Инструкция по настройке спутникового приемника Topcon GR-5 с контроллером FC-250 для подключения к ССТП
Данная инструкция предназначена для настройки параметров подключения спутникового приемника Topcon GR-5 с контроллером Topcon FC-250 и встроенным сотовым GSM/GPRS модемом к серверу сети спутниковых референцных станций (ССТП ФГУП «Ростехинвентаризация — Федеральное БТИ») по Интернет с использованием NTRIP протокола для возможности выполнения геодезических работ с помощью полевого спутникового геодезического оборудования в режиме реального времени (RTK).
1) После включения контроллера, запуска программы TopSURV перейдите в меню «Настройка».
2) Далее в открывшемся окне выберите меню «Съемка».
3) В появившемся окне «Конфигурация съемки» (рис. 3) нажмите кнопку перехода к созданию/выбору конфигурации съемки.
4) В окне «Конфигурация» (рис. 4) выберите режим «My Network RTK». Нажмите кнопку «Добавить».
5) В окне «Конфиг.: Съемка» (рис. 5) в поле «Имя» введите конфигурацию RTK съемки, например «RTK VRS». В поле «Тип» выберите «Сеть RTK» (сетевой режим RTK), в поле «Поправки» выберите «VRS» (сетевой поправки от виртуальной референцной станции). Параметр сохранения данных наблюдений для постобработки «Постобработка» включите по необходимости. Нажмите кнопку «Далее».
6) В окне «Конфиг.: Производитель» (рис. 6) в поле «Производитель» выберите «Topcon». Нажмите кнопку «Далее».
7) В окне «Конф.: Передв. приемник» (рис. 7) выберите модель спутникового приемника «GR-5» и тип спутниковой антенны «GR-5». В поле «Протокол» установите значение «NTRIP» (протокол обмена спутниковыми данными для работы в режиме реального времени с подключением к точке доступа используя TCPIP протокол). Определите маску возвышения (угол отсечки приема спутников), по умолчанию 10⁰, высоту и тип измеряемой высоты антенны. Нажмите кнопку «Далее».
В окне «Конфиг.: Подк. модема» (рис. в поле «Подключ. модема» выберите «Приемник» (подключение к точке доступа будет осуществляться через модем, встроенный в приемник). Нажмите кнопку «Далее».
9) В окне «Конфиг.: Модем ровера» (рис. 9) в окне «Радиомодем» выберите тип модема «Встроенный GPRS», значения настроек порта соединения с модемом оставьте по умолчанию. Нажмите кнопку «Далее».
10) В окне «Конфиг.: Подкл. к Интернет» (рис. 10) задайте параметры подключения к точке доступа для работы с ССТП Предприятия. Внесите адрес сервера в поле «Адрес» и имя точки доступа в поле «Имя» (см. Приложение №2). Нажмите кнопку «Далее».
11) В окне «Конфиг.: Регистрация» (Рис. 11) внесите значения персонального логина и пароля. Нажмите кнопку «Далее».
12) В окне «Конфиг.: Настр. дозвона» (Рис. 12) выберите профиль провайдера мобильной связи для доступа в Интернет. При отсутствии предустановленного профиля необходимо уточнить параметры профиля у вашего сотового оператора. Введите наименование провайдера, номер номера дозвона, логин и пароль для доступа в Интернет. В поле «PIN» введите PIN код SIM карты, установленный в сотовый модем вашего приемника. Если проверка PIN кода на SIM карте снята, то оставьте это поле пустым. В поле «APN» введите название точки доступа в Интернет, предоставляемого сотовым оператором. Далее выберите наименование встроенного в ваш спутниковый приемник сотового модема «GR-3 Satel». Нажмите кнопку «Далее».
13) В окне «Конфиг.: Модем приемника» (Рис. 13) задайте порт связи в поле «Вирт. порт модема» выбрав «auto (TCP A)» (выбор порта автоматически). Нажмите кнопку «Далее».
14) В окне «Конфиг.: Съемка Парам» (Рис. 14) задайте в поле «Тип решения» значение «Только Фикс» (только фиксированный). Остальные параметры задайте в соответствие с требованиями к выполнению спутниковых измерений. Нажмите кнопку «Далее».
15) Пропустите следующие окна (рис.15, 16), необходимые для настройки параметров выполнения разбивки, последовательным нажатием кнопки «Далее».
16) Выполните настройку в окне «Конфиг.: Дополнительно» дополнительных параметров. Рекомендуется установить возможность отслеживания спутниковых систем GPS и ГЛОНАСС, определение координат в режиме RTK с экстраполяцией, активировать функции подавления многолучевости и повторного захвата сигналов навигационных спутников (рис. 18). Нажмите кнопку «Далее».
17) Сохраните наcтройки нажатием кнопки с символом √ в верхнем правом углу окна (Рис.19).
Настройка параметров подключения завершена.
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уважаемые форумчане помогите в освоении данного контроллера. если есть у кого инструкция по работе с ним кинте пожалуйста, а то в коробке нашел только на английском.
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Есть для FC-200, что в принципе одно и тоже. Мне вот только не понятно, что в нем осваивать? Описание контроллера ничего не даст: куда вставлять аккумулятор, кабель USB и флешку можно разобраться без описания. Тем более на картинках все показано и в англ. версии руководства. Смею предположить, что вы имели в виду описание программы TopSURV, но не смогли правильно сформулировать вопрос.
да уважаемый Valang вы правы!
пришел тот час когда надо освоить режим РТК с использованием контролера FC-250.
вопрос стоит в том что бы правильно все настроить, я так понимаю что изначально мы производим настройку (база; ровер) в PCCDU ? (оборудование topcon GR3)
если кто может расписать где что ставить или кинуть скрин настроек буду очень признателен.
по контролеру пока только вопрос в том какую лучше карту памяти в него засунуть( производитель или название или вообще это без разницы)?#3
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Руководство пользователя TopSURVv8x_RUS.pdf даже в архиве весит 12.5 мгб. Надеюсь, что модератор простит мне такой объем — без инструкции на самом деле сложновато будет сделать все как надо.
У нас GR5-тые, но думаю разница с GR3 не большая. В PCCDU мы настраиваем все приемники, независимо от типа съемки. Например:
— по умолчанию интервал записи у приемников выставлен в 1 сек. Я ставлю 5 сек.
— по умолчанию приемник к названию файла добавляет приставку log-, что очень не удобно. log нужно заменить на номер приемника, иначе будешь голову ломать, с какого приемника данный файл.
В общем так по всем настройкам, главное соображать, что меняешь и на что это влияет. GR5-ые настраиваешь дополнительно в Modem TPS v2.4p0, если работаешь с радиомодемами. По умолчанию мощность передатчика GR5 500 мвт, я ставлю 1000 мвт. Здесь же нужно выбрать для всех приемников одинаковую частоту по умолчанию.
Теперь второй нюанс: тип съемки RTK настраивается в контроллере и зависит от типа приемника на базе. Можно ведь поставить в качестве базы GR5 или Net G3A. Поэтому создано два типа съемки RTK, которые так и называются RTK-Baza GR5 и RTK-Baza NET G3A. Почему это нужно, думаю понятно: ведь эти приемники даже соединяются с контроллером по разному. GR5 по блутуз, а Net G3 по кабелю.
Net G3 соединяется с радиомодемом через порт A, поэтому скорость этого порта нужно уменьшить с 115000 до 9600. Это настраивается в стилях съемки. Также различной будет и высота антенны.
В общем почитайте сначала инструкцию, если что будет не понятно — задавайте вопросы. Главное в RTK — это настроить систему координат, в которой работаете. И еще один совет: высоты приемников всегда измеряйте только вертикальные, наклонную не советую. Если высоты вертикальные, то свои данные вы сможете обработать в любой программе. Дело в том, что все программы обработки спутниковых измерений «знают» наклонные высоты только своих приемников. Высоты сторонних приемников они знают только вертикальные и до фазового центра. С высотой до фазового центра лучше совсем не связываться, т.к. он различен для разных частот. С высотами антенн нужно вообще быть очень осторожным и помнить, что ошибка в измерении высоты антенны при обработке утраивается. Поэтому при работах на государственных измерениях ее измеряют трижды в см и в дюймах. В дюймах — это чтобы глаз «не замыливался».
Насчет карт памяти- у нас их вообще нет. Они нужны если у вас большой объем разной фигни, типа подложек JPG, DXF и т.д. своевременно очищайте контроллеры от лишней шелухи и карта не понадобится. Тоже самое и с приемниками: скачал данные с него, очисти сразу. Лучше сохранить дополнительный архив на запасном диске, чем хранить их в приемнике. Иначе настанет момент, когда память переполнится и приемник не запишет ничего.Вложения:
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Программное обеспечние
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* INSTRUCTION MANUAL DATA COLLECTOR FC-250 for Windows Mobile® 6.5 64856 90020 FOREWORD Thank you for selecting the TOPCON instrument. • Please read this instruction manual carefully before using this instrument. • Verify that all equipment is included. Separate sheet "STANDARD PACKAGE COMPONENTS" • The specifications and general appearance of the instrument are subject to change without prior notice and without obligation by Topcon Corporation and may differ from those appearing in this manual. • The content of this manual may be altered at any time. • Some of the diagrams shown in this manual may be simplified for easier understanding. i HOW TO READ THIS MANUAL XSymbols The following conventions are used in this manual. [Start] etc. : Indicates precautions and important items which should be read before operations. : Indicates the chapter title to refer to for additional information. : Indicates supplementary explanation. : Indicates softkeys on the display and window dialog buttons. XTrademark • Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of Bluetooth® SIG., Inc., U.S.A. • Marvell® is a registered trademark of Marvell or its affiliates. • Microsoft, Window Mobile and ActiveSync are registered trademarks of US Microsoft in the U.S.A and other countries. • All other company and product names featured in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of each respective organization. ii CONTENTS FOREWORD ......................................................................................................i HOW TO READ THIS MANUAL........................................................................ii CONTENTS...................................................................................................... iii 1. PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE OPERATION........................................................... 1 2. PRECAUTIONS ...................................................................................................... 3 3. NOMENCLATURE AND FUNCTIONS ................................................................. 4 3.1 FC-250 ............................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Wireless LED...................................................................................................... 5 3.3 Connectors ......................................................................................................... 5 4. PREPARATION FOR USE..................................................................................... 6 4.1 Before using ....................................................................................................... 6 4.2 Installing the software......................................................................................... 6 Installation procedure ..................................................................................... 6 4.3 Battery ................................................................................................................ 7 Battery Installation .......................................................................................... 7 Battery Charging............................................................................................. 8 4.4 Setting Handstrap............................................................................................. 10 4.5 Touch Screen ................................................................................................... 10 Align the Screen ........................................................................................... 10 Protective Film for Touch Panel ................................................................... 10 4.6 Setting up Auto Start ........................................................................................ 11 4.7 Setting up Power Management ........................................................................ 11 5. TRANSMISSION DATA TO THE PC .................................................................. 12 5.1 Using Interface Cable....................................................................................... 12 Connection with the computer ...................................................................... 12 5.2 Using Bluetooth ................................................................................................ 13 Bluetooth ON/OFF ........................................................................................ 13 Setting Bluetooth .......................................................................................... 13 5.3 Using Radio System RS-1/RS-1B (Option) ...................................................... 13 5.4 Using Wireless LAN ......................................................................................... 14 Wireless LAN ON/OFF ................................................................................. 14 5.5 Using CF Card.................................................................................................. 14 How to Insert CF Card .................................................................................. 14 6. RESETTING FC-250 ............................................................................................ 15 6.1 Soft Reset......................................................................................................... 15 How to soft reset........................................................................................... 15 6.2 Hard Reset ....................................................................................................... 15 How to hard reset ......................................................................................... 15 6.3 Format Reset.................................................................................................... 16 How to format reset ...................................................................................... 16 7. REGULATIONS..................................................................................................... 17 8. SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................ 21 iii 1. PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE OPERATION For the safe use of the product and prevention of injury to operators and other persons as well as prevention of property damage, items which should be observed are indicated by an exclamation point within a triangle used with WARNING and CAUTION statements in this instruction manual. The definitions of the indications are listed below. Be sure you understand them before reading the manual’s main text. Definition of Indication WARNING Ignoring this indication and making an operation error could possibly result in death or serious injury to the operator. CAUTION Ignoring this indication and making an operation error could possibly result in personal injury or property damage. This symbol indicates items for which caution (hazard warnings inclusive) is urged. Specific details are printed in or near the symbol. This symbol indicates items which are prohibited. Specific details are printed in or near the symbol. This symbol indicates items which must always be performed. Specific details are printed in or near the symbol. General Warning Do not perform disassembly or rebuilding. Fire, electric shock or burns could result. Do not use the unit in areas exposed to high amounts of dust or ash, in areas where there is inadequate ventilation, or near combustible materials. An explosion could occur. Power Supply Warning Do not short circuit. Heat or ignition could result. Do not use voltage other than the specified power supply voltage. Fire or electrical shock could result. Do not use damaged power cords, plugs or loose outlets. Fire or electric shock could result. Do not use power cords other than those designated. Fire could result. 1 1. PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE OPERATION Do not place articles such as clothing on the battery charger while charging batteries. Sparks could be induced, leading to fire. Use only the specified battery charger to recharge batteries. Other chargers may be of different voltage rating or polarity, causing sparking which could lead to fire or burns. Do not heat or throw batteries into fire. An explosion could occur, resulting in injury. Do not use the battery or charger for any other equipment or purpose. Fire or burns caused by ignition could result. To prevent shorting of the battery in storage, apply insulating tape or equivalent to the terminals. Otherwise shorting could occur, resulting in fire or burns. To reduce the risk of hazards, use only CSA/UL certified power supply cord set, cord is Type SPT-2 or heavier, minimum No.18 AWG copper, one end is provided with a moulded-on male attachment plug cap (with a specified NEMA configuration), and the other end is provided with a moulded-on female connector body (with a specified IEC non-industrial type configuration). Do not use batteries or the battery charger if wet. Resultant shorting could lead to fire or burns. Do not connect or disconnect power supply plugs with wet hands. Electric shock could result. Caution Do not touch liquid leaking from batteries. Harmful chemicals could cause burns or blisters. Bluetooth wireless technology Warning Do not use within the vicinity of hospitals. Malfunction of medical equipment could result. Use the instrument at a distance of at least 22 cm from anyone with a cardiac pacemaker. Otherwise, the pacemaker may be adversely affected by the electromagnetic waves produced and cease to operate as normal. Do not use onboard aircraft. The aircraft instrumentation may malfunction as a result. Do not use within the vicinity of automatic doors, fire alarms and other devices with automatic controls as the electromagnetic waves produced may adversely affect operation resulting in an accident. 2 2. PRECAUTIONS Before starting work or operation, be sure to check that the instrument is functioning correctly with normal performance. Direct sunlight Do not leave the instrument under strong sunlight for a long time. It may cause the instrument to malfunction. Waterproof property When waterproofness is necessary, close all the caps securely. However, the serial connector has a waterproof structure, so it will remain waterproof even if its cap is not closed. Maintenance Always clean the instrument after use. • If the instrument becomes wet from rain, dry moisture. • To clean the instrument, dust off well and then wipe clean with a soft cloth. User • This product is for professional use only! The user is required to be a qualified surveyor or have a good knowledge of surveying, in order to understand the user and safety instructions, before operating, inspecting or adjusting. • Wear the required protectors (safety shoes, helmet, etc.) when operating. Exceptions from Responsibility • The user of this product is expected to follow all operating instructions and make periodic checks of the product’s performance. • The manufacturer, or its representatives, assumes no responsibility for results of a faulty or intentional usage or misuse including any direct, indirect, consequential damage, and loss of profits. • The manufacturer, or its representatives, assumes no responsibility for consequential damage, and loss of profits by any disaster, (an earthquake, storms, floods etc.). A fire, accident, or an act of a third party and/or a usage any other usual conditions. • The manufacturer, or its representatives, assumes no responsibility for any damage, and loss of profits due to a change of data, loss of data, an interruption of business etc., caused by using the product or an unusable product. • The manufacturer, or its representatives, assumes no responsibility for any damage, and loss of profits caused by usage except for explained in the user manual. • The manufacturer, or its representatives, assumes no responsibility for damage caused by wrong movement, or action due to connecting with other products. 3 3. NOMENCLATURE AND FUNCTIONS 3.1 FC-250 Card slot cap Display and Touch screen Stylus pen AC/DC Adapter Connector cap Hook for tripod Hook for handstrap Speaker Charge LED Wireless LED Enter key Calendar key Battery cover Windows key Contacts key Power key Soft keyboard key Battery cover knob Microphone Cursor keys Connector caps Card slot side Connector side CF card eject button To eject the CF card, stand the button up, then press it. CF slot Hard reset switch Hook for handstrap SD slot USB Connector (Type Mini-B) USB Connector (Type A) Serial Connector 4 3. NOMENCLATURE AND FUNCTIONS 3.2 Wireless LED Display of Wireless Transmission Status Flashing Green:Transmitting via Bluetooth and RS-1B (optional) Flashing Orange:Transmitting via RS-1 (optional) Flashing Red: Transmitting via Wireless LAN When transmitting via more than one wireless, flashing will occur in sequence. 3.3 Connectors Serial connector USB Connector (Type A) No.4 No.1 DCD No.2 RXD (IN) No.3 TXD (OUT) No.4 DTR (OUT) No.5 GND No.6 DSR (IN) No.7 RTS (OUT) No.8 CTS (IN) No.9 RI (IN) No.1 VCC No.2 V- No.3 V+ No.4 GND No.1 VDD No.1 USB Connector (Type Mini-B) 5 No.2 V- No.3 V+ No.4 NC No.5 GND (IN) 4. PREPARATION FOR USE 4.1 Before using Make sure to charge the battery before using the FC-250. Do not connect the instrument to the computer until the Windows Mobile Device Center or ActiveSync installation to the computer is completed. 4.2 Installing the software It is possible to synchronize data from Microsoft Outlook of the computer and Calendar and Contacts on the FC-250 using Windows Mobile Device Center or ActiveSync. Files and folders can also be copied between the computer and the FC-250. Installation procedure For Windows Vista Windows Device Center6.1 can be downloaded from the following URL. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/en-us/help/synchronize/device-centerdownload.mspx For Windows XP and Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 ActiveSync4.5 can be downloaded from the following URL. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/en-us/help/synchronize/activesync-download.mspx • Microsoft ActiveSync4.5 (Windows XP and earlier operating systems up to Windows 98) or Windows Device Center6.1 (Windows Vista) is required. • Refer to Help on each software for details on set up and use of Device Center and ActiveSync. • Information concerning Windows Mobile Device Center and ActiveSync can be found in the URL below. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/ • The Windows Mobile Device Center is supported by Windows Vista operating system. • The ActiveSync 4.5 is supported by Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 and Windows XP operating system. 6 4. PREPARATION FOR USE 4.3 Battery Battery Installation 1 Remove the handstrap. Battery terminal 2 Slide the battery cover knob in the direction of arrow. 3 Open the battery cover. Battery cover knob When the battery cover is opened, the instrument will automatically change to suspension mode. Suspension mode: The screen and the power will go off. Your settings, however, will be saved. If you press the Power key, the instrument will turn off and change to suspension mode. 4 Insert batteries in the direction as shown in the figure to the right. 5 Close the battery cover. When the battery cover is opened, it will automatically change to suspension mode (Power OFF). 7 4. PREPARATION FOR USE Battery Charging 1 After installing the battery, plug the connector of AD-11B/11C in the FC-250. 2 Plug the AD-11B/11C in an outlet. Then the charge LED will light. Charging is completed after approximately 5.5 hours. Charge LED The charge LED of FC-250 will indicate charging status; Red ON: Green ON: LED OFF: Charging. Charging completed. Battery Charging Error Connector AD-11B/11C (The battery is not installed, or the room temperature is out of the charging temperature range.) • • • • • Recharge batteries at the room temperature between +10°C - +40°C (+50°F - +104°F). The instrument may develop heat while charging, there is no problem of it. The battery source may develop heat while charging, there is no problem of it. The battery source will discharge when not being used. Always charge before use. Holding time under suspension mode is approximately 8 days (when fully charged batteries are used). In order to maintain suspension mode, full recharge is required once in every 8 days. • If the instrument is not used over an extended period of time, be sure to charge battery source every 15 days and store in a place at 30°C or below. If you allow the battery to be completely discharged, it will have an effect on the proper charging in the future. • Attempting to charge batteries immediately after charging may cause a degradation of the batteries. • Do not charge successively. It may cause degradation of batteries and/or the battery charger. If more charging needs to be done, wait approximately 30 minutes before charging. 8 4. PREPARATION FOR USE How to save battery power: • Backlight The initial setting for backlight brightness when shipped from the factory is 4 (fourth from the darkest setting). If the backlight is not needed, lower the brightness or set so that the light will turn off after a short time. Brightness can be adjusted by the following procedure: 1 Tap the [Start][Settings][System][Backlight] and [Brightness] tab. 2 Adjust by sliding the [Brightness on Battery Power] slider bar sideways. • Wireless Turn off Bluetooth, RS-1/RS-1B and Wireless LAN when not in use. • Low temperature use Battery capacity is reduced at low temperatures. When using under low temperature conditions, keep the equipment as warm as possible. • CF cards, SD cards, USB port Disconnect cards and cables when not in use. 9 4. PREPARATION FOR USE 4.4 Setting Handstrap 1 Set the handstrap on the handstrap hook c. 2 Set the handstrap on the handstrap hook d. Handstrap 4.5 Touch Screen Align the Screen 1 Tap [Start] [Settings][System][Screen] Stylus pen [Align Screen] button. or After Format Reset, turn the popwer key ON. 2 Using a stylus pen, touch the center of the target. Targets 3 After touching all targets(5 points), tap the [OK] button. (Use an accessory stylus pen to touch a screen. Do not use neither a ball-point pen nor pencil.) Protective Film for Touch Panel The enclosed protective film is provided to protect the touch panel layer of LCD panel from degradation by ultraviolet light and possible scratches caused by stylus pen. Ensure to put the protective film to the surface of LCD panel before start using the instrument. Replace the protect film with a new one when the film itself is damaged. 10 4. PREPARATION FOR USE 4.6 Setting up Auto Start By default, Auto Start with schedule setup, etc. is invalid for the FC-250. To validate the Auto Start, change the setting according to the procedure below. • Check the box beside “RTC WakeUp Enable” after selecting [Start][Settings] [Power][RTC] tab, and then press OK button. 4.7 Setting up Power Management Battery depletion can be avoided by automatically turning off the power, when the equipment is left ON. Validating the Auto Start setup with the above procedure may automatically start up the equipment depending on the specifications of OS. Therefore, it is recommended to use the Power Management settings. • Check the box beside [On battery power: Turn off device if not used for] after selecting [Start][Settings][Power][Advanced] tab, and then select [5 minutes] and press OK button. 11 5. TRANSMISSION DATA TO THE PC 5.1 Using Interface Cable Connection with the computer Do not connect the FC-250 to the computer until the Windows Mobile Device Center or ActiveSync installation to the computer is completed. 1 Connect the FC-250 to the computer with Interface Cable F-25 as shown in the diagram below. 2 The synchronization setup wizard screen will appear on the computer screen. Follow the instructions provided. 3 When connection is completed, the Device Center and ActiveSync window will be displayed on the computer and synchronization will commence. If you click the [Explorer] icon, file data in the instrument can be viewed. PC FC-250 Interface(USB) cable F-25 USB port (TYPE A) USB port (TYPE Mini-B) Reference software for Connectivity See the WEB page as follows. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/ 12 5. TRANSMISSION DATA TO THE PC 5.2 Using Bluetooth The FC-250 has Bluetooth transmission function built-in. Information can be exchanged between instruments equipped with the same function using wireless. *1) Bluetooth ON/OFF Follow the procedure below to turn on the Bluetooth function. 1 Turn on the FC-250. 2 Press the Bluetooth icon in the system tray, and select Bluetooth Manager from the popup menu. When the Bluetooth function is turned ON, the wireless LED will flash in green color. If the Bluetooth transmitter is switched off (The Bluetooth icon is gray.), select Turn Transmitter On to turn on Bluetooth. Turn on Bluetooth only when being used. If Bluetooth is left ON, operation time will be shortened. Setting Bluetooth Refer to the Bluetooth Manager operation manual for details on Bluetooth settings. *1) Supported Profile: SPP, DUN 5.3 Using Radio System RS-1/RS-1B (Option) Installing the Radio System RS-1/RS-1B, an optional system, enables transmission with Total Station and other instrument with wireless. Refer to the application help for details on setting RS-1/RS-1B. Turn on RS-1/RS-1B only when being used. If RS-1/RS-1B is left ON, operation time will be shortened. 13 5. TRANSMISSION DATA TO THE PC 5.4 Using Wireless LAN It is possible to connect to a network via wireless if Wireless LAN function is used. Wireless LAN ON/OFF Follow the procedure below to turn on the Wireless LAN function. 1 Tap on [Start][Settings][System][WLan Power]. 2 On the [Wireless LAN Power] screen, tap on the [POWER ON] button. When the Wireless LAN function is turned ON, the wireless LED will flash in red color. Turn on Wireless LAN only when being used. If Wireless LAN is left ON, operation time will be shortened. Information concerning Wireless LAN settings can be found in the URL below. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/en-us/help/synchronize/make-connections.mspx 5.5 Using CF Card How to Insert CF Card Please make sure you have the front and back of the CF cards facing correctly when inserting into the card slot. If you forcibly insert the card incorrectly, the pin at the card slot may be damaged and cause a breakdown. Front of the card Please insert straight down into the card slot. If you forcibly insert the card at an angle, the pin at the card slot may be damaged and cause a breakdown. 14 6. RESETTING FC-250 If there is no response to the pressing of a key or tapping of the display, you need to reset the FC-250. There are 3 methods to reset the FC-250. It takes more than one minute to restart the OS after resetting the FC-250. 6.1 Soft Reset With the soft reset, all running applications will be shutdown, and data you are editing will be lost; however, installed programs and stored data are protected. How to soft reset 1 Remove all cables or cards (CFs, SDs) that are currently mounted. 2 While pressing the Contacts key, press the curser key to right and up direction for at least 2 seconds. 6.2 Hard Reset If the instrument does not function properly after soft reset has been done, perform a hard reset. With the hard reset, all running applications will be shutdown, and data you are editing will be lost; however, installed programs and stored data are protected. Hardware information (device name, etc.) will return to default. How to hard reset 1 Remove all cables or cards (CFs, SDs) that are currently mounted. 2 Lightly press the Hard reset switch in the middle of the card slot with stylus pen for at least 2 seconds. 3 Turn on the Power key. 15 6. RESETTING FC-250 6.3 Format Reset If the instrument does not operate properly after hard reset, perform the format reset. When the format reset is performed, FC-250 is reset to factory defaults. User data and the installed program are deleted. The time setting and shortcut information created on the desktop and for program folders will be initialized. In such case, it will be necessary to reset the time and then reinstall applications. Please make back up copies of user data. How to format reset 1 Remove all cables or cards (CFs, SDs) that are currently mounted. 2 Lightly press the Hard reset switch in the middle of the card slot with stylus pen. 3 Pressing the Calendar, Enter and Power keys until the FC-250 is restarted. If the equipment does not work normally after the format reset, it needs repair. Please contact your local Topcon dealer or Topcon. 16 7. REGULATIONS Region/ Directives/ Country Regulations Labels/Declarations FCC Compliance This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. This equipment should be installed and operated with at least 20cm and more between the radiator and person’s body (excluding extremeties: hands, wrists, feet and ankles). U.S.A. FCC WARNING: Change or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Specified cables must be used for connection to computer and/or peripherals in order to meet FCC emission limits. Declaration of Conformity Model Number: FC-250 Trade Name: TOPCON CORPORATION Manufacture Name: Address: Country: TOPCON CORPORATION 75-1, Hasunuma-cho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, 1748580 JAPAN JAPAN U.S.A. Representative Responsible party: TOPCON POSITIONING SYSTEMS,INC. Address: 7400 National Drive Livermore, CA94551, U.S.A Telephone number: 925-245-8300 Means of conformity This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules, Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. 17 7. REGULATIONS Region/ Directives/ Country Regulations California, U.S.A. Proposition65 California, U.S.A. Perchlorate Material (CR Lithium Battery) California and NY, U.S.A. Recycling Batteries Canada ICES Labels/Declarations 18 7. REGULATIONS Region/ Directives/ Country Regulations Australia C-Tick Labels/Declarations The compliance label indicates that the product complies with the applicable standard and establishes a traceable link between the equipment and the manufacturer, importer or their agent responsible for compliance and for placing it on the Australian market. R&TTE-Class 2 EU EMC-Class B R&TTE Directive DATA COLLECTOR FC-250 Hereby, TOPCON CORP., declares that the above-mentioned equipment is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. This equipment may be operated in CS, DA, DE, ET, EN, ES, EL, FR, IT, LV, LT, NL, MT, HU, PL, PT, SL, SK, FI, SV, IS, NO. EU R&TTE Please inquire below if you wish to receive a copy of Topcon's Declaration of Conformity. Topcon Europe Positioning B.V. Essebaan 11, 2908 LJ Capelle a/d IJssel, The Netherlands Tel:+31-10-4585077 Fax:+31-10-2844949 http://www.topcon-positioning.eu/index.asp 19 7. REGULATIONS Region/ Directives/ Country Regulations EU EU Labels/Declarations WEEE Directive EU Battery Directive 20 8. SPECIFICATIONS Controller Microprocessor Processor speed Operating system Memory Display Touch panel Keyboard LED Interface Audio : Marvell® PXA320 : 806MHz : Microsoft® Windows Mobile® 6.5 : RAM 256MB SDRAM : ROM 1GB NAND Flash : Display resolution 480×640 VGA : Type 3.7 inch TFT Color LCD : Number of colors displayed 262,144 colors : Light LED back light : Analog resistive film : 7 keys (Power key included) : 2 LEDs (charge, wireless) : Conforming to RS-232C (D-sub 9) : USB (rev 1.1) (Type Mini-B) : USB (rev 1.1) (Type A) *1) : Compact Flash (conforming to Type I/II) : SDIO/SD/SDHC/MMC card slot *2) : RS-1/RS-1B (Optional wireless system) connection port (special 30 pins) : Sealed speaker (mono), sealed microphone *1) Connector size is within 9.0×16.5 mm. *2) Some cards may not be used with the FC-250. "List of Operation-Confirmed Memory Device for FC-250" Maximum capacity of SD card is 2GB or less, and maximum capacity of SDHC card is 32GB or less. Power Power consumption Operating time*3) : 1.85W (normal use) : Approx. 10 hours (normal use) : Approx. 8 hours (with Bluetooth) : Approx. 6 hours (with Wireless LAN) Suspend (Power OFF) holding time : Approx. 8 days (when fully charged batteries are used) Input voltage : 10 - 15V DC (Max 3A) Charging time : Approx. 5.5 hours (when AC/DC converter AD-11B/C) *3) Battery capacity will differ depending on whether Bluetooth/Wireless LAN is used or not, brightness of the backlight, room temperature and application software used. Bluetooth® Functions Transmission specifications : Bluetooth® version 1.2 Class : class 2 (2.5mW) Transmission method : Frequency hopping spread spectrum (FH-SS) communication Modulation method : GFSK Data transmission speed: 1Mbps (Max.) Antenna : Chip Antenna (built-in) Frequency range : 2.4GHz (2,402-2,480MHz) (0-78ch) Transmission distance : 10m (In good visibility) *4) 21 8. SPECIFICATIONS Supported profile : SPP, DUN Wireless LAN Function Transmission specifications : IEEE802.11g/b Transmission method : Direct sequence spread spectrum (DS-SS) communication Access method : Infrastructure mode , Ad hoc mode Antenna : PCB type (built-in) Security : WEP (128/64bit), TKIP Frequency range : 2.4GHz (2,412-2,462MHz) (1-11ch) Transmission output : 30mW Transmission distance : 10m (In good visibility) *4) *4) Transmission distance is influenced by the environment. The distance of radio wave transmission may be reduced in reinforced concrete buildings or near large-sized metal furniture. Environment Water resistance and dust resistance : IP66 *5) Operating temperature : -20°C - +50°C Storage temperature : -30°C - +60°C Shock resistance : Dropping this instrument from a height of 1 meter does not affect its functions *6) *5) When caps are installed. *6) Each of the instrument’s 6 sides was dropped onto a concrete surface, and the instrument’s operation was then confirmed. Only the exterior of the instrument was damaged. Physical Dimensions Weight : 196×107×61 (mm) : 0.7kg (with battery) Battery (BT-66Q) Type Regular voltage Nominal capacity Exterior dimensions Weight : Lithium-ion battery : 7.4V : 2,500mAh : 72×39×22 (mm) : 110g AC/DC Converter (AD-11B/11C) Input : 100-240V 50-60Hz, 1.4A Output : 12V 3A Max. 36W Charging temperature : 0°C - +40°C Exterior dimensions : 88×41×27 (mm) (Not including cable) Weight : 200 g 22 This is the mark of the Japan Surveying Instruments Manufacturers Association. ©2009 TOPCON CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * http://www.topcon.co.jp Please see the attached address list or the following website for contact addresses. GLOBAL GATEWAY http://global.topcon.com/