Видеорегистратор blackvue dr750lw 2ch инструкция



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BlackVue DR750-2CH LTE Manual

  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. BlackVue Manuals
  4. Dash Cameras
  5. DR750-2CH LTE
  6. Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

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Summary of Contents for BlackVue DR750-2CH LTE

  • Page 1
    DR750-2CH LTE Manual ENGLISH…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Playing and managing video files using your computer (Windows/Mac) …………… 30 Important safety information ……..6 Removing the microSD card ………………30 Opening video files in BlackVue Viewer …………..31 Overview …………..9 Viewer screen composition ………………32 In the box ……………………9 Windows Viewer ……………………..32 At a glance …………………….10…

  • Page 3
    FW Language ………………….73 Time settings ……………………… 58 Changing settings using your computer (Windows/Mac) … 74 Video settings ……………………..60 Image quality ……………………………. 60 BlackVue Viewer settings………………75 Enhanced night vision…………………………61 Select language ……………………..75 Brightness (Front) …………………………..61 Brightness (Rear) …………………………..61 Speed unit on map…………………….
  • Page 4
    Troubleshooting …………99 Changing/resetting direct Wi-Fi SSID and password ..99 Change Wi-Fi SSID and password over the Cloud ……….99 Change the Wi-Fi password using BlackVue Viewer (Windows or Mac) ..102 Product specifications ……….103 Recording time …………105 Disposal and recycling information …… 107…
  • Page 5: Introduction

    To improve the performance of the product, the contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice. Note y A formatted microSD card is provided with the BlackVue dashcam when you purchase the product. Insert the microSD card in the dashcam and power it up. The microSD card will be initialized.

  • Page 6: Important Safety Information

    Do not operate the product with wet hands. Doing so may cause electric shock. y Do not install the product in an environment with high humidity, or combustible gases or liquids. Doing so may cause an explosion and/or fire. BLACKVUE…

  • Page 7
    Plug in the power cord firmly so that it cannot easily be disconnected. Failure to do so may cause fire. y Do not cover the product with any material. Doing so may cause external deformation of the product or fire. Use the product and peripherals in a well-ventilated location. DR750-2CH LTE…
  • Page 8
    It is recommended that you install the software and firmware from the BlackVue downloads page (www.blackvue.com). y It is recommended that you remove the power cord if the product (BlackVue dashcam/Parking Mode Hardwiring Kit) is not used for an extended period of time.
  • Page 9: Overview

    The illustrations in this manual may differ from the product. y To improve the performance of the product, the contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice. y For more information about the package components and accessories, visit the BlackVue website (www.blackvue.com). DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 10: At A Glance

    At a glance The following diagrams explain each part of the BlackVue dashcam. Front camera Lock button Camera lens 137.6 mm Mounting bracket Front security LED : Light on during normal mode, time-lapse parking mode and time-lapse recording, motion detection standby in parking mode.

  • Page 11
    : On when proximity sensor is triggered Proximity Sensor: Touch or wave a finger within 20mm of the sensor to trigger a customizable function. Available options are: – Turn on/off audio recording (default) – Manual recording trigger The sensor can also be disabled completely. DR750-2CH LTE…
  • Page 12
    – Press and hold for 5 seconds and once voice instructions start, release the button. Then press and hold for 5 seconds again to format the microSD card. DC in (power connector) Cover Rear camera connection port microSD card Wi-Fi button: – Press once and voice commends start to turn on/off Wi-Fi. BLACKVUE…
  • Page 13: Removing And Inserting The Front Camera

    To remove the dashcam from its bracket, press the LOCK button and pull the dashcam out of the mounting bracket. y To insert the dashcam into its bracket, push the dashcam into the mounting bracket until it «clicks» in. y To use the LTE service, insert the SIM card in SIM card slot. DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 14: Rear Camera

    To remove the rear camera from its bracket, hold the mounting bracket and pull the rear camera out. y To insert the rear camera into its bracket, push the rear camera into the mounting bracket until it «clicks» in. BLACKVUE…

  • Page 15: Installation

    Installation Installing the BlackVue dashcam Install the front camera behind the rear view mirror. Install the rear camera at the top of the back windshield. Remove any foreign matter and clean and dry the windshield before installation. Warning y Do not install the product in a location where it can obstruct the driver’s field of vision.

  • Page 16
    SIM card slot Open slot by SIM eject tool which is included Insert your SIM card in the box Peel off the protective film from the double-sided tape and attach the front camera to the windshield behind the rear-view mirror. BLACKVUE…
  • Page 17
    Connect the front camera (‘Rear’ port) and the rear camera (‘V out’) using the rear camera connection cable. Use the pry tool to lift the edges of the rubber window sealing and molding and tuck in the rear camera connection cable. Rear camera connection cable DR750-2CH LTE…
  • Page 18
    Rear camera connection cable Turn on the engine. The BlackVue dashcam will power up and start recording. Video files are stored on the microSD card. When the microSD card fills up, the newest video files will start to replace the oldest video files (called loop recording) – so you will always have the most recent video files.
  • Page 19: Playing And Managing Videos

    Playing and managing video files using your smartphone (Android/iOS) Opening video files Search for the BlackVue app in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and install it on your smartphone. “Pair” your smartphone with the BlackVue dashcam via direct Wi-Fi: a.

  • Page 20
    Choose your BlackVue dashcam from the network list. The dashcam’s default SSID begins with its model number (e.g. BlackVue ****-******). d. Enter the password and tap join. * The default Wi-Fi SSID and password are printed on the dashcam’s label or on the product pad inside the packaging box.
  • Page 21: Blackvue Wi-Fi Screen Composition

    BLACKVUE WI-FI screen composition Copy to Internal Memory Firmware settings BlackVue SSID SIM card activation File type filter buttons Video list Video file pop-up menu Live View Refresh video list Note y All images shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual app may differ from images shown.

  • Page 22: Playing Video

    Tap the car icon to load the thumbnail of a recording. The car icon with an arrow pointing to the right indicates a front dashcam recording. The car icon with an arrow pointing to the left indicates a rear dashcam recording. BLACKVUE…

  • Page 23
    (Normal, Event, Parking and Manual). The filter button displays both E (Event) and I (Impact event while parked) recordings. y The dashcam requires a constant power source to record in parking mode. See «Optional accessories» on page 96 for more information. DR750-2CH LTE…
  • Page 24: Checking The Displayed Time & Gps Data

    The vehicle’s speed is displayed in the lower-left corner of the video. Rotate your smartphone or press the rotate button to switch between portrait and landscape display modes. Press the rear button to switch to the rear dashcam view. BLACKVUE…

  • Page 25: Real-Time Streaming Video (Live View)

    You can view in real-time the video currently being recorded by connecting your smartphone to the dashcam via direct Wi-Fi. Go to your smartphone’s Settings > Wi-Fi and connect to your dashcam. Open the BlackVue app. Select BLACKVUE WI-FI and tap the button.

  • Page 26: Managing Videos

    Managing videos Managing videos in BLACKVUE WI-FI You can manage the recorded videos using the BlackVue app. Note y When the microSD card fills up, the newest video files will start to replace the oldest video files (called loop recording) – so you will always have the most recent video files.

  • Page 27: Managing Videos In Internal Memory

    Managing videos in INTERNAL MEMORY Open the BlackVue app and select INTERNAL MEMORY. Tap to see file options. You can delete, copy or move files, change the name of files and share files. DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 28: Deleting Videos

    Go to another folder and tap to paste the selected files there. To copy individual files, tap next to the video you want to copy. Select Copy. Go to another folder and tap to paste the file there. BLACKVUE…

  • Page 29: Moving Videos

    Uploading, sharing or emailing a video Tap next to the video you want to share. Select Share file. Choose the app you want to share with. The available options will depend on what apps you have installed on your smartphone. DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 30: Playing And Managing Video Files Using Your Computer (Windows/Mac)

    To remove the microSD card, gently press on the card to release the lock then carefully pull the card out. To insert the microSD card, gently push the card into the slot until it locks into place and close the cover. To insert Open side cover To remove BLACKVUE…

  • Page 31: Opening Video Files In Blackvue Viewer

    Insert the card into the microSD card reader and connect it to a computer. Download BlackVue Viewer from www.blackvue.com > Support > Downloads and install it on your computer. Run BlackVue Viewer. To play, select a video and click on the play button or double click the selected video. DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 32: Viewer Screen Composition

    G-Sensor information View full screen Switch front/rear view Flip upside down Front/rear screen mode Flip horizontally Print Fit to playback screen Capture Note y All images shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual program may differ from images shown. BLACKVUE…

  • Page 33: Mac Viewer

    Front/Rear reverse view Front/Rear screen mode Flip horizontally Recorded File List View upside-down Full Screen view Previous frame Timeline for sec selection Timeline for min selection Playback time Playback/Pause Volume control Next frame Playback speed control Play next file DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 34: Playing Video

    Playing video Playing back videos In BlackVue Viewer double click a video file to play. BlackVue Viewer shows by default the files in the microSD card. To see files in another folder click the button and browse to the folder. Note y Depending on your computer’s hardware and software, the dashcam videos that are recorded at 60fps may not play smoothly at higher speeds (2x, 4x, etc.).

  • Page 35
    The car icon with an arrow pointing to the left indicates a rear dashcam recording. Note y The dashcam requires a constant power source to record in parking mode. See «Optional accessories» on page 96 for more information. DR750-2CH LTE…
  • Page 36: Checking The Displayed Time

    The time the video was recorded is displayed in the lower left corner of the video in the playback screen. If the displayed time in the recorded videos is incorrect please see «Time settings» on page 58 or 77. Using BlackVue Viewer Front/rear screen mode (2CH)

  • Page 37: Exploring The Timeline And G-Sensor Graph

    You can check the impact sensitivity (G-Sensor) information in the line graph. Select month Timeline for hour/min/ sec selection G-Sensor information Select date • Dates with recordings are black • Click a date to filter recordings (date changes to red and circled) DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 38: Zoom Options

    Use the mouse scroll wheel zoom. Right clicking will restore the video to the default size. y You can resize the playback frame or the BlackVue Viewer window by dragging the borders. y Full-screen view: Double click on the video image to enter full-screen view. Double click again or tap ESC to return to the default view.

  • Page 39: Checking The Gps Data

    Checking the GPS data You can check the GPS data of the recorded video in BlackVue Viewer while video is playing back. The driving speed and coordinates are displayed above the map frame. Note y GPS data is not recorded during parking mode. Map data cannot be displayed for parking mode recordings.

  • Page 40: Managing Videos

    Managing videos You can manage the recorded videos through the BlackVue Viewer program. You can also format the microSD card. Note y If the microSD card is full, by default the dashcam will record over the oldest videos first. Capturing or printing a still image from video Double click a file in the file list to play.

  • Page 41: For Mac Users

    For Mac users Go to \BlackVue\Record\. Select the video from the recorded video list. Click Move to Trash. DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 42: Exporting Videos

    Click next to a video in the recorded video list. Click Export. If you want to extract a segment of a file select Save segment and edit the start and end second points. To export without audio select Sound Off. BLACKVUE…

  • Page 43: Copying Videos

    Click the Select folder button. y To copy multiple files at once check the boxes next to the file names and press the Copy to button y When copying files the segment adjustment and sound off tools are not available. DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 44: For Mac Users

    For Mac users Go to \BlackVue\Record\. Select the video from the recorded video list. Click Copy «file name». BLACKVUE…

  • Page 45: Tips For Optimal Performance

    Insert the microSD card into the microSD card reader and connect the reader to your computer. Download BlackVue Viewer (Windows) from www.blackvue.com > Support >Downloads and install it on your computer. Launch the BlackVue Viewer that is installed on your computer.

  • Page 46: Format Using Blackvue Viewer (Macos)

    Insert the microSD card into the microSD card reader and connect the reader to your computer. Download BlackVue Viewer (Mac) from www.blackvue.com > Support > Downloads and install it on your computer. Launch the BlackVue Viewer that is installed on your computer.

  • Page 47
    Format the microSD card if the recorded video quality appears to be poor. y Only use official BlackVue microSD cards. Other cards may have compatibility issues. PittaSoft Co., Ltd. will not be held responsible for any problems caused by using another manufacturer’s microSD card.
  • Page 48: Upgrading The Firmware

    73 or 76. Check the firmware version and release notes and tap OK to start downloading. After the download completes tap OK to be taken back to the home screen. Make sure your BlackVue dashcam is on and nearby. BLACKVUE…

  • Page 49
    Go to your smartphone’s Settings then select Wi-Fi, and make sure Wi-Fi is turned on. Choose your BlackVue dashcam from the network list. The dashcam’s default SSID begins with its model number (e.g. BlackVue****-******). Enter the password and tap join. * The default Wi-Fi SSID and password are labeled on the dashcam and product pad in the packaging box. To find them on the dashcam, unplug the cables and remove the front camera from its mount.
  • Page 50
    Open the BlackVue app. Select BLACKVUE WI-FI > > Firmware upgrade. Note y The firmware version currently installed on the microSD card is shown first. Below it, the firmware version you downloaded in step 4 is shown. Tap OK to apply the firmware upgrade.
  • Page 51
    When a new firmware is available, an icon will show near your dashcam’s name. y The Firmware can only be upgraded when the dashcam is connected to Cloud. Open the BlackVue app. Select BLACKVUE CLOUD. Tap the 3-dot icon. DR750-2CH LTE…
  • Page 52
    The dashcam will start downloading the firmware and automatically apply it. Caution Please make sure the dashcam is powered on until normal recording starts after the upgrade is completed. Any power interruption may prevent the firmware upgrade from completing, resulting in malfunction of the dashcam. BLACKVUE…
  • Page 53
    You will be notified once the upgrade is successful. DR750-2CH LTE…
  • Page 54: Upgrading The Firmware Using A Computer (Windows Or Macos)

    For Mac users, click and select About BlackVue from the menu. Check the current firmware version of your BlackVue dashcam and proceed only if your version is not the latest one. Windows Format the microSD card. See «Formatting the microSD card» on page 45.

  • Page 55
    Unzip the downloaded file and copy the BlackVue folder to the microSD card. Insert the microSD card into the dashcam and connect the power to initiate the firmware upgrade. Make sure the power remains on until the upgrade is completed. Any power interruption may prevent the firmware upgrade from completing, resulting in malfunction.
  • Page 56: Changing Settings

    Changing settings Changing settings using your smartphone (Android/iOS) “Pair” your smartphone with the BlackVue dashcam via direct Wi-Fi (for details see «Opening video files» on page 19). Go to your smartphone’s Settings > Wi-Fi and connect to your dashcam. Open the BlackVue app. Select BLACKVUE WI-FI >…

  • Page 57: Basic Settings

    Please backup necessary recordings before changing time and image quality settings. If any of the aforementioned settings are changed and saved, the dashcam will format the microSD card and delete all recordings stored on the card including locked event files in order to ensure optimal performance. Basic settings DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 58: Time Settings

    Time settings Select your time zone to auto-sync with GPS time or you can set the time and date manually after enabling Manual time setting. BLACKVUE…

  • Page 59
    If you are unsure of your GMT offset please look up your city on https://greenwichmeantime.com/ * Selecting Daylight saving time will advance the clock by one hour. y When setting the time manually, please set to the expected time you will use the BlackVue (not the present time). DR750-2CH LTE…
  • Page 60: Video Settings

    Increasing the image quality will increase the size of the video files. Loading and copying time will increase accordingly. If your phone does not support video streaming at the ‘highest’ image quality setting, please copy the recording to your phone and play from internal memory. Alternatively, you can choose «Quick playback» option from the App settings. BLACKVUE…

  • Page 61: Enhanced Night Vision

    Brightness (Front) You can adjust the recording brightness level of the front camera. Brightness (Rear) You can adjust the recording brightness level of the rear camera. DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 62: Recording Settings

    Alternatively, if you choose «Time-Lapse» the camera continuously records 1 frame per second and saves recordings that playback at 30 times normal speed. If the G-sensor detects an impact/bump the camera saves a separate event recording file at normal speed. BLACKVUE…

  • Page 63: Rear Camera Recording In Parking Mode

    Front camera rotation If you installed the front camera in a flipped position, use this setting to rotate the front camera image 180°. Rear camera orientation Use this setting to rotate the rear camera image 180° or mirror the video. DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 64: Sensitivity Settings

    Sensitivity settings BLACKVUE…

  • Page 65: G-Sensor (Normal Mode)/G-Sensor (Parking Mode)

    (such as an impact or collision) it will trigger an event recording. You can adjust the sensitivity so minor incidents and bumps don’t trigger an event recording. To turn off event recordings by impact detection set the G-sensor sensitivity to off. DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 66: Motion Detection (Parking Mode)

    You can also choose the detection regions to reduce the risk of triggering unwanted motion recordings due to trees swaying in the wind, far-away moving objects, etc. By default, all the regions are selected. If you want to ignore motion detection in particular region(s), unselect them. BLACKVUE…

  • Page 67: System Settings

    You can turn the recording status LED on/off. Front security (Normal mode) You can turn the front security LED on/off for normal mode. Front security (Parking mode) You can turn the front security LED on/off for parking mode. DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 68: Rear Security

    Impact detected in parking mode Notifies when exiting parking mode if an impact had been detected during parking mode, however, it ignores any impact detected within three minutes before exiting parking mode. Volume You can adjust the volume of the voice guidance (announcements). BLACKVUE…

  • Page 69: Scheduled Reboot

    You can create a user text overlay of up to 20 characters using a combination of English letters (A – Z, a – z), numbers (0 – 9), and symbols (:;‘/+-_()$#). The text is overlaid in the top-left corner of the recorded videos. DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 70: Wi-Fi Auto Turn Off

    When «Wi-Fi Auto turn off» is enabled, the Wi-Fi will automatically turn off if it is inactive for 10 minutes. If disabled, the Wi-Fi stays on all the time. You can press the physical Wi-Fi button on the dashcam anytime to manually switch the Wi-Fi on/off. BLACKVUE…

  • Page 71: Cloud Settings

    Cloud settings DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 72: Push Notification Settings

    Push notification settings You can customize when you want to receive push notifications. BLACKVUE…

  • Page 73: Fw Language

    FW Language You can change the Firmware language of your dashcam. DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 74: Changing Settings Using Your Computer (Windows/Mac)

    Changing settings using your computer (Windows/Mac) Click on the Settings button (Windows) or the menu (mac OS) to open the BlackVue settings panel. You will be able to change most of the BlackVue settings to customize its operation. BLACKVUE…

  • Page 75: Blackvue Viewer Settings

    BlackVue Viewer settings Select language Select your preferred language for the BlackVue Viewer interface from the dropdown list. Speed unit on map Change the speed unit displayed on the map. Select map service Change the mapping service used. Picture-in-picture(PIP)playback On some computers videos may not play smoothly in PIP view. If you encounter issues please disable PIP playback.

  • Page 76: Firmware Settings

    Please backup necessary recordings before changing time and image quality settings. If any of the aforementioned settings are changed and saved, the dashcam will format the microSD card and delete all recordings stored on the card including locked event files in order to ensure optimal performance. BLACKVUE…

  • Page 77: Basic Settings

    If you are unsure of your GMT offset please look up your city on https://greenwichmeantime.com/ * Selecting Daylight saving time will advance the clock by one hour. y When setting the time manually, please set to the expected time you will use the BlackVue (not the present time). DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 78: Video Settings

    You can adjust the recording brightness level of the front camera. – Brightness (Rear) You can adjust the recording brightness level of the rear camera. Recording settings – Normal recording When turned off the dashcam does not record in normal mode. BLACKVUE…

  • Page 79
    When turned off, the rear camera stops recording 5 minutes after entering parking mode. Rear camera recording restarts when entering normal mode. – Voice recording When turned off the dashcam does not record audio. – Date & time display Turn on/off the date and time display on videos. – Speed unit Select km/h, MPH, or turn off. DR750-2CH LTE…
  • Page 80
    – Front camera rotation If you installed the front camera in a flipped position, use this setting to rotate the front camera image 180°. – Rear camera orientation Use this setting to rotate the rear camera image 180° or mirror the video. BLACKVUE…
  • Page 81: Sensitivity Settings

    (such as an impact or collision) it will trigger an event recording. You can adjust the sensitivity so minor incidents and bumps don’t trigger an event recording. To turn off event recordings by impact detection set the G-sensor sensitivity to off. DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 82: Motion Detection (Parking Mode)

    You can adjust the sensitivity of the motion detection. Please take into account your vehicle’s surroundings when adjusting the sensitivity. Advanced sensitivity settings for normal and parking mode Advanced sensitivity settings allows you to fine-tune the event recording G-Sensor threshold, while watching pre-recorded G-Sensor data and video as a reference. BLACKVUE…

  • Page 83
    Set the thresholds by adjusting the control bars next to each G-Sensor axis. Any G-Sensor data that crosses over the threshold on any of the 3 axes will trigger an Event recording. Event recording will occur No event recording will occur Click Save and close. DR750-2CH LTE…
  • Page 84: Advanced Motion Detection Settings (Region Selection)

    You can manually choose the detection regions to reduce the risk of triggering unwanted motion recordings due to trees swaying in the wind, far-away moving objects, etc. By default, all the regions are selected. If you want to ignore motion detection in particular region(s), unselect them. BLACKVUE…

  • Page 85: System Settings

    System settings – Recording status You can turn the recording status LED on/off. – Front security (Normal mode) You can turn the front security LED on/off for normal mode. DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 86: Proximity Sensor

    You can adjust the voice guidance (announcements) you want to hear. Note: Impact detected in parking mode voice alert notifies when exiting parking mode if an impact had been detected during parking mode, however, it ignores any impact detected within three minutes before exiting parking mode. BLACKVUE…

  • Page 87: Volume

    You can create a user text overlay of up to 20 characters using a combination of English letters (A – Z, a – z), numbers (0 – 9), and symbols (:;‘/+-_()$#). The text is overlaid in the top-left corner of the recorded videos. DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 88: Lte/Wi-Fi Settings

    When «Wi-Fi Auto turn off» is enabled, the Wi-Fi will automatically turn off if it is inactive for 10 minutes. If disabled, the Wi-Fi stays on all the time. You can press the physical Wi-Fi button on the dashcam anytime to manually switch the Wi-Fi on/off. LTE Setting Defult setting value is ON, if you do not want to use LTE service, please turn Off. BLACKVUE…

  • Page 89: Cloud Settings

    Cloud settings Push notification settings You can customize when you want to receive push notifications. DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 90: Applying The Settings

    Applying the settings You can automatically apply the configuration by inserting the microSD card into the BlackVue dashcam and turning it on. Configure the settings before using the dashcam. To reset the settings in the current tab to their defaults press the Reset button at the bottom of the settings panel.

  • Page 91: Setting Up Cloud Service

    Activate the SIM card and choose a SIM data plan to get your LTE dashcam online! Once your dashcam is connected to internet, take advantage of the following features in the BlackVue app and BlackVue Cloud Viewer: Live View – See what’s going on around your vehicle (just like a CCTV camera) anywhere, anytime Remote Video Playback –…

  • Page 92
    Register your dashcam with your account (i) In the BlackVue app select BLACKVUE CLOUD and login to your account. (ii) Tap Yes to enable push notifications (this setting can be adjusted at any time later). (iii) Select Register new camera.
  • Page 93: Activate The Sim Card

    Activate the SIM card To use the BlackVue Cloud service, SIM card must be activated for internet access via LTE network Register SIM card settings (i) Open the BlackVue app and select BLACKVUE WIFI -> SIM card activation Note SIM card activation during parking mode may require 20 seconds to retrieving SIM information.

  • Page 94
    APN settings or contact the customer support. Now you can go to BlackVue app > BLACKVUE CLOUD and start using Cloud service features such as remote Live View and Video playback, Real-time location, push notification, Auto-upload, remote Firmware update etc.
  • Page 95
    Your SIM card package includes the PIN code and PUK code. Enter the PIN code or PUK code as provided and press okay to continue. y To use the BlackVue Cloud Service, SIM card must be properly activated for Internet access via LTE network.
  • Page 96: Optional Accessories

    Parking mode kit (Optional) The BlackVue dashcam will turn off when the engine is turned off. To record video while the engine is turned off, a parking mode kit (such as the Power Magic Pro or Power Magic EZ) is required. The Power Magic Pro powers your dashcam when the engine is off by hardwiring it to the automotive battery.

  • Page 97: Parking Mode Battery (Optional)

    The Power Magic Battery pack B-112 powers a single dashcam for up to 12 hours after 1 hour of rapid charging. When the engine is off the battery pack powers the dashcam. When the engine is on the dashcam is powered directly from the vehicle’s battery and the battery pack charges. DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 98: Power Magic Ultra Battery (B-124X)

    Power Magic Ultra Battery (B-124X) Power Magic Ultra Battery reaches a full charge in a record 40minutes when hardwired. Parking mode can last more than 24hours with a single-channel BlackVue. Compatible with the free BlackVue Battery Manager app. Note y Double you capacity with the optional Expansion battery.

  • Page 99: Troubleshooting

    *The default Wi-Fi SSID and password can be found labeled on the front camera when you remove it from its mount or on the product pad inside the packaging box. Change Wi-Fi SSID and password over the Cloud Login to the BlackVue app. Select BLACKVUE CLOUD. Note y You can access FW settings Over the Cloud only when the dashcam is ON and connected to the internet (Cloud).

  • Page 100
    Tap next to your camera name and select Camera settings > Firmware settings > Wi-Fi > Login credentials. You can change the camera’s SSID and Wi-Fi login password. BLACKVUE…
  • Page 101
    Go back to the Firmware settings menu, tap and tap Save and close. DR750-2CH LTE…
  • Page 102: Change The Wi-Fi Password Using Blackvue Viewer (Windows Or Mac)

    Insert the card into the microSD card reader and connect it to a computer. Launch BlackVue Viewer. *You can download BlackVue Viewer from www.blackvue.com > Support > Downloads and install it on your computer. In BlackVue Viewer click on the…

  • Page 103: Product Specifications

    Product specifications Model Name DR750-2CH LTE Built — In 4G LTE module compatible with nano SIM Frequency Bands : Australia B3, B5 Front: Black/Width 137.6 mm x Height 43 mm/166 g Color/Size/Weight Rear: Black/Width 67.4 mm x Height 25 mm/25 g…

  • Page 104
    Software * Windows XP or higher and Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10 or higher Application BlackVue Application (Android 4.2.2 or higher, iOS 9.0 or higher) Others Adaptive Format Free File Management System * STARVIS is a trademark of Sony Corporation.
  • Page 105: Recording Time

    14 HR 40 MIN Highest 22 HR 40 MIN 256GB High 29 HR 20 MIN Normal 37 HR 20 MIN Extreme 25 + 10 12 + 10 Highest Bitrate (Mbps) Front + Rear 10 + 8 High Normal 8 + 6 DR750-2CH LTE…

  • Page 106
    If the microSD card is full, older files are deleted first to make space for newly-recorded videos. y Total recording time is different depending on the memory capacity of the microSD card and the image quality of the video. BLACKVUE…
  • Page 107: Disposal And Recycling Information

    2. The correct disposal of your BlackVue dashcam will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health. 3. For more detailed information about disposal of your BlackVue dashcam, please contact your city office, waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product.

  • Page 108
    It is prohibited to reproduce, copy, modify, or translate this instruction manual without permission. BlackVue is the registered trademark of Pittasoft Co., Ltd. Pittasoft Co., Ltd. reserves all rights regarding all works related to the BlackVue brand such as product design, trademarks, and product-promotional videos. It is prohibited to reproduce, copy, modify, or use related works without permission.
  • Page 109
    Product l Car Dashcam Model Name l DR750-2CH LTE Manufacturer l Pittasoft Co., Ltd. Address l 7F, BYC HIGHCITY Building A 131, Gasan Digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 08506 Customer Support l cs@pittasoft.com Product Warranty l One-Year Limited Warranty facebook.com/BlackVueOfficial…

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