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Your new trimmer has been engineered and manufactured to Homelite’s high standard for dependability, ease of operation and
operator safety. Properly cared for, it will give you years of rugged, trouble-free performance.
Thank you for buying a Homelite trimmer.
To reduce the risk of injury, the user must read and understand the operator’s manual.
Summary of Contents for Homelite F2020
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ÐÓÊÎÂÎÄÑÒÂÎ ÏÎ ÝÊÑÏËÓÀÒÀÖÈÈ Ñòðóííûé òðèììåð-êóñòîðåç <strong>F3055</strong> UT70129 Ïðèîáðåòåííûé âàìè òðèììåð ñêîíñòðóèðîâàí è èçãîòîâëåí â ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ âûñîêèìè ñòàíäàðòàìè êîìïàíèè <strong>Homelite</strong> â îòíîøåíèè íàäåæíîñòè, ïðîñòîòû è áåçîïàñíîñòè ýêñïëóàòàöèè. Ïðè íàäëåæàùåì çà íèì óõîäå ýòî óñòðîéñòâî, îòëè÷àþùååñÿ âûñîêîé èçíîñîóñòîé÷èâîñòüþ, ñïîñîáíî áåñïåðåáîéíî ïðîðàáîòàòü äîëãèå ãîäû. ÂÍÈÌÀÍÈÅ! Âî èçáåæàíèå òðàâì íåîáõîäèìî âíèìàòåëüíî îçíàêîìèòüñÿ ñ ðóêîâîäñòâîì ïî ýêñïëóàòàöèè è óÿñíèòü ñåáå åãî ñîäåðæàíèå. Áëàãîäàðèì âàñ çà ïðèîáðåòåíèå òðèììåðà ïðîèçâîäñòâà êîìïàíèè <strong>Homelite</strong>. ÑÎÕÐÀÍÈÒÅ Ä ÀÍÍÎÅ ÐÓÊÎÂÎÄÑÒÂÎ ÊÀÊ ÑÏÐÀÂÎ×ÍÈÊ ÍÀ ÁÓÄÓÙÅÅ
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(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents of some pages of the Homelite F2015 Document (Main Content), UPD: 08 August 2023)
229, PREČÍTAJTE SI VŠETKY POKYNY ■ Benzín miešajte vonku, v bezpečnej vzdialenosti od zdrojov iskrenia a otvoreného ohňa. Akýkoľvek rozliaty benzín ihneď utrite. Pred spustením motora sa postavte do vzdialenosti 9 m od miesta, kde ste nalievali benzín do nádrže. ■ Pred dopĺňaním benzínu do nádrže alebo uskladnením náradia motor vypnite a počkajte, kým motor nevychladne. ■ Pred prepravou náradia v aute počkajte, …
135, OBECNÉ BEZPEČNOSTNÍ POKYNY ■ Benzín míchejte a přelévejte na vzduchu, v bezpečné vzdálenosti od zdrojů jiskření a otevřeného ohně. Stopy po rozlitém benzínu rychle utřete. Než spustíte motor, postavte se nejméně 9 metrů od místa, kde jste nalévali benzín do nádrže. ■ Vypněte motor a počkejte, dokud motor nevychladne. Pak teprve doplňte nádrž benzínem nebo nář…
31, VERWENDUNG ■ Lassen Sie den Motor auf höchster Stufe laufen. ■ Tippen Sie den Fadenausgabeknopf auf den Boden, um weiteren Faden abzuwickeln. Bei jedem Tippen auf den Boden wird weiterer Faden abgewickelt. ■ Möglicherweise muss der Schnittkopf mehrmals auf den Boden getippt werden, bevor der Faden lang genug ist, um durch die Fadenabschneideklinge geschnitten werden zu können. ■ Nehmen Sie Ihre Arbeit wied…
239, éÅôà èêÄÇàãÄ áÄ ÅÖáéèÄëçéëí ■ èÓ‰‰˙ʇÈÚ χ¯Ë̇ڇ ‚ ‰Ó·Ó Ò˙ÒÚÓflÌËÂ, ÔÓ‚Âfl‚‡ÈÚ ‰‡ÎË ˜‡ÒÚËÚ ҇ ‰Ó·Â ÙËÍÒˇÌË Ë ÔÓ‰ÏÂÌflÈÚ Ôӂ‰ÂÌËÚÂ. ■ ëÏÂÒ‚‡ÈÚÂ Ë Ò˙ı‡Ìfl‚‡ÈÚ „ÓË‚ÓÚÓ ‚ Ò˙‰, Ô‰‚ˉÂÌ Á‡ ·ÂÌÁËÌ. ■ ëÏÂÒ‚‡ÈÚÂ Ë ÒËÔ‚‡ÈÚ „Ó…
213, NAUDOJIMAS ■ Venkite medžių ir krūmų palietimo. ■ Pjovimo viela gali sugadinti medžio žievę, medinį reljefinį ornamentą, sienų apkalimą ir tvoros kuolus. ŽOLĖS DEFLEKTORIAUS VIELOS PJOVIMO GELEŽTĖ (7 pav.) Jūsų žoliapjovės deflektorius aprūpintas vielos pjovimo geležte. Kad pasiektumėte optimalaus efektyvumo, nuvyniokite pakankamai ilga vielą, kad vielos pjovimo geležtė n…
171, ROZWIĄZYWANIE PROBLEMÓW PROBLEM MOŻLIWA PRZYCZYNA ROZWIĄZANIE Silnik zapala, pracuje i Gaźnik wymaga regulacji. Przekręcić śrubę wolnych obrotów (28) (biegu przyspiesza, ale nie przechodzi jałowego) w prawo, celem zwiększenia prędkości na wolne obroty (bieg jałowy). wolnych (Rys. 18). Żyłka nie daje się wysunąć. 1. Żyłka jest sklejona (zgrzana razem). 1. Nasmarować produktem na bazie silikonu. 2. Niewystarczająca długoś�…
224, Homelite F2015 APKOPE GAISA FILTRA NOMAINĪŠANA UN TĪRĪŠANA (16. un 17. zīmējums) Ja gribat, lai darbarīks strādātu pēc iespējas labāk un kalpotu ilgāk, lūdzam uzturēt gaisa filtru (43) tīru. ■ Noņemiet gaisa filtra pārsegu (44), ar īkšķi spiežot uz aiztura (41) un viegli velkot apakšējo pārsegu (42). ■ Izņemiet filtru un izmazgājiet to siltā ziepjūdenī. Noskalojiet to un gaidiet, līdz tas pilnībā nožūst…
154, MĂSURI DE SIGURANŢĂ GENERALE b) După fiecare utilizare, faceţi câteva exerciţii de gimnastică pentru a stimula circulaţia sanguină. c) Faceţi pauze regulate şi limitaţi expunerea zilnică la vibraţii. Dacă descoperiţi unul dintre aceste simptome, întrerupeţi imediat utilizarea trimmer-ului şi consultaţi un medic. ■ Menţineţi aparatul în bună stare, verificând că piesele s…
98, Homelite F2015 BETJENING Merk: Det er normalt at det kommer røyk fra motoren ved førstegangs bruk, og av og til senere også. ADVARSEL Stopp alltid motoren før du fyller på tanken. Fyll aldri på verktøyets tank når motoren går eller fremdeles er varm. Gå minst 9 m bort fra stedet der du fylte på drivstofftanken før du starter motoren. Ikke røyk! 1 liter + 20 ml = 2 liter + 40 ml = 3 liter + 60 m…
106, KOKOONPANO RUOHON OHJAUSLEVYN ASETUS (Kuva 2) ■ Ota mukana toimitetut siipimutteri (14), aluslaatta (16), painealuslevy (15) ja pultti (12) esille. ■ Asennoi ruohon ohjauslevy (5) tasaimen putkelle (3), pitimelleen (13). ■ Aseta pultti ruohon ohjauslevyssä ja putken pitimessä olevien reikien läpi. ■ Aseta aluslaatta, painealuslevy ja siipimutteri. ■ Kiristä hyvin. ETUKAHVA (Kuva 3) ■ Ota mukana toimitetut etukahva, ruuvi ja siipimutteri esille. ■ Asenna etukahva putkelle j…
108, KÄYTTÖ Huomautus: tässä työkalussa on käynnistyskatkaisin. Ennen kuin käynnistät moottorin varmista, että katkaisin on KÄYNNISTYS «I» asennossa. ■ Käytä ryypytintä (27) 4 kertaa. ■ Työnnä starttivipu (11) kuristusasentoon (31). ■ Paina liipaisimen lukinnan vapautusnappi (26) alas, paina liipaisinta (4) ja vedä käynnistinvaijerista (1), kunnes moottori käynnistyy. (Älä vedä käynnistysvaijerista yli kuusi kertaa). ■ Aseta s…
146, éèàëÄçàÖ 38. èÓÔÛÒÍÌÓ ÓÚ‚ÂÒÚË 39. ëÚÂÎÍË Ì‡ ͇Úۯ͠40. ä‡Úۯ͇ 41. ᇢÂÎ͇ 42. çËÊÌflfl Í˚¯Í‡ 43. îËÎ¸Ú 44. ä˚¯Í‡ ‚ÓÁ‰Û¯ÌÓ„Ó ÙËθڇ 45. ä˚¯Í‡ ÚÓÔÎË‚ÌÓ„Ó ·‡Í‡ 46. ÇÚÓ‡fl ÎÂÒ͇ ëÅéêäÄ ìëíÄçéÇäÄ éíêÄÜÄíÖãü íê�…
118, Homelite F2015 ΧΡΗΣΗ ■ Κρατήστε τη σκανδάλη πατηµένη και τραβήξτε το σύρµα του εκκινητή µέχρι να ξεκινήσει ο κινητήρασ. ∆ΙΑΚΟΠΗ ΤΟΥ ΚΙΝΗΤΗΡΑ: Για να σταµατήσετε τον κινητήρα, τοποθετήστε το διακπτη στη θέση διακοπήσ “O”. ΣΥΝΤΗΡΗΣΗ ΠΡΟΕΙ∆ΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ Για τη συντήρηση, χρησ�…
219, VISPĀRĪGI PADOMI PAR DROŠĪBU Ja jums traucē šeit aprakstītās neveselīgās sajūtas, tūlīt pārtrauciet darbu ar rokas pļaujmašīnu un griezieties pie ārsta! ■ Raugieties, lai darbarīks būtu labā darba kārtībā: pārbaudiet, vai visas daļas ir labi pieskrūvētas, un lieciet nomainīt daļas, kas ir sabojājušās. ■ Degvielu ir jājauc un jāglabā tvertnē, kas ir paredzēta benzīnam. ■ Degvielu jauciet un ielejiet zem klajas debess, atstatu no liesmas un dzi…
81, ANVÄNDNING KALLSTART: ■ Placera trimmern platt på en bar yta. Sätt ström- brytaren (8) i läget ”I” (PÅ). Anmärkning: det här verktyget är utrustat med en strömbrytare på/av. Innan du startar motorn bör du kontrollera att strömbrytaren är i läget PÅ «I». ■ Pumpa med flödaren (27) 4 gånger. ■ För chokespaken (11) till strypläge (31). ■ Tryck in knappen för upplåsning (26), tryck på avtryckaren (4) och dra i startsnöret (1) ända tills…
111, VIANHAKU VIKA MAHDOLLINEN SYY RATKAISU Leikkuulanka ei syöty. 1. Lanka on liimautunut kiinni. 1. Voitele lanka silikonipitoisella aineella. 2. Puolassa ei ole riittävästi 2. Asenna lisää lankaa. Katso kohdasta lankaa. «Leikkuulangan vaihtaminen». 3. Langan päät ovat kuluneet 3. Vedä langan päistä ja paina samalla syöttönappia, ja liian lyhyet. vapauta sitten nappi. 4. Lanka on sekaisin. 4. Poista lanka…
124, Homelite F2015 Köszönjük, hogy Homelite terméket vásárolt. Az Ön által vásárolt szegélyvágót a Homelite magas követelményszintje alapján terveztük és gyártottuk, ez biztosítja, hogy a szerszám működése megbízható, használata könnyű és biztonságos legyen. Ha a szerszám előírt karbantartási munkálatait mindig megfelelőképpen elvégzi, akkor hosszú éveken keresztül használhatja ezt az ellenálló és nagy teljesítményű eszközt. FIGYELMEZTETÉS A sérülés…
58, INSTRUÇÕES GERAIS DE SEGURANÇA ■ Conserve a sua ferramenta em bom estado, verificando se as peças estão bem apertadas e mandando substituir qualquer peça danificada. ■ Misture e conserve o combustível num bidão concebido para conter gasolina. ■ Misture e ponha o combustível no exterior, longe de qualquer centelha ou chama. Tenha o cuidado de enxugar qualquer vestígio de combustível derramado. …
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Use the manufacturer’s replacement string for best perfor- mance. 1. Stop the engine and disconnect the sparking plug wire. Hold the string head and unscrew the spool retainer. Turn clockwise. 2. Remove the empty spool from the string head. Keep the spring attached to the spool. 3. To install the new spool, make sure the two strings are captured in the slots opposite each other on the new spool. Make sure the ends of each string are extended approximately 152 mm (6 in) beyond each slot. 4. Thread the strings into the eyelets in the string head. Carefully push the spool into the string head (gently pull the strings to the outside if necessary). When the spool is positioned in the string head, grasp the strings and pull sharply to release them from the slots in the spool. 5. Push down and turn the spool anticlockwise until it no longer turns. Hold the spool down and rotate clockwise a small amount. Release the spool. The spool should be locked down in the string head. If not, hold down and rotate until locked. 6. Make sure the string head and the spool retainer are installed on the drive shaft by turning the retainer anticlockwise to tighten. 7. Pull the strings again to rotate the spool into cutting position. Push the spool retainer down while pulling on string(s) to manually advance the string and to check for proper assembly of the string head. 12 MAINTENANCE STRING REPLACEMENT See Figures 12, 13, 14 and 15. 1 Stop the engine and disconnect the sparking plug wire. Hold the string head and unscrew the spool retainer. Turn anticlockwise. 2 Remove the spool from the string head. NOTE: Keep the spring attached to the spool. Remove any old string remaining on the spool. 3 Cut two pieces of string, each being approximately 2.7 m (9 ft) long. 4 Insert the first string into the anchor hole in the upper part of the spool. Wind the first string round the upper part of the spool anticlockwise, as shown by the arrows on the spool. Place string in the slot on upper spool flange, leaving about 152 mm (6 in) extended beyond the slot. Do not overfill. After winding the string, there should be at least 6 mm (1/4 in) between the wound string and the outside edge of the spool. 5 Repeat above step with second string, using the bottom part of spool. Do not overfill. 6 Replace the spool and the spool retainer. Refer to “Spool Replacement“ earlier in this manual. CLEANING THE EXHAUST PORT AND SILENCER Depending on the type of fuel used, the type and amount of oil used, and/or your operating conditions, the exhaust port and silencer may become blocked with carbon deposits. If you notice a power loss with your petrol-powered tool, a qualified service technician will need to remove these deposits to restore performance. SPARK ARRESTER The spark arrester must be cleaned or replaced every 25 hours or yearly to ensure proper performance of your product. Spark arresters may be in different locations depending on the model purchased. Please contact your nearest service dealer for the location of the spark arrester for your model. Cleaning Instructions: ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦Remove the spark arrester from the silencer. ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦If your spark arrester is made of fibreglass, discard and replace. ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦If your spark arrester is made of metal, follow these cleaning instructions: 1. Spray the spark arrester with a quality carbon cleaner. 2. Gently clean using a wire brush. 3. Install the new or cleaned spark arrester and reassemble completely before use. 13 FIRST STRING Fig. 12 SPOOL ANCHOR HOLE SECOND STRING ARROWS ON SPOOL Fig. 14 Fig. 15 SPRING Fig. 13 FIRST STRING SLOT SLOT ARROWS ON SPOOL 14 The fuel cap contains a non-serviceable filter and a check valve. A clogged fuel filter will cause poor engine performance. If performance improves when the fuel cap is loosened, the check valve may be faulty or the filter clogged. Replace fuel cap if required. SPARKING PLUG This engine uses a Champion RCJ-6Y with 0.63mm (0.025 in) electrode gap. Use an exact replacement and replace annually. STORAGE (1 MONTH OR LONGER) 1. Drain all fuel from tank into a container approved for petrol. Run engine until it stops. 2. Clean all foreign material from the trimmer. Store it in a well-ventilated place that is inaccessible to children. Keep away from corrosive agents such as garden chemicals and de-icing salts. 3. Abide by all Federal and local regulations for the safe storage and handling of petrol. Excess fuel should be used up in other 2-cycle engine powered equipment. REPLACING AND CLEANING AIR FILTER See Figures 16 and 17. For proper performance and long life, keep air filter clean. 1. Remove the air filter cover by pushing down on the latch with your thumb while gently pulling on the cover. 2. Remove the filter and clean it in warm soapy water. Rinse and let dry completely. For best performance, replace annually. 3. Install the filter, align tabs, push in, and make sure the latches are locked into place. WARNING: A leaking fuel cap is a fire hazard and must be replaced…
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