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Ventus VS 10-75 CG OPTIMA Operation And Maintenance Manual

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Compact control gear for Supply


and Supply-Exhaust Air Handling Units




Operation and Maintenance Manual

DTR-CG OPTIMA – ver.2.0 (05.2012)


Summary of Contents for Ventus VS 10-75 CG OPTIMA

  • Page 1
    Compact control gear for Supply and Supply-Exhaust Air Handling Units VS 10-75 CG OPTIMA VS 40-150 CG OPTIMA SUP VS 40-150 CG OPTIMA SUP-EXH Operation and Maintenance Manual DTR-CG OPTIMA – ver.2.0 (05.2012)
  • Page 2
    Control boxes VS 10-75 CG OPTIMA; VS 40-150 CG OPTIMA SUP; VS 40-150 CG OPTIMA SUP-EXH are designed according to the following European standards: EN 60335-1; EN 60439-1; EN 60439-3; EN 50082-1; EN 50081-1 www.vtsgroup.com…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Table of Content USER’S MANUAL ………………..3 1. DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLS ……………………….3 INTRODUCTION …………………………….3 MAINS SWITCH …………………………….3 SIGNALLING CONTROLLER STATUS ……………………….. 3 CONTROL PANEL HMI OPTIMA ………………………… 4 SYSTEM START-UP ……………………………. 5 SWITCHING ON POWER SUPPLY ……………………….5 QUICK START ……………………………..

  • Page 4
    SETTINGS  DX COOLER  …………………………20 SETTINGS  RECOVERY  …………………………20 SETTINGS  MIXING CHAMBER  ……………………….21 ADVANCED MANUAL ………………22 6. SERVICE MENU  …………………………..22 SERVICE MENU  SERVICE MODE  ……………………..22 SERVICE MENU  CHOOSE APPLIC.  ……………………..22 SERVICE MENU …
  • Page 5: User’s Manual

    ○ extra functionality is backwater regulation for protection of the heater coil Range of operation: VS 40-150 CG OPTIMA SUP VS 10-75 CG OPTIMA VS 40-150 CG OPTIMA SUP-EXH Air handling units equipped with direct driven plug fans powered by frequency converters…

  • Page 6: Control Panel Hmi Optima

    2. Green – COMM – to indicate the state of Modbus Master communication line a. Off – no communication, HMI OPTIMA not connected b. Blinking – in case of stable communication 1. All control boxes of the VS…CG OPTIMA… typeline need to be powered from the main switchgear equipped with appropriate protection of wires powering the control box.

  • Page 7: System Start-Up

    Parameters available in the LCD window depends on a AHU type and the control application. Hence in AHUs not equipped with heater, options related to the heating module will not be visible. SYSTEM START-UP Operation of the AHU is strictly arrested by the fire-protection alarm, activation of the thermal protection of fans’ motors, threefold activation of the protection of electric heater and threefold activation of the anti-frost thermostat.

  • Page 8: Application Basics

    2. APPLICATION BASICS MAIN MENU STRUCTURE Unit state Unit state – indicates the current state of the air handling unit and the control system Service mode ▪ Stop – normal stop of the unit Operation mode ▪ Running – normal operation of the unit with ventilation and Stop heating / cooling / recovery enabled according to current unit state and demand…

  • Page 9: Hmi Optima Settings & Connecting To The Controller

    EN / PL / RU – jump to language selection Change password – allows entering specific password to protect the controller from unintended access v.2.1 20-04-12 – application identifier VS-OPTIMA – controller type identifier Note! All the menus are dynamically changed, as they depend on the application settings and the password level If the system did not start, check the F1 protection status …

  • Page 10: Language Selection English / Polski / Русский

    HMI com speed / RS485M com speed – settings for communication speed between the HMI and the controller. First parameter refers to HMI speed, the other refers to the controller. Note! The speed settings must match each other. Otherwise the connection will be lost.

  • Page 11: Calendar  Annual

    CALENDAR  ANNUAL  Inside the “Annual” menu there are visible all previously stored New program  programs and also the link to “New program” editor. Entering new program allows for setting: 01-01 00:00.00 ▪ Date and Time “from” 02-01 07:00.00 ▪…

  • Page 12: Calendar Example

    CALENDAR EXAMPLE Intended scheme of operation for the office: 1. Daily: a. Normal working hours: 7 – 15 – work in “comfort” conditions b. Overtime: 15 – 17 – work in “comfort” conditions, but save energy c. Office empty overnight – keep only safe conditions, save much energy 2.

  • Page 13: Parameters

    Time to 07:00.00 Operation mode Standby Temp. Setting 18°C Save Programming steps 3/4/5 – do the settings for daily operation New program  CALENDAR  DAILY  NEW PROGRAM Time from: 07:00.00 Time from Time to: 15:00.00 07:00.00 Operation mode: Stage II Time to Temp.

  • Page 14: Parameters  Dampers

    PARAMETERS  DAMPERS  State of the intake / outlet dampers Dampers Closed ▪ Closed ▪ Opened PARAMETERS  FANS  Fan status State of the fans Stop Fans status – indicates which fans are currently running Supply fan rate ▪…

  • Page 15: Parameters  Dx Cooler Status

    PARAMETERS  DX COOLER STATUS  DX cooler status State of the DX cooler ▪ Off ▪ On Note! Cooler status could be affected not only by operation mode of the unit. Safe operation of the DX cooler requires some minimal working / resting times to be included in the control strategy.

  • Page 16: Parameters  Recovery Rate

    PARAMETERS  RECOVERY RATE  Readout of control signal for the rotary heat regenerator or plate Recovery rate cross-flow recuperator, range 0..100% PARAMETERS  ROTARY REGEN.  Rotary regen.  State of the rotary heat regenerator Recovery rate Recovery rate — readout of control signal for the recovery unit, range 0..100% Frequency –…

  • Page 17: Settings  Season

    ▪ Heating – standby enabled only for heating (unit starts when Standby hyster. the room gets too cold) 4°C ▪ Cooling – standby enabled only for cooling (unit starts when the room gets too warm) ▪ Heating/Cooling – standby enabled for both situations Note! Standby mode settings must be related to the heat exchangers actually available in the unit.

  • Page 18: Settings  Temp. Regulator

    SETTINGS  TEMP. REGULATOR  Supply T – setting for the upper limit of supply air Temp. Regulator temperature ▪ Low limit: 20°C Supply T ▪ High limit: 50°C 30°C ▪ Default: 40°C Supply T Supply T – setting for the lower limit of supply air temperature 15°C ▪…

  • Page 19: Settings  Fans

    – settings for frost protection PI regulator ▪ K – gain for the regulator ▪ T – integral factor for the regulator ▪ Default: K =5 / T =10s SETTINGS  FANS  Pressure delay – time to check the fan presostats after the fan Fans …

  • Page 20
    Note! Between the points of Max and Min T.Out the valve Preheating time position is calculated with linear characteristics. For example at half the range, the valve will be 50% opened. Fall ramp Initial heating / Preheating time – setting for the initial heating timer.
  • Page 21: Settings  Preheater

    Tbwtr setpoint — setting for the desired temperature of the backwater from the heater. If unit stopped, regulator keeps exactly the setpoint. If unit running, Tbwtr setpoint is considered as lower limit of backwater temperature. If the Tbwtr drops, the regulator forces the valve to open regardless to the main control loop for heating.

  • Page 22: Settings  Clg Pump Prot

    Pump protection / Stoppage period – setting of the resting time for the pump ▪ Low limit: 1day ▪ High limit: 30days ▪ Default: 7days Pump protection / Run time – setting of the operation time for the pump ▪ Low limit: 1s ▪…

  • Page 23: Settings  Mixing Chamber

    Frost prot. Frost prot. / T Frost prot. – settings for frost protection PI regulator ▪ K – gain for the regulator ▪ T – integral factor for the regulator ▪ Default: K =5 / T =10s SETTINGS  MIXING CHAMBER  Mix chamber …

  • Page 24: Advanced Manual

    ADVANCED MANUAL 6. SERVICE MENU  Service menu contains the most fundamental settings, necessary for proper configuration and safe startup of the unit. Moreover, some service–oriented functions are available here for easy maintenance and troubleshooting for service staff. SERVICE MENU  SERVICE MODE  Service mode –…

  • Page 25
    ▪ S6 (Aux) – external start/stop signal, NO voltage free contact Note! DI1 input mode setting are available only in N… applications where hardware input DI1 is a configurable resource. As the functions of hardware inputs are different for A… and N… applications, observe the control application diagrams and follow them strictly.
  • Page 26: Service Menu  Input States

    RRG FC / … – the same settings for frequency converter of the rotary energy regenerator Response timeout – setting for max waiting for a slave to respond. If the time was exceeded, the error will be detected. It is recommended to not modify that parameter. Factory setting: 0,3s Comm break time –…

  • Page 27: Service Menu  Output Forcing

    SERVICE MENU  OUTPUT FORCING  Relay outputs – overwriting the actual states of hardware digital outputs ▪ REL1 – None / Force Off / Force On ▪ REL2 – None / Force Off / Force On ▪ REL3 – None / Force Off / Force On Analog outputs –…

  • Page 28: Alarm Handling

    Note! Mind the proper addressing of the frequency converters, which is crucial for correct operation of the unit. Note! The LS frequency converters can be restored to factory configuration by setting the parameter H93 to 1 and consecutive switching Off and On again. Name of the parameter Code Value…

  • Page 29
    Note! Each blocking alarm needs to be acknowledged separately. Holding the [OK] button affects only the alarm, that is currently displayed on the HMI. LIST OF SELF RELEASE ALARMS Alarm name Description Input Controller reaction A1_Filter dirty filter indication no reaction A2_FCsCom supply FC communication error Modbus…
  • Page 30: Technical Data

    9. TECHNICAL DATA VS10-75 CG VS 40-150 CG VS 40-150 CG Parameter OPTIMA OPTIMA SUP OPTIMA SUP-EXH Weight Dimensions W x H x D 240x300x130 240x400x130 240x400x130 Electrical supply system Rated power supply voltage ~230V 3~400V 3~400V Rated current In Rated insulation voltage Ui 400V Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp…

  • Page 31: Cabling

    Relay ouputs Max. switching voltage 250VAC Min. switching voltage 5VDC Rated current in AC1 / DC1 class Min. current 10mA Rated long term load 10. CABLING Connect power leads of the control box and frequency converter of the fan drive according to the Electric diagram.

  • Page 32
    Name of element / connection point Symbol Wire type Section [mm cooling device start input 2×0,75 refrigerating unit start input – I stage E2.1 2×0,75 cooling device analog control signal (valve) 3×0,75 RRG frequency converter [1] [2] 3×1,5 / 4×1,5 RRG alarm switch RRG start input via Modbus…
  • Page 33
    Table B 0,55kW 0,75kW 1,1kW 1,5kW 2,2kW 5,5kW L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 0,55 0,75 12,5 10 13 13 15,5 10 13 17,5 10…
  • Page 34: Electric Diagrams

    11. ELECTRIC DIAGRAMS VTS reserves the right to implement changes without prior notice Advanced manual…

  • Page 35
    VTS reserves the right to implement changes without prior notice Advanced manual…
  • Page 36
    VTS reserves the right to implement changes without prior notice Advanced manual…

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