Tissot t touch expert инструкция

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We would like to thank you for choosing a TISSOT

watch, a Swiss brand among the most highly renowned

in the world. Your T-TOUCH watch has the most recent

technical innovations. It gives you a constant analogue

time display and a variety of digital displays.

In addition, the following functions can be accessed

simply by touching the glass: Weather, Altimeter, Chro-

nograph, Compass, Alarm and Thermometer.


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Summary of Contents for Tissot T-TOUCH EXPERT

инструкцияTissot T-TOUCH Expert Titanium




Руководство по эксплуатации


Благодарим Вас за приобретение часов

швейцарской марки TISSOT, одной из наи

более известных в мире. Часы T TOUCH

разработаны с учетом новейших научных

достижений. В них предусмотрена как посто

янная аналоговая индикация времени, так и

различные цифровые дисплеи.

К тому же простым прикосновением к стеклу

Вы получаете доступ к следующим функци

ям: барометр, альтиметр, хронограф, компас,

будильник и термометр.

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T-TOUCH Expert Titanium
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Аккумулятор в моем устройстве часы начал ржаветь. Безопасно ли пользоваться устройством?

Продукт безопасен для использования после надлежащей очистки. Извлеките аккумулятор, надев перчатки, и очистите аккумуляторный отсек зубной щеткой, смоченной уксусом. После высыхания установите в устройство новые аккумуляторы.

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112-RU Инструкция Tissot
Часы с двойной индикацией — инструкция для часов с двойной индикацией

122-RU Инструкция Tissot
Автоматические хронографы (Automatic Chronographs) — инструкция для механических часов с автоподзаводом с функцией хронографа.

123-RU Инструкция Tissot
Многофункциональные часы (Multifunctional Watches) — инструкция для кварцевых мультифункциональных часов Tissot с жидкокристаллическим дисплеем.

124-RU Инструкция Tissot
Хронографы с будильником (Chronographs with Alarm) — инструкция для часов Tissot с функцией хронографа и функцией будильника.

125-RU Инструкция Tissot
Хронографы с функцией возврата (Fly-Back Chronographs) — инструкция для часов Tissot с хронографом с функцией возврата.

127-RU Инструкция Tissot
Кварцевые часы с хронографом (Quartz Chronographs) — инструкция для кварцевых часов Tissot с функцией хронографа.

133-RU Инструкция Tissot
Кварцевые часы с индикацией фазы Луны (Quartz Watches with Calendar and Moon phases) — инструкция для кварцевых часов Tissot с индикацией фазы Луны.

135-RU Инструкция Tissot
Navigator — инструкция для часов Tissot серии Navigator.

136-RU Инструкция Tissot
Автоматические хронометры COSC (Automatic Chronographs COSC) — инструкция для сертифицированных хронометров Tissot.

137-RU Инструкция Tissot
Silen-T — инструкция для кварцевых часов Tissot с тактильным циферблатом серии Silen-T.

138-RU Инструкция Tissot
T-Touch — инструкция для многофункциональных кварцевых часов Tissot с тактильным циферблатом серии T-Touch.

140-RU Инструкция Tissot
Navigator 3000 — инструкция для многофункциональных кварцевых часов Tissot с тактильным циферблатом серии Navigator 3000.

141-RU Инструкция Tissot
T-Touch Expert — инструкция для многофункциональных кварцевых часов Tissot с тактильным циферблатом серии T-Touch Expert.

143-RU Инструкция Tissot
Кварцевые часы с хронографом G10 (Quartz Chronographs G10) — инструкция для больших кварцевых часов Tissot с функцией хронографа.

144-RU Инструкция Tissot
Кварцевые часы с хронографом G15 (Quartz Chronographs G15) — инструкция для больших кварцевых часов Tissot с функцией хронографа.

145-RU Инструкция Tissot
Sea-Touch — инструкция для многофункциональных кварцевых часов Tissot с тактильным циферблатом серии Sea-Touch.

146-RU Инструкция Tissot
T-Touch II + POCKET TOUCH — инструкция для многофункциональных кварцевых часов Tissot с тактильным циферблатом серии T-Touch II.

147-RU Инструкция Tissot
Sailing-Touch — инструкция для многофункциональных кварцевых часов Tissot с тактильным циферблатом серии Sailing-Touch.

149-RU Инструкция Tissot
Кварцевые хронографы с функцией всемирного времени (Quartz Chronographs GMT) — инструкция для кварцевых часов Tissot с функцией хронографа и индикацией времени второго часового пояса (GMT).

150-RU Инструкция Tissot
Кварцевые часы с вечным календарем (Quartz Perpetual Calendar) — инструкция для кварцевых часов Tissot с функцией вечного календаря.

151-RU Инструкция Tissot
Racing-Touch — инструкция для многофункциональных кварцевых часов Tissot с тактильным циферблатом серии Racing-Touch.

152-RU Инструкция Tissot
Couturier — Grande date — инструкция для кварцевых часов Tissot Couturier — Grande date.

153-RU Инструкция Tissot
T-Touch Solar E81 — инструкция для многофункциональных кварцевых часов Tissot с тактильным циферблатом серии T-Touch Solar E81.

154-RU Инструкция Tissot
T-Touch Solar E84 — инструкция для многофункциональных кварцевых часов Tissot с тактильным циферблатом серии T-Touch Solar E84.

155-RU Инструкция Tissot
Quickster chrono foot — инструкция по эксплуатации для моделей часов Quickster chrono foot.

156-RU Инструкция Tissot
Аналоговые модели (Analog watches) — стандартная инструкция для простых часов (кварцевых)

157-RU Инструкция Tissot
Аналоговые модели (Analog watches) — стандартная инструкция для простых часов (механических)

158-RU Инструкция Tissot
G10.212 — стандартная инструкция по эксплуатации моделей часов G10.212



We would like to thank you for choosing a TISSOT watch, a Swiss brand among the most highly renowned in the world. Your T-TOUCH watch has the most recent technical innovations. It gives you a constant analogue time display and a variety of digital displays. In addition, the following functions can be accessed simply by touching the glass: Weather, Altimeter, Chronograph, Compass, Alarm and Thermometer.



Water resistance:
10 atm / 100 m / 330 ft

Activate touch-sensitive glass / Activate light CHRONO – Chronograph
CENTRE – Date CHRONO – Timer
CENTRE – Time 1 COMPASS – Compass
CENTRE – Time 2 COMPASS – Azimuth
CENTRE – Options COMPASS – Calibration
METEO – Weather, relative pressure ALARM – Alarm 1
METEO – Weather, absolute pressure ALARM – Alarm 2
ALTIMETER – Altimeter THERMO – Thermometer
ALTIMETER – Altitude difference meter


Activating the touch-sensitive glass

When the glass is activated, the symbol will flash on the digital display.

If the glass is not touched, it will automatically deactivate after 15 seconds.

Exception: In compass and altitude difference meter mode, the glass will deactivate after 30 seconds.

Activating the light

The display light will stay on for 5 seconds.

Select a function

Touch one of the 7 touch-sensitive areas of the glass to activate the corresponding function.

Setting mode

: move display and/or hand position forward
: move display and/or hand position backward
If no manipulation for 10 seconds, the setting mode is deactivated.

Display mode

Activate the glass



Pressing and holding or will move the hands forward or backward. After a full revolution, the minutes hand will stop and the hour hand advances/reverses in steps of one hour. Time T2 is set in steps of 15 minutes.

Activate glass

Time T or T2 display (example: T)

Setting mode

: forward 1 min.
: back 1 min (hands and display)

Validate setting

  1. The seconds restart at zero
  2. The seconds continue


The calendar is perpetual, i.e. the number of days per month is predefined. In continuous setting, the days scroll past slowly at first, and then quicker. After a full month, the calendar scrolls in months, and then likewise in years.

Activate glass

Date display

Setting mode

: forward one day
: back one day

Validate setting


Activate glass

Options display

Switch to sub-menus:
Units display

Beep display

Automatic switch to standby mode after 5 seconds
Beep every second

Climate zone display

Back to units display

At any time: exit sub-menu – back to date display


Units display

Setting mode

Select mode 12/24 hours – in 12 hour mode, the letter A (AM) or P (PM) appears between minutes and seconds when setting the time

Select Mode «º C / m» or «º F / ft»

Validate setting.
Selecting 12 hour mode displays the date in the format 12.27.2007 (month, day, year), and 24 hour mode in the format 27.12.2007 (day, month, year).


Beep display

Setting mode

Activated = on, Deactivated = off

Validate setting

Deactivating the sound silences adjustment beeps but not the alarms.


Standby mode is a battery economy mode. All the functions are deactivated, with only the time & date counters updated.
This mode economises the battery when the watch is not being worn.

Automatic switch to standby mode after 10 seconds Beep every second

  1. The watch is in standby

    Back to time & date mode
  2. / : stop the count, the watch does not switch to standby mode

    Back to time & date mode


To get the best from the altimeter function, it is possible to adjust the hemisphere and climate zone to your geographic location. Select your climate zone according to the simplified Koeppen climate classification (see illustration below).
If the watch is not set («No Set»), the standard atmosphere model is used: set temperature at sea level = 15°C, mean pressure at sea level: 1013.25 hPa


Climate zone display

Setting mode

Select hemisphere:
North = North
South = South
not set = not set

Set the local climate:
T = temperature;
M = mediaterranean;
A = arid;
tr = tropicat;
P = polar

Validate setting


The watch needs to be synchronised if the watch hands do not display the same time as the digital display, or if they are not correctly superimposed when accessing the functions.

The watch is desynchronised when its electric motor’s mechanism is disturbed due to heavy impacts for example.

N.B.: The glass must be active to access the synchronisation mode.

Units display

Synchronisation setting mode
The hands should be perfectly superimposed in the 12 o’clock position

Position the hour hand at 12 o’clock

Validate setting

Position the minutes hand at 12 o’clock

Validate setting
Return to Time T mode


In weather mode, the hands are superimposed to indicate the weather trend.

Activate glass

Relative pressure display in hPa

Absolute pressure display in hPa


Setting this pressure changes the altitude displayed. The possible relative pressure is deliberately limited between 950 hPa and 1100 hPa.

Setting mode

: up one hectopascal
: down one hectopascal

Validate setting


Description of function
In weather mode, the hands are superimposed to indicate the weather trend.

Weather changes are related to variations in atmospheric pressure. When atmospheric pressure increases the sky clears. The area is then referred to as a «high pressure» area or «anticyclone» (A).
When atmospheric pressure decreases the sky clouds over. The area is then referred to as a «low pressure» area or «depression» (D). The T-TOUCH measures these pressure variations and indicates the weather trend with the hands, which can adopt the following 7 positions according to the weather developments:

— 6′: Big pressure drop, rapid deterioration
— 4′: Moderate pressure drop, probable deterioration
— 2′: Small pressure drop, probable slight deterioration
12 o’clock: No notable weather change
+ 2′: Slight pressure rise, probable slight improvement
+ 4′: Moderate pressure rise, probable improvement
+ 6′: Big pressure rise, rapid improvement

The T-TOUCH program takes account of atmospheric pressure variation over the last 6 hours to calculate the trend to indicate. Furthermore, the pressure variation caused by a rapid change in altitude is detected by the watch and compensated for automatically. So it only has a minimal impact on the barometric trend.

The T-TOUCH digital display indicates the absolute and relative atmospheric pressure values in hectoPascals [hPa]. Absolute atmospheric pressure is the actual pressure at the time and place of measurement, and cannot be altered. Relative pressure is a value relative to sea level, based on local absolute atmospheric pressure. Barometers and weather charts show relative pressure values. The relative pressure value depends on the climate zone set, and can be preset on the watch. The relative pressure presetting is in line with the altitude.

Characteristics of function

Measurement range: absolute pressure: 300 hPa to 1100 hPa
relative pressure: 950 hPa to 1100 hPa
Accuracy: absolute pressure: ± 3 hPa
relative pressure: varies with altimeter
Resolution: 1 hPa
Unit conversion: 1 hectoPascal [hPa] = 1 millibar [mb]


The altitude is displayed on the digital screen for 10 hours continuously. After 10 hours, the altimeter mode is deactivated, and the date is displayed.

Activate glass

Altitude display

Altitude difference display


Altitude display

Setting mode

: up 1 m or 3 ft
: down 1 m or 3 ft

Validate setting


Altitude difference display

Sequentially every 2 seconds

  1. Elapsed time or stopped time
  2. Total cumulative gain in altitude during elapsed time
  3. Mean vertical speed of ascent (metres/minute or feet/minute)
  4. Total cumulative loss in altitude during elapsed time
  5. Mean vertical speed of descent (metres/minute or feet/minute)
  6. Back: Elapsed time or stopped time

Start Altitude difference meter

Stop Altitude difference meter

Reset Altitude difference meter


Description of function
In altimeter mode, your T-TOUCH becomes a barometric altimeter, displaying the altitude relative to mean sea level.

This is a barometric instrument, which calculates the altitude as a function of absolute pressure (atmospheric). As the altitude rises, pressure drops, and vice versa. So the altimeter measures the difference between absolute pressure (atmospheric) and relative pressure (relative to sea level) to display the altitude. Your T-TOUCH is temperature compensated, and you can adjust your geographic location (hemisphere and climate zone). The altitude displayed is therefore corrected automatically.
This makes it the ideal instrument for measuring vertical movement with the altitude difference function (e.g. in mountain trekking). The altitude difference meter indicates the elapsed time, cumulative gains and losses in altitude and mean vertical speeds of ascent and descent.

Due to the use of pressure to calculate altitude, the altimeter is sensitive to variations in atmospheric pressure in weather changes. It is not uncommon to observe altitude differences of 100 m in a night. So the value displayed may vary without the altitude having actually changed.

Weather change = pressure variation = displayed altitude change

We advise you to stop the altitude difference meter during rest times and then restart it, in order to obtain more accurate results.

Note 1: «Presetting» an altimeter means setting the actual altitude of a known point (see presetting procedure). The actual altitude values are indicated on various media: signposts, contour lines and spot heights on maps. The altitude «presetting» is in line with relative atmospheric pressure.

Note 2: In an airliner, since the cabin is pressurised, your altimeter will not indicate an accurate altitude.

Note 3: To optimise the accuracy of your altimeter, you are advised to select the climate zone.

Characteristics of function

Measurement range – 400 m to +9000 m – 1333 ft to +30,000 ft
Altimeter resolution 1 m 3 ft
Unit conversion 1 metre [m] = 3.281 feet [ft] 1 foot [ft] = 0.305 metres [m]
Altitude difference meter max. measurement time 9 days 23 hours 59 minutes
Maximum altitude difference +/- 30,000 m +/- 99,000 ft
Altitude difference meter resolution 1 m 3 ft
Maximum vertical speed 4999 m/min (appr. 300 km/h) 16,401 ft/min (appr. 187.5 mph)
Minimum vertical speed 5 m/min (appr. 0.3 km/h) 16.4 ft/min (appr. 0.2 mph)
Vertical speed resolution 1 m/min 3 ft/min
Minimum vertical movement 5 m 16 ft
Minimum time of movement 5 mins


Resolution: 1/100 sec / Measurement range: 99 hrs 59’59» and 99/100 sec

Activate glass

Chrono display

Start chrono

Stop chrono


Measurement range: 23 hrs 59’59»

Activate glass

Chrono display

Timer display


Start or stop timer

Reload the last start value on the timer


Timer display

Setting mode

: forward
: backward

Validate setting


The minutes hand points to True North, factoring in the magnetic declination setting. In compass mode, the digital screen displays the angle between 12 o’clock and the minutes hand.

Activate glass

Compass display

Azimuth display

User compass calibration

Back to compass display


Compass display

Setting mode and magnetic declination display

: +/- 1 degree East
: +/- 1 degree West

Validate setting


In compass mode, your T-TOUCH enables you to define and follow an azimuth. To do so, you need only set the azimuth value and align the watch using the arrows. The 6-12 o’clock axis will indicate the heading to take.

Azimuth display

  1. Turn the 6-12 o’clock axis left to align 12 o’clock with the azimuth
  2. Turn the 6-12 o’clock axis right to align 12 o’clock with the azimuth
  3. The 6-12 o’clock axis is aligned with the azimuth


Azimuth display

Setting mode

: increase azimuth by 1 degree
: decrease azimuth by 1 degree

Validate setting – Back to azimuth display


Compass Calibration display

Activate calibration mode – glass deactivated during calibration

Turn the watch more than a complete revolution on a horizontal surface (e.g. a table) in an environment free from magnetic interference, at a rotation speed of around 30° per second.
Total time: 20 seconds maximum

  1. Calibration successful – data stored
  2. Calibration failed – repeat calibration

Back to compass display


In compass mode, your T-TOUCH indicates the True North Pole, factoring in magnetic declination.

Compass explanations
The vertical lines (meridians) on the Earth converge at the True North Pole (Ng), indicating its direction. The hand of a conventional compass indicates the direction of the Magnetic North Pole (Nm). The angle (α) between these two directions Ng and Nm is known as magnetic declination. The magnetic declination value depends on your location on Earth. Furthermore, the Magnetic North Pole is constantly moving. So the magnetic declination value also depends on the date. If the correct magnetic declination value (for the location and date) is set (see the setting procedure on page 10), the minutes hand of your T-TOUCH will point to True North (Ng). If the magnetic declination is set to 0, your T-TOUCH will point to Magnetic north (Nm). The magnetic declination values and dates are indicated on topographic charts, or can be found using special software available on the Internet.

For Switzerland: http://www-geol.unine.ch/geomagnetisme/Representation.htm
For the whole world: http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/seg/geomag/magfield.shtml

In azimuth mode, your T-TOUCH indicates the azimuth (heading) that you need to turn to.

Azimuth explanations
The azimuth is the horizontal angle between the direction of an object and True North. The azimuth is measured from north in degrees from 0° to 359° (e.g.: East = 90°). In azimuth mode, the T-TOUCH emits a beep and visual signal when the 6-12 o’clock axis of the watch is aligned with the heading set. 12 o’clock represents the heading given by the azimuth relative to True North.

Note 1
For a correct indication of North, it is extremely important to hold the watch as level as possible.

Note 2
The compass function, like any other compass, should not be used near a metal or magnetic mass. In case of doubt, you can recalibrate your compass.

Note 3
The rotating bezel, graduated from 0° to 359°, provides another method for determining the azimuth.

Characteristics of function

Accuracy: ± 8°
Resolution: 2°


The 2 alarms are associated with time T. An alarm lasts 30 seconds, without repeating. When the programmed time is reached, you can stop the alarm by pressing one of the push-buttons.

Activate glass

Alarm 1 display

Alarm 2 display

Stop alarm

Alarm rings

Stop alarm


Alarm 1 or 2 display

Activate or deactivate alarm

Setting mode

: time forward
: time backward

Validate setting


Activate glass

Thermometer display


Description of function
In thermometer mode, your T-TOUCH displays the ambient temperature.

The temperature displayed corresponds to that of the watch case, so this temperature is infl uenced by your body temperature. That is why the temperature displayed may differ from the ambient temperature.
To display the actual ambient temperature, the watch needs to be taken off for 15 to 30 minutes, in order to be free from the infl uence of body temperature.

Characteristics of function
The temperature can be displayed in degrees Celsius [°C] or degrees Fahrenheit [°F]. (See procedure to follow for changing units).

Conversion formulae: T °C = (T °F -32) x 5/9
T °F = T °C x 9/5 + 32
Measurement range: –5°C to +55°C / 23°F to 130°F
Accuracy: ± 1°C / ± 1.8°F
Resolution: 0.1°C/ 0.2°F


When a function is selected and the display is cleared, it is probably due to a failure of the selected function’s sensor.

If this happens, please contact your retailer.


To activate the functions on your T-TOUCH a gentle press on the push-buttons or touch on the glass is all that is required. Excessive force may damage the watch.

The brightness of the digital display decreases when the hands are in motion.
In fast continuous setting mode, the display moves at a faster rate (e.g. for date function: months or years instead of days) than in non-continuous or normal speed setting mode (e.g. for date: days instead of months or years). To exit fast continuous setting mode, you need to release the push-pieces for 3 seconds to continue in normal speed setting mode.

The T-TOUCH is water resistant to 10 atm / 100 m / 330 ft at 25°C / 77°F, but it is not an instrument suitable for sports diving. You must not use push-buttons when the watch is underwater. None of the functions can be activated if the glass is in contact with a liquid.

Additional information in the «International Warranty – Service centers» booklet

Documents / Resources

Download manual

Here you can download full pdf version of manual, it may contain additional safety instructions, warranty information, FCC rules, etc.

Download TISSOT T-TOUCH EXPERT — Watch Manual

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