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Thank you for your continuous use and support of our company’s products. Our
company’s R&D group’s long-term technical collaboration with domestic
research institutes and the world’s major companies enables us to steadily work
on the research and development of various products. Indeed, Shihlin Electric’s
FA related products have reached international standard.
With years of effort in promoting inverters and accommodating customer
requirements, as well as detailed planning and design, now we are launching the
SS2-021/SS2-023/SS2-043 series inverter. Whether it is product R&D stage,
final product verification, or product manufacturing, all the processes are
conducted under tight and systemic control. The quality of Shihlin Electric
products wins customer trust, and thus Shihlin Electric products are your best
Please contact us if you have any special need.For tasks entrusted by our
customers, we will design inverters specifically meeting the customers’ needs in
a short period of time with excellent professional background and rigorous
To fully deliver the superior performance of the products as well as for the safety
considerations for people and equipments, please read this manual carefully and
keep it for later calibration or maintenance.
Summary of Contents for Shihlin electric SS2-021 Series
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Safety Instructions
When using Shihlin inverters, please follow the installation to ensure the safety of user and others.
The following instructions will be classified and described by icons:
It means dangerous instructions, and incorrect handling may result in death or
severe injury.
It means caution instructions. Incorrect handling may result in injury or property
It means caution and execution need to be done. Please operate according to the
Inverters must be used on the location except corrosive gas, water, flammable gas.
Please operate far from flammable substance or explosives.
Please do not lay the inverter on an intense trembling or shaking occasion.
Do not operate wires soaked under oil or water.
Prohibit touching any part in the inverter when power is ON to avoid electric shock.
Three-phase power cannot be connected to terminal U/T1, V/T2, W/T3.
The terminal
of the inverter must be correctly grounded.
Do not conduct wiring when the power is ON.
Do not conduct hi-pot test on internal components of the inverter, for semiconductor
is easily damaged by high voltage.
There are CMOS IC components on PCBAs which are especially sensitive to static
electricity. Please do not touch PCBAs before taking anti-static measures.
Even if the motor stops, a charge may still remain in the main circuit terminals of
the inverter with hazardous voltages.
Only qualified persons are allowed to install, wire and maintain the inverter.
After some functions are set, the motor may start immediately once power is ON.
Please choose the safe area to install the inverter, avoiding heat, direct sunlight,
moisture humidity and splashing of droplets.
When wiring between the inverter and motor is too long, it may damage the layer
insulation of the motor. A reactor can be mounted between inverter and motor,
avoiding insulation is damaged.
For the installation power system of rated voltage, it cannot be over 240V for 220
series; it cannot be over 480V for 440 series.
Only qualified personnel familiar with wiring is allowed to perform wiring.
For the installation direction and method, please refer to the regulations.
Make sure to use the temperature in a safe range.
Please follow the installation to use the voltage.
When there are problems in operation, please first unload the motor, after zero-load
operation is OK, and then connect to the machine.
Please confirm whether the inverter power is in line with the motor power.
Before running, please confirm whether the emergency switch can operate normally.
Power wire, U, V, W wires and signal wire should not be stranded, but separately.
Please turn off the power if it is not used for a long time.
Safety Instructions
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Shihlin Преобразователи частоты Серии SS2 Manual RU
Инвертор Shihlin Серия SS2 — Интеллектуальный дом
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www.seec.com.tw Compact Design Vector Control SS2 Series Inverter (0.4KW-5.5KW) Superior performance just for you ISO 14001 ISO 9001 BSMI BSMI REGISTERED CERT. NO. 4A4E003 REGISTERED CERT. NO. 4A4Y003 1. SS2 . , : · ; · , . 1.1 ( ) , , . 1.2 2.3 : : 0.4: 0.4 0.75: 0.75 ... . : 021: 220/1. 023: 220/3. 043: 400/3. SS2-021-0.4K (SS2 , 1./220, 0.4) SS2-043-3.7K(SS2 , 1./380, 3.7) SNKSS20210R4K SNKSS20433R7K 3 2. SS2 2.1. 1/220 SS2-021- 0.4K 0.75K 1.5K 2.2K HP (..) 0.5 1 2 3 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 . (*) 0.95 1.5 2.5 4.2 A (*) 2.7 4.5 8 11 150% 60 ; 200% 1 . . 3 200~240 AC , 1 200~240 (170~264) 50/ 60 ±5% 1.5 2.5 3.5 6.4 () 1.1 1.2 1.6 1.7 2.2. 3/400 SS2-043- 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 HP (..) 0.5 1 2 3 5 7 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 . (*) 1 2 3 4.6 6.9 9.2 A (*) 1.5 2.6 4.2 6 9 12 150% 60 ; 200% 1 . 3 380~480 3 380~480 50 / 60 3 323~528 50 / 60 ±5% 1.5 2.5 4.5 6.9 10.4 13.8 () 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.6 1.7 1.7 *: : (P.72) ; - 220/440; - 60, 50 0. 4 2.3. SVPWM (- ), V/F-, . . 0. 1~650 . 100, 0.01. 100, 0.1. . 0~5V, 1/500; 0~10V 4~20mA, 1/1000. . ±0.01% . . . ±0.5% . . / (P.19), (P.3). V/f (P.14). 150% 3, 200% 5: . 0 30% (P.0), , . / / (P.7, P.8) (0.01/0.1), P.21. : 0~360 0~3600. «/» P.29. 0 120 (P.10); 0~60 (P.11); 0~30% (P.12). (P.71). - 0 250% (P.22). , 0~5 . , 0~10 . , 4~20 . . , . - . . P.170~P.183. (STF, STR), (RT), ' 16- ' (RL, RM, RH, REX), (OH), (RES), .. ( P.80~P.84, P.86) SOSE P.40 (RUN), (FU), . (SU), (OL), ABC P.85 (OMD), (PO1), (ALARM), (PO2), (PO3), (BP), (GP). (0~10VDC) AM5 , (P.54). 5 SS2 , , . . , , , , (6) , (PU). RS485 RS485, RJ-45. , , / (+/P)-(-/N), , (P.9), IGBT , , RS485, .. -10 ~ +50 0 ( ), -10~ +40 0. . 90%Rh ( ) -20 ~ +65 0 , , , 1000 , 5.9/2 (0.6G). IP20 2 Class I , 6 2.4. - 2.4.1. A SS2-021-0.4K SS2-021-0.75K SS2-023-0.4K SS2-023-0.75K SS2-023-1.5K SS2-043-0.4K SS2-043-0.75K SS2-043-1.5K H (mm) 174 H1 (mm) 165 7 W W1 D (mm) (mm) 80 58 134 2.4.2. B SS2 SS2-021-1.5K SS2-021-2.2K SS2-023-2.2K SS2-023-3.7K SS2-043-2.2K SS2-043-3.7K SS2-043-5.5K H (mm) 174 H1 W W1 (mm) (mm) 165 110.5 58 8 D (mm) 134 2.5. LED- . : 1. : 2. : 9 3. SS2 3.1. , . 3. 2. . : 1. , . 2. -20 ... +65 0. 3. 0%...95%, . 4. , . 5. . 1. , , , . 2. , . 3. , 30 . , . 4. , , , , ( ). 5. . . . 3.3. , , . . , . (), , : 1. . . , . 10 () . ; ( 20 ), , , . 90 . , . , . , , , , , . . , , 20 . 2. , . , , , . , . . 3. . . . 4. . . , , , . . «». 5. . . , , . ; ( 50 ), . , . 5 . 11 3.4. 1. . SS2 2. - . 3. 4. . 5. , , .. 6. , , . 7. , . 8. , , . 9. . 10. . . 12 : 1. DIN- 2. DIN- 3. : 1. M4. 2. , , . 3. , , . , , . 13 SS2 3.5. Power EMI filter R/L1 S/ L2 T/ L3 U/T1 V/T2 W/ T3 Motor FUSE/NFB Magneticcontactor InputACLineReactor Ze-rophaseReactor - Brakingresistor +/P B R PR -/N Zero-phaseReactor OutputAC LineReactor / - , . . , . , . , , , (. ) 500 6 , 10 . , , . , , . 10 . . . (>50) . 14 3.6. / . . 1/3-. 220/380VAC ( ) 1 2 3 . 1-10 2 RS-485 (RJ45) . ===== ======================================================== 1. , . P.80~P.84, P.86. 2. , PC SD . 3. ( . ) . 3.7 4. SO FM 10X P.64, P.74. ======================================================================= 15 SS2 : 1. . P.80~P.84, P.86, . P.40 . 2. : « (NPN)», SD; « (PNP)», PC. . Sink- « », Sours- « »: Sink- (NPN) Source- (PNP) « (NPN)». , - . Inverter STF PLC Inverter STF STR I PC DC SD 24V STR PC DC I SD 24V SiSnikn-kInput.:themulti-function control ter«minal isshorted»directlywithSD SD PLC Sink-Input: .themulti-functioncontrol terminal isconnected directlywithopen-collector PLC SD Inverter STF STR PC DC DC 24V SD 24V I SSininkkI-nput:themulti-function controlterminalisconnected with open-collector PLC and external power supply 16 « (PNP)». , SD - . Inverter PLC STF Inverter STF STR SD I DC PC 24V STR SD DC I PC 24V SouSroceu-rceInp.ut:themulti-functioncontrol t«erminalisshorte»ddirectlywithPC PC PLC SSoouurrccee-Input: t.hemulti-functioncontrolterminal isconnecteddirectlywithopen-emitterPLC PC Inverter STF STR DC 24 V I SD DC PC 24V SourcSeo-urceInput:themulti-functioncontrolterminalis connected with open-emitter PLC and external power supply R/L1- S/L2- T/L3 . U/T1-V/T2-W/T3 . +/P- PR . (. 1, 2) (+/P)-(-N) . (. 3) . 220 . 400 . (. 4) 17 SS2 : 1. SS2 . . 2. . P.30. 3. +/P -/N - . , +/P -/N. . -/N , .. ! 4. . , , . , , . . , . Best Average Poor 18 STF STR . : SINK M0 (NPN) SOURCE (PNP). M1 . M2 . P.80~P.84, P.86. RES SD (0V) SINK (DC24V), PC SOURCE. . 50. 10 : DC 10V. . 5. 2 : 0~5V 0~10V. P.38 4 0~5V 0~10V / 4~20 (. P.39 P.17) ( 1) 5 /: 2, 4, 10 AM. . A B C SO SE AM RJ45 / VDC30V / VAC230V-0.3A A-C , B-C . . :DC24V-0.1A. . P.40. . . : 0~10VDC/2A. . P.54, P.55, P.56, P.191, P.192. RS-485 DU06 , PC PLC. 19 SS2 3.7. : 1. U/T1-V/T2-W/T3 , , . 2. , . 3. . STF STR. 4. , . 5. , . , 2. ( 500 ). 6. . 7. ( ) . . 8. (+/P)-(-N) , , 10 . : 1. , . 2. 0.3~0.75 2. . 10mm 3. . . 4. SD, SE 5 . 20 5. ( .), . 6. ( .), . : 1. ( : 0.4 / : 2.5). 2. . 3. . 4. , . 5. , - , . 21 SS2 3.8. 3.8.1. SS2-021-0.4K SS2-021-0.75K SS2-021-1.5K SS2-021-2.2K , NFB /MCCB (Shihlin) MC (Shihlin) 220V, 0.4 1.5kVA BM30SN3P5A S-P11 220V, 0.75 2.5kVA BM30SN3P10A S-P11 220V, 1.5 3.5kVA BM30SN3P15A S-P11 220V, 2.2 6.4kVA BM30SN3P20A S-P11/ S-P12 SS2-043-0.4K SS2-043-0.75K SS2-043-1.5K SS2-043-2.2K SS2-043-3.7K SS2-043-5.5K 400V, 0.4 400V, 0.75 400V, 1.5 400V, 2.2 400V, 3.7 400V, 5.5 1.5kVA 2.5kVA 4.5kVA 6.9kVA 10.4kVA 13.8kVA BM30SN3P3A BM30SN3P5A BM30SN3P10A BM30SN3P15A BM30SN3P20A BM30SN3P30A S-P11 S-P11 S-P11 S-P21 S-P21 S-P21 3.8.2 / (2) (R/L1- S/L2- T/L3) . . (2) (-) (U/T1-V/T2-W/T3) Crimping Tightening terminal torque (2) (-) SS2-021-0.4K 2.5 12.2 2.5 12.2 2-3.5 2-3.5 SS2-021-0.75K 2.5 12.2 2.5 12.2 2-3.5 2-3.5 SS2-021-1.5K 2.5 18 2.5 18 2-4 2-4 SS2-021-2.2K 4 18 4 18 5.5-4 2-4 SS2-043-0.4K 2.5 12.2 2.5 12.2 SS2-043-0.75K 2.5 12.2 2.5 12.2 SS2-043-1.5K 2.5 12.2 2.5 12.2 SS2-043-2.2K 2.5 18 2.5 18 SS2-043-3.7K 2.5 18 2.5 18 SS2-043-5.5K 4 18 2.5 18 2-3.5 2-3.5 2-3.5 2-4 2-4 5.5-4 2-3.5 2-3.5 2-3.5 2-4 2-4 2-4 22 3.8.3. SS2-021-0.4K 100 220 SS2-021-0.75K 150 120 SS2-021-1.5K 300 60 SS2-021-2.2K 300 60 SS2-023-0.4K 100 220 SS2-023-0.75K 150 120 SS2-023-1.5K 300 60 SS2-023-2.2K 300 60 SS2-023-3.7K 400 40 SS2-043-0.4K 80 1000 SS2-043-0.75K 100 800 SS2-043-1.5K 200 320 SS2-043-2.2K 300 160 SS2-043-3.7K 500 120 SS2-043-5.5K 1000 75 : 1. , , , 10% ( , 5 , 45 ). ( ) . , , ( ). 2. , , . , , . 3.8.4. (-) SS2-021-0.4K SS2-021-0.75K SS2-021-1.5K SS2-021-2.2K SS2-023-0.4K SS2-023-0.75K SS2-023-1.5K SS2-023-2.2K SS2-023-3.7K DUOJI NF211B10/01 NF241B20/05 NF241B30/25 NF311A10/01 SS2-043-0.4K SS2-043-0.75K SS2-043-1.5K SS2-043-2.2K SS2-043-3.7K SS2-043-5.5K NF311A20/05 DUOJI NF311A10/01 NF311A20/05 23 SS2 3.8.5. - ( ) P41T63*38*25C UNIT:mm 38 63 25 1/220V 3/400V kW 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 - 1 2 1 2 (2) 0.5-5.5 3.5-5.5 A 0.5-5.5 3.5-5.5 A A: 4 . 24 3.8.6. 40050/603- . 2% 0.4 1.5 5 3.8 0.75 2.6 5 3.8 1.5 4.2 5 3.8 2.2 6 7 2.5 3.7 9 10 1.5 5.5 12 15 1.0 4% 5 5.6 5 5.6 5 5.6 7 3.5 10 2.8 15 1.9 40050/603- kW 0.4 1.5 0.75 2.6 1.5 4.2 2.2 6 3.7 9 5.5 12 . 5 5 5 7 10 15 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.0 0.7 0.47 1% 5 2.8 5 2.8 5 2.8 7 1.9 10 1.4 15 0.93 : SS2 SHANGHAI EAGTOP ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD . 25 SS2 4. 4.1. / . SS2 9 , , , JOG-, , , 1, 2, 3, 4 5. , , , , . 5 : , , , , HELP-. . . FWD REV STOP RESET JOG- P.15 FWD REV 0 2 4, . JOG- (P.82 = 41) ( STF, STR) * P.79 STF (P.131~P.138) . PU-, P.79=0 1 JOG- JOG-, P.79=0 * 2 , P.79=0 . 3 RS-485 RS-485 * 26 P.79 . 4 . 1 ( STF, STR) . 2 4, FWD REV STOP RESET 5 2 . (P.82) . RS-485, . 6 3 JOG- (P.15) ( STF, STR) . 2 4, 7 4 . RS-485 (P.82) 8 . 5 , . JOG- ( STF, STR) (P.15) * *: P.79=0, ( ). , 3 MODE , P.79. 4.1.1. - P.79=0 PU Hz PU Hz MON A MON A RUN V RUN V P.79=1 PU MON RUN PU Hz MON A RUN V Hz PU Hz A MON A V RUN V 27 SS2 : 1. . 2. 3. 1, 2, 3, 4 5, . 4. JOG- , . 5. , P.79 = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 8. 4.1.2 - , Readprevioustarget frequency Hz PU MON A RUN V Readnewtarget frequency PU Hz MON A RUN V : 1. . 2. , . 3. PU . 4.1.3 - PU Hz MON A RUN V SET The first bit flashes 1- PU Hz SET PU MON A MON RUN V RUN SET The second bit flashes 2- Hz SET PU A MON V RUN SET The third bit flashes 3- Hz V A SET PU Hz PU Hz PU Hz MON A MON A MON V RUN V RUN V RUN A SET PU MON RUN Enter the next setting mode MOPNU RUN SET Hz PU Hz A V MON Over RUN A V 0.5 s SET Read new set value Set value written and it flashes Hz A V : PU Hz MON A RUN V Read previous set value . SET 0.5 . 28 4.2. 4.2.1. PU- (P.79=0 1 ) · , . : 1. P.79=0, , 1 . 2. . 4.1. · . 2 e: . 4.1.4 . · FWD REV . · , , . 3 . (. P.110 5) : 1. . 4.1.3. 2. , , . STOP · RESET 4 . · , . 4.2.2. ( , P.79=0, 2) · . : 1. P.79=0, 1 ( ). , MODE , P.79. 2. P.79=2, . 3. . 4.1. · 4-5, . P.39. · , . P.4 2 5. · 2-5, . P.38. · . P.80~P.84, P.86. 29 SS2 · ( ) STF STR . · , , . : 1. STF STR P.78 , 3 . P.80~P.84, P.86 2. . 4.1.3. 3. , STF , STR ; « », « ». · STF STR 4 . · , . 4.2.3 JOG ( , P.79=0 1) · JOG, . 1 . . : . 4.1. · FWD REV . , . · FWD REV 2 . , . : 1. . 4.1.3. 2. JOG P.15, / P.16. 4.2.4 ( , P.79=3) RS-485 , . P.33. 30 4.2.5 1 ( , P.79=4 ) 1 · 1 . : . 4.1. 2 · . e: . 4.1.4 . · ( ) STF STR 3 . · , , . : . 4.1.3. · STF STR 4 . · , . 4.2.6 2 ( , P.79=5) · 2 . 1 : . 4.1. · . · 4-5, . P.39. 2 · , . 5. · 2-5, . P.38. · . P.80~P.84, P.86. P.4 · FWD REV . 3 · , , . : 1. . 4.1.3. 2. , , . STOP · RESET 4 . · , . 31 SS2 4.2.7 3 ( , P.79=6) RS-485. M0, M1, M2 REX `', (. P.4~P.6, P.80~P.84, P.86). P.15. / P.16. / . P.996, P.998 P.999 RS-485. 4.2.8 4 ( , P.79=7) : , (P.82) . / RS-485 ( `'). 4.2.9 5 ( , P.79=8) . M0, M1, M2 REX `', (. P.4~P.6, P.80~P.84, P.86). P.15. / P.16. / . 32 4.3. 4.3.1. : 1. . , (U/T1-V/T2-W/T3) ; , . 2. . 3. . , . 4. , . 5. , . 6. . 7. : . , . 4.3.2 , , 4 5. : FWD REV M0 Parameter seting: M1 P.4=40 P.5=30 M2 P.6=10 SD : STF-SD STR-SD : 2-5,4-5 33 SS2 4.3.3 , . 1. , , . 3. C MODE . , . 4. 2 MODE , . 5.00 . 5. FWD REV , STOP ; RESET . 5. : 1) . 2) ( ). 3) . , , . , . P.2 , ( .2 = 120) , .9 . : , , « ». , (R/L1-S/L2-T/L3) , (U/T1-V/T2-W/T3) , . , / . 34 4.3.4 . - (4...20 ). 1. .3. PC 4. ( . . ) (220 380V AC) R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 U/T1 V/T2 W/T3 Motor DMP330H 0-10bar 1 2 4-20 PC (24VDC) 4 2. (4.3.3). 3. : P.1 = 50 ( ). .9 = () .79 = 1 ( / ) .161= 4 (V) .170 = 2 -, 4; (.170 = 1, 2) .172 = (1 ... 100) - . -. . , , . .172 = (1 ... 100) - . -. . , , . .173 = (0 ... 100) -. , . . .174 = (0 ... 1000) -. . . .184 = 2 «AErr» .225 = % . , 0...10, 100% = 10 , 40% = 4 , .. 35 SS2 4. FWD REV , . V: , ? (.172 .174). . 1. : .175 = (0...100%) - .176 = (0...600) .177 = 0 . , .175 = 60%, .176 = 30, .177 = 0, 60% 30 , P10E, . 2. : .178 = (0...100%) . .179 = (0...255) .180 = (0...100%) .181 = (0...120) . . .183 = (0...10) , .178 = 5%, .179 = 30, .180 = 90%, .181 = 40. 95% 105% 30 , , 40 . 90% , «» . the target feel-backvalue Revival level below P.179 .Output frequency Outage level 0HZ P.179 pOrouctcaegses feedback actually .. Minishingthe output frequency gradually Revival process 36 6. - , , , , , .., - , . : , , . 6.1 1. ( , , ..) . 2. ( R/L1, S/L2 T/L3). 3. ( , ..). 4. ( , ..). 5. . 6. , , . 7. . 6.2 ( ) 1. , .. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. . 6. , . 7. . 37 1. SS2 P.0 P.1 P.2 P.3 P.4 1 () P.5 2 () P.6 3 () 0~30% 0~120 0~120 0~650 0~650 0~650 0~650 . 0.1% 0.01 0.01 0.01 () V/F 120 0 50/60 () V/F 0.01 0.01 0.01 60 30 10 . . .24-27 .142-149 P.7 0~360.00/ 0~3600.0 0.01/0.1 5 ( 3.7) 10 (5.5) 0 P.20 P.8 P.9 . P.10 . () P.11 . () P.12 . () P.13 P.14 P.15 JOG- 0~360.00/ 0~3600.0 0~500A 0~120 0~60 0~30% 0~60 0~13 0~650 0.01/0.1 5 ( 3.7) 10 (5.5) P.20 0 0.01A 0A . . .9=0, . 0.01 0.1 0.1% 3 0.5 4% 0.01 1 0.01 0.5 0 5 . , 14 V/F . . . P.16 / JOG 0~360.00/ 0.1/0.01 0~3600.0 0.5 P.17 0~2 . ( 4) 0: 4...20 1 0 1: 0...10 2: 0...5 P.18 . . 120~650 0.01 120 P.19 . 0~1000V, 9999 0.1V 9999 .19=9999, . P.20 /. 1~650 0.01 50/60 () , P.21 /. 0,1 1 0 0: 0.01 1: 0.1 38 . P.22 0~250% 0.1% . P.23 0~200%, 9999 0.1% 200% 9999 P.24 4 0~650, 9999 P.25 5 0~650, 9999 P.26 6 0~650, 9999 P.27 7 0~650, 9999 P.28 0~31 P.29 / 0, 1, 2 P.30 0, 1 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 1 1 1 P.31 0~2 1 P.32 RS-485 0~3 1 9999 9999 9999 9999 0 0 0 0 1 . . .4-6 .142-149 , 0: 1: S- - 2: 2S- - : 0: 3% 1: 0...30% .70 0: 1: (.72<5) 2. . , .72< 5 0: 4800 /; 1: 9600 / 2: 19200 /; 0: . P.33 0, 1 RS-485 1 1 0: Modbus 1: Shihlin protocol P.34 P.35 P.36 0~254 1 0 P.37 0~5000/ 0.1/ 0 / P.38 ( 2) P.39 ( 4) 1~650 1~650 0.01 0.01 50/60 () 50/60 () 39 SS2 . P.40 0~10 1 SO P.41 0~100% 0.1% . P.42 0~650 0.01 P.43 0~650, 9999 0.01 0 10% 6 9999 . . (SU) . , F.=F.+/-41 (FU) . , F. > P42 P43 0~360.00/ P.44 0.01/0.1 9999 0~3600.0,9999 P.45 P.46 2 0~360.00/ 0.01/0.1 0~3600.0,9999 0~30%,9999 0.1% 9999 9999 RT , 9999 P.47 2 0~650, 9999 0.01 9999 P.48 0, 1 1 0 0: 8 1: 7 P.49 - 0, 1 1 0 0: 1 1: 2 P.50 0, 1, 2 1 0 0: ; 1: Odd; 2: Even P.51 CR LF - P.52 1, 2 1 0~10 1 1 0: CR 1: CR LF 1 OP P.53 0~999.8, 9999 0.1s 9999 9999 P.54 AM 0~4 P.55 AM 0~650 P.56 AM 0~500A P.57 0~30, 9999 . P.58 0~60 P.59 0,10,100,110 1 0.01 0.01A 0 50/60 () . . 0.1 9999 9999 0.1 10 0: 10: 1 0 "SET" 100: 110: "SET" 40 P.60 P.61 P.62 P.63 P.64 P.65 P.66 P.67 - P.68 P.69 P.70 P.71 P.72 P.73 2 P.74 . FM SO P.75 Stop / Reset P.76 . 0~31 0~3 0~200%, 9999 0.05~60, 9999 0,1 0~4 0~650 0~10 0~360 0 1 31 0: 1: RH/RM 1 0 2: RH/RM 3: RH/RM . STF/STR 0.1% 0.01s 5% OMD 0.5 1 1 0.01 0 0: SO 0: FM () 0 0: 1-4: . 50/60 , () (22) 1 0 0.1 6s 0 0 0~30% 0, 1 1~15 0, 1 0~10 0.1% 1 1 1 1 0~1 1 0 . P30 1 0: 1: 5 72> 8, 0 0: 0...5 1: 0...10 0 . . FM 0: Stop 1 PU 1: P.77 0, 1, 2 1 0 . P.78 0, 1, 2 1 0: - 0 1: 2: 41 SS2 . P.79 0~8 1 0 . . 4.1 P.80 M0 0~40, 43 1 2 P.81 M1 0~40, 43 1 3 P.82 M2 0~41, 43 1 4 . . P.83 STF 0~40, 43 1 0 P.84 STR 0~40, 43 1 1 P.85 0~10 1 5 . . P.86 RES 0~40, 43 1 30 . . P.87 P.88 P.89 0~10 1 0 P.90 P.91 1A 0~650, 9999 0.01 9999 P.92 1B 0~650, 9999 0.01 9999 P.93 2A P.94 2B 0~650, 9999 0.01 0~650, 9999 0.01 9999 9999 , . P.95 3A 0~650, 9999 0.01 9999 P.96 3B 0~650, 9999 0.01 9999 P.97 P.98 1 - V/F P.99 1 - V/F 0~650 0~100% 0.01 0.1 3 V/F 10 . P.100 0, 1 1 1 P.101 0~6000 0.1 1 , 0 42 2 P.102 3 P.103 4 P.104 5 P.105 6 P.106 7 P.107 8 P.108 P.110 / P.111 1 . / P.112 2 . / P.113 3 . / P.114 4 . / P.115 5 . / P.116 6 . / P.117 7 . / P.118 8 . . 0~6000 0.1 0 0~6000 0.1 0 0~6000 0.1 0~6000 0.1 0~6000 0.1 0 , 0 0 0~6000 0.1 0 0~6000 0.1 0 0~4 1 0 . 0~600 / 0~6000 0~600 / 0~6000 0~600 / 0~6000 0~600 / 0~6000 0~600 / 0~6000 0~600 / 0~6000 0~600 / 0~6000 0~600 / 0~6000 0.01 / 0.1 0.01 / 0.1 0.01 / 0.1 0.01 / 0.1 0.01 / 0.1 0.01 / 0.1 0.01 / 0.1 0.01 / 0.1 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 43 SS2 . P.119 P.120 P.121 P.122 P.123 P.131 . . / 1 . . P.132 2 . . P.133 3 . . P.134 4 . . 03600 0~255 0~8 0, 1 0~650 0~650 0~650 0~650 0.1 1 1 1 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 SM 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 P.135 5 . . 0~650 0.01 0 P.136 6 . . 0~650 0.01 0 P.137 7 . . 0~650 0.01 0 P.138 P.139 P.140 P.141 P.142 8 . . 8 0~650 0%~100% 0.1%~200% 0~11 0~650 0.01 0.1% 0.1% 1 0.01 0 0% 100% 0 2. . 38 73 0 P.143 9 0~650, 9999 0.01 9999 P.144 10 P.145 11 P.146 12 P.147 13 0~650, 9999 0.01 0~650, 9999 0.01 0~650, 9999 0.01 0~650, 9999 0.01 9999 9999 9999 9999 . . .4-6 .24-27 P.148 14 0~650, 9999 0.01 9999 P.149 15 0~650, 9999 0.01 9999 P.150 P.151 P.152 0~22 0, 1 0~30% 1 1 0.1% 0 . .57-58 0 0: 1: DC 5% = .152 44 . P.153 0: 0, 1 1 0 1: P.154 Modbus 0~5 1 4 ASCII RTU. . P.155 P.156 P.157 P.158 P.159 0~200% 0~60 0~200 0, 1 0, 1 0.1% 0.1 1 1 1 0% OL2 1 OL2 4 0 0: 1: 0 0: 1: P.160 P.161 P.162 P.163 P.164 P.165 P.166 P.167 P.168 P.169 (V) 2 - V/F 2 - V/F 3 - V/F 3 - V/F 4 - V/F 4 - V/F 5 - V/F 5 - V/F 0~13 1 0~650, 9999 0.01 0~100% 0.1% 0~650, 9999 0.01 0~100% 0.1% 0~650, 9999 0.01 0~100% 0.1% 0~650, 9999 0.01Hz 0~100% 0.1% P.170 - 0, 1, 2 1 / P.171 0, 1 1 P.172 . - 1~100 1 P.173 . - 0~100 0.1s P.174 . - 0~1000 1 . P.175 0~100% 0.1% 0 9999 0 9999 0 9999 0 9999 0 0 0 0: 1: DC 2: . . . 3: 4: . 5: 6: . . 7: 2 () 8: . 4 (/) 9: 10: 11: : Frd, rEv, Stop 12: IGBT 13: . . 0: 1: .. 2 2: .. 4 . .225 0: 1: 20 -. . . 4.3.4 1 0 . . 4.3.4 0 45 SS2 . P.176 . P.177 . P.178 P.179 P.180 P.181 . . 0~600 0, 1,2 0~100% 0~255 0~100% 0~120 0.1 1 0.1% 0.1 0.1% 0.01 0 . . 4.3.4 0: 0 1: 2: 0 . . . 4.3.4 0 90% 40 P.182 () P.183 P.184 . 4 P.185 . 4 0~120 0~10Hz 0~3 0~100% 50/60 0.01 (.) 0.01Hz 0 1 0.5Hz 1: "AErr" . 2: "AErr", 0 3: "AErr" 0 P.187 FM 0~9998 1 220 P.188 --- --- --- P.189 60 0 0, 1 1 50 1 P.190 AM 0~8192 1 0 P.191 AM 0~8192 1 600 P.192 . . 2 0~10 0.01 0 P.193 . . 2 0~10 0.01 0 P.194 . . 2 0~60 0.01 0 P.195 . . 2 0~650 50/60 0.01 (.) P.196 . / . 4 0~60 0.01 0 46 . . . / P.197 . 4 0~650 50/60 0.01 (.) . / P.198 . 4 0~20 0.01 0 . / P.199 . 4 0~20 0.01 0 P.223 0~100% 0.1 0% P.224 0~100% 0.1 100% P.225 () - 0~100%,9999 0.1 P.229 0~1 1 P.230 0~650 0.01 20% 9999, 0 0: 1: 1 P.231 0~360 0.1 0.5 P.232 0~650 0.01 1 P.233 0~360 0.1 0.5 P.234 0~2 1 0 P.235 . 0~25% 0.1% 10% P.236 0~50% 0.1% 10% P.237 0~50% 0.1% 10% 0~360 P.238 0.01/0.1 10 /0~3600 P.239 0~360 0.01/0.1 10 /0~3600 / P.240 0~6 1 0 47 SS2 . P.242 0~1 1 0: 0 1: P.243 0~60s 0.1s P.244 0~30% 0.1% P.245 0~3 0 P.247 P.248 P.249 P.250 0.1~100c 0.1c 0.1~100c 0.1c 0~60,9999 0.01 0~10,9999 0.01 P.287 0~1 1 P.288 0~12 1 0.5s 4% 0: . , . 30 0 . 1: 2: . +40 0 3: t> +40 0 1c 0.5c 9999 9999 1 0 0: 1: .. . P.289 --- --- 0 P.290 P.291 P.292 P.293 P.294 () () 0~5 --0~1439 0~9998 0~9998 1 --1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 P.295 () P.300 P.301 2~9998 1 0~2 1 0~3 1 0 0: V/F 0 1: --- 2: 1: 0 2: 3: - P.302 . P.303 0~160 0.01 0 0~8 1 4 48 . P.304 . 0~440 1 220/440 P.305 . 0~650 0.01 50/60 () P.306 . 0~500A 0.01 A P.307 . 0~9998 1410/1710 / 1 / / () P.308 0~500A 0.01 A P.309 0~99.98 1 P.320 0~200% 1% 80% P.321 0~32 1 16 P.994 P.995 . . 5 --. . 5 --- --- PU --- PU P.996 . . 5 --- --- () P.997 . . 5 --- --- . . 5 P.998 --- --- PU . . 5 P.999 --- --- PU : P.189. P.189=0, 60. P.189=1, 50. 49 SS2 0 RUN: 1 SU: .41 2 FU: 3 OL: ( ). 4 OMD: . . P.62 , P.63 P.40/P.85 5 ALARM: 6 PO1: . 7 PO2: . 8 PO3: . 9 BP ( ): . 10 GP (): . - . - 80 M0 0~40, 2 43 0 1 2 3 4 STF STR RL RM RH . . . . 1 2. . P.4~P.6, 61 3. 50 / - . - - ` ', `. 2', 81 M1 5 0~40, 3 43 AU `. ', AU , 2-5. 6 OH 7 MRS 2- 8 RT . P.44 82 M2 9 0~41, 4 43 10 EXJ STF+EXJ JOG. . P.15 , P.16 11 STR+EXJ 12 STF+RT 13 STR+RT 14 STF+RL 15 STR+RL 16 STF+RM 17 STR+RM 18 STF+RH 19 STR+RH 83 STF 0~40, 20 STF+RL+RM 0 43 21 STR+RL+RM 22 STF+RT+RL 23 STR+RT+RL 24 STF+RT+RM 25 STR+RT+RM 26 STF+RT+RL+RM 27 STR+RT+RL+RM 51 SS2 - . 84 STR 1 86 RES 30 0~40, 43 0~40 ,43 28 29 30 31 32 RUN STF/STR RES STOP REX RUN / . Run forward /reverse control signal . 33 PO 34 RES_E () 35 MPO MPO . 36 TRI . 37 GP_BP () 38 CS () ` ' RUN. 39 STF/STR +STOP STF/STR STF/STR. , RUN. 40 P_MRS 41 P_FRE M2 43 RUN_EN 52 2. ERR OC1 OC1 OC2 OC3 OV0 OV1 OV2 1. 1. 2. «RES» 2. RES 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. . . , . 2 . 1. . 2. . 3. U/T1, V/T2 W/T3. . 1. / , . P N 2. , . 3. P.30 P.70. 53 SS2 OV3 THT IGBT THN OHT OPT EEP CPU OLS SCP . OV1, OV2. P N IGBT 1. P.9 . . 2. . 1. . 2. . 1. . . - . 2. . . . ( ). . 1. . 2. P.22. 2 . U/T1, V/T2 W/T3. 54 PIDE - NTC IGBT CPR OL2 AErr 4-5 1. 1. . 2. ( -, ..). . 2. 3. - ( , , 3. .) . 1. IGBT , , . 2. . . 1. . 2. . 3. / . 1. . 1. 2. . 2. P.155 P.156. P.155 P.156 . 4-5 . P.184. 4. : 1. . . 2. . P.288~P.291. 55 SS2 LV LT 1. P.22, , PU MON RUN Hz A V , P.23, P.66. 2. , P.7 P.8 . . . 1. +/P -/N , , PU MON Hz A , RUN V +/P PR. . 2. , P.7 P.8 . . . 1. / , , PU MON Hz A , RUN V flicker , . , 2. LT. . . : , . , . , , . 56 3. · R/L1, S/L2 T/L3. · , Power . · . · . , . · , . · (P.13)? · (P.79)? · , (P.1) . · / P.78. · / (P.192~P.199). · (P.91~P.96). · , "MRS" . ( P.80~P.84, P.86). · , "RES" . (. P.80~P.84, P.86). · , . · , . · , . · STF STR (. P.80~P.84, P.86). · . · U/T1, V/T2 W/T3 (STF STR) . · . · (P.22). · P.0? · . P.1?. / · / (P.7, P.8). · / (P.29). · , . · . · ? · P.0? · , . · , . · . 57 SS2 : 1. DU06 : . 1 SNKDU06 2. DU06: DU06 3. DU06: 58 4. DU06: 5. CBL: DU06 : 1 CBL1R5GT 2 CBL03GT 3 CBL05GT (1.5) (3) (5) SNKCBL1R5GT SNKCBL03GT SNKCBL05GT 59