Роутер TP-Link TL-MR3040 — ваш друг в путешествии или командировке. Полезно не только знать, какие возможности он даст пользователю, но и как его настроить, когда в этом возникала необходимость, например, при смене интернет-провайдера.
Обзор роутера TP-Link MR3040
TP-Link TL-MR3040 — гибрид домашнего и мобильного роутера. Он занимает не больше места, чем два айфона, положенные друг на друга.
TL-MR3040 представляет собой компактный переносной роутер
В корпусе MR3040, в отличие от большинства других роутеров TP-Link, отсутствуют ряды вентиляционных отверстий, а значит, он чаще перезапускается из-за перегрева в случае работы на грани своих возможностей.
Роутер TL-MR3040 отличается от своих стационарных собратьев, например, TP-Link серии MR32xx:
- наличием порта microUSB для питания от «зарядки» смартфонов и планшетов — в других моделях TP-Link питание подаётся через классический «джек» с закольцованным минусовым выводом;
Роутер TL-MR3040 заряжается через порт microUSB, который находится на боковой панели рядом с кнопкой питания
- встроенной батареей на 2000 мАч, обеспечивающей до трёх часов работы устройства при отключении электричества (даже при интенсивной нагрузке на Wi-Fi и сотовые сети 3G/4G);
Роутер TL-MR3040 имеет встроенную батарею, поддерживающую его работу в течение трёх часов при самой интенсивной нагрузке
- малым весом (96 г без модема).
TL-MR3040 потребляет до одного ампера в час — такова его максимальная нагрузка. В неё входят: предельно слабый сигнал сотовой сети на USB-модеме, при котором ещё возможна скорость соединения от 1 Мбит/с, а также одновременно работающие подключение по кабелю и раздача трафика по Wi-Fi с максимальным количеством гаджетов или ПК.
Рядом с разъёмом питания расположен выключатель. Кнопка сброса размещена справа от порта USB.
Роутер проигрывает карманным моделям ZTE и Huawei со встроенным 4G-модемом. Его невозможно применять в жёстких условиях эксплуатации из-за торчащего 4G-модема, которым легко повредить USB-гнездо, нося роутер в переполненной сумке или садясь с ним в кармане. Он подойдёт для использования в машине или в поезде — USB-модем выносится за окно или на крышу транспортного средства посредством кабеля длиной до 3 м.
TP-Link MR3040 работает в следующих режимах:
- Точка доступа Wi-Fi. Можно использовать как кабельный интернет, так и сеть 3G/4G. Оба гнезда — Ethernet и USB (для модема) — расположены с одного торца.
На лицевой панели роутера TL-MR3040 находятся разъёмы LAN и USB
- Мост — репитер Wi-Fi. Сторонняя беспроводная сеть, от которой известны имя и пароль, становится донором интернет-трафика. Исчерпывающая функциональность радиоудлинителя Wi-Fi в роутерах TP-Link достигается при использовании сторонних прошивок, например, OpenWRT.
- Модем LAN — 4G. Получаемый от сотовой сети трафик тут же готов к дальнейшей передаче по кабелю.
О работе роутера свидетельствуют следующие индикаторы: питания, LAN, Wi-Fi и интернет-соединения.
В TL-MR3040 ничего лишнего — индикация сотовой сети присутствует на USB-модеме
Размеры упаковки MR3040 в сборе не превышают таковые для почти любого современного смартфона.
Роутер TL-MR3040 упакован в небольшую красочную коробку
Таблица: технические характеристики роутера TP-Link MR3040
Параметр | Значение |
Разъёмы |
Режимы работы |
Стандарты | IEEE 802.11b/g/n |
Изменяемая пропускная способность |
Полоса занимаемых в радиоэфире частот | 2,400–2,4835 ГГц |
Мощность передатчика | до 20 дБ |
Безопасность |
Маршрутизатор |
Брандмауэр |
Управление | с браузера |
Энергопотребление |
Размеры | 100×62×16 мм |
Погодные условия | от 15 до 40°С |
В комплекте поставки кроме самого роутера присутствуют:
- диск с программой настройки TP-Link;
- кабель LAN;
- инструкция с гарантийным талоном;
- адаптер питания на 5 вольт;
- аккумулятор литийионный на 2 ампер-часа.
В коробке кроме роутера находится диск с инструкцией и необходимые аксессуары для подключения и работы
Видео: подробный обзор роутера TP-Link MR3040
Как настроить роутер TL-MR3040
Первичная настройка TL-MR3040 выполняется через кабельное подключение к ПК или ноутбуку любой конфигурации.
Проверка настроек LAN в Windows 10
Вначале убедитесь, что операционная система Windows при подключении получит временный IP-адрес от роутера MR3040. А чтобы проверить настройки Ethernet-адаптера ПК, выполните следующие шаги:
- Нажмите «Пуск» в главном меню Windows 10 выберите пункт «Выполнить».
Консоль выполнения всегда доступна в главном меню независимо от его настроек
- В появившейся строке введите команду ncpa.cpl — откроются настройки сетевых адаптеров Windows.
Вход в центр настройки сетей Windows осуществляется по команде ncpa.cpl
- На значке LAN-подключения щёлкните правой кнопкой мыши и выберите «Свойства».
Перейдите к свойствам конкретного сетевого адаптера Windows
- На вкладке «Сеть» выберите протокол IPv4 (более старая версия TCP/IP) и нажмите на кнопку «Свойства».
Перед настройкой IP желательно отключить адаптер
- Убедитесь, что в настройках TCP/IP установлено автоматическое получение IP-адреса. В поля, задающие адреса DNS-серверов, введите данные любых публичных ресурсов, например, Google ( и Сохраните настройку кабельного адаптера, нажав кнопку OK.
Перезапустите Windows 10. Адаптер Ethernet обновит IP-адрес и получит новые записи DNS при первом же выходе в интернет.
Вход в настройки роутера
Итак, роутер подключён к ПК с помощью кабеля LAN и включён. Для продолжения настроек требуется авторизация в веб-интерфейсе роутера:
- Наберите в адресной строке браузера IP и перейдите на него, нажав клавишу «Ввод».
Внешний вид веб-панели MR3040 может отличаться в зависимости от браузера
- В окне авторизации роутера в качестве имени и пароля введите admin и нажмите OK.
Вы попадёте на страницу сведений о параметрах роутера (пункт «Состояние» главного меню TP-Link).
В пункте меню «Состояние» отображаются сведения об основных параметрах роутера
Отобразятся адрес шлюза (роутера), маска подсети LAN, DNS-адреса и т. д.
Смена пароля администратора
Замена административного пароля роутера — дополнительная мера, защищающая локальную сеть от стороннего вторжения. Для смены пароля на роутере выполните следующие шаги:
- Перейдите в подменю «Системные настройки — Администрирование».
- Убедитесь, что старые логин и пароль роутера на месте, если требуется — введите их.
- Назначьте новый логин и дважды укажите новый пароль устройства TL-MR3040.
Пароль администратора вводят дважды, чтобы исключить ошибку
- Нажмите кнопку «Сохранить».
Роутер перезапустится и предложит зайти в настройки под новым логином и паролем.
Настройка локальной сети
Без правильной настройки LAN интернет и обмен файлами между устройствами будут недоступны. Для настройки локальной сети делается следующее:
- Перейдите в подменю «Сеть — LAN».
Перейдите к настройкам локальной сети в пункте LAN меню «Сеть»
- Впишите IP-адрес роутера, если хотите изменить установленное по умолчанию значение
- Проверьте маску подсети (она должна быть равна и нажмите на кнопку «Сохранить».
Роутер перезапустится, новые настройки IP вступят в силу.
При любых изменениях настроек проводной и беспроводной сети в роутере TL-MR3040 для продолжения работы необходимо подождать (около минуты), пока устройство перезагрузится.
Настройка беспроводной сети
Прежде чем выходить в интернет, потребуется настройка Wi-Fi — в роутере TL-MR3040 один порт LAN, поэтому при отсутствии беспроводной сети полноценно работать не получится: необходим ещё один канал, через который ПК или гаджет получит доступ к нужным ресурсам интернета. Этот канал — точка доступа Wi-Fi. Её настройка сводится к следующему:
- Перейдите в меню «Беспроводные сети — Настройка беспроводной сети».
- Выберите страну и установите автоназначение канала Wi-Fi в процессе работы.
- Выберите скоростной режим 802.11b/g/n (самый быстрый, подстраивающийся под условия связи Wi-Fi).
- Задайте автоматическую ширину канала (полоса в 20 или 40 МГц выбирается автоматически — в зависимости от загруженности сетки частот Wi-Fi в конкретной точке).
- Выберите максимальную пропускную способность ретранслятора Wi-Fi.
- Отметьте опции «Включить беспроводную сеть роутера» и «Включить выдачу имени сети (SSID)».
Укажите физические параметры беспроводной сети в пункте Wireless Settings («Настройка беспроводной сети»)
- Нажмите кнопку «Сохранить».
Роутер перезапустится.
Последний неотмеченный пункт «Включить мост WDS» управляет режимом моста (репитера) Wi-Fi.
Первоначально сеть Wi-Fi открыта. Чтобы её обезопасить (закрыть), сделайте следующее:
- Перейдите в соседнее подменю «Беспроводные сети — Безопасность Wi-Fi».
Самым лучшим типом защиты беспроводной сети является алгоритм WPA-2
- Выберите тип шифрования WPA-2 и установите автоопределение его версии (чтобы точка Wi-Fi и подключаемые к ней устройства не конфликтовали).
- Введите пароль (не короче 8 символов — заглавные и строчные буквы, цифры).
- Установите нулевое время обновления ключа и нажмите на кнопку «Сохранить».
Роутер вновь перезапустится. Для проверки работы защищённой сети подключитесь к нему с ПК или мобильного устройства, введя только что установленный пароль.
Как настроить подключение к сотовой сети на TP-Link MR3040
Убедитесь, что:
- ваш модем поддерживается роутером — производители, обновляя линейки моделей, исключают устаревшие модемы из списка поддерживаемых. Актуальный список совместимых USB-модемов можно посмотреть на сайте производителя или уточнить в службе технической поддержки по номеру 8 (800) 250–55–60 (звонок из любого региона России бесплатный);
- в USB-модем вставлена SIM-карта с безлимитным тарифом от любого из сотовых операторов;
- вы в зоне покрытия 3G/4G.
Поддерживаемые USB-модемы
Роутер TL-MR3040 поддерживает следующие 3G/4G-модемы:
- ZTE: MF100/112/170/180/192/627;
- Huawei: E150/1550/169/173/1829/392;
- Quanta LU150 (Yota 4G).
Если сигнал сети 3G или 4G слабый (модем периодически теряет сеть), используйте USB-удлинитель, а сам модем перенесите туда, где сигнал пропадать не будет (например, поближе к окну), либо используйте соответствующий ретранслятор.
Настройка сотового подключения MR3040 заключается в следующем:
- Перейдите по команде «Сеть — 3G/4G».
- Убедитесь, что роутер MR3040 определил наличие USB-модема (надпись «Обнаружен»).
- Укажите страну и оператора.
- Рекомендуется выбрать автоматическое подключение — сегодня операторы не скупятся на дешёвый или безлимитный высокоскоростной трафик.
- Выберите автоматическое распознавание аутентификации.
- Для тестирования установленного соединения нажмите на кнопку «Соединиться».
- Нажмите кнопку «Сохранить».
Если роутер опознал USB-модем, в верхней строке появится надпись Identified («Обнаружен»)
Роутер перезапустится и автоматически выйдет в интернет.
Настройка кабельного интернета
Кабельный провайдер предоставляет доступ в интернет через высокоскоростное соединение PPPoE, требующее авторизации по имени и паролю абонента, выданного при заключении договора и подведении телефонной либо оптоволоконной линии к его дому или квартире. Дополнительно задействуется VPN-шифрование (PPTP или L2TP), определяемое городской локальной сетью.
В случае с ADSL в качестве внешнего устройства выступает соответствующий кабельный модем, а для волоконной линии используется оптический терминал (ONT-модем). Последняя технология с каждым годом всё больше вытесняет первую. И то и другое устройство имеет собственный LAN-разъём и подключается к соответствующему гнезду роутера, выполняющему одновременно и функции WAN-интерфейса. Здесь нужен второй кабель LAN.
Настройка доступа в интернет по кабелю для роутера TL-MR3040 заключается в следующем:
- Перейдите в меню «Сеть — WAN».
Укажите тип IP-соединения, запрашиваемого провайдером
- Включите нужный протокол интернета, предлагаемый провайдером.
- Значение MTU оставьте без изменений (не все протоколы его используют).
- Укажите логин и пароль из договора.
Введите значения логина и пароля, полученные от провайдера
- Если провайдер выдал фиксированный IP, укажите его (используется протокол «Статичный IPoE»).
- Назначьте DNS-адреса (если по договору они присутствуют).
- Рекомендуется выбрать автоматическое подключение.
- При использовании статического IP провайдер потребует MAC-адрес роутера. Проверьте его правильность — MAC-адрес указан в договоре и на днище самого роутера.
- Нажмите кнопку «Сохранить».
Роутер MR3040 перезапустится и автоматически выйдет в интернет.
Настройка режима моста
Режим моста (репитера) расширяет зону действия другого роутера, от сети которого вы знаете пароль. В упрощённом случае исходная сеть не защищена (в ней не задействована никакая парольная проверка соединения).
Режим репитера необходим в случае, когда ретранслируемая сеть слишком далеко от гаджета или ПК — соединение при этом не устанавливается, либо скорость интернета слишком мала из-за слабого сигнала Wi-Fi.
Настройка режима моста заключается в следующем:
- Вернитесь в настройки радиопараметров Wi-Fi («Беспроводные сети — Настройка Wi-Fi»).
- Включите функцию «Задействовать WDS-мост».
Запустите сканирования эфира Wi-Fi для поиска доступных сетей
- Нажмите кнопку «Сканировать», найдите в эфире Wi-Fi нужную открытую сеть (или закрытую, от которой известен пароль), выберите её.
Выберите сеть, логин и пароль от которой вы знаете
- Выберите канал Wi-Fi, на котором эта сеть работает. Функция бесполезна, когда исходный роутер то и дело меняет частоты — в этом случае на MR3040 также устанавливается автовыбор частоты.
После установки всех параметров нажмите кнопку Save («Сохранить»)
- Убедитесь, что MAC-адрес ретранслируемого роутера указан верно — в случае автовыбора частоты на последнем устройство MR3040 будет подключаться по нему.
- Выберите тип и разновидность шифрования, введите пароль (если требуется) от ретранслируемой беспроводной сети.
- Нажмите кнопку «Сохранить».
Роутер TL-MR3040 перезапустит маршрутизатор Wi-Fi в режиме повторителя, подключится к чужой сети и начнёт раздавать интернет-трафик от неё.
Отзывы о роутере TP-Link MR3040
Роутер TL-MR3040 — компактнейшее из универсальных решений: без учёта отсутствия нескольких LAN-выходов он пригодится для дома и офиса. А вот в качестве мобильной точки доступа он идеально подходит в автомобиле, т. е. является, скорее, возимым, чем носимым устройством. Тем не менее он не уступает похожим на него роутерам по быстродействию и производительности. Настроить его не сложнее, чем более профессиональные, чисто домашние точки доступа.
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Table of Contents
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Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered
Wireless N Router
Rev: 1.0.0
Related Manuals for TP-Link TL-MR3040
Summary of Contents for TP-Link TL-MR3040
Page 1
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Rev: 1.0.0 1910010615… -
Page 2: Fcc Statement
Specifications are subject to change without notice. is a registered trademark of TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. No part of the specifications may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative such as translation, transformation, or adaptation without permission from TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.
Page 3: Ce Mark Warning
FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This device and its antenna must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. “To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, this grant is applicable to only Mobile Configurations.
Page 4: Industry Canada Statement
Industry Canada Statement: This device complies with RSS-210 of the Industry Canada Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Page 5: Declaration Of Conformity
TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY For the following equipment: Product Description: Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Model No.: TL-MR3040 Trademark: TP-LINK We declare under our own responsibility that the above products satisfy all the technical regulations applicable to the product within the scope of Council Directives:…
Page 6: Table Of Contents
CONTENTS Package Contents …………………….. 1 Chapter 1. Introduction……………………. 2 Overview of the Router………………..2 Conventions ……………………. 2 Main Features ………………….2 Panel Layout …………………… 3 1.4.1 The Front Panel………………..3 1.4.2 The Rear Panel ………………..4 Chapter 2. Connecting the Router ………………..5 System Requirements ………………..
Page 7
4.7.1 DHCP Settings ………………..54 4.7.2 DHCP Clients List ………………. 56 4.7.3 Address Reservation ………………56 Forwarding ……………………. 57 4.8.1 Virtual Servers ………………..58 4.8.2 Port Triggering ………………..59 4.8.3 DMZ…………………… 61 4.8.4 UPnP ………………….62 Security ……………………63 4.9.1 Basic Security………………..63 4.9.2 Advanced Security……………… -
Page 8
4.16.5 Backup & Restore………………. 96 4.16.6 Reboot ………………….97 4.16.7 Password………………….98 4.16.8 System Log………………… 98 4.16.9 Statistics ………………….99 Chapter 5. Configuration—Wireless Router / WISP Mode…………. 102 Login ……………………102 Status ……………………102 Quick Setup………………….104 Operation Mode………………….104 Network …………………… -
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5.11.2 Host ………………….153 5.11.3 Target………………….155 5.11.4 Schedule………………….. 157 5.12 Advanced Routing ………………..158 5.12.1 Static Routing List ………………159 5.12.2 System Routing Table………………. 160 5.13 Bandwidth Control ………………..160 5.13.1 Control Settings ……………….. 161 5.13.2 Rules List…………………. 161 5.14 IP &… -
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6.6.5 Wireless Statistics………………202 DHCP ……………………202 6.7.1 DHCP Settings ………………… 203 6.7.2 DHCP Clients List ………………204 6.7.3 Address Reservation ………………205 System Tools ………………….206 6.8.1 Time Setting………………..206 6.8.2 Diagnostic………………… 208 6.8.3 Firmware Upgrade ………………210 6.8.4 Factory Defaults ………………..211 6.8.5 Backup &… -
Page 11: Package Contents
The following items should be found in your package: TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Power Adapter Battery USB Cable Ethernet cable Quick Installation Guide Resource CD for TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router, including: • This Guide • Other Helpful Information Note: Make sure that the package contains the above items.
Page 12: Chapter 1. Introduction
Router. 1.1 Overview of the Router TL-MR3040 from TP-LINK is a truly mobile wireless networking platform that when paired with a 3G USB modem, is able to broadcast a wireless signal at up to 150Mbps around a room, creating a mobile office or entertainment network for up to five devices to access the Internet simultaneously.
Page 13: Panel Layout
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Provides Automatic-connection and Scheduled Connection on certain time to the Internet Built-in NAT and DHCP server supporting automatic and dynamic IP address IP address distribution Connects Internet on demand and disconnects from the Internet when idle for PPPoE…
Page 14: The Rear Panel
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 1.4.2 The Rear Panel Figure 1-2 Rear Panel sketch The following parts are located on the rear panel (View from left to right). Ethernet Port: This port can be LAN or WAN port depending on the working mode.
Page 15: Chapter 2. Connecting The Router
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Chapter 2. Connecting the Router 2.1 System Requirements 3G/3.75G Mobile Broadband Internet Access Service (With a UMTS/HSPA/EVDO USB dongle) PCs with a working Ethernet Adapter and an Ethernet cable with RJ45 connectors TCP/IP protocol on each PC Web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 , Netscape Navigator 6.0 or above…
Page 16: Chapter 3. Quick Installation Guide
After inserting the 3G Card/Modem to the Router’s 3G USB port and configuring the Router, the Computers/WiFi Phone/Tablet PC could connect to the Internet. In this mode, the only wired port of the Router works as LAN. The connection between TL-MR3040 and the computer is shown as the figure below.
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Internet. Repeater TL-MR3040 is used to extend the range of wireless signal of the existing AP or wireless router. In this mode, the only wired port works as LAN. Computer could connect to the device by either… -
Page 18
IP address manually. Bridge with AP TL-MR3040 in Bridge mode is used to extend the range of wireless signal of the existing AP or wireless router. In this mode, the only wired port works as LAN. Computer could connect to the device by either wired or wireless way. -
Page 19: Pc Configuration
Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Client TL-MR3040 is used as a wireless network card to connect the wireless network signal or wireless router. In this mode, the only wired port works as LAN. Computer could connect to the device by either wired or wireless way.
Page 20: Router Configuration
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Note: The default SSID of the network is TP-LINK_POCKET_3040_xxxxxx. (The xxxxxx is the last six characters of the router’s MAC address.) 3. When Connected appears, you’ve successfully connected to the wireless network.
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 3-3 Quick Setup Choose the Operation Mode you need, and then click Next. Figure 3-4 Operation Mode Then you can configure the Wireless Settings according to the mode. 3G Router Mode Choose the Internet Access type, and then click Next. -
Page 22
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router WAN Preferred — Use WAN as the primary access, 3G as a backup. The Ethernet port is used as WAN port. Select your location and Mobile ISP. If you don’t find your location and ISP in the pull-down menu, tick “Set the Dial Number, APN, Username and Password manually”… -
Page 23
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 3-7 Quick Setup – Wireless Click Reboot to make the settings take effect. Figure 3-8 Quick Setup – Finish Note: After the rebooting, please reconnect to the network according to 3.2.1Connect to Network. If Wireless Security is enabled, you need to enter the password you’ve just set to successfully… -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 3-11 Quick Setup – PPPoE User Name and Password — Enter the User Name and Password provided by your ISP. These fields are case sensitive. If you have difficulty with this process, please contact your ISP. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router If the connection type detected is Static IP, the next screen will appear as shown in Figure 3-13. Figure 3-13 Quick Setup — Static IP IP Address — This is the WAN IP address seen by external users on the Internet (including your ISP). -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 3-14 Quick Setup – Wireless Click Reboot to make the settings take effect. Figure 3-15 Quick Setup – Finish Note: After the rebooting, please reconnect to the network according to 3.2.1Connect to Network. If Wireless Security is enabled, you need to enter the password you’ve just set to successfully… -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 3-16 Quick Setup – Wireless Operation Mode If you choose Access Point (AP), the next screen will appear as shown in Figure 3-17. This operation mode allows wireless stations to access. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router filed. If your country or region is not listed, please contact your local government agency for assistance. Channel — This field determines which operating frequency will be used. It is not necessary to change the wireless channel unless you notice interference problems with another nearby access point. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Security Mode – Please refer to the Appendix C: Security Mode. If you choose Bridge with AP, the next screen will appear as shown in Figure 3-19. This operation mode bridges the AP and up to 4 APs also in bridge mode to connect two or more wired LANs. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 3-20 Quick Setup – Client Wireless Network Name (SSID) — Enter a value of up to 32 characters. Click the Survey button behind it, you can choose one of searching results to fill in this field. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 3-22 Quick Setup – WAN Connection Type If Auto-Detect is chosen, the router will detect the Internet connection type provided by your ISP automatically. Figure 3-23 Quick Setup – Auto Detect If the connection type is PPPoE, the next screen will appear as shown in Figure 3-24. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router If the connection type is Dynamic IP, the next screen will appear as shown in Figure 3-25. Figure 3-25 Quick Setup – MAC Clone If you are visiting the Router from the main computer, please select Yes, and then click Clone MAC Address. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Subnet Mask — The Subnet Mask is used for the WAN IP address, it is usually Default Gateway — Enter the gateway IP address into the box if required. Primary DNS — Enter the DNS Server IP address into the box if required. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router After the rebooting, please reconnect to the network according to 3.2.1Connect to Network. If Wireless Security is enabled, you need to enter the password you’ve just set to successfully finish the connecting. -
Page 35: Chapter 4. Configuration-3G Router Mode
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Chapter 4. Configuration—3G Router Mode This chapter will show each Web page’s key functions and the configuration way on 3G Router Mode. The default mode of the Router is 3G Router. 4.1 Login After your successful login, you will see the main menus on the left of the Web-based utility.
Page 36: Quick Setup
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-1 Router Status 4.3 Quick Setup Please refer to Chapter 3 Quick Installation Guide. 4.4 Operation Mode On this page, you can choose the operation mode of the Router. The default mode is 3G Router.
Page 37: Network
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-2 Operation Mode 4.5 Network Figure 4-3 the Network menu There are five submenus under the Network menu (shown in Figure 4-3): Internet Access, 3G, WAN, MAC Clone and LAN. Click any of them, and you will be able to configure the corresponding function.
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USB modem inserted is supported by the Router, “identified” will be shown in the 3G USB Modem field as shown in Figure 4-5. Otherwise, “Unknown Modem” will be shown instead as shown in Figure 4-6. Please visit our website http://www.tp-link.com to get the latest USB modems compatibility list. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-5 3G Figure 4-6 Location — Please select the location where you’re enjoying the 3G card. Mobile ISP — Please select the ISP (Internet Service Provider) you apply to for 3G service. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Click the Connect button to connect to your 3G network. Once the connection is successful, you will find the 3G screen is similar to Figure 4-7. Click menu Status and you will see the 3G status is similar to Figure 4-8. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Sometimes the connection cannot be disconnected although you specify a time to Max Idle Time because some applications visit the Internet continually in the background. Connect Automatically — Connect automatically after the Router is disconnected. To use this option, click the radio button. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Set the Dial Number and APN manually — Check the box and fill the Dial Number and APN blanks below if your ISP is not listed in the Mobile ISP list or the default values are not the latest ones. -
Page 43: Wan
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 1. Download a most recent 3G USB modem configuration file from our website (http://www.tp-link.com). 2. Click the Add New… button in Figure 4-10, and then you will see Figure 4-11. 3. Click Browse… to select the path name where you save the downloaded file on the computer into the File blank.
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-12 WAN — Dynamic IP This page displays the WAN IP parameters assigned dynamically by your ISP, including IP address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, etc. Click the Renew button to renew the IP parameters from your ISP. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 2. If your ISP provides a static or fixed IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway and DNS setting, select Static IP. The Static IP settings page will appear, shown in Figure 4-13. Figure 4-13 WAN — Static IP IP Address — Enter the IP address in dotted-decimal notation provided by your ISP. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-14 WAN — PPPoE User Name/Password — Enter the User Name and Password provided by your ISP. These fields are case-sensitive. Secondary Connection — It’s available only for PPPoE Connection. If your ISP provides an extra Connection type such as Dynamic/Static IP to connect to a local area network, then you can check the radio button of Dynamic/Static IP to activate this secondary connection. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Time-based Connecting — The connection will only be established in the period from the start time to the end time (both are in HH:MM format). Note: Only when you have configured the system time on System Tools -> Time page, will the Time-based Connecting function can take effect. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Detect Online Interval — The Router will detect Access Concentrator online at every interval. The default value is “0”. You can input the value between “0”and “120”. The value “0” means no detect. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router e.g. NSW / ACT — nsw.bigpond.net.au VIC / TAS / WA / SA / NT — vic.bigpond.net.au QLD — qld.bigpond.net.au MTU Size — The normal MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) value for most Ethernet networks is 1500 Bytes. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-17 L2TP Settings User Name/Password — Enter the User Name and Password provided by your ISP. These fields are case-sensitive. Dynamic IP/ Static IP — Choose either as you are given by your ISP. Click the Connect button to connect immediately. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Connect Manually — You can configure the Router to make it connect or disconnect manually. After a specified period of inactivity (Max Idle Time), the Router will disconnect from your Internet connection, and you will not be able to re-establish your connection automatically as soon as you attempt to access the Internet again. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Dynamic IP/ Static IP — Choose either as you are given by your ISP and enter the ISP’s IP address or the domain name. If you choose static IP and enter the domain name, you should also enter the DNS assigned by your ISP. -
Page 53: Mac Clone
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router The Router can not detect PPTP/L2TP/BigPond connections with your ISP. If your ISP uses one of these protocols, then you must configure your connection manually. 4.5.4 MAC Clone Choose menu “Network→MAC Clone”, you can configure the MAC address of the WAN on the screen below.
Page 54: Wireless
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-20 LAN MAC A ddress — The physical address of the Router, as seen from the LAN. The value can’t be changed. IP Address — Enter the IP address of your Router or reset it in dotted-decimal notation (factory default:
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-22 Wireless Settings Wireless Network Name — The same name of Wireless Network Name must be assigned to all wireless devices in your network. Considering your wireless network security, the default Wireless Network Name is set to be TP-LINK_POCKET_3040_XXXXXX (XXXXXX indicates the last six unique numbers of each Router’s MAC address). -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 11bgn mixed — Select if you are using a mix of 802.11b, 11g, and 11n wireless clients. Select the desired wireless mode. When 802.11g mode is selected, only 802.11g wireless stations can connect to the Router. When 802.11n mode is selected, only 802.11n wireless stations can connect to the AP. -
Page 57: Wireless Security
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router • Auth Type — This option should be chosen if the key type is WEP(ASCII) or WEP(HEX).It indicates the authorization type of the Root AP. • Password — If the AP your Router is going to connect needs password, you need to fill the password in this blank.
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router • Version — you can choose the version of the WPA-PSK security on the drop-down list. The default setting is Automatic, which can select WPA-PSK (Pre-shared key of WPA) or WPA2-PSK (Pre-shared key of WPA) automatically based on the wireless station’s capability and request. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-25 • Radius Server IP — Enter the IP address of the Radius Server. • Radius Port — Enter the port that radius service used. • Radius Password — Enter the password for the Radius Server. -
Page 60: Wireless Mac Filtering
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router • WEP Key- Select which of the four keys will be used and enter the matching WEP key that you create. Make sure these values are identical on all wireless stations in your network.
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Description — A simple description of the wireless station. To Add a Wireless MAC Address filtering entry, click the Add New… button. The «Add or Modify Wireless MAC Address Filtering entry» page will appear, shown in Figure 4-28:… -
Page 62: Wireless Advanced
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router but all the other wireless stations cannot access the Router, you can configure the Wireless MAC Filtering list by following these steps: 1. Click the Enable button to enable this function. 2. Select the radio button: Allow the stations specified by any enabled entries in the list to access for Filtering Rules.
Page 63: Wireless Statistics
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Beacon Interval — Enter a value between 40-1000 milliseconds for Beacon Interval here. The beacons are the packets sent by the router to synchronize a wireless network. Beacon Interval value determines the time interval of the beacons. The default value is 100.
Page 64: Dhcp
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-30 The Router attached wireless stations MAC Address — The connected wireless station’s MAC address. Current Status — The connected wireless station’s running status, one of STA-AUTH / STA-ASSOC / STA-JOINED / WPA / WPA-PSK / WPA2 / WPA2-PSK / AP-UP / AP-DOWN / Disconnected.
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Protocol) server, which provides the TCP/IP configuration for all the PC(s) that are connected to the Router on the LAN. Figure 4-32 DHCP Settings DHCP Server — Enable or Disable the DHCP server. If you disable the Server, you must have another DHCP server within your network or else you must configure the computer manually. -
Page 66: Dhcp Clients List
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Note: To use the DHCP server function of the Router, you must configure all computers on the LAN as «Obtain an IP address automatically» mode. 4.7.2 DHCP Clients List Choose menu “DHCP→DHCP Clients List”, you can view the information about the clients attached to the Router in the next screen (shown in Figure 4-33 ) .
Page 67: Forwarding
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router MAC Address — The MAC address of the PC for which you want to reserve IP address. Reserved IP Address — The IP address of the Router reserved. Status — The status of this entry either Enabled or Disabled.
Page 68: Virtual Servers
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router There are four submenus under the Forwarding menu (shown in Figure 4-36): Virtual Servers, Port Triggering, DMZ and UPnP. Click any of them, and you will be able to configure the corresponding function.
Page 69: Port Triggering
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Select the Enable check box to enable the virtual server. Click the Save button. Figure 4-38 Add or Modify a Virtual Server Entry Note If your computer or server has more than one type of available service, please select another service, and enter the same IP Address for that computer or server.
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-39 Port Triggering Once the Router is configured, the operation is as follows: 1. A local host makes an outgoing connection using a destination port number defined in the Trigger Port field. -
Page 71: Dmz
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Click the Save button to save the new rule. Figure 4-40 Add or Modify a Triggering Entry To modify or delete an existing entry: Click the Modify in the entry you wa nt to modify.
Page 72: Upnp
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-41 DMZ To assign a computer or server to be a DMZ server: Click the Enable radio button. Enter the local host IP Address in the DMZ Host IP Address field Click the Save button.
Page 73: Security
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router App Description -The description provided by the application in the UPnP request External Port — External port, which the router opened for the application. Protocol — Shows which type of protocol is opened.
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-44 Basic Security Firewall — A firewall protects your network from the outside world. Here you can enable or disable the Router’s firewall. SPI Firewall — SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection, also known as dynamic packet filtering) helps to prevent cyber attacks by tracking more state per session. -
Page 75: Advanced Security
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router FTP ALG — Select Enable, to allow FTP servers to operate properly. TFTP ALG — Select Enable, to allow TFTP servers to operate properly. H323 ALG — Select Enable, to allow H323 services to operate properly.
Page 76: Local Management
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router ICMP-FLOOD Packets Threshold (5~3600) — The default value is 50. Enter a value between 5 ~ 3600. When the current ICMP-FLOOD Packets number is beyond the set value, the Router will startup the blocking function immediately.
Page 77: Remote Management
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-46 Local Management By default, the radio button “All the PCs on the LAN are allowed to access the Router’s Web-Based Utility” is checked. If you want to allow PCs with specific MAC Addresses to access the Setup page of the Router’s Web-Based Utility locally from inside the network, check the radio button “Only the PCs listed can browse the built-in web pages to perform…
Page 78: Parental Control
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-47 Remote Management Web Management Port — Web browser access normally uses the standard HTTP service port 80. This Router’s default remote management web port number is 80. For greater security, you can change the remote management web port to a custom port by entering that number in the box provided.
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-48 Parental Control Settings Parental Control — Check Enable if you want this function to take effect, otherwise check Disable. MAC Address of Parental PC — In this field, enter the MAC address of the controlling PC, or you can make use of the Copy To Above button below. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router In the Status field, you can select Enabled or Disabled to enable or disable your entry. Click the Save button. Click the Enable All button to enable all the rules in the list. -
Page 81: Access Control
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 3. Click “Parental Control” menu on the left to go back to the Add or Modify Parental Control Entry page: Click Add New… button. Enter 00-11-22-33-44-AA in the MAC Address of Child PC field.
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-52 Access Control Rule Management Enable Internet Access Control — Select the check box to enable the Internet Access Control function, so the Default Filter Policy can take effect. Rule Name — Here displays the name of the rule and this name is unique. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router There are two methods to add a new rule. Method One: Click Setup Wizard button and the next screen will appear as shown in Figure 4-53. Figure 4-53 Quick Setup – Create a Host Entry Host Description — In this field, create a unique description for the host (e.g. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-54 Quick Setup – Create an Access Target Entry Target Description — In this field, create a description for the target. Note that this description should be unique (e.g. Target_1). Mode — Here are two options, IP Address and Domain Name. You can choose either of them from the drop-down list. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-55 Quick Setup – Create an Advanced Schedule Entry Schedule Description — In this field, create a description for the schedule. Note that this description should be unique (e.g. Schedule_1). Day — Choose Select Days and select the certain day (days), or choose Everyday. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Rule — In this field, create a name for the rule. Note that this name should be unique (e.g. Rule_1). Host — In this field, select a host from the drop-down list for the rule. The default value is the Host Description you set just now. -
Page 87: Host
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Click the submenu Rule of Access Control in the left to return to the Rule List page. Select Enable Internet Access Control and choose «Allow the packets specified by any enabled access control policy to pass through the Router».
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Modify — To modify or delete an existing entry. To add a new entry, please follow the steps below. Click the Add New… button. In the Mode field, select IP Address or MAC Address. -
Page 89: Target
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 3. In Host Description field, create a unique description for the host (e.g. Host_1). 4. In MAC Address field, enter 00-11-22-33-44-AA. 5. Click Save to complete the settings. Then you will go back to the Host Settings page and see the following list.
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router (www.google.com, www.google.hk) will be blocked or allowed. You can enter 4 domain names. Click the Save button. Click the Delete All button to delete all the entries in the table. Click the Next button to go to the next page, or click the Previous button return to the previous page. -
Page 91: Schedule
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 4. In Domain Name field, enter www.google.com. 5. Click Save to complete the settings. Then you will go back to the Target Settings page and see the following list. 4.11.4 Schedule Choose menu “Access Control → Schedule”, you can view and set a Schedule list in the next screen as shown in Figure 4-64.
Page 92: Advanced Routing
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-65 Advanced Schedule Settings For example: If you desire to restrict the internet activities of host with MAC address only from 18:00 to 20:00 on Saturday and 00-11-22-33-44-AA to access www.google.com Sunday, you should first follow the settings below: 1.
Page 93: Static Routing List
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 4.12.1 Static Routing List Choose menu “Advanced Routing → Static Routing List”, you can configure the static route in the next screen (shown in Figure 4-67). A static route is a pre-determined path that network information must travel to reach a specific host or network.
Page 94: System Routing Table
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Other configurations for the entries: Click the Delete button to delete the entry. Click the Enable All button to enable all the entries. Click the Disable All button to disable all the entries.
Page 95: Control Settings
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router There are two submenus under the Bandwidth Control menu as shown in Figure 4-70: Control Settings and Rules List. Click any of them, and you will be able to configure the corresponding function.
Page 96: Ip & Mac Binding
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Ingress bandwidth — This field displays the max and mix download bandwidth through the WAN port. The default is 0. Enable — This displays the status of the rule. Modify — Click Modify to edit the rule. Click Delete to delete the rule.
Page 97
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-75 Binding Settings MAC Address — The MAC address of the controlled computer in the LAN. IP Address — The assigned IP address of the controlled computer in the LAN. Bind — Check this option to enable ARP binding for a specific device. -
Page 98: Arp List
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Click the Find button in the page as shown in Figure 4-77. Figure 4-77 Find IP & MAC Binding Entry Click the Enable All button to make all entries enabled. Click the Delete All button to delete all entries.
Page 99: Dynamic Dns
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Click the Load All button to load all items to the IP & MAC Binding list. Click the Refresh button to refresh all items. Note: An item could not be loaded to the IP & MAC Binding list if the IP address of the item has been loaded before.
Page 100: Dyndns.org Ddns
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Type the User Name for your DDNS account. Type the Password for your DDNS account. Click the Login button to log in to the DDNS service. Connection Status -The status of the DDNS service connection is displayed here.
Page 101: System Tools
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-81 No-ip.com DDNS Settings To set up for DDNS, follow these instructions: Type the User Name for your DDNS account. Type the Password for your DDNS account. Type the Domain Name you received from dynamic DNS service provider.
Page 102: Time Settings
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Password, System Log and Statistics. Click any of them, and you will be able to configure the corresponding function. The detailed explanations for each submenu are provided below. 4.16.1 Time Settings Choose menu “System Tools→Time Settings”, and then you can configure the time on the following screen.
Page 103: Diagnostic
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router To set time manually: Select your local time zone. Enter the Date in Month/Day/Year format. Enter the Time in Hour/Minute/Second format. Click Save. To set time automatically: Select your local time zone.
Page 104
IP Address/Domain Name — Type the destination IP address (such as or Domain name (such as http://www.tp-link.com) Pings Count — The number of Ping packets for a Ping connection. Ping Packet Size — The size of Ping packet. -
Page 105: Firmware Upgrade
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Click Start to check the connectivity of the Internet. The Diagnostic Results page displays the result of diagnosis. If the result is similar to the following screen, the connectivity of the Internet is fine.
Page 106: Factory Defaults
Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Note: 1) New firmware versions are posted at http://www.tp-link.com and can be downloaded for free. There is no need to upgrade the firmware unless the new firmware has a new feature you want to use. However, when experiencing problems caused by the Router rather than the configuration, you can try to upgrade the firmware.
Page 107: Reboot
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-89 Backup & Restore Configuration Click the Backup button to save all configuration settings as a backup file in your local computer. To upgrade the Router’s configuration, follow these instructions. •…
Page 108: Password
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 4.16.7 Password Choose menu “System Tools → Password”, you can change the factory default user name and password of the Router in the next screen as shown in Figure 4-91. Figure 4-91 Password…
Page 109: Statistics
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-92 System Log Log Type — By selecting the log type, only logs of this type will be shown. Log Level — By selecting the log level, only logs of this level will be shown.
Page 110
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 4-93 Statistics Current Statistics Status — Enable or Disable. The default value is disabled. To enable, click the Enable button. If disabled, the function of DoS protection in Security settings will disabled. -
Page 111
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Statistics Table: IP/MAC Address The IP and MAC address are displayed with related statistics. The total number of packets received and transmitted by the Packets Router. Total The total number of bytes received and transmitted by the Bytes Router. -
Page 112: Chapter 5. Configuration-Wireless Router / Wisp Mode
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Chapter 5. Configuration—Wireless Router / WISP Mode This chapter will show each Web page’s key functions and the configuration way on WISP Mode and Wireless Router Mode. 5.1 Login After your successful login, you will see the main menus on the left of the Web-based utility. On the right, there are the corresponding explanations and instructions.
Page 113
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-1 Router Status -103-… -
Page 114: Quick Setup
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 5.3 Quick Setup Please refer to Chapter 3: «Quick Installation Guide.» 5.4 Operation Mode On this page, you can choose the operation mode of the Router. Here take the WISP Mode as example.
Page 115
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-4 WAN — Dynamic IP This page displays the WAN IP parameters assigned dynamically by your ISP, including IP address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, etc. Click the Renew button to renew the IP parameters from your ISP. -
Page 116
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-5 WAN — Static IP IP Address — Enter the IP address in dotted-decimal notation provided by your ISP. Subnet Mask — Enter the subnet Mask provided by your ISP in dotted-decimal notation. -
Page 117
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-6 WAN — PPPoE User Name/Password — Enter the User Name and Password provided by your ISP. These fields are case-sensitive. Confirm Password — Re-enter the Password provided by your ISP to ensure the Password you entered is correct. -
Page 118
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Connect Automatically — The connection can be re-established automatically when it was down. Time-based Connecting — The connection will only be established in the period from the start time to the end time (both are in HH:MM format). -
Page 119
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router ISP Specified IP Address — If your ISP does not automatically assign IP addresses to the Router during login, please click “Use IP address specified by ISP” check box and enter the IP address provided by your ISP in dotted-decimal notation. -
Page 120
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Auth Domain — Type in the domain suffix server name based on your location. e.g. NSW / ACT — nsw.bigpond.net.au VIC / TAS / WA / SA / NT — vic.bigpond.net.au QLD — qld.bigpond.net.au MTU Size — The normal MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) value for most Ethernet networks is 1500 Bytes. -
Page 121
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-9 WAN –L2TP User Name/Password — Enter the User Name and Password provided by your ISP. These fields are case-sensitive. Dynamic IP/ Static IP — Choose either as you are given by your ISP. Click the Connect button to connect immediately. -
Page 122
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Otherwise, enter the number of minutes you want to have elapsed before your Internet connection terminates. Connect Automatically — Connect automatically after the Router is disconnected. To use this option, click the radio button. -
Page 123
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-10 WAN –PPTP User Name/Password — Enter the User Name and Password provided by your ISP. These fields are case-sensitive. Dynamic IP/ Static IP — Choose either as you are given by your ISP and enter the ISP’s IP address or the domain name. -
Page 124: Mac Clone
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Connect on Demand — You can configure the Router to disconnect from your Internet connection after a specified period of inactivity (Max Idle Time). If your Internet connection has been terminated due to inactivity, Connect on Demand enables the Router to automatically re-establish your connection as soon as you attempt to access the Internet again.
Page 125: Lan
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-11 MAC Address Clone Some ISPs require that you register the MAC Address of your adapter. Changes are rarely needed here. WAN MAC Address — This field displays the current MAC address of the WAN port. If your ISP requires you to register the MAC address, please enter the correct MAC address into this field in XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX format(X is any hexadecimal digit).
Page 126: Wireless
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Subnet Mask — An address code that determines the size of the network. Normally use as the subnet mask. Note: If you change the IP Address of LAN, you must use the new IP Address to login the Router.
Page 127
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-14 Wireless Settings – Wireless Router Wireless Network Name — The same name of Wireless Network Name must be assigned to all wireless devices in your network. Considering your wireless network security, the default Wireless Network Name is set to be TP-LINK_POCKET_3040_XXXXXX (XXXXXX indicates the last six unique numbers of each Router’s MAC address). -
Page 128
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 11g only — Select if all of your wireless clients are 802.11g. 11n only — Select if all of your wireless clients are 802.11n. 11bg mixed — Select if you are using both 802.11b and 802.11g wireless clients. -
Page 129
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router WEP Index — This option should be chosen if the key type is WEP(ASCII) or WEP(HEX).It indicates the index of the WEP key. Auth Type — This option should be chosen if the key type is WEP(ASCII) or WEP(HEX).It indicates the authorization type of the Root AP. -
Page 130
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router WEP Index — This option should be chosen if the key type is WEP (ASCII) or WEP (HEX). It indicates the index of the WEP key. Auth type — This option should be chosen if the key type is WEP (ASCII) or WEP (HEX).It indicates the authorization type of the Root AP. -
Page 131
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-16 AP List Figure 5-17 -121-… -
Page 132: Wireless Security
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Note: If you know the SSID of the desired AP, you can also input it into the field «SSID» manually. Be sure to click the Save button to save your settings on this page.
Page 133
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-18 Disable Security — If you do not want to use wireless security, select this check box, but it’s strongly recommended to choose one of the following modes to enable security. -
Page 134
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-19 • PSK Password — You can enter ASCII characters between 8 and 63 characters or 8 to 64 Hexadecimal characters. • Group Key Update Period — Specify the group key update interval in seconds. The value should be 30 or above. -
Page 135: Wireless Mac Filtering
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-21 • Type — you can choose the type for the WEP security on the pull-down list. The default setting is Automatic, which can select Open System or Shared Key authentication type automatically based on the wireless station’s capability and request.
Page 136
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-22 Wireless MAC address Filtering To filter wireless users by MAC Address, click Enable. The default setting is Disable. MAC Address — The wireless station’s MAC address that you want to filter. -
Page 137
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Click the Save button to save this entry. To modify or delete an existing entry: Click the Modify in the entry you want to modify. If you want to delete the entry, click the Delete. -
Page 138: Wireless Advanced
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 5.6.4 Wireless Advanced Choose menu “Wireless→Wireless Advanced”, and then you can configure the advanced settings of your wireless network. Figure 5-24 Wireless Advanced Beacon Interval — Enter a value between 40-1000 milliseconds for Beacon Interval here.
Page 139: Wireless Statistics
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Enable WMM — WMM function can guarantee the packets with high- priority messages being transmitted preferentially. It is strongly recommended enabled. Enable Short GI — This function is recommended for it will increase the data capacity…
Page 140: Dhcp
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 5.7 DHCP Figure 5-26 The DHCP menu There are three submenus under the DHCP menu (shown in Figure 5-26): DHCP Settings, DHCP Clients List and Address Reservation. Click any of them, and you will be able to configure the corresponding function.
Page 141: Dhcp Clients List
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Address Lease Time — The Address Lease Time is the amount of time a network user will be allowed connection to the Router with their current dynamic IP Address. Enter the amount of time in minutes and the user will be «leased» this dynamic IP Address. After the time is up, the user will be automatically assigned a new dynamic IP address.
Page 142: Address Reservation
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 5.7.3 Address Reservation Choose menu “DHCP→Address Reservation”, and then you can view and add a reserved address for clients via the next screen (shown in Figure 5-29). When you specify a reserved IP address for a PC on the LAN, that PC will always receive the same IP address each time when it accesses the DHCP server.
Page 143: Forwarding
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Click the Enable/ Disabled All button to make all entries enabled/disabled Click the Delete All button to delete all entries Click the Next button to go to the next page and click the Previous button to return to the previous page.
Page 144
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Internal Port — The Internal Service Port number of the PC running the service application. You can leave it blank if the Internal Port is the same as the Service Port, or enter a specific port number when Service Port is a single one. -
Page 145: Port Triggering
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router To modify or delete an existing entry: Find the desired entry in the table. Click Modify or Delete as desired on the Modify column. Click the Enable/ Disabled All button to make all entries enabled/ disabled.
Page 146
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Select Enable in Status field. Click the Save button to save the new rule. Figure 5-35 Add or Modify a Triggering Entry Trigger Port — The port for outgoing traffic. An outgoing connection using this port will trigger this rule. -
Page 147: Dmz
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Once the Router is configured, the operation is as follows: A local host makes an outgoing connection to an external host using a destination port number defined in the Trigger Port field.
Page 148: Upnp
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 5.8.4 UPnP Choose menu “Forwarding→UPnP”, and then you can view the information about UPnP in the screen (shown in Figure 5-37). The Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) feature allows the devices, such as Internet computers, to access the local host resources or devices as needed.
Page 149: Security
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 5.9 Security Figure 5-38 The Security menu There are four submenus under the Security menu as shown in Figure 5-38: Basic Security, Advanced Security, Local Management and Remote Management. Click any of them, and you will be able to configure the corresponding function.
Page 150: Advanced Security
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router VPN — VPN Passthrough must be enabled if you want to allow VPN tunnels using VPN protocols to pass through the Router. PPTP Passthrough — Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) allows the •…
Page 151
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-40 Advanced Security Packets Statistics Interval (5~60) — The default value is 10. Select a value between 5 and 60 seconds from the drop-down list. The Packets Statistics Interval value indicates the time section of the packets statistics. -
Page 152: Local Management
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router ICMP- FLOOD Packets Threshold (5~3600) — The default value is 50. Enter a value between 5 ~ 3600. When the current ICMP-FLOOD Packets number is beyond the set value, the Router will startup the blocking function immediately.
Page 153: Remote Management
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-41 Local Management By default, the radio button “All the PCs on the LAN are allowed to access the Router’s Web-Based Utility” is checked. If you want to allow PCs with specific MAC Addresses to access the Setup page of the Router’s Web-Based Utility locally from inside the network, check the radio button “Only the PCs listed can browse the built-in web pages to perform…
Page 154: Parental Control
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-42 Remote Management Web Management Port — Web browser access normally uses the standard HTTP service port 80. This Router’s default remote management web port number is 80. For greater security, you can change the remote management web port to a custom port by entering that number in the box provided.
Page 155
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-43 Parental Control Settings To add a new entry, please follow the steps below. Click the Add New… button and the next screen will pop-up as shown in Figure 5-44. Figure 5-44 Add or Modify Parental Control Entry… -
Page 156
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Parental Control — Check Enable if you want this function to take effect; otherwise, check Disable. MAC Address of Parental PC — In this field, enter the MAC address of the controlling PC, or you can make use of the Copy To Above button below. -
Page 157: Access Control
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Click “Access Control → Schedule” on the left to enter the Schedule Settings page. Click Add New… button to create a new schedule with Schedule Description is Schedule_1, Day is Sat and Time is all day-24 hours.
Page 158
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-47 Access Control Rule Management Enable Internet Access Control — Select the check box to enable the Internet Access Control function, so the Default Filter Policy can take effect. Rule Name — Here displays the name of the rule and this name is unique. -
Page 159
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router There are two methods to add a new rule. Method One: Click Setup Wizard button and the next screen will appear as shown in Figure 5-48. Figure 5-48 Quick Setup – Create a Host Entry Host Description — In this field, create a unique description for the host (e.g. -
Page 160
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-49 Quick Setup – Create an Access Target Entry Target Description — In this field, create a description for the target. Note that this description should be unique (e.g. Target_1). Mode — Here are two options, IP Address and Domain Name. You can choose either of them from the drop-down list. -
Page 161
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-50 Quick Setup – Create an Advanced Schedule Entry Schedule Description — In this field, create a description for the schedule. Note that this description should be unique (e.g. Schedule_1). Day — Choose Select Days and select the certain day (days), or choose Everyday. -
Page 162
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Rule — In this field, create a name for the rule. Note that this name should be unique (e.g. Rule_1). Host — In this field, select a host from the drop-down list for the rule. The default value is the Host Description you set just now. -
Page 163: Host
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 1. Click the submenu Rule of Access Control in the left to return to the Rule List page. Select Enable Internet Access Control and choose «Allow the packets specified by any enabled access control policy to pass through the Router».
Page 164
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router To add a new entry, please follow the steps below. 1. Click the Add New… button. 2. In the Mode field, select IP Address or MAC Address. If you select IP Address, the screen shown is Figure 5-54. -
Page 165: Target
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 5. Click Save to complete the settings. Then you will go back to the Host Settings page and see the following list. 5.11.3 Target Choose menu “Access Control → Target”, you can view and set a Target list in the screen as shown in Figure 5-56.
Page 166
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Click the Save button. Click the Delete All button to delete all the entries in the table. Click the Next button to go to the next page, or click the Previous button return to the previous page. -
Page 167: Schedule
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Then you will go back to the Target Settings page and see the following list. 5.11.4 Schedule Choose menu “Access Control → Schedule”, you can view and set a Schedule list in the next screen as shown in Figure 5-59.
Page 168: Advanced Routing
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-60 Advanced Schedule Settings For example: If you desire to restrict the internet activities of host with MAC address only from 18:00 to 20:00 on Saturday and 00-11-22-33-44-AA to access www.google.com Sunday, you should first follow the settings below: 1.
Page 169: Static Routing List
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 5.12.1 Static Routing List Choose menu “Advanced Routing → Static Routing List”, and then you can configure the static route in the next screen (shown in Figure 5-62). A static route is a pre-determined path that network information must travel to reach a specific host or network.
Page 170: System Routing Table
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Click the Delete button to delete the entry. Click the Enable All button to enable all the entries. Click the Disable All button to disable all the entries. Click the Delete All button to delete all the entries.
Page 171: Control Settings
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router There are two submenus under the Bandwidth Control menu as shown in Figure 5-65: Control Settings and Rules List. Click any of them, and you will be able to configure the corresponding function.
Page 172: Ip & Mac Binding Setting
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Ingress bandwidth — This field displays the max and mix download bandwidth through the WAN port, the default is 0. Enable — This displays the status of the rule. Modify — Click Modify to edit the rule. Click Delete to delete the rule.
Page 173
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-70 Binding Setting MAC Address — The MAC address of the controlled computer in the LAN. IP Address — The assigned IP address of the controlled computer in the LAN. Bind — Check this option to enable ARP binding for a specific device. -
Page 174: Arp List
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Click the Find button as shown in Figure 5-70. Enter the MAC Address or IP Address. Click the Find button in the page as shown in Figure 5-72. Figure 5-72 Find IP & MAC Binding Entry Click the Enable All button to make all entries enabled.
Page 175: Dynamic Dns
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Delete — Delete the item. Click the Bind All button to bind all the current items, available after enable. Click the Load All button to load all items to the IP & MAC Binding list.
Page 176: Dyndns.org Ddns
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-74 Comexe.cn DDNS Settings To set up for DDNS, follow these instructions: Enter the Domain Name your dynamic DNS service provider gave. Enter the User Name for your DDNS account. Enter the Password for your DDNS account.
Page 177: No-Ip.com Ddns
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-75 Dyndns.org DDNS Settings To set up for DDNS, follow these instructions: Enter the User Name for your DDNS account. Enter the Password for your DDNS account. Enter the Domain Name you received from dynamic DNS service provider.
Page 178: System Tools
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-76 No-ip.com DDNS Settings To set up for DDNS, follow these instructions: User Name Enter the for your DDNS account. Enter the Password for your DDNS account. Enter the Domain Name you received from dyn amic DNS service provider.
Page 179: Time Settings
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router e menu “System Tools”, and you ca n see the submenus under the main menu: Time Choos Settings, Diagnostic, Firmware Upgrade, Factory Defaults, Backup & Restore, Reboot, Password, System Log and Statistics. Click any of them, and you will be able to configure the corresponding function.
Page 180: Diagnostic
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router End — The time to end the Daylight Saving. Select the month in the first field, the week in the second field, the day in the third field and the time in the last field.
Page 181
IP Address/Domain Name — Type the destination IP address (such as or Domain name (such as http://www.tp-link.com) Pings Count — The number of Ping packets for a Ping connection. Ping Packet Size — The size of Ping packet. -
Page 182: Firmware Upgrade
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Click Start to check the connectivity of the Internet. The Diagnostic Results page displays the result of diagnosis. If the result is similar to the following screen, the connectivity of the Internet is fine.
Page 183: Factory Defaults
Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Note: New firmware versions are posted at http://www.tp-link.com and can be downloaded for free. There is no need to upgrade the firmware unless the new firmware has a new feature you want to use. However, when experiencing problems caused by the Router rather than the configuration, you can try to upgrade the firmware.
Page 184: Reboot
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-84 Backup & Restore Configuration Click the Backup button to save all configuration settings as a backup file in your local computer. To upgrade the Router’s configuration, follow these instructions. •…
Page 185: Password
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 5.16.7 Password Choose menu “System Tools → Password”, you can change the factory default user name and password of the Router in the next screen as shown in Figure 4-86. Figure 5-86 Password…
Page 186: Statistics
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-87 System Log Log Type — By selecting the log type, only logs of this type will be shown. Log Level — By selecting the log level, only logs of this level will be shown.
Page 187
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 5-88 Statistics Current Statistics Status — Enable or Disable. The default value is disabled. To enable, click the Enable button. If disabled, the function of DoS protection in Security settings will disabled. -
Page 188
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Statistics Table: IP/MAC Address The IP and MAC address are displayed with related statistics. The total number of packets received and transmitted by the Packets Router. Total The total number of bytes received and transmitted by the Bytes Router. -
Page 189: Chapter 6. Configuration-Ap Mode
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Chapter 6. Configuration—AP Mode This chapter will show each Web page’s key functions and the configuration way on AP Mode. The Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router is easy to configure and manage ®…
Page 190
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 6-1 Device Status Note: If you select Client mode in Figure 6-7, the wireless status in Figure 6-1 will change, similar to the figure below: -180-… -
Page 191: Quick Setup
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 6.3 Quick Setup Please refer to Chapter 3: «Quick Installation Guide.» 6.4 Operation Mode On this page, you can choose the operation mode of the Router. If you want to use other modes, select them as Figure 4-2 shown.
Page 192: Wireless
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router default settings of the AP. Selecting Network will enable you to configure the IP parameters of Network on this page. Figure 6-4 LAN MAC Address — The physical address of the AP. The value can’t be changed.
Page 193: Wireless Settings
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Wireless Security, Wireless MAC Filtering, Wireless Advanced and Wireless Statistics. Click any of them, and you will be able to configure the corresponding function. The detailed explanations for each submenu are provided below.
Page 194
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router characters of each device’s MAC address). This value is case-sensitive. For example, TEST is NOT the same as test. Region — Select your region from the pull-down list. This field specifies the region where the wireless function of the device can be used. -
Page 195
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router area for wireless networks to associate with, they will detect the SSID broadcast by the device. Note: To apply any settings you have altered on the page, please click the Save button, and then you will be reminded to reboot the device. -
Page 196
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Note Dialog Note: Limited by local law regulations, version for North America does not have region selection option. Channel Width — Determines the channel width to be used. It is unnecessary to change the default value unless required. -
Page 197
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 6-8 Wireless Settings in Repeater mode MAC of AP — Enter the MAC address of the root AP of which you want to expand wireless range. Region — Select your region from the pull-down list. This field specifies the region where the wireless function of the device can be used. -
Page 198
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Enable Wireless Radio — Select or deselect this check box to allow or deny wireless stations to access the device. Click the Survey button to detect the SSIDs in the local area. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router country or region is not listed, please contact your local government agency for assistance. When you select your local region from the pull-down list, click the Save button, then the Note Dialog appears. Click OK. -
Page 200: Wireless Security
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Note: To apply any settings you have altered on the page, please click the Save button, and then you will be reminded to reboot the device. 6.6.2 Wireless Security Selecting Wireless > Wireless Security will enable you to configure wireless security for your wireless network to protect your data from intruders.
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router • Version — You can select one of following versions. Automatic (Recommended) — Select WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK automatically based on the wireless station’s capability and request. WPA-Personal — Pre-shared key of WPA. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router • WEP Key — Select which of the four keys will be used and enter the matching WEP key information for your network in the selected key radio button. These values must be identical on all wireless stations in your network. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 2) Client Figure 6-11 Wireless Security – Client Operation Mode — Shows the current operation mode. Disable Security — Check this box radio button to disable wireless security. If disabled, the wireless stations will be able to connect this device without encryption. It is strongly recommended that you choose one of the security types to enable security. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Automatic — Select Shared Key or Open System authentication type automatically based on the wireless station’s capability and request. Shared Key — Select 802.11 Shared Key authentication type. Open System — Select 802.11 Open System authentication. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 3) Repeater Figure 6-12 Wireless Security – Repeater Operation Mode — Shows the current operation mode. Disable Security — Check this box radio button to disable wireless security. If disabled, the wireless stations will be able to connect this device without encryption. It is strongly recommended that you choose one of the security types to enable security. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Automatic — Select Shared Key or Open System authentication type automatically based on the wireless station’s capability and request. Shared Key — Select 802.11 Shared Key authentication type. Open System — Select 802.11 Open System authentication. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 4) Bridge with AP Figure 6-13 Wireless Security – Bridge with AP Operation Mode — Shows the current operation mode. Disable Security — Check this box radio button to disable wireless security. If disabled, the wireless stations will be able to connect this device without encryption. -
Page 208: Wireless Mac Filtering
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router • Key Type — You can select the WEP key length (64-bit, or 128-bit, or 152-bit.) for encryption. «Disabled» means this WEP key entry is invalid. For 64-bit encryption — You can enter 10 hexadecimal digits (any combination of 0-9, a-f, A-F, zero key is not permitted) or 5 ASCII characters.
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Wireless MAC Filtering — Click the Enable button to enable the Wireless MAC Address Filtering. The default setting is disabled. To Add a Wireless MAC Address filtering entry, click the Add New… button. The “Add or Modify Wireless MAC Address Filtering entry»… -
Page 210: Wireless Advanced
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Click the Modify in the entry you want to modify. If you want to delete the entry, click the Delete. Modify the information. Click the Save button. Click the Enable All button to make all entries enabled Click the Disabled All button to make all entries disabled.
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 6-16 Wireless Advanced Beacon Interval — Specifies a value between 20-1000 milliseconds. The beacons are the packets sent by the device to synchronize a wireless network. Beacon Interval value determines the time interval of the beacons. The default value is 100. -
Page 212: Wireless Statistics
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 6.6.5 Wireless Statistics Selecting Wireless > Wireless Statistics will allow you to see the wireless transmission information in the following screen shown in Figure 6-17. Figure 6-17 Statistics of the device attached wireless stations Operation Mode — Shows the current operation mode.
Page 213: Dhcp Settings
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router configure the corresponding function. The detailed explanations for each submenu are provided below. Figure 6-18 The DHCP menu 6.7.1 DHCP Settings Selecting DHCP > DHCP Settings will enable you to set up the AP as a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server, which provides the TCP/IP configuration for all the PCs that are connected to the system on the LAN.
Page 214: Dhcp Clients List
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router the PC will be automatically assigned a new dynamic IP address. The range of the time is 1 ~ 2880 minutes. The default value is 120 minutes. Default Gateway (optional) — Enter the IP address of the gateway for your LAN. The factory default setting is
Page 215: Address Reservation
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router You cannot change any of the values on this page. To update this page and to show the current attached devices, click on the Refresh button. 6.7.3 Address Reservation Selecting DHCP > Address Reservation will enable you to specify a reserved IP address for a PC on the LAN, so the PC will always obtain the same IP address each time when it accesses the AP.
Page 216: System Tools
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 6.8 System Tools System Tools option helps you to optimize the configuration of your device. SNMP can help you to manage the device locally or remotely with specified software. The diagnostic tools (Ping and Traceroute) allow you to check the connections of your network components.
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 6-23 Time Settings Time Zone — Select your local time zone from this pull down list. Date — Enter your local date in MM/DD/YY into the right blanks. Time — Enter your local time in HH/MM/SS into the right blanks. -
Page 218: Diagnostic
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router To set time automatically: 1. Select your local time zone. 2. Enter the address or domain of the NTP Server I or NTP Server II. 3. Click the Get GMT button to get system time from Internet if you have connected to the Internet.
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 6-25 Diagnostic Tools Diagnostic Tool — Check the radio button to select one diagnostic too. Ping — This diagnostic tool troubleshoots connectivity, reachability, and name resolution to a given host or gateway. -
Page 220: Firmware Upgrade
Router’s current hardware version. To upgrade the Router’s firmware, follow these instructions below: 1. Download a most recent firmware upgrade file from our website (www.tp-link.com). 2. Enter or select the path name where you save the downloaded file on the computer into the File Name blank.
Page 221: Factory Defaults
Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Note: New firmware versions are posted at http://www.tp-link.com and can be downloaded for free. There is no need to upgrade the firmware unless the new firmware has a new feature you want to use. However, when experiencing problems caused by the Router rather than the configuration, you can try to upgrade the firmware.
Page 222: Reboot
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 6-29 Backup & Restore Configuration Click the Backup button to save all configuration settings as a backup file in your local computer. To upgrade the Router’s configuration, follow these instructions. •…
Page 223: Password
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router 6.8.7 Password Choose menu “System Tools → Password”, and then you can change the factory default user name and password of the Router in the next screen as shown in Figure 6-31.
Page 224: Statistics
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 6-32 System Log Log Type — By selecting the log type, only logs of this type will be shown. Log Level — By selecting the log level, only logs of this level will be shown.
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure 6-33 Statistics Current Statistics Status — Enable or Disable. The default value is disabled. To enable it, click the Enable button. If it is disabled, the function of DoS protection in Security settings will be disabled. -
Page 226
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Statistics Table: IP/MAC Address The IP and MAC address are displayed with related statistics. Packets The total number of packets received and transmitted by the Router. Total Bytes The total number of bytes received and transmitted by the Router. -
Page 227: Appendix A: Faq
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Appendix A: FAQ How do I configure the Router to access Internet by ADSL users? First, configure the ADSL Modem configured in RFC1483 bridge model. Connect the Ethernet cable from your ADSL Modem to the WAN port on the Router.
Page 228
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Login to the Router, click the “Network” menu on the left of your browser, and click «WAN» submenu. On the WAN page, select “Dynamic IP” for «WAN Connection Type», finish by clicking “Save”. -
Page 229
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure A-5 Add or Modify a Virtual server Entry Note: Your opposite side should call your WAN IP, which is displayed on the “Status” page. How to enable DMZ Host: Log in to the Router, click the “Forwarding” menu on the left of your browser, and click «DMZ»… -
Page 230
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure A-7 Basic Security I want to build a WEB Server on the LAN, what should I do? Because the WEB Server port 80 will interfere with the WEB management port 80 on the Router, you must change the WEB management port number to avoid interference. -
Page 231
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router the «Virtual Servers» submenu. On the «Virtual Servers» page, click Add New…, then on the “Add or Modify a Virtual Server” page, enter “80” into the blank next to the “Service Port”, and your IP address next to the “IP Address”, assuming for an example, remember to Enable and Save. -
Page 232: Appendix B: Configuring The Pcs
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Appendix B: Configuring the PCs In this section, we’ll introduce how to install and configure the TCP/IP correctly in Windows XP. First make sure your Ethernet Adapter is working, refer to the adapter’s manual if needed.
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure B-2 The following TCP/IP Properties window will display and the IP Address tab is open on this window by default. Now you have two ways to configure the TCP/IP protocol below:… -
Page 234
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure B-3 Setting IP address manually Select Use the following IP address radio button, and the following items are available. If the Router’s LAN IP address is, type 192.168.0.x (x is from 2 to 254) into the IP address field and into the Subnet mask field. -
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Figure B-4 Now click OK to keep your settings. -225-… -
Page 236: Appendix C: Security Mode
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Appendix C: Security Mode None — The wireless security function can be enabled or disabled. If you select «None», the wireless stations will be able to connect the Router without encryption. It is recommended strongly that you choose one of following options to enable security.
Page 237
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Group Key Update Period — Specify the group key update interval in seconds. The value can be either 0 or at least 30. Enter 0 to disable the update. Use the Previous settings — If you chose this option, wireless security configuration will not change. -
Page 238: Appendix C: Specifications
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Appendix C: Specifications General IEEE 802.11n、 IEEE 802.11g、 IEEE 802.11b、 IEEE 802.3、 IEEE Standards 802.3u、IEEE 802.3x、IEEE 802.1X Protocols CSMA/CA、CSMA/CD、TCP/IP、DHCP、ICMP、NAT、PPPoE One 10/100M Auto-Negotiation WAN/LAN RJ45 port (Auto Ports MDI/MDIX) 10BASE-T: UTP category 3, 4, 5 cable (maximum 100m)
Page 239: Appendix D: Glossary
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Appendix D: Glossary 802.11n — 802.11n builds upon previous 802.11 standards by adding MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output). MIMO uses multiple transmitter and receiver antennas to allow for increased data throughput via spatial multiplexing and increased range by exploiting the spatial diversity, perhaps through coding schemes like Alamouti coding.
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TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router identifying a wireless local area network. For the wireless devices in a network to communicate with each other, all devices must be configured with the same SSID. This is typically the configuration parameter for a wireless PC card. It corresponds to the ESSID in the wireless Access Point and to the wireless network name. -
Page 241: Appendix E: Compatible 3G/3.75G Usb Modem
Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router Appendix E: Compatible 3G/3.75G USB Modem The UMTS/HSPA/EVDO USB modems we’ve tested in the field are listed below. You can find the latest compatibility list in our website: http://www.tp-link.com. Compatible 3G/3.75G USB Modem (Tested in the field) HUAWEI…
Page 242
TL-MR3040 Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router HAIER CE100, OLIVE VME110, WM200 HSDC Hsdc-03 MWALKER MBD-100HU MYWAVE FW2012T OPTION iCon 401 PANTECH PX500 QISDA SIERRA AC306, AirCard 881U, Compass 885U, Compass 889 WIRELESS SPRINT U600 TELSEY EVERYWEB HSUPA T-MOBILE…
Роутер tp-link tl mr3040 является одним из самых популярных и универсальных устройств на рынки сетевых технологий. Этот роутер можно использовать как точку доступа, коммутатор, а также для расширения зоны покрытия беспроводной сети Wi-Fi.
Настройка tp-link tl mr3040 может показаться сложной, однако она не требует особого опыта и знаний в области компьютерных технологий. В этой статье мы расскажем вам, как настроить ваш роутер tp-link tl mr3040 и получить максимальную производительность.
Следуя нашим инструкциям, вы сможете настроить роутер tp-link tl mr3040 за несколько минут и наслаждаться быстрой и стабильной работой ваших устройств в сети Интернет.
- Настройка роутера tp link tl mr3040: план статьи
- 1. Подключение роутера
- 2. Настройка сетевого имени (SSID)
- 3. Настройка портов и протоколов
- 4. Блокировка доступа к сайтам
- 5. Добавление новых устройств
- 6. Настройка Wi-Fi
- 7. Резервирование IP-адресов
- 8. Проверка настроек
- 9. Доступ к USB-накопителю
- 10. Обновление прошивки
- 11. Особенности настроек
- 12. Заключение
- Шаг 1. Подключение роутера
- Шаг 1.1. Подготовка к подключению
- Шаг 1.2. Подключение роутера
- Шаг 2. Вход в настройки роутера
- Шаг 3. Настройка подключения к интернету
- 1. Выберите тип подключения
- 2. Введите настройки сети
- 3. Сохраните настройки и перезагрузите роутер
- Шаг 4. Настройка Wi-Fi сети
- 1. Изменение имени Wi-Fi сети (SSID)
- 2. Защита Wi-Fi сети
- 3. Расширение Wi-Fi сети
- 4. Контроль доступа к Wi-Fi сети
- 5. Дополнительные настройки Wi-Fi сети
- Шаг 5. Настройка дополнительных функций
- Контроль доступа к Wi-Fi сети
- Настройка гостевого доступа к интернету
- Настройка VPN-соединения
- Обновление прошивки роутера
- Вопрос-ответ
- Как подключить роутер tp link tl mr3040 к компьютеру?
- Как изменить имя и пароль Wi-Fi на роутере tp link tl mr3040?
- Как настроить режим точки доступа на роутере tp link tl mr3040?
- Как настроить роутер tp link tl mr3040 для доступа в Интернет?
- Как проверить скорость Wi-Fi на роутере tp link tl mr3040?
- Как настроить роутер tp link tl mr3040 для передачи файлов через FTP?
- Как настроить роутер tp link tl mr3040 для подключения к VPN?
Настройка роутера tp link tl mr3040: план статьи
1. Подключение роутера
Описание того, как подключить роутер tp link tl mr3040 к сети интернет и настроить его.
2. Настройка сетевого имени (SSID)
Как изменить название вашей беспроводной сети и защитить ее паролем. Рассмотрим различные варианты защиты для предотвращения несанкционированного доступа.
3. Настройка портов и протоколов
Описание как настроить протоколы и порты для определенных приложений и сервисов, которые будут использоваться на вашей локальной сети.
4. Блокировка доступа к сайтам
Как настроить роутер tp link tl mr3040, чтобы блокировать доступ к нежелательным сайтам и контенту, а также контролировать, какие сайты доступны в вашей локальной сети.
5. Добавление новых устройств
Описание того, как добавить новые устройства в вашу локальную сеть и настроить их для соединения с роутером tp link tl mr3040.
6. Настройка Wi-Fi
Как настроить соединение Wi-Fi на конкретном устройстве и использовать его в вашей локальной сети.
7. Резервирование IP-адресов
Объяснение как резервировать определенные IP-адреса для устройств в вашей локальной сети, таким образом, чтобы они всегда получали один и тот же IP-адрес при каждом подключении.
8. Проверка настроек
Как проверить и найти настройки роутера tp link tl mr3040, которые вы настроили на вашей локальной сети.
9. Доступ к USB-накопителю
Как подключить внешнее USB-устройство к роутеру tp link tl mr3040 и настроить его, чтобы была возможность хранения и передачи файлов между устройствами на вашей локальной сети.
10. Обновление прошивки
Как обновить прошивку на роутере tp link tl mr3040 и получить доступ к новым функциям и исправлениям ошибок.
11. Особенности настроек
Рассмотрение некоторых особенностей настроек роутера tp link tl mr3040, которые могут принести преимущества в вашей локальной сети.
12. Заключение
Подводим итог настройки роутера tp link tl mr3040 и даем советы по его использованию.
Шаг 1. Подключение роутера
Шаг 1.1. Подготовка к подключению
Перед тем, как приступить к подключению роутера, убедитесь, что он находится в идеальном техническом состоянии и в комплекте имеются все необходимые компоненты, а именно:
- Роутер TP-Link TL-MR3040;
- Адаптер переменного тока;
- Кабель Ethernet.
Также необходимо убедиться, что у вас есть стабильное подключение к Интернету и существует доступ к сети. Только после этого можно приступать к подключению роутера.
Шаг 1.2. Подключение роутера
Для подключения роутера выполните следующие действия:
- Вставьте конец кабеля Ethernet в порт WAN роутера TP-Link TL-MR3040;
- Подключите другой конец кабеля Ethernet в порт LAN модема;
- Вставьте адаптер переменного тока в соответствующий разъём на задней панели роутера;
- Подключите адаптер переменного тока к розетке сети переменного тока.
После выполнения этих действий ваш роутер готов к работе. Для проверки работы подключите устройства к роутеру и убедитесь в корректности выполнения настроек веб-интерфейса роутера.
Шаг 2. Вход в настройки роутера
Для того чтобы настроить роутер TP-Link TL-MR3040, необходимо войти в его настройки. Для этого необходимо подключить компьютер или ноутбук к роутеру с помощью кабеля Ethernet или Wi-Fi.
Далее следует открыть браузер на компьютере и набрать в адресной строке IP адрес роутера, Если адрес был изменен, то следует указать новый адрес.
После того как появится окно авторизации, нужно ввести логин и пароль от роутера. Если вы не совершали изменений в настройках роутера, по умолчанию логин – admin, а пароль – admin.
После правильного ввода логина и пароля появится панель управления настрокой роутера.
Обязательно измените логин и пароль, чтобы обезопасить свое подключение к роутеру от несанкционированного доступа. Для этого следует перейти во вкладку «System Tools» и выбрать «Password».
В поле «Old Password» нужно указать текущий пароль, а в поля «New Password» и «Confirm Password» новый пароль. Сохраните изменения и выйдите из настроек роутера.
Шаг 3. Настройка подключения к интернету
1. Выберите тип подключения
Во время настройки роутера TP Link TL MR3040 вам нужно выбрать тип подключения к интернету. Зависит от вашего провайдера интернет-услуг.
- Для обычного подключения к провайдеру может подойти тип «Динамический IP-адрес».
- Если ваш провайдер выдаёт статический IP-адрес — выбирайте тип «СТАТИЧЕСКИЙ IP-АДРЕС».
- Если провайдер предоставляет определенный способ подключения (например, PPPoE) — выберите соответствующий пункт.
2. Введите настройки сети
Возможно, вам нужно будет ввести значения для следующих параметров:
- SSID — название вашей домашней сети Wi-Fi. Можно оставить значение по умолчанию.
- Ключ безопасности — пароль для доступа к Wi-Fi. Рекомендуется использовать длинный пароль.
- IP-адрес роутера (LAN) — адрес, который используется внутри сети для связи с роутером. Можно оставить значение по умолчанию.
- Подключение к Интернету — имя пользователя и пароль для подключения к провайдеру интернет-услуг. Обычно это указывается вместе с контрактом на интернет-услуги.
3. Сохраните настройки и перезагрузите роутер
После ввода настроек сети и соединения с Интернетом необходимо сохранить настройки и перезагрузить роутер. После перезагрузки роутер будет настроен на работу с вашим провайдером интернет-услуг.
Шаг 4. Настройка Wi-Fi сети
1. Изменение имени Wi-Fi сети (SSID)
Для изменения имени Wi-Fi сети необходимо зайти в настройки роутера и найти пункт «Wireless» или «Беспроводное подключение». В этом разделе можно изменить название сети, которое будет видно при поиске доступных сетей Wi-Fi.
2. Защита Wi-Fi сети
Чтобы обезопасить свою Wi-Fi сеть, можно установить пароль и выбрать протокол шифрования. Для этого нужно выбрать в меню настроек роутера пункт «Security» или «Безопасность». Рекомендуется использовать протокол WPA2, так как он является наиболее безопасным для домашних сетей.
3. Расширение Wi-Fi сети
Если требуется расширить зону покрытия Wi-Fi сети или усилить сигнал, можно настроить режим «Репитер». В меню настроек роутера выбираем пункт «WDS / Repeater» и включаем этот режим. Затем указываем параметры главного роутера (SSID, MAC-адрес, канал и т.д.) и устанавливаем соединение.
4. Контроль доступа к Wi-Fi сети
Для управления доступом к Wi-Fi сети можно использовать функцию «Access Control». Эта опция позволяет ограничить доступ к сети только определенным пользователям или устройствам. Необходимо создать список контролируемых устройств и установить правила доступа.
5. Дополнительные настройки Wi-Fi сети
- Включение/выключение радиомодуля Wi-Fi;
- Выбор канала Wi-Fi сети;
- Настройка скорости передачи данных;
- Установка времени работы сети, например, в ночное время;
- Изменение IP-адреса роутера и базовых параметров.
Шаг 5. Настройка дополнительных функций
Контроль доступа к Wi-Fi сети
Для повышения безопасности сети, вы можете настроить контроль доступа к Wi-Fi сети. В разделе «Wireless» выберите пункт «Wireless Security». Установите тип шифрования и пароль. Также можно настроить фильтрацию доступа по MAC-адресам устройств.
Настройка гостевого доступа к интернету
Вы можете создать гостевую Wi-Fi сеть с ограниченным доступом к ресурсам вашей основной сети. В разделе «Wireless» выберите пункт «Guest Network». Установите SSID и пароль для гостевой сети, а также выберите режим работы и время работы сети.
- Режим работы «Отдельная сеть» — гостевые устройства будут иметь доступ только к интернету.
- Режим работы «Разделяй и властвуй» — гостевые устройства будут иметь доступ к интернету и ограниченный доступ к ресурсам основной сети.
Настройка VPN-соединения
Для обеспечения безопасности соединения с интернетом, вы можете настроить VPN-соединение. В разделе «Advanced» выберите пункт «VPN». Установите параметры VPN-сервера, например, тип протокола или IP-адрес, а также учетные данные для подключения к VPN.
Обновление прошивки роутера
Для обеспечения стабильной работы и безопасности вашего роутера, рекомендуется периодически обновлять его прошивку. В разделе «System Tools» выберите пункт «Firmware Upgrade». Скачайте последнюю версию прошивки с официального сайта TP-Link. Загрузите ее в роутер и дождитесь завершения процесса обновления.
Как подключить роутер tp link tl mr3040 к компьютеру?
Для подключения роутера к компьютеру необходимо использовать Ethernet-кабель. Один конец кабеля подключается к порту WAN на роутере, а другой — к сетевой карте компьютера. После подключения необходимо настроить соединение
Как изменить имя и пароль Wi-Fi на роутере tp link tl mr3040?
Для изменения имени и пароля Wi-Fi на роутере tp link tl mr3040 необходимо зайти в веб-интерфейс роутера, используя браузер. Затем перейдите в меню «Wireless», где вы можете изменить имя и пароль вашей сети Wi-Fi. Не забудьте сохранить изменения
Как настроить режим точки доступа на роутере tp link tl mr3040?
Для настройки режима точки доступа на роутере tp link tl mr3040 необходимо зайти в веб-интерфейс роутера, выбрать «Wireless» и переключить режим роутера на «Access Point». После сохранения изменений, роутер будет работать в режиме точки доступа
Как настроить роутер tp link tl mr3040 для доступа в Интернет?
Чтобы настроить роутер tp link tl mr3040 и получить доступ в Интернет, необходимо ввести учетные данные вашего провайдера интернет-услуг и настроить соединение в меню «Network» или «WAN». Если вы подключены к Интернету через Ethernet-кабель, настроить роутер будет проще
Как проверить скорость Wi-Fi на роутере tp link tl mr3040?
Для проверки скорости Wi-Fi на роутере tp link tl mr3040 можно использовать специальные приложения, которые можно скачать на смартфон или компьютер. Один из таких приложений — Speedtest.net. Запустите приложение и проверьте скорость вашей сети Wi-Fi
Как настроить роутер tp link tl mr3040 для передачи файлов через FTP?
Для настройки роутера tp link tl mr3040 для передачи файлов через FTP необходимо зайти в веб-интерфейс роутера, перейти в меню «USB Settings» и включить FTP-сервер. Затем присвойте имена пользователя и пароль. После настройки вы можете передавать файлы через FTP
Как настроить роутер tp link tl mr3040 для подключения к VPN?
Для настройки роутера tp link tl mr3040 для подключения к VPN необходимо зайти в веб-интерфейс роутера, перейти в меню «VPN» и выбрать тип VPN, который вы хотите использовать. Затем введите настройки вашего VPN-сервера. После настройки вы можете использовать VPN на роутере
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С помощью онлайн просмотра, Вы можете быстро просмотреть содержимое инструкции и найти решение проблемы с устройства wi-fi, роутера TP-LINK TL-MR3040.
Для Вашего удобства
Если листать руководство пользователя устройства wi-fi, роутера TP-LINK TL-MR3040 прямо на сайте, не очень удобно для Вас, есть два возможных решения:
• Просмотр в полноэкранном режиме — легко просмотреть руководство пользователя (без загрузки его на свой компьютер), Вы можете использовать режим полноэкранного просмотра.
Для просмотра инструкции пользователя устройства wi-fi, роутера TP-LINK TL-MR3040 на полном экране, используйте кнопку «Открыть в Pdf-viewer».
• Загрузка на компьютер — Вы можете также скачать Инструкция устройства wi-fi, роутера TP-LINK TL-MR3040 на свой компьютер и сохранить его в файлах.
Многие люди предпочитают читать документы не на экране, а в печатной версии.
Возможность печати руководства пользователя также была предусмотрена на нашем сайте,
и вы можете использовать ее, нажав на иконку «печать» в Pdf-viewer.
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Инструкции по эксплуатации
TP-LINK TL-MR3040 инструкция по эксплуатации
(241 страница)
- Языки:Русский
2.94 MB -
На NoDevice можно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации для TP-LINK TL-MR3040. Руководство пользователя необходимо для ознакомления с правилами установки и эксплуатации TP-LINK TL-MR3040. Инструкции по использованию помогут правильно настроить TP-LINK TL-MR3040, исправить ошибки и выявить неполадки.