Термопот panasonic nc hu301p инструкция

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Дякуємо за придбання виробу Panasonic.
Уважно прочитайте ці інструкції і дотримуйтеся правил безпеки при користуванні
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ознайомтеся з основними правилами техніки безпеки (стор. 17~19). Цей виріб
призначений виключно для домашнього використання.



Основные свойства …………………………………2
Меры предосторожности …………………………3
Наименование деталей и инструкции по
уходу ………………………………………………………6
Подготовка перед использованием ………….7
Как пользоваться ……………………………………8
Способы удобного использования …………. 10
Уход и очистка ……………………………………… 12
Возможные неисправности …………………… 14
Замена деталей ……………………………………. 15
Технические характеристики ………………….30


Основні властивості ………………………………16
Заходи безпеки ……………………………………..17
Назви деталей та вказівки з догляду ……..20
Підготовка перед використанням …………..21
Як користуватися ………………………………….22
Деякі способи використання ………………….24
Догляд і чищення …………………………………..26
Усунення несправностей ……………………….28
Заміна деталей ……………………………………..29
Технічні характеристики …………………………30

Инструкция по эксплуатации

Інструкція з експлуатації

Электрический термопот

Електричний термопот

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6/29/2010 15:59:00

6/29/2010 15 59 00

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Thank you for purchasing the Panasonic product.

Please read these instructions carefully and follow safety precautions when using this product.

Before using this product please give your special attention to «IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS»

(P. 4~5). This product is intended for household use only.

感謝您購買Panasonic產品 。

請仔細閱讀本使用說明書並按照安全注意事項使用此產品 。 使用此產品前請特別留

意 «

"(第6~7頁) 。 本產品只是供家庭用途使用 。

Merci beaucoup d’avoir acheté Produit Panasonic.

Veuillez lire ces instructions avec attention et suivre les consignes de sécurité lors de l’utilisation

de ce produit. Avant d’utiliser ce produit, soyez particulièrement attentif aux «PRÉCAUTIONS

IMPORTANTES» (P. 8~9). Ce produit est uniquement destiné à une utilisation domestique.

Manuel d’utilisation

Bouilloire thermo électrique

Model No. /

Electric Thermo Pot

/ Numéros de modèles





Summary of Contents for Panasonic NC-HU301P

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Руководство пользователя термопота Panasonic NC-HU301P

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Информация отображена на картинке

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(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents of some pages of the Panasonic NC-HU301P Document (Main Content), UPD: 01 June 2023)

  • 30, — 30 — NC-HU301P, NC-HU401P 4.16. Locking spring A 1. Remove Locking spring with longnose plier Lock spring B 4.18. Insulation panel B 1. Pick up Insulation panel B. Lock knob B Lock spring B Insulation panel B. Fig-20 22-giF12-giF 4.17. Lock knob B, Lock spring B 1. Remove Lock knob B pressing toward arrow direction. 2. Pick up Locking spring B.

  • 14, — 14 — NC-HU301P, NC-HU401P 3.6.5. Keep warm (When want to reboil from 90 Keep warm) (Long Boil/Reboil LED : Blink) Boiling detection after 2 minutes (Long Boil/Reboil LED : OFF) Press Long Boil/Reboil pad 2 times Extend boiling approx. 6 minutes Boiling detection after 2.5 to 5 minutes After 3 minutes. After approx. 2.5 to 4.5 hours If the water is added, check the Long Boil/Reboil LED lighted on. If does not light on,…

  • 23, — 23 — NC-HU301P, NC-HU401P 4.4. Electric pump, Bottom insulator B 1. Remove a screw fixing electric pump. 2. Pull out the water pipe packing A comp. from electric pump. 3. Remove electric pump. 4. Remove bottom insulator B. (Be careful for the damage.) Points when assembling • Insert water pipe comp. into electric pump in advance. • Pull the insulation pipe comp. toward your side (holder B side), make a space between pump and set bottom insulator B.…

  • 32, — 32 — NC-HU301P, NC-HU401P Caution Be careful for scald by hot water while testing 4.21. Overall Performance Test 4.21.1. Temperature test while Keep warm (98 Keep warm setting) 1. Pour rated volume of water into container and boil it. (Check it is boiled.) 2. After switched to Keep warm, measure and check the temperature after 1 hour. Range of conformity Between 90 to 100°C, with no continuous boiling. LCD display : 98 4.21.2. Dispensing volum…

  • 10, — 10 — NC-HU301P, NC-HU401P noitcAdohtem citsongaiDkcehC Thermal fuse Comp. Is there connection between the white lead wire on the peg frame and the CN3 connector of the control unit A? (0Ω) Replace the Thermal fuse comp. Keep warm heater Is there connection between yellow lead wire on heater terminal and blue and orange led wires? (Approx.133Ω) Replace the Container comp. Power cord Is there conn…

  • 31, — 31 — NC-HU301P, NC-HU401P 4.19. Check after assembly After assembly, check for any water leaks, insulation resistance, dielectric strength, and performance, with power applied. The insulation resistance: Shall be 2MΩ or more when measured with a 500 VDC megger. (Measuring point: Between the 2 peg frame pins and the bottom plate) Dielectric strength: Shall withstand 1000 VAC for one minute. (Measuring point: Same a…

  • 6, — 6 — NC-HU301P, NC-HU401P 3.1.3. Pour out test (Electric pump type) How to operate 1. Pour hot water into Container. 2. Supply with electric power. 3. Press UNLOCK pad 4. Press Dispenser pad. Operating details 1. If press UNLOCK pad then Dispenser pad, water will be poured out from Dispensing Spout. 3.1.4. LCD monitor display test (All lighted) How to operate 1. Pour water into the container…

  • 39, — 39 — NC-HU301P, NC-HU401P REF. NO. PART NAME PART NO. SAFETY HU301P HU401P TAIWAN HONG KONG THAILAND VIETNAM SINGAPORE USA/CSD Malaysia  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 APY01H628-S0  111 1 APY01H628-N2  1 APY01B629-S0  1 APY01H629-S0  1 APY01H629-N2 APY01B628-S0  11 44 BOTTOM RING APB87-360-H0 43 GUAGE COVER  1111111 45 BOTTOM PLATE APE76S3602  111111 APE76S4132  1 46 PLUG COMP. APN07B6…

  • 5, — 5 — NC-HU301P, NC-HU401P 3.1.2. Reboiling and keep warm test How to operate 1. Set Keep Warm. 2. Press LONG BOIL/REBOIL bad once or twice. Operating details If press LONG BOIL/REBOIL pad once. 1. Long boil/Reboil LED will be lighted and start to boil water. LCD monitor will display as picture below. 2. Buzzer sounds 4 times after approx. 1 min. and 98 Keep Warm will lights on. LCD …

  • 38, — 38 — NC-HU301P, NC-HU401P REF. NO. PART NAME PART NO. SAFETY HU301P HU401P TAIWAN HONG KONG THAILAND VIETNAM SINGAPORE USA/CSD RUS/UKR 27 THERMAL FUSE COMP. APS01B62810U S  1 1 1 1 11 APS01H62810U S  1111 APS01A62820U S  1 APS01B62910U S  1 APS01H62910U S  1 APS01M62910U S  APS01A62920U S  1 28 LEAD WIRE ASS’Y D APN09B628-0U S  1 APN09H628-0U S  1111 APN09A628-0U S  1 APN09-615-0U …

  • 19, — 19 — NC-HU301P, NC-HU401P means the pot is used in 20 minutes. means the pot is not used in 20 minutes. 1 day, 24 hours (20 seconds, 72 parts) 20 minutes each unit (the unit storing the operation of pot) 1 part Accumulated used days Accumulated hours from power on to the 7 th day) The part even one is found, it is deemed as used time. Operation of the pot after 8 th day Water temperature Used UsedUnused Unused Used Unused Temperature falls while unused hours Keep war 98 w…

  • 4, Panasonic NC-HU301P — 4 — NC-HU301P, NC-HU401P 3. Problems Checking Please follow check operating detail bellow, before start to check the problems. 3.1. Thermo Pot Performance Test Mode 3.1.1 Boiling and keep warm test How to operate 1. Pour water into the container. (up to white line) 2. Supply with electric power. 3. Press SELECT pad to set 98 keep warm. LED symbol for this instruction show as below. Instructions 1. Long boil/Reboil LED will b…

  • 25, — 25 — NC-HU301P, NC-HU401P 4.7. Insulation panel A comp. 1. Remove Heat shield material A comp. from Container comp. (Directly remove upward while thermistor comp., thermal fuse comp. and lead wire D comp. are attached.) Point when working • Be careful not to scratch Heat shield material A comp. (Vacuum state cannot be maintained.) Point when assembling • Let the connection of Heat shield material A comp. (A point) fit with the rib of holder …

  • 7, Panasonic NC-HU301P — 7 — NC-HU301P, NC-HU401P 3.3. Relation of elapsed time and possible water pouring volume (Reference only) After 1h 3.0L hour 4.25h 7h 9.75hr After 1h 4.25h 7h 9.75hr 4.0 L hour Possible continuous pouring volume when changed to cordless from Warm Keep State.

  • 22, Panasonic NC-HU301P — 22 — NC-HU301P, NC-HU401P 4.3. Control Unit A comp. (Peg flame) Caution Connect earth wire When touching the control unit, or may touch it, ground the human body, clothes, working table etc. with several mage ohm resister, and release the charged static electricity. Microcomputer may be damaged by static electricity. Request Please do not reuse after repair if the cupper foil pattern of control unit is broken. Points when working • Pull…

  • 15, — 15 — NC-HU301P, NC-HU401P Power ON Boiling mode (Heater turns off, no boiling) (Long Boil/Reboiling LED : OFF) Boiling mode (Long Boil/Reboiling LED : Lighted) Press Timer pad 4 times. Displayed by the hour. Remaining hour : 0 2 minutes after detection of boiling. (Long Boil/Reboiling LED : OFF) Detection of boiling After approx. 3 minutes After approx. 2.5 to 4.5 hours 3.6.8. Timer Mode (If 90 Keep warm) 3.6.9. Setting of Long Boil/Reboiling at Timer mode (H…

  • 21, — 21 — NC-HU301P, NC-HU401P 4.2. Body 1. Refasten binding band (Refer to Fig-2) 2. Remove each lead wire hook to the body while removing the body. 3. Remove the body upward. (Refer to Fig-3) Fig-2 Fig-3 Binding band Body

  • 16, — 16 — NC-HU301P, NC-HU401P 3.6.10. If Automatic keep warm (If 98 Keep warm) (Long Boil/Reboiling LED : OFF) (Long Boil/Reboiling LED : OFF) (Long Boil/Reboiling LED : OFF) Unused hours Come at set temperature (No boiling) If temperature setting of 90 or 80, it switches to Keep warm when reaches at 90 or 80 simultaneously without boiling.

  • 29, Panasonic NC-HU301P — 29 — NC-HU301P, NC-HU401P 4.14. Lid comp and inner lid 1. Remove the 3 screws. 2. Remove the Inner lid. 4.15. Lid A and lid cover comp. 1. Remove the 4 screws. 2. Put a thin bladed between the lid and lid cover comp. 3. To separate them. 4 × 10 Tapping Screws (Stainless) Inner lid Seal packing B Lid (Comp) Disassembly-20 Lid A Lid Cover (Comp) Disassembly-21 4 × 10 Tapping Screws (Stainless)

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