Тохатсу 30 2 х тактный инструкция

TOHATSU MFS 30C Owner's Manual

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O W N E R’ S


トーハツ船外機 オーナーズマニュアル

Original instructions



OB No.003-11117-5AH1


Related Manuals for TOHATSU MFS 30C

Summary of Contents for TOHATSU MFS 30C

  • Page 1
    O W N E R’ S M A N U A L トーハツ船外機 オーナーズマニュアル Original instructions MFS 25C MFS 30C OB No.003-11117-5AH1…
  • Page 2
    MANUAL IN A SAFE LOCATION FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. Copyright © 2018 Tohatsu Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any from or by any means without the express written permission of Tohatsu Corporation.
  • Page 3
    ENOM00006-A To You, Our Customer Thank you for selecting a TOHATSU outboard motor. You are now the proud owner of an excellent outboard motor that will service you for many years to come. This manual should be read in its entirety and the inspection and maintenance proce- dures described later in this manual should be followed carefully.
  • Page 4: Serial Number

    BE COVERED BY THE APPLICABLE LIMITED WARRANTY, IF THIS PROCEDURE IS NOT FOLLOWED. ENOM00003-0 PRE-DELIVERY CHECK Be sure that the product has been checked by an authorized TOHATSU dealer before you take delivery. ENOM00005-A Serial Number In the space below, please record the outboard motor’s serial number (indicated both on the swivel bracket and on the cylinder block).

  • Page 5
    ENOM00007-0 NOTICE: DANGER/WARNING/CAUTION/Note Before installing, operating or otherwise handling your outboard motor, be sure to thoroughly read and understand this Owner’s Manual and carefully follow all of the instructions. Of particular importance is information preceded by the words “DAN- GER,” “WARNING,” “CAUTION,” and “Note.” Always pay special attention to such information to ensure safe operation of the outboard motor at all times.
  • Page 7: Table Of Contents

    3. Battery installation……….26 4. TOCS (Tohatsu Onboard Communication System) installation..27 6.

  • Page 8
    8. Operation with multiple outboard motors ……82 11. TROUBLESHOOTING ……….83 12.
  • Page 9
  • Page 10: General Safety Information

    GENERAL SAFETY INFORMATION ENOM00009-0 SAFE OPERATION OF BOAT As the operator/driver of the boat, you are responsible for the safety of those aboard and those in other boat around yours, and for following local boating regulations. You should be thoroughly knowledgeable on how to correctly operate the boat, outboard motor, and accessories.

  • Page 11
    GENERAL SAFETY INFORMATION ENOM00010-0 SERVICING, REPLACEMENT PARTS & LUBRICANTS We recommend that only an authorized service shop perform service or maintenance on this outboard motor. Be sure to use genuine parts, genuine lubricants, or recom- mended lubricants. ENOM00011-A MAINTENANCE As the owner of this outboard motor, you should be acquainted with correct mainte- nance procedures following maintenance section of this manual (See page 60).
  • Page 12: Specifications

    SPECIFICATIONS ENOM00810-A MODEL FEATURE Model F25C F30C Type Transom heights Tiller Handle ( )*1 ( )*1 ( )*1 ( )*1 Multi-function tiller handle Remote Control Power Tilt Gas-assisted tilt Manual tilt *1: Option ENOM00811-A MODEL NAME EXAMPLE F 30C EPTL Model Horse Product…

  • Page 13
    (ICOMIA 39/94) dB (A) Hand Vibration Level — (ICOMIA 38/94) m/s Remark: Specifications subject to change without notice. *1 Without propeller, with battery cable. *2 With Manual Start Tohatsu outboard is power rated in accordance with ISO8665 (propeller shaft output).
  • Page 14
    (ICOMIA 39/94) dB (A) Hand Vibration Level — (ICOMIA 38/94) m/s Remark: Specifications subject to change without notice. *1 Without propeller, with battery cable. *2 With Manual Start Tohatsu outboard is power rated in accordance with ISO8665 (propeller shaft output).
  • Page 15: Parts Name

    PARTS NAME ENOM00820-0 ENOF01135-0 Tilt Handle Splash Plate Flushing Connector Cap Top Cowl Anode Warning Lamp Bottom Cowl Clamp Bracket Stop Switch Cooling Water Check Port Clamp Screw Stop Switch Lanyard Oil Drain Plug Tiller Handle Anti-ventilation Plate Throttle Grip Trim Tab Shift Lever Sub-water Inlet…

  • Page 16
    PARTS NAME ENOM00020-0 E (with multi-function tiller handle), EP ENOF01136-0 Tilt Handle Splash Plate Spark Plug Top Cowl Anode Oil Filler Cap Bottom Cowl Clamp Bracket Flushing Connector Cap Cooling Water Check Port Clamp Screw Warning Lamp Oil Drain Plug Stop Switch Multi-function Tiller handle Anti-ventilation Plate…
  • Page 17
    PARTS NAME ENOM00020-0 ET (with multi-function tiller handle), EPT ENOF01137-0 Tilt Handle Oil Plug (Upper) Fuel Filter Top Cowl Splash Plate Spark Plug Bottom Cowl Anode Oil Filler Cap Cooling Water Check Port Clamp Bracket Flushing Connector Cap PT Switch Clamp Screw Warning Lamp Oil Drain Plug…
  • Page 18
    PARTS NAME ENOM00822-0 Remote control box & Fuel tank ENOF00127-3 Control Lever Fuel gauge Neutral lock arm Air vent screw PTT switch Fuel tank cap Free throttle lever Fuel connector (Engine side) Main switch Primer bulb Stop switch Fuel connector (Fuel tank Stop switch lock side) Stop switch lanyard…
  • Page 19: Label Locations

    LABEL LOCATIONS ENOM00019-A Warning label locations ENOF01134-3…

  • Page 20
    LABEL LOCATIONS Warning label urge to read the For tiller handle model Warning label regarding stop switch owner’s manual . (See page 38 and page 40) ENOF00120-0 2-1.Warning regarding emergency start- ENOF00005-P For RC model ing (See page 40). Warning label regarding stop switch 2-2.Warning regarding high tempera- lanyard.
  • Page 21
    LABEL LOCATIONS Warning regarding gasoline (See page 28). ENOF00005-M Warning regarding gasoline (See page 28). ENOF00005-F…
  • Page 22
    LABEL LOCATIONS ENOM00019-B CE label locations r o t 0123 l a i CAN ICES-2/NMB-2 ENOF01129-1 1. Model code(Model name) 2. Rated power 3. Dry mass weight( Without propeller, with battery cable) 4. Serial No. 5. Manufacturer name 6. Manufacturer address Description of serial number year code Last two digits of alphabet represent production year as below.
  • Page 23: Installation

    INSTALLATION ENOM00024-A ENOW00009-0 1. Mounting the outboard WARNING motor on boat Mounting the outboard motor without following this manual can lead to unsafe ENOW00006-B conditions such as poor maneuverability, WARNING lack of control or fire. Loose clamp screws and/or mounting Before installing the outboard motor on the bolts can lead to the release or displace- boat, hang the outboard motor with the…

  • Page 24
    INSTALLATION water surface is near the bottom cowling, ENOM00025-0 Position … Above keel line in high waves, water may enter the engine Set engine at center of boat. cylinders. Incorrect outboard motor mounting h e i g h t o r e x i s t e n c e o f un d e r wa t e r object(s), such as hull bottom design, bottom surface conditions or underwa- ter accessories, can cause water spray…
  • Page 25: Remote Control Device Installation

    INSTALLATION ENOW00945-0 ENOW00008-A CAUTION CAUTION Please inspect whether there is a loosen- Mounting bolts should be installed with ing of the clamp screw or mounting bolts the bolt head at inside surface of the before departure. transom. Mounting bolts installed with Loosening may cause a dangerous situa- the threaded end at the inside surface of tion, such as loss of control.

  • Page 26: Battery Installation

    INSTALLATION Make sure there are no obstacles that ENOM00029-A 3. Battery installation can interfere with the operation of the remote control cable. ENOW00012-0 ENOW00850-0 WARNING Remote control cable length ENOW00100-A Battery electrolyte contains sulfuric acid CAUTION and thus is hazardous, causing a burn if it comes in contact with your skin, or poison- Be careful not to loop the remote control ous if swallowed.

  • Page 27: Tocs (Tohatsu Onboard Communication System) Installation

    Contact authorized Tohatsu dealer for 1. Place the battery box in a convenient more detail. position away from possible water spray.

  • Page 28: Pre-Operating Preparations

    ENOW00020-1 ALCOHOL CAUTION The fuel system components on your When operating a TOHATSU engine on gaso- TOHATSU engine will withstand up to line containing alcohol, storage of gasoline 10% ethyl alcohol (hereinafter referred to in the fuel tank for long periods should be as the «ethanol»), content in the gasoline.

  • Page 29: Fuel Filling

    PRE-OPERATING PREPARATIONS The sparks due to static electricity may ENOW00018-0 cause explosion of flammable gasoline. WARNING Stop the engine, and do not start the engine during refueling. Fuel leakage can cause fire or explosion, Do not smoke. potentially leading to severe injury or loss of Be careful not to overfill fuel tank.

  • Page 30: Engine Oil Recommendation

    PRE-OPERATING PREPARATIONS 1. Full open the air vent screw on the properly fill the engine with oil follow the instructions, See page 67) fuel tank cap and release internal pressure. ENOF00027-B 1. Air vent screw ENOF01103-0 2. Fuel tank cap Use only high quality 4-stroke engine oil 2.

  • Page 31: Break-In

    PRE-OPERATING PREPARATIONS ]ENOM00033-A 4. Break-In Your new outboard motor and lower unit Always attempt to stay on the windward side of emission. require break-in for the moving compo- nents a ccording to the conditions described in the following time table. ENOW00023-1 Please refer to ENGINE OPERATION sec- CAUTION…

  • Page 32: Warning System

    PRE-OPERATING PREPARATIONS ENOM00039-0 5. Warning system If outboard motor encounters an abnor- mal condition of fault, the warning buzzer will emit a continuous beep or intermittent short beeps and the warn- ing lamp (LED) will synchronize with the buzzer and engine speed will be limited ENOF00851-A (engine will not be stopped).

  • Page 33
    PRE-OPERATING PREPARATIONS ENOM00041-B Warning indicators, faults and remedy Warning indicators High Description of faults Remedy Sound Lamp (LED) speed speed One beep On for 5 sec. Normal system test when start up Engine speed exceeds maximum Continuous allowable RPM Continuous Low oil pressure Continuous Water over temperature…
  • Page 34
    PRE-OPERATING PREPARATIONS Remedy Reduce the throttle to less than half opening, and move to safe place quickly, and stop the engine. Check the propeller for bent or dam- aged blades. Consult an authorize d de aler if engine shows the same result even after replacing propeller with new one.
  • Page 35: Engine Operation

    ENGINE OPERATION tank is raised by heat from sources such as ENOM00042-0 sun light. Before starting ENOW00947-0 ENOW00022-A CAUTION CAUTION When using a separate tank, be sure that the The engine oil is drained for shipping from fuel line is not kinked and is connected the factory.

  • Page 36: Starting The Engine

    ENGINE OPERATION ENOF00861-A ENOF00863-0 1. Pull 2. Insert 1. Test tank 4. Squeeze primer bulb until 2. Water becomes stiff to feed fuel to vapor 3. Over 10 cm (4 in.) separator. Direct arrow mark upward when priming. ENOW00036-0 CAUTION Be sure to stop engine immediately if cooling water check port is not discharging water, and check if cooling water intake is blocked.

  • Page 37
    ENGINE OPERATION falling down or causing passenger(s) to be 3. Set the throttle grip to START posi- thrown overboard. tion. Tiller handle type 1. Be sure to install the stop switch lock to the stop switch, and attach the stop switch lanyard securely to the operator or to the operator’s PFD (Personal Flotation Device.) ENOF01107-0…
  • Page 38
    ENGINE OPERATION (For electrical starter type) 3. Set the control lever in the Neutral position. 4. Push the starter switch button and release the button when the engine has started. ENOF00865-A 1. Shift lever ENOF01108-0 ENOW00031-0 1. Starter Button CAUTION Multi-function tiller handle type If the engine starts in gear, do not use it.
  • Page 39
    ENGINE OPERATION Side mount RC type 1. Be sure to install the stop switch lock to the stop switch, and attach the stop switch lanyard securely to the operator or to the operator’s PFD (Personal Flotation Device.) START PUSH TO IDLE CHANGE ENOF00867-A 1.
  • Page 40: Emergency Starting

    ENGINE OPERATION ENON00035-A Note The free throttle lever can not be raised when the control lever shift is in Forward or Reverse. 4. Turn the main switch key to ON posi- tion. ENOF01110-0 5. Turn the main switch key to START position and release the key when the engine has started.

  • Page 41
    ENGINE OPERATION 1. Remove the top cowl. ENOF00126-0 5. Tie a loop in the another end of the ENOF01111-0 2. Remove starter lock cable from emergency starter rope and attach recoil starter by pulling the starter socket wrench that is included in the lock cable.
  • Page 42: Warming Up The Engine

    ENGINE OPERATION 8. Pull the starter handle slowly until Clutch in (In gear) Clutch off (Out of gear) you feel engagement, keep pulling till 850 min (rpm) 850 min (rpm) you feel less resistance. Then pull it quickly. ENOM00972-0 Free throttle lever (Side mount 9.

  • Page 43: Forward, Reverse, And Acceleration

    ENGINE OPERATION right and left. Make sure that no swimmer(s) is ahead or astern of the boat. ENOW00038-A WARNING second ENOF00876-0 Attach other end of emergency stop switch lanyard to the operator’s PFD E a c h tim e t h e m ain s wi t c h ke y is (Personal Flotation device) or arm and pressed in the above manner, engine keep it attached during cruising.

  • Page 44
    ENGINE OPERATION before shifting is attempted. ENOW00863-0 CAUTION Idle speed may be higher during warming up of engine. If shifted to Forward or Reverse during warming up, it may be difficult to shift back to neutral. In such case, stop engine, shift to neutral, and restart engine to warm up.
  • Page 45
    ENGINE OPERATION Acceleration ENOW00867-0 WARNING Sudden acceleration and deceleration may cause passenger(s) to be thrown overboard or falling down. Open throttle grip gradually. ENOF00877-1 1. Forward (F) 2. Neutral (N) 3. Reverse (R) 4. Fully opened (Forward) 5. Fully opened (Reverse) 6.
  • Page 46: Stopping The Engine

    ENGINE OPERATION Acceleration ENOW00867-A CAUTION Sudden acceleration and deceleration may cause passenger(s) to be thrown overboard or falling down. Open throttle grip or control lever grad- ually. ENOF00866-0 ENOF00879-2 ENOF01107-0 1. Control lever 1. Throttle grip ENOM00049-A 2. Put the shift lever in the Neutral 5.

  • Page 47
    ENGINE OPERATION 4. Turn the main switch key to the OFF position or push the stop switch. ( Do not forget to turn the key off). ENOF00871-1 1. ON 2. START 3. OFF ENOW00869-0 WARNING After stopping the engine: Close the air vent screw on the fuel tank START ENOF00880-0 cap.
  • Page 48: Steering

    ENGINE OPERATION ENOF00891-0 ENOM00920-0 6. Steering ENOF01120-B ENOW00870-0 WARNING Sudden steering may cause passenger(s) to be thrown overboard or falling down. Tiller handle type Right turn Move the tiller handle to the left Left turn Move the tiller handle to the right. ENOF00869-A 1.

  • Page 49: Trim Angle

    ENGINE OPERATION The trim angle of the outboard motor can be adjusted to suit the transom angle of the hull, and load conditions. Choose an appropriate trim angle that will allow the anti-ventilation plate to run parallel to the water surface during operation.

  • Page 50
    ENGINE OPERATION 2. Shift into neutral. 3. Raise the outboard motor to the tilt up position. 4. Change the thrust rod position as following picture. ENOF00053-0 Manual Tilt type ENOF01238-1 1. Push in 2. Rise the stopper 3. Pull out 5.
  • Page 51: Tilt Up And Down

    ENGINE OPERATION 1. Snap pin ENON00921-0 Note 2. Thrust rod 5. Reinstall the thrust rod securely. Before tilting the outboard motor up, after stopping the motor leave it in the 6. Operate the Power Tilt switch and running position for about a minute to lower the outboard.

  • Page 52
    ENGINE OPERATION stops. (This is the tilt down position.) Now, lift up the outboard motor slightly, and then allow gravity to lower it for you. ENOF00067-1 ENOF00059-0 1. Reverse lock lever 2. Tilt up position 3. Tilt down position ENOM00069-B Power Tilt type Tilt up 1.
  • Page 53: Shallow Water Operation

    ENGINE OPERATION tion. This will allow manual tilting of the ENOM00068-A outboard motor. 9. Shallow water operation ENOW00872-0 ENOW00051-0 WARNING WARNING Make sure the manual relief valve is closed before operating the outboard motor. If the During shallow water operation, be careful manual relief valve is not closed, the out- not to place your hand between the swivel board motor will tilt up when operated in…

  • Page 54
    ENGINE OPERATION Manual tilt type ENOM00069-A Power Tilt type 1. Shallow water running position: 1. Operate the Power Tilt switch and tilt Put the reverse lock lever in the tilt the outboard motor up into desired up position, and tilt up the outboard shallow water running position.
  • Page 55: Removing And Carrying The Outboard Motor

    REMOVING AND CARRYING THE OUTBOARD MOTOR ENOM00070-A 1. Removing the outboard motor ENOW00890-0 WARNING Before installing the outboard motor on the boat, hang the outboard motor with the hoist or equivalent device by attaching the engine hanger to the outboard. Use the hoist with allowable load is 150 kg (330 lbs) or above.

  • Page 56: Trailering

    REMOVING AND CARRYING THE OUTBOARD MOTOR Do not carry or store outboard motor in Elevate power unit 2 inches to 4 any of positions described below. inches if traveling to avoid oil spillage. Otherwise, engine damage or property damage could result from leaking oil. ENOF01127-0 ENOM00072-A 3.

  • Page 57
    REMOVING AND CARRYING THE OUTBOARD MOTOR ENOW00071-0 CAUTION The tilt support device supplied on your out- board motor is not intended for towing. It is intended to support the outboard motor while the boat is docked, beached, etc. When transporting a boat on a trailer with the outboard motor still attached, disconnect the fuel line from the out- board motor beforehand and keep the…
  • Page 58: Adjustment

    ADJUSTMENT ENOM00073-0 1. Steering friction Tiller handle type ENOW00074-A WARNING Do not overtighten the steering friction lever it could result in difficulty of movement resulting in the loss of control causing an ENOF00911-0 accident and could lead to severe injury. 1.

  • Page 59: Trim Tab Adjustment

    ADJUSTMENT Side mount type under the anti-ventilation plate. If the boat veers toward the left direct the trim tab towards A (left from rear of boat). If the boat veers toward the right direct the trim tab towards B (right from rear of boat).

  • Page 60: Inspection And Maintenance

    INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE ENOM00077-0 Care of your outboard motor To keep your outboard motor in the best operating condition, it is very important that you perform daily and periodic maintenance as suggested in the main- tenance schedules that follow. ENOW00077-0 CAUTION Your personal safety and that of your pas- sengers depends on how well you main-…

  • Page 61: Daily Inspection

    INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE ENOM00079-0 1. Daily Inspection Perform the following checks before ENOW00078-1 and after use. WARNING Do not use outboard motor if any abnormal- ity is found during pre-operation check oth- erwise it could result in severe damage to the motor or severe personal injury.

  • Page 62
    INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Item Points to Check Remedy Steering • Check the operation of the steering handle. Repair Devices • Check if the anode is securely installed. Repair if necessary Other parts • Check the anode for corrosion and deformation. Replace ENOM00081-A Oil level checking…
  • Page 63
    INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Wipe off engine oil well immediately if ENOW00920-0 spilled and dispose of it in accordance CAUTION with local fire prevention and environ- ment protection regulations. When washing the outboard motor, be care- Do not replenish engine oil over upper ful not to spray the water inside of the top limit.
  • Page 64: Fuse Replacement

    CAUTION rected, the fuse will likely blow again. If the fuse continues to blow, request an When the engine is started in the test tank, to avoid over heating and water pump dam- authorized Tohatsu dealer to inspect…

  • Page 65
    INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE the outboard motor. 1. Stop the engine and disconnect the battery cable from the battery nega- tive (-) terminal. 2. Remove the engine cover. 3. Remove the fuse box lid. 4. Remove the fuse and check it. If the fuse is blown, replace it with a fuse of the same specified rating.
  • Page 66: Periodic Inspection

    INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE ENOM00090-0 2. Periodic Inspection It is important to inspect and maintain your outboard motor regularly. At each interval on the chart below, be sure to perform the indicated servicing. Maintenance intervals should be determined according to the number of hours or number of months, whichever comes first.

  • Page 67
    INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Inspection intervals First 20 Every 50 Every 100 Every 200 Description Inspection procedure Remarks hours or 1 hours or 3 hours or 6 hours or 1 month months months year Check for bent blades, damage, wear. Propeller Replace if necessary.
  • Page 68
    INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE adjusted to the correct torque as soon as ENOW00933-0 possible with a torque-wrench. CAUTION 7. Reset the engine in a vertical posi- Engine oil mixed with dust or water will dra- tion. matically shorten the life of the engine. 8.
  • Page 69: Oil Filter Replacement

    INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE ENON00920-0 ENOM00092-A Oil filter replacement Note ENOW00091-0 Use only recommended engine oil (See page 13) CAUTION You may be injured due to high engine tem- peratures if you fill engine oil just after stop- ping. Changing engine oil should be done 10W−40 after the engine has been cooled.

  • Page 70
    INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Install fuel filter with all related parts in place, or fuel leak could occur, leading to catching fire or explosion. Check fuel system regularly for leakage. Contact authorized dealer for fuel system services. Services by unqualified person could lead to engine damage.
  • Page 71
    INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Be sure to lock outboard motor if it is ENOM00096-A Fuel filter (for fuel tank) tilted up, or accidental fall of outboard Water or dirt in the fuel tank will cause motor could lead to severe personal injury.
  • Page 72
    INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE fire prevention and environment protection regulations. ENON00032-0 Note If water in the oil, giving it a milky colored appearance. Contact your dealer. ENON00033-0 Note Use genuine gear oil or the recommended one (API GL-5: SAE #80 to #90). Required volume: approx.
  • Page 73
    INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE the motor’s performance, and cause 6. Tighten the propeller nut to speci- engine trouble. fied torque, and align one of grooves 1. Put a piece of wood block between to propeller shaft hole. propeller blade and anti-ventilation Propeller nut torque: plate to hold propeller.
  • Page 74
    INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE 1. Stop the engine. adjusted to the correct torque as soon as possible with a torque-wrench. 2. Remove the top cowl. 3. Remove the spark plug caps. 4. Remove the spark plugs by turning it counter-clockwise, using a 5/8″ (16 mm) socket wrench and handle that is provided in tool bag.
  • Page 75
    INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE ENOM00088-A Anode replacement A sacrificial anode protects the outboard motor from electrolytic corrosion. Anode is located on the gear case, cylinder etc.. When the anode is eroded more than 1/3 of original size, replace it. ENON00029-0 Notes Never grease or paint the anode.
  • Page 76
    INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Recommended oil ENOM00089-B Power Tilt oil checking Use an automatic transmission fluid or ENOW00088-0 equivalent. WARNING Recommended oils are as shown below. ATF Dexron III Be sure that outboard motor is secured to transom or service stand, or accidental Air purging from the Power Trim and Tilt drop or fall of outboard motor could lead unit.
  • Page 77
    INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE ENOM00960-0 Grease point Apply water proof grease to the parts shown below. ENOF01118-0…
  • Page 78: Off-Season Storage

    INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE 2. Remove the fuel hose from the out- ENOM00100-A 3. Off-season storage board motor. 3. Drain all fuel from the fuel hoses, ENOW00934-0 fuel pump, fuel filter (See page 70) WARNING and vapor separator (See page 80), and clean these parts.

  • Page 79
    INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE 9. Stand the outboard motor up verti- cally in a dry place. ENOF01127-0 ENOM00950-0 Adding a fuel stabilizer When adding a fuel stabilizer additive (commercially available), first fill the fuel tank with fresh fuel. If the fuel tank is only partially filled, air in the tank can cause the fuel to deteriorate during ENOF01113-0…
  • Page 80: Fuel System Draining

    INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE 8. Check the drained fuel for the pres- ENOM00970-0 Fuel system draining ence of water or other contami- ENOW00028-A n a n t s. If e i t h e r is p r e s e n t , WARNING reassemble the outboard motor, refill the vapor separator with fuel,…

  • Page 81: Pre-Season Check

    INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE 4. Charge battery completely 5. Before starting the engine, discon- before storing it for the winter. nec t stop switch lock and crank approximately 10 pulling the recoil 5. Recharge the battery once a month starter (Manual start model) or 3times to prevent it from discharging and of 3sec.

  • Page 82: Cold Weather Precautions

    INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE 3. Remove the spark plugs, and com- 1. Stop the engine immediately. pletely drain the water from the 2. Check the control system, gear case, engine by pulling recoil starter sev- boat transom etc. eral times. 3. Return to the nearest harbor slowly Replace oil filter and oil to the cor- and carefully.

  • Page 83: Troubleshooting

    TROUBLESHOOTING ENOM00108-0 If you encounter a problem, consult the check list below to determine the cause and to take the proper action. An authorized dealer will always be happy to provide any assistance and information. Possible cause Empty fuel tank Incorrect connection of fuel system Air entering fuel line Deformed or damaged fuel hose…

  • Page 84
    TROUBLESHOOTING Possible cause Low compression Carbon deposits in the combustion chamber Incorrect valve clearance Low oil pressure/level, oil pump failure, Clogged oil filter (Pressure switch ON) Insufficient cooling water flow, clogged or defective pump Incorrect valve timing (timing velt elongation or incorrect installation) Intake/exhaust valve seal failure Excessive wear of piston, piston ring or cylinder…
  • Page 85: Accessories Kit

    ACCESSORIES KIT ENOM00109-1 The following a list of the tools and spare parts provided with the motor. Items Quantity Remark Tool bag Pliers Socket wrench 10 × 13 mm Service tools Socket wrench 16 mm (spark plug) Socket wrench handle Screwdrivers Cross-and straight-point Screwdriver handle…

  • Page 86: Propeller Table

    PROPELLER TABLE ENOM00111-0 Use a genuine propeller. A propeller must be selected so that the engine rpm measured at wide open throttle while cruising is within the recommended range. 25 : 5000–6000 min (rpm) 30 : 5250–6250 min (rpm) Propeller Size (Diameter × pitch) Propeller Mark Light boats…

  • Page 87
    O W N E R’ S M A N U A L MFS 25C MFS 30C 5-4, Azusawa 3-Chome, Itabashi-Ku Tokyo 174-0051, Japan Tel: +81-3-3966-3117 Fax: +81-3-3966-0090 www.tohatsu.com…

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Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию подвесного лодочного мотора Tohatsu модели M 5BD.

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Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию подвесных лодочных моторов Tohatsu моделей 8B и 9.8B.

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  • Размер: 982 Kb

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию подвесных лодочных моторов Tohatsu моделей MFS 15C и MFS 20C.

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  • Размер: 188 Kb

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию подвесного лодочного мотора Tohatsu модели M 15D2(S).

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Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию подвесного лодочного мотора Tohatsu модели M 18E2S.

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Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию подвесных лодочных моторов Tohatsu моделей 25A и 30A.

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  • Страниц: 69
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  • Размер: 1,9 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию подвесных лодочных моторов Tohatsu моделей 25C3/25C3 EF/25C3 EP/30A4/30A4 EF/30A4 EP.

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  • Страниц: 58
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  • Размер: 2,1 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию подвесного лодочного мотора Tohatsu модели 30A4D2.

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  • Страниц: 14
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  • Размер: 1,2 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию подвесных лодочных моторов Tohatsu моделей MD 40/MD 50/MD 70/MD 90/MD 115.

  • Год издания:
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  • Размер: 1,0 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию подвесных лодочных моторов Tohatsu тип 50 EPTOS (EPTOL).

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Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию подвесных лодочных моторов Tohatsu Tohatsu моделей 60C/70C/90A/115A2/120A2/140A2.

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  • Размер: 3,7 Mb

Сборник руководств на английском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию подвесных лодочных моторов Tohatsu моделей 60/70/90/120/140, BFT 75A/90A/200A/225A/250A, M 25H/30H/40C/60C/70C/90A2/115A2/120A2/140A2, MD 30B2/40B2/50B2/115A2, MFS 2.5B/3.5B/4B/4C/5B/5BS/5C/6A3Z/6B/6C/8A3/9.8A3/9.9C/9.9D/15C/15D/18E/20C/25B/30B.

  • Год издания:
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  • Размер: 81,4 Mb

Сборник руководств на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту одно- и двухцилиндровых подвесных лодочных моторов Tohatsu.

  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 268/273
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 77,3 Mb

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