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«Parma ВАФ-А»




PARMA Ltd. Saint Petersburg


Summary of Contents for Parma VAF-A

  • Page 1
    ё РА1.007.001РЭ-001 VOLTAMPEREPHASOMETER «Parma ВАФ-А» OPERATING MANUAL РА1.007.001РЭ ФГУ PARMA Ltd. Saint Petersburg…
  • Page 2
    PARMA Ltd. РА1.007.001РЭ-001…
  • Page 3
    РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. Appearance of “Parma VAF-A” voltamperephasometer with its accessories…
  • Page 4
    РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. Package is to comply with GOST 22261, group 4 as for exposure to ATTENTION! mechanic environmental factors. Overall dimensions in packing are 330x235x105 mm. Study the present document before using the device. In connec- Gross weight is no less than 3 kg.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. Turn the clamp so that to place the marking plate in upper CONTENTS position and repeat the measurements. Turn off all clamps. Normative References …………..6 Make parallel connection of the outer voltage of the system Definitions, Designations and Abbreviations ……..

  • Page 6: Normative References

    Set the output voltage of UPPU-1M system on 100 V, out- The present Service Instructions contain the following terms: put current on 5 A, current-voltage phase shift equal to zero. Control phase Device — Voltamperephasometer “Parma ВАФ-A”. shift by phase shift meter F2-34. GOST — Russian State Standards.

  • Page 7: Safety Requirements

    OF ITS OPERATION sure that the surfaces are clean. Purpose 7.6.2 Determination of insulation resistance 4.1.1 Voltamperephasometer “Parma ВАФ-A”, TU4221-006- Insulation resistance measurement is made with megger at 31920409-2004 is a completely automatic universal device. a fixed voltage of 1000 V.

  • Page 8: Operation Conditions

    РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. Operation is made Operation conditions during 4.2.1 Normal conditions of use of the device according to GOST Names of operations Point Initial Periodical 22261. number Verifi- Verifi- 4.2.2 Nominal temperature of ambient air is 20°C. Admissible de-…

  • Page 9: Electric Strength And Insulation Resistance

    РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. Electric strength and insulation resistance DEVICE VERIFICATION (CHECK OF CALIBRATION) 4.4.1 Electric strength and insulation resistance conforms to GOST Standardized Methrological Characteristics 26104 requirements. 4.4.2 Insulation resistance between short-circuits or equivalent cir- 7.1.1 Effective Range: cuits, insulated from the case of the device, on the one hand, and the other cir- −…

  • Page 10: Design And Operation Of The Device

    РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. Opening of magnetic circuit of clamps 9±0.5 90° Mass, no more than, kg Dimensions, no more than, mm 190x70x160 DIRECT 180° 0° 120° Design and operation of the device PHASE SUCCESSION –120° 4.7.1 Design…

  • Page 11
    РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. in Umeasuring channel, the device will show both phase shifts. Read indica-  tions on the upper line of display, prefix of voltage-current phase shift: 90° φuu= 30° L 220.0V 180° 0° 30° –30°…
  • Page 12
    РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. 4.7.2 Design and operation of the device of display will indicate the value of phase shift between Iref current and volt- age applied to measurement channel (Umeasuring). If there is current in Im Structure diagram of the device is shown on fig.
  • Page 13: Preparation For Usage

    РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. The device consists of two galvanically separated parts: reference and measurement channels. 90° The reference channel is intended for formation of signals necessary for measurement of phase shifts of galvanically isolated circuits.

  • Page 14: Operation Order

    РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. Don’t store the device with deeply discharged batteries. This 6.2.2 Measurement of effective value of alternating voltage and may cause electrolyte leakage and damage of the device. its frequency OPERATION ORDER To measure the effective value of alternating voltage and its frequency apply alternating voltage to terminals, named Um (see fig.

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«Parma ВАФ-А»




PARMA Ltd. Saint Petersburg

Summary of Contents for Parma VAF-A

  • Page 1
    ё РА1.007.001РЭ-001 VOLTAMPEREPHASOMETER «Parma ВАФ-А» OPERATING MANUAL РА1.007.001РЭ ФГУ PARMA Ltd. Saint Petersburg…
  • Page 2
    PARMA Ltd. РА1.007.001РЭ-001…
  • Page 3
    РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. Appearance of “Parma VAF-A” voltamperephasometer with its accessories…
  • Page 4
    РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. Package is to comply with GOST 22261, group 4 as for exposure to ATTENTION! mechanic environmental factors. Overall dimensions in packing are 330x235x105 mm. Study the present document before using the device. In connec- Gross weight is no less than 3 kg.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. Turn the clamp so that to place the marking plate in upper CONTENTS position and repeat the measurements. Turn off all clamps. Normative References …………..6 Make parallel connection of the outer voltage of the system Definitions, Designations and Abbreviations ……..

  • Page 6: Normative References

    Set the output voltage of UPPU-1M system on 100 V, out- The present Service Instructions contain the following terms: put current on 5 A, current-voltage phase shift equal to zero. Control phase Device — Voltamperephasometer “Parma ВАФ-A”. shift by phase shift meter F2-34. GOST — Russian State Standards.

  • Page 7: Safety Requirements

    OF ITS OPERATION sure that the surfaces are clean. Purpose 7.6.2 Determination of insulation resistance 4.1.1 Voltamperephasometer “Parma ВАФ-A”, TU4221-006- Insulation resistance measurement is made with megger at 31920409-2004 is a completely automatic universal device. a fixed voltage of 1000 V.

  • Page 8: Operation Conditions

    РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. Operation is made Operation conditions during 4.2.1 Normal conditions of use of the device according to GOST Names of operations Point Initial Periodical 22261. number Verifi- Verifi- 4.2.2 Nominal temperature of ambient air is 20°C. Admissible de-…

  • Page 9: Electric Strength And Insulation Resistance

    РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. Electric strength and insulation resistance DEVICE VERIFICATION (CHECK OF CALIBRATION) 4.4.1 Electric strength and insulation resistance conforms to GOST Standardized Methrological Characteristics 26104 requirements. 4.4.2 Insulation resistance between short-circuits or equivalent cir- 7.1.1 Effective Range: cuits, insulated from the case of the device, on the one hand, and the other cir- −…

  • Page 10: Design And Operation Of The Device

    РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. Opening of magnetic circuit of clamps 9±0.5 90° Mass, no more than, kg Dimensions, no more than, mm 190x70x160 DIRECT 180° 0° 120° Design and operation of the device PHASE SUCCESSION –120° 4.7.1 Design…

  • Page 11
    РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. in Umeasuring channel, the device will show both phase shifts. Read indica-  tions on the upper line of display, prefix of voltage-current phase shift: 90° φuu= 30° L 220.0V 180° 0° 30° –30°…
  • Page 12
    РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. 4.7.2 Design and operation of the device of display will indicate the value of phase shift between Iref current and volt- age applied to measurement channel (Umeasuring). If there is current in Im Structure diagram of the device is shown on fig.
  • Page 13: Preparation For Usage

    РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. The device consists of two galvanically separated parts: reference and measurement channels. 90° The reference channel is intended for formation of signals necessary for measurement of phase shifts of galvanically isolated circuits.

  • Page 14: Operation Order

    РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. РА1.007.001РЭ-001 PARMA Ltd. Don’t store the device with deeply discharged batteries. This 6.2.2 Measurement of effective value of alternating voltage and may cause electrolyte leakage and damage of the device. its frequency OPERATION ORDER To measure the effective value of alternating voltage and its frequency apply alternating voltage to terminals, named Um (see fig.




были  надежно  сомкнуты,  а  токопровод  находился, по  возможности, по 
середине  окна магнитопровода. 

Подайте  напряжение  переменного  тока  на клеммы  из-

мерительного канала, обозначенные Uизмер (см. рис.10). 

На дисплее, рисунок 10а, в верхней строке слева — ин-

дицируется измеренное значение угла сдвига фаз между током опорно-
го  канала  (Iопорн)  и  напряжением  измерительного  канал  (Uизмер), 
имеющее размерность ° и префикс φiu=; в нижней строке слева – пре-
фикс угла сдвига фаз между током и током φii=. Действующие значения 
напряжения  и  силы  переменного  тока  индицируются  справа  вверху  и 
внизу соответственно. 

Считайте  измеренное  ВАФ  значение  угла  сдвига  фаз 

между током и напряжением слева в верхней строке. Латинская буква L 
указывает, что измеренный ВАФ угол сдвига фаз находится в интерва-
ле от 0 до минус 180°.   

Рисунок 10а 

Если  к  разъему  измерительного  канала,  обозначенному  Iизмер, 

подключены  измерительные  клещи,  рисунок  10  б,  то  ВАФ  определит 
значение угла сдвига фаз между током и током. 



I 2


I 1

Опорные клещи  для
измерения угла
сдвига фаз между

током и


клещи  для


измерения угла
сдвига фаз между

током и током

Схема подключения ВАФ в  однофазной или 
трехфазной цепи





Опорные клещи  для
измерения угла

сдвига фаз между
током и


клещи  для




измерения угла
сдвига фаз
между током и


Схема  подключения  ВАФ,  относительно 
тока  в    отдельном  токопроводе  однофаз-
ной или трехфазной цепи

Рисунок 10 б 

φiu= 30° L   220.0V 
φii=  ?           999 мА 










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    «ПАРМА ВАФ -А»
    Руководство по эксплуатации
    РА1.007.001 РЭ
    ООО «ПАРМА», Санкт-Петербург
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    Руководство по эксплуатации
    РА1.007.003 РЭ
    ООО «ПАРМА», Санкт-Петербург
  • ООО «ПАРМА»                                РА1.007.003 РЭ-001
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