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В наше время признак ухоженного женского тела является, в том числе, гладка кожа и, в определенных местах, аккуратная стрижка. У современных дам есть огромный выбор различных устройств для депиляции лишних волос, но в этом обзоре речь будет идти о триммере CheyiN XD-3031.
Бренд | CkeyiN |
Модель | XD-3031 |
Тип | Эпилятор |
Время работы от аккумулятора | 50 минут |
Питание | Встроенные аккумулятор |
Мощность | 5 Вт |
Размер упаковки | 20 х 11.4 x 4.1 сантиметров |
Поставляется триммер в красочной упаковке из простого картона. На лицевой стороне изображен триммер и пару насадок. На обратной же стороне тоже можно увидеть изображение триммера и основные технические характеристики устройства.
Вместе с триммером в коробке можно найти:
- 5 съемных насадок;
- Кабель для зарядки;
- Щеточка для чистки насадок;
- Инструкцию (только на английском);
В комплектации есть всё для эксплуатации. Очень круто, что вместе с триммером лежат столько насадок, но про них поговорим чуть позже. Кстати, щёточка для чистки насадок вроде мелочь, но приятно. В общем, претензий здесь нет, если не учитывать, конечно, мягкую коробку. Но не нужно забывать про стоимость самого устройства.
Внешний вид
Продаётся триммер в трёх цветах: розовый, красный и зеленый. У меня если что устройство красного цвета. Корпус изготовлен из АБС-пластика. Ничего не шатается и не люфтит. В руках держится уверенно, не скользит. Самое главное, что триммер имеет небольшой размер и благодаря этому его можно взять практически куда угодно.
Верхняя часть (насадка) снимается и одевается очень просто и быстро. Для того, чтобы снять насадку нужно повернуть её направо и она тут же выйдет сверху. Если же Вы хотите надеть насадку, то делаете это наоборот, но уже до щелчка.
На нижней части триммера расположился разъём для питания. На фотографиях можете заметить, что у некоторых насадок есть прозрачный пластик, который тоже легко снимается. На лицевой стороне расположилась кнопка, индикатор и название бренда. Кнопка имеет два положения, то есть включения/выключения.
Что по поводу индикатора, так он горит красным, когда триммер заряжается.
Насадки и их предназначения
Напомню, что в комплектации идет несколько насадок для удобства использования.
- Насадка для носа и ушей. Очень нужная насадка, но нужно использовать аккуратно, ни в коем случае не вдавливать;
- Насадка для волос. Данная насадка предназначена для стрижки нечесаных волос. Так говорится в инструкции, но я Вам так скажу, что её можно использовать и в других целях;
- Насадка для бровей.
- Насадка для тела и бород.
- «Lady Shaver», та самая насадка, которой чаще всего пользуются.
Советую после использования всегда надевать прозрачный колпачок. От себя добавлю, что процесс проходит очень комфортно: триммер не дергает волосики, не цепляет кожу, скользит гладко, скорость работы триммера остается всегда неизменна. Раздражений никаких не было, но тут нужно понимать, что всё это сугубо индивидуально, то есть, если у меня не было, это не значит, что у вас тоже не будет.
По сравнению с машинками для стрижки, которые способны укорачивать волосы до 5 миллиметров, эпилятор способен оставить идеальную лысину, волос не будет заметно. Кстати, порезов никаких не было.
После полного заряда триммер способен проработать до 60 минут. Заряжается он в течение 10-12 часов, так написано в инструкции. А это значит, что проще его оставлять на ночь и всё.
Хочу отметить, что пользовалась данным триммером моя мама, поэтому в тексте передавал слова в большей части от неё, как от себя. Ей он понравился и поэтому и я остался довольным. К покупке рекомендовать могу.
Надеюсь, этот обзор Вам понравился и Вы сделали свой вывод. Другие обзоры на разную технику, Вы можете найти чуть ниже в разделе «Об авторе». Спасибо за внимания!
Здравствуйте! Пришел заказ ZIMTRIP. Заказ пришел 15 февраля, прошло 6 дней. Я отказываюсь от товара, и прошу вернуть денежную сумму, уплаченную мною по договору.
Автор жалобы: sakaeva.42
Дата публикации: 21-02-2021, 17:15
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1 комментарий
ООО»ИНТОРГ» Я не довольна присланным вами тримером. Вы прислали мне кем то возвращенный товар. 1. Коробка вся потрепаная Одна леска на тримере оторвана. Пакет с лесками вскрыт и их не хватает. Вместо 24шт -15шт. Дополительно уговорили приобрести ыметаллические ножи. Куда крепить их -не понятно.За них заплатила около 400р Итого заплатила 3400р+68р почте За что мне 80- летней бабушке такое наказание? Верните деньги! Побойтесь бога! По телефону вы обещали мне качественный товар
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Pred použitím si prečítajte nasledovné informácie
a odložte si ich pre budúcu potrebu
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Operatoriaus instrukcijÅ rinkinys
Perskaitykite |¡ instrukcijÅ rinkin¡ labai atidãiai,
kad pilnai suprastum>te turin¡, prie| prad>dami
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Узнайте, как безопасно пользоваться аккумуляторным триммером LST136 от BLACK+DECKER. Получите подробные инструкции по использованию, мерам предосторожности и требованиям к батареям. Зарегистрируйте свой продукт для использования в будущем.
Узнайте, как безопасно и эффективно использовать аккумуляторный триммер для травы LTR 18-25 Battery Set от Karcher. Прочтите руководство пользователя для ознакомления с техническими характеристиками, указаниями по сборке и инструкциями по техническому обслуживанию. Зарегистрируйте свой продукт для получения обновлений и поддержки. Соблюдайте правила техники безопасности для оптимальной работы.
Руководство пользователя беспроводного триммера RLT1830H25 содержит инструкции на нескольких языках. Ознакомьтесь с инструкциями по правильному использованию и безопасности триммера RYOBI. Доступно на английском, французском, немецком, испанском, итальянском, голландском, португальском, датском, шведском, финском, норвежском и русском языках.
Всю необходимую информацию о аккумуляторных кусторезах Metabo серии HS 18 LTX вы найдете в этом руководстве пользователя. Доступны три модели с производительностью Schnittzahl до 2600 n0/мин. Машина оснащена литий-ионным аккумулятором и светодиодными индикаторами, указывающими уровень заряда аккумулятора. Узнайте об инструкциях по использованию, общей безопасности, безопасности аккумуляторов, запуске и использовании машины, техническом обслуживании, ремонте и защите окружающей среды.
Узнайте, как безопасно использовать и обслуживать аккумуляторный кусторез GE-CH 36/65 Li с помощью этого подробного руководства пользователя. Этот продукт Sidirika-Nikolaidi, оснащенный различными функциями безопасности, имеет аккумуляторную батарею и режущее лезвие, которое можно прикрепить к поддону для сбора. Проверяйте состояние аккумулятора, обращайтесь с ним осторожно и следуйте всем инструкциям для оптимального использования. Доступно на нескольких языках, включая французский, голландский и словенский.
Руководство пользователя проводного/беспроводного триммера серии B787 содержит важные инструкции по технике безопасности и эксплуатации этого устройства для ухода за волосами BaByliss PRO. Узнайте, как заряжать триммер серии B787, наносить смазочное масло и безопасно его использовать. С этим надежным и эффективным беспроводным триммером вы всегда будете в курсе ваших личных процедур по уходу за волосами.
Узнайте, как безопасно работать с беспроводным супертриммером WAHL 1592 Q, из этого подробного руководства пользователя. Содержит важные инструкции по технике безопасности и описание продукта. Получите его в формате PDF в сервисных центрах.
Узнайте, как безопасно и эффективно использовать аккумуляторный триммер для травы STIHL FSA 57, из этого подробного руководства по эксплуатации. Это руководство, разработанное компанией STIHL для обеспечения надежности даже в экстремальных условиях, включает в себя применимые правила техники безопасности, символы, используемые для предупреждений, а также документацию по режущему инструменту и аккумулятору STIHL AK. Доверьтесь высочайшему качеству и устойчивым методам STIHL для всех ваших потребностей в обрезке.
Узнайте, как безопасно и эффективно работать с аккумуляторным триммером RYOBI OLT 1832, из этого подробного руководства пользователя. Этот триммер, предназначенный для использования ответственными взрослыми в хорошо проветриваемых помещениях, предназначен для стрижки высокой травы и мясистых сорняков на уровне земли. Внимательно прочитайте инструкции перед использованием, чтобы обеспечить безопасность и эффективность.
Узнайте, как безопасно и эффективно использовать аккумуляторный электрический триммер RYOBI RLT4125 с помощью этих оригинальных инструкций. Этот беспроводной триммер, разработанный для стрижки травы и легких сорняков, идеально подходит для использования вне помещений. Обеспечьте безопасность себе и другим, следуя приложенным предупреждениям о безопасности.
With the Barbershops closed, grooming at home is the only way we can stay safe. Although most hair trimmers can take care of the grooming bit, the good ones cost a lot of money.
Money that most of us don’t have. And investing in a subpar trimmer can result in injuries. Xiaomi as always has come up with an affordable and effective solution to this problem with their Enchen Hair Trimmer.
Check out our “How to use Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer?” for all the details.
The Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer is absolutely fantastic. Not only does it have a brilliant design but it is also loaded with a bunch of features that will save you a lot of time and effort. This latest gadget from Xiaomi is a must-have product.
However, how exactly do these features work? Read on to find out How to use Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer?
Achieve professional results with the Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer using these quick and easy steps:
Charge the trimmer fully before use.
Flip the trimmer over and select the desired cutting length using the positioning comb.
Turn on the trimmer by pressing the button on the front.
Place the trimmer on the hair and start gliding, avoiding unnecessary pressure unless aiming for a shorter cut.
Adjust the comb position as needed.
Switch to turbo mode by long-pressing the button for thicker hair.
Enjoy a noise-free and comfortable trimming experience with the rounded corners and ceramic blades.
Clean the trimmer head after use to maintain its performance.
Related: How to Use TPS Xiaomi Tool
How to use Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer?
Inside the Box
The Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer comes in a sturdy white cardboard box like most Xiaomi products. One unique thing about the packaging is that the white box is inside another brown cardboard box.
On the front portion of the brown box, you will find an illustration of the trimmer. On the inner white box, you will find the technical specs and the features on all sides, and an image of the box on the front portion.
Inside the box, you will find:
- The Trimmer itself
- A type-C charging cable
- Oil for the Hair clipper
- Cleaning brush
- And an instruction manual
Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer | |
Brands | Xiaomi Enchen |
Materials | ABS, Ceramic |
Voltage | 5V DC |
Power | 5W |
Product weight | 0.1420 kg |
Package size (L x W x H) | 1.77 x 1.5 x 6.61 inches |
Charging Port | USB-C |
Water Resistance | Yes |
Package Contents | Hair Clipper, USB Cable, Manual, Oil for the Hair clipper, Cleaning brush |
Enchen Cordless Electric Hair Clipper – Design
The Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer comes in a sturdy white cardboard box like most Xiaomi products. One unique thing about the packaging is that the white box is inside another brown cardboard box.
On the front portion of the brown box, you will find an illustration of the trimmer. On the inner white box, you will find the technical specs and the features on all sides, and an image of the box on the front portion.
Inside the box, you will find:
- The Trimmer itself
- A type-C charging cable
- Oil for the Hair clipper
- Cleaning brush
- And an instruction manual
Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer | |
Brands | Xiaomi Enchen |
Materials | ABS, Ceramic |
Voltage | 5V DC |
Power | 5W |
Product weight | 0.1420 kg |
Package size (L x W x H) | 1.77 x 1.5 x 6.61 inches |
Charging Port | USB-C |
Water Resistance | Yes |
Package Contents | Hair Clipper, USB Cable, Manual, Oil for the Hair clipper, Cleaning brush |
Enchen Cordless Electric Hair Clipper – Design
Xiaomi’s Hair clipper is minimal in appearance. It is reminiscent of those old-school bulky hair clippers. However, the design scheme makes it look futuristic and elegant.
It is pretty light weighing only 142 grams. This Xiaomi Hair clipper has dimensions of 43 x 164 mm making it one of the most compact trimmers on the market.
- The Xiaomi Enchen Boost Hair Trimmer comes in two colors black and white. Both have an elegant glossy look and smooth texture. Every inch of the device is made from high-quality materials. The exterior is made from ABS plastic which is quite sturdy and durable.
- On the face side of the Xiaomi hair clipper, you will find a power button and two LED indicators. Near the head of the device is the Enchen Logo which is an important indicator of authenticity especially since there are a ton of fakes out there. Enchen is part of the Xiaomi Youpin Ecosystem.
- Behind the trimmer, you will find some technical specs and a button used to control the hair guard/comb. This gaurd also acts as a measuring device. Unlike most hair clippers that have a separate measuring guard that you add on the Xiaomi Enchen has made it extremely simple for its users with the one button-hair lock system. Which we’ll get to in a bit.
- Next to the button are measurement marks from 3 to 21. This means you can cut hair from 0.7 to 21 mm. The hair comb has bendable tips which are super useful to prevent injuries.
- On the base, there is a simple port for charging. This port is specifically meant for a type-c cable. So, you can charge it from a power bank instead of a plug socket like other trimmers.
The head of the Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer is made from a nano-ceramic material that is 1.6 times stronger than stainless steel.
Not only does this improve the durability of the product but it also increases the quality of the cut itself. It also has rounded edges to prevent injuries.
Most importantly, this ceramic cutter head emits noise of 55 dB making this hair trimmer quieter than your average stainless steel clipper.
For European Sellers – Click Here!
Check it out on Amazon here
Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer – Set-up
Interestingly, this hair trimmer doesn’t have a relatively complicated setup process like most of Xiaomi’s devices. All you have to do is connect the charging cable to the Xiaomi Hair trimmer and plug the cable into a power bank for about an hour.
Once this is done, you can start using it. Yup, that’s pretty much it. There’s no smartphone/ Mi home feature so it doesn’t connect to your mobile device.
So, how to use Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer?
Using the Xiaomi Enchen Hair trimmer is fairly simple. Once, you’ve charged the device. Flip the trimmer over and using the button of the positioning comb choose the measurement of hair you want to cut.
You have an option to go as low as 0.3 and as high as 21 mm. Check out our “How to use Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer?” for all the details.
Xiaomi’s Hair clipper is minimal in appearance. It is reminiscent of those old-school bulky hair clippers. However, the design scheme makes it look futuristic and elegant.
It is pretty light weighing only 142 grams. This Xiaomi Hair clipper has dimensions of 43 x 164 mm making it one of the most compact trimmers on the market.
- The Xiaomi Enchen Boost Hair Trimmer comes in two colors black and white. Both have an elegant glossy look and smooth texture. Every inch of the device is made from high-quality materials. The exterior is made from ABS plastic which is quite sturdy and durable.
- On the face side of the Xiaomi hair clipper, you will find a power button and two LED indicators. Near the head of the device is the Enchen Logo which is an important indicator of authenticity especially since there are a ton of fakes out there. Enchen is part of the Xiaomi Youpin Ecosystem.
- Behind the trimmer, you will find some technical specs and a button used to control the hair guard/comb. This gaurd also acts as a measuring device. Unlike most hair clippers that have a separate measuring guard that you add on the Xiaomi Enchen has made it extremely simple for its users with the one button-hair lock system. Which we’ll get to in a bit.
- Next to the button are measurement marks from 3 to 21. This means you can cut hair from 0.7 to 21 mm. The hair comb has bendable tips which are super useful to prevent injuries.
- On the base, there is a simple port for charging. This port is specifically meant for a type-c cable. So, you can charge it from a power bank instead of a plug socket like other trimmers.
The head of the Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer is made from a nano-ceramic material that is 1.6 times stronger than stainless steel.
Not only does this improve the durability of the product but it also increases the quality of the cut itself. It also has rounded edges to prevent injuries.
Most importantly, this ceramic cutter head emits noise of 55 dB making this hair trimmer quieter than your average stainless steel clipper.
For European Sellers – Click Here!
Check it out on Amazon here
Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer – Set-up
Interestingly, this hair trimmer doesn’t have a relatively complicated setup process like most of Xiaomi’s devices. All you have to do is connect the charging cable to the Xiaomi Hair trimmer and plug the cable into a power bank for about an hour.
Once this is done, you can start using it. Yup, that’s pretty much it. There’s no smartphone/ Mi home feature so it doesn’t connect to your mobile device.
So, how to use Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer?
Using the Xiaomi Enchen Hair trimmer is fairly simple. Once, you’ve charged the device. Flip the trimmer over and using the button of the positioning comb choose the measurement of hair you want to cut.
You have an option to go as low as 0.3 and as high as 21 mm. Check out our “How to use Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer?” for all the details.
Once, you’ve chosen the length of hair you want to cut. Turn it on by clicking the button on the front of the device. You’ll see both the LED lights light up and the blades vibrating.
This basically, means you can start cutting the hair. Place it on the subject’s hair and start gliding. You don’t need to press the device down unless you’re going for a shortcut. Be sure to use it according to the style of hair you’re after.
You have the option to switch speeds. If you long-press the button you get to use the turbo mode which is more useful for thick hair.
Of course, you can also change the position of the comb as and when you think it’s appropriate. This device will last for 90 minutes in one go so you can go at it without any issues.
You also don’t need to be concerned about hurting the subject as the blades are rounded off to prevent injuries.
Check out Xiaomi Hair Dryer!
Key features
- This Xiaomi Hair trimmer certainly has some useful features. For example, the one-button sliding comb is super useful as it saves you the time and effort of adding multiple combs and attachments.
With this one-button sliding comb, you can cut your hair from 0.3 to 21 mm. Of course, you also have the zero option.
- The head of the Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer is made out of Nano-ceramic blades which are famed to be 1.6 times stronger than stainless steel making it extremely durable and even resistant to rust and other environmental factors.
So, yes you can expect decent longevity from this trimmer. Most importantly, it is much quieter when compared to your other clippers as this ceramic cutter doesn’t emit more than 55 DBs of noise.
- The ceramic cutter head also doesn’t generate any heat so you don’t need to be concerned about burning yourself or electrocuting yourself through discharges.
- Like all Enchen Products, this device also comes with The Energy Smart Manager which is the brainchild of the Enchen ecosystem. The ESM offers two functions: energy management and efficient motor function.
You have the option to switch speeds. If you long-press the button you get to use the turbo mode which is more useful for thick hair.
Of course, you can also change the position of the comb as and when you think it’s appropriate. This device will last for 90 minutes in one go so you can go at it without any issues.
You also don’t need to be concerned about hurting the subject as the blades are rounded off to prevent injuries.
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Key features
- This Xiaomi Hair trimmer certainly has some useful features. For example, the one-button sliding comb is super useful as it saves you the time and effort of adding multiple combs and attachments.
With this one-button sliding comb, you can cut your hair from 0.3 to 21 mm. Of course, you also have the zero option.
- The head of the Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer is made out of Nano-ceramic blades which are famed to be 1.6 times stronger than stainless steel making it extremely durable and even resistant to rust and other environmental factors.
So, yes you can expect decent longevity from this trimmer. Most importantly, it is much quieter when compared to your other clippers as this ceramic cutter doesn’t emit more than 55 DBs of noise.
- The ceramic cutter head also doesn’t generate any heat so you don’t need to be concerned about burning yourself or electrocuting yourself through discharges.
- Like all Enchen Products, this device also comes with The Energy Smart Manager which is the brainchild of the Enchen ecosystem. The ESM offers two functions: energy management and efficient motor function.
- The energy management works during charging and regular use. During charging it activates multiple guarantees to extend the life of the battery and ensures safe charging. During regular use, it basically, trickles the charge to ensure a long-lasting charge of 3 months.
The motor master function basically, prevents hair from getting inside the device when the battery is low and the blade speed is reduced.
- It has R-type rounded corners. This Xiaomi trimmer has a rounded-off cutter head and positioning comb to prevent injuries and provide comfort when cutting hair.
- And most importantly, the Enchen Boost hair clipper uses a frequency conversion technology and a powerful 280-type motor that provides two speeds that you can easily switch between fluidly.
The basic speed is around 4500 rpm for regular hair and a turbo mode with an output of 5800 rpm for thick hair.
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Battery Life
Like most Xiaomi products, the Enchen Boost hair clipper has stellar battery life. It can easily last for 90 minutes on a single charge. Additionally, this hair clipper can stay on standby mode for 30 days without losing juice.
It takes about 120 minutes for the device to charge. While it may seem like this is too much. It comes with a Type-C USB cable. So, its charging capabilities are quite fast when compared to the other clippers in its price segment.
The USB-C port can be found at the bottom and is extremely convenient as this can allow you to cut your hair while it’s charging.
The most useful aspect of the Type-C charging cable. You can hook it up to a portable charger and carry it around. This makes it so much easier to cut your hair as you are not bound by a wall socket.
Other than this, this hair clipper also happens to come with a convenient Energy Smart Manager which helps the charger efficiently utilize its charge. This not only extends the duration of the charge but also helps with long-term battery life.
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Xiaomi Hair Trimmer – Performance
Well, after using it for around three months. I think it’s safe to say this is one hell of a clipper. It’s hands down one of the best. Especially if you’re in a hurry. Check out our “How to use Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer?” for all the details.
- The Xiaomi hair clipper works great and is perfect for thick hair. The one-button slide will help you easily measure and set the length as and when you use it without having to stop and attach a different comb and resume the process.
It’s very fluid and the soft bendable nature of the guard and the cutter lets you move comfortably without hesitation which I loved. I relied on this device and pushed it down onto my skin near my nape and I didn’t get a single nick.
- As I mentioned I have thick hair. So, I was on Turbo mode the entire time. I never really felt a major difference between the Turbo and Regular mode. Either way, it was extremely easy and effective and there was no heat generation or the electrical discharge of any kind.
- However, I did notice something after I was done cutting my hair. Enchen claims that its EMS technology provides energy management and efficient motor function. While the trimmer did last for about 2.5 months on a single charge the motor function had some issues.
Enchen claimed that the device won’t pull or catch hair. While this didn’t happen I did notice quite a bit of hair had made its way into the head of the trimmer.
- While this isn’t too big of a deal it still has a chance of messing with the motor. So, be sure to remove the head and give it a clean after you are done using it. Another issue was the noise.
While it’s true the ceramic cutter is quiet, the positioning comb rattles when it’s above 5 mm. While it is quite ironic, it’s also pretty damn annoying.
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When it comes to the effectiveness all I can say, is that it’s one of the best. However, there are certain issues as well. As this trimmer comes with sharp blades and two speeds, it’s easy to cut your hair. However, even the lower speed is fairly high. So, when it comes to the intricate shaping bit, this trimmer is not your friend.
Ideally, the highest speed is perfect when it comes to getting rid of a lot of hair in the shortest time. And the second set is useful when it comes to getting rid of the second level of hair.
So, you can easily achieve a fade with this beauty. However, when it comes to those detailed shapes around the ears, you have to depend on a blade. Check out our “How to use Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer?” for all the details.
Fortunately, the blades sharpen themselves. So, the quality will perpetually remain the same. Even the safety is one point as the blades don’t jam or pluck the hair.
The only issue is the extendable comb. The more you increase the length, the less you can control the trimmer.
It can only move in one-directional patterns and the most irritating bit is that the attachment is also quite weak. So, there are chances of it snapping if you apply pressure.
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Final Thoughts
This is certainly a device with pros and cons and fortunately, the pros do outweigh the cons. The Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer Is equipped with functions and features that will make your life a whole lot easier.
The nano-ceramic cutter head, the two-speed, and the one-button positioning comb help you save an insane amount of time due to the fluidity. You can also totally rely on this hair trimmer as the rounded-off edges will protect you from injuries.
Most importantly, the battery life is brilliant. It can last for 90 minutes on a single charge. This is super useful as you don’t have to keep running back to charge it like so many hair clippers out there.
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Is the Xiaomi Hair Trimmer Worth it?
Yes, The Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer is definitely worth it. Not only does it have a beautiful design and battery life it also has amazing features that can cut your hair trimming time in half.
It has two speeds that you can easily switch between and a brilliant one-button positioning comb that can let you cut the hair of 0.2 to 21 mm. Check out our “How to use Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer?” for more details.
However, there are tiny annoyances like the rattling sound of the positioning comb and the hair that finds its way into the head of the trimmer. Other than these irritating issues, it’s worth investing in.
After all, it does a good job.
Check out our “How to use Xiaomi Enchen Hair Trimmer?” for all the details.
What is Xiaomi Enchen?
This is a cutting-edge hair clipper that is in high demand right now. Hair trimming is smooth and high-quality owing to the professional T-shaped steel cutting head. Three interchangeable nozzles are included in the kit. The cutting head’s blades have a thickness of 0.3 mm.
Is Enchen trimmer waterproof?
The trimmer is semi-waterproof. While it can handle a few splashes of water, you cannot immerse it in water completely. If you do so, the trimmer will short circuit.
How do you know if the Xiaomi Enchen clipper is fully charged?
The battery takes about 90 to 120 minutes for a complete charge. When the charging is coming towards an end, a light will blink on the surface of the charger indicating that the charging is complete.
How to clean a Xiaomi Enchen hair clipper?
To clean the hair clipper, first, remove the attachable blade from the main body of the trimmer. Then using a fine brush, dust off the hair from the trimmer and the blade. Do not use water on the main body of the trimmer.
What is the charging time on Xiaomi Enchen clipper?
The charging time of the Enchen clipper is about 120 minutes. Charging is done through a USB C port. It can be used for about 3 months on a single charge.
Is Enchen a Xiaomi brand?
Yes, Enchen is a part of the Xiaomi ecosystem. Enchen has grooming products in its lineup and the Enchen hair trimmer is one of the best hair trimmers you can get right now.
How do I charge my Enchen razor?
You can use the included USB cable to charge it with an adapter. You can even use the trimmer while charging it.
Is MI trimmer 1C waterproof?
No, the Mi Trimmer 1C is not waterproof. So you can’t get it wet even with a few splashes of water like the Xiaomi Enchen.
User Reviews
This Xiaomi Enchen hair clipper is fantastic. I love it so much, I purchased two.
Don’t let the low price scare you. This cordless hair clipper is very high quality, sharp and thoughtfully designed.
Watch out for the Xiaomi brand. Their products are well made, modern and stylish. I appreciate how changing the blade cutting height is built in. No messing with clumsy attachments.
Why don’t all clippers have this feature? Even with the height guard removed, one can’t cut skin. It’s safe and simple to use. These clippers are super practical because it’s cordless and lightweight. No wrestling with a cord. And it charges using a type C wall charger, that’s not included, but the same kind many android cellphones use.
Raymond from USA
These are so great that I bought a pair for every home. I have very expensive hair clippers and I have these. These are the ones I go to. The ease of a clip that adjusts without having to switch guards is very convenient. These ones are not loud whatsoever.
They are sharp, not the most sharp but i do prefer them to my Wahl and Phillips. I cut my friends hair and I will always ask which clippers they prefer, and these are fast becoming their favorite as well.
These are easy to hold in hand and they charge wonderfully. The charger is the same as my samsung note 8 and my samsung galaxy fold.
I do wish that there was a travel case but since I bought one for every home thats no longer necessary. Give these a try. They are very affordable and work very well.
I dont know how long they will last but you would just buy another pair.
Great product
Todd from USA
It is not as fancy as the full featured trimmers. It is very lightweight, which may be a plus for some. Very easy to control and operate. Made of quality materials. Not waterproof! Easy to clean and a single charge will last a long time. A cable is included but a USB charger is not included.
The Long Ranger from USA
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Say Yes to Xiaomi! I am one of the BIG FAN to Xiaomi Products. I can’t resist the things they created or partner within their ecosystem. So my advice to you is “JUST BUY LAH”!
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