О нас
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- Политика конфиденциальности
- Правила использования
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- Побочные эффекты
- Меры предосторожности
- Взаимодействие
- Противопоказания
Соль Софрамицин / Soframycin указана для лечения Ушные инфекции, Бактериальные инфекции кожи, Ожоги инфекции, Синус инфекции, Горло инфекции, Инфекции, Возникающие после операции и травм, Раздражение и покраснение в мембране, Покрывающие глаза, Боль, Покраснение и отек век и других состояний.
Подробная информация об использовании, побочных эффектах, взаимодействии, противопоказаниях и обзорах Софрамицин / Soframycin представлена ниже:
Побочные эффекты
Ниже представлен список возможных побочных эффектов, которые могут быть вызваны препаратами, содержащими Софрамицин / Soframycin. Данный список не являются окончательным. Указанные побочные эффекты были зафиксированы ранее, но не всегда фиксируются при использовании препарата. Некоторые из указанных побочных эффектов могут возникать крайне редко, но имеют невероятно тяжелые последствия. В случае обнаружения любых побочных эффектов, немедленно обратитесь к вашему лечащему врачу. Особенно в случае наблюдения побочных эффектов в течение продолжительного времени.
- Раздражение
- Жжение
Если вы столкнулись с побочными эффектами, не указанными выше, обратитесь к вашему лечащему врачу для консультации. Кроме того, вы можете сообщить об обнаруженных побочных эффектах в местное управление по контролю за продуктами питания и лекарствами.
Меры предосторожности
Перед началом приема данного препарата сообщите вашему врачу об уже используемых медикаментах, пищевых добавках (например, витаминах, натуральным добавкам и др.), аллергических реакциях, существующих заболеваниях и текущем состоянии здоровья (например, беременность, предстоящая операция и др.). Побочные эффекты препарата могут сильнее проявляться при определенном состоянии вашего организма. Принимайте препарат согласно указаниям вашего врача или следуйте инструкции по применению, поставляемой вместе с препаратом. Дозировка препарата зависит от вашего состояния. Сообщите вашему доктору об отсутствии изменений или ухудшении вашего состояния. Важные моменты, которые необходимо обсудить с вашим лечащим врачом, указаны ниже.
- Грудное вскармливание
- Дети
- Поврежденные ухо
- беременность
- престарелые
Для получения данной информации, пожалуйста, проконсультируйтесь со своим терапевтом, фармацевтом или ознакомьтесь с информацией на упаковке продукта.
Часто задаваемые вопросы
Может ли Софрамицин / Soframycin использоваться для Ушные инфекции и бактериальные инфекции кожи?
Да, ушные инфекции и бактериальные инфекции кожи являются самыми популярными вариантами использования Софрамицин / Soframycin. Пожалуйста, не используйте Софрамицин / Soframycin для ушные инфекции и бактериальные инфекции кожи без предварительной консультации с вашим лечащим врачом. Нажмите здесь и просмотрите результаты опроса, чтобы узнать, как именно другие пользователи применяют Софрамицин / Soframycin.
Безопасно ли управлять или эксплуатировать тяжелую технику при использовании этого продукта?
Если вы чувствуете сонливость, головокружение, гипотонию или головную боль при приеме Софрамицин / Soframycin, то вам, возможно, стоит отказаться от управления автомобилем и тяжелым промышленным оборудованием. Вы должны отказаться от управления автомобилем, если прием препарата вызывает у вас сонливость, головокружение или гипотонию. Врачи рекомендуют отказаться от употребления алкоголя с такими препаратами, т.к. алкоголь значительно усиливает побочные эффекты и сонливость. Пожалуйста, проверьте реакцию вашего организма при приеме Софрамицин / Soframycin. Обязательно обратитесь к вашему лечащему врачу для получения консультаций с учетом особенностей вашего организма и общего состояния здоровья.
Вызывает ли данный медикамент (товар) привыкание или зависимость?
Большинство препаратов не вызывают привыкания или зависимости. В большинстве случаев государство относит препараты, которые могут вызвать привыкание, к препаратам контролируемого отпуска. Например, график H или X в Индии и график II-V в США. Пожалуйста, изучите информацию на упаковке препарата, чтобы убедиться, что данный препарат не относится к категории контролируемых. Кроме того, не занимайтесь самолечением и не приучайте ваш организм к медикаментам без консультации с вашим лечащим врачом.
Могу ли я немедленно прекратить использование этого продукта или мне нужно медленно отменить его использование?
Прием некоторых препаратов необходимо прекращать постепенно из-за наличия эффекта восстановления. Обязательно обратитесь к вашему лечащему врачу для получения консультаций с учетом особенностей вашего организма, общего состояния здоровья и других медицинских препаратов, которые вы принимаете.
Нерегулярное применение
Если вы пропустили очередной прием лекарства, примите его как можно скорее. Если близится время очередного приема, вы можете пропустить предыдущий прием и продолжить следовать своему обычному расписанию приема медикаментов. Не принимайте дополнительную дозу препарата, чтобы компенсировать пропущенный прием. Если вы сталкиваетесь с подобной ситуацией регулярно, подумайте о возможности настройки напоминаний или попросите одного из членов вашей семьи следить за расписанием. Обязательно обратитесь к вашему лечащему врачу для корректировки расписания, чтобы компенсировать упущенный прием медикаментов (в случае, если вы пропустили значительное количество дней).
Передозировка Софрамицин / Soframycin
- Не превышайте рекомендованную дозу. Избыточное использование препарата не облегчит ваше состояние, а также может вызвать отравление и серьезные побочные эффекты. Если вы знаете о случае передозировки Софрамицин / Soframycin, обратитесь в службу спасения, ближайший госпиталь или больницу. Обязательно возьмите с собой упаковку, контейнер или наименование препарата, чтобы облегчить постановку диагноза.
- Не передавайте ваши препараты другим людям, даже если они находятся в том же состоянии, что и вы, или вам кажется, что ваши состояния имеют ряд схожих признаков, т.к. это может привести к передозировке.
- Пожалуйста, проконсультируйтесь с вашим лечащим врачом или фармацевтом, а также изучите информацию на упаковке изделия.
Хранение Софрамицин / Soframycin
- Храните препараты в условиях комнатной температуры, в прохладном месте и вдали от прямых солнечных лучей. Не подвергайте препараты заморозке, если такое требование прямо отсутствует в инструкции. Храните лекарства вдали от животных и детей.
- Не смывайте препараты в туалет или дренажные системы, если такое требование прямо отсутствует в инструкции. Медикаменты, утилизируемые таким способом, могут нанести значительный вред окружающей среде. Для получения более подробной информации об утилизации Софрамицин / Soframycin свяжитесь с вашим лечащим врачом.
Софрамицин / Soframycin с истекшим сроком годности
- Даже один прием Софрамицин / Soframycin с истекшим сроком годности может привести к серьезным последствиям. Обязательно обратитесь за консультацией к вашему лечащему врачу, если вы почувствуете слабость или болезненность. Кроме того, препарат с истекшим сроком годности может потерять свою эффективность в борьбе с вашим заболеванием. Для обеспечения собственной безопасности крайне важно отказаться от приема медикаментов с истекшим сроком годности. Если вы страдаете заболеванием, требующим постоянного приема медикаментов (болезни сердца, судороги, аллергические реакции, угрожающие жизни), вам необходимо наладить надежный канал связи с поставщиком вашего препарата, чтобы постоянно иметь в наличии запас свежих лекарственных средств с нормальным сроком годности.
Информация о дозировке
Пожалуйста, проконсультируйтесь с вашим лечащим врачом или фармацевтом, а также изучите информацию на упаковке изделия.
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APA Style Citation
- Софрамицин / Soframycin in русском — Товар — Лекарство.net. (n.d.). Retrieved April 23, 2023, from https://www.Лекарство.net/medicine-ru/soframycin
MLA Style Citation
- «Софрамицин / Soframycin in русском — Товар — Лекарство.net» Tabletwise.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2023.
Chicago Style Citation
- «Софрамицин / Soframycin in русском — Товар — Лекарство.net» Tabletwise. Accessed April 23, 2023. https://www.Лекарство.net/medicine-ru/soframycin.
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Эта страница была обновлена на 9/29/2020.
This page provides information for Soframycin Товар in Russian.
What is Soframycin?
Soframycin Cream is an antibiotic that contains framycetin. It’s used to treat a variety of skin conditions that are caused by bacterial infection. The medication is used to treat bacterial infections of the skin, hair, and nails, as well as open wounds with a bacterial infection and infections of the external ear. This works by killing bacteria that are responsible for the infection.
Soframycin Uses
Soframycin Skin Cream is an antibiotic that is used for the treatment of bacterial skin infections. It works well for infected cuts, wounds, and minor burns. This medication inhibits the growth of bacteria, which aids in the resolution of your symptoms and the cure of the underlying infection. The cream should be used only on the skin. It should be applied to the affected region of the skin, according to your doctor’s dosage and schedule. The medication can also be used in various situations when skin lesion, ear, eye infection and otitis externa are infected by bacteria.
Some of the common side effects of Soframycin are:
- Burnings
- Irritation
- Itching
- Redness
- Skin becoming too sensitive
- Stinging sensations
- Ear discomfort
- Eye irritation
The common side effects don’t need any medical attention and will disappear as your body gets adjusted to the dosage. But if you are facing any kind of serious or rare side effects then immediately seek medical attention.
If not applied correctly and at the appropriate time, soframycin cream can cause damage to the skin. If not used with caution, scars and rashes may develop on the skin. This should not be taken orally. If a person is using eye drops then they should avoid wearing eye lenses. Even though the infection has been cured, it is critical to complete the prescribed course unless instructed by your doctor. Stopping the course too soon increases the risk of the infection and the bacteria developing resistance to the antibiotic
How to use soframycin?
Soframycin is available as a tablet as well as a cream. While using Soframycin skin cream, patients are advised to drink plenty of water to reduce the risk of diarrhoea and other stomach problems. The cream should be applied after the infected area has been cleaned. Allow it to dry before applying Soframycin to the wound until it heals. After using Soframycin skin cream, patients should make sure to wash their hands.
Allow it to dry before applying Soframycin to the wound until it heals. After using Soframycin skin cream, patients should make sure to wash their hands.
However, the typical Soframycin skin cream dosage should be applied twice daily. Patients should continue to use the cream until their doctor advises. Even if symptoms appear to be improving, one should not stop taking them unless instructed by a doctor.
Missed dose
It is important to apply the missed dose as soon as possible. If it is time for a scheduled dose, it is best to skip the missed dose. To make up for a missed dose, do not apply the second dose.
The right dose of Soframycin cream must be used, and it should never be overused. The dosage of Soframycin skin cream is highly dependent on your individual circumstances, and you should consult a doctor to determine the appropriate dosage for you.
Warnings for serious Health Conditions:
Soframycin Cream should not be used during pregnancy because it can harm the developing foetus’ kidneys and ears. Talk with your doctor before using this cream.
If prescribed by a doctor then it can be used while breastfeeding. It should not be applied to a breastfeeding mother’s breasts or areas near her breasts because there can be a risk of ingestion of this by a breastfed infant. It should not be used on large areas of skin or for an extended period of time.
This medicine has the potential to cause inner ear damage, including hearing loss, and should be used with caution in patients who have an auditory impairment. In some cases, depending on clinical condition, appropriate dose adjustments or replacement with a suitable alternative may be needed.
Direct contact with heat, air and light may damage your medicines. Exposure to medicine may cause some harmful effects. The medicine must be kept in a safe place and out of children’s reach. Mainly the drug should be kept at room temperature between 68ºF and 77ºF (20ºC and 25ºC).
Soframycin vs Mupirocin
Soframycin | Mupirocin |
Soframycin Cream contains Framycetin and is an antibiotic. It’s used to treat a variety of skin conditions that are caused by a bacterial infection. | Mupirocin is an antibiotic that helps to prevent bacteria from growing on your skin. It comes in various forms such as topical ointment, topical cream and nasal ointment. |
Soframycin Skin Cream is an antibiotic that is used for the treatment of bacterial skin infections. It works well for infected cuts, wounds, and minor burns. | Mupirocin is a drug used for the treatment of impetigo and infections which is caused by staphylococcus aureus and beta-hemolytic streptococcus. |
Some of the common side effects of Soframycin are:
Some of the serious side effects of Mupirocin are:
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Soframycin used for?
Soframycin is a medication that is used to treat bacterial infections in the eyes and ears. It is a type of antibiotic known as an aminoglycoside. It functions by eradicating bacteria.
Can Soframycin be used for skin infection?
Soframycin Cream is used to treat bacterial skin infections. It works well for infected cuts, wounds, and minor burns. This medication inhibits the growth of bacteria, which aids in the resolution of your symptoms and the cure of the underlying infection.
Can Soframycin be used for itching in private parts?
You should use Soframycin cream, which is a yeast infection treatment that is safe to use on the vaginal surface. Many Clotrimazole creams, such as Candid, are also completely safe for vaginal use.
Is Soframycin safe?
This medicine has been linked to ear problems, including deafness, so don’t use it for long periods of time or on open wounds or damaged skin. Children and infants should not be given this medication without first consulting a doctor. This drug should not be used for a long time or on large areas of skin.
What are the side effects of Soframycin?
Some of the common side effects of Soframycin are:
- Burnings
- Irritation
- Itching
- Redness
Disclaimer: The information provided herein is accurate, updated and complete as per the best practices of the Company. Please note that this information should not be treated as a replacement for physical medical consultation or advice. We do not guarantee the accuracy and the completeness of the information so provided. The absence of any information and/or warning to any drug shall not be considered and assumed as an implied assurance of the Company. We do not take any responsibility for the consequences arising out of the aforementioned information and strongly recommend you for a physical consultation in case of any queries or doubts.
Manufactured bySANOFI INDIA LTD
Soframycin Skin Cream is an antibiotic used to prevent and treat bacterial skin infections. It is used to treat skin ulcers, skin graft sites, burns, wounds, etc., that have become infected or may potentially be infected. It is also used to treat secondary infections (an infection occurring in an area of the body that already has or has recently had an infection) due to lice and scabies.
Soframycin Skin Cream may cause some side effects such as skin rash, redness, itching, and burning sensation at the site of application. Contact your doctor if these side effects persist or worsen.
Soframycin Skin Cream is meant for use on the skin only. Wash and dry the affected area. Apply a small amount of Soframycin Skin Cream to the affected area as instructed by your doctor. Avoid contact with your eyes and mouth. Rinse thoroughly with water in case of accidental contact.
Soframycin Skin Cream is not recommended for use if you are allergic to it. Before using it, inform your doctor of your complete medical history and any other topical medications you are currently using. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant or are breastfeeding.
Side effects
Major & minor side effects for Soframycin Skin Cream
- Skin irritation
- Itching at application site
- Burning or stinging sensation at application site
Uses of Soframycin Skin Cream
What is it prescribed for?
- Bacterial skin infections
- Secondary Infections
Read More
Commonly asked questions
How long does it take for this medicine to take effect?
The time required for Soframycin Skin Cream to show its effect is not clinically established.
How long do the effects of this medicine last?
The amount of time for which Soframycin Skin Cream remains active in your body is not clinically established.
Is it safe to consume alcohol while taking this medicine?
Interaction with alcohol is unknown. It is advisable to consult your doctor before consumption.
Is this a habit forming medicine?
No habit-forming tendency has been reported for Soframycin Skin Cream.
Can this medicine be taken during pregnancy?
Soframycin Skin Cream is not recommended for use during pregnancy as it may harm your foetus. Hence, consult your doctor if you are pregnant.
Can this medicine be taken while breast-feeding?
Due to the lack of limited safety data, Soframycin Skin Cream should be used with caution if you are breastfeeding. Consult your doctor before using this medicine.
When not to use?
Avoid using Soframycin Skin Cream if you are allergic to it. Seek immediate medical attention if you notice any symptoms such as skin rash, itching/swelling (especially of your face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, breathing difficulty, etc.
Warnings for special population
Soframycin Skin Cream is not recommended for use during pregnancy as it may harm your foetus. Hence, consult your doctor if you are pregnant.
Due to the lack of limited safety data, Soframycin Skin Cream should be used with caution if you are breastfeeding. Consult your doctor before using this medicine.
General warnings
Other medicines
Soframycin Skin Cream may interact with other medicines and cause side effects. Hence, inform the doctor about all your current medicines including any herbs and supplements before beginning treatment with this medicine.
External use
Soframycin Skin Cream is recommended for external use only. Avoid contact with the eyes, mucous membranes, or open wounds.
Missed Dose
Apply the missed dose of Soframycin Skin Cream as soon as you remember. If it is time for your next dose, skip the missed dose. Do not apply a double dose to make up for the missed dose.
As Soframycin Skin Cream is intended for external use, the likelihood of serious side effects due to an overdose is low unless applied for a prolonged period in large quantities. However, ingestion of this medicine may cause harm and immediate medical intervention may be required.
All drugs interact differently for person to person. You should check all the possible interactions with your doctor before starting any medicine.
Interaction with alcohol is unknown. It is advisable to consult your doctor before consumption.
Interaction with alcohol is unknown. It is advisable to consult your doctor before consumption.
Interaction with Medicine
Disease interactions
Information not available.
Food interactions
Information not available.
Lab interactions
Information not available.
This is not an exhaustive list of possible drug interactions. You should consult your doctor about all the possible interactions of the drugs you’re taking.
General Instructions
Soframycin Skin Cream is recommended for external use only.
Apply a thin layer of Soframycin Skin Cream to the affected area as instructed by your doctor. Finish the entire course of treatment even if your symptoms begin to clear up after a few days.
Avoid contact with your eyes, mouth, or mucous membranes. In case of accidental contact, wash with water thoroughly.
Other details
Usage does not depend on food timings
To be taken as instructed by doctor
Does not cause sleepiness
How it works
Soframycin Skin Cream stops bacterial growth by preventing the formation of essential proteins required by bacteria for their growth and multiplication.
Legal Status
Aminoglycosides, Topical antibiotics
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Q: Can I use Soframycin skin cream for fungal infection?
A: No, this medicine is an antibiotic medicine that is not effective against fungal infections.
Q: Can Soframycin be used for piles?
A: No, this medicine is not effective against piles. Piles is a condition in which there is swelling and inflammation in the anal area accompanied by lumps and tear. It is not caused due to bacterial infection.
Q: Can Soframycin be used for open wounds?
A: No, this medicine should not be used on open wounds as there are chances of absorption of this medicine from an open wound which can lead to partial deafness or complete deafness.
Q: Can Soframycin cream be used for boils?
A: Yes, it can be used to treat boils suspected to have a bacterial infection.
Q: Can Soframycin cream be used for pimples?
A: No, this cream should not be used for any conditions other than prescribed. You should refrain from using it on the face as the skin of your face is very delicate and sensitive.
Q: Can we use Soframycin for babies?
A: No, this medicine should not be used for babies without consulting a paediatrician as it may harm the skin of your baby. Babies have delicate skin. Therefore, any medication which is to be used for babies should be used under medical supervision.
Q: I have experienced rashes with the use of other topical creams, can I use Soframycin cream?
A: Soframycin cream may also produce rashes to severe allergic reactions in the body. So, it is always advisable to tell your doctor about your medicines allergy history beforehand.
Q: Is Soframycin cream an antibiotic?
A: Yes, it is an antibiotic medicine used for topical skin conditions.
Q: Which is better Soframycin or Neosporin?
A: Soframycin cream contains framycetin as its active ingredient whereas Neosporin contains a combination of three ingredients neomycin, polymyxin B sulfate and bacitracin. Both of these medicines are used to treat minor skin or external infections, cuts, burns, etc. Your doctor may suggest one of these depending on your condition and severity.
Q: Can Soframycin cream be used for burns?
A: Yes, Soframycin can be used to treat burns suspected to have a bacterial infection.
Q: Can I use Soframycin skin cream for scars?
A: Soframycin cream is not useful for lightening the scars.
Q: Can I use Soframycin for fungal infections?
A: No, it is not effective against fungal infections.
Q: How long does Soframycin take to work?
A: Soframycin cream start showing its effect soon after applying it. As it is a topical antibiotic medicine, the complete effect towards the infection could be seen after a few days. Hence, it is advised to keep using it regularly as advised by the doctor even if you feel improvement in symptoms. This will help in killing all the harmful bacteria and prevent reoccurring skin infections.
Q: Can I use the Soframycin on my face?
A: Your face is an area where the skin is very delicate and thin. Therefore, you should always consult your doctor before using it directly on your face. Do not self-medicate.
Q: Which is better Soframycin or Neosporin?
A: Both Soframycin and Neosporin are two different medicines containing different salt molecules. Framycetin is the active constituent of Soframycin whereas Neosporin contains neomycin, polymyxin B sulfate and bacitracin in combination. Both the medicines help treat skin infections that are minor and external.
Q: Can we apply Soframycin inside the vagina?
A: You can apply Soframycin cream on the outer part of the vagina. This cream must be used to treat external bacterial and minor skin infections.
- Overview
- Uses
- Side-effects
- Precautions
- Interactions
- Contraindications
Soframycin Skin Cream contains Framycetin Topical as an active ingredient.
Soframycin Skin Cream works by inhibiting the translation during protein synthesis of bacteria.
Detailed information related to Soframycin Skin Cream’s uses, composition, dosage, side effects and reviews is listed below.
The following is a list of possible side-effects that may occur from all constituting ingredients of Soframycin Skin Cream. This is not a comprehensive list. These side-effects are possible, but do not always occur. Some of the side-effects may be rare but serious. Consult your doctor if you observe any of the following side-effects, especially if they do not go away.
- Skin rashes
- Itching
- Sensitization
- Damage to inner ear
- Burning and stinging
- Soframycin Skin Cream may also cause side-effects not listed here.
If you notice other side-effects not listed above, contact your doctor for medical advice. You may also report side-effects to your local food and drug administration authority.
Before using Soframycin Skin Cream, inform your doctor about your current list of medications, over the counter products (e.g. vitamins, herbal supplements, etc.), allergies, pre-existing diseases, and current health conditions (e.g. pregnancy, upcoming surgery, etc.). Some health conditions may make you more susceptible to the side-effects of the drug. Take as directed by your doctor or follow the direction printed on the product insert. Dosage is based on your condition. Tell your doctor if your condition persists or worsens. Important counseling points are listed below.
- do not take by mouth. Consult with your doctor before using this medicine on open wounds, dry, chapped, irritated, or sun-burned skin.
- wash your hands before and after applying Soframycin Skin Cream. Clean and dry the skin area to be treated.
- do not wash the treated area after immediately applying Soframycin Skin Cream. Also avoid the use of other products on the treated area unless directed by your doctor.
- applying an excessive amount may result in pilling. Use a thinner layer or lesser quantity of medicine to avoid pilling.
- avoid getting this medication in your eyes or nose or mouth.
Interactions with Soframycin Skin Cream
Please consult your physician or pharmacist or product package for this information.
When not to use Soframycin Skin Cream
Please consult your physician or pharmacist or product package for this information.
Composition and Active Ingredients
- Framycetin Topical — 1%
Please note that this medicine may be available in various strengths for each active ingredient listed above.
Packages and Strengths
Soframycin Skin Cream is available in the following packages and strengths
Soframycin Skin Cream — Packages: 100GM Cream, 100 gm, 30 gm, 20 gm
Soframycin Skin Cream — Strengths: 100Gm, 1%, 30Gm, 20Gm
Frequently asked Questions
Is Soframycin Skin Cream safe to use when pregnant?
Please consult with your doctor for case-specific recommendations.
Is Soframycin Skin Cream safe while breastfeeding?
Please discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.
Can Soframycin Skin Cream be used for bacterial infections in skin lesions and bacterial infection of the eye or ear?
Yes, bacterial infections in skin lesions and bacterial infection of the eye or ear are among the most common reported uses for Soframycin Skin Cream. Please do not use Soframycin Skin Cream for bacterial infections in skin lesions and bacterial infection of the eye or ear without consulting first with your doctor. Click here and view survey results to find out what other patients report as common uses for Soframycin Skin Cream.
How long do I need to use Soframycin Skin Cream before I see improvement of my conditions?
TabletWise.com website users have reported 1 week and same day as the most common time it takes before they saw improvements in their conditions. These times may not be reflective of what you may experience or how you should use this medicine. Please consult with your doctor to check how long do you need to use Soframycin Skin Cream. Click here and view survey results to find out what other patients report as time for effectiveness for Soframycin Skin Cream.
At what frequency do I need to use Soframycin Skin Cream?
TabletWise.com website users have reported once a day and twice a day as the most common frequency of using Soframycin Skin Cream. Please follow your doctor’s advice on how often you need to Soframycin Skin Cream. Click here and view survey results to find out what other patients report as frequency of using Soframycin Skin Cream.
Should I use Soframycin Skin Cream empty stomach, before food or after food?
TabletWise.com website users have most commonly reported using Soframycin Skin Cream anytime. However, this may not be reflective of how you should use this medicine. Please follow your doctor’s advice on how you should use this medicine. Click here and view survey results to find out what other patients report as timing of using Soframycin Skin Cream.
Is it safe to drive or operate heavy machinery when using this product?
If you experience drowsiness, dizziness, hypotension or a headache as side-effects when using Soframycin Skin Cream medicine then it may not be safe to drive a vehicle or operate heavy machinery. One should not drive a vehicle if using the medicine makes you drowsy, dizzy or lowers your blood-pressure extensively. Pharmacists also advise patients not to drink alcohol with medicines as alcohol intensifies drowsiness side-effects. Please check for these effects on your body when using Soframycin Skin Cream. Always consult with your doctor for recommendations specific to your body and health conditions.
Is this medicine or product addictive or habit forming?
Most medicines don’t come with a potential for addiction or abuse. Usually, the government’s categorizes medicines that can be addictive as controlled substances. Examples include schedule H or X in India and schedule II-V in the US. Please consult the product package to make sure that the medicine does not belong to such special categorizations of medicines. Lastly, do not self-medicate and increase your body’s dependence to medicines without the advice of a doctor.
Can i stop using this product immediately or do I have to slowly wean off the use?
Some medicines need to be tapered or cannot be stopped immediately because of rebound effects. Please consult with your doctor for recommendations specific to your body, health and other medications that you may be using.
Other important Information on Soframycin Skin Cream
Missing a dose
In case you miss a dose, use it as soon as you notice. If it is close to the time of your next dose, skip the missed dose and resume your dosing schedule. Do not use extra dose to make up for a missed dose. If you are regularly missing doses, consider setting an alarm or asking a family member to remind you. Please consult your doctor to discuss changes in your dosing schedule or a new schedule to make up for missed doses, if you have missed too many doses recently.
Overdosage of Soframycin Skin Cream
- Do not use more than prescribed dose. Taking more medication will not improve your symptoms; rather they may cause poisoning or serious side-effects. If you suspect that you or anyone else who may have overdosed of Soframycin Skin Cream, please go to the emergency department of the closest hospital or nursing home. Bring a medicine box, container, or label with you to help doctors with necessary information.
- Do not give your medicines to other people even if you know that they have the same condition or it seems that they may have similar conditions. This may lead to overdosage.
- Please consult your physician or pharmacist or product package for more information.
Storage of Soframycin Skin Cream
- Store medicines at room temperature, away from heat and direct light. Do not freeze medicines unless required by package insert. Keep medicines away from children and pets.
- Do not flush medications down the toilet or pour them into drainage unless instructed to do so. Medication discarded in this manner may contaminate the environment. Please consult your pharmacist or doctor for more details on how to safely discard Soframycin Skin Cream.
Expired Soframycin Skin Cream
- Taking a single dose of expired Soframycin Skin Cream is unlikely to produce an adverse event. However, please discuss with your primary health provider or pharmacist for proper advice or if you feel unwell or sick. Expired drug may become ineffective in treating your prescribed conditions. To be on the safe side, it is important not to use expired drugs. If you have a chronic illness that requires taking medicine constantly such as heart condition, seizures, and life-threatening allergies, you are much safer keeping in touch with your primary health care provider so that you can have a fresh supply of unexpired medications.
Dosage Information
Please consult your physician or pharmacist or refer to the product package.
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APA Style Citation
- Soframycin Skin Cream — Product — TabletWise.com. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2023, from https://www.tabletwise.com/soframycin-skin-cream
MLA Style Citation
- «Soframycin Skin Cream — Product — TabletWise.com» Tabletwise.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2023.
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- «Soframycin Skin Cream — Product — TabletWise.com» Tabletwise. Accessed April 21, 2023. https://www.tabletwise.com/soframycin-skin-cream.
Last updated date
This page was last updated on 9/27/2020.
This page provides information for Soframycin Skin Cream Product in English.
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