Siemens iq800 сушильная машина инструкция

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    Инструкция по эксплуатации сушильной машины Siemens iQ800 WT47Y782OE.

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    Инструкция по эксплуатации

    Siemens WT48Y780OE

    Siemens WT48Y780OE

    Cкачать руководство пользователя Siemens WT48Y780OE в формате PDF: WT48Y780OE-RU

    • Сушильный автомат с тепловым насосом
    • Самоочищающийся конденсатор
    • Бeзщеточный компрессор iQdrive — тихий, энергоэффективный, долговечный
    • Класс энергопотребления: A
    • Максимальная загрузка: 8 кг
    • на 60% экономичнее 0.19 (kWh/kg) чем стандартное значение (0,48 kWh/kg), соответствующее классу энергопотребления A
    • Дверца люка перенавешиваемая – удобство установки как рядом со стиральной машиной, так и в колонну
    • Прозрачная дверь, хром
    • Принцип теплового насоса


    • Смешанное белье, Сушка шерсти в корзине, Сушка обуви, Верхняя одежда, Полотенца, Покрывала, Подушки, Сушка по времени, Женское белье, Супер 40, Рубашки
    • Светодиодная индикация заполнения ворсового фильтра и контейнера для конденсата
    • Большой многофункциональный TFT – дисплей: Текстовая информация с отображением параметров выбранной программы и дополнительных функций
    • Клавиши touchControl: Моя программа 1, Моя программа 2, ecoperfect, speedperfect, Легко гладить, Выбор, Бережная сушка, Моя программа 1, Моя программа 2, ecoperfect, speedperfect,24 ч отсрочка старта
    • Полифонический акустический сигнал окончания программы
    • Барабан из нержавеющей стали
    • antiVibration — специальная конструкция корпуса
    • корзина для сушки шерстяных изделий и обуви
    • Внутренняя подсветка барабана
    • Блокировка от детей
    • Сигнал окончания хода программы

    Параметры потребления

    • Параметры потребления для программы «Хлопок Сушка в шкаф»: после отжима в стиральной машине при 1400 об/мин. — 1.27 кВт/ч; при 1000 об/мин — 1.54 кВт/ч
    • Автоматическая остановка барабана при открывании двери
    • Размеры (В х Ш х Г): 84.2 x 59.7 x 63.5 см
    • Съёмная верхняя крышка для встраивания

    Siemens iQ800 Installation And Operating Instructions Manual

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    6. Installation and operating instructions manual

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    Tumble dryer








    Related Manuals for Siemens iQ800

    Summary of Contents for Siemens iQ800

    • Page 1
      Tumble dryer WT47Y7W0AU Register your product online…
    • Page 2
      Caution! To meet the high quality demands required by Siemens, every tumble dryer This signal word indicates a possibly that leaves our factory is carefully dangerous situation. Not heeding the checked to ensure that it functions caution can cause property and/or correctly and is in perfect condition.
    • Page 3: Table Of Contents

      Contents e n I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d o p e r a t i n g i n s t r u c t i o n s Intended use….4 Operating the appliance .

    • Page 4: Intended Use

      Intended use Intended use Safety instructions The following safety information This appliance is intended for private ■ I n t e n d e d u s e S a f e t y i n s t r u c t i o n s and warnings are provided to domestic use only.

    • Page 5
      Safety instructions Do not allow children to Warning ■ clean or maintain this Risk of suffocation! appliance unsupervised. If allowed to play with the Keep children under 3 years packaging/plastic film or ■ and pets away from this packing components, children appliance.
    • Page 6: Installation

      Safety instructions The mains plug must be Installation ■ freely accessible at all times. Warning If this is not possible, in Risk of electric shock/fire/ order to comply with the material damage/damage to relevant safety regulations, a the appliance! switch (2-pole switch-off) If the appliance is not installed must be built into the properly, this may lead to a…

    • Page 7
      Safety instructions Incorrectly placing (stacking) Warning ■ this appliance on top of a Risk of fire/material damage/ washing machine may result damage to the appliance! in injury, material damage The use of extension cords or and/or damage to the power strips may result in fire appliance.
    • Page 8: Operation

      Safety instructions The appliance has sharp Warning ■ edges on which you could Risk of explosions/fire! cut your hands. If there is any residual ■ Do not take hold of the material left in the fluff filter, appliance by its sharp this may ignite when drying edges.

    • Page 9
      Safety instructions Warning Warning Risk of fire/material damage/ Risk of poisoning! damage to the appliance! Poisonous fumes may be given If a program is terminated off by cleaning agents that before the drying cycle has contain solvents, e.g. cleaning finished, this prevents the solvent.
    • Page 10: Cleaning/Maintenance

      Safety instructions If you pour the wrong Caution! ■ quantity of detergent or Material damage/damage to cleaning agent into the the appliance appliance, this may result in If the amount of laundry in ■ material damage or damage the appliance exceeds its to the appliance.

    • Page 11
      Safety instructions When removing the mains Warning ■ plug from the socket, always Risk of injury/material take hold of the plug itself damage/damage to the and never the mains cable, appliance! otherwise this may damage The use of spare parts and the mains cable.
    • Page 12: Environmental Protection

      Environmental protection Energy-saving tips Environmental protection Spin the laundry before drying. ■ The drier the laundry, the shorter the drying time will be, thus Packaging/old appliance consuming less energy. E n v i r o n m e n t a l p r o t e c t i o n Load the dryer with the maximum Dispose of packaging in an ■…

    • Page 13: Installation And Connection

      Installation and connection Warning Installation and Risk of fire/risk of poisoning/risk of connection material damage and damage to the appliance! Scope of delivery The dryer contains refrigerant which, I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d c o n n e c t i o n although it is environmentally friendly, is flammable R290.

    • Page 14: Changing The Side On Which The Door Is Hinged

      Installation and connection During installation, ensure that: Remove the screws from the dryer and then remove the dryer door. The dryer is placed on a clean, level ■ Use a T20 (Torx) screwdriver Note: and firm surface, only. Do not use any other tools to The mains plug can be accessed at ■…

    • Page 15
      Installation and connection Remove the screws from the door Remove the rings from the dryer handle on the dryer door and door. remove the door handle. Swap the rings around. Unlock the door ring. Press the rings onto the dryer door. Now lift the dryer door from the door ring.
    • Page 16
      Installation and connection Put the door hinge and door handle Insert the door lock (1.) on the other in place as shown in the picture, and side of the dryer and screw the screw them back onto the dryer cover (2.) back on. door.
    • Page 17: Optional Accessories

      Installation and connection Optional accessories Transport and frost protection Order optional accessories from the Empty the condensate container. after-sales service: Select any programme using the programme selector. Washer-dryer stack connection set: Press the Start button. ■ To save space, the dryer can be Wait for 5 minutes.

    • Page 18: Œ Draining The Condensation

      Draining the condensation water Disconnect the hose from the Œ Draining the connecting piece and put it in the «parked» position. condensation water Condensation will form in the appliance D r a i n i n g t h e c o n d e n s a t i o n w a t e r as it dries the laundry.

    • Page 19
      Draining the condensation water Fasten the other end of the drain hose with the remaining accessories, depending on the connection situation (A, B or C). Caution! Accumulated water can be drawn back into the dryer and may cause material damage. Check that the water drains away from the wash basin quickly.
    • Page 20
      Draining the condensation water Pull out the condensation container Slide in the condensation container fully. until it clicks into place. Turn the condensation container The condensation is now discharged via 180° onto its underside and remove the drain hose into the waste-water the stopper that is fitted.Turn the system or into a wash basin condensation container back over…
    • Page 21: The Main Points In Brief

      The main points in brief The main points in brief T h e m a i n p o i n t s i n b r i e f Load the laundry and close Switch the dryer on. Select a programme, and the door.

    • Page 22: Getting To Know Your Appliance

      Getting to know your appliance Getting to know your appliance Dryer G e t t i n g t o k n o w y o u r a p p l i a n c e ( Condensate container 0 Control and display panel 8 Drum interior light (depending on the model) @ Dryer door…

    • Page 23: Control Panel

      Getting to know your appliance Control panel ( Programmes ~ Page 26. 0 Programme selector and On/Off button. 8 Display panel with buttons ~ Page 23. @ Start button for starting, interrupting or cancelling the programme. H Buttons ~ Page 28.

    • Page 24: Display Panel

      Getting to know your appliance Display panel Buttons Buttons Description Indicators/symbols Select a dryness level. Ø Iron Dry e Cupboard Dry Cupboard Dry+ Select Anti-Crease. Anti-Crease function in minutes Select Ready in. 1:40 Expected programme duration in hours and minutes or timed programme selected Programme delay in hours when «Ready in»…

    • Page 25: Laundry

      Laundry Some detergents and care products, ■ Laundry e.g. starch or softeners, contain particles which may be deposited on P reparing the laundry the moisture sensor. This may impair L a u n d r y the sensor function and in Warning consequence the drying result.

    • Page 26: Programmes And Buttons

      Programmes and buttons Programmes and buttons Programmes P r o g r a m m e s a n d b u t t o n s Programme and fabrics Maximum load and programme settings/info Name of the programme The maximum load is based on the dry weight of the fabrics Which fabrics is the programme suitable for? Possible programme settings…

    • Page 27
      Programmes and buttons Down Wear 1.5 kg Fabrics, pillows, bedspreads or eiderdowns filled with down. Dry large items individually. Outdoor 1.5 kg Weatherproof and outdoor clothing with a membrane coating and water-repellent fabrics. Towels 6 kg Hard-wearing towels made of cotton. Super Quick 40’…
    • Page 28: Buttons

      Programmes and buttons Buttons Buttons Explanations and notes Not all buttons and their functions can be selected in all programmes. Note: Drying Target: Select the dryness level (e.g. Cupboard Dry) or the drying time (20 mins up to 3 hrs 30 mins, depending on the model and programme).

    • Page 29: Operating The Appliance

      Operating the appliance The basket for woollens Operating the appliance The basket for woollens is Note: supplied with your dryer or it can be purchased as an accessory from the Loading laundry and after-sales service. O p e r a t i n g t h e a p p l i a n c e switching on the dryer Caution! The dryer must be correctly…

    • Page 30: Drying With The Basket For Woollens

      Operating the appliance Drying with the basket for b) Pullover woollens Insert the feet of the basket for woollens into the holes on the fluff filter. c) Sports shoes Place sports shoes in the basket for woollens without the insert. Pull out the tongues of the shoes and remove the insoles or heel cushions.

    • Page 31: Setting A Programme

      Operating the appliance Place the insert or the sports shoes Setting a programme in the basket for woollens. If you have activated the Caution! Note: childproof lock, you must deactivate it Risk of material damage to before you can set a programme, see the fabrics.

    • Page 32: Changing The Programme Or Adding Laundry

      Operating the appliance Changing the programme or Removing laundry and adding laundry switching off the dryer You can remove or add laundry and Remove the laundry. change or alter the programme at any Press the # button to switch the time during drying.

    • Page 33: Emptying The Condensate Container

      Operating the appliance Remove the fluff from the recess in Dry the fluff filter, close it and reinsert the fluff filter. the two-part fluff filter. Ensure that no fluff falls into Note: Caution! the open shaft. The dryer may be damaged. Pull apart the two-part fluff filter.

    • Page 34: Noises

      Noises Pour out the condensation water. > Noises During drying, particularly in the N ote: N o i s e s initial phase, operation of the appliance results in noise from the compressor and pump. This is perfectly normal and does not impair proper functioning of the appliance.

    • Page 35: Cleaning

      Cleaning The automatic cleaning of the dryer Cleaning causes a clicking sound. C leaning the dryer and the C l e a n i n g control panel Warning Risk of death! There is a risk of electric shock as the dryer is operated with electricity.

    • Page 36: Cleaning The Moisture Sensor

      Cleaning Cleaning the moisture sensor Cleaning the filter in the condensate container The dryer is equipped with a Note: stainless-steel moisture sensor. The The filter in the condensate Note: moisture sensor measures how damp container cleans the condensation the laundry is. water that is used during the dryer’s After long periods of usage the moisture automatic cleaning cycle.

    • Page 37: Faults And What To Do About Them

      Faults and what to do about them Faults and what to do about them F a u l t s a n d w h a t t o d o a b o u t t h e m Faults Cause/remedy Empty the condensate container;…

    • Page 38
      Faults and what to do about them Faults Cause/remedy Laundry is not dried cor- After the end of the programme, warm laundry feels damper than it actually ■ rectly or is still too damp. is. Spread the laundry out and allow the heat to disperse. Finely adjust the dryness level –…
    • Page 39: After-Sales Service

      After-sales service After-sales service After-sales service A f t e r — s a l e s s e r v i c e If you cannot rectify the fault yourself (faults, what to do?), please contact our after-sales service. We will always find an appropriate solution to avoid unnecessary visits by engineers.

    • Page 40: Consumption Values

      Consumption values Consumption values Consumption values table C o n s u m p t i o n v a l u e s Spin speed used for Programme Duration** Energy consumption** spinning the laundry Cottons 9 kg 9 kg Cupboard Dry* 1400 rpm 214 min…

    • Page 41: Technical Data

      Technical data Technical data Dimensions: T e c h n i c a l d a t a 85 x 60 x 60 cm Height x width x depth Weight: Approx. 57 kg Maximum load: 9 kg Condensate container: 4.6 l Connected voltage: 220 — 240 V Connected load:…

    • Page 44
      01450 2655 (0.03 € per minute at peak. Off peak 0.0088 € per minute.) You can find the contact information for all countries in the attached after-sales service directory. BSH Hausgeräte GmbH Carl-Wery-Straße 34 81739 München GERMANY *9001287789* 9001287789 (9704)

    инструкцияSiemens iQ800 WT48Y889ES






    Tumble dryer


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    • Tumble dryer
    • Your new tumble dryer
    • Contentsen Installation and operating instructions
    A +++ означает, что продукт признан лучшим в своей категории с точки зрения энергоэффективности. Система энергетической ...
    iQ800 WT48Y889ES | WT48Y889ES
    Руководство пользователя (PDF)
    Размещение бытового устройства Отдельно стоящий
    Тип загрузки Фронтальная загрузка
    Система сушки Конденсация
    Цвет товара Белый
    Дверная петля Справа
    Тип управления Buttons, Rotary
    Объем барабана 112 L
    Встроенный экран Да
    Тип дисплея TFT
    Длина шнура 1.45 m
    Угол открытия двери 180 °
    Материал барабана Нержавеющая сталь
    Номинальная емкость 9 kg
    Класс сушки A
    Продолжительность цикла 240 min
    Уровень шума 62 dB
    Функция Anti-Crease Да
    Mix, Sport, Quick, Jeans/denim, Microfiber, Pillow, Blouse/shirt, Lingerie, Cotton, Towel, Synthetics
    Хладагент R134a
    Продолжительность цикла защиты от складок 120 min
    Таймер отложенного старта Да
    Программируемое время старта (макс.) 24 h
    Внутреннее освещение барабана Да
    Замок от детей
    Индикация времени до окончания Да
    Класс энергоэффективности A+++-10%
    Подключенная нагрузка 1000 W
    Входящее напряжение сети 220-240 V
    Частота входящего переменного тока 50 Hz
    Сила тока 10 A
    Потребление энергии 1.42 кВт·ч
    Годовое потребление энергии 175 кВт·ч
    Источник тепла Электричество
    Вес и размеры
    Ширина 598 mm
    Глубина 599 mm
    Высота 842 mm
    Вес 56000 g
    Глубина с открытой дверью 1086 mm

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    Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Siemens iQ800 WT48Y889ES.

    Что такое конденсационная сушилка?

    Конденсационная сушилка — это сушилка с резервуаром для конденсата.

    Что такое сушилка со сливом?

    Сушилка со сливом оснащена шлангом для отвода теплого воздуха и конденсата.

    Что делать, если в сушилке появился запах?

    Рекомендуется протереть барабан сушилки влажной тряпкой и чистящим средством с запахом лимона.

    Из сушилки исходит запах гари, что делать?

    Убедитесь в следующем: — Фильтр-уловитель чистый. — На нижней части сушилки нет пыли. — Сливной шланг чистый. Если проблему устранить не удалось, вызовите специалиста.

    Какой вес Siemens iQ800 WT48Y889ES?

    Siemens iQ800 WT48Y889ES имеет вес 56000 g.

    Какая высота Siemens iQ800 WT48Y889ES?

    Siemens iQ800 WT48Y889ES имеет высоту 842 mm.

    Какая ширина Siemens iQ800 WT48Y889ES?

    Siemens iQ800 WT48Y889ES имеет ширину 598 mm.

    Какая толщина Siemens iQ800 WT48Y889ES?

    Siemens iQ800 WT48Y889ES имеет толщину 599 mm.

    Какую маркировку энергоэффективности Siemens iQ800 WT48Y889ES имеет?

    Siemens iQ800 WT48Y889ES имеет маркировку энергоэффективности A+++-10%.

    Инструкция Siemens iQ800 WT48Y889ES доступно в русский?

    К сожалению, у нас нет руководства для Siemens iQ800 WT48Y889ES, доступного в русский. Это руководство доступно в английский.

    Не нашли свой вопрос? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

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