Tilta nucleus nano инструкция на русском





At t a c h i n g t h e M o t o r


3. 1

2. 1


U s e 1 / 4 » — 2 0 s c re w t o m o u n t t h e b a s e p l a t e t o t h e c a m e r a b o d y


I n s e r t t h e ro d i n t o t h e 1 5 m m S i n g l e R o d M o u n t i n g B a s e p l a t e


L o o s e n t h e m o t o r ‘s h a n d — t i g h t e n e d s c re w a n d a t t a c h t h e m o t o r

t o t h e ro d . R o t a t e t h e m o t o r s o t h a t i t re s t s a g a i n s t t h e l e n s ‘ f o c u s

g e a r, t h e n t i g h t e n t h e s c re w.


U s e a 1 / 4 » — 2 0 s c re w t o a t t a c h t h e g i m b a l ‘s b a s e p l a t e t o t h e

1 5 m m S i n g l e R o d M o u n t i n g B a s e p l a t e .






P a c k i n g L i s t :

N u c l e u s — N a n o M o t o r x 1

N u c l e u s — N a n o H a n d w h e e l C o n t r o l l e r x 1

1 5 m m S i n g l e R o d M o u n t i n g B a s e p l a t e x 1

1 5 m m x 1 0 0 m m A l u m i n u m B l a c k R o d x 1

P h o t o L e n s F o l l o w F o c u s G e a r R i n g x 2

H a n d w h e e l A t t a c h m e n t P l a t e f o r G 2 X a n d R o n i n — S x 1

H a n d w h e e l A t t a c h m e n t A d a p t e r f o r Z h i y u n C r a n e x 1

M i c r o U S B t o M i c r o U S B N a n o M o t o r P o w e r C a b l e x 1

1 4 5 0 0 D u a l B a t t e r y C h a r g e r x 1

1 4 5 0 0 B a t t e r i e s x 2

M 4 A l l e n K e y x 1

M 6 A l l e n K e y x 1

U s e r G u i d e x 1

C a r d b o a r d B o x x 1


M o u n t t h e c a m e r a w i t h t h e

a t t a c h e d m o t o r o n t o y o u r g i m b a l b o d y


At t a c h i n g t h e N u c l e u s — N a n o

H a n d w h e e l At t a c h m e n t P l a t e

T I LTA G R AV I T Y G 2 X a n d D J I RO N I N — S

U s e t h e i n c l u d e d M 6 s c re w t o a t t a c h t h e p l a t e t o t h e h a n d l e

of t h e G r a v i t y G 2 X a n d t h e R o n i n — S ‘s M 4 s c re w t o a t t a c h i t

t o t h e h a n d l e of t h e R o n i n — S


L o o s e n t h e h a n d — t i g h t e n e d s c re w of t h e H a n d w h e e l At t a c h m e n t P l a t e

A d a p t e r f o r Z h i y u n C r a n e , t h e n c l a m p i t a ro u n d t h e h a n d l e of t h e g i m b a l .

T i g h t e n t h e h a n d — t i g h t e n e d s c re w t o s e c u re t h e a d a p t e r. T h e n u s e t h e

i n c l u d e d M 6 s c re w t o a t t a c h t h e H a n d w h e e l At t a c h m e n t P l a t e .



* E x a m p l e S h o w n w i t h

T i l t a G r a v i t y G 2 X


Nucleus-Nano Quick Start Video Guide Last modified 01/21/19

The Nucleus-Nano — Quick Start Guide

Learn how to assemble and operate the Nucleus-Nano from initial setup to usage. Walter shows how to assign the controller and motor to a wireless channel, calibrate the motor, and other common operations.

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Tilta Nucleus Nano II Wireless Lens Control System Teased

Tilta has just released a teaser video for the second generation of their Nucleus Nano wireless follow focus system. The Nucleus Nano II is just around the corner and, according to the company, will double the capabilities of its predecessor at a fraction of the cost. 

The Tilta Nucleus M (our review here) and Nucleus Nano are among the most popular wireless follow focus systems on the market thanks to their ease of use and appealing price point. However, given their 5 years of age, it’s about time for an update.

Apparently, the Nucleus Nano will be the first system to have a successor with the Tilta Nucleus Nano II. You can take a glimpse of what the system will be all about by taking a look at the teaser video down below.

Tilta Nucleus Nano II: sneak peek

As an owner of the original Tilta Nucleus Nano system, I’ve been waiting for the announcement of a second-generation version that could potentially overcome some of the drawbacks of its predecessor. From what we can tell by watching the teaser, it looks like the Tilta Nucleus Nano II has been completely redesigned from scratch and does not limit to FIZ lens control.

Tilta Nucleus Nano II teaser video. Source: Tilta

Indeed, it seems like a larger secondary screen has been added directly on the control wheel of the hand unit to display critical camera settings, such as ND and ISO. This fact, along with the presence of a REC/STOP button and a new thumbwheel, hints towards improved remote camera control capabilities. Also, I personally hope that the screens on the hand unit will be brighter since the one in the previous generation is barely visible in daylight.

Tilta Nucleus Nano II teaser video. Source: Tilta

Moving on to the motor, another welcome feature would be the adoption of a USB-C port or some sort of locking connector to power it up. Indeed, I find the old-fashioned Micro USB interface found on the original model to be extremely delicate and unreliable for professional use. This is the main reason I haven’t touched my Nucleus Nano in months while it’s catching dust sitting on a shelf.

Price and availability

At the moment of writing, there’s no official information about the price and availability of the Tilta Nucleus Nano II. According to the teaser, the product will come at “60% of the price with a 200% improvement”.

If this statement refers to the price of the original Nucleus Nano, which is currently listed on Tilta’s website for $299, then the new version should cost around $180, which would be a pretty aggressive price tag.

For more information, please visit Tilta’s website here.

Do you normally use Tilta’s wireless follow focus systems? What features would you like to see on the upcoming Tilta Nucleus Nano II? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!

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«name»: «Быстросъёмный зажим SmallRig FAQ2323 для Nucleus-Nano Hand Wheel Controller»,
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User Manual for Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System

Click to enlarge the picture

Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System

Contents of the user manual for the Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System

  • Product category: Stabilizers & Gimbals Tilta
  • Brand: Tilta
  • Description and content of package
  • Technical information and basic settings
  • Frequently asked questions – FAQ
  • Troubleshooting (does not switch on, does not respond, error message, what do I do if…)
  • Authorized service for Tilta Stabilizers & Gimbals

Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System
Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System
Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System
Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System
Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System
Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System
Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System
Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System
Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System

User manual for the Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System contain basic instructions
that need to be followed during installation and operation.
Before starting your appliance, the user manual should be read through carefully.
Follow all the safety instructions and warnings, and be guided by the given recommendations.
User manual is an integral part of any Tilta product,
and if it is sold or transferred, they should be handed over jointly with the product.
Following the instructions for use is an essential prerequisite for protecting
health and property during use, as well as recognition of liability on the part of the manufacturer
for possible defects should you make a warranty claim. Download an official Tilta user manual in which you will find instructions on how to install, use, maintain and service your product.

And do not forget – unsuitable use of a Tilta product will considerably shorten its lifespan!

Product description

Use the Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System from Tilta to wirelessly control the focus of most DSLR, mirrorless, or cine-style lenses. The core of the system is the pairing of the focus control motor and the focus hand wheel. The units can connect to each other from 300′ away, and can be mounted in a variety of ways.

The units support run/stop functions and setting hard A and B limits for more control over your camera and lens. The hand wheel is powered by a single 14500 lithium battery and the motor is powered by your camera or a battery via its micro-USB connector. The units are both constructed of durable materials, and the hand wheel features an attractive, comfortable rosewood grip.

Included in the kit with the hand wheel and motor are a mounting baseplate for 95mm lenses, a 15mm rod, a micro-USB motor cable, a 0.8 MOD motor gear, two lens gear rings, attachment plates for the Ronin-S/G2 and Zhiyun Crane, a dual-battery charger, two batteries, mounting screws, and two Allen keys. See below for more information about the items that make up the system.

  • Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Hand Wheel Controller Pair this Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Hand Wheel Controller from Tilta with the Nucleus-Nano Motor to wirelessly control the focus of most DSLR, mirrorless, or cine-style lenses.

    The large Hand Wheel responds with no delay as it wirelessly controls the separately available Nucleus-Nano motor from up to 300′ away via 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi, and it lasts up to six hours on a single 3.7V 14500 lithium-ion battery. You can also perform run/stop functions and set hard A and B limits with the buttons on the wheel for more control over your camera and lens.

    The Hand Wheel is constructed with aluminum, plastic, rubber, and a sleek rosewood-lined handle for comfort and style. It can mount on a stand, rig, or gimbal such as the Gravity G2X with a rosette connector. One 14500 lithium-ion battery is included with the Hand Wheel.

    • Wireless focus wheel for DSLR, mirrorless, or cine-style lenses
    • Large, rosewood-lined wheel for style and comfort
    • Connect wirelessly to Nucleus-Nano motor from up to 300′ line-of-sight range via 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi
    • Powers via 14500 lithium-ion battery for 6-hour operating time
    • Use start/stop function and set A/B limits with buttons on controller
    • Connects to rigs, arms, or gimbals with a rosette mount
    • Compatible with Nucleus-Nano Focus motor

    UPC: 709016727146

  • Nucleus-Nano Wireless Lens Control Motor Pair this Nucleus-Nano Lens Control Motor from Tilta with the separately available Nucleus-Nano Focus Hand Wheel or Nucleus-M FIZ unit to wirelessly control the focus of most DSLR, mirrorless, or cine-style lenses.

    The motor comes with a standard 0.8 MOD cine lens gear, operates at up to 1Nm of torque, and can connect wirelessly to the Nucleus-Nano Focus Hand Wheel from up to 300′ away. The motor calibrates to your lens automatically, but you can choose to calibrate manually. You can also perform run/stop functions and set hard A and B limits with the buttons on the Hand Wheel for more control over your camera and lens. The motor is also compatible with the Nucleus-M FIZ hand unit and handgrips.

    The motor draws power via a 5-18V micro-USB port from a gimbal or D-Tap battery with a separately available cable. The motor is constructed with aluminum, plastic, and stainless steel for durability. It can mount on a stand, rig, or gimbal with its built-in 15mm rod clamp. Note: Use only run/stop cables specifically designed for the Nucleus-Nano; Tilta wooden handle run/stop cables are not compatible or safe to use with this unit. All cables are available separately.

    • Wireless focus motor for DSLR, mirrorless, or cine-style lenses
    • The low-noise 5-18V motor operates with 0.65 to 1 Nm of torque
    • Includes a 0.8 MOD, 32 pitch, 26-tooth cine standard gear
    • 300′ wireless range to connect to lens controllers
    • Powers via micro-USB from D-Tap battery or gimbal with a separately available 5V cable
    • Use start/stop function and set A/B limits with buttons on the Hand Wheel
    • Connects to rigs, gimbals, and rods with a built-in 15mm rod clamp
    • Compatible with Nucleus-Nano Focus Hand Wheel Controller, Nucleus-M FIZ hand unit, and Nucleus-M handgrips

    UPC: 709016727139

  • Baseplate with 15mm LWS Rod Clamp for 95mm Lens Diameter Attach this Tilta Baseplate with 15mm LWS Rod Clamp to the base of your camera and attach a separately available 15mm rod to the rod clamp. The Nucleus-Nano motor can then attach to the rod and provide focus control. The size of the plate and the spacing of the rod clamp are designed to place your motor gear against the focus gear of lenses with a 95mm diameter. UPC: 709016727252
  • Nucleus-Nano Handwheel Attachment Plate for DJI Ronin-S/Gravity G2X Attach your Nucleus-Nano handwheel to a Gravity G2X or DJI Ronin-S gimbal with this Nucleus-Nano Handwheel Attachment Plate from Tilta. The adapter attaches to the Ronin-S with one of the gimbal’s M4 screws, and it attaches to a rosette on the Gravity G2X with the included M6 screw. When attached to the gimbal, the handwheel slides into the plate and is tightened with the locking lever. UPC: 709016727184
  • Nucleus-Nano Hand Wheel Adapter for Zhiyun Crane 1 Mount your Nucleus-Nano hand wheel to the handle of the Zhiyun Crane 1 with this Nucleus-Nano Hand Wheel Adapter from Tilta. This sturdy aluminum and steel adapter clamps to the Crane’s handle and is secured with a locking lever. The hand wheel attaches to the adapter with a screw. UPC: 709016727191
  • 14500 Battery Charging Cable for Nucleus-Nano Charge the 14500 batteries that power the Nucleus-Nano with this 14500 Battery Charging Cable from Tilta. The charger plugs into a USB power source and the other end connects positive and negative splitter ends magnetically to a single battery for charging. UPC: 709016727214
  • Aluminum Black Rod (15mm x 100mm)

In the Box Bundle Items Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Hand Wheel Controller sazbaqydfatqcszc

  • 14500 Battery
  • Limited 2-Year Warranty (Mechanical)
  • Limited 1-Year Warranty (Electrical)

Nucleus-Nano Wireless Lens Control Motor

  • 0.8 MOD, 32 Pitch, 26-Tooth Gear
  • 15mm Rod Clamp
  • Limited 2-Year Warranty (Mechanical)
  • Limited 1-Year Warranty (Electrical)

Baseplate with 15mm LWS Rod Clamp for 95mm Lens Diameter sazbaqydfatqcszc

  • 4 x Screw
  • Limited 2-Year Warranty

Aluminum Black Rod (15mm x 100mm) Nucleus-Nano Handwheel Attachment Plate for DJI Ronin-S/Gravity G2X

  • M6 Screw
  • Limited 2-Year Warranty

Nucleus-Nano Hand Wheel Adapter for Zhiyun Crane 1 sazbaqydfatqcszc

  • Limited 2-Year Warranty

14500 Battery Charging Cable for Nucleus-Nano

  • Limited 2-Year Warranty (Mechanical)
  • Limited 1-Year Warranty (Electrical)

Also Includes

  • 14500 Battery
  • 5V Micro-USB Motor Power Cable (12″)
  • 2 x Follow Focus Lens Gear Ring
  • M4 Allen Wrench
  • M6 Allen Wrench
  • 2 x 1/4″-20 Hex Screw
  • 2 x Rod Mount Hex Screw
  • Limited 2-Year Warranty (Mechanical)
  • Limited 1-Year Warranty (Electrical)

Table of Contents

Upload User Manual

Have you got an user manual for the Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System in electronic form? Please send it to us and help us expand our library of instruction manuals.
Thank you, too, on behalf of other users.

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Upload PDF user manual

Contents of the user manual for the Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System

  • Product category: Stabilizers & Gimbals Tilta
  • Brand: Tilta
  • Description and content of package
  • Technical information and basic settings
  • Frequently asked questions – FAQ
  • Troubleshooting (does not switch on, does not respond, error message, what do I do if…)
  • Authorized service for Tilta Stabilizers & Gimbals

Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System
Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System
Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System
Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System
Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System
Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System
Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System
Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System
Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System

User manual for the Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System contain basic instructions
that need to be followed during installation and operation.
Before starting your appliance, the user manual should be read through carefully.
Follow all the safety instructions and warnings, and be guided by the given recommendations.
User manual is an integral part of any Tilta product,
and if it is sold or transferred, they should be handed over jointly with the product.
Following the instructions for use is an essential prerequisite for protecting
health and property during use, as well as recognition of liability on the part of the manufacturer
for possible defects should you make a warranty claim. Download an official Tilta user manual in which you will find instructions on how to install, use, maintain and service your product.

And do not forget – unsuitable use of a Tilta product will considerably shorten its lifespan!

Product description

Use the Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System from Tilta to wirelessly control the focus of most DSLR, mirrorless, or cine-style lenses. The core of the system is the pairing of the focus control motor and the focus hand wheel. The units can connect to each other from 300′ away, and can be mounted in a variety of ways.

The units support run/stop functions and setting hard A and B limits for more control over your camera and lens. The hand wheel is powered by a single 14500 lithium battery and the motor is powered by your camera or a battery via its micro-USB connector. The units are both constructed of durable materials, and the hand wheel features an attractive, comfortable rosewood grip.

Included in the kit with the hand wheel and motor are a mounting baseplate for 95mm lenses, a 15mm rod, a micro-USB motor cable, a 0.8 MOD motor gear, two lens gear rings, attachment plates for the Ronin-S/G2 and Zhiyun Crane, a dual-battery charger, two batteries, mounting screws, and two Allen keys. See below for more information about the items that make up the system.

  • Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Hand Wheel Controller Pair this Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Hand Wheel Controller from Tilta with the Nucleus-Nano Motor to wirelessly control the focus of most DSLR, mirrorless, or cine-style lenses.

    The large Hand Wheel responds with no delay as it wirelessly controls the separately available Nucleus-Nano motor from up to 300′ away via 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi, and it lasts up to six hours on a single 3.7V 14500 lithium-ion battery. You can also perform run/stop functions and set hard A and B limits with the buttons on the wheel for more control over your camera and lens.

    The Hand Wheel is constructed with aluminum, plastic, rubber, and a sleek rosewood-lined handle for comfort and style. It can mount on a stand, rig, or gimbal such as the Gravity G2X with a rosette connector. One 14500 lithium-ion battery is included with the Hand Wheel.

    • Wireless focus wheel for DSLR, mirrorless, or cine-style lenses
    • Large, rosewood-lined wheel for style and comfort
    • Connect wirelessly to Nucleus-Nano motor from up to 300′ line-of-sight range via 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi
    • Powers via 14500 lithium-ion battery for 6-hour operating time
    • Use start/stop function and set A/B limits with buttons on controller
    • Connects to rigs, arms, or gimbals with a rosette mount
    • Compatible with Nucleus-Nano Focus motor

    UPC: 709016727146

  • Nucleus-Nano Wireless Lens Control Motor Pair this Nucleus-Nano Lens Control Motor from Tilta with the separately available Nucleus-Nano Focus Hand Wheel or Nucleus-M FIZ unit to wirelessly control the focus of most DSLR, mirrorless, or cine-style lenses.

    The motor comes with a standard 0.8 MOD cine lens gear, operates at up to 1Nm of torque, and can connect wirelessly to the Nucleus-Nano Focus Hand Wheel from up to 300′ away. The motor calibrates to your lens automatically, but you can choose to calibrate manually. You can also perform run/stop functions and set hard A and B limits with the buttons on the Hand Wheel for more control over your camera and lens. The motor is also compatible with the Nucleus-M FIZ hand unit and handgrips.

    The motor draws power via a 5-18V micro-USB port from a gimbal or D-Tap battery with a separately available cable. The motor is constructed with aluminum, plastic, and stainless steel for durability. It can mount on a stand, rig, or gimbal with its built-in 15mm rod clamp. Note: Use only run/stop cables specifically designed for the Nucleus-Nano; Tilta wooden handle run/stop cables are not compatible or safe to use with this unit. All cables are available separately.

    • Wireless focus motor for DSLR, mirrorless, or cine-style lenses
    • The low-noise 5-18V motor operates with 0.65 to 1 Nm of torque
    • Includes a 0.8 MOD, 32 pitch, 26-tooth cine standard gear
    • 300′ wireless range to connect to lens controllers
    • Powers via micro-USB from D-Tap battery or gimbal with a separately available 5V cable
    • Use start/stop function and set A/B limits with buttons on the Hand Wheel
    • Connects to rigs, gimbals, and rods with a built-in 15mm rod clamp
    • Compatible with Nucleus-Nano Focus Hand Wheel Controller, Nucleus-M FIZ hand unit, and Nucleus-M handgrips

    UPC: 709016727139

  • Baseplate with 15mm LWS Rod Clamp for 95mm Lens Diameter Attach this Tilta Baseplate with 15mm LWS Rod Clamp to the base of your camera and attach a separately available 15mm rod to the rod clamp. The Nucleus-Nano motor can then attach to the rod and provide focus control. The size of the plate and the spacing of the rod clamp are designed to place your motor gear against the focus gear of lenses with a 95mm diameter. UPC: 709016727252
  • Nucleus-Nano Handwheel Attachment Plate for DJI Ronin-S/Gravity G2X Attach your Nucleus-Nano handwheel to a Gravity G2X or DJI Ronin-S gimbal with this Nucleus-Nano Handwheel Attachment Plate from Tilta. The adapter attaches to the Ronin-S with one of the gimbal’s M4 screws, and it attaches to a rosette on the Gravity G2X with the included M6 screw. When attached to the gimbal, the handwheel slides into the plate and is tightened with the locking lever. UPC: 709016727184
  • Nucleus-Nano Hand Wheel Adapter for Zhiyun Crane 1 Mount your Nucleus-Nano hand wheel to the handle of the Zhiyun Crane 1 with this Nucleus-Nano Hand Wheel Adapter from Tilta. This sturdy aluminum and steel adapter clamps to the Crane’s handle and is secured with a locking lever. The hand wheel attaches to the adapter with a screw. UPC: 709016727191
  • 14500 Battery Charging Cable for Nucleus-Nano Charge the 14500 batteries that power the Nucleus-Nano with this 14500 Battery Charging Cable from Tilta. The charger plugs into a USB power source and the other end connects positive and negative splitter ends magnetically to a single battery for charging. UPC: 709016727214
  • Aluminum Black Rod (15mm x 100mm)

In the Box Bundle Items Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Hand Wheel Controller sazbaqydfatqcszc

  • 14500 Battery
  • Limited 2-Year Warranty (Mechanical)
  • Limited 1-Year Warranty (Electrical)

Nucleus-Nano Wireless Lens Control Motor

  • 0.8 MOD, 32 Pitch, 26-Tooth Gear
  • 15mm Rod Clamp
  • Limited 2-Year Warranty (Mechanical)
  • Limited 1-Year Warranty (Electrical)

Baseplate with 15mm LWS Rod Clamp for 95mm Lens Diameter sazbaqydfatqcszc

  • 4 x Screw
  • Limited 2-Year Warranty

Aluminum Black Rod (15mm x 100mm) Nucleus-Nano Handwheel Attachment Plate for DJI Ronin-S/Gravity G2X

  • M6 Screw
  • Limited 2-Year Warranty

Nucleus-Nano Hand Wheel Adapter for Zhiyun Crane 1 sazbaqydfatqcszc

  • Limited 2-Year Warranty

14500 Battery Charging Cable for Nucleus-Nano

  • Limited 2-Year Warranty (Mechanical)
  • Limited 1-Year Warranty (Electrical)

Also Includes

  • 14500 Battery
  • 5V Micro-USB Motor Power Cable (12″)
  • 2 x Follow Focus Lens Gear Ring
  • M4 Allen Wrench
  • M6 Allen Wrench
  • 2 x 1/4″-20 Hex Screw
  • 2 x Rod Mount Hex Screw
  • Limited 2-Year Warranty (Mechanical)
  • Limited 1-Year Warranty (Electrical)

Table of Contents

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The user manual for the Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System can be downloaded in PDF format at the link stated below.

Download PDF user manual - Tilta Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Control System Download PDF User Manual — https://www.search-manual.com/ upload/ tilta-nucleus-nano-wireless-focus-control-system-317445-user-manual.pdf
(PDF file, 3.58 MB)

Technical parameters

  • Nucleus-Nano Wireless Focus Hand Wheel Controller
    Material of Construction Aluminum, Plastic, Rubber, Rosewood
    Battery 1 x 3.7 V, 14500 Lithium-Ion
    Battery Duration 6 Hours
    Operating Distance 300′ / 91 m
    Wireless Protocols 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi
    Mount Type Rosette
    Dimensions Diameter: 2.9″ / 7.3 cm
    Depth: 1.6″ / 4.1 cm
    Weight 5.6 oz / 159 g (Without Battery)
    Box Dimensions (LxWxH) 12.9 x 7.3 x 2.1″
  • Nucleus-Nano Wireless Lens Control Motor
    Material of Construction Aluminum, plastic, stainless steel
    Power Input Micro-USB
    Voltage 5 to 18 V
    Torque 0.65 Nm at 5 V
    1 Nm at 14.8 V
    Gear 0.8 MOD, 32 pitch, 26 teeth
    Rod Compatibility 15 mm
    Operating Distance 300′ / 91 m
    Wireless Protocols Not supplied by manufacturer
    Dimensions 3.1 x 0.9 x 1″ / 8 x 2.3 x 2.4 cm
    Weight 2.7 oz / 76 g
    Box Dimensions (LxWxH) 4.1 x 2.0 x 1.2″
  • Baseplate with 15mm LWS Rod Clamp for 95mm Lens Diameter
    Material of Construction Aluminum, Stainless Steel
    Compatibility 15 mm LWS Rod System
    95 mm Lens Diameter
    Dimensions 1.8 x 2.4 x 0.3″ / 4.6 x 6.2 x 0.8 cm
    Weight 1.8 oz / 50 g
  • Nucleus-Nano Handwheel Attachment Plate for DJI Ronin-S/Gravity G2X
    Material of Construction Aluminum, Stainless Steel
    Dimensions Not Supplied by Manufacturer
    Weight 0.8 oz / 22.7 g
    Box Dimensions (LxWxH) 2.0 x 1.25 x 0.5″
  • Nucleus-Nano Hand Wheel Adapter for Zhiyun Crane 1
    Material of Construction Aluminum, Stainless Steel
    Dimensions Not Supplied by Manufacturer
    Weight 0.8 oz / 22.7 g
  • 14500 Battery Charging Cable for Nucleus-Nano
    Material of Construction ABS Plastic, Copper, Stainless Steel
    Connectors USB Type-A
    Proprietary Split-Cable, Positive and Negative Magnetic Ends
    Length Not Supplied by Manufacturer
    Box Dimensions (LxWxH) 3.9 x 1.85 x 0.6″
  • Aluminum Black Rod (15mm x 100mm)


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Беспроводная система контроля фоллоу фокус от Tilta поможет вам поднять свой профессиональный уровень на совершенно новую ступень. Модель совместима с зеркальными, беззеркальными, и даже камерами с модифицированной «винтажной» оптикой

Видео не поддерживается

Беспроводной контроллер

Контроллер питается от одного аккумулятора 14500 и способен работать до 6ти часов подряд. Беспроводная система даёт вам возможность передать управление за фокусом и зумом своему помощнику за профессиональным монитором. Nano Hand Wheel полностью избавлен от задержки, тем самым вы получите плавный чуткий контроль над работой с камерой на расстоянии до 90 метров


Nucleus-Nano использует новейший микромотор с высоким крутящим моментом и низким уровнем шума. Сверхбыстрая бесшумная фокусировка может быть крайне важна при съёмке красивых художественных кадров. 15мм адаптер обеспечивает гибкость в установке и совместимость с камерными ригами

Совместим с Nucleus M

Nano Motor также полностью совместим с системой Tilta Nucleus M благодаря чему, вы можете использовать эту модель как расширение функционала уже используемой системы

Беспроводной радио фокус Tilta Nucleus M preOrder=3.06.2017


  • масса Nano Hand Wheel: 160 г
  • масса Nano Motor: 76 г
  • направляющая: 78 г
  • колесо — контроллер: 21 г
  • габариты Nano Motor: 80 х 23 х 24 мм
  • габариты Nano Hand Wheel: 73 х 41 мм
  • материал: алюминий, нержавеющая сталь, АБС пластик, палисандр


  • колесо контроллер Nucleus-Nano Controller
  • мотор Nucleus-Nano Follow Focus
  • держатель для 95 мм объектива
  • винты 1/4″ (2 шт)
  • болты для направляющей (2 шт)
  • черная алюминиевая направляющая 15 x 100 мм
  • кабель питания Micro USB — Micro USB
  • кабель 2V/2A Ronin-S to 5V Micro USB
  • хомут на объектив (2 шт)
  • площадка для Ronin-S/G2x
  • кейс
  • адаптер колеса для Zhiyun Crane
  • аккумулятор 14500 (2 шт)
  • ключ M4
  • ключ M6


Снят с производства : Да
алюминий, дерево, АБС пластик, нержавеющая сталь
Артикул производителя
Вес : 930 г

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