head, with quick fastener strips facing up. Simply press the pad to the mop to attach it. ADJUST PRIME STEAM 4 For your comfort, you can adjust 5 Plug in the mop. Wait 30 seconds for the unit to heat up and the the height of the mop. Just lift FILL the latch on the tube 90 degrees steam to be ready. 3 Remove the cap to fill the to the open position. Holding Push the handle toward the mop Water Tank. Using the filling the handle, extend the tube to head in a pumping motion. To flask and funnel, fill the tank, the height that’s right for you prime simply pump the handle keeping the water under the and then close latch to locked 10-15 times to generate the “MAX FILL” line. Don’t forget to position.

  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    English Contents Thank you for GETTING STARTED …………..2 purchasing USING YOUR STEAM MOP ………..6 the Shark ® USING YOUR ACCESSORIES ……….8 Steam Mop. CARE OF YOUR STEAM MOP ……….9 TROUBLESHOOTING …………10 WARRANTY AND REGISTRATION ……..11 This manual covers model numbers: S3101 11 S3101A 11 S3101C 11 S3101CO 11 S3101CP 11…

  • Page 5: Getting Started

    FIRST THINGS FIRST, YOU NEED TO YOUR SHARK STEAM MOP IS 3 Insert the pieces you assembled in IMPORTANT: Always make sure that KNOW WHAT’S IN THE BOX YOU EASY TO ASSEMBLE your Steam Mop is unplugged from Step 2 into the pump actuator (the JUST OPENED: 1 First remove all the parts from the tube that leads to the tank). Push the the wall before you attach the package. We know you’re excited…

  • Page 6
    Getting Started English The water tank cap has an Each micro-fiber cleaning pad arrow to indicate the locked has a colored tab so that you and unlocked position. can use a different pad for different tasks. Use one color for tough grime on tile floors, another color for stubborn spots on linoleum and another color for pet stains. Keep your floors happy! Always attach the micro-fiber cleaning pad to the mop head or you may scratch your floor surface. PLACING THE MICRO-FIBER PAD NOTE: Don’t be alarmed if the first FILLING THE WATER TANK 2 The filling flask and funnel included with your Steam Mop make filling time you use your Steam Mop, you 1 Place the micro-fiber cleaning cloth IMPORTANT: Before you fill up the notice water inside the water tank or the water tank as simple as getting a underneath the mop head, with tank, make sure your Steam Mop is glass of water from the sink. Fill the drops of water in the packaging. It’s the quick fastener strips facing up.
  • Page 7: Using Your Steam Mop

    Using Your Steam Mop English Now comes the part you’ve been waiting for – it’s time to use your steam mop. When you use your steam mop for When your Steam Mop stops the first time or haven’t used the unit steaming, it could be out of in awhile, it may take a minute or two water. Unplug the power cord for the water to make its way through from the electrical outlet the pump and into the heater to create and refill the water tank at steam. Get it started by pumping the anytime. handle a few times. If you’ve waited a few minutes and you still don’t see any steam, reference the troubleshooting section on page 10. IMPORTANT: Your Steam Mop needs 1 Pull and twist the quick release 3 It takes about 30 seconds for the IMPORTANT: When your floors are cord holder to unwrap the power steam to get going. Now pump the sparkling clean and you’re finished water to make steam! Never use your cord completely. Plug into a 120- Steam Mop without water in the tank. handle a few times to prime the with your Steam Mop, unplug it from volt electrical outlet. The “On” light pump and activate steam. the electrical outlet and carefully Sweep or vacuum your floors will turn green. Success! If your remove the micro-fiber cleaning…

  • Page 8: Using Your Accessories

    Using Your Accessories Care of Your Steam Mop English (optional) The Steam Mop won’t clean your carpeting or areas rugs, but it’s great for deodorizing and freshening carpets and Always remove the micro- area rugs. fiber cleaning pad from the Steam Mop head when you store your Steam Mop to avoid damage to your floors. KEEPING YOUR MICRO-FIBER KEEPING YOUR STEAM MOP CLEANING PAD AS GOOD AS NEW IN TIP-TOP SHAPE Your steam activated micro-fiber If you love your Steam Mop, let it cleaning pad works wonders for you, show. Caring for your Steam Mop so return the favor by giving it the and properly storing it means you’ll care it deserves.

  • Page 9: Troubleshooting

    Trouble Shooting Ordering Replacement Parts English PROBLEM POSSIBLE REASONS & SOLUTIONS Your steam-mop should be securely plugged into a 120V AC electrical outlet only. The Steam Mop will not turn-on. Check your fuse or breaker. If your unit still doesn’t work, give us a call 1-800-798-7398. Steam Mop will not Is there water in the water tank? If not, add water to your make steam. Steam Mop following instructions. Is your micro-fiber cleaning pad too wet? Why don’t Steam Mop leaves you unplug your Steam Mop and change the micro-fiber water on the floor. cleaning pad. Don’t leave your steam-mop on the floor with a damp or Steam Mop left white wet cleaning pad.

  • Page 10
    Notes English ONE (1) YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY EURO-PRO Operating LLC warrants this product to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of the original purchase, when utilized for normal household use, subject to the following conditions, exclusions and exceptions. If your appliance fails to operate properly while in use under normal household conditions within the warranty period, return the complete appliance and accessories, freight prepaid. For Customer Service support, call 1 (800) 798-7398 or visit our website If the appliance is found to be defective in material or workmanship, EURO-PRO Operating LLC will repair or replace it free of charge. Proof of purchase date and a check made payable to EURO-PRO Operating LLC in the amount of $ 9.95 to cover the cost of return shipping and handling must be included. * The liability of EURO-PRO Operating LLC is limited solely to the cost of the repair or replacement of the unit at our option. This warranty does not cover normal wear of parts and does not apply to any unit that has been tampered with or used for commercial purposes. This limited warranty does not cover damage caused by misuse, abuse, negligent handling or damage due to faulty packaging or mishandling in transit. This warranty does not cover damage or defects caused by or resulting from damages from shipping or repairs, service or alterations to the product or any of its parts, which have been performed by a repair person not authorized by EURO-PRO Operating LLC. This warranty is extended to the original purchaser of the unit and excludes all other legal and/or conventional warranties. The responsibility of EURO-PRO Operating LLC if any, is limited to the specific obligations expressly assumed by it under the terms of the limited warranty. In no event is EURO-PRO Operating LLC liable for incidental or consequential damages of any nature whatsoever. Some states/provinces do not permit the exclusion or limitation of incidental or…
  • Page 11
    U.S.: EURO-PRO Operating LLC Newton, MA 02459 Canada: EURO-PRO Operating LLC 4400 Bois Franc Ville St. Laurent, Québec H4S 1A7 1-800-798-7398 COPYRIGHT© EURO-PRO OPERATING LLC 2010 PRINTED IN CHINA S3101.SERIES.EF.100908 S3202.SERIES.EF.100908 Illustrations may differ from actual product. S3101_SERIES-S3202_SERIES_11_ENG_IB_100909.indd 14 08/09/10 4:33 PM…

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Швабра паровая 

              Shark Original Steam Mop 


S3101SL (100619077) 


(1 из 10)


Оглавление инструкции

  • Страница 1 из 11
    РУКОВОДСТВО ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЯ Швабра паровая Shark Original Steam Mop S3101SL (100619077) Интернет-магазин
  • Страница 2 из 11
    ВНИМАНИЕ: Ознакомьтесь со всеми инструкциями перед использованием паровой швабры. ПРАВИЛА БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ Только для домашнего использования При использовании паровой швабры Shark Original Steam Mop необходимо соблюдать основные меры безопасности, включая следующие: Риск возникновения ожогов. Будьте
  • Страница 3 из 11
    разбирать или ремонтировать прибор самостоятельно. Во избежание несчастных случаев, при повреждении электрошнура, последний должен быть заменен путем обращения к квалифицированному электрику. Некорректная сборка или ремонт могут вызвать риск возникновения электрошока или травмы в процессе
  • Страница 4 из 11
    19.НИКОГДА НЕ ОСТАВЛЯТЬ ВКЛЮЧЕННУЮ ПАРОВУЮ ШВАБРУ НА ДОЛГОЕ ВРЕМЯ НА ОДНОМ МЕСТЕ КАКОЙЛИБО ПОВЕРХНОСТИ С ЗАКРЕПЕЛННОЙ НА НЕЙ ПОДУШКОЙ ИЗ МИКРОФИБРЫ. 20.Для очистки паровой швабры отключить электрошнур от сети и протереть сухой или влажной тряпкой. Не заливать водой и не использовать спирт, бензин
  • Страница 5 из 11
    также рекомендуем соблюдать инструкции по использованию и обслуживанию, выданные производителем напольного покрытия. НАЧАЛО РАБОТЫ Собрать Вашу паровую швабру Shark Original очень просто: Для начала извлеките все элементы из упаковки. Мы знаем, Вы воодушевлены приобретением Паровой Швабры Shark
  • Страница 6 из 11
    СБОРКА 1. Вставьте верхнюю расширительную трубу (труба с ручкой) в нижнюю расширительную трубу (короткая труба). Соедините обе расширительные трубы, щелчок будет означать фиксацию труб в правильном положении. Для наглядного примера взгляните на рисунок. Вставьте элементы, собранные в шаге 1, в
  • Страница 7 из 11
    ВНИМАНИЕ: Каждый раз перед тем, как надеть чистящую подушечку из микрофибры на швабру, следите, чтобы Ваша паровая швабра была отключена от сети. 3.Снимите крышку, чтобы наполнить резервуар для воды. На крышке резервуара для воды имеется стрелка для обозначения положений фиксации. При помощи
  • Страница 8 из 11
    !!! Если через несколько минут пар так и не появился, ознакомьтесь с разделом «Решение проблем» на стр. 10. ВНИМАНИЕ: Никогда не используйте Паровую Швабру без воды в резервуаре. Когда Ваш пол засияет чистотой и уборка будет завершена, отключите Паровую Швабру от электрической розетки, дайте ей
  • Страница 9 из 11
    выделяет пар. Паровая Швабра оставляет воду на полу. Паровая Швабра оставляет белые пятна на полу. Пол покрыт разводами, полосками или пятнами после парообработки. согласно инструкциям. Проверьте, не слишком ли мокрая чистящая подушечка из микрофибры? Почему бы не отключить Паровую Швабру от сети и
  • Страница 10 из 11
    Данный знак означает, что изделие нельзя выбрасывать с бытовым мусором на всей территории ЕС. Во избежание возможного вреда окружающей среде или здоровью людей в результате неконтролируемого захоронения отходов, их необходимо перерабатывать ответственно для обеспечения должного повторного
  • Страница 11 из 11

Инструкции и руководства похожие на Shark Original Steam Mop S3101SL

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Shark Original Steam Mop S3101SL инструкция по эксплуатации
(10 страниц)

  • Языки:Русский
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  • Описание:
    Швабра паровая


На NoDevice можно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации для Shark Original Steam Mop S3101SL. Руководство пользователя необходимо для ознакомления с правилами установки и эксплуатации Shark Original Steam Mop S3101SL. Инструкции по использованию помогут правильно настроить Shark Original Steam Mop S3101SL, исправить ошибки и выявить неполадки.

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ВНИМАНИЕ:  Ознакомьтесь  со  всеми  инструкциями  перед 
использованием паровой швабры. 


Только для домашнего использования 

При  использовании  паровой  швабры  Shark  Original  Steam  Mop 
необходимо  соблюдать  основные  меры  безопасности,  включая 
Риск возникновения ожогов

Будьте  аккуратны  во  время  использования  паровой  швабры.  Пар, 
поступающий из отверстий, очень горячий. 
Данный прибор не предназначен для использования лицами (включая 






умственными  способностями,  а  также  лицами,  не  обладающими 
достаточным  опытом  или  знаниями,  без  должного  контроля  или 






ответственным за их безопасность. Необходимо следить за детьми во 
избежание игр с прибором. 

Во избежание риска возникновения пожара, электрошока или травм: 
1.Использовать прибор только по назначению. 
2.НЕ использовать прибор вне помещения. 
3.НЕ оставлять прибор, подключенный к сети, без внимания. Всегда 
отсоединять электрошнур от розетки, если прибор не используется, а 
также перед его  обслуживанием. 
4.НЕДОПУСТИМО  использование  прибора  в  качестве  игрушки. 
Необходимо  пристальное  внимание  при  использовании  прибора 
детьми  или  около  них,  а  также  около  домашних  питомцев  или 
5.Использовать только рекомендуемые производителем аксессуары. 
6.НЕ  использовать  прибор  с  поврежденным  электрошнуром  или 
вилкой,  а  также  в  случае  падения  или  повреждения  прибора.  Во 
избежание  риска  возникновения  электрошока,  не  пытайтесь 

  1. Manuals
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  3. Shark Manuals
  4. Steam Cleaner
  5. Pro Steam Mop S3101 Series
  6. Owner’s manual
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Pro Steam Mop




Related Manuals for Shark Pro Steam Mop S3101 Series

Summary of Contents for Shark Pro Steam Mop S3101 Series

  • Page 1
    Pro Steam Mop S3101 SERIES OWNER’S GUIDE…
  • Page 2
    THANK YOU for purchasing the Shark® M2 Pro Steam Mop. REGISTER YOUR PURCHASE 1-800-798-7398 Scan QR code using mobile device TIP: The QR Code can be found on the back panel of the Steam RECORD THIS INFORMATION Mop. TIP: You can locate Model Number: ������������������������������…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Important Safety Instructions ……4 Getting To Know Your Shark Steam Mop ….6 ®…

  • Page 4: Important Safety Instructions

    IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOUSEHOLD USE ONLY WARNING To reduce the risk of injury, fire, electric shock, and property damage resulting from improper use of the appliance, carefully observe the following instructions. This unit contains electrical connections and moving parts that potentially present risk to the user.

  • Page 5
    SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE USE 18 DO NOT use on leather, wax-polished 27 To avoid circuit overload, DO NOT furniture, synthetic fabrics, velvet, operate another appliance on the or other delicate, steam-sensitive same socket (circuit) as the Steam materials.
  • Page 6: Getting To Know Your Shark Steam Mop

    This is because we test all our steam mops before you buy them, so you get a quality Shark Steam Mop. MAIN UNIT: A Handle B Cord Clip C Extension Tube…

  • Page 7: Assembling Your Steam Mop


  • Page 8: Using Your Steam Mop

    USING YOUR STEAM MOP CAUTION: DO NOT scrub any one area for an extended period. IMPORTANT: Before you fill up the water tank, make sure your Steam Mop is unplugged from the electrical outlet. NOTE: To prolong the life of your Steam Mop, we recommend using distilled water.

  • Page 9
    4 Pull and twist the quick release cord holder to unwrap the power cord completely. Plug the cord into an electrical outlet. The LED light around the Shark logo will turn on (fig. 5). ® If the light doesn’t illuminate, see Troubleshooting section.
  • Page 10
    USING YOUR STEAM MOP — CONT. IMPORTANT: When you’re finished with the Steam Mop, unplug it and allow it to cool for a few minutes. After cooling, ALWAYS remove the pad to avoid damage to your floor. fig. 7 fig. 8 NOTE: If your mop stops producing steam, it could be out of water.
  • Page 11: To Sanitize With Your Steam Mop

    TO SANITIZE* WITH YOUR STEAM MOP Start with a clean pad. 2 Pump the handle a few times in a downward motion. 3 Start mopping on an appropriate sealed hard-floor surface with a forward and backward motion. After three minutes, your unit will be ready to sanitize. 4 Using a forward and backward motion, mop the area to be sanitized.

  • Page 12: Accessories

    ACCESSORIES Not all accessories come SHARK STEAM ® with all units. For a list of ENERGIZED CLEANSER the accessories included Combine steam cleaning and with this model, see the cleanser for amazing results. enclosed Quick Start Guide. To purchase additional accessories, visit…

  • Page 13: Maintaining Your Steam Mop

    MAINTAINING YOUR STEAM MOP WARNING: To reduce the risk of shock and unintended operation, unplug unit before servicing. DIRT GRIP WASHABLE PAD ® NEVER wash Dirt Grip pads with bleach, powdered detergent, or fabric softeners as they may damage the pads, or leave a coating that will reduce their cleaning performance and absorbency.

  • Page 14: Troubleshooting Guide

    TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE WARNING: To reduce the risk of shock and unintended operation, turn off power and unplug unit before servicing. The Steam Mop will not turn on. • The Steam Mop should be securely plugged into an electrical outlet. • Check the fuse or circuit-breaker.

  • Page 15: Warranty

    ONE (1) YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY The One (1) Year Limited Warranty applies to purchases made from authorized retailers of SharkNinja Operating LLC. Warranty coverage applies to the original owner and to the original product only and is not transferable. SharkNinja warrants that the unit shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase when it is used under normal household conditions and maintained according to the requirements outlined in the Owner’s Guide, subject to the following conditions and exclusions:…

  • Page 16
    PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. This Owner’s Guide is designed to help you get a complete understanding of your new Shark® M2 Pro Steam Mop. SharkNinja Operating LLC US: Needham, MA 02494 CAN: Ville St-Laurent, QC H4S 1A7 1-800-798-7398…

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