Цифровой термостат XMTD 6000/XMTD 6412/XMTD 6411/K/PT100 Регулируемый Электрический цифровой
XMTD-6000/XMTD-6412/XMTD-6411/K/PT100 Регулируемый Электрический цифровой регулятор температуры
1. 100% новый и высокое качество.
2. Он имеет быстрый контроль температуры, быструю реакцию, небольшой избыток и высокую точность.
3. Надежная производительность, мощная функция и простота в эксплуатации.
4. Этот продукт может хранить дату более 20 лет после отключения питания.
5. Он имеет верхнюю и нижнюю точку контакта функция отклонения выходного сигнала.
6. Широко применяется в электроэнергетике, химической промышленности, литье под давлением, пищевых продуктах, инкубаторах, духовках и многих других оборудованиях.
Состояние на 100% абсолютно новый
Точность: 0,5 класса
Потребляемая мощность: ≤ 3 Вт
Рабочая среда: 0-50 ℃
Относительная влажность: 85%
Режим будильника: полный диапазон (может быть абсолютным/отклонением)
Выходная контактная мощность реле: AV220v, 3A
Сигнал триггера твердотельного реле: напряжение ≥ 12 В, ток ≥ 15 мА
SCR триггер Signal≥ 100 мА
1-Интеллектуальный двойной цифровой дисплей
2-измерительные размеры (ширина * высота)
Пустой: 160*80 мм
A: 96*96 мм
D: 72*72 мм
E: 48*96 мм
F: 96*48 мм
Г: 48*48 мм
3-дизайн № 6000 серии 7000
4-выходной режим:
0: регулировка положения выходного контакта ВКЛ/ВЫКЛ (Контактная емкость 220В, 3А резистивный)
2: двухпозиционная ПИД-регулировка или пропорциональная регулировка времени выходного контакта ВКЛ и ВЫКЛ
3: три положения PID Регулировка или время пропорциональная Регулировка выходного контакта ВКЛ/ВЫКЛ
4: непрерывный контроль PID регулировки выхода
5: PID регулирование выходного привода твердотельного реле (SSR)
6: ПИД-Регулировка выходного однофазного тиристорного фазового триггера (регулирование напряжения SCR)
7: PID Регулировка выходного однофазного тиристора нулевого перекрестного триггера сигнала (Настройка SCR)
8: PID регулировка и adder для вывода трехфазного триггерного сигнала тиристора (Трехфазная Регулировка мощности)
9: непрерывное регулирование ПИД выходного тока 0 ~ 10 мА, 4 ~ 20 мА токовый сигнал
5-режим будильника
0: нет сигнализации
1: с верхним пределом контакта функция отклонения на выходе (Контактная емкость 220 В, 3 А резистивный)
2: с более низким пределом контакта функция отклонения выходного сигнала, (введите меню A1T, верхний и нижний предел сигнала тревоги может быть изменен на абсолютное значение тревоги)
3: с верхним и нижним пределом контактной выходной сигнализации
4: другой требуемый режим сигнализации (текстовое описание при заказе)
6-входной сигнал
1: термопара (K, E, S, B, J, T, R, N и т. д.)
2: термостойкость (Pt100, Cu50, Cu100, BA1, BA2, G и т. д.)
3: пользовательский сигнал специального запроса
Функция добавления 7 инструментов
V: с выходом питания постоянного тока 24 В (может использоваться в качестве источника питания передатчика)
T: с функцией синхронизации
P: с 30-ступенчатым программным управлением (нагревание кривой)
B: выходной ток передачи и сигнал напряжения (соответствующий входу, может быть изолирован)
В: другие специальные функциональные требования пользователей
Вес: прибл. 300 г/10,6 унций
1 * контроллер температуры
2 * Установочный винт
XMT-6000 |
Before using this product, please carefully read this manual for its correct use. In addition, after reading the manual keep it available easily anytime.
Wiring precautions
—If failure or error of this instrument could result in a critical accident of the system, install an external protection circuit to prevent such an accident.
—In order to prevent instrument damage or failure, protect the power line and the input/output lines from high currents by using fuses with appropriate ratings.
Power supply
—In order to prevent instrument damage or failure, supply power of the specified rating from 85VAC to 264VAC.—In order to prevent electric shock or instrument failure, do not turn on the power supply until all of the wiring is completed.
In order to prevent fire, explosion or instrument damage never use this instrument at a location where inflammable or explosive gases or vapor exist.
Never touch the inside of the instrument.
—In order to prevent electric shock or burns, never touch the inside of the instrument. Only “YATAI” service engineers can touch the inside of the instrument to check the circuit or to replace parts. High voltage and high temperature sections inside the instrument are extremely dangerous!
Never modify the instrument.
—In order to prevent accident or instrument failure, never modify the instrument.
—In order to prevent electric shock, burns or instrument failure, only “YATAI” service engineers may replace parts.
—In order to use this instrument continuously and safely, conduct periodic maintenance. Some parts used in this instrument have a limited service life and may deteriorate with time.
Before cleaning the instrument, check that the power is turned off.
Remove stains on the display unit using a soft cloth or tissue paper.
As the display unit is easily scratched, do not scrub or touch it with a hard object.
Do not operate the front key with a pointed object such as a ballpoint pen or screwdriver, as this may scratch or damage the key.
This instrument is applicable for the machines or equipments of injection molding, extrusion, bottle manufacture, food, packaging, printing and also can be used for controlling the temperature of the equipments of thermostats, dryness, heat treatment of metal and so on.
The PID parameters of this instrument can be set up automatically, so it is an intelligent instrument and its employ is vary convenient. This instrument is the optimal replacements of the electronic pointer controller and simulated digital display temperature instrument recently.
This instrument satisfies the requirements of the standard of the Q/SQG01-1999 intelligent digital display controller.
Check whether the delivered product is as specified by referring to the following model code list.
XMT□-□□□□ □ □ □—□
① ②③④⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨
- Panel Dimensions(mm) ⑤Type of Input
D:96×96 1: Thermocouple signal
E:72×72 2: Thermo-resistance signal (RTD input)
F:96×48(Vertical form);F(H):48×96(Horizontal form) ⑥Type of Output
G:48×48 No: Relay contact (Maximum 3A)
②Type of Display V: Logic output for SSR
6: Double rows display A: Relay contact (Maximum 16A)
③Type of control action B: Relay contact (Maximum 16A)
0: On-off action Relay ⑦Type of calibration
3: Time proportion action ⑧Lower limit of the span
4: On-off PID action with auto-tuning ⑨Upper limit of the span
7: Single phase zero-across pulse PID action with auto-tuning
④On-off position Alarm Mounting bracket: 2 pieces
0: No alarm Instruction manual: 1 copy
1: High alarm (XMTD, XMTF zero-across pulse output, logic level output and all models of XMTG have no this function)
2.1 Mounting cautions
- environmental condition
Ambient pressure:86~106kPa。 2.3 Dimensions
Ambient temperature:0~50℃。
Ambient humidity:45~85%RH。
- Following cautions must be kept in mind while H h
Rapid changes in ambient temperature, which
may cause condensation. B L
Corrosive or inflammable gases. B b’
Direct vibration or shock to the mainframe.
Water, oil, chemicals, vapor or steam splashes. Panel hole:
Excessive dust, salt or iron particles.
Excessive induction noise, static electricity, h’
magnetic fields or noise.
Direct airflow from an air conditioner.
Should be used indoors where the system is not
exposed to direct sunlight. mm
Heat to be accumulated radiation heat. Type H×B h×b×L h’ ×b’
XMTD 96×96 92×92×100 (92+1) ×(92+1)
XMTE 72×72 68×68×100 (68+1) ×(68+1)
XMTF 96×48 92×44×100 (92+1) ×(44+1)
XMTF(H) 48×96 44×92×100 (44+1) ×(92+1)
XMTG 48×48 44×44×100 (44+1) ×(44+1)
- Wiring cautions
- For thermocouple input, use the specified compensation wire.
- For RTD input, use leads with low resistance and having no resistance differences among the 3 leads.
- Conduct input signal wiring away from instrument power, electric equipment power and load lines to avoid noise induction.
- Terminals’ configuration
(1)Terminals for Model: XMTD-6011, 6311, 6411, 6012, 6312, 6412 and XMTF-6011, 6311, 6411, 6012, 6312, 6412 (96×96) (96×48)
(15) — Load
(16) +
(2)Terminals for Model (with SSR): XMTD-6401V, 6401V, 6302V, 6402V and XMTF-6301V, 6401V, 6302V, (96×96) (96×48)
(11) — ~
(12) + ~
(13) SSR
(15) — Load
(16) +
(3)Terminals for Model (with bi-directional thyristor): XMTD-6701, 6702 and XMTF-6701, 6702 (96×96) (96×48)
(9) (9)
(10) (10)
(11) (11)
(12) (12)
(13) thyristor
(15) — Load
- +
- Terminals for Model: XMTE-6011, 6311, 6411, 6012, 6312, 6412 (72×72)
(1) (7)
(2) (8)
(3) (9)
(4) (10)
(5) (11) —
(6) (12) +
- Terminals for Model (with SSR): XMTE-6301V, 6401V, 6302V, 6402V(72×72)
(1) (7)
(2) (8)
(3) (9)
(4) (10)
~ + (5) (11) —
SSR ~ — (6) (12) +
- Terminals for Model (with bi-directional): XMTE-6701,6702 (72×72)
(1) (7)
(2) (8)
(3) (9) (5)
(4) (10) (6)
thyristor (5) (11) —
(6) (12) +
- Terminals for Model: XMTG-6001, 6401, 6002,6302, 6402 (48×48)
(1) (6)
(2) (7)
(3) (8)
(4) (9) +
(5) (10) —
- Terminals for Model (with SSR): XMTG-6301V, 6401V, 6302V, 6402V(48×48)
(1) (6)
(2) (7)
(3) (8)
~ + (4) (9) +
SSR ~ — (5) (10) —
- Terminals for Model (with bi-directional thyristor): XMTG-6701,6702(48×48)
(1) (6)
(2) (7)
(3) (8)
thyristor (4) (9) +
(5) (10) —
Power supply voltage:
198 to 242 VAC (Including power supply voltage variation)(50Hz)
Control output rated:
Relay contact output: 240 VAC, 3A(Resistive load)
Voltage output:0 to 12 VDC (Load resistance 600Ω or more)
3.3 Configuration of the Instrument Panel
①Measured value (PV)display unit (Red)
Displays measured value (PV).
PV Displays various characters depending on the
① ②Set value (SV)display unit (Green)
Displays set value (SV)
SP ② Displays various each parameter set value depending
on the instrument.
③Indication lamps
AT OUT ALM ③ Auto-tuning(AT)lamp [Green]. Flashes during
auto-tuning execution.
Control output lamps [Green](OUT)turned on
when outputs operate
Alarm output lamp (ALM)[Red] turned on when
output operate
④ Function key
Used for displaying the change and confirm of the
④ ⑤ ⑥ parameters
⑤、⑥Adjusting key to change the digital code and/or the key to express entering the auto-tuning state
. Used for adjusting the digital code displayed or entering the auto-tuning state.
4.1 Sequence to pick up the functions of the instrument
Power on
Upper row displays code(Sn),lower Row
displays type No. (Display input type)
Upper row: Input high limit, lower row
input low limit(Display input Lange) Automatically turn over after 4 seconds displaying
Upper row displays process value, lower Automatically return over when not press any key over 1 minute
row displays set value(Standard mode)
Press function key Upper row displays setting code (SP,St), lower row
displays set value(Update the setting mode )
Press function over 4 seconds Upper row displays function code (AL…), Lower row displays
control parameters(Changing the control parameters)
Example:Input: Thermocouple E, 0~400℃.When turn on power, display:
SP SP (Standard display mode)
Code | Sn | Type | Input signal | Type | Range(℃) | |
Type of input | 0 | S | Thermocouple | E | 0~600 | |
1 | B | K | 0~1300 | |||
2 | K | S | 0~1600 | |||
3 | E | B | 200~1800 | |||
6 | Pt100 | RTD | Pt100 | -200.0~2.000 | ||
7 | Pt100 | Pt100 | -200~500 | |||
8 | Cu50 | Cu50 | -50.0~150.0 |
4.2 The detail description for every function
If upper row displays “OVER” the sensor is in open circuit or the input signal excesses the range
of measurement.
The method for changing set value:
Press key the high row displays SP. Press or key,the low row displays the needed value. Again press key, return to the standard display mode.
The method for changing control parameter:
Press key over 4 seconds, the high row displays the parameter display code. Press or key the low row displays the needed parameter value. Again press key over 4 seconds,
return to the standard display mode. (If not press any key over 1 minute, return to the standard display mode automatically.)
Following table lists the function parameters
Parameter display code | Name | Setting range | Description | Initial value setting at factory |
![]() |
Proportion Re-setting |
100(100.0)℃ |
The proportion re-setting only used
for adjusting the static deviation of The proportional system. |
0 |
rE | ||||
value biasing |
100(100.0)℃ |
Used for correcting the measure
deviation caused by the sensors and compensation wire of thermocouple |
0 | |
rt | ||||
Dead band | 0.4~100
(100.0) ℃ |
Dead band for on-off control and
Alarm. For on-off controller, On-off control and alarm adopted Same value. |
0.4 | |
dF | ||||
Alarm point
(Setting) |
℃ |
Upper limit alarm for AL>0, low
Limit alarm for AL<0. The state of Output turn over automatically. |
50 | |
AL | ||||
Period ( On heating side) |
second |
Relay output ≮20s,SSR and thyristor
output≮3s continuous output,1s. |
2 |
T | ||||
The delay
time fof alarm output |
second |
When the measuring value increases
to the alarm value, after Ct time the alarm relay output acts. |
0 | |
Ct | ||||
Band ( On heating side) |
℃ |
When “P” is large, the proportional
action is small. Only used for heating side. |
30 | |
P | ||||
Time (Re-setting time) |
second |
When “I” is large, the integral action
is small. |
240 | |
I | ||||
Time (Pre -setting) |
second |
When “D” is large the derivative
action in large. |
60 | |
d | ||||
Set data lock
function |
0~2 | 0:All parameters can be updated.
1:Only SP can be updated. 2:All parameters cannot be updated. |
0 | |
Lc |
4.3 The function of the controller Auto-tuning
After pressing key 8 seconds the lamp of AT flashes and the auto-tuning process starts; after the end of auto-tuning the lamp of AT world be turned out. Then a set of PID parameters can be got automatically for quickly increasing the process temperature. The controller operates according to this set of PID parameters.
After pressing key 8 seconds the lamp of AT flashes and the auto-tuning press starts; after the end of auto-tuning the lamp of AT be turned out. A set of PID parameters can be got automatically for overcoming temperature overshoot. The controller operates according to this set of PID parameters.
4.4 The sketch map of the function of the controller Auto-tuning
t t
AT start AT end AT start AT end
Press key to start auto-tuning Press key to start auto-tuning
5. Description of each function
rE──for re-setting of proportional controller. This function is only used for XMT-8300. Due to the varieties of process power and controlled temperature, the static deviation of the system controlled by the proportional controller is caused. Through adjusting the value of the parameter rE, the static deviation may be decreased even removed.
Example as a equipment with a setting point temperature 200℃. After system have to be stable the controlled temperature is 204.5℃. That is to say a static deviation of 4.5℃is yielded. Then we can set the rE to -4.5℃. After some time the system can be re-stable at the controlled temperature about 200℃.
rt──for correcting the measuring value. This function can be used for all the controllers in this series o instrument. The deviations caused from sensor, compensation wire of thermocouple and the controller accuracy can also be decreased even to be removed by adjusting the parameter rt.
Example as the setting value of the controller is 200℃ and the measuring value also is 200℃, but the actual controlled temperature measured by a high accuracy mercury temperature meter is 201.7℃. At that time we can set the parameter rt=1.7℃,then the temperature displayed as 201.7℃. After a very long controlling time the temperature also be stable at 200℃ that is the same as the value measuring by the mercury temperature meter.
dF──for setting the dead band of on-off control and alarm. If we set dF=1.0℃, than the output of controller will be changed at 0.5℃ deviated from the setting value of temperature.
AL──for setting the alarm point.
When the controller is set as deviation alarm, the actual alarm point will be SP+AL. Example as a controller whose set point SP is 200℃. When we set the alarm point AL to be 10℃, then the actual alarm controlled point is at 200.0+10.0=210.0℃. That is to say, if the process temperature is larger than SP+AL+1/2dF, the alarm relay will be put on and when the process temperature is smaller than SP+AL-1/2dF, the alarm relay may be put on at 210.5℃ and put off 209.5℃.
On the other hand, when we set the AL at -10.0℃, then the actual alarm controlled point is on the value of 200.0-10.0=190.0℃. At the same time the state of output is also changed. When the process temperature is smaller than SP+AL-1/2dF, the alarm relay will be put on and larger than SP+AL-1/2Df the alarm relay will be put off. If dF also be set at 1.0℃, then the alarm relay point for putting on is 189.5℃ and the point for putting off is 190.5℃. This function not only can be used to low limit alarm but also be used for controlling heating with large power (needed dual heating elements) to shorten the time of increasing temperature and decrease the overshoot of the system.
When the controller is set as absolute measuring value alarm the actual point of alarm is AL. If AL is set larger than SP the alarm is an upper limit alarm one. If AL is smaller than SP the alarm is a low limit alarm.
Ct——for setting the delay time of alarm. Ordinary the ct value should be set to zero. When the alarm output is used to the refrigeration compressor, the delay time of alarm ought to longer than 180 seconds..
T──for setting the control period. Ordinarily if the controller using the AC contactor, the control period is ought to set between 20.0~60.0 seconds and if the controller using the solid relay and deadband the control period is ought set between 2.0~10.0 seconds.
P——for setting proportional band. When take place regular oscillation of controlled temperature, the proportional band should be increased and if controlled temperature drifts irregularly we ought to decrease the proportional band.
I──for setting the integral time. When the system takes place regular oscillation ought to increase integral time and if the system controlled can not remove the static deviation in a long time ought to decrease the integral time.
d──for setting the derivative time. Increasing the derivative time can decrease the overshoot of the system.
ShanghaiYatai Instrumentation Co., Ltd. |
No.1851 Sichuanbei Road, Shanghai, China |
Tel:021-51053127 51053128 Fax : 086-021-51053123 | |
Mail Code: 200081 Email: yatai@yatai.sh.cn |
Описание Товара
Информация о Компании
Основная Информация.
Liushi, Yueqing, Zhejiang Province, China
Производственная Мощность
Описание Товара
Интеллектуальный цифровой регулятор температуры дисплея серии XMT-6000 является своеобразным который был принят
новая специальная цепь. Прибор имеет преимущества надежного имущества, малого объема, и высокой цены-собственности
Аудиосистема. Она может заменить регулятор температуры цифрового дисплея.
Тип ввода | Код | Диапазон входного сигнала | Код | Диапазон входного сигнала | Код | Диапазон входного сигнала | |
Термопара (TC) |
K | K01 | 0–200 °C. | K02 | 0–400 °C. | K03 | 0–600 °C. |
K04 | 0–800 °C. | K05 | 0–1000°C. | K06 | 0–1200 °C. | ||
K07 | 0–137,2°C. | K13 | 0–100°C. | K14 | 0–300 °C. | ||
J | J01 | 0–200 °C. | J02 | 0–400 °C. | J03 | 0–600 °C. | |
J04 | 0–800 °C. | J05 | 0–1000°C. | J06 | 0–1200 °C. | ||
R*1 | R01 | 0–1600 °C. | R02 | 0–1769 °C. | R03 | 0–1350 °C. | |
S*1 | S01 | 0–1600 °C. | S02 | 0–1769 °C. | |||
B*1 | B01 | 100–1800°C. | B02 | 0–1769 °C. | |||
E | E01 | 0–800 °C. | E02 | 0–1000°C. | |||
N | N01 | 0–1200 °C. | N02 | 0–1300 °C. | |||
T*2 | T01 | 0–350 °C. | T02 | -199.9°C. | T03 | -199.9-200,0°C. | |
T04 | -199.9°C. | ||||||
RTD | PY100 | D01 | -199.9-649,0°C. | D02 | -199.9-200,0°C. | D03 | -199.9-50,0°C. |
D04 | -100°C. | D05 | -100°C. | D06 | -100°C. | ||
D07 | 0–100°C. | D08 | 0–200 °C. | D09 | 0–300 °C. | ||
D10 | 0–500°C. | ||||||
JPT100 | СТР. 01 | -199.9-649,0°C. | СТР. 02 | -199.9-200,0°C. | -199.9-50,0°C. | ||
СТР. 04 | -100°C. | СТР. 05 | -100°C. | -100°C. | |||
СТР. 07 | 0–100°C. | СТР. 08 | 0–200 °C. | 0–300 °C. | |||
СТР. 10 | 0–500°C. | ||||||
Напряжение | 0 В | 401 | 0–100°C. | ||||
1 В | 601 | 0–100°C. | |||||
Сила тока | 0 мА | 701 | 0–100°C. | ||||
4 мА | 801 | 0–100°C. |
- Если вы не можете найти свой размер и форму, напряжение и ваттage,
- Пожалуйста, свяжитесь со мной, затем мы можем предоставить профессиональное севице.
- Лучше отправить нам рисунок или изображения САПР для специализированного дизайна,
- тогда мы сможем добиться большего!
Автоматический перевод описания осуществляется только в текстовой форме. Информация, представленная поставщиком в виде картинок или надписей на фотографии, к сожалению не может быть переведена по техническим причинам. Показать оригинал описания данного товара.
Характеристики товара: |
Цвет: | XMTG-5411 K полностью Диапазон; XMTD-5411 K полностью Диапазон; XMTD-5412 PT100 0-400; XMTG-5412 PT100 0-400; XMTE-5411 K полностью Диапазон; XMTA-5412 PT100 0-400; XMTE-5412 PT100 0-400; XMTA-5411 K полностью Диапазон; XMTG-7411 K; XMTG-7412 PT100; XMTD-7411 K; XMTD-7412 PT100; XMTD-7511 K; XMTA-7411 K; XMTA-7412 PT100; XMTE-7411 K; Выход реле XMTG-6000; Выход реле XMTG-7000; XMTD-60 миллионов входной двойной вывод; XMTD-70 миллионов входной двойной вывод; XMTA-60 миллионов входной двойной вывод; XMTA-70 миллионов входной двойной вывод; XMTE-60 миллионов входной двойной вывод; XMTE-70 миллионов входной двойной вывод; |
Бренд: | Тьюринг; |
Модель: | XMTD-6000 7000; |
Место происхождения: | Китайский материк; |
Провинция: | Провинция Цзянсу; |
Город: | Тайха; |
Принцип работы: | Электронный контроллер температуры; |
Власть: | 250V10A; |
Диапазон температуры контроля температуры: | 0 ~ 999 ℃; |
Номер товара: | 3763-1; |
XMT-6000 |
Before using this product, please carefully read this manual for its correct use. In addition, after reading the manual keep it available easily anytime.
Wiring precautions
—If failure or error of this instrument could result in a critical accident of the system, install an external protection circuit to prevent such an accident.
—In order to prevent instrument damage or failure, protect the power line and the input/output lines from high currents by using fuses with appropriate ratings.
Power supply
—In order to prevent instrument damage or failure, supply power of the specified rating from 85VAC to 264VAC.—In order to prevent electric shock or instrument failure, do not turn on the power supply until all of the wiring is completed.
In order to prevent fire, explosion or instrument damage never use this instrument at a location where inflammable or explosive gases or vapor exist.
Never touch the inside of the instrument.
—In order to prevent electric shock or burns, never touch the inside of the instrument. Only “YATAI” service engineers can touch the inside of the instrument to check the circuit or to replace parts. High voltage and high temperature sections inside the instrument are extremely dangerous!
Never modify the instrument.
—In order to prevent accident or instrument failure, never modify the instrument.
—In order to prevent electric shock, burns or instrument failure, only “YATAI” service engineers may replace parts.
—In order to use this instrument continuously and safely, conduct periodic maintenance. Some parts used in this instrument have a limited service life and may deteriorate with time.
Before cleaning the instrument, check that the power is turned off.
Remove stains on the display unit using a soft cloth or tissue paper.
As the display unit is easily scratched, do not scrub or touch it with a hard object.
Do not operate the front key with a pointed object such as a ballpoint pen or screwdriver, as this may scratch or damage the key.
This instrument is applicable for the machines or equipments of injection molding, extrusion, bottle manufacture, food, packaging, printing and also can be used for controlling the temperature of the equipments of thermostats, dryness, heat treatment of metal and so on.
The PID parameters of this instrument can be set up automatically, so it is an intelligent instrument and its employ is vary convenient. This instrument is the optimal replacements of the electronic pointer controller and simulated digital display temperature instrument recently.
This instrument satisfies the requirements of the standard of the Q/SQG01-1999 intelligent digital display controller.
Check whether the delivered product is as specified by referring to the following model code list.
XMT□-□□□□ □ □ □—□
① ②③④⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨
- Panel Dimensions(mm) ⑤Type of Input
D:96×96 1: Thermocouple signal
E:72×72 2: Thermo-resistance signal (RTD input)
F:96×48(Vertical form);F(H):48×96(Horizontal form) ⑥Type of Output
G:48×48 No: Relay contact (Maximum 3A)
②Type of Display V: Logic output for SSR
6: Double rows display A: Relay contact (Maximum 16A)
③Type of control action B: Relay contact (Maximum 16A)
0: On-off action Relay ⑦Type of calibration
3: Time proportion action ⑧Lower limit of the span
4: On-off PID action with auto-tuning ⑨Upper limit of the span
7: Single phase zero-across pulse PID action with auto-tuning
④On-off position Alarm Mounting bracket: 2 pieces
0: No alarm Instruction manual: 1 copy
1: High alarm (XMTD, XMTF zero-across pulse output, logic level output and all models of XMTG have no this function)
2.1 Mounting cautions
- environmental condition
Ambient pressure:86~106kPa。 2.3 Dimensions
Ambient temperature:0~50℃。
Ambient humidity:45~85%RH。
- Following cautions must be kept in mind while H h
Rapid changes in ambient temperature, which
may cause condensation. B L
Corrosive or inflammable gases. B b’
Direct vibration or shock to the mainframe.
Water, oil, chemicals, vapor or steam splashes. Panel hole:
Excessive dust, salt or iron particles.
Excessive induction noise, static electricity, h’
magnetic fields or noise.
Direct airflow from an air conditioner.
Should be used indoors where the system is not
exposed to direct sunlight. mm
Heat to be accumulated radiation heat. Type H×B h×b×L h’ ×b’
XMTD 96×96 92×92×100 (92+1) ×(92+1)
XMTE 72×72 68×68×100 (68+1) ×(68+1)
XMTF 96×48 92×44×100 (92+1) ×(44+1)
XMTF(H) 48×96 44×92×100 (44+1) ×(92+1)
XMTG 48×48 44×44×100 (44+1) ×(44+1)
- Wiring cautions
- For thermocouple input, use the specified compensation wire.
- For RTD input, use leads with low resistance and having no resistance differences among the 3 leads.
- Conduct input signal wiring away from instrument power, electric equipment power and load lines to avoid noise induction.
- Terminals’ configuration
(1)Terminals for Model: XMTD-6011, 6311, 6411, 6012, 6312, 6412 and XMTF-6011, 6311, 6411, 6012, 6312, 6412 (96×96) (96×48)
(15) — Load
(16) +
(2)Terminals for Model (with SSR): XMTD-6401V, 6401V, 6302V, 6402V and XMTF-6301V, 6401V, 6302V, (96×96) (96×48)
(11) — ~
(12) + ~
(13) SSR
(15) — Load
(16) +
(3)Terminals for Model (with bi-directional thyristor): XMTD-6701, 6702 and XMTF-6701, 6702 (96×96) (96×48)
(9) (9)
(10) (10)
(11) (11)
(12) (12)
(13) thyristor
(15) — Load
- +
- Terminals for Model: XMTE-6011, 6311, 6411, 6012, 6312, 6412 (72×72)
(1) (7)
(2) (8)
(3) (9)
(4) (10)
(5) (11) —
(6) (12) +
- Terminals for Model (with SSR): XMTE-6301V, 6401V, 6302V, 6402V(72×72)
(1) (7)
(2) (8)
(3) (9)
(4) (10)
~ + (5) (11) —
SSR ~ — (6) (12) +
- Terminals for Model (with bi-directional): XMTE-6701,6702 (72×72)
(1) (7)
(2) (8)
(3) (9) (5)
(4) (10) (6)
thyristor (5) (11) —
(6) (12) +
- Terminals for Model: XMTG-6001, 6401, 6002,6302, 6402 (48×48)
(1) (6)
(2) (7)
(3) (8)
(4) (9) +
(5) (10) —
- Terminals for Model (with SSR): XMTG-6301V, 6401V, 6302V, 6402V(48×48)
(1) (6)
(2) (7)
(3) (8)
~ + (4) (9) +
SSR ~ — (5) (10) —
- Terminals for Model (with bi-directional thyristor): XMTG-6701,6702(48×48)
(1) (6)
(2) (7)
(3) (8)
thyristor (4) (9) +
(5) (10) —
Power supply voltage:
198 to 242 VAC (Including power supply voltage variation)(50Hz)
Control output rated:
Relay contact output: 240 VAC, 3A(Resistive load)
Voltage output:0 to 12 VDC (Load resistance 600Ω or more)
3.3 Configuration of the Instrument Panel
①Measured value (PV)display unit (Red)
Displays measured value (PV).
PV Displays various characters depending on the
① ②Set value (SV)display unit (Green)
Displays set value (SV)
SP ② Displays various each parameter set value depending
on the instrument.
③Indication lamps
AT OUT ALM ③ Auto-tuning(AT)lamp [Green]. Flashes during
auto-tuning execution.
Control output lamps [Green](OUT)turned on
when outputs operate
Alarm output lamp (ALM)[Red] turned on when
output operate
④ Function key
Used for displaying the change and confirm of the
④ ⑤ ⑥ parameters
⑤、⑥Adjusting key to change the digital code and/or the key to express entering the auto-tuning state
. Used for adjusting the digital code displayed or entering the auto-tuning state.
4.1 Sequence to pick up the functions of the instrument
Power on
Upper row displays code(Sn),lower Row
displays type No. (Display input type)
Upper row: Input high limit, lower row
input low limit(Display input Lange) Automatically turn over after 4 seconds displaying
Upper row displays process value, lower Automatically return over when not press any key over 1 minute
row displays set value(Standard mode)
Press function key Upper row displays setting code (SP,St), lower row
displays set value(Update the setting mode )
Press function over 4 seconds Upper row displays function code (AL…), Lower row displays
control parameters(Changing the control parameters)
Example:Input: Thermocouple E, 0~400℃.When turn on power, display:
SP SP (Standard display mode)
Code | Sn | Type | Input signal | Type | Range(℃) | |
Type of input | 0 | S | Thermocouple | E | 0~600 | |
1 | B | K | 0~1300 | |||
2 | K | S | 0~1600 | |||
3 | E | B | 200~1800 | |||
6 | Pt100 | RTD | Pt100 | -200.0~2.000 | ||
7 | Pt100 | Pt100 | -200~500 | |||
8 | Cu50 | Cu50 | -50.0~150.0 |
4.2 The detail description for every function
If upper row displays “OVER” the sensor is in open circuit or the input signal excesses the range
of measurement.
The method for changing set value:
Press key the high row displays SP. Press or key,the low row displays the needed value. Again press key, return to the standard display mode.
The method for changing control parameter:
Press key over 4 seconds, the high row displays the parameter display code. Press or key the low row displays the needed parameter value. Again press key over 4 seconds,
return to the standard display mode. (If not press any key over 1 minute, return to the standard display mode automatically.)
Following table lists the function parameters
Parameter display code | Name | Setting range | Description | Initial value setting at factory |
![]() |
Proportion Re-setting |
100(100.0)℃ |
The proportion re-setting only used
for adjusting the static deviation of The proportional system. |
0 |
rE | ||||
value biasing |
100(100.0)℃ |
Used for correcting the measure
deviation caused by the sensors and compensation wire of thermocouple |
0 | |
rt | ||||
Dead band | 0.4~100
(100.0) ℃ |
Dead band for on-off control and
Alarm. For on-off controller, On-off control and alarm adopted Same value. |
0.4 | |
dF | ||||
Alarm point
(Setting) |
℃ |
Upper limit alarm for AL>0, low
Limit alarm for AL<0. The state of Output turn over automatically. |
50 | |
AL | ||||
Period ( On heating side) |
second |
Relay output ≮20s,SSR and thyristor
output≮3s continuous output,1s. |
2 |
T | ||||
The delay
time fof alarm output |
second |
When the measuring value increases
to the alarm value, after Ct time the alarm relay output acts. |
0 | |
Ct | ||||
Band ( On heating side) |
℃ |
When “P” is large, the proportional
action is small. Only used for heating side. |
30 | |
P | ||||
Time (Re-setting time) |
second |
When “I” is large, the integral action
is small. |
240 | |
I | ||||
Time (Pre -setting) |
second |
When “D” is large the derivative
action in large. |
60 | |
d | ||||
Set data lock
function |
0~2 | 0:All parameters can be updated.
1:Only SP can be updated. 2:All parameters cannot be updated. |
0 | |
Lc |
4.3 The function of the controller Auto-tuning
After pressing key 8 seconds the lamp of AT flashes and the auto-tuning process starts; after the end of auto-tuning the lamp of AT world be turned out. Then a set of PID parameters can be got automatically for quickly increasing the process temperature. The controller operates according to this set of PID parameters.
After pressing key 8 seconds the lamp of AT flashes and the auto-tuning press starts; after the end of auto-tuning the lamp of AT be turned out. A set of PID parameters can be got automatically for overcoming temperature overshoot. The controller operates according to this set of PID parameters.
4.4 The sketch map of the function of the controller Auto-tuning
t t
AT start AT end AT start AT end
Press key to start auto-tuning Press key to start auto-tuning
5. Description of each function
rE──for re-setting of proportional controller. This function is only used for XMT-8300. Due to the varieties of process power and controlled temperature, the static deviation of the system controlled by the proportional controller is caused. Through adjusting the value of the parameter rE, the static deviation may be decreased even removed.
Example as a equipment with a setting point temperature 200℃. After system have to be stable the controlled temperature is 204.5℃. That is to say a static deviation of 4.5℃is yielded. Then we can set the rE to -4.5℃. After some time the system can be re-stable at the controlled temperature about 200℃.
rt──for correcting the measuring value. This function can be used for all the controllers in this series o instrument. The deviations caused from sensor, compensation wire of thermocouple and the controller accuracy can also be decreased even to be removed by adjusting the parameter rt.
Example as the setting value of the controller is 200℃ and the measuring value also is 200℃, but the actual controlled temperature measured by a high accuracy mercury temperature meter is 201.7℃. At that time we can set the parameter rt=1.7℃,then the temperature displayed as 201.7℃. After a very long controlling time the temperature also be stable at 200℃ that is the same as the value measuring by the mercury temperature meter.
dF──for setting the dead band of on-off control and alarm. If we set dF=1.0℃, than the output of controller will be changed at 0.5℃ deviated from the setting value of temperature.
AL──for setting the alarm point.
When the controller is set as deviation alarm, the actual alarm point will be SP+AL. Example as a controller whose set point SP is 200℃. When we set the alarm point AL to be 10℃, then the actual alarm controlled point is at 200.0+10.0=210.0℃. That is to say, if the process temperature is larger than SP+AL+1/2dF, the alarm relay will be put on and when the process temperature is smaller than SP+AL-1/2dF, the alarm relay may be put on at 210.5℃ and put off 209.5℃.
On the other hand, when we set the AL at -10.0℃, then the actual alarm controlled point is on the value of 200.0-10.0=190.0℃. At the same time the state of output is also changed. When the process temperature is smaller than SP+AL-1/2dF, the alarm relay will be put on and larger than SP+AL-1/2Df the alarm relay will be put off. If dF also be set at 1.0℃, then the alarm relay point for putting on is 189.5℃ and the point for putting off is 190.5℃. This function not only can be used to low limit alarm but also be used for controlling heating with large power (needed dual heating elements) to shorten the time of increasing temperature and decrease the overshoot of the system.
When the controller is set as absolute measuring value alarm the actual point of alarm is AL. If AL is set larger than SP the alarm is an upper limit alarm one. If AL is smaller than SP the alarm is a low limit alarm.
Ct——for setting the delay time of alarm. Ordinary the ct value should be set to zero. When the alarm output is used to the refrigeration compressor, the delay time of alarm ought to longer than 180 seconds..
T──for setting the control period. Ordinarily if the controller using the AC contactor, the control period is ought to set between 20.0~60.0 seconds and if the controller using the solid relay and deadband the control period is ought set between 2.0~10.0 seconds.
P——for setting proportional band. When take place regular oscillation of controlled temperature, the proportional band should be increased and if controlled temperature drifts irregularly we ought to decrease the proportional band.
I──for setting the integral time. When the system takes place regular oscillation ought to increase integral time and if the system controlled can not remove the static deviation in a long time ought to decrease the integral time.
d──for setting the derivative time. Increasing the derivative time can decrease the overshoot of the system.
ShanghaiYatai Instrumentation Co., Ltd. |
No.1851 Sichuanbei Road, Shanghai, China |
Tel:021-51053127 51053128 Fax : 086-021-51053123 | |
Mail Code: 200081 Email: yatai@yatai.sh.cn |