Швейная машина juki hzl e71 инструкция

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Summary of Contents for JUKI HZL-E71

  • Page 1
  • Page 2
    FOR USA AND CANADA ONLY This appliance has a polarized plug (one blade wider than the other). To reduce the risk of electric shock, this plug is intended to fit in a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not fit fully in the outlet, reverse the plug.
  • Page 3: Important Safety Instructions

    15. “Do not unplug by pulling on cord. To unplug, grasp the plug, not the cord.” “SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS” “This sewing machine is intended for household use only.” Use only foot controller YC-485 with your HZL-E71. When not in use, be sure to turn power switch Be sure to turn power switch OFF and disconnect the plug from the wall outlet before replacing the OFF and unplug the machine.

  • Page 4
    “NOTES DE SECURITE IMPORTANTES” “Lorsque vous utilisez un appareil électrique, des précautions élémentaires doivent toujours être suivies, comme celles-ci.” “Lisez attentivement ces instructions avant d’utiliser cette machine à coudre.” “DANGER _____Pour réduire le risque d’électrocution.” 1. “Un appareil ne doit jamais être laissé sans surveillance lorsqu’il est branché. Toujours débrancher cet appareil du secteur immédiatement après utilisation et avant de le nettoyer.”…
  • Page 5: Normas De Seguridad

    “NORMAS DE SEGURIDAD” Cuando utilice la máquina deberá observar todas las normas de seguridad, especialmente las que se detallan a continuación. Antes de utilizar la máquina, lea las instrucciones. PELIGRO ____Para reducir el riesgo de descarga eléctrica. 1. Nunca deje desatendida la máquina cuando esté enchufada. Desconéctela de la red eléctrica cuando haya finalizado su trabajo.

  • Page 6: Istruzioni Importanti

    15. Non staccare la spina tirando il filo. Per togliere la spina dalla presa, tirare verso di se la spina e non il filo. “CONSERVARE QUESTE ISTRUZIONI” “ Questa macchina è prevista solo per l’uso domestico. ” Usare solo il pedale di comando per la HZL-E71. Tenere la macchina staccata dalla corrente Non dimenticare di staccare la spina dalla presa di corrente prima di sostituire l’ago o lubrificare la quando non è…

  • Page 7: Table Of Contents

    CONTENTS / TABLE DES MATIERES CONTENTS Important safety instructions ……..1 How to adjust stitch width (manually) ….. 36,37 Principal parts …………. 7,8 Overcasting …………..38 Accessories …………..9 Reinforced stretch stitch ……….39 Major functions ………… 10-14 Automatic buttonholes ……… 40-43 Winding bobbin …………

  • Page 8
    ÍNDICE / INDICE ÍNDICE Normas de seguridad ……….3 Modo de ajustar la anchura de puntada Principales piezas …………7,8 (manualmente) ……….. 36,37 Sobrehilado …………..38 Accesorios …………..9 Funciones principales ………. 10-14 Puntada de refuerzo en tejido tipo punto ….39 Hacer canilla …………
  • Page 9: Principal Parts

    Principal Parts / Principaux éléments / Principales piezas / Parti principali 1. Spool pin 12. Drop feed lever 13. Automatic lock stitch 2. Bobbin thread guide 3. Thread tension dial button 4. Thread spool cap 14. Stitch selection panel 5. Bobbin winding regulator 15.

  • Page 10
    1. Thread Cutter 8. Bobbin case 2. Needle threader 9. Needle clamp 3. Buttonholing lever 10. Needle 4. Presser foot release 11. Presser foot lever 12. Hook cover release 5. Presser foot shank button 6. Feed dog 13. Hook cover 7.
  • Page 11: Accessories

    · You can keep instruction manual at hard case. · Vous pouvez ranger votre manuel d’instructions dans le capot rigide. · Le sugerimos guardar el manual de instrucciones en la maleta rígida. · Il Manuale di Istruzioni si trova infilato nella custodia copri macchina. Accessories / Accessoires Accesorios / Accesssori A91330080A0…

  • Page 12: Major Functions

    Major functions / Fonctions principales Funciones principales / Funzioni principali Type of Stitch patterns and operation (Operation / indication panel) Types de point et sélection (touches de sélection) Tipos de puntada y funciones (panel indicativo / operativo) Modelli di cucitura e selezione (Pannello operativo) Stitch length adjusting lever Curseur de réglage de la longueur du point…

  • Page 13
    When stitch pattern has selected, with pressing the reverse button the machine will sew in reverse. When you release the reverse stitch button, the machine will return to run forward. To stop machine, remove your foot from controller. Sur les programmes en pressant le bouton de marche arrière la machine coud en marche arrière.
  • Page 14
    Major functions / Fonctions principales Funciones principales / Funzioni principali Speed controller To run the machine, press foot speed controller. The Push speed controller plug harder you press, the faster into lower receptacle at right machine will sew. To stop end of machine.
  • Page 15
    Start / Stop button Speed controller Slower Faster Press the button for start. You can adjust Maximum Lent Rapide Push it again to stop sew- sewing speed. Más lento Más rápido ing. Needle will stop at its Lento Veloce lowest position. Curseur de vitesse Vous pouvez régler la vitesse Touche marche/arrêt…
  • Page 16
    Stitch length adjustment Free arm Adjusting lever In order to change stitch Draw the auxiliary bed to the Touche manuelle length of each stitch pattern: left side. Palanca de ajuste Push manual button (light Leva di regolazione Bras-libre will be on) and move the le- Manual button ver to the desired position.
  • Page 17: Winding Bobbin

    Winding Bobbin / Embobinage Hacer canilla / Avvolgimento bobina Winding a bobbin * When you turn on the power to the machine under the bobbin winding state, the machine will peep. Enfilage pour le remplissage de canette * Lorsque vous allumez la machine en mode de Enhebrar para hacer canilla remplissage de canette, eile émet un bip sonore.

  • Page 18
    Set the bobbin on the bobbin winder. Small spool Petite coiffe Press the bobbin against Bobina de hilo the bobbin winding regula- Thread spool cap (small) Rocchetto filato piccolo Petite bobine tor. Tapa de la bobina (pequeña) Fermo per rocchetto piccola Placez la canette sur l’axe du dévidoir.
  • Page 19
    Put the bobbin in the Thread the bobbin case. bobbin case. Put the thread [1], place thread on groove [2] and Place the bobbin so that draw the thread to rear of thread winds counterclock- machine. wise. Enfilez le boîtier à Placez la canette dans canette.
  • Page 20: Threading The Machine

    Threading the machine / Enfilage Enhebrar la máquina / Infilatura della macchina CAUTION: Be sure to turn off the machine before * Be sure to raise the presser foot before threading the machine head. threading. ATTENTION: Assurez-vous d’avoir éteint la machine * Le pied presseur doit toujours être relevé…

  • Page 21: Automatic Needle Threader

    Thread the thread to Thread the hook. take-up [4], then pull it Push threading lever all the way down and a hook will downward. go through eye of needle. Pass thread in front of Enfilez le levier Hook needle and below hook. tendeur de fil [4], puis Crochet redescendez.

  • Page 22: Pulling Up The Bobbin Thread

    Pulling up the bobbin thread Remonter le fil de canette Subir el hilo de la canilla Recupero filo bobina Lightly hold the needle thread with fingers. Tenez légèrement le fil avec les doigts. Sostenga ligeramente el hilo con los dedos. Tendere leggermente il filo ago, con le dita.

  • Page 23: Changing The Presser Foot

    Changing the presser foot / Changement de pied presseur Cambio del prensatelas / Sostituzione del piedino pressore CAUTION: Make sure to disconnect the plug from the wall outlet before changing the presser foot. ATTENTION: Assurez-vous d’avoir débranché la machine avant de changer le pied. PRECAUCIÓN: Antes de cambiar el prensatelas, asegúrese de desconectar la máquina de la red eléctrica.

  • Page 24: Attaching The Needle

    Attaching the needle / Mise en place de l’aiguille Colocar la aguja / Sostituzione ago CAUTION: Make sure to disconnect plug from wall outlet before inserting needle. ATTENTION: Assurez-vous d’avoir débranché Vis serre-aiguille. Asegúrese de desconectar el enchufe de la red eléctrica antes de colocar la aguja. PRECAUCIÓN: ATTENZIONE: Scollegare la macchina prima di sostituirel’ago.

  • Page 25: Types Of Feet And Their Application

    Types of feet and their application / Types de pieds et leurs applications Tipos de prensatelas y sus aplicaciones / Tipi di piedini e loro applicazioni Stitch pattern Typical applications Programme Applications types Tipo de costura Aplicaciones Tipi di cuciture Tipi di applicazioni Straight stitch Quilt stitch…

  • Page 26: How To Adjust Thread Tension

    How to adjust thread tension Réglage de la tension de fil Ajuste de las tensión del hilo Come regolare la tensione del filo * Adjust the thread tension as described below when special type of fabric is used or the thread tension has changed from the adequate setting. * Les réglages de tension ci-dessous sont utiles lorsque l’on coud une matière spéciale ou que les réglages initiaux ont été…

  • Page 27: Fabric, Thread And Needle Table

    Fabric, thread and needle table Fabric Thread Needles HA x 1 (130/705H) Light-weight Lawn Silk # 80~100 (No.9) Synthetic thread/ Georgette # 90, 100 No.11 Fine thread Tricot Synthetic # 60~100 Knitting needle No.11 Silk # 80 Wool and synthetic fiber cloth No.11 Synthetic # 60~100…

  • Page 28: Tabla De Tejido, Hilo Y Aguja

    Tabla de tejidos, hilo y agujas Tejido Hilo Agujas HA x 1 (130/705H) Fino Hilo de algodón # 80~100 (No.9) Lino Hilo sintético / # 90, 100 Crespón No.11 Hilo fino Sintético Malla tricot Agujas para punto No.11 # 60~100 Seda # 80 Lana y fibra sintética…

  • Page 29: How To Adjust Stitch Length (Manually)

    How to adjust stitch length (manually) Réglage de la longueur du point (manuel) Ajuste de la longitud de puntada (manual) Come regolare la lunghezza del punto (manualmente) * When machine is turned on again or a pattern is re-selected, the stitch length will be automatically set to a preset one.

  • Page 30
    Examples of automatically/manually determined straight stitch lengths Exemples de longueur de point automatique/manuelle Ejemplos de longitudes de pespunte recto determinadas automáticamente/manualmente Esempio di lunghezza punto,per cuciture diritte, determinato automaticamente/manualmente Automatic / Automatique / Automático / Automatico For automatically-determined stitch length: The best-suited stitch length for selected pattern is automatically established re- gardless of the position of the adjusting lever.
  • Page 31: Straight Stitch

    Straight stitch / Point droit Pespunte recto / Cuciture diritto The straight stitch is the basic stitch. Le point droit est le point de base. El pespunte recto es el tipo de puntada más básica. Il punto diritto e un punto fondamentale CAUTION: Turn off the machine before changing the presser foot.

  • Page 32: Point Droit

    Lightly hold the fabric Trim the threads. with your hands. Pull out the needle and bob- bin threads by approximately Be careful not to apply ex- 10 cm and cut them with the cessive pulling force to the “thread cutter” mounted on fabric while sewing.

  • Page 33: Straight Stitch On Strechy Fabric Automatic Lock Stitch

    Automatic lock stitch Points d’arrêt automatique Puntada automática de seguridad Marcia indietro automatica To prevent stitches from coming apart: To cancel the automatic back tacking, follow one of the three different procedures described below: Select a pattern to be sewn, then press button.

  • Page 34
    Example: Straight stitch Exemple: Point droit Fabric Fabric Tissu Tissu Ejemplo: Tejido Tejido Pespunte recto Tessuto Tessuto Esempio: Cucitura diritta Select first stitch pattern Press the reverse stitch to be sewn. button. Press the reverse stitch but- Press button. ton at the predetermined po- sition, and the machine will The machine produces lock perform lock stitches and stop…
  • Page 35
    Lock stitch (Reverse stitch) Couture arrière Puntada de seguridad (Puntada inversa) Punto di marcia indietro (Punto affrancatura) [1] * The machine will perform reverse stitching as long as the reverse stitch button is held pressed. Use this function to produce lock * The machine performs reverse stitching at low speed.
  • Page 36
    Beginning of sewing heavy-weight fabric Démarrer la couture sur des matières épaisses Inicio de costura en tejidos gruesos Inizio di cucitura per tessuto pesante To start sewing from the multi-layer material edge, use the button mounted on the presser foot to make the presser foot parallel to the fabric, thereby ensuring smooth sewing.
  • Page 37: Manual Lock Stitch And Sewing Start On Heavy Fabric Zigzag Stitch

    Zigzag stitch / Point zig-zag Puntada zig zag / Punto zig-zag Automatic lock stitch CAUTION: Make sure to turn off the machine Point d’arrêt automatique before changing the presser foot. Puntada de seguridad automática Punto di affrancatura automatico ATTENTION: Assurez-vous d’éteindre la machine avant de changer le pied presseur.

  • Page 38: How To Adjust Stitch Width (Manually)

    How to adjust stitch width (manually) Comment régler la largeur des points (manuellement) Modo de ajustar la anchura de puntada (manualmente) Come regolare l’ampiezza del punto (manualmente) * To adjust the stitch width, press the manual button (manual button will light up) and move the adjusting lever to left or right. Stitch width manual override indicator lamp * To cancel the manual adjustment mode, select a pattern or press Témoin de correction manuelle de largeur des points…

  • Page 39
    Stitch patterns which are possible to adjust stitch width Configurations de points dont la largeur des points peut être réglée Patrones de puntada que se pueden ajustar a anchura de puntada Modelli di cuitura in cui è possibile regolare l’ampiezza dello zig-zag. Stitch pattern Programme Tipo de puntada…
  • Page 40: Overcasting

    Overcasting Surfilarge Sobrehilado Surfilatura This stitch style is used to prevent the cut edge of fabric from fraying. Ce point est utilisé pour éviter que les bords ne s’effilochent par frottement. Este tipo de costura se utiliza para evitar que el tejido CAUTION: se deshilache.

  • Page 41: Reinforced Stretch Stitch

    Reinforced stretch (elastic) stitch Point extensible de renfort Puntada de refuerzo en tejido tipo punto Cucitura di rinforzo elastica The reinforcing stretch stitch helps reinforce seams when used for sewing of elastic fabric or the force-exerted part of fabric that is likely to fray. Le point triple élastique aide à…

  • Page 42: Automatic Buttonholes

    Automatic buttonholes Boutonnières automatiques Ojales automáticos Occhielli in automatico Select a pattern according to type of fabric and size of button CAUTION: Make sure to turn off the machine to be used. before changing the presser foot. Sélectionner une configuration en fonction du type de tissu ATTENTION: Assurez-vous d’éteindre la machine et de la taille des boutons à…

  • Page 43
    Lower the buttonhole foot Pattern Typical application Sliding part once to place a button on Programme Application type Partie glissière Tipo Aplicación Pieza corredera Programma Applicazione The buttonhole length is au- Slitta scorrevole tomatically determined only For sewing large buttonholes on medium by placing a button on the to heavy weight fabric.
  • Page 44
    Mark the buttonhole Lower the buttonholing positions. lever. Draw marker lines on the fab- Lower the lever until it will ric at the buttonhole positions go no further. Mark with an assistant marker. * If you start the sewing ma- Marque chine without lower the le- Marca…
  • Page 45
    Sewing sequence Cycle de couture Secuencia de costura Sequenze della cucitura The machine will automatically stop sewing after producing back tack stitches. The machine will stop with its needle up. La machine s’arrête automatiquement après avoir effectué les points d’arrêt. Elle stoppe l’aiguille en haut.
  • Page 46: Bartacking

    Bartacking / Couture d’arrêt Presillado / Marcia indietro Bartacking is used to reinforce part of seam that is likely to ravel. La couture d’arrêt permet de renforcer une partie de la cou- ture susceptible de s’effilocher. El presellado se usa para reforzar la parte de la costura que es susceptible de destejerse.

  • Page 47
    Press the reverse stitch To continuously sew bartacks of the same length two or more times, follow the procedure described below: button at predetermined position [A]. Pour coudre des points d’extrémité de longueur identiques 2 Once the needle returns to fois ou plus, suivez la pracédure décrite ci-dessous: the start position, the ma- chine automatically starts…
  • Page 48: Darning Stitch

    Darning stitch / Point de reprise Punto para zurcido / Punto rammendo CAUTION: Make sure to turn off the machine before changing the presser foot. ATTENTION: Assurez-vous d’éteindre la machine avant de changer le pied presseur. PRECAUCIÓN: Asegúrese de apagar la máquina antes de cambiar el prensatelas.

  • Page 49: Quilting Stitch

    Quilting stitch / Point de courtepointe Puntada acolchada / Punto di impuntura The works of quilting and patch work can be finished as though they were hand-sewn by using inconspicuous bobbin thread. Les travaux de courtepointe et de patchwork peuvent avoir une finition “cousu main”…

  • Page 50: Patch Work

    Patch work / Patchwork Patchwork / Patchwork CAUTION: Make sure to turn off the machine before changing the presser foot. Assurez-vous d’éteindre la machine ATTENTION: avant de changer le pied presseur. PRECAUCIÓN: Asegúrese de apagar la máquina antes de cambiar el prensatelas. ATTENZIONE: Assicurarsi che la macchina sia spenta, prima di sostituire il piedino.

  • Page 51: Inserting Zippers

    Inserting zippers / Insertion de fermeture à glissière Colocación de cremalleras / Inserimento della cerniera lampo Zippers are set in two different ways such as by inserting in side seam of the garment and by centering in opening. Les fermetures à gllissière sont placées de deux façons différents : recouverte sur le côté…

  • Page 52: Lapped Insertion

    Attach the zipper foot (B) to the machine. To sew the left part of the zipper, place the zipper under the right Zipper foot (B) portion of the zipper foot. To sew the right part of the zipper, place the Pied fermeture éclair (B) zipper under the left portion of the foot.

  • Page 53
    Sew the zipper tape on the seam allowance from bottom to top. Fitting the edge of the zipper foot at the edge of the zipper teeth, sew the zipper tape on the seam allowance. At the slider part of the zipper, stop the machine at a position about 5 cm before the slider, move the Attach the right side slide to the far side of the presser foot, then sew the zipper until its top…
  • Page 54: Centered Insertion

    Centered Insertion / Insertion centrale Inserción centrada / Inserimento centrato Baste zipper and garment body. Open the seam allowance. Fitting the teeth of zipper at the end of the Slider Seamline seam line, perform basting. Glisseur Couture Carro Línea de la costura Centrées: La fermeture est centrée dans l’ouverture et Slitta Linea di cucitura…

  • Page 55: Blind Stitch

    Blind stitch / Ourlet invisible Puntada invisible / Punto invisibile Blindstitching provides a durable way to finish a hem and is presented as an instantly selectable pattern as a convenience. It needs practice, so a test sewing is suggested. L’ourlet invisible procure une finition durable pour les ourlets et est facilité…

  • Page 56: Comment Régler La Largeur Des Points

    Position the folded edge against the guide. Fabric Place the folded edge Fabric (wrong side) against the presser foot (right side) Tissu guide, and sew the fabric. Tissu Fabric (dessous) (dessus) (wrong side) Tejido Tejido Positionnez le bord plié Tissu (del revés) (del derecho) (dessous)

  • Page 57: Quilting Attachment

    Quilting attachment / Ensemble pour quilting Mecanismo para el acolchar / Piedino per rammenedo-ricamo (quilting) CAUTION: Make sure to turn off the machine Pattern to be used before changing the presser foot. Programme Tipo de costura a utilizar ATTENTION: Assurez-vous d’éteindre la machine Modello da usare avant de changer le pied presseur.

  • Page 58: Optional Parts

    Optional parts / Pièces optionnelles / Piezas opcionales / Parti optional Invisible zipper foot Pied fermeture invisible Prensatelas de puntada invisible Piedino cerniera invisibile CAUTION: Make sure to turn off the machine Pattern to be used before changing the presser foot. Programme Tipo de costura a utilizar ATTENTION:…

  • Page 59
    Put the invisible zipper on the fabric so that its center meets the seam line. Place a cardboard between the seam allowance and front fabric. Manually baste both sides of seam allowances and zipper tapes. Upon completion of basting, remove the cardboard. Basting Bâti Mettez la fermeture invisible sur le tissu afin que son centre…
  • Page 60
    Sew the remaining zipper tape on the other side of seam allow- Invisible zipper foot ance in the same procedure. Tape Pied fermeture invisible Bande (The lower portion of zipper tape located below the bottom of the Prensatelas de Cinta de la cremallera invisible opening will remain loose without sewn on the seam allowance.) Piedino per cerniera…
  • Page 61: Pied Boutonnière Manuelle

    Manual buttonhole foot Pied boutonnière manuelle Prensatelas de ojales manual Piedino occhielli manuale CAUTION: Make sure to turn off the machine Pattern to be used before changing the presser foot. Programme Tipo de costura a utilizar ATTENTION: Assurez-vous d’éteindre la machine Modello da usare avant de changer le pied presseur.

  • Page 62
    When needle reaches be- When needle reaches be- ginning of mark, slightly pull ginning of mark, slightly pull lever towards front of ma- lever towards front of ma- chine. chine and sewing machine * Machine starts straight will start bartacking,perform stitching on right-hand par- fastening stitching and stop.
  • Page 63: Prensatelas De Dobladillo De Caracolillo

    Rolled hemming foot Pied ourlet roulé Prensatelas de dobladillo de caracolillo Piedino orlo rollato CAUTION: Make sure to turn off the machine Pattern to be used before changing the presser foot. Programme Tipo de costura a utilizar ATTENTION: Assurez-vous d’éteindre la machine Modello da usare avant de changer le pied presseur.

  • Page 64: Prensatelas Para Alimentar El Tejido De Forma Uniforme

    Even feed foot Pied double entraînement Prensatelas para alimentar el tejido de forma uniforme Piedino trasporto uniforme CAUTION: Make sure to turn off the machine Pattern to be used before changing the presser foot. Programme Tipo de costura a utilizar ATTENTION: Assurez-vous d’éteindre la machine Modello da usare…

  • Page 65: Pied À Semelle Lisse

    Smooth foot Pied à semelle lisse Pata deslizante Piedino plastificato A920101S0A0A CAUTION: Make sure to turn off the machine before changing the presser foot. ATTENTION: Assurez-vous d’éteindre la machine avant de changer le pied presseur. PRECAUCIÓN: Asegúrese de apagar la máquina antes de cambiar el prensatelas.

  • Page 66: Invisible Zipper Foot / Manual Buttonhole Foot Rolled Hemming Foot / Even Feed Foot Smooth Foot Replacing Lamp

    * Purchase correct lamp bulb from JUKI distributor in your area from which you have bought your machine. * La puissance de l’ampoule est de 15 watts. * Se procurer l’ampoule de lampe correcte auprès du distributeur JUKI local chez qui la machine a été achetée. * El consumo de la bombilla es de 15 W.

  • Page 67: Maintenance (Cleaning)

    Maintenance (cleaning) Maintenance (netto yage) Mantenimiento (limpieza) Manutenzione (pulizia) Be sure to disconnect the plug from wall outlet before cleaning and lubricating machine. CAUTION: Assurez vous débrancher la prise du secteur avant de nettoyer la machine. ATTENTION: Asegúrese de desconectar la máquina de la red eléctrica antes de limpiar o lubricar la máquina. PRECAUCIÓN: Assicurarsi che il cavo dell’alimentazione elettrica sia disinserito dalla presa, prima di pulire e lubrificare ATTENZIONE:…

  • Page 68: Performance Checklist

    Performance checklist If sewing difficulties occur, make sure the instructions are correctly followed. If a problem still exists, the reminders below may help solve it. Problem Cause (Reason) Action to be taken Page Machine fails to * Machine runs idle. * Return bobbin winder to the left.

  • Page 69: Problèmes Éventuels Et Remèdes Simples

    Problèmes éventuels et remèdes simples Si vous recontrez des difficultés,vérifiez d’abord que vous avez bien suivi les instructions. L’expérience démontre que la plupart des problèmes sont dus à des détails d’utilisation. Sinon, essayez de résoudre vorte problème à l’aide du tableau ci-dessous. En cas de persistance, ramenez la machine auprès de votre vendeur spécialisé.

  • Page 70: Lista De Problemas Y Soluciones

    Lista de problemas y soluciones Si tiene problemas con el funcionamiento de la máquina compruebe que ha seguido las instrucciones detalladas en este manual. Si tiene algún problema, consulte esta tabla para intentar solucionarlo. PROBLEMA CAUSA (RAZÓN) SOLUCIÓN PAG. La máquina no * La máquina no funciona bien * Gira el bobinador a la izquierda.

  • Page 71: Elenco Per Controlli

    Elenco per controlli Se si manifestano difficoltà di cucitura, assicurarsi che le istruzioni siano seguite correttamente. Se il problema persiste, la tabella sotto riportata vi può essere di aiuto. Problema Causa Soluzione La macchina ha * La macchina funziona con difficoltà. * Rimettere l’avvolgi bobina verso sinistra.

  • Page 72
    8-2-1, KOKURYO-CHO, CHOFU-SHI, TOKYO 182-8655, JAPAN PHONE : 03(3480)5034 FAX : 03(3480)5037 http : //www.juki.co.jp E-mail : hsm@juki.co.jp Copyright © 2005 JUKI CORPORATION. All rights reserved throughout the world. A9250E71Z00 000105 (T)

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(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents of some pages of the JUKI HZL-E71 Document (Main Content), UPD: 08 May 2023)

  • 69, JUKI HZL-E71 Problèmes éventuels et remèdes simples Si vous recontrez des difficultés,vérifiez d’abord que vous avez bien suivi les instructions. L’expérience démontre que la plupart des problèmes sont dus à des détails d’utilisation. Sinon, essayez de résoudre vorte problème à l’aide du tableau ci-dessous. En cas de persistance, ramenez la machine auprès de votre vendeur spécialisé. Ta…

  • 13, This sewing machine has stitch patterns for stretchy fabric such as knitted fabric, jersey and so on. Cette machine possède des programmes spéciaux pour les matières extensibles comme les mailles, tricots, jerseys, etc. La máquina tiene tipos de puntada para diferentes tejidos como el punto, jersey, etc. Questa macchina ha dei modelli di cucitura per materiali eelastici come maglia, jersey e simili. Stitch pa…

  • 38, 36 Stitch width vs. stitch length Rapport de Largeur/longueur du point Anchura de longitud / Longitud de puntada Rapporto tra l’ampiezza e la lunghezza dello zig-zag How to adjust stitch width (manually) Comment régler la largeur des points (manuellement) Modo de ajustar la anchura de puntada (manualmente) Come regolare l’ampiezza del punto (manualmente) * To adjust the stitch width, press the manual button (manual button will light up) and move the adjusting lever to left or …

  • 2, FOR USA AND CANADA ONLY This appliance has a polarized plug (one blade wider than the other). To reduce the risk of electric shock, this plug is intended to fit in a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not fit fully in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still dose not fit, contact a qualified electrician to install the proper outlet. Do not modify the plug in any way.

  • 6, 4 “ISTRUZIONI IMPORTANTI PER LA SICUREZZA” Quando si usa un apparecchio elettrico,è necessario attenersi sempre alle precauzioni per la sicurezza che comprendono tra l’altro,quanto segue: Leggere tutte le istruzioni prima di usare questa macchina per cucire “PERICOLO_____Per ridurre il rischio di scossa elettrica:” 1. Un apparecchio elettrico non deve mai essere lasciato senza sorveglianza, quando è stata inserita la spina. …

  • 27, Fabric, thread and needle table Tissus, fils et aiguilles * The knitting needles (HAx1sp) effectively prevent from stitch skipping, and ideal for sewing stretchy fabrics. Fabric Light-weight Lawn # 80~100 (No.9) Thread Needles HA x 1 (130/705H) Tricot Georgette Wool and synthetic fiber cloth Silk Synthetic Synthetic Synthetic thread/ Fine thread No.11 Medium-weight Heavy-weight # 90…

  • 4, “NOTES DE SECURITE IMPORTANTES” “Lorsque vous utilisez un appareil électrique, des précautions élémentaires doivent toujours être suivies, comme celles-ci.” “Lisez attentivement ces instructions avant d’utiliser cette machine à coudre.” “DANGER_____Pour réduire le risque d’électrocution.” 1. “Un appareil ne doit jamais être laissé sans surveillance lorsqu’il est branché. Toujours débrancher cet appareil d…

  • 28, JUKI HZL-E71 26 Tabella per tessuto, filato e aghi * L’ago da maglieria (HAx1sp) previene efficacemente il salto del punto ed è ideale per cuciture su tessuti elastici. Tessuto Leggero Lino # 80~100 (No.9) Filato Aghi HA x 1 (130/705H) Tricot Georgette Tessuto di maglia e fibre sintetiche Seta Sintetico Sintetico Filato sintetico/ Filato fine No.11 Medio Medio # 90, 100 Filo cotone mercerizzato Ago da maglieria No.11# 60~100 # 80 # 60~100 No.…

  • 25, Types of feet and their application / Types de pieds et leurs applications Tipos de prensatelas y sus aplicaciones / Tipi di piedini e loro applicazioni Standard presser foot (A) Pied presseur standard (A) Prensatelas standard (A) Piedino standard (A) Stitch pattern Programme Tipo de costura Tipi di cuciture Typical applications Applications types Aplicaciones Tipi di applicazioni Straight stitch Point droit Pespunte recto Punto diritto Straight sti…

  • 22, 20 Pulling up the bobbin thread Remonter le fil de canette Subir el hilo de la canilla Recupero filo bobina Turn the handwheel toward you. The needle moves up and down to draw up the bobbin thread from the bobbin. Tournez le volant vers vous. L’aiguille remontera avec le fil inférieur. Gire hacia usted el volante de la máquina. La aguja se moverá arriba y abajo para subir el hilo de la canilla. Girare il volantino verso di voi. L&apo…

  • 50, Patch work / Patchwork Patchwork / Patchwork Runstitch the fabric. Runstitch two pieces of fabric. Surpiquez le tissu. Surpiquez les deux morceaux de tissu. Cosa el tejido. Cosa dos piezas de tejido. Cucitura di tessuti. Unire in cucitura due strati di tessuto. Runstitch Surpiqûre Costura Cucitura 1 cm Seam allowance Tolérance de couture Margen de la costura Margine di cucitura Select stitch pattern. Sélectionnez le programme. Seleccione el tipo de puntada. Selezionare il progra…

  • 51, JUKI HZL-E71 Inserting zippers / Insertion de fermeture à glissière Colocación de cremalleras / Inserimento della cerniera lampo Zippers are set in two different ways such as by inserting in side seam of the garment and by centering in opening. Les fermetures à gllissière sont placées de deux façons différents : recouverte sur le côté du vêtement ou centrée à l’ouverture. Existen dos formas de colocar las cremalleras: la que queda cosida como recubierta por el tejido y otra que queda centrada…

  • 15, Reverse stitch button Push it manually to secure the stitches at sewing-start and end of seam. If you push this button at sewing- end, needle will stop at its highest position. Touche de couture arrière Utilisez cette touche pour arrêter vos coutures au départ et à la fin. Si vous l’actionnez la machine arrêtée, l’aiguille remontera en position haute. Speed controller You can adjust Maximu…

  • 39, Stitch patterns which are possible to adjust stitch width Configurations de points dont la largeur des points peut être réglée Patrones de puntada que se pueden ajustar a anchura de puntada Modelli di cuitura in cui è possibile regolare l’ampiezza dello zig-zag. 37 2.5 ~ 7.0 Stitch pattern Programme Tipo de puntada Programmi Automatic (mm) Automatique (mm) Automático (mm) Automatico (mm) Manual (mm) Manuel (mm) Manual (mm) Manuale (mm) 7.0…

  • 55, Blind stitch / Ourlet invisible Puntada invisible / Punto invisibile Overcast the fabric, and fold the edge. Refer to page 36 for overcasting. Surfilez le tissu et pliez le bord. Référez vous à la page 36 pour le surfilage. Sobrehíle el tejido y haga el dobladillo. Consultar las instrucciones referentes al sobrehilado. Sorfilare il tessuto, e piegare il bordo. Per la sorfilatura fare riferimento a pag.36. Change…

  • 59, Undo the basting stitch seam to the bottom of opening as shown in the sketch given in step 1. Then, open the zipper. Depuis le point de bâti du fond de l’ouverture, suivez les étapes. 1. puis, ouvrez la fermeture. Quite el hilván de abajo a arriba tal y como explica el punto 1. A continuación, abra al cremallera. Sfilare i punti di imbastitura dalla fine verso l’inizio, come si vede nel riquadro 1. Quindi aprire …

  • Brother BAS-326G PS

    BAS-326G PS Por favor lea este manual antes de usar la máquina. Por favor guarde este manual al alcance de la mano para una rápida referencia. MOTOR INCORPORADO AL EJE MAQUINA ELECTRONICA DE AREA PROGRAMABLE < PUNTADA PERFECTA > MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES …

    BAS-326G PS Sewing Machine, 84

  • Brother CE7070PRW

    423446c578789a0bdef11.5 mm(7/16 inch)7 — 10 cm(2-3/4 — 3-15/16 inches)1 cm(3/8 inch)12 34567890abdefOperation keys and LCDBedieningstoetsen en LCD-displayКнопки управления и ЖК-дисплейBedientasten und LCD-FeldTasti di funzionamento e display LCDTouches de fonctionnement et affichage à cristau …

    CE7070PRW Sewing Machine, 2

  • SunStar KM-1060BL

    SSUUNNSSTTAARR MMAACCHHIINNEERRYY CCOO..,, LLTTDD..USER’SMANUALKM-1060BL Series KM-1060BLHigh Speed, 1-Needle, Unison Feed Lock Stitch MachineKM-1060BL-7High Speed, 1-Needle, Unison Feed Lock StitchMachine with an Automatic Thread TrimmerKM-1062BL High Speed, 2-Needle, Unison Feed Lock Stitch MachineKM-1062BL-7High S …

    KM-1060BL Sewing Machine, 40

  • Minerva Boskovice 4280-6

    Instructions for service4280 — 6Minerva Boskovice, a.s., Sokolská 60, CZ — 680 17 BoskoviceTel.: +420-501-453434, 453433, 494111 Fax: +420-501-452165 http://www.minerva-boskovice.comEdition: 06/2001 …

    4280-6 Sewing Machine, 35

  • Brother S-7200C

    S-7200C Por favor lea este manual antes de usar la máquina. Por favor guarde este manual al alcance de la mano para una rápida referencia. PUNTADA RECTA 1 AGUJA CON DIRECCION DIRECTA Y CORTA HILOS MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES …

    S-7200C Sewing Machine, 80

  • Baby Lock Creative Pro

    Creative ProDesign ProDenim ProYou need a machine that can keep up with your creativity, no matter how long you’ve been sewing. The New Creative Pro is full of project-enhancing features for the beginning sewer such as 40 built-in stitches, a built-in needle threader and 7 accessory feet. Plus, you’ll find conveni …

    Creative Pro Sewing Machine, 2

  • Mitsubishi Electric XC-G500-Y

    — 1 — Industrial Sewing Machine XC-G500-Y CONTROL PANEL Technical Information (For Limi-Servo XC-G, XC-K Series) Thank you for choosing the XC-G500-Y control panel. Please read this user manual carefully prior to usage. Contents Page1. HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS·····························� …

    XC-G500-Y Sewing Machine, 15

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