Субару форестер 2018 инструкция по эксплуатации

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Часто задаваемые вопросы

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В моей машине есть цепь ГРМ. С каким интервалом ее нужно менять? Проверенный
При нормальной эксплуатации цепь ГРМ должна прослужить весь срок службы автомобиля и не нуждается в замене.

Это было полезно (2391)

Почему я не могу открыть одну или несколько дверей изнутри? Проверенный
Вероятно, в машине активирован детский замок. Обычно его можно разблокировать с помощью механизма в двери.

Это было полезно (753)

Как часто следует менять масло? Проверенный
Практически для каждого автомобиля есть свои точные рекомендации, однако в целом масло разумно менять каждые 10 000–15 000 км пробега или один раз в год. Загрязненное масло может со временем серьезно повредить двигатель.

Это было полезно (637)

Когда следует отключать подушку безопасности сбоку от пассажирского сиденья? Проверенный
При движении с ребенком в автокресле на пассажирском сиденье необходимо выключить подушку безопасности с этой стороны. Это также рекомендуется для детей до 12 лет, которые размещаются на пассажирском сиденье. Это необходимо для предотвращения травм в случае аварии.

Это было полезно (578)

Ключи от машины больше не будут открывать машину на расстоянии, почему? Проверенный
Автомобильные ключи, которые можно разблокировать на расстоянии, обычно работают от аккумулятора. Когда он закончится, ключ перестанет работать. Замените аккумулятор и попробуйте еще раз.

Это было полезно (567)

Приведет ли более низкое давление в шинах к большему сцеплению с дорожным покрытием при езде по снегу? Проверенный
Нет, несмотря на то что при снижении давления пятно контакта шин с дорогой увеличивается, автомобиль становится менее устойчивым. Садитесь за руль, только если в шинах правильное давление!

Это было полезно (323)

Я залил в машину не то топливо, что мне делать? Проверенный
Не садитесь за руль! Неважно, заливаете ли вы дизельное топливо в автомобиль с бензиновым двигателем или бензин в автомобиль с дизельным двигателем. В обоих случаях это может привести к повреждению машины и / или других частей автомобиля. Обратитесь в службу технической поддержки на дорогах.

Это было полезно (218)

Где я могу найти VIN-номер моей машины? Проверенный
Это может варьироваться в зависимости от марки и модели, но на многих автомобилях номер VIN можно найти на дверном косяке, под капотом или на металлическом полу переднего сиденья.

Это было полезно (182)

Как часто нужно менять щетки дворников? Проверенный
Желательно заменять щетки стеклоочистителя не реже одного раза в год. Признаками необходимости замены лезвий являются полосы, дымка, шум или отслоение резины.

Это было полезно (160)

Сколько миль в одном километре? Проверенный
1 километр равен 0,621 мили. 10 километров равны 6,21 мили. 1 миля равна 1,609 километра. 10 миль равны 16,09 километра.

Это было полезно (135)

Какой номер VIN? Проверенный
VIN означает идентификационный номер автомобиля и является уникальным номером, который есть у каждого автомобиля. Это делает автомобиль не идентифицируемым, например, после аварии или в случае отзыва. Это также позволяет идентифицировать автомобиль в случае отсутствия номерных знаков.

Это было полезно (133)

Могу ли я использовать дворники, когда на лобовом стекле обледенел? Проверенный
Нет, это не рекомендуется. Лед острый и может повредить резину на щетках стеклоочистителя.

Это было полезно (130)

Руководство Subaru Forester (2018)

Информация касательно стоимости, модельного ряда, характеристик, наличия комплектации продукции/автомобиля и наличия опции и/или оборудования в такойкомплектации (далее – «Информация»), изложенная на данном сайте и прайс-листах, носит исключительно информативный характер, зависит от местных условий, ограничений и, следовательно может различаться в зависимости от моделей и комплектаций, и не является публичной офертой, согласно ст. 447 Гражданского Кодекса РК. Максимальные цены и Информация изложенные на данном сайте и прайс-листах могут, без предварительного уведомления со стороны Дистрибутора, отличаться от фактических цен и информаций Дилера на местах продаж, в связи с чем подробную и актуальную Информацию Вы можете получить у официального Дилера в Вашем городе. Основные условия приобретения какого-либо автомобиля или продукции определяются в соответствующих договорах купли-продажи.


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Руководство владельца Subaru Forester I (SF) — файл pdf

Руководство по сервисному обслуживанию Subaru Forester I (SF) 1997-2001 MY — zip-архив
(Мультимедийная книга Subaru Forester с 1997 г.)

Subaru Forester с 1997 г. выпуска. Устройство Обслуживание Ремонт (Переработанное издание) — файл pdf


Руководство по техническому обслуживанию Subaru Forester II (SG) 2004 MY — файл pdf

Руководство по эксплуатации Subaru Forester II (SG) 2005 MY — файл pdf

Руководство по эксплуатации Subaru Forester II (SG) 2007 MY — файл pdf

Руководство по обслуживанию Subaru Forester II (SG) 2008 MY — файл pdf


Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Subaru Forester III (SH) 2009 MY — файл pdf

Руководство по сервисному обслуживанию Subaru Forester III (SH) 2009 MY — сжатый архив


Руководство по сервисному обслуживанию Subaru Forester III (SH) 2012 MY — zip-архив


Руководство по сервисному обслуживанию Subaru Forester IV (SJ) 2014 MY — zip-архив

Руководство по эксплуатации Subaru Forester IV (SJ) 2014 MY — файл pdf


Руководство по обслуживанию и ремонту Subaru Forester SK (SM G8240GR FORESTER 19MY, версия 002) — файл ISO в rar-архиве.
yadi.sk/d/nnaihovx9Le_dQ или drive.google.com/file/d/1…_mFo-IS9/view?usp=sharing
Взято здесь cloud.mail.ru/public/HRZT/mfMRZ48dH

Руководство по эксплуатации Subaru Forester V (SK) 2019 MY — файл pdf

Краткое руководство по эксплуатации Subaru Forester V (SK) 2019 MY — файл pdf

Eyesight Руководство SK — файл pdf

Starlink Руководство SK — файл pdf


Инструкция по эксплуатации автомобиля Subaru Forester 2005 модельного года (SG) — файл pdf

Инструкция по эксплуатации автомобиля Subaru Forester 2007 модельного года (SG) — файл pdf

Инструкция по эксплуатации автомобиля Subaru Forester 2011 модельного года (SH) — файл pdf drive.google.com/file/d/0…Ib0lEbm8/view?usp=sharing

Инструкция по эксплуатации автомобиля Subaru Forester 2012 модельного года (SH) — файл pdf drive.google.com/file/d/0…0cEE1bDg/view?usp=sharing

Инструкция по эксплуатации автомобиля Subaru Forester 2013 модельного года (SJ) — файл pdf drive.google.com/file/d/0…LZEgxbGM/view?usp=sharing

Инструкция по эксплуатации автомобиля Subaru Forester 2014 модельного года (SJ) — файл pdf drive.google.com/file/d/0…tOWt4elk/view?usp=sharing

Инструкция по эксплуатации автомобиля Subaru Forester 2015 модельного года (SJ) — файл pdf

Инструкция по эксплуатации автомобиля Subaru Forester 2016 модельного года (SJ) — файл pdf


Subaru Forester Owner’s Manuals (ENG) — руководства по эксплуатации Subaru Forester на английском языке

Subaru Forester I (SF) 1998 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/OApC-oKBFMhGo
Subaru Forester I (SF) 1999 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/V6d3vPaGFMi5X
Subaru Forester I (SF) 2000 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/1Kb7E0RLFMiAS
Subaru Forester I (SF) 2001 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/OeuIrbH-FMiE2
Subaru Forester I (SF) 2002 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/7dlwPQT5FMiHm
Subaru Forester II (SG) 2003 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/8B5M3PEuFMiNv
Subaru Forester II (SG) 2004 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/DTiMBz4WFMiTP
Subaru Forester II (SG) 2005 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/tG-w1PzAFMiYG
Subaru Forester II (SG) 2006 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/h8RcBfgFFMic2
Subaru Forester II (SG) 2007 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/5heDeXV3FMifh
Subaru Forester II (SG) 2008 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/KTL_5eO7FMikE
Subaru Forester III (SH) 2009 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/CEPVhIngFMipG
Subaru Forester III (SH) 2010 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/Ee_eL7omFMiti
Subaru Forester III (SH) 2011 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/1Jacl7TMFMizz
Subaru Forester III (SH) 2012 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/44rqNMDzFMj7A
Subaru Forester IV (SJ) 2013 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/k40hjMB8FMjAd
Subaru Forester IV (SJ) 2014 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/mTlbnLRoFMjEX
Subaru Forester V (SK) 2019 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/8BgNvdXr5ryIxg


Subaru Forester 2001 Service Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/PQ4ylgUpFNzot взято здесь manualov.net/Subaru.php

Subaru Forester 2003 Service Manual ENG — файл pdf yadi.sk/i/Yd-Gbfua3E38PH взято здесь

Subaru Forester 2004 Service Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/_BMMdFxqFP28v взято здесь manualov.net/Subaru.php

Subaru Forester 2007 Service Manual (ENG) yadi.sk/d/B6rTskG3cxMbq взято здесь manualov.net/Subaru.php

Subaru Forester 2007 Service Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/X4CZKXSDcxMGW взято здесь auto-b.ru/blog/Subaru/2065.html

Subaru Forester IV (SJ) 2014 MY Service Manual (ENG) yadi.sk/d/zl1LmYEebjUsr + дополнение по ремонту кузова yadi.sk/d/hcob_9VJBQkDZ
пароль к архивам: forestermoscowclub взято здесь forester-moscowclub.ru/showthread.php?p=694911


Схемы электропроводки:

Subaru Forester I (SF) 1998 Wires Diagram Section (EN) Электросхемы дорестайл SF — файлы pdf в архиве
yadi.sk/d/aCZSAQ2GqQQxT или

Subaru Forester I (SF) 2001 Wires Diagram Section (EN) Электросхемы рестайл SF — файлы pdf в архиве

Схема электропроводки Subaru Forester SG 02-05 дорестайл Русский мануал — файл pdf
yadi.sk/i/daoWHmQ_qQQW7 или

Схема электропроводки Subaru Forester SG 06-08 рестайл Русский мануал — файл pdf

Мануалы и аксессуары для других Subaru (cпасибо tarasusNN): здесь.

Фото в бортжурнале Subaru Forester (SH)Фото в бортжурнале Subaru Forester (SH)Фото в бортжурнале Subaru Forester (SH)




Congratulations on choosing a SUBARU vehicle. This Owner’s

Manual has all the information necessary to keep your SUBARU in

excellent condition and to properly maintain the emission control

system for minimizing emission pollutants. We urge you to read this

manual carefully so that you may understand your vehicle and its

operation. For information not found in this Owner’s Manual, such

as details concerning repairs or adjustments, please contact the

SUBARU dealer from whom you purchased your SUBARU or the

nearest SUBARU dealer.

The information, specifications and illustrations found in this

manual are those in effect at the time of printing. SUBARU

CORPORATION reserves the right to change specifications and

designs at any time without prior notice and without incurring any

obligation to make the same or similar changes on vehicles

previously sold. This Owner’s Manual applies to all models and

covers all equipment, including factory installed options. Some

explanations, therefore may be for equipment not installed in your


Please leave this manual in the vehicle at the time of resale. The next

owner will need the information found herein.


is a registered trademark of SUBARU CORPORATION.




This manual describes the following vehicle types.




& Warranties for U.S.A.


All SUBARU vehicles distributed by

Subaru of America, Inc. and sold at retail

by an authorized SUBARU dealer in the

United States come with the following


. SUBARU Limited Warranty

. Emission Control Systems Warranty

. Emissions Performance Warranty

All warranty information, including details

of coverage and exclusions, is in the

“Warranty and Maintenance Booklet”.

Read these warranties carefully.

& Warranties for Canada


All SUBARU vehicles distributed by

Subaru Canada, Inc. and sold at retail by

an authorized SUBARU dealer in Canada

come with the following warranties:

. SUBARU Limited Warranty

. Anti-Corrosion Warranty

. Emission Control Warranty

All warranty information, including details

of coverage and exclusions, is in the

“Warranty and Service Booklet”. Read

these warranties carefully.

& Warranties except for U.S.A.

and Canada


All warranty information, including details

of coverage and exclusions, is in the

“Warranty and Maintenance Booklet”.

Read these warranties carefully.

How to use this Owner’s



& Using your Owner’s Manual


Before you operate your vehicle, carefully

read this manual. To protect yourself and

extend the service life of your vehicle,

follow the instructions in this manual.

Failure to observe these instructions may

result in serious injury and damage to your


This manual is composed of fourteen

chapters. Each chapter begins with a brief

table of contents, so you can usually tell at

a glance if that chapter contains the

information you want.

Chapter 1: Seat, seatbelt and SRS air-


This chapter informs you how to use the

seat and seatbelt and contains precau-

tions for the SRS airbags.

Chapter 2: Keys and doors

This chapter informs you how to operate

the keys, locks and windows.

Chapter 3: Instruments and controls

This chapter informs you about the opera-

tion of instrument panel indicators and how

to use the instruments and other switches.



Chapter 4: Climate control

This chapter informs you how to operate

the climate control.

Chapter 5: Audio

This chapter informs you how to operate

your audio system.

Chapter 6: Interior equipment

This chapter informs you how to operate

interior equipment.

Chapter 7: Starting and operating

This chapter informs you how to start and

operate your SUBARU.

Chapter 8: Driving tips

This chapter informs you how to drive your

SUBARU in various conditions and ex-

plains some safety tips on driving.

Chapter 9: In case of emergency

This chapter informs you what to do if you

have a problem while driving, such as a flat

tire or engine overheating.

Chapter 10: Appearance care

This chapter informs you how to keep your

SUBARU looking good.

Chapter 11: Maintenance and service

This chapter informs you when you need to

take your SUBARU to the dealer for

scheduled maintenance and informs you

how to keep your SUBARU running


Chapter 12: Specifications

This chapter informs you about dimen-

sions and capacities of your SUBARU.

Chapter 13: Consumer information and

Reporting safety defects

This chapter informs you about Uniform

tire quality grading standards and Report-

ing safety defects.

Chapter 14: Index

This is an alphabetical listing of all that’s in

this manual. You can use it to quickly find

something you want to read.

For models with the EyeSight system:

For details about the EyeSight system,

refer to the Owner’s Manual supplement

for the EyeSight system.

& Safety warnings


You will find a number of WARNINGs,

CAUTIONs and NOTEs in this manual.

These safety warnings alert you to poten-

tial hazards that could result in injury to you

or others.

Please read these safety warnings as well

as all other portions of this manual care-

fully in order to gain a better understanding

of how to use your SUBARU vehicle safely.


A WARNING indicates a situation in

which serious injury or death could

result if the warning is ignored.


A CAUTION indicates a situation in

which injury or damage to your

vehicle, or both, could result if the

caution is ignored.


A NOTE gives information or sugges-

tions how to make better use of your



& Safety symbol


You will find a circle with a slash through it

in this manual. This symbol means “Do

not”, “Do not do this”, or “Do not let this

happen”, depending upon the context.

& Abbreviation list


You may find several abbreviations in this

manual. The meanings of the abbrevia-

tions are shown in the following list.

Abbreviation Meaning

A/C Air conditioner

ABS Anti-lock brake system

AKI Anti knock index

ALR Automatic locking retractor


Automatic locking retractor/

Emergency locking retractor

AWD All-wheel drive


Blind Spot Detection/Rear

Cross Traffic Alert


Continuously variable trans-


DRL Daytime running light


Electronic brake force distri-


ELR Emergency locking retractor

GAW Gross axle weight

GAWR Gross axle weight rating

GPS Global positioning system

GVW Gross vehicle weight

GVWR Gross vehicle weight rating

INT Intermittent

Abbreviation Meaning


Lower anchors and tethers for


LED Light emitting diode

MIL Malfunction indicator light


Methylcyclopentadienyl man-

ganese tricarbonyl

MT Manual transmission

OBD On-board diagnostics

RAB Reverse Automatic Braking

RON Research octane number

SI-DRIVE SUBARU Intelligent Drive


Steering responsive fog lights



Steering Responsive Head-



Supplemental restraint sys-


TIN Tire identification number


Tire pressure monitoring sys-



Vehicle symbols


There are some of the symbols you may

see on your vehicle.

For warning and indicator lights, refer to

“Warning and indicator lights” F23.

Mark Name



Safety precautions when



& Seatbelt and SRS airbag



. All persons in the vehicle should

fasten their seatbelts BEFORE

the vehicle starts to move. Other-

wise, the possibility of serious

injury becomes greater in the

event of a sudden stop or acci-


. To obtain maximum protection in

the event of an accident, the

driver and all passengers must

always wear seatbelts when in

the vehicle. The SRS (Supple-

mental Restraint System) airbag

does not do away with the need to

fasten seatbelts. In combination

with the seatbelts, it offers the

best combined protection in case

of a serious accident.

Not wearing a seatbelt increases

the chance of severe injury or

death in a crash even when the

vehicle has the SRS airbag.

. The SRS airbags deploy with

considerable speed and force.

Occupants who are out of proper

position when the SRS airbag

deploys could suffer very serious

injuries. Because the SRS airbag

needs enough space for deploy-

ment, the driver should always sit

upright and well back in the seat

as far from the steering wheel as

practical while still maintaining

full vehicle control and the front

passenger should move the seat

as far back as possible and sit

upright and well back in the seat.

For instructions and precautions, carefully

read the following sections.

. For the seatbelt system, refer to “Seat-

belts” F1-16.

. For the SRS airbag system, refer to

“*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint

System airbag)” F1-43.


& Child safety



. Never hold a child on your lap or

in your arms while the vehicle is

moving. The passenger cannot

protect the child from injury in a

collision, because the child will

be caught between the passen-

ger and objects inside the vehi-


. While riding in the vehicle, infants

and small children should always

be placed in the REAR seat in an

infant or child restraint system

which is appropriate for the

child’s age, height and weight. If

a child is too big for a child

restraint system, the child should

sit in the REAR seat and be

restrained using the seatbelts.

According to accident statistics,

children are safer when properly

restrained in the rear seating

positions than in the front seating

positions. Never allow a child to

stand up or kneel on the seat.

. Place children in the REAR seat

properly restrained at all times in

a child restraint device or in a

seatbelt. The SRS airbag deploys

with considerable speed and

force and can injure or even kill

children, especially if they are not

restrained or improperly re-

strained. Because children are

lighter and weaker than adults,

their risk of being injured from

deployment is greater.









. Always turn the child safety locks

to the “LOCK” position when

children sit in the rear seat.

Serious injury could result if a

child accidentally opens the door

and falls out. Refer to “Child

safety locks” F2-32.

. Always lock the passenger’s win-

dows using the lock switch when

children are riding in the vehicle.

Failure to follow this procedure

could result in injury to a child

operating the power window. Re-

fer to “Windows” F2-32.

. Never leave unattended children,

adults or animals in the vehicle.

They could accidentally injure

themselves or others through

inadvertent operation of the ve-

hicle. Also, on hot or sunny days,

temperature in a closed vehicle

could quickly become high en-

ough to cause severe or possibly

fatal injuries to them.

. When leaving the vehicle, close

all windows and lock all doors.

. In models with power rear gate,

when it operates, the rear gate

moves with remarkable force. It is

possible to be injured if anyone is

caught in or hit by the rear gate so

be sure to obey the following


Check that there are no chil-

dren around the rear gate

before operating the power

rear gate.

Do not allow children to oper-

ate the power rear gate.

For instructions and precautions, carefully

read the following sections.

. For the seatbelt system, refer to “Seat-

belts” F1-16.



. For the child restraint system, refer to

“Child restraint systems” F1-30.

. For the SRS airbag system, refer to

“*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint

System airbag)” F1-43.

& Engine exhaust gas (carbon




. Never inhale engine exhaust gas.

Engine exhaust gas contains

carbon monoxide, a colorless

and odorless gas which is dan-

gerous, or even lethal, if inhaled.

. Always properly maintain the en-

gine exhaust system to prevent

engine exhaust gas from entering

the vehicle.

. Never run the engine in a closed

space, such as a garage, except

for the brief time needed to drive

the vehicle in or out of it.

. Avoid remaining in a parked ve-

hicle for a lengthy time while the

engine is running. If that is un-

avoidable, then use the ventila-

tion fan to force fresh air into the


. Always keep the front ventilator

inlet grille free from snow, leaves

or other obstructions to ensure

that the ventilation system al-

ways works properly.

. If at any time you suspect that

exhaust fumes are entering the

vehicle, have the problem

checked and corrected as soon

as possible. If you must drive

under these conditions, drive

only with all windows fully open.

. Keep the rear gate closed while

driving to prevent exhaust gas

from entering the vehicle.

& Drinking and driving



Drinking and then driving is very

dangerous. Alcohol in the blood-

stream delays your reaction time

and impairs your perception, judg-

ment and attentiveness. If you drive

after drinking even if you drink just

a little it will increase the risk of

being involved in a serious or fatal

accident, injuring or killing yourself,

your passengers and others. In

addition, if you are injured in the

accident, alcohol may increase the

severity of that injury.

Please don’t drink and drive.

Drunken driving is one of the most frequent

causes of accidents. Since alcohol affects

all people differently, you may have con-

sumed too much alcohol to drive safely

even if the level of alcohol in your blood is

below the legal limit. The safest thing you

can do is never drink and drive. However if

you have no choice but to drive, stop

drinking and sober up completely before

getting behind the wheel.

& Drugs and driving



There are some drugs (over the

counter and prescription) that can

delay your reaction time and impair

your perception, judgment and at-

tentiveness. If you drive after taking

them, it may increase your, your

passengers’ and other persons’ risk

of being involved in a serious or fatal


If you are taking any drugs, check with

your doctor or pharmacist or read the

literature that accompanies the medication

to determine if the drug you are taking can


impair your driving ability. Do not drive

after taking any medications that can make

you drowsy or otherwise affect your ability

to safely operate a motor vehicle. If you

have a medical condition that requires you

to take drugs, please consult with your


Never drive if you are under the influence

of any illicit mind-altering drugs. For your

own health and well-being, we urge you

not to take illegal drugs in the first place

and to seek treatment if you are addicted

to those drugs.

& Driving when tired or sleepy



When you are tired or sleepy, your

reaction time will be delayed and

your perception, judgment and at-

tentiveness will be impaired. If you

drive when tired or sleepy, your,

your passengers’ and other per-

sons’ chances of being involved in

a serious accident may increase.

Please do not continue to drive but instead

find a safe place to rest if you are tired or

sleepy. On long trips, you should make

periodic rest stops to refresh yourself

before continuing on your journey. When

possible, you should share the driving with


& Modification of your vehicle



Your vehicle should not be modified

other than with genuine SUBARU

parts and accessories. Other types

of modifications could affect its

performance, safety or durability,

and may even violate governmental

regulations. In addition, damage or

performance problems resulting

from modification may not be cov-

ered under warranties.

& Car phone/cell phone and




Do not use a car phone/cell phone

while driving; it may distract your

attention from driving and can lead

to an accident. If you use a car

phone/cell phone, pull off the road

and park in a safe place before using

your phone. In some States/Pro-

vinces, only hands-free phones

may legally be used while driving.

& Driving vehicles equipped

with navigation system



Do not allow the monitor to distract

your attention from driving. Also, do

not operate the controls of the

navigation system while driving.

The loss of attention to driving could

lead to an accident. If you wish to

operate the controls of the naviga-

tion system, first take the vehicle off

the road and stop it in a safe


& Driving with pets


Unrestrained pets can interfere with your

driving and distract your attention from

driving. In a collision or sudden stop,

unrestrained pets or cages can be thrown

around inside the vehicle and hurt you or

your passengers. Besides, the pets can be

hurt under these situations. It is also for

their own safety that pets should be

properly restrained in your vehicle. Re-

strain a pet with a special traveling harness

which can be secured to the rear seat with



a seatbelt or use a pet carrier which can be

secured to the rear seat by routing a

seatbelt through the carrier’s handle.

Never restrain pets or pet carriers in the

front passenger’s seat. For further infor-

mation, consult your veterinarian, local

animal protection society or pet shop.

& Tire pressures


Check and, if necessary, adjust the pres-

sure of each tire (including the spare) at

least once a month and before any long


Check the tire pressure when the tires are

cold. Use a pressure gauge to adjust the

tire pressures to the values shown on the

tire placard. For detailed information, refer

to “Tires and wheels” F11-23.


Driving at high speeds with exces-

sively low tire pressures can cause

the tires to deform severely and to

rapidly become hot. A sharp in-

crease in temperature could cause

tread separation, and destruction of

the tires. The resulting loss of vehi-

cle control could lead to an accident.

& On-road and off-road driving


This vehicle is classified as a utility vehicle.

Utility vehicles have a significantly higher

rollover rate than other types of vehicles.

Your vehicle has a higher ground clear-

ance and higher center of gravity, making it

more likely to roll over than ordinary

passenger cars. It also handles and

maneuvers differently from other passen-

ger cars. For this reason, please read

carefully the following section and follow

the instructions and precautions in order to

prevent serious injury or death due to loss

of control, rollover and other accidents.

Refer to “On-road and off-road driving”


& Attaching accessories



. Do not attach any accessories,

labels or stickers (other than

properly placed inspection stick-

ers) to the windshield. Such

items may obstruct your view.

. If it is necessary to attach an

accessory (such as an electronic

toll collection (ETC) device or

security pass) to the windshield,

consult your SUBARU dealer for

details on the proper location.


General information


& California proposition 65




Engine exhaust, some of its consti-

tuents, and certain vehicle compo-

nents contain or emit chemicals

known to the State of California to

cause cancer and birth defects or

other reproductive harm. In addi-

tion, certain fluids in vehicles and

certain components of product wear

contain or emit chemicals known to

the State of California to cause

cancer and birth defects or other

reproductive harm.

& California Perchlorate Advi-



Certain vehicle components such as air-

bag modules, seatbelt pretensioners and

keyless entry transmitter batteries may

contain perchlorate material. Special

handling may apply for service or vehicle

end of life disposal. See www.dtsc.ca.gov/


& Noise from under the vehicle



You may hear a noise from under the

vehicle approximately 5 to 10 hours

after the engine is turned off. However,

this does not indicate a malfunction.

This noise is caused by the operation of

the fuel evaporation leakage checking

system and the operation is normal.

The noise will stop after approximately

15 minutes.

& Event data recorder


This vehicle is equipped with an event data

recorder (EDR). The main purpose of an

EDR is to record, in certain crash or near

crash-like situations, such as an air bag

deployment or hitting a road obstacle, data

that will assist in understanding how a

vehicle’s systems performed. The EDR is

designed to record data related to vehicle

dynamics and safety systems for a short

period of time, typically 30 seconds or less.

The EDR in this vehicle is designed to

record such data as:

. How various systems in your vehicle

were operating;

. Whether or not the driver and passen-

ger safety belts were buckled/fastened;

. How far (if at all) the driver was

depressing the accelerator and/or brake

pedal; and,

. How fast the vehicle was traveling.

These data can help provide a better

understanding of the circumstances in

which crashes and injuries occur. NOTE:

EDR data are recorded by your vehicle

only if a non-trivial crash situation occurs;

no data are recorded by the EDR under

normal driving conditions and no personal

data (e.g., name, gender, age, and crash

location) are recorded. However, other

parties, such as law enforcement, could

combine the EDR data with the type of

personally identifying data routinely ac-

quired during a crash investigation.

To read data recorded by an EDR, special

equipment is required, and access to the

vehicle or the EDR is needed. In addition

to the vehicle manufacturer, other parties,

such as law enforcement, that have the

special equipment, can read the informa-

tion if they have access to the vehicle or

the EDR.















Table of contents

Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags


Keys and doors


Instruments and controls

Climate control




Interior equipment


Starting and operating


Driving tips


In case of emergency


Appearance care


Maintenance and service




Consumer information and Reporting safety defects





Illustrated index


& Exterior


1) Engine hood (page 11-7)

2) Headlight (page 3-93)

3) Replacing bulbs (page 11-39)

4) Front wiper (page 3-105)

5) Moonroof (page 2-46)

6) Roof rails (page 8-14)

7) Door locks (page 2-6)

8) Outside mirrors (page 3-116)

9) Tire pressure (page 11-25)

10) Flat tires (page 9-5)

11) Snow tires (page 8-11)

12) Fog light (page 3-102)

13) Tie-down hooks (page 9-13)

14) Towing hook (page 9-13)


1) Rear window defogger (page 3-116)

2) Fuel filler lid and cap (page 7-5)

3) Child safety locks (page 2-32)

4) Tie-down hole (page 9-13)

5) Rear gate (page 2-38)

6) Towing hook (page 9-13)



& Interior


! Passenger compartment area


1) Lower anchorages for child restraint

system (page 1-38)

2) Seatbelt (page 1-16)

3) Front seat (page 1-2)

4) Rear seat heater switch (page 1-10)

5) Rear seat (page 1-11)

6) Buttons for SUBARU STARLINK


For U.S.-spec. models with SUBARU

STARLINK: Refer to the Owner’s Man-

ual supplement for SUBARU



1) Power windows (page 2-32)

2) Door locks (page 2-6)

3) Glove box (page 6-6)

4) Front power supply socket (page 6-9)

5) Shift lever (MT) (page 7-22)/Select lever

(CVT) (page 7-25)

6) Parking brake lever (page 7-48)

7) Cup holder (page 6-7)

8) Center console (page 6-6)



& Instrument panel


1) Outside mirror switch (page 3-116)

2) Seat position memory switch (page 1-5)

3) Steering Responsive Headlight OFF

switch (models with Steering Respon-

sive Headlight) (page 3-99)/Steering re-

sponsive fog light off switch (if equipped)

(page 3-103)

4) Illumination brightness control

(page 3-101)

5) BSD/RCTA OFF switch (page 7-59)

6) Vehicle Dynamics Control OFF switch

(models without power rear gate)

(page 7-41)/Memory switch (models with

power rear gate) (page 2-43)

7) Combination meter (page 3-9)

8) Information display (page 3-34)/Multi

function display (page 3-44)

9) Hazard warning flasher switch (models

with multi function display) (page 3-8)

10) Hazard warning flasher switch (models

without multi function display) (page 3-8)

11) Multi function display control switch

(page 3-44)

12) Audio (page 5-1)

13) Climate control (page 4-1)

14) Power rear gate switch (page 2-39)

15) Fuse box (page 11-37)

16) Hood lock release (page 11-7)

17) Vehicle Dynamics Control OFF switch

(models with power rear gate)

(page 7-41)


& Steering wheel


1) Audio control switches (page 5-63)

2) Talk switch for voice command system

(page 5-81)

3) Cruise control (page 7-54)

4) Shift paddle (page 7-28)

5) Tilt/telescopic lock lever (page 3-118)

6) Hands-free phone switches (page 5-73)

7) Multi information display control switches

(page 3-39)

8) SRS airbag (page 1-43)

9) Horn (page 3-119)

10) Heated steering wheel switch

(page 3-119)

11) SI-DRIVE switches (page 7-34)



& Light control and wiper control levers/switches


1) Windshield wiper (page 3-104)

2) Mist (page 3-105)

3) Windshield washer (page 3-106)

4) Rear window wiper and washer switch

(page 3-106)

5) Wiper intermittent time control switch

(page 3-105)

6) Wiper control lever (page 3-105)

7) Light control switch (page 3-93)

8) Fog light switch (page 3-102)

9) Headlight ON/OFF/AUTO (page 3-93)

10) Headlight flasher High/Low beam change

(page 3-95)

11) Turn signal lever (page 3-100)


& Combination meter


! U.S.-spec. models (type A)


The illustration above is a typical example. For some models, the combination meter may

be slightly different than that shown in the illustration.

1) Tachometer (page 3-11)

2) Select lever/gear position indicator

(page 3-31)

3) Trip meter and odometer (page 3-10)

4) Speedometer (page 3-10)

5) Information display selection knob

(page 3-34)

6) Fuel gauge (page 3-12)

7) X-mode (if equipped) (page 7-43)/SI-

DRIVE (if equipped) (page 7-32)

8) Trip meter A/B selection and trip meter

reset knob (page 3-10)



! U.S.-spec. models (type B)


The illustration above is a typical example. For some models, the combination meter may

be slightly different than that shown in the illustration.

1) Tachometer (page 3-11)

2) Multi information display (page 3-39)

3) Fuel gauge (page 3-12)

4) Select lever/gear position indicator

(page 3-31)

5) Speedometer (page 3-10)

6) Trip meter A/B selection and trip meter

reset knob (page 3-10)

7) Trip meter and odometer (page 3-10)


! Canada-spec. and Mexico-spec. models (type A)


The illustration above is a typical example. For some models, the combination meter may

be slightly different than that shown in the illustration.

1) Tachometer (page 3-11)

2) Trip meter and odometer (page 3-10)

3) Select lever/gear position indicator

(page 3-31)

4) Speedometer (page 3-10)

5) Information display selection knob

(page 3-34)

6) ECO gauge (Mexico-spec. models)

(page 3-12)

7) Fuel gauge (page 3-12)

8) Trip meter A/B selection and trip meter

reset knob (page 3-10)



! Canada-spec. and Mexico-spec. models (type B)


The illustration above is a typical example. For some models, the combination meter may

be slightly different than that shown in the illustration.

1) Tachometer (page 3-11)

2) Multi information display (page 3-39)

3) Fuel gauge (page 3-12)

4) Select lever/gear position indicator

(page 3-31)

5) Speedometer (page 3-10)

6) Trip meter A/B selection and trip meter

reset knob (page 3-10)

7) Trip meter and odometer (page 3-10)


& Warning and indicator lights


Mark Name Page

Seatbelt warning light 3-14

Front passenger’s

seatbelt warning light


SRS airbag system

warning light



Front passenger’s

frontal airbag ON indi-




Front passenger’s

frontal airbag OFF in-




warning light/Malfunc-

tion indicator light


Coolant temperature

low indicator light/

Coolant temperature

high warning light


Charge warning light 3-18

Oil pressure warning



Engine low oil level

warning light


Mark Name Page

AT OIL TEMP warning

light (CVT models)


ABS warning light 3-21

Brake system warning



Door open warning



AWD warning light

(CVT models)


Power steering warn-

ing light


Hill start assist warning

light/Hill start assist

OFF indicator light


Vehicle Dynamics

Control warning light/

Vehicle Dynamics

Control operation indi-

cator light


Vehicle Dynamics

Control OFF indicator



Turn signal indicator



Mark Name Page

High beam indicator



High beam assist indi-

cator light (if equipped)


Automatic headlight

beam leveler warning

light (if equipped)


Steering Responsive

Headlight warning

light/Steering Respon-

sive Headlight OFF in-

dicator light (if



Front fog light indicator

light (if equipped)


Access key warning

light (if equipped)


Security indicator light 3-30

Headlight indicator

light (if equipped)


Cruise control indica-

tor light


Cruise control set indi-

cator light




Mark Name Page

X-mode indicator light

(if equipped)


Hill descent control in-

dicator light (if



Low fuel warning light 3-22

Low tire pressure

warning light

(U.S.-spec. models)


Windshield washer

fluid warning light


Sport (S) mode indica-

tor light (if equipped)


Intelligent (I) mode in-

dicator light (if



Sport Sharp (S#)

mode indicator light (if



Steering responsive

fog lights warning indi-

cator/Steering respon-

sive fog lights OFF

indicator (if equipped)


BSD/RCTA warning

indicator (if equipped)



cator (if equipped)


Mark Name Page

RAB warning light (if



RAB OFF indicator (if




Function settings


A SUBARU dealer can change the settings of the functions shown in the following table to meet your personal requirements. Contact the

nearest SUBARU dealer for details. If your vehicle is equipped with a multi function display, the settings for some of these functions can

be changed using the display. For details, refer to “Multi function display” F3-44.

Item Function Possible settings Default setting

Alarm system Alarm system Operation/Non-operation Operation

Monitoring start delay time (after closure of doors) 0 seconds/30 seconds 30 seconds

Impact sensor operation (only models with shock

sensors (dealer option))

Operation/Non-operation Non-operation

Passive arming (models without “keyless access with

push-button start system”)

Operation/Non-operation Non-operation

Dome light and map lights illumination ON/OFF OFF

Keyless access (if equipped) Hazard warning flasher Operation/Non-operation Operation

Audible signal Operation/Non-operation Operation

Audible signal volume Level 1 to 7 Level 5

Door unlock selection function (driver’s door unlock) Driver’s door only/All doors Driver’s door only

Door unlock selection function (rear gate unlock) Rear gate only/All doors Rear gate only

Remote keyless entry system Hazard warning flasher Operation/Non-operation Operation

Audible signal Operation/Non-operation Operation

Audible signal volume Level 1 to 7 Level 5

Key lock-in prevention Key lock-in prevention Operation/Non-operation Operation

Defogger and deicer system for models

with the automatic climate control system

Rear window defogger, outside mirror defogger and

windshield wiper deicer

Operation for 15 minutes/

Continuous operation

Operation for 15




Item Function Possible settings Default setting

Dome light Operation of dome light/map light/cargo area light OFF

delay timer

OFF/10 seconds/20 sec-

onds/30 seconds

30 seconds

Map light

Cargo area light

Battery drainage prevention function Battery drainage prevention function Operation/Non-operation Operation

Seatbelt warning Sounds a chime while driving Operation/Non-operation Operation

Auto on/off headlights (if equipped) Sensitivity of the operation of the auto on/off headlights Low/Mid/High/Max Mid

Reverse gear interlocked rear wiper Reverse gear interlocked rear wiper operation Operation/Non-operation Non-operation*


One-touch lane changer Operation of the one-touch lane changer Operation/Non-operation Operation

High beam assist function (if equipped) High beam assist function Operation/Non-operation Operation

Welcome lighting function (if equipped) Welcome lighting function (when approaching) OFF/30 seconds/60 sec-

onds/90 seconds

30 seconds

Welcome lighting function (when exiting) OFF/30 seconds/60 sec-

onds/90 seconds

30 seconds


: Except for U.S. model, the default setting will be “Operation”.



Front seats …………………………..…………..……………. 1-2

Manual seat ....................... 1-4

Power seat (driver’s seat if equipped)...... 1-5

Head restraint adjustment .............. 1-8

Seat heater (if equipped) ….……………………..………. 1-9

Front seat heater (if equipped) ............1-10

Rear seat heater (if equipped) .............1-10

Rear seats.……………………..…………..………………… 1-11

Armrest (if equipped) ................. 1-12

Head restraint adjustment ............. 1-12

Folding down the rear seatback .......... 1-13

Reclining the seatback (if equipped).......... 1-15

Seatbelts……..…………..…………..…………………….... 1-16

Seatbelt safety tips .................... 1-16

Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR)..........1-17

Automatic Locking Retractor/Emergency Locking

Retractor (ALR/ELR)................. 1-18

Seatbelt warning light and chime ...........1-18

Fastening the seatbelt ................1-18

Seatbelt maintenance .................... 1-25

Front seatbelt pretensioners………………………….. 1-25

Seatbelt with shoulder belt pretensioner....... 1-25

Seatbelt with shoulder belt and lap belt


System monitors .................... 1-28

System servicing ….................... 1-28

Precautions against vehicle modification ........ 1-29

Child restraint systems …………………………..…….. 1-30

Safety tips for installing child restraint systems . 1-31

Where to place a child restraint system ....... 1-31

Choosing a child restraint system.......... 1-33

Installing child restraint systems with ALR/ELR

seatbelt ...................... 1-33

Installing a booster seat ............... 1-37

Installation of child restraint systems by use of

lower and tether anchorages (LATCH)....... 1-38

Top tether anchorages ............... 1-41

*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System

airbag) ..……………………..…………..…………………. 1-43

General precautions regarding SRS airbag

system .......................... 1-43

Components..................... 1-50

SUBARU advanced frontal airbag system........ 1-52

SRS side airbag and SRS curtain airbag ...... 1-62

SRS airbag system monitors............... 1-70

SRS airbag system servicing .............. 1-72

Precautions against vehicle modification ........ 1-73

Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags


Front seats



. Never adjust the seat while driv-

ing to avoid loss of vehicle con-

trol and personal injury.

. Before adjusting the seat, make

sure the hands and feet of rear

seat passengers and cargo are

clear of the adjusting mechan-


. After adjusting the seat, push it

slightly to make sure it is se-

curely locked. If the seat is not

securely locked, it may move or

the seatbelt may not operate


. Do not put objects under the front

seats. They may interfere with

front seat locking and cause an


. Seatbelts provide maximum re-

straint when the occupant sits

well back and upright in the seat.

To reduce the risk of sliding

under the seatbelt in a collision,

the front seatbacks should be

always used in the upright posi-

tion while the vehicle is running.

If the front seatbacks are not

used in the upright position in a

collision, the risk of sliding under

the lap belt and of the lap belt

sliding up over the abdomen will

increase, and both can result in

serious internal injury or death.

. The SRS airbags deploy with

considerable speed and force.

Occupants who are out of proper

position when the SRS airbag

deploys could suffer very serious

injuries. Because the SRS airbag

needs enough space for deploy-

ment, the driver should always sit

upright and well back in the seat

as far from the steering wheel as

practical while still maintaining

full vehicle control and the front

passenger should move the seat

as far back as possible and sit

upright and well back in the seat.


Place children in the rear seat prop-

erly restrained at all times. The SRS

airbag deploys with considerable

speed and force and can injure or

even kill children, especially if they

are not restrained or improperly

restrained. Because children are

lighter and weaker than adults, their

risk of being injured from deploy-

ment is greater. For that reason, we

strongly recommend that ALL chil-

dren (including those in child seats

and those that have outgrown child

restraint devices) sit in the REAR

seat properly restrained at all times

in a child restraint device or in a

seatbelt, whichever is appropriate

Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Front seats


for the child’s age, height and

weight. Secure ALL types of child

restraint devices (including forward

facing child seat) in the REAR seats

at all times.








According to accident statistics,

children are safer when properly

restrained in the rear seating posi-

tions than in the front seating posi-

tions. For instructions and precau-

tions concerning child restraint sys-

tems, refer to “Child restraint sys-

tems” F1-30.


To prevent the passenger from slid-

ing under the seatbelt in the event of

a collision, always put the seatback

in the upright position while the

vehicle is in motion. Also, do not

place objects such as cushions

between the passenger and the seat-

back. If you do so, the risk of sliding

under the lap belt and of the lap belt

sliding up over the abdomen will

increase, and both can result in

serious internal injury or death.


Do not let rear passengers rest their

feet between the front seatback and

seat cushion. Doing so may lead to

defective operation of the following

systems and could result in serious


. Occupant detection system

. SRS side airbag

. Seat heater (if equipped)

. Power seat (if equipped)


Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Front seats


& Manual seat


! Forward and backward adjustment


Pull the lever upward and slide the seat to

the desired position. Then release the

lever and try to move the seat back and

forth to make sure that it is securely locked

into place.

! Reclining the seatback


Pull the reclining lever up and adjust the

seatback to the desired position. Then

release the lever and make sure the

seatback is securely locked into place.

The seatback placed in a reclined position

can spring back upward with force when

the lever is pulled. While operating the

lever to return the seatback, hold the

seatback lightly so that it may be raised

back gradually.

! Seat height adjustment (driver’s



1) When the lever is pushed down, the seat

is lowered.

2) When the lever is pulled up, the seat


The height of the seat can be adjusted by

moving the seat adjustment lever up and


Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Front seats


& Power seat (driver’s seat if



1) Seat position forward/backward con-

trol switch

To adjust the seat forward or backward,

move the control switch forward or

backward. During forward/backward ad-

justment of the seat, you cannot adjust

the seat cushion angle or seat height.

2) Seat cushion angle control switch

To adjust the seat cushion angle, pull up

or push down the front end of the control


3) Seat height control switch

To adjust the seat height, pull up or push

down the rear end of the control switch.

4) Seatback angle (reclining) control


To adjust the angle of the seatback, move

the control switch.

5) Lumbar support control switch

To increase lower back support, push the

front side of the switch. To decrease

lower back support, push the rear side of

the switch.

! Memory function (driver’s seat if




. Never adjust the seat while driv-

ing to avoid loss of vehicle con-

trol and personal injury.

. Before adjusting the seat, make

sure that cargo or the hands and

feet of rear seat passengers are

clear of the adjusting mechan-


. Never retrieve the seat position

while driving to avoid loss of

vehicle control and personal in-


. Perform the seat position retrie-

val before driving. Be sure to

confirm that the select lever is in

the “P” position, and the parking

brake is applied, when adjusting

the seat position. Do not drive

until the retrieval of the seat

position is complete.

. When retrieving a registered seat

position, make sure the hands,

feet and possessions of rear seat

passengers are clear of the seat

adjusting mechanism.

. When any unusual conditions or

malfunctions occur during the

retrieval of the seat position, stop

the retrieval of the seat position

by performing any of the follow-

ing procedures.

Operate any of the power seat


Press the “SET” button

Press button “1” or “2”

Some of your desired seat positions can

be registered. Register the seat position

with button “1” or “2” or each of the access

keys and retrieve the seat position.


Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Front seats


The following seat positions can be regis-


. Forward/backward position of the seat

. Angle of seatback

. Angle of seat cushion

. Height of seat

! Registration of seat position with

button “1” or “2”


1. Adjust the seat position under the

following conditions.

. The parking brake is applied.

. The select lever is in the “P” position.

2. While pressing the “SET” button, press

and hold the desired button “1” or “2”.

A chirp sounds once, and the seat position

is registered.

! Registration of seat position with

each access key


1. Adjust the seat position under the

following conditions.

. The parking brake is applied.

. The ignition switch is in the “LOCK”/

“OFF” position.

. The select lever is in the “P” position.

2. While holding the access key fob and

pressing the “SET” button, press the

button of the access key fob.

A chirp sounds once, and the seat position

is registered.

! Retrieval of seat position regis-

tered with button “1” or “2”



Be sure to press the correct button

to retrieve your registered seat posi-

tion. If the seat position is not

optimum for you, it may adversely

affect your driving and may reduce

the effectiveness of the seatbelt.

That could result in an accident

involving serious injury or death.

1. Turn the ignition switch to the “ON”


2. While the select lever is in the “P”

position and the parking brake is applied,

press button “1” or “2”.

Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Front seats


A chirp sounds and the seat moves to the

registered position. When the seat moves

to the registered position, a chirp will



. If a new position is registered for the

same button, the previously registered

seat position is deleted.

. If the vehicle battery is removed, the

registered seat position is not deleted.

. When the button “1” or “2” is

pressed within 45 seconds after the

driver’s door is opened, the registered

seat position can be retrieved even if

the ignition switch is in the “LOCK” or

“OFF” position.

! Retrieval of the seat position

registered with access key


1. Hold the registered access key fob.

2. Unlock the driver’s door by pressing


button or gripping the door handle.

3. Open the driver’s door.

A chirp sounds and the seat moves to the

registered position. When the seat moves

to the registered position, a chirp will



. If the registered seat position cannot

be retrieved after performing the pre-

vious procedures, try the following


(1) Press the “SET” button on the

drivers door.

(2) Press the

button on the

access key fob or touch the door

lock sensor to lock the doors.

(3) Perform the prior procedures


. If the keyless access function is

disabled, the seat position cannot be

retrieved by gripping the driver’s door

handle. However, the seat position can

still be retrieved by pressing the

button on the access key fob. For

information about how to enable/dis-

able the keyless access function, refer

to “Disabling keyless access function”


. If a new position is registered for the

same access key fob, the previously

registered seat position is deleted.

! Clearing the registered seat posi-

tion with access key


1. Close the driver’s door.

2. While holding the access key fob and

pressing the “SET” button, press the

button on the access key fob.

A chirp will sound, and the registered seat

position will be cleared.


Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Front seats


& Head restraint adjustment



. Never drive the vehicle with the

head restraints removed because

they are designed to reduce the

risk of serious neck injury in the

event that the vehicle is struck

from the rear. Also, never install

the head restraints the opposite

way round. Doing so will prevent

the head restraints from function-

ing as intended. Therefore, when

you remove the head restraints,

you must reinstall all head re-

straints correctly to protect vehi-

cle occupants.

. All occupants, including the dri-

ver, should not operate a vehicle

or sit in a vehicle’s seat until the

head restraints are placed in their

proper positions in order to mini-

mize the risk of neck injury in the

event of a crash.

. The front seat head restraints are

designed to be installed into the

front seats only. The rear seat

head restraints are designed to

be installed into the rear seats

only. Do not attempt to install the

front seat head restraints into the

rear seats, or the rear seat head

restraints into the front seats.

Both the driver’s seat and front passen-

ger’s seat are equipped with head re-

straints. Both head restraints are adjusta-

ble in the following ways.


It is possible to adjust the angle of the

front seat head restraints only. When

installing the front seat head restraints,

make sure that the angle of the head

restraints can be adjusted.

! Head restraint height adjustment


1) Head restraint

2) Release button

To raise:

Pull the head restraint up.

To lower:

Push the head restraint down while press-

ing the release button on the top of the


To remove:

While pressing the release button, pull out

the head restraint.

To install:

Install the head restraint into the holes that

are located on the top of the seatback until

the head restraint locks. Press and hold

the release button to lower the head


Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Front seats


Each head restraint should be adjusted so

that the center of the head restraint is

closest to the top of the occupant’s ears.


When the head restraint cannot be

pulled out or installed due to insuffi-

cient clearance between the head re-

straint and the roof, tilt the seat and

then perform the installation and re-

moval tasks.

! Head restraint angle adjustment


The angle of the head restraint can be

adjusted in several steps. While maintain-

ing a suitable driving posture, adjust the

head restraint to a position where the back

of your head is as close to the head

restraint as possible.

To tilt:

Tilt the head restraint by hand to the

preferred position. A click will be audible

when the head restraint is locked.

To return:

Tilt the head restraint once as far forward

as it can go. The head restraint will

automatically return to the fully upright

position. Then, adjust the head restraint

again to the preferred angle.

Seat heater (if equipped)



. People with delicate skin may

suffer slight burns even at low

temperatures if they use the seat

heater for a long period of time.

When using the heater, always be

sure to warn the persons con-


. Do not put anything on the seat

which insulates against heat,

such as a blanket, cushion, or

similar items. This may cause the

seat heater to overheat.

. When the seat is warmed enough

or before you leave the vehicle,

be sure to turn off the seat heater.


Use of the seat heater for a long period

of time while the engine is not running

can cause battery discharge.


Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Seat heater


& Front seat heater

(if equipped)


The seat heater operates when the ignition

switch is either in the “ACC” or “ON”


Front seat heater switch

1) HIGH Rapid heating

2) LOW Normal heating

3) Off

A) Left-hand side

B) Right-hand side

To turn on the seat heater, push the “LOW”

or “HIGH” position on the switch, as

desired, depending on the temperature.

Selecting the “HIGH” position will cause

the seat to heat up quicker.

To turn off the seat heater, lightly press the

opposite side of the current position.

The indicator located on the switch illumi-

nates when the seat heater is in operation.

& Rear seat heater (if equipped)


The seat heater operates when the ignition

switch is in the “ON” position.

Rear seat heater switch

1) HIGH mode indicator

2) LOW mode indicator

A) Left-hand side

B) Right-hand side

Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Seat heater


Press the rear seat heater switch to turn on

the rear seat heater. Then select the

“HIGH” or “LOW” mode, as desired,

depending on the temperature. Each time

you press the switch, the mode will change

as follows.

When LOW mode is selected, the LOW

mode indicator on the rear seat heater

switch illuminates. When HIGH mode is

selected, both the LOW and HIGH mode

indicators illuminate. When the OFF mode

is selected, all the indicators turn off.

Selecting “HIGH” mode will cause the seat

to heat up quicker.


Only the front seat heater switches

retain the previous switch position

even if the engine has restarted. The

rear seat switch will reset.

Rear seats



Seatbelts provide maximum re-

straint when the occupant sits well

back and upright in the seat. Do not

put cushions or any other materials

between occupants and seatbacks

or seat cushions. If you do so, the

risk of sliding under the lap belt and

of the lap belt sliding up over the

abdomen will increase, and both can

result in serious internal injury or



Never stack luggage or other cargo

higher than the top of the seatback

because it could tumble forward and

injure passengers in the event of a

sudden stop or accident.


Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Rear seats


& Armrest (if equipped)


To lower the armrest, pull on the top edge

of the armrest.


. Make sure to have the rear pas-

sengers wear the seatbelts be-

fore lowering the armrest. If the

rear passengers wear the seat-

belts after lowering the armrest,

seatbelts cannot provide maxi-

mum restraint, causing serious


. To avoid serious injury, passen-

gers must never be allowed to sit

on the center armrest.

& Head restraint adjustment


Both the rear window side seats and the

rear center seat are equipped with head



. Never drive the vehicle with the

head restraints removed because

they are designed to reduce the

risk of serious neck injury in the

event that the vehicle is struck

from the rear. Therefore, when

you have removed the head re-

straints, you must reinstall all

head restraints to protect vehicle


. All occupants, including the dri-

ver, should not operate a vehicle

or sit in a vehicle’s seat until the

head restraints are placed in their

proper positions in order to mini-

mize the risk of neck injury in the

event of a crash.

! Rear windows side seating position


1) Head restraint

2) Release button

To remove:

While pressing the release button, pull out

the head restraint.

To install:

Install the head restraint into the holes that

are located on the top of the seatback until

the head restraint locks. Press and hold

the release button to lower the head


After installing the head restraint, make

sure it is securely locked.

Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Rear seats


! Rear center seating position



The head restraint is not intended to

be used at the lowest position.

Before sitting on the seat, raise the

head restraint to the extended posi-


1) When not used (retracted position)

2) When used (extended position)

1) Head restraint

2) Release button

To raise:

Pull the head restraint up.

To lower:

Push the head restraint down while press-

ing the release button on the top of the


To remove:

While pressing the release button, pull out

the head restraint.

To install:

Install the head restraint into the holes that

are located on the top of the seatback until

the head restraint locks. Press and hold

the release button to lower the head


When the rear-center seating position is

occupied, raise the head restraint to the

extended position. When the rear center

seating position is not occupied, lower the

head restraint to improve rearward visibi-


& Folding down the rear seat-




. When you fold down the seat-

back, check that there are no

passengers or objects on the rear

seat. Not doing so creates a risk

of injury or property damage if

the seatback suddenly folds


. Never allow passengers to ride

on the folded rear seatback or in

the cargo area. Doing so may

result in serious injury or death.

. Secure all objects and especially

long items properly to prevent

them from being thrown around

inside the vehicle and causing

serious injury during a sudden

stop, a sudden steering maneu-

ver or a rapid acceleration.

. When you return the seatback to

its original position, shake the


Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Rear seats


seatback slightly to confirm that

it is securely fixed in place. If the

seatback is not securely fixed in

place, the seatback may sud-

denly fold down in the event of

sudden braking, or objects may

move out from the cargo area,

which could cause serious injury

or death.

1) Securing hook


When the seatback is returned to its

original position, observe the fol-

lowing precautions. Failure to do so

may lead to serious injury or an

accident because the operation effi-

ciency of the seatbelt is inhibited.

. Be careful to prevent the seatbelt

from running off the belt guide.

. The seatbelt should not be

caught in the seatback and it

should be fully visible.

. The seatbelt should not pass

behind the securing hook for the



. Do not hang luggage etc. on the

securing hook. The possibility

exists that the seatback may not

be able to be fixed firmly in place.

This could lead to unexpected


. While driving, if something hits

the release latch, it is possible

that the seatback will fold down.

Be careful that no luggage etc.

hits the latch.

1. Lower the head restraint of the rear

center seating position.

Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Rear seats


Release knob

Release latch on both sides of the cargo

area (if equipped)

2. Unlock the seatback by pulling the lock

release knob or release latch (if equipped)

and then fold the seatback down.

To return the seatback to its original

position, raise the seatback until it locks

into place and make sure that it is securely

locked referring to the following descrip-


Lock release knob

1) Unlocked

2) Locked

A) Unlocking marker in red

When the seatback is locked, the lock

release knob is automatically pulled into

the seatback and the unlocking marker,

which is red colored and attached to the

bottom of the lock release knob, will no

longer be visible.


After returning the seatback to its

original position, confirm that the

unlocking marker of the lock release

knob is no longer visible. Failure to

do so could lead to serious injury or

death in the event of an accident.

When you return the seatback to its

original position, shake the seat-

back slightly to confirm that it is

securely fixed in place.

& Reclining the seatback

(if equipped)



Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Rear seats



To prevent the passenger from slid-

ing under the seatbelt in the event of

a collision, observe the following


. Keep the seatback in the upright

position while the vehicle is in


. Do not place objects such as

cushions between the passenger

and the seatback.

Otherwise, the risk of sliding under

the lap belt and of the lap belt sliding

up over the abdomen will increase,

and both can result in serious inter-

nal injury or death.


If your vehicle is equipped with a

cargo area cover, observe the fol-

lowing precautions.

. Be careful not to pinch your hand

between the head restraint and

the cargo area cover when you

recline the rear seat.

. Move the front cover of the cargo

area cover backward so that the

cover is not damaged by the

reclined seatback. Refer to “Car-

go area cover” F6-14.

Pull the strap and adjust the seatback to

the desired position.

Then release the strap and make sure the

seatback is securely locked into place.



& Seatbelt safety tips



. All persons in the vehicle should

fasten their seatbelts BEFORE

the vehicle starts to move. Other-

wise, the possibility of serious

injury becomes greater in the

event of a sudden stop or acci-


. All belts should fit snugly in order

to provide full restraint. Loose

fitting belts are not as effective in

preventing or reducing injury.

. Each seatbelt is designed to sup-

port only one person. Never use a

single belt for two or more per-

sons even children. Otherwise,

in an accident, serious injury or

death could result.

. Replace all seatbelt assemblies

including retractors and attach-

ing hardware worn by occupants

of a vehicle that has been in a

serious accident. The entire as-

sembly should be replaced even

if damage is not obvious.

. Place children in the rear seat

Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Seatbelts


properly restrained at all times.

The SRS airbag deploys with

considerable speed and force

and can injure or even kill chil-

dren, especially if they are not

restrained or improperly re-

strained. Because children are

lighter and weaker than adults,

their risk of being injured from

deployment is greater. For that

reason, we strongly recommend

that ALL children (including

those in child seats and those

that have outgrown child re-

straint devices) sit in the REAR

seat properly restrained at all

times in a child restraint device

or in a seatbelt, whichever is

appropriate for the child’s height

and weight.

Secure ALL types of child re-

straint devices (including for-

ward facing child seats) in the

REAR seats at all times.









According to accident statistics,

children are safer when properly

restrained in the rear seating

positions than in the front seating

positions. For instructions and

precautions concerning the child

restraint system, refer to “Child

restraint systems” F1-30.

! Infants or small children


Use a child restraint system that is suitable

for your vehicle. Refer to “Child restraint

systems” F1-30.

! Children


If a child is too big for a child restraint

system, the child should sit in the rear seat

and be restrained using the seatbelts.

According to accident statistics, children

are safer when properly restrained in the

rear seating positions than in the front

seating positions. Never allow a child to

stand up or kneel on the seat.

If the shoulder portion of the belt crosses

the face or neck, move the child closer to

the belt buckle to help provide a good

shoulder belt fit. Care must be taken to

securely place the lap belt as low as

possible on the hips and not on the child’s

waist. If the shoulder portion of the belt

cannot be properly positioned, a child

restraint system should be used. Never

place the shoulder belt under the child’s

arm or behind the child’s back.

! Expectant mothers


Expectant mothers also need to use the

seatbelts. They should consult their doctor

for specific recommendations. The lap belt

should be worn securely and as low as

possible over the hips, not over the waist.

& Emergency Locking Retrac-

tor (ELR)


The driver’s seatbelt has an Emergency

Locking Retractor (ELR).

The emergency locking retractor allows

normal body movement but the retractor

locks automatically during a sudden stop,

impact or if you pull the belt very quickly

out of the retractor.


Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Seatbelts


& Automatic Locking Retractor/

Emergency Locking Retrac-

tor (ALR/ELR)


Each passenger’s seatbelt has an Auto-

matic Locking Retractor/Emergency Lock-

ing Retractor (ALR/ELR). The Automatic

Locking Retractor/Emergency Locking

Retractor normally functions as an Emer-

gency Locking Retractor (ELR). The ALR/

ELR has an additional locking mode

“Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR)

mode” intended to secure a child restraint

system. When the seatbelt is once drawn

out completely and is then retracted even

slightly, the retractor locks the seatbelt in

that position and the seatbelt cannot be

extended. As the belt is rewinding, clicks

will be heard which indicate the retractor

functions as an ALR. When the seatbelt is

retracted fully, the ALR mode is released.

When securing a child restraint system on

the rear seats by the use of the seatbelt,

the seatbelt must be changed over to the

Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) mode.

When the child restraint system is re-

moved, make sure that the seatbelt re-

tracts fully and the retractor returned to the

Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR)


For instructions on how to convert the

retractor to the ALR mode and restore it to

the ELR mode, refer to “Installing child

restraint systems with ALR/ELR seatbelt”


& Seatbelt warning light

and chime


Refer to “Seatbelt warning light and chime”


& Fastening the seatbelt



. Never use a belt that is twisted or

reversed. In an accident, this can

increase the risk or severity of


. Keep the lap belt as low as

possible on your hips. In a colli-

sion, this spreads the force of the

lap belt over stronger hip bones

instead of across the weaker


. Seatbelts provide maximum re-

straint when the occupant sits

well back and upright in the seat.

To reduce the risk of sliding

under the seatbelt in a collision,

the front seatbacks should be

always used in the upright posi-

tion while the vehicle is running.

If the front seatbacks are not

used in the upright position in a

collision, the risk of sliding under

the lap belt and of the lap belt

sliding up over the abdomen will

increase, and both can result in

serious internal injury or death.

. Do not put cushions or any other

materials between occupants

and seatbacks or seat cushions.

If you do so, the risk of sliding

under the lap belt and of the lap

belt sliding up over the abdomen

will increase, and both can result

in serious internal injury or death.

Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Seatbelts



Never place the shoulder belt under

the arm or behind the back. If an

accident occurs, this can increase

the risk or severity of injury.


Metallic parts of the seatbelt can

become very hot in a vehicle that has

been closed up in sunny weather;

they could burn an occupant. Do not

touch such hot parts until they cool.

! Front seatbelts


1. Adjust the seat position according to

the following procedure.

Driver’s seat: Adjust the seatback to the

upright position. Move the seat as far from

the steering wheel as practical while still

maintaining full vehicle control.

Front passenger’s seat: Adjust the seat-

back to the upright position. Move the seat

as far back as possible.

2. Sit well back in the seat.

3. Pick up the tongue plate and pull the

belt out slowly. Do not let it get twisted.

. If the belt stops before reaching the

buckle, return the belt slightly and pull it

out more slowly.

. If the belt still cannot be unlocked, let

the belt retract slightly after giving it a

strong pull, then pull it out slowly again.

4. Insert the tongue plate into the buckle

until you hear a click.

5. To make the lap part tight, pull up on

the shoulder belt.

6. Place the lap belt as low as possible on

your hips, not on your waist.


Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Seatbelts


! Adjusting the front seat shoulder

belt anchor height


The shoulder belt anchor height should be

adjusted to the position best suited for the

driver/front passenger. Always adjust the

anchor height so that the shoulder belt

passes over the middle of the shoulder

without touching the neck.

To raise:

Slide the anchor up.

To lower:

Pull the release knob and slide the anchor


Pull down on the anchor to make sure that

it is locked in place.


When wearing the seatbelts, make

sure the shoulder portion of the

webbing does not pass over your

neck. If it does, adjust the seatbelt

anchor to a lower position. Placing

the shoulder belt over the neck may

result in neck injury during sudden

braking or in a collision.

! Unfastening the seatbelt


1. Push the button on the buckle.

2. Have the seatbelt retracted slowly to

avoid the seatbelt being tangled or twisted.

Before closing the door, make sure that the

belts are retracted properly to avoid

catching the belt webbing in the door.

! Rear seatbelts (except rear center



1. Sit well back in the seat.

2. Pick up the tongue plate and pull the

belt out slowly. Do not let it get twisted.

. If the belt stops before reaching the

buckle, return the belt slightly and pull it

out more slowly.

. If the belt still cannot be unlocked, let

the belt retract slightly after giving it a

strong pull, then pull it out slowly again.

3. Insert the tongue plate into the buckle

until you hear a click.

Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Seatbelts


4. To make the lap part tight, pull up on

the shoulder belt.

5. Place the lap belt as low as possible on

your hips, not on your waist.

! Unfastening the seatbelt


1. Push the button on the buckle.

2. Have the seatbelt retracted slowly to

avoid the seatbelt being tangled or twisted.

Before closing the door, make sure that the

belts are retracted properly to avoid

catching the belt webbing in the door.

! Rear center seatbelt


1) Center seatbelt tongue plate

2) Connector (tongue)

3) Connector (buckle)

4) Center seatbelt buckle


Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Seatbelts



一般Model «A8230GE-B» EDITED: 2017/ 7/ 27




Congratulations on choosing a SUBARU vehicle. This Owner’s

Manual has all the information necessary to keep your SUBARU in

excellent condition and to properly maintain the emission control

system for minimizing emission pollutants. We urge you to read this

manual carefully so that you may understand your vehicle and its

operation. For information not found in this Owners Manual, such

as details concerning repairs or adjustments, we recommend that

you contact the SUBARU dealer from whom you purchased your

SUBARU or the nearest SUBARU dealer.

The information, specifications and illustrations found in this

manual are those in effect at the time of printing. SUBARU

CORPORATION reserves the right to change specifications and

designs at any time without prior notice and without incurring any

obligation to make the same or similar changes on vehicles

previously sold. This Owners Manual applies to all models and

covers all equipment, including factory installed options. Some

explanations, therefore may be for equipment not installed in your


Please leave this manual in the vehicle at the time of resale. The next

owner will need the information found herein.

NOTE: “SUBARU dealer” means an authorized SUBARU dealer and/

or repairer.


is a registered trademark of SUBARU CORPORATION.




*On the 1st of April 2017, the corporate name was changed from Fuji Heavy Industries LTD. to SUBARU


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