Vitek vt 3536 инструкция на русском

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Установка часов 1:
1. Для входа в режим установки часов

нажмите и удерживайте 3 секунды
кнопку MODE (РЕЖИМ) (появится
символ CLOCK 1 (ЧАСЫ 1), индикатор
времени начн¸т мигать)

2. Для ввода часа нажмите HOUR (ЧАС),

для ввода минут нажмите MINUTE

3. Для смены режима отображения

времени 12 или 24 час нажмите
установки часов.

4. Для окончания установки нажмите кнопку MODE (РЕЖИМ) или не

нажимайте никаких кнопок минуту.

Установка часов 2:
5. Используя кнопку MODE (РЕЖИМ)

переключитесь в режим Clock 2 (ЧАСЫ 2)

6. Для изменения часовых параметров

нажмите кнопки + или — (на час больше
или меньше относительно Часов 1)


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Инструкция — VT-3536

Информация отображена на картинке

Информация отображена на картинке

Информация отображена на картинке

Информация отображена на картинке

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3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 3


Wireless Weather Station with weather report

Congratulations on your purchase of this weather station. Please take the

time to read and understand this manual so you can begin to enjoy the con-

venience and features this product has to offer.

The unit is a weather station device that has several weather related func-

tions. The main features are:


Main Display Unit:

dual clock and dual alarm

calendar (month/day/date)

local temperature display

receives and displays tempera-

ture and humidity readings from

up to 3 remote transmitters via

RF technology of 433MHz

minimum and maximum temper-


ature and humidity memory


temperature and humidity trend


temperature history (bar graph

for past 12 hours)

weather icons

user-selectable C or F


table stand or wall mountable


battery type: 2 x AA

Remote Transmitter

drip-proof design with LCD

socket of external sensor probe

temperature display in user-selectable °C or °F

humidity display

transmission range: up to 40 meters in open area

battery type: 2 x AA size


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 2



1. MIN/-/MIN: shows minimum temper-

Button placement

ature & humidity; adjusts clock,

alarm, date and temperature alarm


2. ON/OFF: toggles between °C and °F,

12 and 24 hour format, Alarm 1 & 2

on and off, and bar graph indoor and

outdoor selection; scrolls through

temperature alarm settings


3. CHN: scrolls through remote chan-

nels (1 to 3); adjusts time and date


4. HOUR/+/MAX: shows maximum tem-

perature & humidity; adjusts clock,

alarm, date and temperature alarm


5. SNOOZE/MODE: scrolls through Clock 1 & 2, Alarm 1 & 2, Date and

Temperature Alarm mode; snooze for alarm

6. LCD display

7. SET: enter to House code and Channel setting mode

8. C/F: change between °C or °F, change channel and house code

9. Battery compartment

10.Socket for external sensor probe.

11.Wall Mount Holder & Table Stand


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Set up the transmitter(s) before setting up the

Setting up transmitter(s)


1. Remove battery cover and insert batteries

to start setup

AA size batteries (included) Insert batteries

into compartment observing proper polarity

2. HOUSE CODE will flash for 8 seconds

3. Select HOUSE CODE (1-15) by pressing

C/F and pressing SET to CHANNEL setting

If you have multiple transmitters for a single

receiver, set each transmitter to the same House code

4. CHANNEL will flash for 8 seconds

5. Select CHANNEL(1-3) by pressing C/F

If you have multiple transmitters for a single receiver, set

each transmitter to a different Channel code

6. Humidity & Temperature will alternatively display on LCD


7. Select °C or °F of Temperature by pressing C/F

Use a different house code if your weather station detects other signals

from neighboring sources

Factory default: house code = 01 and channel = 01

1. Remove battery cover

Setting up receiver

2. 2 AA size batteries (included)

3. Insert batteries into compartment,

observing proper polarity; replace cover


Receiver: Low battery indicator will display

continuously when batteries need replac-

ing. On transmitter, will be displayed


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Automatic Learn Function:

The learn function starts automatically and runs for approximately 3 minutes

when batteries are first installed in the receiver.

Within these 3 minutes, the receiver will pick up the temperature and humidity

signals from the remote transmitter and display the reading.

Manual Learn Function (Remote Signal Search):

If a new remote transmitter is added or if signal is lost (outdoor read out on

the receiver is blinking), the learn function must be executed again.

1. Press and hold CHN for 3 seconds to start.

2. Unit will beep to indicate that learn function has started.

3. Channel symbol will blink and unit will continue to beep as each remote

transmitter is detected.

4. Within 3 minutes, the temperature and humidity reading of the remote

transmitter will display on the receiver.


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 5



Environmental factors and signals from other household devices, such as

remote entry controls, security systems, and computers, may interfere with

the wireless transmission of this product and cause temporary reception

loss. This is normal and does not affect the general performance of this

product. Stable reception will resume once the interference ends.

For optimal performance:

Place the receiver and remote transmitter side by side about 1 metre

apart, and allow the receiver and remote transmitter to synchronize for 10

minutes before you place the remote transmitter outdoors.

The remote transmitter should be placed in a dry shaded area.

NOTE: Fog andmist will not harm the remote transmitter but direct rain

must be avoided.

Mount the remote transmitter upright avoiding metallic objects and

frames, such as window sills. Verify that there are no obstacles like a

transmission tower or steep hill that can cause interference and blockage

between the remote transmitter and receiver.

Place the receiver unit at least 2 metres away from any electrical devices,

such as your television set, computer, cordless phone, or any radio con-

trolled equipment.

1Replace unit(s) with fresh batteries when the Low Battery Indicator lights


Refer to the SETTING UP section.

You may need to reposition the remote transmitter to a different location

and/or closer to the receiver for the best transmission.


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Manual clock setting

Clock 1 Setting:

1. Press and hold MODE for 3 seconds to

enter the clock setting mode (the CLOCK 1

symbol appears and the time will flash)

2. Press HOUR to set the hour and MINUTE to

set the minute;

3. Press ALARM/(C/F) during clock setting, to

change between 12 and 24 hour display.

This also will end clock setting.

4. Press MODE or do not press any key for 1

minute to finish clock setting.

Clock 2 Setting:

5. Scroll to Clock 2 mode using MODE

6. Press + or — key to change the hour (in one

hour increments/decrements relative to

Clock 1)


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Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 Setting:

1. Scroll to Alarm 1 using MODE. The ALARM 1

symbol will appear.

2. Press HOUR to set hour.

3. Press MIN to set minute.

4. Press ON/OFF to toggle alarm on and off.

5. When the alarm is set ON, the ‘on’ symbol will


6. In the normal clock display, if the alarm is set ON,

the ALARM 1 symbol will also appear on the


To set Alarm 2, scroll to Alarm 2 using MODE.

The ALARM 2 symbol will appear. Follow the

same steps as above to set. In normal clock dis-

play, if the alarm is set ON, the ALARM 2 sym-

bol will also appear on the display.

NOTE: Both Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 are based on the time set on Clock 1.

When the Alarm Sounds:

ALARM 1 or ALARM 2 symbol will blink.

The crescendo alarm will gradually increase in


Press SNOOZE to snooze the alarm for 5 min-


After that the alarm will sound again.

Press ANY other key to stop the alarm. Or without

interruption, the alarm will automatically stop

after one minute.


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 8



1. Scroll to Date mode using MODE

2. Press HOUR/+/MAX to set month

3. Press MIN/-/MIN to set date

4. Press CHN to set day



Local (Indoor) Temperature

The local (indoor) temperature will dis-

play instantly after batteries are inserted

into the receiver.

Remote (Outdoor) Temperature and Humidity

If the Learn Function is performed suc-

cessfully (refer to the WIRELESS TRANS-

MISSION section), the remote (outdoor)

temperature and humidity will display in

the bottom-right corner of the LCD


Press CHN to toggle between Channels

1, 2 and 3.

NOTE: The temperature and humidity

data will alternate on the LCD screen.

Selecting °C or °F Temperature Display

Toggle between °C and °F by pressing

ON/OFF in either Clock 1 or Clock 2 mode.


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Min and Max Temperature & Humidity

A Press MIN in Clock 1 mode to

display minimum temperature

and humidity.

The MIN symbol will appear.

To return to normal temperature and

humidity display, press MIN again.

B Press MAX in Clock 1 mode to

display maximum temperature

and humidity.

The MAX symbol will appear.

To return to normal temperature and

humidity display,press MAX again.

NOTE: Min/Max readings are auto-

matically cleared daily at 00:00

Temperature and Humidity Trend

The trend indicator shows the trend of the temperature and humidity in the

past half-hour interval.

Example: The following indicates that the temperature is rising.


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The bar graph lets you see the temperature

trend over a period of 12 hours in 3-hour

intervals. The left axis denotes the change in

temperature in ±2 degrees. The top axis

denotes the time period broken into 3-hour

intervals. The reference point is at (0,0);

where the current period is time zero and the

change in temperature is zero.

How to read the bar graph?

About 12 hours ago

The temperature was approximately 4 degrees

cooler than the current temperature

About 9 hours ago

The temperature was approximately 2 degrees

cooler than the current temperature

About 6 hours ago

The temperature was approximately the same

as the current temperature

Within the last 3 hours

The temperature was approximately 2 degrees

warmer than the current temperature

Selecting Indoor or Outdoor Bar Graph:

You can select to view the indoor or outdoor bar graph. The indoor bar graph

is based on the local temperature and the outdoor bar graph is based on the

remote (outdoor) temperature of Channel 1.

1. Scroll to Date mode using MODE.

2. Toggle between the indoor and outdoor bar graph by pressing ON/OFF in

date mode.

3. If you have selected the indoor bar graph, the INDOOR symbol will appear

on the display. Otherwise, you have selected the outdoor bar graph.


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Based on the temperature and humidity data collected from the remote

transmitter (Channel 1), the receiver will display the following weather icons

on the LCD screen.

Storm Alert

Storm symbol will flash to warn of thunderstorm.

About Snow Freeze Warning

Snow symbol will flash to warn of ‘snowing’.

Activated when Channel 1’s temperature is between -1.9 °C and +2.9 °C

Snow will appear solid if and when Channel 1’s temperature falls below

1.9 °C: it is freezing.


Remote sensor Channel 1 will be used for weather symbols indication.


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The temperature alarm is an ideal feature to be used for greenhouses and

wine cellars, or any place that you require controlled temperature. Once

activated, the temperature alarm would sound when the room gets too

warm or too cold depending on your settings.

You can set the temperature alarm for the local temperature (main receiv-

er unit) and/or for one of the remote (outdoor) channels separately.

UPPER TEMPERATURE LIMIT: If the temperature gets too warm and

reaches the upper temperature limit, the alarm would sound.

LOWER TEMPERATURE LIMIT: If the temperature gets too cold and

reaches the lower temperature limit, the alarm would sound.

Setting the Temperature Alarm for the Local Temperature

1. Scroll to the local temperature alarm setting mode by pressing MODE.

2. The Temperature Alarm symbol will appear and the indoor temperature

will be blinking.

3. Press ON/OFF to select the following settings:

4. Press + or — key to set the desired value for the

temperature limit.


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Setting the Temperature Alarm for a Remote Channel

1. Scroll to the remote temperature alarm setting

mode by pressing MODE.

2. The Temperature Alarm symbol will appear and

the remote temperature will be blinking.

3. Press ON/OFF to select the following settings:

4. Press CHN to select the desired remote channel

(1, 2 or 3) that you wish the temperature alarm to

be set on. Only one channel can be selected.

5. Press + or — key to set the desired value for the temperature limit.

When the Temperature Alarm Sounds

The temperature alarm will sound when the actual temperature has

reached (or exceeded) the upper or lower temperature limit.

symbol will blink

The temperature alarm has a distinctive tone different to that of Alarm 1 or

Alarm 2.

Press ANY key to stop the temperature alarm. Or without interruption, the

temperature alarm will automatically stop after one minute.


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The temperature and

This may occur when you move the remote transmitter

humidity data on the

from one environment to another. For example, when you

remote transmitter does

bring the transmitter from inside the warm house out to

not match the data dis-

the cold exterior. In such a case, there will be a big

played on the receiver.

change in temperature. The transmitter will record this

change in temperature much quicker than it is able to

transmit the data to the receiver (which is done once

every minute). Therefore, you will temporarily get a differ-

ence in reading between the remote transmitter and


The temperature and

The solution is to allow the remote transmitter some time

humidity data on the

to sit in its new location to reach equilibrium. This may

remote transmitter does

take several minutes. Once the data is stable, the data

not match the data dis-

displayed on the remote transmitter should match that

played on the receiver.

displayed on the receiver.

This may also be the result of a temporary loss of recep-

tion due to interfering sources. Normal reception should

resume once the interference ends. Refer to the WIRE-


The remote (outdoor)

Re-synchronize the remote transmitter and receiver by

readout on the receiver is

pressing and holding CHN on the receiver for 3 seconds


until a beep is heard. The temperature and humidity data

from the remote transmitter will display on the receiver

within 3 minutes. Refer to the WIRELESS TRANSMISSION

(Manual Learn Function) section.

The remote (outdoor)

Ensure the remote transmitter is away from any possible

readout on the receiver is

source of interference and electrical disturbances. You

blinking. The receiver will

may try to reposition the remote transmitter in a different

not detect or receive the

location and/or closer to the receiver. The remote trans-

temperature and humidity

mitter does have a maximum range of 40 metres, but any

data from the remote

walls or windows the signal has to pass through will

transmitter, even after the

reduce the distance. Due to the nature of the batteries,

Manual Learn Function has

extreme cold temperatures may also affect the transmis-

been executed.

sion range.

Refer to the WIRELESS TRANSMISSION section and

repeat the Manual Learn Function with the remote

transmitter in a new location.


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Weather Station Receiver

Battery Type: 2 x 1.5V AA batteries

Temp. Range: -9.9°C to +55°C

Weather Station Transmitter

Battery Type: 2 x 1.5V AA batteries

Temp. Range: -30°C to +70°C

Humidity Range: 15 to 95%

Transmission Frequency: 433.92 MHz

Transmission Range: up to 40 meters in open area

The manufacturer reserves the right to change the characteristics of

the device without prior warning



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background imageИнструкция — VT-3536

Информация отображена на картинке

Информация отображена на картинке

Информация отображена на картинке

Информация отображена на картинке

Как использовать наш сайт инструкций
Наша цель состоит в том, чтобы предоставить вам быстрый доступ к содержанию инструкции для — VT-3536.
С помощью онлайн просмотра, Вы можете быстро просмотреть содержимое инструкции и найти решение проблемы с — VT-3536.

Для Вашего удобства
Если листать руководство пользователя — VT-3536 прямо на сайте, не очень удобно для Вас, есть два возможных решения:

• Просмотр в полноэкранном режиме — легко просмотреть руководство пользователя (без загрузки его на свой компьютер), Вы можете использовать режим полноэкранного просмотра.
Для просмотра инструкции пользователя — VT-3536 на полном экране, используйте кнопку «Открыть в Pdf-viewer».

• Загрузка на компьютер — Вы можете также скачать Инструкция — VT-3536 на свой компьютер и сохранить его в файлах.

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3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 3


Wireless Weather Station with weather report

Congratulations on your purchase of this weather station. Please take the

time to read and understand this manual so you can begin to enjoy the con-

venience and features this product has to offer.

The unit is a weather station device that has several weather related func-

tions. The main features are:


Main Display Unit:

dual clock and dual alarm

calendar (month/day/date)

local temperature display

receives and displays tempera-

ture and humidity readings from

up to 3 remote transmitters via

RF technology of 433MHz

minimum and maximum temper-


ature and humidity memory


temperature and humidity trend


temperature history (bar graph

for past 12 hours)

weather icons

user-selectable C or F


table stand or wall mountable


battery type: 2 x AA

Remote Transmitter

drip-proof design with LCD

socket of external sensor probe

temperature display in user-selectable °C or °F

humidity display

transmission range: up to 40 meters in open area

battery type: 2 x AA size


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 2



1. MIN/-/MIN: shows minimum temper-

Button placement

ature & humidity; adjusts clock,

alarm, date and temperature alarm


2. ON/OFF: toggles between °C and °F,

12 and 24 hour format, Alarm 1 & 2

on and off, and bar graph indoor and

outdoor selection; scrolls through

temperature alarm settings


3. CHN: scrolls through remote chan-

nels (1 to 3); adjusts time and date


4. HOUR/+/MAX: shows maximum tem-

perature & humidity; adjusts clock,

alarm, date and temperature alarm


5. SNOOZE/MODE: scrolls through Clock 1 & 2, Alarm 1 & 2, Date and

Temperature Alarm mode; snooze for alarm

6. LCD display

7. SET: enter to House code and Channel setting mode

8. C/F: change between °C or °F, change channel and house code

9. Battery compartment

10.Socket for external sensor probe.

11.Wall Mount Holder & Table Stand


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 3



Set up the transmitter(s) before setting up the

Setting up transmitter(s)


1. Remove battery cover and insert batteries

to start setup

AA size batteries (included) Insert batteries

into compartment observing proper polarity

2. HOUSE CODE will flash for 8 seconds

3. Select HOUSE CODE (1-15) by pressing

C/F and pressing SET to CHANNEL setting

If you have multiple transmitters for a single

receiver, set each transmitter to the same House code

4. CHANNEL will flash for 8 seconds

5. Select CHANNEL(1-3) by pressing C/F

If you have multiple transmitters for a single receiver, set

each transmitter to a different Channel code

6. Humidity & Temperature will alternatively display on LCD


7. Select °C or °F of Temperature by pressing C/F

Use a different house code if your weather station detects other signals

from neighboring sources

Factory default: house code = 01 and channel = 01

1. Remove battery cover

Setting up receiver

2. 2 AA size batteries (included)

3. Insert batteries into compartment,

observing proper polarity; replace cover


Receiver: Low battery indicator will display

continuously when batteries need replac-

ing. On transmitter, will be displayed


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Automatic Learn Function:

The learn function starts automatically and runs for approximately 3 minutes

when batteries are first installed in the receiver.

Within these 3 minutes, the receiver will pick up the temperature and humidity

signals from the remote transmitter and display the reading.

Manual Learn Function (Remote Signal Search):

If a new remote transmitter is added or if signal is lost (outdoor read out on

the receiver is blinking), the learn function must be executed again.

1. Press and hold CHN for 3 seconds to start.

2. Unit will beep to indicate that learn function has started.

3. Channel symbol will blink and unit will continue to beep as each remote

transmitter is detected.

4. Within 3 minutes, the temperature and humidity reading of the remote

transmitter will display on the receiver.


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 5



Environmental factors and signals from other household devices, such as

remote entry controls, security systems, and computers, may interfere with

the wireless transmission of this product and cause temporary reception

loss. This is normal and does not affect the general performance of this

product. Stable reception will resume once the interference ends.

For optimal performance:

Place the receiver and remote transmitter side by side about 1 metre

apart, and allow the receiver and remote transmitter to synchronize for 10

minutes before you place the remote transmitter outdoors.

The remote transmitter should be placed in a dry shaded area.

NOTE: Fog andmist will not harm the remote transmitter but direct rain

must be avoided.

Mount the remote transmitter upright avoiding metallic objects and

frames, such as window sills. Verify that there are no obstacles like a

transmission tower or steep hill that can cause interference and blockage

between the remote transmitter and receiver.

Place the receiver unit at least 2 metres away from any electrical devices,

such as your television set, computer, cordless phone, or any radio con-

trolled equipment.

1Replace unit(s) with fresh batteries when the Low Battery Indicator lights


Refer to the SETTING UP section.

You may need to reposition the remote transmitter to a different location

and/or closer to the receiver for the best transmission.


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 6



Manual clock setting

Clock 1 Setting:

1. Press and hold MODE for 3 seconds to

enter the clock setting mode (the CLOCK 1

symbol appears and the time will flash)

2. Press HOUR to set the hour and MINUTE to

set the minute;

3. Press ALARM/(C/F) during clock setting, to

change between 12 and 24 hour display.

This also will end clock setting.

4. Press MODE or do not press any key for 1

minute to finish clock setting.

Clock 2 Setting:

5. Scroll to Clock 2 mode using MODE

6. Press + or — key to change the hour (in one

hour increments/decrements relative to

Clock 1)


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Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 Setting:

1. Scroll to Alarm 1 using MODE. The ALARM 1

symbol will appear.

2. Press HOUR to set hour.

3. Press MIN to set minute.

4. Press ON/OFF to toggle alarm on and off.

5. When the alarm is set ON, the ‘on’ symbol will


6. In the normal clock display, if the alarm is set ON,

the ALARM 1 symbol will also appear on the


To set Alarm 2, scroll to Alarm 2 using MODE.

The ALARM 2 symbol will appear. Follow the

same steps as above to set. In normal clock dis-

play, if the alarm is set ON, the ALARM 2 sym-

bol will also appear on the display.

NOTE: Both Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 are based on the time set on Clock 1.

When the Alarm Sounds:

ALARM 1 or ALARM 2 symbol will blink.

The crescendo alarm will gradually increase in


Press SNOOZE to snooze the alarm for 5 min-


After that the alarm will sound again.

Press ANY other key to stop the alarm. Or without

interruption, the alarm will automatically stop

after one minute.


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 8



1. Scroll to Date mode using MODE

2. Press HOUR/+/MAX to set month

3. Press MIN/-/MIN to set date

4. Press CHN to set day



Local (Indoor) Temperature

The local (indoor) temperature will dis-

play instantly after batteries are inserted

into the receiver.

Remote (Outdoor) Temperature and Humidity

If the Learn Function is performed suc-

cessfully (refer to the WIRELESS TRANS-

MISSION section), the remote (outdoor)

temperature and humidity will display in

the bottom-right corner of the LCD


Press CHN to toggle between Channels

1, 2 and 3.

NOTE: The temperature and humidity

data will alternate on the LCD screen.

Selecting °C or °F Temperature Display

Toggle between °C and °F by pressing

ON/OFF in either Clock 1 or Clock 2 mode.


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 9



Min and Max Temperature & Humidity

A Press MIN in Clock 1 mode to

display minimum temperature

and humidity.

The MIN symbol will appear.

To return to normal temperature and

humidity display, press MIN again.

B Press MAX in Clock 1 mode to

display maximum temperature

and humidity.

The MAX symbol will appear.

To return to normal temperature and

humidity display,press MAX again.

NOTE: Min/Max readings are auto-

matically cleared daily at 00:00

Temperature and Humidity Trend

The trend indicator shows the trend of the temperature and humidity in the

past half-hour interval.

Example: The following indicates that the temperature is rising.


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 10



The bar graph lets you see the temperature

trend over a period of 12 hours in 3-hour

intervals. The left axis denotes the change in

temperature in ±2 degrees. The top axis

denotes the time period broken into 3-hour

intervals. The reference point is at (0,0);

where the current period is time zero and the

change in temperature is zero.

How to read the bar graph?

About 12 hours ago

The temperature was approximately 4 degrees

cooler than the current temperature

About 9 hours ago

The temperature was approximately 2 degrees

cooler than the current temperature

About 6 hours ago

The temperature was approximately the same

as the current temperature

Within the last 3 hours

The temperature was approximately 2 degrees

warmer than the current temperature

Selecting Indoor or Outdoor Bar Graph:

You can select to view the indoor or outdoor bar graph. The indoor bar graph

is based on the local temperature and the outdoor bar graph is based on the

remote (outdoor) temperature of Channel 1.

1. Scroll to Date mode using MODE.

2. Toggle between the indoor and outdoor bar graph by pressing ON/OFF in

date mode.

3. If you have selected the indoor bar graph, the INDOOR symbol will appear

on the display. Otherwise, you have selected the outdoor bar graph.


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 11



Based on the temperature and humidity data collected from the remote

transmitter (Channel 1), the receiver will display the following weather icons

on the LCD screen.

Storm Alert

Storm symbol will flash to warn of thunderstorm.

About Snow Freeze Warning

Snow symbol will flash to warn of ‘snowing’.

Activated when Channel 1’s temperature is between -1.9 °C and +2.9 °C

Snow will appear solid if and when Channel 1’s temperature falls below

1.9 °C: it is freezing.


Remote sensor Channel 1 will be used for weather symbols indication.


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 12



The temperature alarm is an ideal feature to be used for greenhouses and

wine cellars, or any place that you require controlled temperature. Once

activated, the temperature alarm would sound when the room gets too

warm or too cold depending on your settings.

You can set the temperature alarm for the local temperature (main receiv-

er unit) and/or for one of the remote (outdoor) channels separately.

UPPER TEMPERATURE LIMIT: If the temperature gets too warm and

reaches the upper temperature limit, the alarm would sound.

LOWER TEMPERATURE LIMIT: If the temperature gets too cold and

reaches the lower temperature limit, the alarm would sound.

Setting the Temperature Alarm for the Local Temperature

1. Scroll to the local temperature alarm setting mode by pressing MODE.

2. The Temperature Alarm symbol will appear and the indoor temperature

will be blinking.

3. Press ON/OFF to select the following settings:

4. Press + or — key to set the desired value for the

temperature limit.


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 13



Setting the Temperature Alarm for a Remote Channel

1. Scroll to the remote temperature alarm setting

mode by pressing MODE.

2. The Temperature Alarm symbol will appear and

the remote temperature will be blinking.

3. Press ON/OFF to select the following settings:

4. Press CHN to select the desired remote channel

(1, 2 or 3) that you wish the temperature alarm to

be set on. Only one channel can be selected.

5. Press + or — key to set the desired value for the temperature limit.

When the Temperature Alarm Sounds

The temperature alarm will sound when the actual temperature has

reached (or exceeded) the upper or lower temperature limit.

symbol will blink

The temperature alarm has a distinctive tone different to that of Alarm 1 or

Alarm 2.

Press ANY key to stop the temperature alarm. Or without interruption, the

temperature alarm will automatically stop after one minute.


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 14





The temperature and

This may occur when you move the remote transmitter

humidity data on the

from one environment to another. For example, when you

remote transmitter does

bring the transmitter from inside the warm house out to

not match the data dis-

the cold exterior. In such a case, there will be a big

played on the receiver.

change in temperature. The transmitter will record this

change in temperature much quicker than it is able to

transmit the data to the receiver (which is done once

every minute). Therefore, you will temporarily get a differ-

ence in reading between the remote transmitter and


The temperature and

The solution is to allow the remote transmitter some time

humidity data on the

to sit in its new location to reach equilibrium. This may

remote transmitter does

take several minutes. Once the data is stable, the data

not match the data dis-

displayed on the remote transmitter should match that

played on the receiver.

displayed on the receiver.

This may also be the result of a temporary loss of recep-

tion due to interfering sources. Normal reception should

resume once the interference ends. Refer to the WIRE-


The remote (outdoor)

Re-synchronize the remote transmitter and receiver by

readout on the receiver is

pressing and holding CHN on the receiver for 3 seconds


until a beep is heard. The temperature and humidity data

from the remote transmitter will display on the receiver

within 3 minutes. Refer to the WIRELESS TRANSMISSION

(Manual Learn Function) section.

The remote (outdoor)

Ensure the remote transmitter is away from any possible

readout on the receiver is

source of interference and electrical disturbances. You

blinking. The receiver will

may try to reposition the remote transmitter in a different

not detect or receive the

location and/or closer to the receiver. The remote trans-

temperature and humidity

mitter does have a maximum range of 40 metres, but any

data from the remote

walls or windows the signal has to pass through will

transmitter, even after the

reduce the distance. Due to the nature of the batteries,

Manual Learn Function has

extreme cold temperatures may also affect the transmis-

been executed.

sion range.

Refer to the WIRELESS TRANSMISSION section and

repeat the Manual Learn Function with the remote

transmitter in a new location.


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 15



Weather Station Receiver

Battery Type: 2 x 1.5V AA batteries

Temp. Range: -9.9°C to +55°C

Weather Station Transmitter

Battery Type: 2 x 1.5V AA batteries

Temp. Range: -30°C to +70°C

Humidity Range: 15 to 95%

Transmission Frequency: 433.92 MHz

Transmission Range: up to 40 meters in open area

The manufacturer reserves the right to change the characteristics of

the device without prior warning



3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 16



Установка часов 1:
1. Для входа в режим установки часов

нажмите и удерживайте 3 секунды
кнопку MODE (РЕЖИМ) (появится
символ CLOCK 1 (ЧАСЫ 1), индикатор
времени начн¸т мигать)

2. Для ввода часа нажмите HOUR (ЧАС),

для ввода минут нажмите MINUTE

3. Для смены режима отображения

времени 12 или 24 час нажмите
установки часов.

4. Для окончания установки нажмите кнопку MODE (РЕЖИМ) или не

нажимайте никаких кнопок минуту.

Установка часов 2:
5. Используя кнопку MODE (РЕЖИМ)

переключитесь в режим Clock 2 (ЧАСЫ 2)

6. Для изменения часовых параметров

нажмите кнопки + или — (на час больше
или меньше относительно Часов 1)


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 22

В представленном списке руководства для конкретной модели Цифровой метеостанции — VITEK VT-3536. Вы можете скачать инструкции к себе на компьютер или просмотреть онлайн на страницах сайта бесплатно или распечатать.

В случае если инструкция на русском не полная или нужна дополнительная информация по этому устройству, если вам нужны
дополнительные файлы: драйвера, дополнительное руководство пользователя (производители зачастую для каждого
продукта делают несколько различных документов технической помощи и руководств), свежая версия прошивки, то
вы можете задать вопрос администраторам или всем пользователям сайта, все постараются оперативно отреагировать
на ваш запрос и как можно быстрее помочь. Ваше устройство имеет характеристики:Тип: метеостанция, Измерение температуры (OUT): есть, Диапазон показателей температуры: -30 — 70? C, Измерение влажности: на улице, в диапазоне 15 — 95%, Дополнительные функции: прогноз погоды, сохранение температурных значений, часы, будильник, обычный календарь, Выносной датчик: беспроводной (радиус приема 40 м), макс. число датчиков — 3, в комплекте — 1, полные характеристики смотрите в следующей вкладке.

Для многих товаров, для работы с VITEK VT-3536 могут понадобиться различные дополнительные файлы: драйвера, патчи, обновления, программы установки. Вы можете скачать онлайн эти файлы для конкретнй модели VITEK VT-3536 или добавить свои для бесплатного скачивания другим посетителями.

Если вы не нашли файлов и документов для этой модели то можете посмотреть интсрукции для похожих товаров и моделей, так как они зачастую отличаются небольшим изменениями и взаимодополняемы.

Обязательно напишите несколько слов о преобретенном вами товаре, чтобы каждый мог ознакомиться с вашим отзывом или вопросом. Проявляйте активность что как можно бльше людей смогли узнать мнение настоящих людей которые уже пользовались VITEK VT-3536.



2017-08-15 14:06:35

Выносной датчик не правильно измеряет температуру. После замены элементов питания в выносном блоке не правильно измеряет температуру. Показания всегда в пределах 30 градусов + — 3 градуса



2017-11-19 21:32:12

не работает



2017-11-19 21:33:57




2019-10-12 13:51:28

Технику выпускаете, а инструкции нормальной нет



2020-10-15 20:43:13

работает более 10-ти лет. удобно, не жалуюсь. сейчас при замене батареек сбились настройки дисплея. необходимо руководство на русском языке.

Основные и самые важные характеристики модели собраны из надежных источников и по характеристикам можно найти похожие модели.

Тип метеостанция
Измерение температуры (OUT) есть
Диапазон показателей температуры -30 — 70? C
Измерение влажности на улице, в диапазоне 15 — 95%
Дополнительные функции прогноз погоды, сохранение температурных значений, часы, будильник, обычный календарь
Выносной датчик беспроводной (радиус приема 40 м), макс. число датчиков — 3, в комплекте — 1
Передача данных частота передачи 433,92 МГц
Питание автономное, батареи типа АА (в комплекте), индикация уровня заряда
Отображение информации цифры и символы, выбор единиц измерения
Дисплей с подсветкой
Настенное крепление есть
Звуковая индикация есть
Размеры (ВхШхТ) 81х114х21 мм
Дополнительная информация предупреждение о снеге, обледенении и шторме

Здесь представлен список самых частых и распространенных поломок и неисправностей у Цифровых метеостанций. Если у вас такая поломка то вам повезло, это типовая неисправность для VITEK VT-3536 и вы можете задать вопрос о том как ее устранить и вам быстро ответят или же прочитайте в вопросах и ответах ниже.

Название поломки Описание поломки Действие
Сломался Датчик Измерения Температуры
Исчезновение Подсветки Дисплея
Не Измеряется Давление Или Скорость Ветра
Перестали Работать Электронные Часы
Не Срабатывает Будильник
При Кз В Сети Дисплей Светится, Но Никакой Информации Не Отображается.
Не Работает От Сети От Батареек Работает, Шнур Рабочий, Вместе Не Работают. Метеостанции 6 Лет
Не Показывает Внешнюю Температуру На Дисплее Высвечивается Ll.l
Звуковая Индикация Как Отключить
Vantage Pro 2 6163 Отработала 5Лет И Померла. Нет Связи С Консолью. Внутренние Датчики Работают. Можно Как-То Подключить Через Коннектор Com Порта?
Как Заменить Батарейки
Не Показывает Внешнюю Температуру На Дисплее Показывает ———
Периодическое Мигание И Писк Непрерывно Мигают Все Индикаторы Дисплея И Писк 1 Раз В Секунду. При Вынутых Батареях На Дисплее Есть Индикатор Связи И Дом

В нашей базе сейчас зарегестрированно 18 353 сервиса в 513 города России, Беларусии, Казахстана и Украины.

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3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 3


Wireless Weather Station with weather report

Congratulations on your purchase of this weather station. Please take the

time to read and understand this manual so you can begin to enjoy the con-

venience and features this product has to offer.

The unit is a weather station device that has several weather related func-

tions. The main features are:


Main Display Unit:

dual clock and dual alarm

calendar (month/day/date)

local temperature display

receives and displays tempera-

ture and humidity readings from

up to 3 remote transmitters via

RF technology of 433MHz

minimum and maximum temper-


ature and humidity memory


temperature and humidity trend


temperature history (bar graph

for past 12 hours)

weather icons

user-selectable C or F


table stand or wall mountable


battery type: 2 x AA

Remote Transmitter

drip-proof design with LCD

socket of external sensor probe

temperature display in user-selectable °C or °F

humidity display

transmission range: up to 40 meters in open area

battery type: 2 x AA size


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 2



1. MIN/-/MIN: shows minimum temper-

Button placement

ature & humidity; adjusts clock,

alarm, date and temperature alarm


2. ON/OFF: toggles between °C and °F,

12 and 24 hour format, Alarm 1 & 2

on and off, and bar graph indoor and

outdoor selection; scrolls through

temperature alarm settings


3. CHN: scrolls through remote chan-

nels (1 to 3); adjusts time and date


4. HOUR/+/MAX: shows maximum tem-

perature & humidity; adjusts clock,

alarm, date and temperature alarm


5. SNOOZE/MODE: scrolls through Clock 1 & 2, Alarm 1 & 2, Date and

Temperature Alarm mode; snooze for alarm

6. LCD display

7. SET: enter to House code and Channel setting mode

8. C/F: change between °C or °F, change channel and house code

9. Battery compartment

10.Socket for external sensor probe.

11.Wall Mount Holder & Table Stand


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 3



Set up the transmitter(s) before setting up the

Setting up transmitter(s)


1. Remove battery cover and insert batteries

to start setup

AA size batteries (included) Insert batteries

into compartment observing proper polarity

2. HOUSE CODE will flash for 8 seconds

3. Select HOUSE CODE (1-15) by pressing

C/F and pressing SET to CHANNEL setting

If you have multiple transmitters for a single

receiver, set each transmitter to the same House code

4. CHANNEL will flash for 8 seconds

5. Select CHANNEL(1-3) by pressing C/F

If you have multiple transmitters for a single receiver, set

each transmitter to a different Channel code

6. Humidity & Temperature will alternatively display on LCD


7. Select °C or °F of Temperature by pressing C/F

Use a different house code if your weather station detects other signals

from neighboring sources

Factory default: house code = 01 and channel = 01

1. Remove battery cover

Setting up receiver

2. 2 AA size batteries (included)

3. Insert batteries into compartment,

observing proper polarity; replace cover


Receiver: Low battery indicator will display

continuously when batteries need replac-

ing. On transmitter, will be displayed


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 4



Automatic Learn Function:

The learn function starts automatically and runs for approximately 3 minutes

when batteries are first installed in the receiver.

Within these 3 minutes, the receiver will pick up the temperature and humidity

signals from the remote transmitter and display the reading.

Manual Learn Function (Remote Signal Search):

If a new remote transmitter is added or if signal is lost (outdoor read out on

the receiver is blinking), the learn function must be executed again.

1. Press and hold CHN for 3 seconds to start.

2. Unit will beep to indicate that learn function has started.

3. Channel symbol will blink and unit will continue to beep as each remote

transmitter is detected.

4. Within 3 minutes, the temperature and humidity reading of the remote

transmitter will display on the receiver.


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 5



Environmental factors and signals from other household devices, such as

remote entry controls, security systems, and computers, may interfere with

the wireless transmission of this product and cause temporary reception

loss. This is normal and does not affect the general performance of this

product. Stable reception will resume once the interference ends.

For optimal performance:

Place the receiver and remote transmitter side by side about 1 metre

apart, and allow the receiver and remote transmitter to synchronize for 10

minutes before you place the remote transmitter outdoors.

The remote transmitter should be placed in a dry shaded area.

NOTE: Fog andmist will not harm the remote transmitter but direct rain

must be avoided.

Mount the remote transmitter upright avoiding metallic objects and

frames, such as window sills. Verify that there are no obstacles like a

transmission tower or steep hill that can cause interference and blockage

between the remote transmitter and receiver.

Place the receiver unit at least 2 metres away from any electrical devices,

such as your television set, computer, cordless phone, or any radio con-

trolled equipment.

1Replace unit(s) with fresh batteries when the Low Battery Indicator lights


Refer to the SETTING UP section.

You may need to reposition the remote transmitter to a different location

and/or closer to the receiver for the best transmission.


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 6



Manual clock setting

Clock 1 Setting:

1. Press and hold MODE for 3 seconds to

enter the clock setting mode (the CLOCK 1

symbol appears and the time will flash)

2. Press HOUR to set the hour and MINUTE to

set the minute;

3. Press ALARM/(C/F) during clock setting, to

change between 12 and 24 hour display.

This also will end clock setting.

4. Press MODE or do not press any key for 1

minute to finish clock setting.

Clock 2 Setting:

5. Scroll to Clock 2 mode using MODE

6. Press + or — key to change the hour (in one

hour increments/decrements relative to

Clock 1)


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 7



Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 Setting:

1. Scroll to Alarm 1 using MODE. The ALARM 1

symbol will appear.

2. Press HOUR to set hour.

3. Press MIN to set minute.

4. Press ON/OFF to toggle alarm on and off.

5. When the alarm is set ON, the ‘on’ symbol will


6. In the normal clock display, if the alarm is set ON,

the ALARM 1 symbol will also appear on the


To set Alarm 2, scroll to Alarm 2 using MODE.

The ALARM 2 symbol will appear. Follow the

same steps as above to set. In normal clock dis-

play, if the alarm is set ON, the ALARM 2 sym-

bol will also appear on the display.

NOTE: Both Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 are based on the time set on Clock 1.

When the Alarm Sounds:

ALARM 1 or ALARM 2 symbol will blink.

The crescendo alarm will gradually increase in


Press SNOOZE to snooze the alarm for 5 min-


After that the alarm will sound again.

Press ANY other key to stop the alarm. Or without

interruption, the alarm will automatically stop

after one minute.


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 8



1. Scroll to Date mode using MODE

2. Press HOUR/+/MAX to set month

3. Press MIN/-/MIN to set date

4. Press CHN to set day



Local (Indoor) Temperature

The local (indoor) temperature will dis-

play instantly after batteries are inserted

into the receiver.

Remote (Outdoor) Temperature and Humidity

If the Learn Function is performed suc-

cessfully (refer to the WIRELESS TRANS-

MISSION section), the remote (outdoor)

temperature and humidity will display in

the bottom-right corner of the LCD


Press CHN to toggle between Channels

1, 2 and 3.

NOTE: The temperature and humidity

data will alternate on the LCD screen.

Selecting °C or °F Temperature Display

Toggle between °C and °F by pressing

ON/OFF in either Clock 1 or Clock 2 mode.


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 9



Min and Max Temperature & Humidity

A Press MIN in Clock 1 mode to

display minimum temperature

and humidity.

The MIN symbol will appear.

To return to normal temperature and

humidity display, press MIN again.

B Press MAX in Clock 1 mode to

display maximum temperature

and humidity.

The MAX symbol will appear.

To return to normal temperature and

humidity display,press MAX again.

NOTE: Min/Max readings are auto-

matically cleared daily at 00:00

Temperature and Humidity Trend

The trend indicator shows the trend of the temperature and humidity in the

past half-hour interval.

Example: The following indicates that the temperature is rising.


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 10



The bar graph lets you see the temperature

trend over a period of 12 hours in 3-hour

intervals. The left axis denotes the change in

temperature in ±2 degrees. The top axis

denotes the time period broken into 3-hour

intervals. The reference point is at (0,0);

where the current period is time zero and the

change in temperature is zero.

How to read the bar graph?

About 12 hours ago

The temperature was approximately 4 degrees

cooler than the current temperature

About 9 hours ago

The temperature was approximately 2 degrees

cooler than the current temperature

About 6 hours ago

The temperature was approximately the same

as the current temperature

Within the last 3 hours

The temperature was approximately 2 degrees

warmer than the current temperature

Selecting Indoor or Outdoor Bar Graph:

You can select to view the indoor or outdoor bar graph. The indoor bar graph

is based on the local temperature and the outdoor bar graph is based on the

remote (outdoor) temperature of Channel 1.

1. Scroll to Date mode using MODE.

2. Toggle between the indoor and outdoor bar graph by pressing ON/OFF in

date mode.

3. If you have selected the indoor bar graph, the INDOOR symbol will appear

on the display. Otherwise, you have selected the outdoor bar graph.


3536.qxd 30.08.2004 14:48 Page 11



Based on the temperature and humidity data collected from the remote

transmitter (Channel 1), the receiver will display the following weather icons

on the LCD screen.

Storm Alert

Storm symbol will flash to warn of thunderstorm.

About Snow Freeze Warning

Snow symbol will flash to warn of ‘snowing’.

Activated when Channel 1’s temperature is between -1.9 °C and +2.9 °C

Snow will appear solid if and when Channel 1’s temperature falls below

1.9 °C: it is freezing.


Remote sensor Channel 1 will be used for weather symbols indication.


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The temperature alarm is an ideal feature to be used for greenhouses and

wine cellars, or any place that you require controlled temperature. Once

activated, the temperature alarm would sound when the room gets too

warm or too cold depending on your settings.

You can set the temperature alarm for the local temperature (main receiv-

er unit) and/or for one of the remote (outdoor) channels separately.

UPPER TEMPERATURE LIMIT: If the temperature gets too warm and

reaches the upper temperature limit, the alarm would sound.

LOWER TEMPERATURE LIMIT: If the temperature gets too cold and

reaches the lower temperature limit, the alarm would sound.

Setting the Temperature Alarm for the Local Temperature

1. Scroll to the local temperature alarm setting mode by pressing MODE.

2. The Temperature Alarm symbol will appear and the indoor temperature

will be blinking.

3. Press ON/OFF to select the following settings:

4. Press + or — key to set the desired value for the

temperature limit.


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Setting the Temperature Alarm for a Remote Channel

1. Scroll to the remote temperature alarm setting

mode by pressing MODE.

2. The Temperature Alarm symbol will appear and

the remote temperature will be blinking.

3. Press ON/OFF to select the following settings:

4. Press CHN to select the desired remote channel

(1, 2 or 3) that you wish the temperature alarm to

be set on. Only one channel can be selected.

5. Press + or — key to set the desired value for the temperature limit.

When the Temperature Alarm Sounds

The temperature alarm will sound when the actual temperature has

reached (or exceeded) the upper or lower temperature limit.

symbol will blink

The temperature alarm has a distinctive tone different to that of Alarm 1 or

Alarm 2.

Press ANY key to stop the temperature alarm. Or without interruption, the

temperature alarm will automatically stop after one minute.


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The temperature and

This may occur when you move the remote transmitter

humidity data on the

from one environment to another. For example, when you

remote transmitter does

bring the transmitter from inside the warm house out to

not match the data dis-

the cold exterior. In such a case, there will be a big

played on the receiver.

change in temperature. The transmitter will record this

change in temperature much quicker than it is able to

transmit the data to the receiver (which is done once

every minute). Therefore, you will temporarily get a differ-

ence in reading between the remote transmitter and


The temperature and

The solution is to allow the remote transmitter some time

humidity data on the

to sit in its new location to reach equilibrium. This may

remote transmitter does

take several minutes. Once the data is stable, the data

not match the data dis-

displayed on the remote transmitter should match that

played on the receiver.

displayed on the receiver.

This may also be the result of a temporary loss of recep-

tion due to interfering sources. Normal reception should

resume once the interference ends. Refer to the WIRE-


The remote (outdoor)

Re-synchronize the remote transmitter and receiver by

readout on the receiver is

pressing and holding CHN on the receiver for 3 seconds


until a beep is heard. The temperature and humidity data

from the remote transmitter will display on the receiver

within 3 minutes. Refer to the WIRELESS TRANSMISSION

(Manual Learn Function) section.

The remote (outdoor)

Ensure the remote transmitter is away from any possible

readout on the receiver is

source of interference and electrical disturbances. You

blinking. The receiver will

may try to reposition the remote transmitter in a different

not detect or receive the

location and/or closer to the receiver. The remote trans-

temperature and humidity

mitter does have a maximum range of 40 metres, but any

data from the remote

walls or windows the signal has to pass through will

transmitter, even after the

reduce the distance. Due to the nature of the batteries,

Manual Learn Function has

extreme cold temperatures may also affect the transmis-

been executed.

sion range.

Refer to the WIRELESS TRANSMISSION section and

repeat the Manual Learn Function with the remote

transmitter in a new location.


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Weather Station Receiver

Battery Type: 2 x 1.5V AA batteries

Temp. Range: -9.9°C to +55°C

Weather Station Transmitter

Battery Type: 2 x 1.5V AA batteries

Temp. Range: -30°C to +70°C

Humidity Range: 15 to 95%

Transmission Frequency: 433.92 MHz

Transmission Range: up to 40 meters in open area

The manufacturer reserves the right to change the characteristics of

the device without prior warning



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