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Инструкция по эксплуатации сушильной машины Siemens iQ500 WT47W6H0OE.
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Summary of Contents for Siemens iQ500 WT47R461ES
Page 1
Tumble dryer WT47R461ES Installation and operating instructions Register your product on My Siemens and discover exclusive services and offers. siemens-home.bsh-group.com/welcome The future moving in. Siemens Home Appliances… -
Page 2
Caution! To meet the high quality demands required by Siemens, every tumble dryer This signal word indicates a possibly that leaves our factory is carefully dangerous situation. Not heeding the checked to ensure that it functions caution can cause property and/or correctly and is in perfect condition. -
Page 3: Table Of Contents
Table of contents e n I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d o p e r a t i n g i n s t r u c t i o n s Changing the programme or Intended use.
Page 4: Intended Use
Intended use Intended use Safety instructions T he following safety information This appliance is intended for private ■ I n t e n d e d u s e S a f e t y i n s t r u c t i o n s and warnings are provided to domestic use only.
Page 5: Installation
Safety instructions Do not allow children to Warning ■ clean or maintain this Risk of poisoning! appliance unsupervised. Detergents and care products Keep children under 3 years may result in poisoning if ■ and pets away from this consumed. appliance. If accidentally swallowed, seek Do not leave the appliance medical advice.
Page 6
Safety instructions The appliance must not be Warning ■ supplied through an external Risk of electric shock/fire/ switching device, such as a material damage/damage to timer, or connected to a the appliance! circuit that is regularly If the appliance’s mains cable is switched on and off by a altered or damaged, this may utility. -
Page 7: Operation
Safety instructions Incorrectly placing (stacking) The appliance has sharp ■ ■ this appliance on top of a edges on which you could washing machine may result cut your hands. in injury, material damage Do not take hold of the and/or damage to the appliance by its sharp appliance.
Page 8
Safety instructions Warning Warning Risk of explosions/fire! Risk of fire/material damage/ damage to the appliance! If there is any residual ■ material left in the fluff filter, If a program is terminated this may ignite when drying before the drying cycle has is in progress, or even cause finished, this prevents the the appliance to catch fire or… -
Page 9
Safety instructions Warning Caution! Risk of poisoning! Material damage/damage to Poisonous fumes may be given the appliance off by cleaning agents that If the amount of laundry in ■ contain solvents, e.g. cleaning the appliance exceeds its solvent. maximum load capacity, it Do not use cleaning agents that may not be able to operate contain solvents. -
Page 10: Cleaning/Maintenance
Safety instructions If you pour the wrong When removing the mains ■ ■ quantity of detergent or plug from the socket, always cleaning agent into the take hold of the plug itself appliance, this may result in and never the mains cable, material damage or damage otherwise this may damage to the appliance.
Page 11: Energy-Saving Tips
Energy-saving tips Warning Energy-saving tips Risk of injury/material damage/damage to the Spin the laundry before drying. The ■ E n e r g y — s a v i n g t i p s appliance! drier the laundry, the shorter the programme will be, in turn reducing The use of spare parts and energy consumption.
Page 12: Installing And Connecting
Installing and connecting the appliance Caution! Installing and Risk of material damage and damage connecting the to the appliance Objects remaining in the drum that are appliance not designed for operation with the appliance may result in material S cope of supply damage and damage to the appliance.
Page 13
Installing and connecting the appliance Warning Caution! Risk of injury/material damage/ Material damage/damage to the damage to the appliance! appliance The appliance may vibrate or move If the appliance overheats, it may not be ■ when in operation, potentially able to operate properly, or this may resulting in injury or material result in material damage or damage to damage. -
Page 14: Connecting The Appliance
Installing and connecting the appliance If appliances are not aligned Warning ■ correctly, this may result in noises, Risk of electric shock/fire/material vibrations, uneven drum operation damage/damage to the appliance! and/or to residual water leaking out If the appliance’s mains cable is altered of the appliance.
Page 15: Before Using The Appliance For The First Time
Installing and connecting the appliance Your appliance is now ready to use. Optional accessories Caution! Order optional accessories from the Risk of material damage/damage to the after-sales service: appliance Basket for woollens: ■ The appliance contains refrigerant and Dry or air individual woollen items, may be damaged if it is operated sports shoes and soft toys in the immediately after transportation.
Page 16: Quick Reference Guide
Short introduction Quick reference guide The appliance must be correctly installed and connected. ~ Page 12 N ote: S h o r t i n t r o d u c t i o n Before the programme starts: Sort the laundry. Switch on the Select a appliance.
Page 17: Familiarising Yourself With
Familiarising yourself with your appliance Familiarising yourself with your appliance Appliance overview F a m i l i a r i s i n g y o u r s e l f w i t h y o u r a p p l i a n c e ( Condensation container 0 Control panel 8 Drum interior lighting (depending on the model)
Page 18: Fascia
Display Fascia Programmes Programme selector Switch the appliance on/off ■ Set the programme/dryness level ■ Display Displays settings and information Buttons for programme settings and additional functions/appliance settings Display D i s p l a y…
Page 19
Display Indicator/ Description Information symbol Lit: Status indicator Programme status: Drying Ô Iron Dry Ø Cupboard Dry » Anti-Crease Ý -˜- Pause End of programme “Ÿš ‹ ‹ : ‹ ‹ Programme duration Expected programme duration in hours and minutes. e.g. -
Page 20: Overview Of Programmes
Overview of programmes Programme settings For more information about the programme settings: ~ Page 22 ‹ inicio/ Start or pause/cancel the pro- Lit: Programme started. ■ pausa+carga gramme Flashing: Programme paused. ■ (Start/Reload) Degree of dryness Degree of dryness for a dryness level activated ÄÔ…
Page 21
Overview of programmes caliente/quente (Time program warm) û 3 kg Timed programme for all types of fabric except silk. Max. load for wool- lens/soft toys in the Suitable for pre-dried or slightly damp laundry and for drying off multi-layered, thick basket: 1 basket laundry. -
Page 22: Programme Settings
Programme settings Programme settings P r o g r a m m e s e t t i n g s Program setting Function Not all settings can be activated in every programme. The activated settings are displayed on the pro- Note: gramme selector (dryness level) or highlighted brightly in the display.
Page 23: Laundry
Laundry Notes Laundry – When washing laundry to be tumble-dried, use the correct P reparing laundry amount of detergent and care L a u n d r y products as specified in the Warning manufacturer’s instructions. Risk of explosions/fire! – Clean the moisture sensor Certain objects may ignite when drying regularly ~ Page 34.
Page 24: Operating The Appliance
Operating the appliance Caution! Operating the Risk of material damage to the appliance appliance and laundry Do not tumble-dry the following items or L oading laundry and fabrics in the appliance: O p e r a t i n g t h e a p p l i a n c e switching on the appliance Laundry contaminated with solvents, ■…
Page 25: Setting A Programme
Operating the appliance Close the appliance door. Adjust the programme settings, if required. ~ «Programme settings» on page 22 Starting the programme Press ‹ inicio/pausa+carga (Start/ Reload). If you want to prevent the Note: Caution! programme from being adjusted inadvertently, activate the childproof Risk of material damage to the lock.
Page 26: Cancelling The Programme
Operating the appliance If required, select a different Remove the laundry. programme or a different programme setting.~ «Overview of programmes» on page 20 ~ «Programme settings» on page 22 Do not change the Note: programme during the CoolDown process. Close the appliance door. Press ‹…
Page 27: Removing The Fluff
Operating the appliance Pull out the condensation container Removing the fluff horizontally. During drying, fluff and hair from Note: the laundry is trapped by the fluff filter. If the fluff filter is clogged or dirty, this reduces the flow of air, preventing the appliance from achieving optimal drying results.
Page 28
Operating the appliance Pull the two-part fluff filter apart. Rinse off fluff under warm, running water. Open the two parts of the filter. Dry the two parts of the fluff filter, snap them shut and reinsert the filter. Remove all fluff from both parts of the filter. -
Page 29: Appliance Settings
Appliance settings The notification signal at the end of Appliance settings programme is activated/deactivated. If a signal does not sound when Y ou can activate/deactivate or change Note: A p p l i a n c e s e t t i n g s the appliance settings directly.
Page 30
Appliance settings Release ‹ inicio/ Adjust the appliance setting as pausa+carga (Start/Reload). follows: You can now alter the appliance Set the programme to position 4. settings. Adjusting the volume of the audible notification signals You can adjust the volume of the notification signal emitted at the end of the programme. -
Page 31: Draining The Condensation Water
Draining the condensation water Set the programme to position 2. Œ Draining the condensation water C ondensation will form in the appliance D r a i n i n g t h e c o n d e n s a t i o n w a t e r as it dries the laundry.
Page 32
Draining the condensation water Detach the condensation hose from Push the drain hose into the the connector. appliance’s hose guide. The appliance comes Take care not to kink the Note: Note: delivered with the condensation drain hose when doing this. hose already fitted to the connector. -
Page 33: Cleaning And Maintenance
Cleaning and maintenance Floor drain: Cleaning and maintenance C leaning the appliance C l e a n i n g a n d m a i n t e n a n c e Warning Risk of death! The appliance is powered by electricity. There is a risk of electric shock if you come into contact with live components.
Page 34: Cleaning The Moisture Sensor
Cleaning and maintenance Clean the moisture sensor with a Warning rough sponge. Risk of electric shock/material damage/damage to the appliance! If moisture penetrates the appliance, this may cause it to short circuit. Do not use a pressure washer, steam cleaner, hose or spray gun to clean your appliance.
Page 35
Cleaning and maintenance Open the maintenance flap by the Use a soft brush to clean the heat handle. exchanger cover. Make sure that no dirt or Note: debris is left on the seal. Rinse the filter mat under running water and squeeze out the water with your hand. -
Page 36
Cleaning and maintenance If there is visible soiling, carry out the e) Carefully clean the fins on the following steps (optional): heat exchanger with a vacuum a) Lift the middle tab on the insert cleaner and brush attachment. slightly. Always clean the fins on the Note: heat exchanger from top to bottom, b) Pull the insert out horizontally. -
Page 37
Cleaning and maintenance Lock the levers on the heat exchanger cover. Close the maintenance flap. You have now finished cleaning the appliance’s base unit. -
Page 38: Help With The Appliance
Help with the appliance Help with the appliance H e l p w i t h t h e a p p l i a n c e Faults Cause/Remedy Appliance does not start. Check the mains plug and the fuses. Creasing.
Page 39
Help with the appliance Humidity in the room is increas- Make sure the room is sufficiently ventilated. ing. Unusual noises when drying. When drying is in progress, the pump and compressor generate noise when operating normally. This does not indicate that the appliance is malfunctioning. -
Page 40: Transporting The Appliance
Transporting the appliance Push the condensation container Transporting the back into the appliance until you feel it lock into place. appliance Warning T r a n s p o r t i n g t h e a p p l i a n c e Risk of injury/material damage/ damage to the appliance! If you take hold of any of the appliance’s…
Page 41: Consumption Values
Consumption values Consumption values C onsumption values table C o n s u m p t i o n v a l u e s Spin speed used for Duration** Energy consumption** Programme spinning the laundry (in min) (in kWh) (in rpm) algodón/algodão 8 kg…
Page 42: Technical Data
Technical data Technical data Disposal D imensions: Dispose of packaging and the T e c h n i c a l d a t a D i s p o s a l 850 x 600 x 640 mm appliance in an (height x width x depth) environmentally responsible manner.
Page 43: Customer Service
Customer Service Customer Service I f you cannot rectify the error yourself by C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e turning the appliance off and then on again, please contact our after-sales service.~ Enclosed after-sales service directory or cover page We will always find an appropriate…
Page 44
Valid within Great Britain: Imported to Great Britain by BSH Home Appliances Ltd. Grand Union House Old Wolverton Road Wolverton, Milton Keynes MK12 5PT United Kingdom Manufactured by BSH Hausgeräte GmbH under the trademark licence of Siemens AG *9001606728* 9001606728 (0101)

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WT 46B210BY
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Ujištění dovozce o vydání prohlášení o shoděVážený zákazníku,dle § 13, odst.5 zákona č.22/97 Sb. Vás ujišťujeme, že na všechny výrobky distribuované s
Page 14 — ÔGUŒEDD þLľWČQt
Rozšířená záruka nad rámec zákonaU spotřebičů (pračky, myčky) sériově vybavených systémem Aqua-Stop (patent fy BSH) je výrobcem poskytnuta záruka na š
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Page 20 — Záruční podmínky
Page 21 — Upozornění pro prodejce
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1WT 46B210BYNávod k použitíQ4ACZM2738
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Záručný list fi rmy BSH domácí spotřebiče s.r.o. Pekařská 695/10a, 155 00 Praha 5, ČR Dovozca: BSH domácí spotřebiče s.r.o.org. zložka BratislavaGal
Upozornenie pre predajcovPredajca je povinný dať zákazníkovi platný doklad o predaji, kde bude uvedený dátum predaja a označenie spotrebiča, a súčasťo
Page 37 — =iND]QtFN\VHUYLV
Upozornenie pre predajcovPredajca je povinný dať zákazníkovi platný doklad o predaji, kde bude uvedený dátum predaja a označenie spotrebiča, a súčasťo
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