Шкода рапид 2016 инструкция по эксплуатации

Посмотреть инструкция для Skoda Rapid (2016) бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории автомобили, 13 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.3. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: русский. У вас есть вопрос о Skoda Rapid (2016) или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Шкода Рапид (2016) — это компактный автомобиль, созданный для комфортной езды в городской среде. Он оснащен двигателем мощностью от 90 лошадиных сил до 125 лошадиных сил, в зависимости от выбранной комплектации. Машина доступна с системой переднего привода и также с системой полного привода. Коробка передач может быть как механической, так и автоматической.

Шкода Рапид имеет просторный салон и вместительный багажник, который может вместить до 460 литров груза. В зависимости от выбранной комплектации, автомобиль может иметь различные опции, такие как систему навигации, климат-контроль и камеру заднего вида.

Безопасность в машине обеспечивается системами контроля стабильности и торможения, а также различными системами подушек безопасности.

Шкода Рапид — это надежный автомобиль, произведенный из высококачественных материалов. Он предназначен для практического использования для повседневных поездок в городе или на большие расстояния.


Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Skoda Rapid (2016).

Как перевести мили в километры?

1 миля равна 1,609344 километрам, а 1 километр — 0,62137119 милям.

Где я могу узнать идентификационный номер транспортного средства Skoda?

Место размещения идентификационного номера транспортного средства зависит от марки и типа транспортного средства. Номер может быть выбит на раме транспортного средства или указан на номерном знаке. Чтобы узнать место расположения идентификационного номера транспортного средства лучше всего ознакомиться с руководством по эксплуатации Skoda Rapid (2016).

Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?

Идентификационный номер транспортного средства — уникальный для каждого транспортного средства идентификационный номер. Аббревиатура VIN расшифровывается как «Vehicle Identification Number» (Идентификационный номер транспортного средства).

Когда транспортному средству Skoda требуется техническое обслуживание?

Регулярное техническое обслуживание необходимо всем транспортным средствам. С информацией о том, как часто необходимо проходить техническое обслуживание и чему именно стоит уделять особое внимание можно ознакомиться в инструкции по техническому обслуживанию. Как правило, транспортное средство требует технического обслуживания каждые 2 года или 30 000 километров пробега.

Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Skoda?

Тормозную жидкость рекомендуется менять каждые два года.

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

В топливе E10 содержится до десяти процентов этанола, в то время как в E5 содержится менее пяти процентов. Соответственно, топливо E10 менее вредит окружающей среде.

Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?

Скорее всего, замок оснащен защитой от детей и поэтому не может быть открыт изнутри. Процедура открытия замка с защитой от детей зависит от марки и типа замка.

Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?

Если автомобильный радиоприемник не включен, на него не будет подаваться питание. Убедитесь, что красный провод подключен к контактному источнику питания, а желтый провод — к источнику питания постоянной мощности.

Инструкция Skoda Rapid (2016) доступно в русский?

Да, руководствоSkoda Rapid (2016) доступно врусский .

Не нашли свой вопрос? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Руководство по эксплуатации автомобиля Skoda Rapid 1

Обзор передней панели автомобиля
1. Электрические стеклоподъемники. 2. Переключатель регулировки положения наружных зеркал. 3. Дефлекторы. 4. Рычаг многофункционального переключателя (сигналы поворота, дальний свет и стояночные фонари, звуковой сигнал,…

Щиток приборов
1. Тахометр. 2. Дисплей. со счётчиком пробега, с индикатором технического обслуживания, с электронными часами, с многофункциональным дисплеем, с информационным дисплеем. 3. Спидометр. 4. Указатель температуры охлаждающей…

Бортовой компьютер
Элементы управления Клавиша А и клавиша В расположены на рычаге стеклоочистителя. Переключение и возврат на многофункциональном рулевом колесе осуществляется с помощью регулятора D. Выбор памяти Кратковременно нажать клавишу В на…

MAXI DOT (информационный дисплей)
Внимание. При контакте с дисплеем (например, при его протирании) вынуть ключ зажигания из замка, чтобы не допустить повреждений. Управление при помощи клавиш на рычаге стеклоочистителя Main menu (Главное меню) вызывается нажатием…

Самодиагностика автомобиля (Auto-Check-Control)
Состояние автомобиля Функция самодиагностики предназначена для проверки состояний определённых функций и компонентов автомобиля. Проверка непрерывно осуществляется при включённом зажигании, как во время движения, так и на…

Контрольные лампы
Обзор Контрольные лампы информируют водителя о включении тех или иных функций или о сбоях в работе систем автомобиля и могут также дублироваться звуковыми сигналами. Внимание. Если Вы не будете обращать внимания на загорающиеся…

Ключи от автомобиля
А. Набор ключей без дистанционного управления. В. Ключ с дистанционным управлением. Вместе с автомобилем поставляются всегда два ключа В зависимости от оснащения, в Вашем автомобиле можете располагать ключами без дистанционного…

Система замков с центральным управлением
В случае применения системы центрального управления замками для запирания или же отпирания одновременно запираются или же отпираются все двери и крышка наливной горловины топливного бака. Крышка багажника при отпирании…

Защитное блокирующее приспособление
Система замков с центральным управлением снабжена защитным блокирующим приспособлением. В результате запирания автомобиля снаружи наступает автоматическое блокирование замков дверей. Ни одну из дверей невозможно открыть ручкой ни…

Дистанционное управление
Внутри корпуса радиоключа установлен передатчик с элементом питания (батарейкой). Приёмник находится в салоне автомобиля. Дальность действия дистанционного управления составляет около 10 м. При слабо заряженных батарейках…

Дверь багажного отделения
Внимание. Убедитесь, что после закрывания замок защёлкнулся. Иначе дверь багажного отсека может внезапно открыться при движении, даже если замок был заперт — опасность аварии! Не ездите с открытой или прикрытой крышкой багажного…

Выключатели в двери водителя
Выключатели в двери водителя Электрическим стеклоподъемником возможно пользоваться только при включенном зажигании. Открытие окон Окно открывается после легкого нажатия кнопки соответствующего выключателя. После отпускания кнопки…

Включение и выключение фар
Передняя панель: A. Переключатель освещения. B. Блок предохранителей: выключатель дневного режима освещения. Включение габаритных фонарей Поверните переключатель света положение . Включение ближнего и дальнего света фар Поверните…

Рычаг указателей поворотов и дальнего света фар
Правый и левый указатель поворота Переведите рычаг вверх А или вниз В. Для трехкратного мигания указателя поворота (так называемого комфортного включения указателя поворота), кратковременно переместите рычаг вверх или вниз до…

Стеклоочистители и стеклоомыватели — общие сведения
Внимание. Условием чёткой видимости и безопасной езды является безупречное состояние щёток стеклоочистителей. Не используйте стеклоомыватель при низких температурах без предварительного обогрева ветрового стекла. В противном…

Управление стеклоочистителями и омывателями
У рукоятки переключателя стеклоочистителей имеются следующие положения: Однократное срабатывание стеклоочистителей Если хотите протереть ветровое стекло всего лишь короткое время, нажмите рукоятку вниз, в подрессоренное положение…

Омыватели фар
Омыватели фар осуществляют опрыскивание фар всякий раз после каждого пятого опрыскивания ветрового стекла, при условии, что включены фары ближнего или дальнего света, после притягивания рукоятки в положение (5), а именно…

Передние сиденья
Положение передних сидений возможно регулировать различными способами, приспосабливая их к размерам тела водителя и пассажира переднего сиденья. Правильное регулирование положения сидений особо важно для: безопасного и быстрого…

Эксплуатация подголовников
Наиболее действенную защиту предоставляет подголовник в том случае, если его верхний край находится на од ной прямой с теменем Вашей головы. Настройка высоты подголовников Взяв подголовник обеими руками со сторон сдвиньте его…

Подогрев передних сидений
Спинки и подушки сидений могут быть оборудованы электрическими нагревательными элементами. Нажатием на регулятор с символом можно включить и настроить мощность подогрева сиденья водителя и переднего пассажира. Нажатием Вы…

Дефлекторы системы отопления и кондиционирования
Открытие отверстий для впуска воздуха Поверните горизонтально расположенный маховичок (в иное, чем концевое положение). Закрытие отверстий для впуска воздуха Поверните горизонтально расположенный маховичок в крайнее положение….

Модуль управления системы отопления и кондиционирования
Регулирование температуры При желании повысить температуру поверните ручку настройки (А) вправо. При желании понизить температуру поверните ручку настройки (А) влево. Регулирование вентиляции При желании включить вентилятор…

Настройка системы отопления
Рекомендуемые настройки элементов управления отоплением для отдельных режимов: Размораживание ветрового стекла и боковых стекол Ручку настройки (А) — до упора вправо. Переключатель вентилятора (В) — в положение 3. Ручку настройки…

Рециркуляция воздуха
В режиме рециркуляции воздуха всасывается воздух из внутреннего пространства автомобиля и снова возвращается в него. Режим рециркуляции воздуха позволяет, в случае надобности, предотвращать проникновение во внутреннее…

Кондиционер с ручным управлением — описание
Climatic представляет собой комбинированное устройство для охлаждения и отопления воздуха. В любое время года оно обеспечивает идеальную термическую обработку воздуха. Охлаждающее устройство может работать только в том случае,…

Обслуживание кондиционера с ручным управлением
Регулирование температуры При желании повысить температуру поверните ручку настройки. При желании понизить температуру поверните ручку настройки (А) влево. Регулирование вентиляции При желании включить вентилятор поверните…

Регулирование положения рулевого колеса
Положение рулевого колеса возможно регулировать по высоте и в продольном направлении. Сначала отрегулируйте положение сиденья водителя Откиньте вниз ручку под колон кой рулевого управления. Отрегулируйте рулевое колесо в…

Замок зажигания
Бензиновые двигатели (1) — Зажигание выключено, двигатель остановлен, механизм рулевого управления возможно заблокировать. (2) — Зажигание включено. (3) — Пуск двигателя. Дизельные двигатели (1) — Прекращение подвода топлива,…

Пуск двигателя — общие положения
Двигатель возможно заводить только оригинальным ключом. Прежде, чем приступить к пуску двигателя, переключите рычаг переключения передач в нейтральное положение (в автомобилях с автоматической коробкой передач переведите рычаг в…

Пуск бензинового двигателя
Бензиновые двигатели оборудованы многоточечной системой впрыскивания топлива, обеспечивающей подачу идеальной смеси топлива с воздухом. До и во время пуска двигателя не добавляйте газу. Если двигатель не завелся в течение I0…

Пуск дизельного двигателя
Дизельные двигатели оснащены устройством для предварительного разогрева (накаливания), продолжительность которого автоматически приспосабливается к температуре охлаждающей жидкости и температуре наружного воздуха После включения…

Остановка двигателя
Двигатель выключите, поворачивая ключ в замке зажигания в положение (1). Внимание. Никогда не останавливайте двигатель, пока автомобиль полностью не остановился — опасность происшествия! Усилитель тормозного привода работает…

Переключение передач (механическая коробка передач)
Передачу заднего хода включайте только в том случае, если автомобиль стоит на месте. Включая передачу заднего хода при работающем двигателе, нужно недолго подождать при полностью выжатой педали сцепления, чтобы при включении…

Автоматическая коробка передач
Введение Ваш автомобиль оборудован шестиступенчатой автоматической коробкой передач с электронным управлением. Ступени скорости переключаются в восходящем и нисходящем порядке автоматически. Речь идет о стандартной автоматической…

Ремень безопасности с преднатяжителем (при наличии)
Система ремней безопасности Прежде чем застегнуть ремень безопасности, отрегулируйте сиденье и подголовник в правильное положение. Держа ремень за язычок, перекиньте его медленно через грудную клетку и таз. Вставьте язычок ремня…

Подушки безопасности
Внимание. Чтобы добиться максимальной эффективности защиты лиц внутри автомобиля при введении системы в действие, нужно правильно отрегулировать передние сиденья по росту тела сидящего на нем лица. Если на ходу автомобиля не…

Основные технико-эксплуатационные параметры
Размеры a) Значение действительно для автомобилей с навигационной системой Amundsen+. b) Значение соответствует версии с пакетом для плохих дорог. Спецификация и заправочный объём моторного масла На заводе заливается…

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     5JA012720AH[…]

  • Страница 3

    Preface You have opted for a ŠKODA – our sincere thanks for your confidence in us. The description of the vehicle operation, important information about safety, vehicle care, mainte- nance and self-help, as well as technical vehicle data, are given in this manual. The operation of some functions and vehicle systems is undertaken via Infotainment[…]

  • Страница 4

    Table of Contents Board literature 4 Notes 5 Structure and more information about the Owner´s Manual 6 Abbreviations Safety Passive Safety 8 General information 8 Correct and safe seated position 8 Seat belts 11 Using seat belts 11 Inertia reels and belt tensioners 13 Airbag system 14 Description of the airbag system 14 Airbag overview 15 Deactiva[…]

  • Страница 5

    Do-it-yourself Emergency equipment and self-help 156 Emergency equipment 156 Changing a wheel 157 Puncture set 161 Jump-starting 164 Towing the vehicle 165 Remote control 167 Emergency unlocking/locking 168 Replacing windscreen wiper blades 169 Fuses and light bulbs 170 Fuses 170 Replacing bulbs 173 Technical data Technical data 179 Basic vehicle d[…]

  • Страница 6

    Board literature You always find these Owner´s Manual and the Service Plan in the on-board literature for your vehicle. Depending on the equipment, the on-board literature can also contain The ra- dio instruction manual or Manual of the navigation system and in some coun- tries also the brochure On the road . Owner´s Manual These Owner´s Manual […]

  • Страница 7

    Notes Terms used The on-board literature contains the following terms relating to the service work for your vehicle. — a workshop that carries out specialist service tasks for ŠKODA vehicles. A specialist garage can be a ŠKODA partner, a ŠKODA service partner or an independent workshop. — a workshop that has been contractually authorized by the […]

  • Страница 8

    Structure and more information about the Owner´s Manual Structure of the manual The operating manual is hierarchically divided into the following areas. ■ Section (e.g. Safety) — the title of the Section is always indicated at the lower left side ■ Main chapters (e.g. Airbag System) — the title of the main chapter is always indicated at the lo[…]

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    Abbreviations Abbreviation Definition rpm Engine revolutions per minute A2DP a Bluetooth software profile for a one-way transfer of audio data ABS Anti-lock brake system AG Automatic gearbox AGM Vehicle battery type TCS Traction control CO 2 Carbon dioxide COC Declaration of conformity DPF Diesel particle filter DSG Automatic double clutch gearbox […]

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    Safety Passive Safety General information  Introduction This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Before setting off 8 Driving safety 8 In this section of the instructions you will find important information, tips and notes on the subject of passive safety. We have combined everything here which you should be familiar with, fo[…]

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    WARNING ■ The front seats and all head restraints must be adjusted to match the body size at all times and the seat belt must always be fastened properly to provide the most effective levels of protection to the passengers. ■ Each occupant must correctly fasten the seat belt belonging to the seat. Children must be fastened » page 19 , Transpor[…]

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    › Swing the safety lever under the steering wheel in the direction of arrow 1 » Fig. 3 . › Adjust the steering wheel to the desired position. The steering wheel can be adjusted in direction of arrow 2 . › Pull the holder until it stops in arrow direction 3 . WARNING ■ Never adjust the steering wheel when the vehicle is moving only when the[…]

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    Seat belts Using seat belts  Introduction This chapter contains information on the following subjects: The physical principle of a frontal collision 12 Correct routing of seat belt 12 Fastening and unfastening seat belts 13 Seat belts that are fastened correctly offer good protection in the event of an accident. They reduce the risk of an injury[…]

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    WARNING (Continued) ■ Check the condition of all the seat belts on a regular basis. If any damage to the seat belts, seat belt connections, inertia reel or the lock is detected, the relevant seat belt must be replaced by a specialist garage. ■ Damaged seat belts which have been subjected to stress in an accident and were therefore stretched, mu[…]

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    The shoulder part of the seat belt must never run across the neck but must roughly run over the middle of the shoulder and fit snugly against the chest. The lap part of the belt must run across the pelvis, must not be positioned across the stomach and must always fit snugly » Fig. 5 —  . Seat belt height adjusters for front seats The seat belt […]

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    If there is a collision the seat belts are tightened by the belt tensioner so that unwanted body motion is prevented. The three-point seat belts are automatically tensioned in the event of a frontal or rear collision of a certain severity. The front seat belts are automatically tensioned in the event of a side collision of a certain severity. Belt […]

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    System description Read and observe on page 14 first. The inflation of the airbag is carried out in a fraction of a second. When the airbags are deployed, they fill with gas and inflate. A grey white or red, non-harmful gas is released when the airbag is inflated. This is perfectly normal and is not an indication of a fire in the vehicle. Depending[…]

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    Fig. 9 Safe distance to steering wheel In the event of a severe frontal collision, the front airbags offer additional pro- tection for the head and chest area of the driver and front passenger. The driver’s front airbag is located in the steering wheel, the front passenger airbag is located in the instrument panel above the glove compartment ?[…]

  • Страница 19

    In the event of severe side collisions, the side airbags provide additional pro- tection for the upper body (chest, stomach and pelvis) of passengers in the ve- hicle. The side airbags are housed in the upholstery of the front seat backrests » Fig. 10 —  . The load of the occupants is cushioned when plunging into the fully inflated airbag » Fi[…]

  • Страница 20

    WARNING (Continued) ■ The installation of impermissible accessories in the vicinity of the head airbags can considerably impair the protection offered by the head airbag in the event of it being deployed. When the deployed head airbag is inflated, parts of the accessories fitted could be thrown into the interior of the car and injure the occupant[…]

  • Страница 21

    › Use the key to turn the slot of the key switch » Fig. 12  carefully into the position  . › Pull the key out of the slot in the key switch » . › Close the storage box on the front passenger’s side. › Check that the warning light   1) under the text    » Fig. 12 — […]

  • Страница 22

    WARNING (Continued) ■ Children are exposed to an increased risk of injury in the event of an acci- dent if they lean forward or adopt an incorrect seated position when the vehicle is moving. This particularly applies to children who are transported on the front passenger seat as they can suffer severe, or even fatal injuries if the airbag system […]

  • Страница 23

    ▶ Set the front passenger seat belt as high up as possible. ▶ When using a child seat where there is a height adjuster in the upper area, the height of the passenger seat belt is to be set so that the belt is not “kinked” in the height adjuster. In the event of an accident, there is the risk of injury to the neck of the child carried due to[…]

  • Страница 24

    Group Front passenger seat Rear seats External Rear seat Centre 0 up to 10 kg U U U 0+ up to 13 kg U U U 1 9-18 kg U U U 2 15-25 kg U U U a) 3 22-36 kg U U U a) a) If the middle rear seat is not provided with a headrest, then a child seat of Group 2 or 3 is only to be used if this has its own built-in headrest. If the child seat of Group 2 or 3 doe[…]

  • Страница 25

    Use of child seats with the  -system Overview of the usefulness of child seats fastened with the  -system on each of the seats in accordance with the ECE-R 16 standard. Group Size class of the child seat a) Front passenger seat Outer rear seats Rear seat middle 0 up to 10 kg E X IL-SU X 0+ up to 13 kg E X IL-SU X[…]

  • Страница 26

    Attachment points of the   -system Fig. 18 Attachment points of the   -system   is a fastening system, which restricts the movement of the upper part of the child seat. The anchor eyelets for attaching the belt for a child seat with the   -sy[…]

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    25 Transporting children safely[…]

  • Страница 28

    Fig. 19 Cockpit 26 Using the system[…]

  • Страница 29

    Using the system Cockpit Overview Electric windows 56 Door opening lever 53 Electric exterior mirror adjustment 67 Air outlet vents 90 Parking ticket holder 73 Operating lever (depending on equipment): ▶ Indicators, main and dipped beam, headlight flasher 60 ▶ Speed regulating system 110 Steering wheel (depending on equipment): ▶ With horn ?[…]

  • Страница 30

    Instruments and Indicator Lights Instrument cluster  Introduction This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Overview 28 Revolution counter 29 Display 29 Coolant temperature gauge 29 Fuel gauge 30 Counter for distance driven 30 Setting the clock 31 The instrument cluster gives the driver basic information such as the current sp[…]

  • Страница 31

    Button for: ▶ Setting the time » page 31 ▶ Reset counter for distance travelled (trip) » page 30 ▶ Displaying the distance and days until the next service interval » page 46 Coolant temperature gauge » page 29 Fuel gauge » page 30 Revolution counter Read and observe on page 28 first. The tachometer 1 » Fig. 20 on page 28 or » Fig. 21 o[…]

  • Страница 32

    The operating range The engine has reached its operating temperature as soon as the pointer moves into the middle of the scale A » Fig. 23 . High temperature range If the pointer reaches the red area of the scale, the coolant temperature is too high. CAUTION ■ Additional headlights and other attached components in front of the air inlet impair t[…]

  • Страница 33

    Reset counter for distance travelled (trip) › Press button A » Fig. 26 on page 31 . Setting the clock Fig. 26 Button in the instrument cluster Read and observe on page 28 first. › Switch on the ignition. › Press and hold the button A » Fig. 26 until the Time is shown in the display. › Release the button A and the system switches to the ho[…]

  • Страница 34

    Warning lights in the display Depending on the importance the warning light  (danger) or  (warning) illu- minate along with some of the warning lights in the list with the warning lights 4 » Fig. 20 on page 28 and » Fig. 21 on page 28 . WARNING ■ Ignoring illuminated indicator lights and related messages or instructions in the instrument […]

  • Страница 35

     flashes   Steering lock: Workshop! STEERING WORKSHOP Seek help from a specialist garage. Steering column lock not unlocked (System KESSY)  flashes   Move the steering wheel! MOVE STEERING WHEEL ▶ Move the steering wheel slightly back and forth, thereby facilitating unlock- ing the steering lock. If the steering does also not un[…]

  • Страница 36

     Rear fog light Read and observe on page 32 first.  illuminates – the rear fog light is switched on.  Exhaust inspection system Read and observe on page 32 first.  illuminates – there is a fault in the emission control system. The system makes possible operation emergency mode — there may be a noticeable reduc- tion in engine perfor[…]

  • Страница 37

    If the warning light  flashes after starting the engine again, there is a system error. Seek help from a specialist garage. Disconnecting the vehicle battery If the vehicle’s battery has been disconnected and reconnected, the indicator light  comes on after switching on the ignition. The warning light should go out after driving a short […]

  • Страница 38

     Main beam Read and observe on page 32 first.  illuminates – the main beam or the headlight flasher is switched on.  Automatic transmission Read and observe on page 32 first. Gearbox overheated The warning light  is only shown in the MAXI DOTdisplay.   Illumi- nates   Gearbox overheated. Stop! Owner´s manual! STOP VEHICLE[…]

  • Страница 39

     Engine oil pressure too low Read and observe on page 32 first.   flashes – the engine oil pressure is too low. Oil pressure: Stop! Owner´s manual! STOP VEHICLE OIL PRESSURE › Stop the vehicle, switch off the engine, and check the engine oil level. Even if the oil level is correct,  do not drive any further if the warning light is […]

  • Страница 40

    WARNING ■ Always adjust the speed and driving style to the actual weather, road, ter- rain and traffic conditions. ■ The diesel particulate filter reaches very high temperatures — there is a fire hazard and serious injury could be caused. Therefore, never stop the vehicle at places where the underside of your vehicle can come into contact with […]

  • Страница 41

    Information system Driver information system  Introduction This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Door, luggage compartment or bonnet warning 39 Overspeed warning at 120 km/h 39 Auto-check control 39 Gear recommendation 39 Depending on the vehicle’s equipment, the information system vie the display of the instrument cl[…]

  • Страница 42

    For vehicles with automatic transmission the recommended gear will be shown provided the mode for manual switching (Tiptronic) is selected. WARNING The driver is always responsible for selecting the correct gear in different driving situations, such as overtaking. Driving data (Multifunction display)  Introduction This chapter contains informati[…]

  • Страница 43

    Range The detail provides information about the distance in km, that can be travelled with the current tank and with the same driving style. If you drive more efficiently this value can increase. Average fuel consumption The indication is calculated continuously since the last deletion of the memory. After erasing the memory, no data will appear fo[…]

  • Страница 44

    Memory Fig. 29 Memory display: MAXI DOT dis- play (  ) / Segment display (  ) Read and observe on page 40 first. Following driving data is stored in three locations. ▶ Average fuel consumption. ▶ Distance driven. ▶ Average speed. ▶ Driving time. Display of the selected memory in the display at position A » Fig. 29 . Since start ( […]

  • Страница 45

    › Press and hold the dial G on the multifunction steering wheel » Fig. 31 on page 43 . Main menu items (depending on vehicle equipment) ■ Driving data » page 40 ■ Assist systems » page 45 ■ Navigation » page 44 ■ Audio » page 44 ■ Telephone » page 45 ; ■ Vehicle » page 39 , Auto-check control The menus can be opened using the b[…]

  • Страница 46

    Button / dial Action Operation D Press briefly to the previous radio channel or change to the playback track b) Press and hold button Fast reverse within the track E Press briefly Select menu item Assist systems » page 45 F Press briefly Take the call / end the call / Menu Tel- ephone display / display call list / call the selected contact Press a[…]

  • Страница 47

    Menu item Telephone Read and observe on page 42 first. Select menu item Telephone › Select and confirm Telephone in the main menu. › Turn the dial G » Fig. 31 on page 43 . The system displays a call list. If the call list includes no entries, the following message appears No entries avail- able. The following symbols are displayed next to each[…]

  • Страница 48

    In the display when the ignition is on, an arrow symbol as well as an abbrevia- tion for the corresponding direction (in relation to the current direction of trav- el) are displayed » Fig. 32 . Service interval display  Introduction This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Displaying the distance and days until the next serv[…]

  • Страница 49

    SmartGate  Introduction Fig. 34 ŠKODA websites This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Connection to SmartGate using Wi-Fi 47 Connection to SmartGate using Wi-Fi Direct 48 SmartGate web interface 48 Password/PIN code change 48 SmartGate is a system that transmits certain driving data (such as fuel con- sumption, speed or si[…]

  • Страница 50

    With SmartGate, a maximum of four communication devices can be connected simultaneously using Wi-Fi. In these communication devices, up to four ŠKODA applications can be started simultaneously. Disconnection The connection can be switched off in one of the following ways. › Switch off the ignition for longer than 5 seconds (for vehicles with a s[…]

  • Страница 51

    › Restart SmartGate by tapping on the “Reboot” 1) interface. Changing the PIN code for the Wi-Fi Direct connection › Open the SmartGate web interface. › In the menu item “Wi-Fi Direct PIN:” Enter the new PIN code (6 digits). › Confirm the PIN code change by tapping on the “Save” interface. › Restart SmartGate by tapping on the[…]

  • Страница 52

    ▶ The warning light in the driver door begins flashing. ▶ The anti-theft alarm system is activated. If the doors or the boot lid remain open after the vehicle doors have been locked, the turn signal lights do not flash until they have been closed. Protection against unwanted vehicle unlocking If you unlock the vehicle and do not open a door or […]

  • Страница 53

    CAUTION ■ Operation of the remote control may temporarily be affected by signal inter- ference from transmitters close to the car and which operate in the same fre- quency range (e.g. mobile phone, TV transmitter). ■ The operating range of the remote control key is approx. 30 m. But this range of the remote control can be reduced if the batteri[…]

  • Страница 54

    The locking is shown by the illuminated symbol  . The central locking system also operates if the ignition is switched off. The following applies after locking. ▶ Opening the doors and the boot lid from the outside is not possible. ▶ The doors can be unlocked and opened from the inside by a single pull on the opening lever of the respective […]

  • Страница 55

    Acoustic signals when locking / unlocking For vehicles with an anti-theft alarm system, the acoustic signals can be ena- bled / disabled in the Infotainment » Owner´s Manual Infotainment , chap- ter CAR — Vehicle Settings or be set by a specialist garage. Opening/closing a door Fig. 39 Door handle/door opening lever Read and observe and on page 5[…]

  • Страница 56

    Failure of the system KESSY If the following message is displayed in the display of the instrument cluster, then help is required from a specialist company. Keyless access system faulty. KEYLESS ACCESS SYSTEM FAULTY Key battery discharged If the voltage of the key battery is too low, the following message appears in the display of the instrument cl[…]

  • Страница 57

    By disabling the interior monitoring and the anti-towing the safe lock is switched off. CAUTION The opened glasses storage compartment reduces the effectiveness of the in- terior monitor. To ensure the full functionality of the interior monitor, the glasses storage compartment must always be closed before locking the vehi- cle. Luggage compartment […]

  • Страница 58

    Window operations  Introduction This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Mechanical window lefter 56 Electric WindowsElectric Windows 56 Opening the windows in the front passenger door and in the rear doors 57 Force limit 58 Operational faults 58 The window can be operated mechanically by means of the handle attached to the r[…]

  • Страница 59

    Depending on the equipment configuration, the front windows — Variant 1 or the front and rear windows — Variant 2 be operated with the door buttons » Fig. 44 . Power window buttons » Fig. 44 Left front door Right front door Left rear door Right rear door Disable / enable the buttons in the rear doors Opening › Lightly press the appropriate butt[…]

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    Closing › Pull gently on the top edge of the button and hold it until the window has moved into the desired position. Releasing the button causes the window to stop. Force limit Read and observe and on page 56 first. If there is an obstacle, the closing process is stopped and the window goes down by several centimetres. If the obstacle prevents t[…]

  • Страница 61

    Lights and visibility Lights  Introduction This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Operating the light function 59 Daytime running lights(DAY LIGHT) 60 Turn signal and main beam 60 Automatic driving lamp control 61 Front and rear fog light 61 Fog lights with the CORNER function 62 COMING HOME / LEAVING HOME 62 Hazard warning[…]

  • Страница 62

    Note ■ The light switch is in position  or  and the ignition is turned off, the low beam is switched off automatically 1) and the status light is lit. The side light is switched off when the ignition key is removed, for vehicles with the start but- ton after switching off the ignition and opening the driver’s door. ■ If ther[…]

  • Страница 63

    “Convenience turn signal” When the control lever is lightly pressed to the pressure point A or B then the respective turn-signal lamp flashes three times. If during the “comfort flashing” the operating lever in the opposite side is pressed, then the blinking stops. The “Lane change flash” can be activated/deactivated in the Infotainment[…]

  • Страница 64

    Switching off takes place in reverse order. If the vehicle is not fitted with fog lights, the rear fog light is switched on by pulling out the light switch directly to the only possible setting. Note While driving with an accessory connected to the trailer socket (e.g. trailer, bike carrier) only the equipment is illuminated by the fog light. The t[…]

  • Страница 65

    When the hazard warning system is on and the indicator light is switched on (e.g. when turning), the hazard warning lights are switched off temporarily and only the turn signal flashes on the relevant side of the vehicle. Parking light Read and observe on page 59 first. The side light is provided for lighting of the parked vehicle. Switching on the[…]

  • Страница 66

    The system is turned off when any of the following is present. ▶ The vehicle is locked. ▶ The ignition is switched on. ▶ About 30 seconds after all the doors have been closed. Rear interior light Fig. 52 Interior lights at the rear Switch for lights A » Fig. 52 Switching on/off The rear interior light is operated together with the front inte[…]

  • Страница 67

    Front sun visors Fig. 54 Fold down the cover / swivel cover to the door and slide the mir- ror cover Read and observe on page 64 first. Operation and description of the sun visor » Fig. 54 Fold down the cover Swivel cover towards the door Make-up mirror with cover Slide mirror cover WARNING When objects are attached to the sun visor, the visor can[…]

  • Страница 68

    Activating the windscreen wipers and washers Fig. 55 Operating the wiper and washer: front/rear Read and observe and on page 65 first. Lever positions  Wipers off  Depending on specification: ▶ Interval windscreen wiping ▶ Automatic windscreen wiping in rain  Slow windscreen wiping  Rapid windscreen wiping[…]

  • Страница 69

    Rear mirror  Introduction This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Interior mirror dimming 67 Exterior mirror 67 WARNING ■ Convex (curved outward) or aspheric exterior mirrors increase the field of vision. They do, however, make objects appear smaller in the mirror. These mirrors are therefore only of limited use for estima[…]

  • Страница 70

    The movement of the mirror surface is identical to the movement of the rotary knob. Electrically-adjustable mirrors The knob can be moved (depending on vehicle equipment) into the following positions » Fig. 57 —  . Adjust the left mirror Adjust the right mirror Switch off mirror control Mirror heater The mirror heating only works when the engin[…]

  • Страница 71

    Control elements on the seat » Fig. 58 Adjusting the seat in the longitudinal direction (after releasing the control lever must lock audibly) Adjusting height of seat Adjust the tilt of the backrest (when adjusting the backrest take off any pressure, and select the required tilt using your back) Head restraints — adjusting height Fig. 59 Headrests[…]

  • Страница 72

    › To re-insert the head restraint, push it far enough down in the direction of arrow 7 into the seat backrest until the locking button clicks into place. WARNING Please note the following points about the head restraint settings » page 8 , Correct and safe seated position . CAUTION Store the head restraints that were removed in such a way that t[…]

  • Страница 73

    Front armrest setting Fig. 63 Raise armrest The armrest is adjustable in height. Raise › Lift the armrest in the direction of arrow into one of the five locking positions » Fig. 63 . Folding down › Raise the armrest in the direction of the arrow until it stops » Fig. 63 . › Fold down the rear armrest. Rear armrest setting Fig. 64 Fold down […]

  • Страница 74

    Fold back undivided seat backrest › If you removed the head restraints, you need to reinsert them with the back- rest tilted slightly forwards. › Insert the belt buckle latching elements C of the outer belts into the open- ings in the side panel — ready position » Fig. 65 . › Then push the seat backrest back into the upright position until t[…]

  • Страница 75

    Car park ticket holder Fig. 66 Parking ticket holder Read and observe on page 72 first. The parking ticket holder » Fig. 66 is designed for attaching car parking tickets. WARNING The attached note has to always be removed before starting off in order not to restrict the driver’s vision. stowage compartments in the doors Fig. 67 Storage compar[…]

  • Страница 76

    Fig. 70 Cup holder in rear armrest Read and observe on page 72 first. Two beverage containers can be placed into the cup holder. Placement of the holders » Fig. 69 and » Fig. 70 In the front centre console In the rear centre console In the rear armrest WARNING ■ Do not use any cups or beakers which are made of brittle material (e.g. glass, porc[…]

  • Страница 77

    Ashtray Fig. 72 Remove front / rear ashtray Read and observe on page 72 first. The ashtray can be used for discarding ash, cigarettes, cigars and the like » . Removing/inserting › When removing, do not hold the ashtray on the cover. › Pull out the ashtray in the direction of the arrow » Fig. 72 . Insertion takes place in reverse order. WARNIN[…]

  • Страница 78

    Waste container Fig. 74 Waste container: inserting and moving/opening Fig. 75 Replacing bags Read and observe on page 72 first. The waste container can be inserted into the slot in the door. Insert waste container › Position the waste container at the front edge of the slot. › Push the waste container to the back in the direction of the arrow 1[…]

  • Страница 79

    Storage compartment in the front arm rest Fig. 77 Storage compartment / open storage compartment Read and observe on page 72 first. Opening › Grasp the armrests in the area A » Fig. 77 . › Lift the lid of the storage box in the direction of the arrow. Closing › Fold the lid of the storage box back in the opposite direction to the arrow » Fi[…]

  • Страница 80

    The storage compartment is equipped with an inner light that illuminates when opening and closing the storage compartment. Opening › Pull the handle to position 1 » Fig. 79 in the direction of the arrow. › Open the cover in the direction of the arrow 2 . Closing › Screw in the filler cap in the direction of arrow 3 until it audibly clicks in[…]

  • Страница 81

    Storage pockets on the inner sides of the front seats Fig. 82 Storage pocket Read and observe on page 72 first. The storage pockets are located on the inner sides of the front seats » Fig. 82 . The storage pockets are used for storage of small and light objects, such as mobile phones and the like. The maximum permissible load of each of the pocket[…]

  • Страница 82

    Install/remove Fig. 84 Position adapter/install holder Fig. 85 Remove holder/remove adapter Read and observe on page 79 first. Fitting › Attach the opened adapter to the guide rods of the headrest » Fig. 84 . › Clip in the adapter in the direction of arrow 1 » . › Clip the holder in the direction of arrow 2 into the adapter. Removing › Pu[…]

  • Страница 83

    Multifunction pocket 82 Hooks 82 Luggage compartment cover 83 “Parking position” of the boot cover 83 Storage compartment in the boot 84 Cargo elements 84 Floor covering on both sides 84 Class N1 vehicles 85 When transporting cargo the following the instructions must be adhered to ▶ When transporting heavy objects, the driving characteristics[…]

  • Страница 84

    Fixing nets Fig. 89 Fastening examples for nets Fig. 90 Fastening vertical pocket Read and observe and on page 81 first. Mounting examples for nets » Fig. 89 and » Fig. 90 Horizontal pocket Floor net Vertical pocket The maximum permissible load of each of the nets is 1.5 kg. CAUTION Do not place any sharp objects in the nets – risk of net damag[…]

  • Страница 85

    Luggage compartment cover Fig. 93 Remove the luggage compartment cover Read and observe and on page 81 first. If the support straps A » Fig. 93 are attached to the boot lid, then opening the lid will raise the boot lid cover (hereafter referred to as cover). If you want to carry bulky goods, the cover can be removed from the vehicle and if require[…]

  • Страница 86

    Storage compartment in the boot Fig. 95 Remove the tray cover on the left / right Read and observe and on page 81 first. The compartment covers can be removed to increase the size of the luggage compartment. The storage compartments are designed for storing small objects of up to 1.5 kg. in weight in total. Removing/inserting › Grasp the top part[…]

  • Страница 87

    Class N1 vehicles Read and observe and on page 81 first. In class N1 vehicles that are not fitted with a protective grille, a lashing set that complies with the EN 12195 standard (1 — 4) must be used for fastening the load. Proper functioning of the electrical installation is essential for safe vehicle op- eration. It is important to ensure that th[…]

  • Страница 88

    Roof load Read and observe and on page 85 first. Do not exceed the permissible roof load of 75 kg , this includes the carrier sys- tem. The full permissible roof load cannot be used if a roof rack system with a lower load carrying capacity is used. The maximum capacity of the carrier system should never be exceeded.  Heating and ventilation Heat[…]

  • Страница 89

    WARNING ■ For your own safety and that of other road users, ensure that all the win- dows are free of ice, snow and misting. The blower should always be on to prevent the windows from misting up. ■ Under certain circumstances, air at a temperature of about 5 °C can flow out of the vents when the cooling system is switched on. CAUTION ■ The a[…]

  • Страница 90

    Note During operation of the manual air conditioning, an increase in engine idle speed may occur under certain circumstances in order to ensure sufficient heating comfort. Climatronic (automatic air conditioning) Fig. 100 Controls the Climatronic Read and observe and on page 87 first. The Climatronic in automatic mode ensures the best-possible sett[…]

  • Страница 91

    Note ■ As soon as the windscreen mists up, press the symbol button  . Press the  button once the windscreen has demisted. ■ During operation of the Climatronic, an increase in engine idle speed can oc- cur under certain circumstances in order to ensure adequate heating comfort. Climatronic — automatic operation Read and observe a[…]

  • Страница 92

    Air outlet vents Fig. 101 Air outlet vents Read and observe and on page 87 first. The direction of airflow can be adjusted using the air outlet vents 3 , 4 » Fig. 101 , the outlets can be opened and closed individually. Changing the direction of air flow › To change the height of the air flow, turn the horizontal fins upward or downward using th[…]

  • Страница 93

    Driving Starting-off and Driving Starting and stopping the engine using the key  Introduction This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Electronic immobilizer 91 Steering lock locking / unlocking 92 Turn ignition on / off and start the engine 92 Stopping the engine 92 With the key in the ignition, the ignition can be switched […]

  • Страница 94

    Steering lock locking / unlocking Read and observe and on page 91 first. The steering lock (steering lock) deters any attempted theft of your vehicle. Locking › Withdraw the ignition key. › Turn the steering wheel to the left or right until the steering lock clicks into place. Unlocking › Insert the key into the ignition lock. › Switch on t[…]

  • Страница 95

    Note After switching off the ignition, the radiator fan can intermittently continue to operate for approx. 10 minutes. Starting and stopping the engine at the push of the button  Introduction Fig. 103 Starter button (    ) This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Steering column lo[…]

  • Страница 96

    Under certain circumstances (e.g. after switching off the ignition and opening the driver’s door), the steering is enabled only when the ignition is switched on or the engine is started. WARNING Never let the vehicle roll with locked steering lock — risk of accident! Switch ignition on / off Read and observe and on page 93 first. › Press the[…]

  • Страница 97

    Problems with the engine start Fig. 104 Starting the engine — Press the button with the key Read and observe and on page 93 first. The key in the vehicle cannot be verified If the key in the vehicle cannot be verified, then engine cannot be started by pressing a button. One of the following messages are shown in the information cluster display. Key[…]

  • Страница 98

    Operation Fig. 105 Display Vehicles with manual transmission The engine is automatically switched off as soon as the vehicle comes to a halt, the shift lever is moved into neutral and the clutch pedal is released. The engine is automatically started as soon as the clutch pedal is depressed. Vehicles with automatic transmission The engine is automat[…]

  • Страница 99

    Manually deactivating/activating the system Fig. 106 Button for the START-STOP sys- tem Deactivating/activating › Press the symbol button  » Fig. 106 . When system is deactivated, the warning light in the button illuminates. If the system is turned off, it will be automatically reactivated after turning the ignition off and on. Note If the sy[…]

  • Страница 100

    Wet roads or road salt The performance of the brakes can be delayed as the brake discs and brake pads may be moist or have a coating of ice or layer of salt on them in winter. The brakes are cleaned and dried by applying the brakes several times » . Corrosion Corrosion on the brake discs and dirt on the bake pads occur if the vehicle has been park[…]

  • Страница 101

    WARNING Please note that the handbrake must be fully released. A handbrake which is only partially released can result in the rear brakes overheating. This can have a negative effect on the operation of the brake system – risk of acci- dent! Parking Read and observe and on page 97 first. When stopping and parking, look for a place with a suitable[…]

  • Страница 102

    In the driver’s footwell, only a footmat, which is attached to the two corre- sponding attachment points may be used. Only use factory-supplied footmats or footmats from the range of ŠKODAOrigi- nal Accessories, which are fitted to two attachment points. WARNING No objects may be placed in the driver’s footwell – risk due to obstructio[…]

  • Страница 103

    D / S — mode for driving forward (Normal program) / mode for driving forward (Sport program) The system switches from one mode to the other by moving the selector lever into the spring-loaded position  » Fig. 109 . In mode D or S , the forward gears are shifted automatically depending on the engine load, the operation of the accelerator pedal, […]

  • Страница 104

    Note ■ It may be beneficial, for example, when travelling downhill, to use manual shifting of gears. Shifting to a lower gear reduces the load on the brakes and hence the wear on the brakes » page 97 . ■ When accelerating, the gearbox automatically shifts up into the higher gear just before the maximum permissible engine speed is reached. ■ […]

  • Страница 105

    Avoid full throttle and high speeds Fuel consumption can be reduced by half if only three-quarters of the possible top speed of your vehicle is used. Reducing idling If the vehicle is fitted with the START — STOP system there is an automatic re- duction of the idling. If the engine is stopped on vehicles without START-STOP system, such as when wait[…]

  • Страница 106

    If the trip from the start, takes less than 30 minutes, then the assessment takes in information from the previous trip (the bars are shown in dark green). E Average fuel consumption In the function key, the average fuel consumption from the start is displayed. When you press the function key a detailed overview of the average fuel con- sumption du[…]

  • Страница 107

    The water level must not reach above the web of the lower beam » Fig. 113 . › Do not drive any faster than at a walking speed. At a higher speed, a water wave can form in front of the vehicle, which can cause water to penetrate into the engine’s air induction system or other parts of the vehicle. › Never stop in the water, do not reverse […]

  • Страница 108

    The brake and stabilization systems are automatically activated each time the ignition is switched on, unless otherwise indicated. WARNING The general information relating to the use of assistance systems must be observed » page 105, in section Introduction . Stability Control (ESC) Read and observe on page 106 first. The ESC improves vehicle stab[…]

  • Страница 109

    Electronic Differential Lock (EDL) Read and observe on page 106 first. EDL prevents the turning of the respective wheel of the driven axle. EDL brakes the spinning wheel, if necessary, and transmits the driving force to the other driving wheel. Driving becomes easier on road surfaces with different traction under each wheel of the driven axle. The […]

  • Страница 110

    Parking assistance (ParkPilot)  Introduction This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Function 108 Display in the Infotainment display 109 Activation / deactivation 109 Automatic system activation when moving forward 110 The parking aid (hereinafter referred to as system) draws attention via acous- tic signals or the Infotain[…]

  • Страница 111

    Approximate range of sensors (in cm) Area » Fig. 116 Version 1 (3 sensors) Version 2 (7 sensors) A — 120 B — 60 C 160 160 D 60 60 Audible signals The interval between the acoustic signals becomes shorter as the clearance is reduced. A continuous tone sounds from a distance of approx. 30 cm — danger area. From this moment on do not continue driving[…]

  • Страница 112

    Displaying an error If a warning signal sounds for about 3 seconds after activating the system and there is no obstacle close to your car, this indicates a system fault. The fault is also indicated by the symbol  flashing in the button. Seek help from a spe- cialist garage. Note The system can only be activated with the symbol key  at a speed[…]

  • Страница 113

    Fig. 121 Segment display: Examples of status displays the CCS Read and observe on page 110 first. CCS status displays » Fig. 120 , » Fig. 121 Speed set, but control is inactive. Control is active. No speed set. System fault — seek assistance from a specialist garage immediately. Basic requirements for starting the control The CCS is activated. On[…]

  • Страница 114

    Note During control, speed can be increased by pressing the accelerator pedal. Re- leasing the accelerator pedal will cause the speed to drop again to the set speed. Front Assist  Introduction This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Radar sensor 112 Operation 113 Distance warning (dangerous distance) 113 Warning and automati[…]

  • Страница 115

    Operation Read and observe and on page 112 first. The system support is provided in the following manner. ▶ Alerts you about a dangerous proximity to the vehicle ahead. ▶ Warns you of an impending collision. ▶ Prepares the brakes for emergency braking prior to a detected danger. ▶ Assists with a brake action triggered by the driver. ▶ If […]

  • Страница 116

    Automatic Braking If the driver fails to respond to the acute warning, the system starts to apply the brakes automatically with increasing stopping power in several stages. Brake assist If the driver brakes inadequate with an impending collision, the system auto- matically increases braking force. The braking assistance only occurs as long as the b[…]

  • Страница 117

    Stop the car, switch off the engine and clean the sensor or eliminate the dis- turbance causing the lack of visibility » Fig. 123 on page 112 . If after engine start the message persists, then the help of a professional or- ganisation is required. Front Assist not available. FRONT ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE The system is not available for an unknown rea[…]

  • Страница 118

    The tyre pressure monitoring function (hereinafter referred to as the system) monitors the tyre pressure while driving. When changing the tyre inflation pressure, the warning light illuminates  in the instrument cluster and an audible signal is heard. Information on the procedure for the notification of change of tyre inflation pressure » page […]

  • Страница 119

    Save tyre pressure values by pressing a button Fig. 128 Key for storing the pressure val- ues Read and observe on page 116 first. › Inflate all the tyres to the specified pressure. › Switch on the ignition. › Press the symbol button  » Fig. 128 and hold it down. The warning light  in the instrument cluster illuminates. An acoustic sign[…]

  • Страница 120

    Description Fig. 129 Carrier for the towing device/tow bar Read and observe and on page 117 first. The ball head can be removed and is kept in the spare wheel well or in a com- partment for the spare wheel in the luggage compartment. Support for the Towing hitch and tow bar » Fig. 129 Cap Mounting recess Protective cap locking ball Centering Handw[…]

  • Страница 121

    The hand wheel C remains locked in this position. WARNING If the tow bar cannot be correctly placed in the ready position, then it must not be used. A correctly set ready position Fig. 132 Ready position Read and observe and on page 117 first. Correctly adjusted standby position » Fig. 132 The key A is in the unlocked position — the arrow on the k[…]

  • Страница 122

    Assembling the bar ball — Step 2 Fig. 134 Secure the lock and remove key / place cap on lock Read and observe and on page 117 first. › To begin with, follow the first step for the ball rod assembly » page 119 . › Turn the key A in the direction of arrow 1, so that the arrow on the key symbol  » Fig. 134 shows. › Remove the key in the dir[…]

  • Страница 123

    Removing the bar ball — Step 1. Fig. 136 Remove cap from the lock / insert key into the lock Fig. 137 Unlock lock Read and observe and on page 117 first. › Remove the cover A from the lock in the direction of the arrow 1 » Fig. 136 . › Insert the key into the lock B in the direction of arrow 2, so that the arrow on the key symbol  shows. ?[…]

  • Страница 124

    CAUTION ■ If the hand wheel A is not turned all the way to the stop, then it will return to its initial position when the tow bar is removed and will rest on the tow bar and not engage into the ready position. The ball head then needs to be brought into this position before the next time it is fitted » page 118 , Adjusting the ready position . ?[…]

  • Страница 125

    Attaching and detaching trailers Fig. 140 Swivel out the 13-pin power socket, safety eyelet Connect and disconnect › Install the tow bar. › Lift off protective cap 3 » Fig. 129 on page 118 towards the top. › Place the trailer onto the ball. › Grip the 13-pin socket on the handle A and swing out in the direction of the arrow » Fig. 140 . ?[…]

  • Страница 126

    Trailer load The permissible trailer load must not be exceeded under any circumstances. Permissible trailer load Engine Transmission Permissible trailer load, braked (kg) Permissible trailer load, unbraked (kg) Gradients of up to 12% Gradients of up to 8% 1.2 ltr./66 kW TSI MG 900 1000 580 DSG 900 1000 590 1.2 ltr./81 kW TSI MG 1100 1200 590 1.4 lt[…]

  • Страница 127

    The electrical system of the vehicle and trailer is functional. The vehicle is locked and the anti-theft alarm system is activated. CAUTION For technical reasons, trailers with rear LED lights cannot be connected to the anti-theft alarm system.   125 Hitch and trailer[…]

  • Страница 128

    General Maintenance Care and maintenance Service work, adjustments and technical alterations  Introduction This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Vehicle operating under different weather conditions 126 Statutory checks 126 ŠKODA Service Partners 127 ŠKODA Original parts 127 ŠKODA Original accessories 127 Spoiler 128 Com[…]

  • Страница 129

    The ŠKODA Service Partners are up-to-date on the legally required tests and will prepare the vehicle for the tests as part of a service operation if required, or will be responsible for carrying out these tests. The specialist garages can carry out the specified tests directly if required by the customer if they are au- thorised to do so. This sav[…]

  • Страница 130

    ŠKODA Service Partners are liable for any defects of ŠKODA Genuine Accesso- ries for a period of 2 years after installation or delivery in accordance with the materials defect liability, unless agreed otherwise in the purchase agreement or any other agreements. You should keep the approved warranty certificate and the invoices for these accessori[…]

  • Страница 131

    WARNING ■ No modifications of any kind may be made to parts of the airbag system. ■ Any work on the airbag system including the installation and removal of system components due to other repair work (e.g. removal of the steering wheel) must only be carried out by a specialist garage. ■ Never make any changes to the front bumper or the bodywor[…]

  • Страница 132

    Automatic car wash systems Read and observe and on page 129 first. The usual precautionary measures must be taken before washing the vehicle in an automatic car wash system (e.g. closing the windows and the sliding/tilt- ing roof etc.). If your vehicle is fitted with any particular attached parts, such as a spoiler, roof rack system etc., it is bes[…]

  • Страница 133

    Note Due to the special tools and knowledge required, and to avoid any potential problems with the cleaning and care of your vehicle’s exterior, we recommend that the cleaning and care of your vehicle be carried out by a ŠKODA Service Partner. Vehicle paint work Read and observe and on page 130 first. Preserving the vehicle paintwork A thorou[…]

  • Страница 134

    Rubber seals Read and observe and on page 130 first. All door seals and window guides are factory-treated with a colourless matt varnish layer to prevent the freezing of painted body parts and to protect against driving noise. CAUTION ■ Do not treat the door seals and window guides with any products whatsoev- er . ■ Applying additional treatmen[…]

  • Страница 135

    CAUTION ■ The headlights are never to be wiped dry — there is a risk of damaging the protective lacquer and the headlight glass subsequently developing cracks. ■ Do not use sharp objects to clean the glasses — there is a risk of damaging the protective lacquer and the headlight glasses subsequently developing cracks. ■ Do not use any aggressi[…]

  • Страница 136

    Under-body protection Read and observe and on page 130 first. The underside of your vehicle is already permanently protected by the factory against chemical and mechanical influences. It is not possible to guarantee that the protective coating will not suffer any damage as the vehicle is driven. We recommend having the protective coating underneath[…]

  • Страница 137

    Dust and dirt in pores and creases cause abrasions on the surface and lead to premature embrittlement of the leather surface. Therefore, they must be re- moved regularly at short intervals with a cloth or vacuum cleaner. Clean soiled leather surfaces with a water-dampened cotton or woollen cloth and then dry with a clean, dry cloth » . Clean sever[…]

  • Страница 138

    Seat covers Read and observe and on page 134 first. Electrically heated seats Use a specific cleaning agent such as dry foam or similar to clean the covers. » . Seats without seat heating Thoroughly vacuum the seat covers with a vacuum cleaner before cleaning. Clean the seat covers with a damp cloth or cleaning products specially de- signed for th[…]

  • Страница 139

    Petrol and diesel refuelling Fig. 142 Open fuel filler flap / unscrew tank cap / place the tank cap on the fuel filler flap Read and observe and on page 136 first. Refuelling can be done if the following conditions are met. The vehicle is unlocked. The engine and the ignition are switched off. › Press on the fuel filler flap in the direction of t[…]

  • Страница 140

    In an emergency petrol with the octane ratings 91, 92 and/or 93 RON can also be used, but may result in a slight loss in performance and slightly increased fuel consumption. Continue driving at medium engine speeds and minimum engine load » . Refuel using petrol of the prescribed octane number as soon as possible. Unleaded petrol 98/(95) RON / ROZ[…]

  • Страница 141

    It is often the case in countries with different climatic conditions that diesel fuels available have a different temperature characteristic. ŠKODA Partners and filling stations in the relevant country will be able to provide you with in- formation regarding the diesel fuels available. Diesel fuel additives The diesel fuel in accordance with the p[…]

  • Страница 142

    WARNING Information for working on the fuel system or the electrical system ■ Always disconnect the vehicle battery from the electrical system. ■ Do not smoke. ■ Never work near open flames. ■ Always have a functioning fire extinguisher nearby. WARNING ■ Read and observe the information and warning instructions on the fluid containers. ?[…]

  • Страница 143

    Close the flap › Lift the bonnet. › Decouple the bonnet support and press into the holder designed to hold it. › Let the bonnet drop into the lock carrier lock from a height of around 20 cm – do not push it in . Check that the bonnet is closed properly. WARNING ■ If you notice that the lock is not properly engaged while driving, stop the […]

  • Страница 144

    The capacity of the reservoir is about 3.5 litres or about 5.4 litres on vehicles that have a headlight cleaning system 1) . Clear water is not sufficient to intensively clean the windscreen and head- lights. We recommend using clean water together with a screen cleaner from the range of ŠKODA Original Accessories (with antifreeze in winter) , whi[…]

  • Страница 145

    Vehicles with fixed service intervals Petrol engines Specification 1.2 l/66, 81 kW TSI VW 502 00 1.4 ltr./92 kW TSI 1.6 l./81 kW MPI Diesel engines a) Specification 1.4 l/66 kW TDI CR VW 507 00 1.6 l/85 kW TDI CR a) Engine oil VW 505 01 can optionally be used in diesel engines without a DPF . CAUTION ■ In an emergency, another engine oil to be re[…]

  • Страница 146

    Coolant  Introduction This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Checking the coolant level 144 Replenishing 145 The coolant provides cooling for the motor. It consists of water and coolant additive with additives that protect the cooling system against corrosion and prevents furring. The coolant additive share in the coolant m[…]

  • Страница 147

    The coolant level should be kept between the marks A and B . The coolant can be checked and topped up, if the following conditions are sat- isfied. The vehicle is standing on a horizontal surface. The engine is turned off. The engine is not heated. The bonnet is open. Checking the level › Check the coolant level in the coolant expansion tank » F[…]

  • Страница 148

    Checking the brake fluid level Fig. 148 Brake fluid reservoir Read and observe and on page 145 first. The fluid can be checked if the following conditions are met. The vehicle is standing on a horizontal surface. The engine is turned off. The bonnet is open. Checking the level › Check the level of brake fluid in the reservoir » Fig. 148 . The le[…]

  • Страница 149

    WARNING There is risk of injuries, poisoning, chemical burns, explosions or fire when working on the battery and on the electrical system. It is essential to com- ply with the general applicable safety rules as well as the warning instruc- tions outlined below. ■ Keep the vehicle battery away from people who are not completely inde- pendent, espe[…]

  • Страница 150

    Checking the battery electrolyte level Fig. 150 Vehicle battery: Electrolyte level indicator Read and observe and on page 147 first. On vehicles with a vehicle battery fitted with a colour indicator, the electrolyte level can be determined by looking at the change in colour of this display. Air bubbles can influence the colour of the indicator. For[…]

  • Страница 151

    WARNING ■ When you charge a battery, hydrogen is released, and a highly explosive gas mixture is also produced. An explosion can be caused through sparkling over during unclamping or loosening of the cable plug while the ignition is on. ■ Creating a bridge between the poles on the battery (e.g. with metal ob- jects — cables) creates a short cir[…]

  • Страница 152

    Note Driving comfort is not impaired by consumers being deactivated. The driver is often not aware of it having taken place. Wheels Tyres and wheel rims  Introduction This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Notes on using wheels 150 Tyre pressure 151 Tyre wear 152 Tyre wear indicator and wheels exchange 152 Tyre damage 153 U[…]

  • Страница 153

    Always store wheels or tyres in a cool, dry place that is as dark as possible. Tyres which are not fixed to a wheel trim should be stored upright. Tyre age Tyres age and lose their original characteristics, even if they are not being used. The service life of the tyres is 6 years. Therefore, we recommend not us- ing tyres that are older than 6 year[…]

  • Страница 154

    Note The declaration of conformity (COC document), can be obtained from a ŠKODA 1) partner. Tyre wear Read and observe on page 150 first. Tyre wear depends on the pressure, driving style, and other circumstances. Attention to the following notes may affect tyre wear. Driving style Fast cornering, sharp acceleration and braking increase the wear of[…]

  • Страница 155

    Tyre damage Read and observe on page 150 first. We recommend checking your tyres and wheel rims for damage (punctures, cuts, splits and bulges, etc.) on a regular basis. Remove any foreign objects in the tyre tread immediately (e.g. small stones). Foreign bodies which have penetrated into the tyre (e.g. screws or nails) should not be removed and se[…]

  • Страница 156

    Tyre label Read and observe on page 150 first. Only use radial tyres of the same type, size (rolling circumference) and tread pattern on one axle on all four wheels. When mounting new tyres the tyres have to be replaced axle by axle. Explanation of tyre markings For example, 225/50R 17 91 T means: 225 Tyre width in mm 50 Height/width ratio in % R C[…]

  • Страница 157

    Snow chains When driving in wintry road conditions, snow chains improve not only traction, but also the braking performance. Snow chains must only be mounted on the front wheels. It is only permissible to fit snow chains with the following wheel/tyre combina- tions. Rim size Impression depth D Tyre size 5J x 14 35 mm 175/70 R14 Only fit snow chains[…]

  • Страница 158

    Do-it-yourself Emergency equipment and self-help Emergency equipment  Introduction This chapter contains information on the following subjects: First aid kit and warning triangle 156 reflective vest 156 fire extinguisher 156 Vehicle tool kit 157 First aid kit and warning triangle Fig. 153 Placing of the first-aid kit and the warning triangle The[…]

  • Страница 159

    Removing/attaching › Loosen the two straps by pulling the buckles in the direction of the arrow » Fig. 155 . › Remove the fire extinguisher. › For mounting, fit the fire extinguisher back into the holder and secure it with straps. Please read the instructions which are attached to the fire extinguisher. Pay attention to the expiration date o[…]

  • Страница 160

    Remove the wheel / fix 161 Follow-up work 161 For your own safety and the safety of the passengers, the following instruc- tions must be observed before changing a wheel on the road. Switch on the hazard warning lights system. Place the warning triangle at the prescribed distance. Park the vehicle as far away as possible from the flowing traffic. C[…]

  • Страница 161

    CAUTION Use the pressure of your hand only, do not strike the full wheel trim. The cover could be damaged. Note We recommend that you use wheel trims from ŠKODA Original Accessories. Wheel bolts Fig. 158 Remove the cap Before removing the wheel bolts, remove the covering caps. Removing › Push the extraction pliers » page 157 sufficiently far on[…]

  • Страница 162

    Release › Push the wheel wrench onto the wheel bolt to the stop. Use the appropriate adapter for undoing the anti-theft wheel bolts » page 159 . › Grasp the end of the wrench and turn the bolt about one turn in the direction of the arrow » Fig. 160 . Tightening › Push the wheel wrench onto the wheel bolt to the stop. Use the appropriate ada[…]

  • Страница 163

    WARNING (Continued) ■ Never position any body parts, such as arms or legs under the vehicle, while the vehicle is raised with a lifting jack. ■ When the vehicle is raised, never start the engine. CAUTION It is important to ensure that the jack is correctly attached to the web of the lower fork leg, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the veh[…]

  • Страница 164

    The wheel must not be removed during repair. Do not remove foreign bodies , which have penetrated the wheel profile from the tyre (e.g. screws or nails). Immediately replace the tyre that was repaired using the breakdown kit, or consult a specialist garage about repair options. WARNING ■ The sealant is hazardous to heath. Remove immediately if it[…]

  • Страница 165

    Preparations for using the breakdown kit Read and observe on page 162 first. The following preparatory work must be carried out before using the puncture repair kit. › Switch off the engine. › For vehicles with manual transmission select 1st gear . › On vehicles with automatic transmission , place the selector lever in the P position. › Fir[…]

  • Страница 166

    If the tyre pressure is 1.3 bar or more › Set the tyre pressure back to the correct value. › Continue driving carefully to the nearest specialist garage at a maximum speed of 80 km/h (50 mph). WARNING ■ A tyre filled with sealant has the same driving characteristics as a stand- ard tyre. ■ Do not drive faster than 80 km/h (50 mph). ■ Avoi[…]

  • Страница 167

    The jump-start cable must be connected to the engine earthing point C » Fig. 164 only on vehicles with the START-STOP system. Starting engine › Start the engine on the vehicle providing the power and allow it to idle. › Start the engine of the vehicle with the discharged battery. › If the engine does not start, halt the attempt to start the […]

  • Страница 168

    › Only then approach correctly when the rope is taut. The maximum towing speed is 50 km/h . Driver of the towed vehicle › Switch on the ignition so that the steering wheel is not locked and so that the turn signal lights, windscreen wipers and windscreen washer system can be used. › Take the vehicle out of gear or move the selector lever into[…]

  • Страница 169

    › Unscrew the towing eye against the direction of the arrow 3 . WARNING The towing eye must always be screwed in fully and firmly tightened, oth- erwise the towing eye can tear when towing or tow-starting. Rear towing eye Fig. 168 Rear towing eye Read and observe and on page 166 first. The rear towing eye is located below the bumper on the right.[…]

  • Страница 170

    › Insert the new battery. › Insert the battery cover A and press it down until it clicks audibly into place. Synchronising the remote control Read and observe on page 167 first. If the vehicle does not unlock when pressing the remote control, the key may not be synchronised. This can occur when the buttons on the remote control key are actuated[…]

  • Страница 171

    › At the same time lift the cover on the selector lever gaiter with the other hand in direction of arrow 2 . › With one finger, push the yellow plastic element in the direction of arrow 3 down to the stop. › At the same time, press the locking button in the selector lever and move the selector lever to position N . If the selector lever is mo[…]

  • Страница 172

    Attaching the windscreen wiper blade › Push the windscreen wiper blade to the stop until it locks into place. › Check that the windscreen wiper blade is correctly attached. › Fold the windscreen wiper arm back to the windscreen. Fuses and light bulbs Fuses  Introduction This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Fuses in […]

  • Страница 173

    CAUTION ■ “Never repair” fuses, and do not replace them with fuses of a higher amper- age – risk of fire! This may also cause damage at other points in the electrical system. ■ If a newly inserted fuse blows again after a short time, have the electrical system checked as quickly as possible by a specialist garage. ■ A blown fuse is reco[…]

  • Страница 174

    No. Power consumer 15 Air conditioning system, selector lever of the automatic gearbox, di- agnosis terminal 16 Instrument cluster 17 Alarm system, horn 18 Not assigned 19 Not assigned 20 Not assigned 21 Not assigned 22 Front- and rear windscreen wiper system 23 Heated front seats 24 Blower fan for air conditioning system, heating, air conditioning[…]

  • Страница 175

    Fig. 178 Cover for the fuse box — variant 2 Read and observe and on page 170 first. Replacing fuses › Press the lock button on the cover in direction of arrow 1 » Fig. 177 or » Fig. 178 . › Raise the cover and remove in the direction of the arrow 2 . › Remove the plastic clip from the holder in the fuse box cover. › Replace the appropriat[…]

  • Страница 176

    Replacing the bulb for the licence plate light 177 Rear Light 177 Replacing bulbs in rear light 178 Some manual skills are required to change a bulb. For this reason, we recom- mend having bulbs replaced by a specialist garage or seeking other expert help in the event of any uncertainties. ▶ Switch off the ignition and the relevant lights before […]

  • Страница 177

    Replacing the high beam bulb (halogen headlights) Fig. 181 Changing the bulb for the low beam Read and observe and on page 174 first. › Remove the protective cap A » Fig. 180 on page 174 . › Remove the socket with the bulb by jiggling it out in the direction of arrow 1 » Fig. 181 . › Remove the connector. › Insert the connector with the n[…]

  • Страница 178

    Changing the front turn signal bulb Fig. 184 Changing the bulb for the front turn signal light Read and observe and on page 174 first. › Turn the socket with the bulb in the direction of arrow 1 » Fig. 184 . › Remove the socket with the bulb in the direction of arrow 2 . › Change the bulb in the socket. › Insert the socket with the new bul[…]

  • Страница 179

    › Attach the connector. Refit the headlight and grille › Replace the fog light by inserting it in the opposite direction of the arrow 4 » Fig. 185 and tightening. › Insert the protective grille and carefully press it in. The protective grille must engage firmly. Replacing the bulb for the licence plate light Fig. 186 Remove the number plate […]

  • Страница 180

    › Carefully push the cover in » . › Screw the lamp into place and install the cover. The cover must engage securely. CAUTION ■ Ensure that the cable bundle does not become pinched between the body and the lamp when it is being refitted – risk of damage to the electrical instal- lation and risk of water ingress. ■ If you are not sure whet[…]

  • Страница 181

    Technical data Technical data Basic vehicle data  Introduction This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Vehicle characteristics 179 Operating weight 180 Payload 180 Measurement of fuel consumption and CO 2 emissions according to ECE Regulations and EU Directives 180 Dimensions 182 Departure angle 183 The details given in the […]

  • Страница 182

    Maximum permissible front axle load Maximum permissible rear axle load Vehicle identification number (VIN) The vehicle identification number — VIN (vehicle body number) is stamped into the engine compartment on the right hand suspension strut dome. This num- ber is also located on a sign on the lower left hand edge below the windscreen (together wi[…]

  • Страница 183

    The measurement of the intra-urban cycle begins with a cold start of the en- gine. Afterwards urban driving is simulated. In the extra-urban driving cycle, the vehicle is accelerated and decelerated in all gears, corresponding to daily routine driving conditions. The driving speed varies between 0 and 120 km/h. The calculation of the combined fuel […]

  • Страница 184

    Dimensions Fig. 190 Principle sketch: Vehicle dimensions Vehicle dimensions for operating weight without driver (in mm) » Fig. 190 Specification Value A Height Basic dimension 1461 Vehicles with off-road package 1474 B Front track Basic dimensions 1457 Vehicles with the 1.2 l/66 kW TSI, 1.6 l/66 kW MPI and 1.4 l/66 kW TDI CR engine 1463 C Width 17[…]

  • Страница 185

    Departure angle Fig. 191 Principle sketch: Departure an- gle Angle » Fig. 191 Overhang angle, front Overhang angle, rear Departure angle The values shown indicate the maximum incline of an embankment, up which the vehicle can drive at a slow speed without collision of the bumper or under- body. The values listed correspond to the maximum axle load[…]

  • Страница 186

    Vehicle-specific details per engine type  Introduction This chapter contains information on the following subjects: 1.2 ltr. / 66 kW TSI engine 184 1.2 ltr. / 81 kW TSI engine 184 1.4 ltr./92 kW TSI engine 185 1.6 l/66 kW MPI engine 185 1.6 l/81 kW MPI engine 185 1.4 l/66 kW TDI CR engine 185 1.6 l/85 kW TDI CR engine 186 The values given have b[…]

  • Страница 187

    1.4 ltr./92 kW TSI engine Output (kW/rpm) 92/5000 Maximum torque (Nm at rpm) 200/1400-4000 Number of cylinders/displacement (cm 3 ) 4/1395 Transmission DSG Top speed (km/h) 208 Acceleration 0-100 km/h (s) 9.0 1.6 l/66 kW MPI engine Output (kW/rpm) 66/4250 Maximum torque (Nm at rpm) 155/3800 Number of cylinders/displacement (cm 3 ) 4/1598 Transmissi[…]

  • Страница 188

    1.6 l/85 kW TDI CR engine Output (kW/rpm) 85/3500 Maximum torque (Nm at rpm) 250/1500-3000 Number of cylinders/displacement (cm 3 ) 4/1596 Transmission MG Top speed (km/h) 201 Acceleration 0-100 km/h (s) 10.0 186 Technical data[…]

  • Страница 189

    Index A abroad lead-free petrol 137 Abroad Headlights 63 ABS Operation 106 Warning light 33 Acceptance and recycling of used vehicles 129 Accessories 126 Adjusting Exterior mirror 67 head restraints 69 Seat 68 Steering wheel 9 Adjusting the seats 8 Adjustment Beam range 59 Advance warning/emergency braking Warning light 38 Air-conditioning system A[…]

  • Страница 190

    Brake pedal (automatic gearbox) Warning light 35 Brakes Brake booster 98 Brake fluid 146 Braking and stabilisation systems 105 Handbrake 98 Information messages 32 Running-in 102 Warning light 32 Brakes and parking 97 Brake system 105 Braking Information on braking 97 Button CAR see Infotainment 4 Button in driver’s door electric windows 56 C […]

  • Страница 191

    Cockpit 12-Volt power outlet 75 Ashtray 75 Cigarette lighter 74 General view 27 Lights 63 storage compartments 72 useful equipment 72 COMING HOME 62 compartments 72 Component protection 128 Components of the puncture repair kits 162 Computer see multifunction display 40 convenience turn signal 61 Coolant 144 Checking 144 Messages 36 Replenishing 14[…]

  • Страница 192

    Vehicle tool kit 157 Warning triangle 156 Emissions 180 Engine Messages 36 Running-in 102 Starting the engine 94 Engine compartment 139 Brake fluid 146 Overview 141 Vehicle battery 146 Engine number 179 engine oil specification 142 Engine oil 142 change 142 Checking 143 Replenishing 143 Warning light 37 EPC Warning light 34 ESC Operation 106 Warnin[…]

  • Страница 193

    I Ice scrapers 132 Ignition lock 92 Immobilizer 91 Indicator lights 31 Individual settings Locking 52 Unlocking 52 Inertia reels 13 Information system 39 Compass point display 45 Door warning 39 Gear recommendation 39 MAXI DOT display 42 Multifunction display 40 operation 40 Service interval display 46 Information system operation 40 Infotainment 4[…]

  • Страница 194

    M Main beam 60 Warning light 36 Maintenance see vehicle care 131 Manual air conditioning Air distribution control 89 Controls 87 Manual gear changing see gear changing 99 MAXI DOT See MAXI DOT display 42 MAXI DOT display 42 Main menu 42 Menu item assist systems 45 Menu item Audio 44 Menu item navigation 44 Menu item telephone 45 Operation 43 Maximu[…]

  • Страница 195

    Power windows 56 Button in the front passenger door 57 Practical equipment 12-Volt power outlet 75 Reflective vest 156 Practical features Pockets on the backs of the front seats 78 Pockets on the inner sides of the front seats 79 Waste container 76 Protective films 131 Puncture set 161 R Radiator fan 141 Radio see Infotainment 4 Raise vehicle 160 R[…]

  • Страница 196

    SmartGate Connection by searching for a Wi-Fi network 47 introductory information 47 Password/PIN code change 48 Setting 48 Wi-Fi Direct 48 SmartLink see Infotainment 4 Snow chains 155 Spare wheel 153 Remove 158 stow 158 Speed control system 110 Speed symbol See Wheels 154 Spoiler 128 Stabilisation system 105 Stability Control (ESC) 106 Staring eng[…]

  • Страница 197

    Transport Luggage compartment 80 Roof rack 85 Transporting 72 Transporting children safely 19 TSA 107 Turn signal 60 Turn signal system Warning light 35 Tyre Damage 153 Explanation of the label 154 see wheels 154 Tyre load-bearing capacity See Wheels 154 Tyre pressure 151 Warning light 34 Tyre pressure monitoring 115 Display 34 Infotainment display[…]

  • Страница 198

    Washing Automatic car wash system 130 by hand 129 High-pressure cleaner 130 Washing vehicles 129 Waste container 76 Weather conditions 126 Wheel bolts Anti-theft wheel bolts 159 Caps 159 Loosening and tightening 159 Wheel rims 150 Wheels Age of wheels 150 Changing 157 Driving style 152 Full trim 158 General information 150 Load index 154 Remove 158[…]

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    197 Index[…]

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    198 Index[…]

  • Страница 201

    Reprinting, reproduction, translation, or any other use, either in whole or in part, is not permitted without the written consent of ŠKODA AUTO a.s. ŠKODA AUTO a.s. expressly reserves all rights relating to copyright laws. Subject to change. Issued by: ŠKODA AUTO a.s. © ŠKODA AUTO a.s. 2015[…]

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  • Страница 204

    www.skoda-auto.com Návod k obsluze Rapid anglicky 11.2015 S56.5610.11.20 5JA012720AH  5JA012720AH[…]

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