Witch hazel suppositories инструкция по применению

1 суппозиторий содержит:

активное вещество: клотримазол — 100 мг;

вспомогательные вещества: основа для суппозиториев: полусинтетические глицериды (Суппоцир AM) — 1900 мг.

Суппозитории цилиндроконической формы, от белого до белого с желтоватым оттенком цвета. На срезе допускается наличие воздушного стержня или воронкообразного углубления.

Противогрибковое средство

АТХ G01AF02 Клотримазол


Клотримазол является противогрибковым средством широкого спектра действия для местного применения. Противогрибковый эффект клотримазола (производное имидазола) связан с нарушением синтеза эргостерина, входящего в состав клеточной мембраны грибов, что изменяет проницаемость мембраны и вызывает последующий лизис клетки. В малых концентрациях действует фунгистатически, в больших — фунгицидно, причем не только на пролиферирующие клетки. В фунгицидных концентрациях взаимодействует с митохондриальными и пероксидазными ферментами, в результате чего происходит увеличение концентрации перекиси водорода до токсического значения, что также способствует разрушению грибковых клеток.

Эффективен в отношении дерматофитов (Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Epidermophyton floccosum, Microsporum canis), плесневых и дрожжеподобных грибов (рода Candida, Torulopsis glabrata, рода Rhodotorula), а также возбудителя разноцветного лишая Pityrosporum orbiculare (Malassezia furfur). Оказывает антимикробное действие в отношении грамположительных микроорганизмов (Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp.) и анаэробов (Bacteroides spp., Gardnerella vaginalis). Клотримазол не оказывает влияние на лактобациллы.

In vitro в концентрации 0,5-10 мкг/мл клотримазол подавляет размножение бактерий семейства Corinebacteria и грамположительных кокков (за исключением энтерококков); оказывает трихомонацидное действие в концентрации 100 мкг/мл.


При применении клотримазола интравагинально абсорбция составляет 3-10% введенной дозы. Высокие концентрации в вагинальном секрете и низкие концентрации в крови сохраняются в течение 48-72 ч. В печени быстро биотрансформируется до неактивных метаболитов.

Генитальные инфекции, вызванные дрожжеподобными грибами рода Candida (кандидозный вульвовагинит).

В случае необходимости, пожалуйста, проконсультируйтесь с врачом перед применением лекарственного препарата.

Гиперчувствительность к клотримазолу и другим компонентам препарата, I триместр беременности, менструальный период (для данной лекарственной формы), детский возраст до 12 лет.

Назначение препарата во II и III триместрах беременности и в период кормления грудью решается индивидуально (когда предполагаемая польза для матери превышает потенциальный риск для плода или младенца).

Период грудного вскармливания: доступные данные фармакодинамических и токсикологических исследований на животных свидетельствуют об экскреции клотримазола с молоком. В период лечения клотримазолом грудное вскармливание следует прекратить.


Только для интравагинального применения. Взрослым и подросткам (после начала половой жизни) вагинальные суппозитории вводят вечером во влагалище, как можно глубже, в положении лежа на спине при слегка согнутых ногах, ежедневно в течение 6 дней по 1 вагинальному суппозиторию по 100 мг. Повторный курс лечения возможен после консультации врача.

Если симптомы сохраняются более 7 дней, рекомендуется обратиться к врачу.

Применяйте препарат только согласно тому способу применения и в тех дозах, которые указаны в инструкции. В случае необходимости, пожалуйста, проконсультируйтесь с врачом перед применением лекарственного препарата.

Аллергические реакции, зуд, жжение и отек слизистой оболочки влагалища, выделения из влагалища, головная боль, гастралгия, учащенное мочеиспускание, интеркуррентный цистит, ощущение жжения в половом члене у полового партнера, боль во время полового акта.

Если любые из указанных в инструкции побочных эффектов усугубляются или Вы заметили любые другие побочные эффекты не указанные в инструкции, сообщите об этом врачу.

Местное применение препарата в дозах, превышающих рекомендуемую дозу не вызывает каких-либо реакций и состояний, опасных для жизни.

В случае непредусмотренного применения препарата (внутрь) возможны следующие симптомы: анорексия, тошнота, рвота, гастралгии, нарушение функции печени; редко — сонливость, галлюцинации, поллакиурия, кожные аллергические реакции.

Специфического антидота нет. Необходимо принять внутрь активированный уголь. При необходимости лечение симптоматическое.

При одновременном применении с амфотерицином В, нистатином, натамицином активность клотримазола может снижаться. Одновременное применение клотримазола интравагинально и такролимуса, сиролимуса перорально может приводить к повышению концентрации последних в плазме крови, поэтому следует наблюдать за пациентками на предмет развития симптомов их передозировки, при необходимости с измерением концентраций в плазме крови.

Для предотвращения урогенитальной реинфекции необходимо проводить одновременное лечение половых партнеров.

Появление выраженных местных реакций (раздражения) или признаков гиперчувствительности требует прекращения лечения.

При наличии одновременной инфекции наружных половых органов (половые губы, вульва) интравагинальное применение суппозиториев рекомендуется сочетать с местным наружным применением клотримазола в виде крема.

У больных с печеночной недостаточностью следует периодически проверять функциональное состояние печени.

Внимательно прочтите инструкцию по применению перед тем, как начать применение препарата. Сохраните инструкцию, она может понадобиться вновь. Если у Вас возникли вопросы, обратитесь к врачу. Лекарственное средство, которым Вы лечитесь предназначено лично Вам, и его не следует передавать другим лицам, поскольку оно может причинить им вред даже при наличии тех же симптомов, что и у Вас.

Препарат нельзя применять во время менструации, лечение целесообразно начинать после менструации.

В период лечения рекомендуется воздерживаться от половых контактов.

Для предотвращения реинфицирования следует соблюдать правила гигиены. Во время лечения рекомендуется пользоваться средствами контрацепции.

Если клинические признаки инфекции сохраняются после завершения лечения, следует провести повторное микробиологическое исследование с целью подтверждения диагноза.

Применение препарата не влияет на способность к вождению автотранспорта и управлению потенциально опасными механизмами.

Суппозитории вагинальные 100 мг.

По 6 суппозиториев помещают в контурную ячейковую упаковку из пленки ПВХ/ПЭ.

По 1 контурной ячейковой упаковке вместе с инструкцией по медицинскому применению помещают в пачку из картона для потребительской тары подгрупп хромовый или хром-эрзац.

В защищенном от света месте при температуре не выше 25°C.

Хранить в недоступном для детей месте.

3 года.

Не применять после истечения срока годности.

Без рецепта

Регистрационный номер


Дата регистрации


Дата переоформления


Владелец регистрационного удостоверения


Молдова, Республика



4.6 (рейтинг iHerb 1625)

  • Артикул WWH-50060
  • На iHerb:
    Нет в наличии
  • Вес (кг) 0.060
  • Срок годности 01 декабря 2024
  • Штрих код 727101500603
  • Количество в упаковке 12 шт.

Похожие товары:

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Рекомендации по применению

Удалите свечу из формы. Вставьте ректально. Суппозиторий растает возможна утечка. Используйте ежедневно при необходимости.


Оливковое масло, какао-масло, пчелиный воск, соевый эко-воск, конский каштан, косточки и корень лопуха, лист гамамелиса, корень иглицы понтийской и алтея, кора вяза ржавого, листья и цветки красного клевера и тысячелистника, кокосовое масло, ромашка, цветки арники и календулы, листья подорожника, эфирные масла герани, кипариса и мирры, а также эссенции цветков и ростков.


Не использовать во время беременности.

Этот продукт следует хранить в недоступном для детей месте в целях их безопасности.

В набор не входит аппликатор. Хранить в прохладном месте.

Этот продукт имеет пломбу с защитой от вскрытия. Не использовать, если защитная пленка повреждена.

Отказ от ответственности

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Witch hazel from the hemorrhoids: composition, properties, instructions for use, price, reviews

· You will need to read: 6 min

Candles and ointment Witch hazel: particularities for hemorrhoids and patient feedback

Witch-to homeopathic medicines and is widely used for hemorrhoids and varicose veins of the lower extremities.

The drug has venotonic, angioprotective and anti-inflammatory properties, which effectively eliminates inflammation and pain in the anus.

In addition, the active ingredient of Witch Hazel is of exclusively natural origin, therefore the preparation has almost no side effects and restrictions on the use.

Description and composition of the preparation

Hamamelis is presented on the pharmaceutical market with two medicinal forms — rectal suppositories and ointment.

Rectal suppositories are torpedo-shaped and yellow in color. Ointment Witch hazel is a substance of yellow color of a homogeneous consistency, which is packaged in aluminum tubes and jars.

The active ingredient in the first and second versions of the drug is tincture of witch hazel of Virginian.

As additional ingredients in the manufacture of candles use solid fat, and in the production of ointment — Vaseline.

Pharmacological effects and mechanism of action of the preparation

The virgin witch hazel is a shrub that is common in North America, the Caucasus, East Asia and Central Europe.

For centuries, folk healers have been using various parts of this plant to fight hemorrhoids, rectal bleeding and digestive disorders.

Hamamelis virgin contains many useful substances, namely:

  • tanning components( din-melitannin, tannin);
  • flavonoids( quercetin);
  • essential oil;
  • glycerides;
  • phytosterol;
  • anticyans;
  • organic acids and others.

The above components, which are rich in witch hazel, increase the tone of venous vessels in the field of drug use, eliminate stagnation of blood, strengthen the walls of veins. Witch hazel effectively cures the inflammation of the hemorrhoids, which reduces pain, itching and discomfort in the anus.

In addition, the drug has a haemostatic effect, which is very important in the fight against hemorrhoidal bleeding.

Despite the fantastic efficacy of witch hazel, the drug should be used solely for the purpose of the treating doctor in combination with other antihemorrhoidal agents.


In proctology ointment and suppositories witch hazel are used to treat hemorrhoids of any stage with external and internal localization of hemorrhoid cones. The drug is also indicated for rectal bleeding, ulcers and anus of the anus caused by hemorrhoids.

Features of application for hemorrhoids

Before using candles or ointments Witch hazel it is necessary to consult a doctor-treating proctologist who reliably knows the features of the course of hemorrhoids, so he can anticipate the appearance of undesirable effects and the result of treatment.

The drug in patients with hemorrhoids is recommended to be used after bowel evacuation and hygienic toilet of the anorectal area.

Witch candles are injected into the rectal canal 1 to 2 times a day, depending on the severity of the manifestations of hemorrhoids.

See also: Black cumin oil from hemorrhoids: composition, properties, 6 ways of applying

Ointment is applied to the external hemorrhoidal lumps and tissues of the anus twice a day.

The duration of treatment is determined by the treating doctor and can range from 7 to 14 days.

Side effects and contraindications

Patients very rarely experience adverse reactions to the use of suppositories or waxes Witch hazel.

According to the instruction, the preparation has the only undesirable effect — allergy to the components of the agent in the form of local manifestations, such as itching and burning in the anus, swelling of the tissues of the anus, dermatitis and urticaria.

Witch hazel is categorically contraindicated in persons with a history of allergy to the drug. It is also not recommended to use this tool when infringing hemorrhoidal cones.

During pregnancy and lactation, the drug is administered with caution under strict medical supervision.

Important nuances of

Wax and Wax Wamamelis are widely used in the early stages of hemorrhoids. The drug not only normalizes metabolism and microcirculation in the tissues of the anorectal region, but also effectively strengthens the venous walls and improves their tone, thus eliminating stagnation of blood in the hemorrhoidal veins.

Application of witch hazel in varicose veins of the rectum and anorectal zone allows to remove inflammation and edema of hemorrhoids in a short time, to reduce their size, to stop pain in the anus.

But the treatment of hemorrhoids should not be limited only to the use of rectal suppositories or Witches Wamamelis, since a positive result of therapy is possible only with a complex approach to the problem.

Therefore, at the first sign of this disease, you need to contact a proctologist, not self-medication. Only the doctor will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe adequate, and, most importantly, safe and effective therapy, which, subject to strict implementation of medical recommendations, will relieve hemorrhoids.

The price of the drug

The cost of the drug:

  • Wax Hamamelis — 75-270 rubles;
  • Ointment Witch hazel, 30 grams — 45-70 rubles.

The cost of the drug depends on the manufacturer.

Witch hazel from hemorrhoids: patients’ reviews

Anna, age 31: «After the second delivery, which was hard enough for me, I noticed a small lump that fell out of the anus during intestinal emptying. To be honest, there was no time to go to the doctor, so the baby was on his hands, therefore, having studied the reviews on the Internet and armed with the advice of friends who already faced hemorrhoids, I began to fight the problem myself.

See also: Candles from hemorrhoids with propolis: effective remedies, making the house

The first drug I tried was the sea-buckthorn candles, but, unfortunately, except for softening the chair, nothing else happened, the knot continued to fall out. Synthetic antihemorrhoidal drugs, I was afraid to use, so as not to harm the child, as she nursed him.

therefore opted for homeopathy, namely — candles Witch hazel. And, to my surprise, literally in 5 days of treatment the knot diminished in size and stopped falling out, and with it the pain also left. For a long time I went to the toilet a lot without tears! Therefore, I recommend this drug for several reasons: it is inexpensive, easy to use, and, most importantly, safe and effective. «

Veronica, 43 years old: «Most of the day I have to stay in a standing position for a long time, since I work as a salesman. As a result, I developed varicose veins, and a few years later and hemorrhoids. It cost me just to eat something bad, just as the intestines reacted to this with diarrhea, but the worst thing was that the hemorrhoids were inflamed. Hemorrhoidal cones fell out, hurt and itched, it was just hell.

But I did not dare to go to the doctor for a long time, so it was shameful to show my problem place. Although this is not right, I was engaged in self-treatment, which I decided to start with a homeopathic remedy Witch-hazel since I heard a lot of good things about it. I used candles and ointment at the same time. To eliminate the painful symptoms, it took me about 10 days. So for several years, I’ve only been saved by Witch-hazel, and, of course, by a diet.

But nevertheless I was forced to address to the expert the husband, as exacerbations began to happen more often. Now I just go through a course of treatment, which I was appointed by a doctor-coloproctologist. Also my doctor left my beloved Witch-Wash, because he also considers it a worthy drug. «

Eugene, 36 years old: «My pregnancy was overshadowed by hemorrhoids, which appeared at the end of the eighth month. I was worried about the constant discomfort in the rectum and the itching in the anus, as well as the pain in the act of defecation.

My obstetrician-gynecologist directed me to a consultation with a proctologist, who appointed Wamamelis suppositories and recommended more movement, as well as adhering to a diet. Within 7 days, the symptoms of the disease significantly decreased, and a few more days passed completely. Now my daughter is a year old, and I never once remembered hemorrhoids. «

Source of the

Описание добавки WiseWays Herbals LLC Свечи с гамамелисом 12 шт 25 мл каждая

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Компоненты добавки WiseWays Herbals LLC Свечи с гамамелисом 12 шт 25 мл каждая

Другие Ингредиенты

Cocoa butter, beeswax, soy ecowax, olive oil extracts of organic witch hazel & plantain leaf, arnica & calendula flower, horse chestnut, slippery elm bark, burdock, butcher’s broom, marshmallow & stone root, chamomile, red clover & yarrow leaf & flower, essential oils, flower & gem essences.

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Store in a cool place.

Useful properties of witch hazel plants are used in medicine and cosmetology for the treatment of various diseases and appearance problems. What pluses has the use of witch hazel you will learn from our article.


  • Witch hazel — properties, indications for the use of tincture, extract, ointment, suppositories
  • Witch hazel: properties, indications for use in homeopathy
  • Winters — ointment, suppositories for hemorrhoids: instructions for use
  • Winters in pregnancy
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  • Winters — ointment, suppositories for hemorrhoids: reviews
  • Video: Witch hazelvirginian( magic nut).Features witch hazel

Hamamelis( Hamamelis) — a perennial shrub growing in the moist forests of North America, East Asia and the Caucasus. In Europe, this plant is grown specifically for use in cosmetics and pharmaceutical products.

Other names of this shrub — «witch hazel» or «witch hazel» are given to the plant due to late flowering and fruit ripening. Inflorescences of the plant bright yellow are located in the axils of the leaves, the fruits look like small bolls.

Hamamelis — medicinal plant

Witch hazel — properties, indications for the use of tincture, extract, ointment, candles

  • The leaves, bark and branches of this shrub contain tannins, flavonoids, gallonic acid, and the fruits are rich in essential oils.
  • On sale you can find tincture, ointment, candles, wipes «Witch hazel», which are herbal preparations containing the extract of the same plant.
  • Witch hazel extract has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, accelerates the healing of tissues, protects against the spread of infectious infection.
  • Preparations based on witch hazel are more often used for external use. They are effective in the treatment of injuries and skin irritations of various nature, insect bites and the effects of contact with stinging and poisonous plants, sun and thermal burns, eczema, psoriasis, diaper rash, acne, furunculosis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, chronic joint damage, infectious diseasesoral cavity and throat.
  • Hamamelis tincture has hemostatic and resolving action and is used to treat cuts, bruises, accelerate resorption with hematomas.
  • Recent studies of scientists have revealed that the extracts of tannins contain a pronounced antioxidant and bactericidal effect.

The witch hazel preparation has the following release forms:

  • granules
  • dry or liquid extract
  • ointment
  • suppositories( rectal suppositories)
  • wipes impregnated with

solution Witch hazel tincture is used to treat various inflammatory diseases and skin problems

Witch hazel: properties, indications for use inhomeopathy

  • Preparations based on plant extract is a means of homeopathic dilution with the vetotonizing and anti-hemorrhoidal action.
  • Active components in their composition help to increase blood flow, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and small capillaries, eliminate stagnant processes in the veins.
  • Hamamelis is effective in the prevention and treatment of the initial stages of hemorrhoids, as well as pathological circulatory disorders due to varicose veins.

The drug in the form of granules or tinctures for oral administration is recommended for:

  • gynecological and obstetric bleeding
  • varicose veins
  • inflammatory diseases of the female genital and genitourinary system
  • infectious diseases of the oral cavity
  • thrombophlebitis
  • diagnosing the hemorrhoidal nodes
  • fixing the patient’s conditionnumber of children) after diarrhea

The dosage and duration of administration of the tincture or granules is determined by the homeopath physician in each individual case, depending on the nature, symptoms and severity of the disease.

Overdose of the drug( if ingested) can cause the following side effects:

  • increased respiration
  • blood pressure decrease
  • gastric mucosal irritation
  • spasms in the intestine
  • increased urination

Witch hazel in pellets is a homeopathic remedy used in complex therapy

Witch hazel,candles from hemorrhoids: instructions for use

Witch hazel has a powerful vasoconstrictive effect, promotes the restoration of the walls of blood vessels, removes inflammatory processess mucous membranes, increases the elasticity of the veins.

The preparation in the form of ointment is used for the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

  • of hemorrhoids
  • of dermatitis and skin rashes, diathesis
  • of traumatic skin lesions
  • of furuncles and acne
  • intertrigo,
  • decubitus of thermal and sunburn
  • insect bites

Ointment is applied externally toaffected skin 2 to 3 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 2 weeks. For the treatment of hemorrhoids with a drug soaked gauze and injected rectally for 15 minutes 1-2 times a day.

Also, ointment is applied to external hemorrhoidal seals and anal fissures. The use of this drug prevents the development of the inflammatory process, has a wound-healing effect and promotes rapid resorption of hemorrhoid cones.

Wax based on witch hazel is effective for hemorrhoids and skin diseases

Candles are used to treat and prevent hemorrhoids, are administered rectally 1-2 times a day for a week. Before using the candle, it is necessary to conduct hygienic procedures of the anal area and wash your hands well. To enter a candle it is necessary deep enough — it is easier to do it in the prone position on the side, bending the knees. After entering the candle, you should be at rest for about 10-15 minutes.

Napkins are applied in the form of applications on the affected skin areas for half an hour 3 times a day. With hemorrhoids, the napkins are placed directly on the anus or can be used as a wet toilet paper for hygienic treatment.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

  • Individual intolerance
  • Rectal prolapse( in the case of suppositories)
  • Narrowing or prolapse of the hemorrhoidal node
  • Hemorrhoidal bleeding

Rectal suppositories Witch hazel is an effective remedy for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids

Witch hazel in pregnancy

Since the manifestation of hemorrhoids inperiod of pregnancy and after childbirth is a fairly common problem, the question arises of safe and effective treatmentdisease.
There are no direct contraindications to the use of herbal preparations based on the witch hazel extract during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The decision on the need for therapy with any medicinal form of witch hazel should be taken by the attending physician with the definition of a safe dose of admission and the total duration of treatment.

Use of drugs with witch hazel during pregnancy should be discussed with a doctor

Witch hazel — properties, indications for use in cosmetology cream, tonic for pores, shampoo, essential oil, lotion, napkins

Useful properties of the plant are widely used in cosmetology as a home remedy or as part offinished products — face creams, tonics for skin cleansing.

Witch hazel helps in solving the following skin problems:

  • Care for sensitive and prone to skin irritation.
  • Care for oily and problem skin — treatment of dilated pores, acne, acne, eczema, seborrhea.
  • Tightening of a fading skin — an extract of a plant is a natural moisturizer, which helps to reduce loss of moisture and retains the softness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Correction of the vascular network on the face and body.
  • Restores natural skin color and eliminates dark circles under the eyes.
  • Treatment of hematomas, traumatic skin lesions( scratches, cuts).
  • Witch hazel extract is a part of many sunscreens, thanks to its antioxidant properties, helping to protect the skin from the effects of ultraviolet rays.
  • Creams and lotions for the feet help to remove the feeling of heaviness and fatigue of the feet, eliminate swelling and vascular asterisks, increase blood circulation.

Tonic with witch hazel extract for care of problem skin

Winters for facial skin from acne

Acne can have various causes — bacterial contamination, clogged pores, improper choice of cosmetics, violation of hygiene rules, hormonal failures.

  • For the successful treatment, it is necessary to identify the factor that provokes the occurrence of this problem, and use effective means of treatment.
  • Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of witch hazel help to successfully cope with acne and prevent the appearance of new rashes.
  • You can prepare the skin care lotion by yourself, dissolving 10 drops of a witch hazel solution in 100 ml of hydrolyte. This tool is recommended for cleaning, toning, narrowing the pores and fighting skin imperfections — uneven tone, rashes. Use it every day and morning.
  • If there are severe acne, moisten with a witch hazel extract and put on a swab, then wash it off unnecessarily. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.
  • For the same purpose you can use napkins impregnated with a solution and apply them by applying to problem areas for 20-30 minutes or use for daily skin cleansing.

Cosmetic or homemade lotion with witch hazel will help in the fight against acne

Witch hazel hair

Hair care products often contain the extract of this plant.

  • One of the important properties of witch hazel is its hypoallergenicity, so the products with witch hazel extract are recommended for use by adults and children.
  • With regular use, such shampoos and balms help to get rid of dandruff, seborrheic crusts, fatty scalp and hair, relieve irritation and itching, give hair a healthy shine.

Hair care products containing witch hazel extract

Witch hazel — ointment, suppositories for hemorrhoids: feedback

Irina, 26
On the recommendation of a doctor, she was treated for hemorrhoids during pregnancy by Witches Witches. Such a remedy is absolutely safe, as it is homeopathic and does not cause allergies. At the same time it helps, itching and burning, I lost my pain during defecation, the hemorrhoidal bumps gradually dissolve.

Ivan, 45 years old
I bought Hamamelis for the treatment of hemorrhoids. I consider it an effective tool that allows you to quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms and pain. I applied the agent in the form of an ointment for application in the area of ​​enlarged hemorrhoidal cones. The drug is quickly absorbed, relieves burning and pain. Within a week, the seals became noticeably smaller. The main advantage of this product is its natural and safe composition.

Svetlana, 38 years old
Has applied rectal suppositories Witch hazel for the treatment of hemorrhoids in the stage of exacerbation. Did or made procedures in the morning and for the night. The drug is very effective — on the third day there were pains in the rectum. For me, it is very important that this herbal remedy does not cause allergies and side effects.

Video: Witch hazel( magical walnut).Features witch hazel

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